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Old 08-09-2002, 05:13 PM   #1
Pile O'Bones
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Tolkien What do you think is the worst part of the movie?

Well, what's your worst scene in LOTR. For me it is the prologue, I just didn't like the way they left some parts out (smeagol en deagol, isuldur fleeing from orcs, ...) And I also thought Sauron, when making the ring, looked stupid. Throw in your opinion!!
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Old 08-09-2002, 05:30 PM   #2
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I really didn't have a bad part. I liked all of them. But it there was one I would put at the bottom of my good list, it would be the thing with Saruman and Gandalf. I don't know. I just kinda thought it was boring. {Even if it was a big fight seen.} Cause no offense, but it isn't really that entertaining to see a couple old guys throwing each other against a wall. <P>But I'm not saying that I didn't like that part. Just out of the whole movie of good scenes, that was at the bottom of the list. {So don't kill me!!} <p>[ August 09, 2002: Message edited by: Eruwen ]
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Old 08-09-2002, 09:11 PM   #3
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I loved the movie of course, but the entire scene with Saruman talking to his super-orc, Urukhai (listed in the credits as Lurtz) was very forced and stale. "Do you know how the orcs came to be? They were elves once." There had to have been a better way to convey this info.
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Old 08-09-2002, 09:29 PM   #4
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Thumbs up

i loved the whole uruk-hai thing, and his speeches to them. and i think that the ending with boromir, fighting, all the orcs, and making right the wrong he did, was THE BEST!!!!!!! i swear that is some of the greatest acting ive seen!
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Old 08-09-2002, 09:36 PM   #5
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Mm. Tough, 'cause I pretty much liked the whole movie, too. <BR> least favorite scene...<BR> that I've reread the books, I guess the "love scene" between Arwen and Aragorn. <BR>I mean, if you've read the books, it made sense, but if you hadn't before you saw the movie...I don't know. It just seemed out of place. <BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>"That's all I know." stammered Sam, blushing. "I learned it from Mr. Bilbo when I was a lad. " <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
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Old 08-09-2002, 09:59 PM   #6
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Probably the scene with the Mirror of just was too wierd...with her becoming all scary looking. But other then that, there was nothing wrong with the movie!
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Old 08-09-2002, 11:13 PM   #7
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I didn't really like the scene with Galadriel either, she was freaky, I don't remember her being scary in the book.
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Old 08-09-2002, 11:58 PM   #8
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Yea, that part was freaky. Galadriel had her hair in such a way, it made her nose look blunt, and she looked, almost ugly! She was supposed to the most beautiful elf, but she wasn't.
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Old 08-10-2002, 02:19 AM   #9
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I think the worst part in the movie for me was the scene between Arwen and Aragorn on the bridge in Rivendell. That never quite happened in the book (then again, a lot of things in the movie never quite happened the way they did in the book). And I just happen to not like Liv Tyler much at all....
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Old 08-10-2002, 03:35 AM   #10
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I think my worst bit was the bit with the cave troll cos it stood out as being fake and made me think more of the coomputer effects guys than the movie... <P>The best i think was when the black riders first ride out of the black gate.. So Cool
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Old 08-10-2002, 03:48 AM   #11
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I liked the whole Aragorn and Arwen bit, I thought it was really sweet.<P>The Galadriel bit was too weird, I have to admit. They over did the green freaky thing and made her sound like a man.<P>I also didn't like the way they'd done Sauron, he just wasn't like I'd imagined. But that's just personal opinion.
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Old 08-10-2002, 05:21 AM   #12
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I didn't like it how they left out farmer maggot... the whole conspiracy thing. I also didn't like the beginning where they just talked and talked (the party, and when theyre setting off to go) i also don't like that bit in the book, it's a bit tedious...<P>I also want to know why the hell they had big lips woman in the film! She's a terrible actress and in the book she doesn't do anything anyway, it wasn't bloody her who helped Frodo!!!!! I hate Tyler woman!!<p>[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: randycarrot ]
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Old 08-10-2002, 10:06 AM   #13
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Galadriel turns green! I cringe every time I see that bit! Surely they could have found a better way of portraying her temptation than that.<BR>Can't we leave poor Liv Tyler alone now? I mean I know she shouldn't have replaced Glorfindel, and shouldn't have had such a big part, but I think she played it well. If you have to have a go at someone, why not the film makers who instituted the changes in the first place, and not the actress who, in the end was doing what she was told.
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Old 08-10-2002, 10:35 AM   #14
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Let's see: The worst part to me had to be Galadriel's mirror, especially when she does that entire freaky thing when Frodo offers her the Ring!<P>But I admit, I didn't really care for Cate Blanchett's portrayal of Galadriel as she seemed a bit more sinister in the movie and I happened to have liked the character in the books!<P>I think Galadriel is the only character I thought wasn't all that well casted...
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Old 08-10-2002, 11:39 AM   #15
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The only parts of the movie that I didn't like happened to have the only major female characters so far, Arwen and Galadriel, in them. I really can't stand how Arwen sticks her sword up to Aragorn's throat, then steals Frodo, Glorfindel, Gandalf, and Elrond's parts by rescuing Frodo all by herself and calling up the river to sweep away the Nazgûl. Galadriel, I think, is too cold and distant and really not even that pretty. I'm not trying to be very critical, but Galadriel <I>is</I> supposed to be one of the most beautiful beings in Middle-earth. And the way she speaks to Frodo at the Mirror is just plain creepy and emotionless at first and then frightening when she turns green. One would almost think she was an evil character. I really hope that Éowyn is portrayed well in the next movie compared to the other female roles.
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Old 08-10-2002, 12:11 PM   #16
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Well, there were alot of lothlorien scenes that didn't make it to the cinema version of Lotr. In the november extented version there will be alot more scenes in Lorien (and Hobbiton). They'll show how Gimli "falls in love" with Galadriel so she will probably be less creepy in the extented cut.
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Old 08-12-2002, 02:09 PM   #17
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I didnt like the Gandalf/Sarumon bit, or the erie thing with Galadriel.<P>Dont get me wrong, the Movie Rocked!
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Old 08-12-2002, 02:16 PM   #18
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I agree Aro the Galadriel was too weird.
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Old 08-12-2002, 02:24 PM   #19
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Elrond has to be the worst! That guy (I can't remember his real I call him <B>Matrix Guy</B>) is a good actor...but he looked just plain goofy. I thought his face resembled the face of an Oopma Loompa from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. His hair looked bad, and he is too sinister. I thought he was gonna kill Frodo or something....jeesh <P>Galadriel looked a little strange with that green glow thing.....but other than that I didn't really seem to have any problems<P>Barliman kinda made me mad...but only for a second. Now I don't mind him...but at first I did for some strange reason.<P>But other than that..THE MOVIE ROCKED
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Old 08-12-2002, 03:19 PM   #20
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The movie rocked. But it bugged me that movie-Frodo doesn't really get tough until the banks of the Anduin. Book-Frodo gets tough in the Barrow against the Barrow-Wight, he's tough at Weathertop, and stays tough til he confronts the nazgul at the river ford (alone). Another things that bugs me is, PJ only ever gives movie-Frodo one-liners to say. In the book, Frodo is an elegant, gifted speaker, funny, thoughtful, careful, deep. In the movie, all he gets is phrases. <P>I guess he makes up for it with his eyes and body language-- but if you had put it all together, movie-Frodo would have been formidable.
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Old 08-12-2002, 11:09 PM   #21
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Another vigette I didn't care for --the scene in Rivendell when Bilbo becomes bug-eyed monster when he wants to get the Ring. You never have the sense of what actually happened in the book which is that Frodo perceived Bilbo in this way, because the Ring was already exerting a pull on him. <P>Lorien was too dark. That went along with a "creepy" Galadriel. <P>Other hobbit scenes were right on, except for the problem with Frodo's characterization which has already been mentioned.<P>sharon, the 7th age hobbit
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Old 08-12-2002, 11:22 PM   #22
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The worst part, well in my opinion, is when Galadriel does her whole "If I had the One Ring I would be an evil queen...blah blah blah." It was corny and stupid...sad really...
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Old 08-12-2002, 11:35 PM   #23
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Old 08-12-2002, 11:40 PM   #24
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It was clearly the part when that red/brown haired man was talking after they saw the well powered elf lady. I completely dosed off it was like whatever
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Old 08-13-2002, 03:08 AM   #25
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<B>Child of the 7th Age</B> is right, Lorien was way off! I always imagined it as a refreshing place, where the company found peace and happiness. Instead they played this mysterious oriental sounding music, made everything dark and cold, and made Galadriel freaky! Also, one of my favorite elements of the book was the change that came over Gimli during his stay in the golden wood, but that was left out!<BR>They should've just skipped Lorien! Aaaahhh, I can't stand it!
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Old 08-13-2002, 01:15 PM   #26
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I would lay off Lothlorien considering they cut out about half of it.<BR>The worst couple of seconds were 'If you want him, come and claim him!' I mean, what?<BR>I thought Elrond was great.<BR>The other annoying bit for me was Lurtz's voice. He sounded like an alien in a cheap horror film.<BR>But the worst bit in the whole film for me was the whole Weathertop scenario with Aragorn taking on and beating five Ringwraiths. I mean, come on...can anyone say 'exaggerated'?
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Old 08-13-2002, 01:17 PM   #27
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Child and Phantom, I'm with you on Lorien. I expected a place of refreshing. I expected Galadriel to have a more ministering spirit. In fairness I think the gift-giving scene and making the scene at the pool/portal a portrayal closer to the book would have helped her image. I guess it's always difficult to fully portray an inward struggle in an outward way, but I hated the temptation thing where her eyes popped out...too Disney.
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Old 08-13-2002, 02:54 PM   #28
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I didn't like the way Sauraman was credited for the stoping them crossing Caradhras, or that he controlled the crows. It made sense to cut down on some of the characters by the use or Arwen but it did wind me up the way she became all powerful. I also think that giving Aragorn a fully forged sword will lessen the impact of his heritage and the part where they go to Rohan and have to surrender their weapons. As a role player though I found it strange that a ranger would patrol with a broken heirloom
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Old 08-13-2002, 05:14 PM   #29
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I agree with nearly everything said here..<P>I don't understand why poor Glorfindel is never in the movies? In the animated version of the Fellowship that showed in the 70's or 80's is was Legolas saving Frodo and finding the hobbits and Aragorn. In the 2001 movie it was Arwen. Ug. Poor Glorfie! <BR> <P>I also hated the scene where Galadriel is tempted. She looks like an amateur stuck her on Adobe Photoshop and blobbed her up with various tools. It irked me alot that they did that..<P>I also didn't like how they took out the giving of the gifts at Lorien. Instead, they suddenly spliced in a scene where Galadriel gives Frodo the Light, but I was really looking forward to the other gifts. I know they -had- to have Frodo receving the Light in there, but it took be aback and everyone else I talked to. It was out of place. Choppy.<P>Another thing that was choppy and out of place was Arwen and Aragorn's show of affection, love. Well, for one thing, it was uncomfortable sitting next to my brother watching that scene, lol, but that's not the movie's fault, eh. It was just..I don't know..<P>The super orcs looked funny when they jostled from side to side, running. <P>One big thing that bothered me in the movie - Gimli was hardlt shown killing anything! For the Mines of Moria, when the orcs and troll stampede in, he merely hollers while perched atop the tomb, and then gets knocked off and scuttles around, avoiding death. Later, in other fights with Orcs and the like, they only show him doing some axe-rific action once or twice, while Legolas is practically a killing machine! Not that I mind Legoladdie giving the bad uns' their come-uppance..but I wanted to see Gimli clobbering more orcs! <P>
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Old 08-13-2002, 05:25 PM   #30
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The worst part!! When he puts the ring on. It doesn't say anywhere in the book that it gets all windy and stuff like that. Just that it gets shadowed and everything is sorta darker. It should have been windy when he had been stabbed by the Morgul-blade. Thats how it was supposed to have been...<P>I also think that it was kind of important to include Arwen at SOME point. She was barely mentioned in the books, and when she came in in ROTK as queen? I was like, who the heck is that???? She does play a bit of an important role and it was smart to include her so you wont get all confused.
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Old 08-14-2002, 12:22 AM   #31
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The part where Aragorn throws that flaming torch into the Nazgul's hood on Weathertop is <I>awful</I>. The "Nazgul" keeps looking back and tripping over stuff with the stick poking right out of his un-face. Ugh.<P>Also, and this is a much more subtle thing, the characters were over-simplified and over-condensed. Ex: Merry and Pippin = comic relief; Gandalf and Saruman's control of Caradhras (as if Caradhras didn't have a mind of its own); Arwen, Legolas as elven superhunkboy, Galadriel as lofty and mysterious queen, and the list could go on to include most of the characters, with the exception of Gandalf who was absolutely perfect.
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Old 08-14-2002, 03:49 AM   #32
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I think they made Saruman lead Caradhras because they wanted to leave out most of the "neutral" characters. In the book there's neutral good (Bombadil, Woses, Ents) and neutral evil (caradhras, old man willow, watcher of the gates). The watcher of the gates and the ents stay in the movie because they're spectaculare. Bombadil and Old man Willow were left out, Caradhras was laed by Saruman. I don't know what happens to the woses
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Old 08-14-2002, 05:10 AM   #33
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The movie was great but-<BR>1. Sauron...when they first showed him, with the Ring in his hand, golden robes a- flutter. He looked like Julius Caesar with a blender on his head..but thats probably just me. <BR>2. Grrr...Arwen. Glorfindel didn't get any glory at all! Poor old Glorfindel. First the animated version, and now this one. Never gets any luck. <BR>Other than that, I thought the movie was great, though Galadriel seemed to confuse my friends who were watching it for the first time, and hadn't read the books. They all thought she was pure evil. I had to convince them that she wasn't.<p>[ August 14, 2002: Message edited by: Ringwraith Number Two ]
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Old 08-14-2002, 10:06 AM   #34
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I have to agree with the scene with Galadriel. I also felt that her character was too 'sinister' compared to how her character read in the book.
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Old 08-15-2002, 12:17 AM   #35
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I like the movie but I think it has two not very good parts:<BR>1. Saruman fighting with Gandalf .<BR> 2. When Galadriel becomes green. <BR>
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Old 08-15-2002, 01:02 AM   #36
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Cut the staircase action scene. Go straight to the Balrog confrontation.<BR>Btw, just want to say, I like the Galadrial explosive number. Good things were going on in that scene.
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Old 08-15-2002, 02:19 AM   #37
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My only tiffs with the movie was at Weathertop when Frodo just up and drops his sword. He's supposed to stab the Nazgul in the foot (I think).<P>I don't mind Arwen being there, because I understand the reasons for it. I just didn't like "What grace is given me, let it pass to him, let him be spared" bit. I mean, come on! It just makes Frodo seem way too helpless, and the fact that he was saved by an elven-maiden's wish..PSH!
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Old 08-15-2002, 06:48 AM   #38
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i don't think there is any bad bits at all, i don't particularly like watching the Saruman bits but you couldn't take them out though
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Old 08-15-2002, 03:48 PM   #39
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Thank you randycarrot!!<P>I cannot say that there is a "scene" which I like the least - I do have small quarrels with some scenes - but I cannot stand Arwen! Oh how her portrayel just irritates me!! I want Glorfindel back!<P>Ok, ok if I had to choose a scene, I would say the scene(s) in Lothlorien. They could have done better with Galadriel. They could have done more with her. And Aragorn is entirely unmoved by Boromir during their conversation, which I found odd. He doesn't react at all.
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Old 08-15-2002, 05:48 PM   #40
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In order (worst):<P>1) Sauron's appearance, and ensuing portrayal of the battle of Orodruin, with the removal of Gil-galad.<P>2) Gandalf and Saruman's "fight."<P>3) The Ring says "Elessar" to do any LotR newbies understand...(or anyone hear)?. I only saw that with the captions on.<P>Favorite scenes:<P>1) The dragon firework<P>2) The Bridge of Khazad-dûm<P>3) The Departure of Boromir<P>I know, I know....this is a "worst part" thread....
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