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Old 08-16-2002, 09:47 PM   #1
Tigerlily Gamgee
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Silmaril FOTR Best Of Awards...

OK, while watching the movie (AGAIN!) I came up with an idea for a fun thread that everyone can participate in. I believe that it still falls under the guidlines, so here goes...<P>Introducing the FOTR Best Of Awards!!! (applause) Please choose which character or scene you think should win in each category & why:<P>BEST HAIR<P>BEST DRESSED<P>BEST EYEBROWS<P>BEST ACCESORIZING<P>BEST SKILLS<P>BEST WEAPONRY<P>BEST FLASHBACK SEQUENCE<P>BEST FIGHT SEQUENCE<P>BEST SCARY SCENE<P>BEST "CLOSEST TO THE BOOK" SCENE<P>BEST HOBBIT (uh-oh!)<P>BEST ELF<P>BEST FELLOWSHIP MEMBER<P>BEST CAMEO<P><BR>ok, that's plenty... remember to have fun with your explainations! Here are my answers:<BR>BEST HAIR ~ Legalos (he always seems to be well-groomed)<P>BEST DRESSED ~ Arwen (It's amazing how one minute she's in a white dress, then she gets off the horse & she has already changed!)<P>BEST EYEBROWS ~ Elrond (It's a no-brainer!)<P>BEST ACCESORIZING ~ Gimli (his helmet and axe just go so well together!)<P>BEST FIGHTING SKILLS ~ Aragorn (no one could take on that many orcs without getting stabbed in the back!)<P>BEST WEAPONRY ~ Boromir (the combo of his sword, shield and horn is faboo!)<P>BEST FLASHBACK SEQUENCE ~ Frodo remembering Gandalf's words (tear-jerker!)<P>BEST FIGHT SEQUENCE ~ The entire last battle (it shows excellent skills and a huge amount of heart)<P>BEST SCARY SCENE ~ Weather Top (that would scare the crap outta me!)<P>BEST "CLOSEST TO THE BOOK" SCENE ~ Within the Mines of Moria when Frodo talks to Gandalf (subperbly acted!)<P>BEST HOBBIT (uh-oh!) ~ Pippin (I just like the Scottish accent!)<P>BEST ELF ~ Galadriel (old and wise)<P>BEST FELLOWSHIP MEMBER ~ Sam (he's a trooper, and he can cook!)<P>BEST CAMEO ~ Butterbur (he's just pretty cool, that's all)
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Old 08-16-2002, 10:11 PM   #2
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BEST HAIR - Gollum....he has none<P>BEST DRESSED - Gollum....he doesn't wear clothes<P>BEST EYEBROWS - Gollum? Does he have any?<P>BEST ACCESORIZING - Gollum....he always has fish<P>BEST SKILLS - The One's good at making people want it<P>BEST WEAPONRY - Sam....pots and pans are the best weapons<P>BEST FLASHBACK SEQUENCE - The One Ring....isn't that the only flashback?<P>BEST FIGHT SEQUENCE - Everytime when the Orc's (all) died even though they outnumbered the good guys by huge odds<P>BEST SCARY SCENE - Frodo's Contacts<P>BEST "CLOSEST TO THE BOOK" SCENE - The was bang on!<P>BEST HOBBIT (uh-oh!) - Gollum....he once was a Hobbitsess<P>BEST ELF - Legolas....everyone seems to love him so much....but honestly why?<P>BEST FELLOWSHIP MEMBER - Gandalf....wizards are always the best<P>BEST CAMEO - aaaah....Orlandy Bloomy....everyone just 'loves' him<P> <p>[ August 17, 2002: Message edited by: Davin ]
So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

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Old 08-17-2002, 08:16 AM   #3
Eomer of the Rohirrim
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A lot of awards in this thread. Oh well...<P>Hair: Gotta be Gandalf.<P>Dressed: Elrond, smooth!<P>Eyebrows: Arwen has very pretty eyebrows.<P>Accesorizing: Gimli knows what he wants.<P>Skills: Legolas all the way<P>Weaponry: Boromir has a mean sword.<P>Flashback: Gandalf's words to Frodo, of course.<P>Fight sequence: Boromir v Merry and Pippin. Vicious.<P>Scary scene: Anything, BUT ANYTHING, to do with the Eye.<P>Closest to the book scene: Frodo and Sam heading off to Mordor.<P>Hobbit: Sam was majestical.<P>Elf: Legolas totally ruled.<P>Fellowship member: Sam.<P>Cameo: Apparently Gil-galad was there.
Los Ingobernables de Harlond
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Old 08-17-2002, 08:26 AM   #4
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BEST HAIR- Arwen<P>BEST DRESSED- Galadriel<P>BEST EYEBROWS- Gandalf. He was also famous for them in the book. Heeheehee.<P>BEST ACCESORIZING- Arwen (that Evenstar pendant is the best)<P>BEST SKILLS- Definitely Aragorn. No question.<P>BEST WEAPONRY-Again, Aragorn. Who else had the Shards of Narsil reforged just for him?<P>BEST FLASHBACK SEQUENCE- Definitely at the end when Frodo remembers what Gandalf said in Moria. Very touching.<P>BEST FIGHT SEQUENCE- Hmm. . . I can't decide which is better: The Battle of Alliances, or the battle at Amon Hen. I guess I'll say. . . Amon Hen.<P>BEST SCARY SCENE- Definitely Weathertop.<P>BEST "CLOSEST TO THE BOOK" SCENE- The Mirror of Galadriel.<P>BEST HOBBIT (uh-oh!)- Uhhh, mmmm, weeeeeel. . . Sam.<P>BEST ELF- Elrond. He was so lordly and powerful at the Council.<P>BEST FELLOWSHIP MEMBER- Sam. Loyalty is a very important quality.<P>BEST CAMEO- Peter Jackson as that mean Breelander.
Consider the purr a variety of audible tranquilizer. [. . .] For a few of us, there is one more purr, a secret purr. When we combine our secret purrs, we produce the Purr of Power. And that is simply the amplified amity we feel as furred and purred beings.
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Old 08-17-2002, 09:10 AM   #5
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BEST HAIR- Orlando Bloom--he looked better in long blond wonder he's so hot<P>BEST DRESSED- Arwen....<P>BEST EYEBROWS- Eyebrows??? *shakes head* look at their eyebrows??<P>BEST ACCESORIZING- Sam...all those pots and pans<P>BEST SKILLS- Aragorn's swording skills and Legolas's bowing....a tie<P>BEST WEAPONRY- Legolas's bow<P>BEST FLASHBACK SEQUENCE- Umm....<P>BEST FIGHT SEQUENCE- Aragorn with the orcs before Legolas and Gimli joined him.<P>BEST SCARY SCENE- When Bilbo tried to take the ring from Frodo...he was definitely scary..didn't think him a kind and cheerful hobbit after that...<P>BEST "CLOSEST TO THE BOOK" SCENE- When Gandalf fell in the Mines of Moria<P>BEST HOBBIT (uh-oh!)- Pippin definitely!!!<P>BEST ELF- Legolas...duh<P>BEST FELLOWSHIP MEMBER- Boromir(well, in the first installment)<P>BEST CAMEO- Gil-Galad
Vor|otwen Bloom spouse of Orlando Bloom.
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Old 08-17-2002, 09:32 PM   #6
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BEST HAIR - Have to give it Legolas...<P>BEST DRESSED - Arwen!<P>BEST EYEBROWS - Um...the elves all have nice eyebrows..<P>BEST ACCESORIZING - Gimli! <P>BEST SKILLS - Aragorn...he knows how to fight Ringwraiths pretty well..<P>BEST WEAPONRY - Ahh..Sam and his pots...<P>BEST FLASHBACK SEQUENCE - *sniff* Frodo's Gandalf flashback at the sad...<P>BEST FIGHT SEQUENCE - Mines of Moria are the best! <P>BEST SCARY SCENE - After he gets stabbed, Frodo's eyes just freak you out to the point of being scared!<P>BEST "CLOSEST TO THE BOOK" SCENE - Balrog fight<P>BEST HOBBIT - Why must you make me choose! I won't! I refuse! Merry, Pippin, and Frodo all rock!<P>BEST ELF - Arwen...Legolas...I like them both<P>BEST FELLOWSHIP MEMBER - AHH! You make me choose again? Merry, Pippin, and Frodo!<P>BEST CAMEO - I thought that looked a lot like Peter Jackson!
Pippin and Merry rule!
Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva!
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Old 08-19-2002, 01:29 AM   #7
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BEST HAIR: Arwen. I'm also liking Gollum's though.<BR>BEST DRESSED: Arwen..I guess. <BR> Or Pippin(gotta love that scarf.)<BR>BEST EYEBROWS: Elrond<BR>BEST ACCESORIZING: Sam with his pots and pans.<BR>BEST SKILLS: Legolas' bowing<BR>BEST WEAPONRY: Legolas' bow<BR>BEST FLASHBACK SEQUENCE: (of course) When Frodo remembers what Gandalf told him in Moria.<BR>BEST FIGHT SEQUENCE: Pippin & Merry against Boromir.<BR>BEST SCARY SCENE: Ringwaiths on Weathertop.<BR>BEST "CLOSEST TO THE BOOK" SCENE: First scene of Strider. Him sitting in the dark. <BR>BEST HOBBIT (uh-oh!)Do I have to choose? Umm, between Merry and Pippin.<BR>BEST ELF: Legolas<BR>BEST FELLOWSHIP MEMBER: Can't choose...between Merry, Pippin and Legolas.<BR>BEST CAMEO: Peter Jackson..<p>[ August 19, 2002: Message edited by: MYyyPreciousSS ]
Then the heart of Éowyn changed, or else at last she understood it. And suddenly her winter passed, and the sun shone on her.

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Old 08-19-2002, 02:28 AM   #8
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Heh...I like this! <P>BEST HAIR-Legolas. Braids are in, man.<P>BEST DRESSED-Arwen. *shrugs*<P>BEST EYEBROWS-Heh...Elrond. Surprise! Hobbits!<P>BEST ACCESORIZING-Pippin for his stylish scarf.<P>BEST SKILLS-Legolas. He can walk on chains, and is very conservative with his arrows! (Note scene where he stabs Orc with arrow, then proceeds to shoot another Orc with the same arrow.)<P>BEST WEAPONRY-Sam. Pots and pans are deadly!<P>BEST FLASHBACK SEQUENCE-Gandalf and Frodo scene! <P>BEST FIGHT SEQUENCE-Aragorn vs. Lurtz, go Aragorn! <P>BEST SCARY SCENE-Moria, when the drums started up. Just gave me the heeby-jeebies.<P>BEST "CLOSEST TO THE BOOK" SCENE-Gandalf and the Balrog in Moria.<P>BEST HOBBIT (uh-oh!)-Merry. No, wait, uh...damn. Both!<P>BEST ELF-Figwit! jk. Legolas. You can't beat royalty.<P>BEST FELLOWSHIP MEMBER-Boromir. That last fight scene was enough to make up my mind. *sniff* <P>BEST CAMEO-Peter Jackson, munching on a carrot and burping in Bree.
In gwidh ristennen, i fae narchannen
I lach Anor ed ardhon gwannen
Caled veleg, ethuiannen
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Old 08-19-2002, 04:18 AM   #9
Bramblerose Gamgee-Took
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Ooh, Fun<P>Best Hair- Aragorn (Oily. yum)<BR>Best Dressed-Merry (I love his vest)<BR>Best Eyebrows-Arwen<BR>Best Accesorizing-Pippin<BR>Best Skill-Legolas (Luv a elf with a bow)<BR>Best Weaponry-Boromir (Cant go wrong with a shield!)<BR>Best Flashback-Last Aliiance<BR>Best Fight Sequence-Bormir and Lurtz (shiver)<BR>Best Scary Scene- Uruks taking the hobbits (sniff)<BR>Best Book Scene- Last Alliance<BR>Best Hobbit- Merry! No, Pippin!<BR>Best Elf- Gil-Galad<BR>Best Fellowship Member- Merry and Pippin<BR>Best Cameo- Peter Jackson
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Old 08-19-2002, 09:06 AM   #10
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The Eye

BEST HAIR- Hmm... I just LOVE how Aragorn doesn't wash his hair ONCE in the film... But otherwise... I'll go with Galadriel. Nice hair.<BR>BEST DRESSED- I'll have to go with Arwen.<BR>BEST EYEBROWS- No fair! Arwen again, she's the only one that like... waxed her eyebrows!<BR>BEST ACCESORIZING- Frodo! I mean it just so happens, he has the best Sword and the best coat of armor, and... the RING! He's got EVERYTHING!<BR>BEST SKILLS- Swordsmanship? Healing? Archer? Gotta be Aragorn.<BR>BEST WEAPONRY- I'll go with Legolas. I dig the Bow & arrows, plus the sweet elvish knives.<BR>BEST FLASHBACK SEQUENCE- The tearjerking one on the side of the river, Frodo remembering Gandalfs words.<BR>BEST FIGHT SEQUENCE- Aragorn and the big ugly orc in the end. When the orc pulls that knife out of his leg and Aragorn knocks it into the top deck! Heck yeah!<BR>BEST SCARY SCENE- Weathertop, when the Nazgul surround Frodo and the other hobbits? eek. <BR>BEST "CLOSEST TO THE BOOK" SCENE- The Bridge of Khazad-dum.<BR>BEST HOBBIT- hmm... no contest.<BR>BEST ELF- Legolas! He rOoLz<BR>BEST FELLOWSHIP MEMBER- Aragorn!<BR>BEST CAMEO- PJ w/ the carrot! Hehe<p>[ August 19, 2002: Message edited by: Duramarthiel ]
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