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Old 01-13-2003, 11:46 AM   #1
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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1420! The Green Dragon - Part 2

Welcome Back to the Green Dragon Inn!

We had run out of pages on the first topic. But here we are again.

Carry on, Shirelings!

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 01-13-2003, 12:00 PM   #2
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The Eye

'If you wish, I can show you to a room now. You can pay Mistress Pio tomorrow.'
Morestel nodded. "Very well," she said. "I thank you for your courtesy. I have not been among such kind people for a long time."

She rose, readjusting her cloak. But all the same, the chain-mail underneath sparkled defiantely in the light of the lamps before she pulled the black cloak shut. She followed the girl across the room.

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: Sapphire_Flame ]
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Old 01-13-2003, 01:43 PM   #3
Ash of Orodruin
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Bali was quite pleased with his room. It had been months since he had slept in a real bed. Returning to the busy dining area, he saw Eruantalon talking to a lady he had seen earlier but had not yet met.

His friend hailed him from across the room, and Bali made his way over to him. "I presume your bath was enjoyable," said the dwarf. "Aye," answered Eruantalon, "So good I stayed there for quite a while. I hope I have not kept you waiting."

"Not at all," said Bali. "Now, will you introduce me to this good lady here?"

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: Himaran ]
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Old 01-13-2003, 02:01 PM   #4
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"Of course Bali,this is Elwen.She was the one who sang with me earlier."Nodding his head towards her the Dwarf greated her now.

"She just might have a good story to tell,my friend.Why don't we all make out way to a tabel now."With that said they found an unused tabel in the corner of the room.

"Now have you gotten your next story ready Bali.Or should we let the lady take the next turn."He said grinning at the company he was now enjoying.

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: Eruantalon ]
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Old 01-13-2003, 02:11 PM   #5
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"Truth to tell," said Bali, "I'm still thinking about my next tale. Why don't we let the pretty lady Elwen take a turn?!"

Here she smiled at him, which caused him to blush deeply and burry his bearded face into his beaker. Eruantalon turned to Elwen. "Would you like to tell us a story, m'lady?"
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Old 01-13-2003, 02:24 PM   #6
Child of the 7th Age
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Cami was relieved to see Laurie's horse come galloping back towards the Inn. It had been a goodly number of hours since she had left, and the hobbit was beginning to worry that she might have experienced some mishap on the road.

She knew Laurie was a newcomer to the Shire. Perhaps, she'd managed to go the wrong direction or get lost on one of the many shortcuts, backlanes and pathways that sliced across the fields and even through some of the farms.

But when Laurie stopped her horse at the front of the Dragon, she looked quite healthy, and appeared none the worse for her trip. The girl threw down her reins and bolted off the horse, giving him a gentle pat on the nose.

"A letter, Miss Cami, a letter from Bag-end. From Bilbo." She shouted triumphantly, waving the note in the air.

Cami quickly snatched the message out of the girl's hand, and went over to look at it privately. She hurriedly read it, then smiled back at Laurie. "Good news! Bilbo wishes to bring everyone here for dinner. And thank goodness, that will be tomorrow night." So, all she had to do was to plan and cook a dinner for 17 hungry hobbits! That would be Bilbo and Frodo, Samwise and his wife Rose, along with all 13 of their young brood.

Cami searched her mind to find some credible explanation for Pio as to this little change of plans..... She decided to keep a close eye on the Elf for the next few hours and see when she appeared to be in a charitable mood. Before Laurie left, she tugged the girl over and whispered in her ear.

"Wait an hour or so. Then let folk know we'll be having a little party tomorrow night with Frodo and Bilbo and Samwise as guests of honor."

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 01-13-2003, 02:31 PM   #7
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Nįrello woke just as the sun was peeking through the break in the curtains. Pio was already up and out to see about breakfast. Some warm, grainy bread for herself with fruit and a cup of tea.

She brought a plate of eggs and ham and toast spread thick with honey to him, and a tall glass of fresh cider. He sat on the couch, yawning widely, as she entered. ‘I’ll leave this for you.’ she said, smiling at him. ‘There is warm water in the pitcher by the basin. Wash up if you like, and eat your breakfast. Then come out to the Common Room. We can talk about you helping out in the stables or in the kitchen, if you will.’

Pio picked up her quill, a bottle of black ink, and a fresh sheet of paper, and went out to sit at the bar. One of the others could take care of business for a while. She was going to send a reply to Mithadan.

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 01-13-2003, 02:49 PM   #8
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*A young elven-girl slipped in through the door of the Green Dragon quietly. She had long brown hair that was flecked with gold in the sunlight and a light, fair face. Her eyes were strange, seeming to shift from green to blue as she looked around the Green Dragon. She quietly shut the door behind her, her dark grey cloak swishing softly against her dark green outfit. She pivoted around on her knee-high, dark brown, mud-caked boots and saw a woman. She politely spoke*

"Hello, I was wondering if I would be able to get some breakfast here..."

*She let her sentence trail off and fiddled with her hands shyly, waiting for a response.*
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Old 01-13-2003, 02:49 PM   #9
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Nįrello stirred and looked about him. He was lying on a couch with a cloak spread over him. I must have fallen asleep, he guessed. The sun was beginning to climb and he rolled over to notice the Innkeeper enter the room with a tray of breakfast. His eyes were a bit too blurry for him to make out it's contents but it smelled good and he didn't have to kill and cook it himself for a change. Or steal it. I don't steal, he protested to himself. I just find things outside unattended. He sat up yawning as she set the tray down.

‘There is warm water in the pitcher by the basin. Wash up if you like, and eat your breakfast. Then come out to the Common Room. We can talk about you helping out in the stables or in the kitchen, if you will.’
She then exited the room leaving the boy to himself. He walked over to the pitcher and splashed some water on his face in an attempt to wake up. He had had a night of strange dreams and was having some difficulty adjusting back to the real world. He returned to the couch and attacked the meal with a vengence. Then he suddenly sat up with a start. She said something about helping out in the kitchend - dishes! He nearly bolted out the nearby window right then and there but remembered that the Innkeeper had also mentioned the stables. I'll at least stay and help with that, they're nice. Then I'm leaving, like Awyrgan. He thought for a time about the strange man who was nearly the only adult figure he ever interacted with, even if it was only once every couple of weeks or months if the man picked a particulary grueling task. I can take care of myself. I like being by myself. He paused in his thoughts to notice that he had eaten all that had been set before him. He finished the last of the cider and made his way cautiously back into the main room. Few of the patrons had yet awakened and the boy walked over to the remains of the previous nights fire. He sat quietly next to it, playing with the embers.

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: Carrūn ]
"Dic, hospes, Spartae, nos te hic vidisse iacentes dum sanctis patriae legibus obsequimur."
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Old 01-13-2003, 03:35 PM   #10
Child of the 7th Age
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Cami turned politely to the Elven-maid. She could see that Pio was writing, and it was best she not be disturbed at this moment.

"You are new here. Welcome to the Shire! Perhaps, you would like a plate of eggs and bacon. Just let one of the servers know, and they'll be most happy to help."

"My name is Cami, and I'm an assistant Innkeeper."

[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 01-13-2003, 04:03 PM   #11
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A young elf walked into the Green Dragon. She had just been to see if she could find the Grey Havens. Now see was looking for adventure.

"Excuse me? Where is the Landlord or Lady?" she asked a few random people. Her light grey eyes scanned for someone of importance. She had never seen hobbits before. She was nervous and pulled her green cloak tighter around herself. Sofiya sat down on a stool, alone.

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: ElentariGreenleaf ]
There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.
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Old 01-13-2003, 04:14 PM   #12
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The door was flung open and an old, mean-looking hobbit lady stepped in. She looked around the room angrily, and then walked to the first person she could find, who was unfortunately Pio.

"Excuse me," she said rudely. "Have you seen a little hobbit girl around here anywhere?"

"About how old?" Pio asked, pausing in her work for a moment.

"Younger than ten."

"I've never seen anyone that young at the inn," said Pio with a smile. "But if you're certain there is a girl that young, please feel welcome to look. I'll come and assist you soon."

"Thank you," said the woman, not sounding a bit thankful. She went from table to table, peering closely into everyone's face, making them rather nervous.

Don's brown eyes grew larger than they already were, and her face paled. "It's my aunt," she whispered frantically to Rie. "Please, please hide me!"

[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: Nurumaiel ]
In the fury of the moment I can see the Master's hand
in every leaf that trembles, in every grain of sand.
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Old 01-13-2003, 04:34 PM   #13
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It took Champignonne a long time to answer the other hobbit. She had been startled by all of the shuffle and motion. Never before had she seen so many people in one place!

She gazed silently at the two hobbits before her, then she realized that she looked the part of a fool. They frightened her the most, because, out of all of these strange beings, they were of her lineage, and yet they both were her exact opposites, as she could not shout or joke, or even run about without feeling foolish. In a crimson blush, she answered.

"I am Champignonne, new to this strange Inn. You-you had m-mmushrooms, did you not? I could smell them from across the room, and they. . they seem a very fine sort. . .where did you get them?" With this, she looked down at her feet, feeling that she had said too much. But she thought of her mother, and what she would do, and looked them both in the face, if only for a moment. They did seem a handsome sort.

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: Frodess ]
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Old 01-13-2003, 04:46 PM   #14
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Morestel came back downstairs after only a few hours sleep. She had changed into a green tunic and leggings, reminicent of the clothing of Mirkwood elves, as she didn't think it wise to wear her battle gear out among so many people. She needed to talk to the landlady about payment for her room.

The landlady was talking to someone when Morestel came down, so she sat down at the bar to wait. She pushed her black hair back over her shoulder and looked around; the inn was still crowded.

The hobbit the landlady was talking to seemed very enthusiastic about something. "Well," Morestel thought, "maybe something exciting will be happening soon." She ordered an ale, and waited for the landlady to finish her conversation.

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: Sapphire_Flame ]
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Old 01-13-2003, 04:49 PM   #15
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*Young Lumiel smiled her thanks and took a seat. She wondered who to place her order to and looked around with wide, naive eyes. She smiled and laughed lightly at the antics of the people around her. She pulled down her hood revealing plainly her elven ears and calmly placed her hands in her lap as she decided to wait until one of the servants wasn't busy to ask for some breakfast.

She brought one small hand to a silver necklace at her neck and toyed with a small, delicate-looking silver ring that had a circular opal set in it. After a moment of habitual fingering, she put the necklace beneath her shirt for safe-keeping and listened to the conversation and hustle and bustle around her, getting a feel for her environment.*
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Old 01-13-2003, 04:54 PM   #16
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Bebberyn walked down to the common room where he went over to Pio and bowed "Im sorry to stop you for a minute Lady Elven, I wish to pay you for lastnight and any outstanding costs of The Everdawn" He lay some gold coins on the table.

Bebberyn smiled at Don and then turned his most charming smile on the hobbit woman.

"Im sure this hobbit youre looking for has just been out playing and looking for some maiden to save from a dragon" He laughed.

"Things can only get better from here" he thought to himself "for how can any harm possibly come to you in a place like this."

Then at the top of the stairs appeared Umbria. Her snow coloured hair almost contrasting against the pale of her skin. Her grey eyes dark and dead.

At once Bebberyn walked up the stairs and took her arm. "You should stay in bed Lady Everdawn, you are too weak to be up and about" To this Umbria nodded.
"Everyone has to eat Bebberyn" she added and sat at one of the tables while Bebberyn went to fetch her some breakfast from one of the serving girls.
"Athena, stepping up behind him, visible to no one but Achillies, gripped his red-gold hair. Startled he made a half turn, and he knew her upon the instant for Athena." ~The Iliad~

~My lord, Éomer~
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Old 01-13-2003, 05:12 PM   #17
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"Wait an hour or so. Then let folk know we'll be having a little party tomorrow night with Frodo and Bilbo and Samwise as guests of honor."
Laurie nodded, promising to keep the secret, and her blue eyes were alight at being a fellow conspirator. The lady in white noticed the inn was again filling up, some of the travelers she recognized, others were strangers. As she gazed around the room, she spotted a familiar figure silhouetted before the fire. Laurie smiled and walked quickly over to greet him.

"Still here, I see." Nįrello turned quickly around to see who had spoken. The firelight flickered on Laurie's face as she sat beside him and asked how his forehead felt. "Oh, and do you want any breakfast, I'm starved!" She looked hopefully around to see any sign of food being served.

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: theWhiteLady ]
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Old 01-13-2003, 05:44 PM   #18
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With a scowl on her face, Rie followed the hobbit woman with her eyes as she made her way through the common room. She hadn't felt such distaste in regards to a person for a long while. No wonder Don had run away! She thought of her own family that she had run away from with a twinge of sadness: she had been her mother's favorite, her father's princess, and her brothers'...well, her brothers' victim, but they had loved her, too. She felt a swell of pity for Don rise in her heart.

"Don't worry," she said in a voice little more than a growl, "I'm a lot of things, but I'm not so dreadful a person as to give you back" she struggled to find a word, "to that."

Don grinned weakly, and Rie squeezed her shoulder affectionately, still watching Don's aunt. She shot Nuru a glance filled with everything that she was feeling, to which the Elf nodded. "If it's any consolation," Rie said to Don, "I would've run away too."
"Oh, my god! I care so little, I almost passed out!"
--Dr. Cox, "Scrubs"
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Old 01-13-2003, 06:10 PM   #19
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"Still here, I see."
Turning around to see who had spoken the bright eyed boy noticed the lady in white standing behind him. He grunted a hello, something about chores, and an "I'm fine" as she sat down next to him and asked him how his forehead was.

When she asked him if he wanted any breakfast Nįrello looked up. "I've already had it, but if you're getting food I'd like another drink." His familier grin returned. "Oh by the way Awyrgan left. Now I can't kick anyone in the shins."

[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
"Dic, hospes, Spartae, nos te hic vidisse iacentes dum sanctis patriae legibus obsequimur."
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Old 01-13-2003, 06:20 PM   #20
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It took Champignonne a long time to answer the other hobbit. She had been startled by all of the shuffle and motion. Never before had she seen so many people in one place!
She gazed silently at the two hobbits before her, then she realized that she looked the part of a fool. They frightened her the most, because, out of all of these strange beings, they were of her lineage, and yet they both were her exact opposites, as she could not shout or joke, or even run about without feeling foolish. In a crimson blush, she answered.

"I am Champignonne, new to this strange Inn. You-you had m-mmushrooms, did you not? I could smell them from across the room, and they. . they seem a very fine sort. . .where did you get them?" With this, she looked down at her feet, feeling that she had said too much. But she thought of her mother, and what she would do, and looked them both in the face, if only for a moment. They did seem a handsome sort.
"Yes, we did" replied Pippin. She could see that Champignonne was nervous about the Inn amoung all the new faces."And you might enjoy them as well" she said handing several to her.

"As for where we got them" said Merry jokingly, "I'm afraid we won't be able to get any more for at least two days." He smiled "Farmer Maggot's got it in for us. Isn't that right Pip?"

"Yes," she replied grinning "you would've thought we were stealing his whole crop with the way he set off on us. Why would we steal all of them? There would'nt be any more left for the next time." They both burst out laughing. "Do you mind if we join you?" asked Pippin....
Jellicle Cats come out tonight,
Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball
~ T.S. Eliot
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Old 01-13-2003, 07:09 PM   #21
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*Lumiel laughed merrily as she listened to some of the talk around her. Her eyes lit up and her weariness was forgotten for the moment. As she looked around once more, she began to pick faces out of the crowd, to recognize and match up their names. She wondered what could have brought so many different people to one place and thought to herself*

"Well, I'm not the only one who wanders, surely."

*She heard her stomach growl and remembered again that she was hungry, but waited politely until she spotted a free servant who she could be sure was a worker for the Green Dragon and not another patron like herself.*

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: Lumiel ]
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Old 01-13-2003, 08:26 PM   #22
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"Oh by the way Awyrgan left. Now I can't kick anyone in the shins."
"Oh dear, what a pity!" Laurie's laughter rang out. "I'm sure you will survive," she added. "Right now, I'm simply starving, excuse me while I try to find out when breakfast will be served."

So she rose, and made her way quickly to the kitchens, hoping to find breakfast cooking, or as least some leftovers from the night before. Riding through the night leaves one with quite an appetite!
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Old 01-13-2003, 10:47 PM   #23
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Bebberyn had returned to find Umbria staring at the boy that had come with Awrygan. She turned to him and said "that man who was here, Bebberyn, you said you knew him."

Bebberyn looked at the boy... "yes, I think I have seen him before, not by that name of course." Umbria frowned.
"How old are you Bebberyn?" she asked after a while. "30 m'lady, why do you ask?."

"I need to get my grips on time." She looked now at the hobbits who were called Merry and Pippin. "They have so much joy to give the world, a happy place this is, untouched by evil."

"yes Lady Everdawn." Bebberyn replied.

[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: Everdawn ]
"Athena, stepping up behind him, visible to no one but Achillies, gripped his red-gold hair. Startled he made a half turn, and he knew her upon the instant for Athena." ~The Iliad~

~My lord, Éomer~
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Old 01-14-2003, 04:17 AM   #24
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As quietly as she could, Belin hopped down from atop the bookshelf, half-scolding herself. She must have fallen asleep up there. So much had changed since she'd spoken in this inn, so many people whose entrances she'd missed, most of them, it seemed, wanting breakfast.

She nodded politely at the newcomers and introduced herself. She noticed Champignonne's nervousness, and smiled to herself sympathetically. She must be unused to such a strange company, and such a large one. I know the feeling.

"Would you like to help make breakfast?" she asked. "It's just the way to make friends." A smile of relief crossed the hobbit's face at the prospect of escaping, if only for a few moments into a warm, pleasant kitchen. Nobody could feel timid while making breakfast! She nodded.

"Good!" cried Belin. As they made their way toward the kitchen, she looked around for any other volunteers. Some in this inn looked as if they'd been making their own breakfasts in far less amenable conditions for quite some time, and she fully expected them to find their way into the kitchen in time. "You, perhaps?" she hazarded at a green-cloaked elf who sat alone and seemingly bewildered.

On her way there, she stopped at the shoulder of the irritable hobbit woman. "Would you like anything, Mistress Donnamira?" she asked pleasantly.

"Don't try to sweet-talk me!" she cried. "I'm looking for my niece!"

Belin shrugged and ducked into the kitchen, half-glad to notice that Piosenniel was still busy with her letter. She had a certain dread that the keen-eyed elf would stare down at her with the full weight of her gaze and ask where she'd been all this time.

[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: Belin ]
"I hate dignity," cried Scraps, kicking a pebble high in the air and then trying to catch it as it fell. "Half the fools and all the wise folks are dignified, and I'm neither the one nor the other." --L. Frank Baum
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Old 01-14-2003, 05:26 AM   #25
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Pio put the last flourish to her letter, and setting the quill aside, poured the fine black sand across the inky script. She waited patiently for the sand to absorb the ink puddled on the lines of the letters. Gently she picked up the paper, letting it bow slightly across the middle. A light tap with her free fingers and the sand drifted down to the bottom. The paper, then tipped, delivered the sand back to its container in a fine, dark stream.

She read the letter once more with a critical eye, finding to her satisfaction that it sounded as she wished it to. Pio folded the letter into thirds and placed it in an addressed envelope -

The Lonely Star at Harlond
Minas Anor, Gondor

securing the flap with blue sealing wax and the imprint of a six pointed star.

One of the guests, she had heard, was bound for Gondor that morning. He took her letter and the coins she offered, promising to deliver it with all speed. He was out the door then, and on his way after breakfast.

She stood under the tree in the courtyard, watching the cloud of dust from his mount’s hooves grow small and smaller, wishing all the while the horse would sprout wings and fly.
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 01-14-2003, 08:03 AM   #26
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Sofiya's light grey eyes still searched for a landlord or lady. She knew no one here, and had not the courage to ask someone directly. She just sat down and waited for someone who could be the land lord or lady to walk past, then ask them for a room for the night.

"Excuse me?" Sofiya was at a loss. How could she have adventure and survive when she couldn't even ask where the land lord or lady was. She wished she had never entered the inn. This was her first encounter with Hobbits, and it was not turning out how she thought it would.

[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: ElentariGreenleaf ]
There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.
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Old 01-14-2003, 11:54 AM   #27
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Aunt Donnamira began advancing towards their table. Don watched her in horror and fear, clutching Rie's hand. Nuru suddenly whispered something into Rie's ear and then dived forward.

"Hello, Miss Donnamira," she said, smiling. "I couldn't help but catch your name. I'm helping the innkeepers make the meals around here. Would you like some late breakfast?"

"I'm looking for my niece; I'm not hungry," Aunt Donnamira snapped.

"Ah, really?" said Nuru. "Well, that's really too bad. I had some eggs and bacon left... oh, yes, and the sausages. Such fine sausages they were. Oh, and the toast! The toast was so crisp and golden. But, if you aren't hungry."

Aunt Donnamira's hobbitish hungriness took over her. "Well, maybe some breakfast," she said, then added rudely, "But you don't look like you can cook."

"Nuru's distracting your aunt," said Rie to the frightened girl clinging to her hand. "Let's go find Pio, or go up to my room, or something."

"Let's go up to your room," said Don, not knowing who 'Pio' was and not wanting to place faith in her until she did.

Rie brought Don up the stairs and into her room, locking the door. Don went to the window and looked out, then turned back to Rie, and said, "Thank you so much. That's the first nice thing anyone ever did for me since my parents died." Then she turned once again to the window.

"Please, sit down, Miss Donnamira," said Nuru graciously. "What would you like."

"Everything you mentioned before," said Aunt Donnamira. "And have you seen my niece about. Nasty little creature, she is, always into some mischief."

Having not seen a nasty girl, or even a mischievous one, only a girl with a tongue and a brain, Nuru could answer truthfully that, no, she had not seen any girl fitting that description. Then she went into the kitchen to make Aunt Donnamira's breakfast.
In the fury of the moment I can see the Master's hand
in every leaf that trembles, in every grain of sand.
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Old 01-14-2003, 11:56 AM   #28
Child of the 7th Age
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Cami turned her attention to the other problem at hand. Pio had finished her letter and now stood watching it disappear down the road to Gondor.

Cami stood in front of the Elf announcing her grand idea. "Excuse me Mistress Pio. I have a wonderful ploy to expand our business! You remember I mentioned about a little dinner party at Bag-end. Most generously, Bilbo has agreed to come here with his guests. Masters Frodo and Samwise and Mistress Rose will also be in attendence, so I expect this will arouse a lot of interest in the neighborhood, what with the unprecedented concern about the Ring and all. I would expect a great number of people to crowd into the Inn hoping to meet our guests, and undoubtedly there will be much eating and drinking." Most of it no doubt by the Gamgee brood! But she did not say that out loud.

Here the hobbit looked down squarely at her feet, scampering breathlessly through a few unimportant details, which she spoke in her tiniest voice, scarcely as loud as a whisper: "Of course we'll pick up the tab, and Samwise's chidren will come as well."

[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
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Old 01-14-2003, 01:28 PM   #29
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"Of course we'll pick up the tab, and Samwise's children will come as well." whispered the Hobbit, trailing off at the end.

Pio nodded her head as Cami spoke to her, her mind only half on the Hobbit’s words. ‘I should have saddled Rochfalmar and ridden south myself.’ she thought to herself. ‘The answer will be so long in coming.’ Distracted, she put her arm about Cami’s shoulders as they walked back to the Inn.

The Hobbit could scarce believe her good fortune. Pio had agreed! And without so much as a frown or icy stare. Cami chattered on merrily, relishing how her plan for the party had thus far gone smoothly. Her enjoyment was short lived.

As they entered the Common Room, thoughts of the letter receded from the Elf’s mind to be taken up by the numerous details of daily life and commerce at the Inn. Pio stopped abruptly just a few feet from the door, her hand tightening on Cami’s shoulder, bringing her to a sudden halt. She turned the Hobbit to face her.

Pio’s words were low and clipped, as she recalled the content of what Cami had proposed in the courtyard. ‘Banazīr and his thirteen children, along with Bilbo, Frodo and Rose will be our guests . . . our guests!’ She stared icily at the now silent Hobbit. ‘What were you thinking Mistress Goodchilde? I have just gotten this place back on an even footing. We can scarce afford the staff we have at present. How will we pay the extra staff needed to put on the sort of party Master Bilbo will be expecting. Had you remembered that tomorrow is the cook’s day off! We cannot serve up warmed over stew with a smile and a basket of day old bread and call it a party!’

The Elf sat down heavily in a chair, her left hand rubbed at her forehead, the beginnings of a headache pounding behind her eyes. She took a deep breath, willing it away. ‘And look at this place? It needs cleaning, and decorating, if we are to have a party.’ Pio pointed up to where the spiders had festooned the rafters with their webs and silky streamers.

Her hand came down to rest against her belly. The twins were active now, sensing their Mother’s frustration. Shh! Your ammė will take care of it. she sent to them. Pio pulled the small purse from her belt, and fished out two gold coins. ‘Mithadan sent these for my “ease”, as he put it. And I feel the need for some of that ease at present.’ She placed the two coins in Cami’s hand and closed the Hobbit’s fingers securely over them.

‘I will be gone this evening to Amarantha’s house for a long dinner, and perhaps I shall stay the night. For now, I am going back to my room to rest. The entire party and its preparations, I will leave entirely to your capable Hobbit hands.’

Pio got up from the chair and walked slowly back to the bar. She turned, a half smile creasing her face. ‘Best get busy, Cami! Your task is at hand, and the time for its completion grows short. Good luck!’

[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 01-14-2003, 01:41 PM   #30
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Sofiya could sense frustration all about her. Her senses were sharper than most elves'. She could here a bird singing as if it were right next to her, even though it was noisey where she was.

Sofiya started to consider leaving. She wondered if she should spend the night in a tree. Ah, the trees. She missed her home, but she did not wish to return. She had vowed to return with tales of adventure for her young counsins. Though she was barely more than a child herself, she was very grown up. Maturity was expected of her. She was, after all, of noble blood. She stood to leave.

[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: ElentariGreenleaf ]
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Old 01-14-2003, 01:45 PM   #31
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Elwen couldn't help but smile as this strange man led her over to a table and introduced her to a dwarf. The stranger had talked very fast, and had still not mentioned his name though he seemed to know much of her and her past.

Elwen slide into the chair that the stranger offered. Smoothing down her midnight blue tunic and waves of dark hair. In one fluid movement she removed the bow from her back placing it on her lap, her slender fingers tracing the patterns and script engraved upon its silver surface. Elwen nodded to the dwarf. She was quite acustome to them having travelled with one for many days all the way from Ithilien. In fact he was a very close friend of hers and she missed him almost as much as her lord and master.

With a flick of the hair and a sparkle of the eye, Elwen had stepped away from the sorrow and was now concerntrating upon the small group gathered at the table.

"You ask for a tale? Let me think."Elwen paused to let her mind wander the twists and turns of memory. "I can not tell you one of my own for I have only been upon Arda for less than a year. I can tell you a tale i have seen or maybe you would like to her of the night sky from which I have come?"

Elwen look at the two seated with her. She was being very open tonight but it didn't bother her in the least for she know that always would her people guide her and soon, so very soon would she leave to rejoin her love!

Elwen waited for the reply. Which tale would the two prefere?
Nai Vardo eleni ilye lumenn' enomentielvo siluvar!
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Old 01-14-2003, 01:48 PM   #32
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There was a young elf sitting at the bar, looking rather frustrated. Her grey eyes continually scanned the room, then she stood to leave.

"Wait," Morestel said. "I can understand your frustration well, but just wait for a moment. I'm sure someone will be along." She smiled. "Sit down here. Tell me, what is your name?"
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Old 01-14-2003, 01:56 PM   #33
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Sofiya sat again. She smiled gratefull.y Someone had noticed her. Someone was being kind to her and not just for her high status.

"My name is Sofiya. Nice to meet you. What is your name?"

"I am Morestel. What brings you here? I have never seen you before."

"I came to catch a glimpse of the grey havens. I also seek adventure, for my young counsins are always asking me to tell them stories. As yet, I have none to tell them." Sofiya could not stop smiling. She had, had no real friends in Mirkwood.
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Old 01-14-2003, 02:06 PM   #34
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Laurie paused on her way to the kitchens as she passed Pio sitting with her head in her hands. Oh dear, I wonder what the matter could be,she thought, her brow wrinkled in concern. Pio rose and wished Cami good luck before moving behind the bar. Cami stood with a rather odd expression on her face, and Laurie approached carefully.

"Cami, is everything allright?" she inquired, her blue eyes resting upon the little hobbit.
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Old 01-14-2003, 02:52 PM   #35
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Derufin yawned and stretched as he sat up in bed. He swung his legs to the floor, and yawned again. It had been a night of peaceful sleep, and he looked forward to a pleasant day.

He poured some water into the basin on the wash stand, and splashed it vigorously on his face, driving the last traces of sleep from his eyes. His fingers ran over the stubble on his cheeks and chin, and he pulled his razor from his pack along with the brush and foamy soap bar. Propping up the small mirror he carried with him, he went about conquering his beard with sure strokes from the razor's sharp edge.

Picking some clean clothes from the bottom of the pack, he pulled on a pair of black breeches, a black tunic, and his last blessed pair of socks. 'I must do some washing today if I am to appear presentable in the coming days.' he spoke aloud, as he pulled on his boots. 'And these boots - they look quite disreputable. Perhaps I can find someone willing to clean them for a coin or two.'

These thoughts occupying his mind, he came down the stairs, looking to find breakfast. He paused halfway down the stairs, watching the scene between the Hobbit and Mistress Piosenniel. 'What sort of drama is this?' he wondered. 'And why does the Elf rub her head so,then retire to her rooms behind the bar?'

Since breakfast was nowhere in sight, and his path did pass the Hobbit who now stood with another, he stopped, too, to speak with her.

'May I be of service, m'lady? You look as if a heavy burden has been laid on you. I find myself free this morning, and will help you as I can.' He grinned at her and raised his brows as she glanced up at him.

'My terms for services rendered are easily met.' he assured her inquiring look. 'I'll work for food and the pleasure of your good company.'

[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: Envinyatar ]
‘Many are the strange chances of the world,’ said Mithrandir, ‘and help oft shall come from the hands of the weak when the Wise falter.’
– Gandalf in: The Silmarillion, 'Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age'
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Old 01-14-2003, 03:21 PM   #36
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Feeling dumbstruck like a dull Troll.He realized he never told Elwen his name.

"Now how rude of me.But how gracious of you to sit with such an ill manered man.I am Eruantalon,friends call me Erulon.I am a warroir,minstrel,and a true seer.I have helped,and been help on adventures.With all the people of middel earth."Now a broad grin was on him.He waited his hart swelled with joy.Such a tale he would hear.Of the place that had taken his hart from him for so long.

For no matter what happened to him.The clear night sky would brighten his spirits,and give him great joy.He had loved it for so long.Now he was to hear a tale of it.Possibaly one no one had ever heard.

Taking out his sword,Bow,and ax he showed her."These are gifts from far places.I am a friend to all those that walk apon middle earth.But never have I met one as to you.Fair Elwen,who sits with an uncoth man.But pays him no mind."

"Please tell us a story of the sky.Although I love the day light,when I was a child I fell in love with the stars.So I am ever enchanted with the night sky."

[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: Eruantalon ]
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Old 01-14-2003, 03:39 PM   #37
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The wooden door slowly creaked open, and a small hobbit entered the tavern. She was covered with a deep gray cloak as she walked inside. Her dark green eyes glanced around as she eased the hood off her dark auburn hair. A few others glanced up, but didn't take much interest in another guest at the tavern.
She spotted a cloak hanger, and carefully eased the cloak off, and hung it up, still looking around in the new environment. She looked down and brushed invisible crumbs off her emerald dress, and waited for anyone to help her.
:~*~: Elven archer :~*~:
"On silver necklaces they strung
The flowering stars, on crowns they hung
The dragon fire, in twisted wire
They meshed the light of moon and sun."
-verse from a song found in 'The Hobbit'-
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Old 01-14-2003, 03:43 PM   #38
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"My name is Sofiya. Nice to meet you. What is your name?"
"I am Morestel. What brings you here? I have never seen you before." The girl seemed friendly, a characteristic that Morestel had not encountered in a long time.
"I came to catch a glimpse of the Grey Havens. I also seek adventure, for my young cousins are always asking me to tell them stories. As yet, I have none to tell them."
"You seek adventure?" Morestel asked. "Well then, it seems we have a common purpose. Though I, unfortunately do not have anyone to tell of my journey; I have no kin that I know of." Morestel paused for a moment.

"Perhaps, we could travel together. I have not met any other elves in my travels, and I'm sure we could both use some company." She waited for Sofiya's reply.

[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: Sapphire_Flame ]
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Old 01-14-2003, 03:49 PM   #39
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"Yes!" replied Sofiya, getting excited. "I would love too. But first, could you do something for me?"

Morestel looked at the elf, wondering what she could want. "Ok. What do you want me to do?"

"Please, could you tell me of your travels! I have never before met an elf who has been on such a journey." Sofiya longed to know what the wild land was like, for she had never travelled alone, until now. She had travelled through the Shire with other elves who were leaving this land.

[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: ElentariGreenleaf ]
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Old 01-14-2003, 04:01 PM   #40
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"My travels?" Morestel was a bit surprised. Nobody had ever been interested in what she had done before, and Sofiya seemed so insistent. "Well, I guess you're right, I have been on quite a journey. Let me think...

"I suppose I'll give you the editted rendition; we could be here for days if I told the whole tale! I lived in the South for most of my life, raised by Men. I was, ah, fortunate enough to be involved in the Great War, which I am quite sure you know of. After Sauron's defeat I just wandered out on my own...I went to Fangorn Forest for a short time, and Southern Mirkwood, then I finally came here. This is quite different from the other places I have been, and a welcome relief; meeting kind people and having a roof over your head is much better than keeping wargs away in a dark forest at night. Besides, wandering with no purpose begins to wear at one after a while; I hope to find a quest to aid in while I am here."

It was a lot to digest. Sofiya looked quite impressed, and surprised. Morestel laughed quietly. "Now it is your turn; tell me something of your journey."

[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: Sapphire_Flame ]
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