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Old 12-12-2002, 04:23 PM   #1
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Sting Metro claims Aragorn to be attracted to Eowyn...are they nuts?!

In todays metro there was a review of TTT. The reporter claimed that Aragorn was getting 'very friendly' with Eowyn, which I can only take to mean as a romantic kind of "friendly". Now am I missing something, or am I right in believing that Aragorn nly has eyes for Arwen?
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Old 12-12-2002, 04:31 PM   #2
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Must admit i thort the same thing!
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Old 12-12-2002, 05:38 PM   #3
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Well, to tell ya the truth, while I was reading TTT, I did think there was some attraction between the two, but it was more like that of the tired soldier who saw a pretty village girl. Basically, not all that serious. That relationship is NOT the kind you would base a marridge on. So, Arwen doesn't have anything to worry about. We know he doesn't sleep with her(Eowyn), and why would someone who is making a series of movies about virtues make one of the most important heroes cheat on his lover? <P>Besides which, the press distort thing all the time to make more sales(also just to be evil , no offense to anyone in journalism of course ), so don't be surprised. I think it will all turn out right. I admit when I first found out about the new image they made for Arwen, I got pretty mad, but I bet most of us agree that they did do that change pretty well .<p>[ December 12, 2002: Message edited by: Cherie Centaur ]
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Old 12-12-2002, 05:52 PM   #4
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You will certainly be interested in <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>this thread.</A><P>--Belin Ibaimendi
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Old 10-21-2003, 03:31 PM   #5
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I hate it when people say stuff like that!!!!!!!!!!! Aragorn and Eowyn should not be alowed to even look at each other!!!
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Old 10-21-2003, 03:59 PM   #6
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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> I hate it when people say stuff like that!!!!!!!!!!! Aragorn and Eowyn should not be alowed to even look at each other!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Um... I disagree. I think that thread was extremely intresting and I think that the element of Eowyn being in "love" with Aragorn is what makes her character's sorrows and triumphs that much more intresting. On Aragorn having feelings for Eowyn I do believe he was attracted as any man would be but nothing that he couldn't brush off and come to think of her more as a little sister type...
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Old 10-21-2003, 07:19 PM   #7
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Aragorn wasn't interested in Eowyn in that way. He pitied her, because he knew he could never return her love. But he also knew she didn't truly love him for who he was. It was more his image she loved.<BR>Aragorn stayed completely true to Arwen.
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Old 10-21-2003, 07:50 PM   #8
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Eowyn is not in love with just infatuated with Aragorn as the hero. sort of like the guy in uniform thing. Aragorn does feel for her, the position she is in and an admiration for her courage and her beauty. I think the movie version hints at maybe he's thinking Arwen will leave with her people in the end and then what about me? Also how can the couragous and virtuos Movie Eowyn Ever fall for that terrible Movie Faramir. Sexual tension is good either way I suppose. Though I hope Faramir becomes a lot more deserving in ROTK, we shall see.
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Old 10-21-2003, 08:31 PM   #9
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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Eowyn is not in love with just infatuated with Aragorn as the hero. sort of like the guy in uniform thing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Kind of like all the girls who swoon after Orlando Bloom!
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Old 10-22-2003, 12:43 PM   #10
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hehe... good point Knight of Gondor... <P>Cinderella I should tell you I was mostly over dramatizing (I should have said so tho...) It just bugs me when people think Eowyn and Aragorn were ment for each other... (Where is Arwen Please!!) cause I am Eowyn-Faramir fan, and a Arwen-Aragorn fan... but in the freindly way they can look at each other.
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Old 10-22-2003, 02:53 PM   #11
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Thanks for the free promotion, Belin. <P>The way Peter Jackson has handled Aragorn's character so far, one would only be surprised if Eowyn didn't interest him in some tiny [physical?] sense. <P>I think the key here is what exactly the term "attraction" signifies and how important it actually is to the rest of the story. <P>If an attraction is a flighty bodily impulse, it often has about <I>zero</I> importance, on the screen or on the page, besides reminding the observer of a character's inherent humanity. <P>Did Aragorn think Eowyn "fair"? You bet your As-faloth he did. Did it mean that he was thinking of ditching Arwen and pursuing his blond ambition? Nah. He loved Arwen. <P>But just because you love someone doesn't mean that you don't necessarily become stunned or even overwhelmed by another person's good looks, good character, or whatever it is you find appealing. Does that automatically translate into a betrayal of love? I highly doubt it. <P>I belive in TTT, Jackson was succesful in handling the Aragorn/Eowyn dynamic, in that he showed Aragorn to be clearly noticing her, but without that whole overdone "ooh baby baby" aspect to his gaze that would have made him seem like a cad. <P>The thing is, Jackson's interpretation of Aragorn makes him obviously human (remember the look on Viggo's face when the Ring tempts him toward the end of FotR?); he's a great man, but still a man. This is true to the spirit of the book, because while Tolkien' never explicitly got inside Aragorn's head (except for the Appendices, and even then the story was pretty detached), I don't believe he wanted us to feel that Aragorn was some sort of mythic version of a Middle-Earth saint.
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Old 10-22-2003, 03:07 PM   #12
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Also, he believed that Arwen was sailing to the Undying Lands (in the film not book) which also gave his attraction to the golden haired lady some realism.
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Old 10-22-2003, 07:27 PM   #13
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I think that is a good point to remember for the film.<P>In the book Arwen was always there waiting for Aragorn to emerge as King. Aragorn had no doubts about that and thus didn't have any leanings towards Eowyn, though he did love her and wished her happiness.<P>In the film, Aragorn thinks Arwen is leaving. Eowyn falls in love with Aragorn because of what he represents something, escape and honour. I think in the film, Aragorn may see Eowyn as a symbol as well. A symbol of a more simple relationship for him. Perhaps he he was wrong to think that he and Arwen could work. When I see him looking at Eowyn in the film, I see a desire for a simplier life, not so much a desire for her.<P>I think in the end though, PJ has to play this that Aragorn never does lose his love for Arwen and as such cannot allow himself to consider a relationship with Eowyn.<P>H.C.
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