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04-06-2005, 09:20 AM | #1 | |
King's Writer
Join Date: Jul 2002
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The Narn i Chîn Húrin: Beleg & Falivirn
This is the first draft of an expaned version ot the Story of Túrin Turambar NA. Our basis text is: Unfinished Tales; part 1; The First Age ; chapter 2: The Narn i Hîn Húrin (Narn). All additions from other sources are marked.
For a easier discussion the text will be devided into three parts: 1. The Fostering of Túrin: Reaching from the intro to the Narn until the end of Dor-Curathol 2. Beleg & Falivirn: Takes the story until the Fall of Nargothrond 3. The End of the Narn Part 1 corrospondes more or less to the part of the Narn given in Unfinished Tales up to the big break at the end of Of Mîm including what is given in the Appendix to the Narn Part 2 does fill the break in the Narn as given in Unfinished Tales. In this part only we will try to take up parts of the old Lay of the Children of Húrin. Part 3 is the End of the Narn as given in Unfinished Tales. And there is not much to add or to change in this part. In addtion one thread will hold the general changes. We have 4 groups of changes: NA-zz: General changes given and discussed in the list below. These changes are taken up in the text, but they are not indicated by "editorial markers" NA-RG-zz: These changes are semi general. They are normaly forced by a change in the nomuclature but could within the lines of a poem that are added not dealt with by simple replacment. The changed nomuclature is listed but not numbered with the general changes below. NA-SL-zz: Changes done to make the storyline fit to the later sources. These editorial markers are also sometimes used when a change was not made that could or should be considered and discussed in view of the stroyline of a later text. NA-TI-zz For text that is takenin from other sources since it was left out in the version given in the Unfinisched Tales. NA-EX-zz For expansions taken from some other source to make the story more detailed. This also includes some changes made in the expansion, and texts takenin which I marked for easier reference. Some conventions of my writing: Normal Text is from the basic text that is mentioned above (when I change the basic-Text it will be mentioned) Bold Text = source information, comments and remarks {example} = text that should be deleted [example] = normalised text, normaly only used for general changes <source example> = additions with source information example = text inserted for grammatical or metrical reason /example/ = outline expansion Normally if an inserted text includes the beginning of a new § these is indicated by a missing “>” at the end of the § and a missing “<” at the beginning of the next. In this second part we will take up some parts of the old Lay of the children of Húrin. For an easier reference to the original text I have included the original line-numbers. If once we are done with our emendation I think we will renumber all sections of the Lay taken-up into our text seperatley. Quote:
NA-EX-42: The subheading “Beleg” is taken from the Lay. After some consideration I found it more fitting to use the old canton-headings of the Lay then to invite new subheadings, as I had done for my proposed chapter structure. NA-TI-21: The healing of Beleg was otherwise accomplished in the Lay, so that we have to take the account of the Sil77 here. NA-EX-43; -45; -47; -48; -49: Starting with Belegs departure in search for Túrin until the arrival of Túrin and Gwindor in Nargothrond the Lay is the fullest source text we have. Therefore from here I tried to take as much of it into the body of our text as possible. NA-EX-44: I did not like a half line to start with, therefore I in cooperated the last half line form the sentence before the one I started with. NA-RG-01: I don’t see a problem here with the replacement. In the following regular changes I will not make a comment if it doesn’t seems problematic for me. NA-RG-02: The reference might be obscure by the replacement, but I don’t think that is to bad here. NA-RG-03: It would be good if we could find a replacement for “fleeing“ which alliterates in “g”. NA-SL-03: In the Lay Beleg was a Noldo of Côr, but he can not be so in our version. Thus I changed the reference. “Elves of Thingol” might be a bit blocky but I think it works. NA-TI-22: The former history of Gwindor in the Nirneath was not present in the Lay. Therefore we must add this passages here. It seems one of the passages were a reformation of the prose text into alliterative verses might be very nice. NA-RG-06: The reference to the Valar is not easy to understand with “greats”. Any better idea someone? NA-RG-07: „great-born“ is problematic. But I found it more or less fitting for a noble Noldo. NA-RG-07.5: Here at least we lose one alliteration. NA-RG-09: Now better replacement for Flinding found here. NA-RG-12, NA-RG-13 & NA-RG-14: Gwindor does not work well. NA-SL-04: The plundering of “Gnomish Lords” is out of picture in our text. But the “homesteads of Man and Elves” such as the woodman south of Teaglin or the Elves of Annael’s following do fit in our version, I think. NA-SL-05: The replacement is not good, but better then nothing. This line needs some further thought. NA-RG-14.5: The reference is unclear, but war-„god“ is no longer appropriate for anyone. Thus I changed it. NA-RG-15.5, NA-RG-17 & NA-RG-18: At first I had the bad joke „Friend Gwin’“, but the new replacement is more serious. NA-SL-06 & NA-TI-23: Here the story of the Sil77, were Túrin is bound to a tree must be taken so that the line of him laying face down must go and we have to add some passages from Sil77. Again it would be nice if we could reform the prose passage to verse. NA-EX-46: The rescue of the Dragon-helm from the Orc-camp must be added if we will try to in cooperate the later history of the helm. NA-RG-20: No good solution found for this line. NA-RG-21: It would be good if we could find a replacement for “feet“ which alliterates in “g”. NA-SL-07: The hole passages is build on the model of the Elves as small, nibble and lucent that Tolkien later hated so much. NA-RG-22: The lose of one alliteration here seems not avoidable, but does not seem to bad in the resulting line. NA-RG-25, NA-RG-26, NA-RG-27 & NA-RG-29: I found no good solution for this line, as for so many were Flinding/Fuilin is used in the “rhyming”. NA-RG-28: The reference to the halls of the Moon was obscure even in the original Lay. The halls of Mandos is appropriate in sense. NA-RG-30 & NA-RG-31: It would be good if we could find replacements for “fear“ and “faithful-hearted” which alliterate in “g”. NA-RG-32, NA-RG-32.5 & NA-RG-33: Further places were Gwindor does not really work. NA-EX-47.5: I wanted the name of the bow. And this is the place were it is named in Sil77. NA-RG-35: Here I think „Greats“ is understandable. NA-RG-36: The faithful friend seems a good replacement for me. NA-RG-38: the „folk of faerie“ would be in sense best replaced by „folk of Elves“ but since it was the army of Fingon (including his elves and the men of Dor-lómin) that had the greatest loss at least in the western part of the battle were the hill of slain was later build, I found Fingon a good replacement. NA-SL-08: Nan-Dungortheb is clearly in our version not in the Ered Wethrin, so the reference to that name I skipped. The land of dread phantoms that they now pass is in my view round about the land of Tol Sirion and the smallest part of the pass of Sirion were once Sauron had shown his might in corrupting the land. NA-RG-43 & NA-RG-44: I am not sure about this lines at all. Some good ideas anyone? NA-RG-46: It seems in the course of numbering I lost that one. So do not search for it. NA-SL-09: Nargothrond was not build by fugitives of the battle. NA-SL-10: The home of Beren and Lúthien is in our version not in the High Faroth. NA-SL-11: This line must go since we learn in the story of Felagund and Beren before Sauron that at least the name and rough placement of Nargothrond and who ruled their was known to the enemies, and that such knowledge was even expected from Orks, as Felagund feign to be. NA-RG-53: I think we need the name here again and the replacement seems to fit more or less. NA-RG-56: See NA-RG-28 above. NA-RG-57: It would be good if we could find a replacement for “feet“ which alliterates in “g” as in NA-RG-21. NA-SL-12: Nargothrond was no longer founded by the Fëanorians but by Felagund. NA-TI-24: The episode of the sword carried by Gwindor and put here into Túrins hand and his account of Húrin in Angband is absent from the Lay. Therefore we have to add it from the Sil77. It would be nice if we could rewrite it into verse but in this case the interruption seems long enough, so that it can even stand as prose. NA-RG-64: NA-RG-57: It would be good if we could find a replacement for “folk“ which alliterates in “g”. NA-SL-12.5: If Túrin is concealing his name in Nargothrond Gwindor should not reveal it here. NA-RG-65: It would be good if we could find a replacement for “feet“ which alliterates in “g” as in NA-RG-21 & NA-RG-57. NA-RG-67: It would be good if we could find a replacement for “freely“ which alliterates in “g”. NA-SL-13: This does not fit the meter. Better solutions are needed. But I could not find any. NA-RG-69: It would be good if we could find a replacement for “fiercely“ which alliterates in “g”. NA-SL-14: Again, we have to change the Lay because Túrin concealed his name in Nargothrong. NA-RG-70 & NA-RG-71: This does not fit the meter. Better solutions are needed. But I could not find any. NA-RG-72 & NA-RG-73: I am not sure about this lines at all. Some good ideas anyone? NA-RG-74: Some better replacement must be searched here. NA-RG-76: It would be good if we could find a replacement for “freely“ which alliterates in “g”. NA-SL-15: Again, we have to change the Lay because Túrin concealed his name in Nargothrong. NA-SL-16 & NA-SL-17: I changed the reference of lines 1958 to 1963 from Túrin to Gwindor. Alternatively we could skip the lines as I have done with 1974 to 1983. NA-RG-78: Some better replacement must be searched here. NA-TI-25: At this place I think it is time to insert Túrins choosing of a new name. If some one sees any way in cooperate it into the Lay I would be glad. NA-RG-80 & NA-RG-81: Some better replacement must be searched here. NA-RG-83 to NA-RG-85: The hole complex of the trees is highly difficult. If no good solution might be found we have to consider to skip it completely. NA-RG-87: The replacement of Côr with “the city” is not good. May be someone can find some better replacement. NA-RG-89: Again Guilin does break the meter. NA-SL-18: Since Túrin concealed his name he is not known to be the son of Húrin. The decent from Hithlum is also not clear since he resembles the House of Hador not so much. NA-RG-91: And Guilin for the next time. NA-RG-92 & NA-RG-93: This is a good example of how it can work when both names are sundered fare enough. NA-RG-95 & NA-RG-96: It would be good if we could find a replacement for “friendship “ which alliterates in “g”. NA-SL-19: Halmir as a son of Orodreth was never again mentioned and is not included in any genealogical table of the house of Finarfin. Thus I think we have to skip him. By the way: For me it seems that Finduilas had taken the painful part of Halmir go-Orodreth’ role as she was pierced to a tree by the Orcs. NA-SL-20: Since we have already let Túrin take Gurthang he can not be hungry for the sword hilt here. NA-SL-21: Since Túrin did not reveal his former history to the Elves of Nargothrond he can not tell about his time in Doriath. I meant to change the passage in the sense that when he was asked to tell about his former live he did not do so. But I am not sure if I was successful. NA-TI-26: The Sil77 is all we have here, I think. I did not check if the source of this passage is older and can be found in one of the Quenta’s. NA-EX-50: If the Helm is present we must give a reason why he did not wear it and the Appendix of the Narn did provide use with it. The quotation-marks in the original did show that the text with in was original JRR Tolkien. We could skip them but I found that in our version they could mean that they are quoted from Túrin. NA-EX-51: I hesitated a bit were to put this passages. We have not jet heard what counsel Túrin gave, thus we could consider a later placement, but the passages makes Túrins counsel clear so that I found this place best. NA-EX-52: This passages of the Lay could also be put in a bit later inserted into NA-EX-53. NA-EX-53: It could be considered to insert to this long passage parts of the Lay that I have put in earlier and later. NA-TI-27: The first sentence is more or less repeated from the part of the Lay that we have taken thus we could consider to skip that sentence. NA-EX-54: The place for this insertion and what I should replace is given in the note accompanying the passages in the Appendix to the Narn. NA-TI-28: Here we return to the Sil77 following the notes in the Appendix to the Narn. NA-EX-55: The insertion of this part of the Lay might overdone. But I do not think so. NA-RG-101 & NA-RG-102: It would be good if we could find a replacement for “foully“ and “found” which alliterate in “g”. NA-TI-29: The Sil77 is again the text we have to take for this part. NA-EX-56: The account of the visit of Arminas and Gelmir in the Narn is more elaborated and is therefore taken here. NA-EX-56.5: Orodreth is not Finarfins son, but his grandson. I found it more fitting to call him Finrods heir, since he inherited the kingship of Nargothrond from Felagund. NA-TI-30: From here to the end of this section I took again the Sil77 without checking if the source of the text could be found. It might be that at least parts of it could be identified in GA or in on of the Quenta’s. NA-EX-57 & NA-EX-58: This is the insertion of the later story of the Dragon-helm into the story. NA-EX-57.5: The special info that is provided here should be included. I ever had asked myself how Túrin could bring Gwindor out of the battle if the host was pinned in the angle. Here we are given a solution for this problem. So fare my initial comments. I hope some of them are at least helpful to understand what I had in mind when I worked out my version of the text. Respectfully Findegil P.S.: I would like to encourage all lovers of Tolkiens poesies to participate in the discussion of the needed changes in the parts of the poem that we took up into our version. They are the most "newbe" friendly discussions we will ever have down here in the “Revised Silmarillion Project”. If the forcing reason for a change is unclear it can be explained, but for the exact way to in cooperate the change into the meter a good knowledge of the English language and a love for poesies is a much better basis than a profound knowledge of Tokiens work. |
04-07-2005, 11:11 AM | #2 | ||
The Kinslayer
"Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy." |
10-06-2005, 04:40 PM | #3 |
King's Writer
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 1,721
I took up Maedhros very good fetch as NA-EX-53.5.
Respectfully Findegil |
10-06-2005, 08:20 PM | #4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Late Istar
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,224
Comments up to NA-RG-18
NA-RG-01: Quote:
But the present example is borderline on both counts. It is, of course, specifically the Noldor who are delving for Morgoth, not the Elves in general. But as the Noldor are Elves, the sentence remains correct (at least technically) with "Elves". And while "Gnomes" does alliterate here, it is the second stress in a "full" alliterative line; changing it to "Elves" would still leave a "simple" line, with "knew" alliterating with "need". I guess that, considering the combined doubt of the two points, we had probably best use "Noldor" for this particular instance. NA-RG-02: Quote:
NA-RG-02.5: Quote:
NA-RG-03: Quote:
We could of course use: Quote:
But the bigger problem is that the name change robs the line of alliteration. We must either find a replacement for "fleeing" or for "anguish" that begins with "g". All I can think of at the moment is "grief": Quote:
I suppose another option is to split "Gwindor" from "Guilin" somehow, e.g.: Quote:
I'm not sure whether "Guilin's son" is a satisfactory half-line or not. It does at least have the requisite two stresses. NA-SL-03: Quote:
NA-TI-22: Findegil wrote: Quote:
NA-RG-06: Quote:
NA-RG-07: Quote:
NA-RG-11: Quote:
NA-SL-04: Quote:
NA-SL-05: Quote:
NA-RG-15: Quote:
Last edited by Aiwendil; 10-07-2005 at 07:54 PM. |
10-07-2005, 07:48 PM | #5 | |||||||||||
Late Istar
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,224
A Few More Comments - up to NA-RG-24
NA-TI-23: Quote:
NA-EX-47: Quote:
NA-RG-24: Quote:
10-08-2005, 07:18 PM | #6 | |||||
King's Writer
Join Date: Jul 2002
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NA-RG-01: In this particular case Noldor is definitley needed, since it refers to the knowledge of the blue lamps, that were a special sign of the Noldor. It could not been said that Beleg did not know Elves.
As jet the discussion had never again comeback to that issue but now I think we should think about it again. "Exiled Nodor" could not often be used, since it is to blocky, but we should check it some times as a perfect replacment in sense. NA-RG-02:I do not know if "Greats" was ever used for all the Valar. But here the reference is changed from a larger group to a subgroup of the fromer. NA-RG-02.5: "an Elf" is okay here if we use "Noldor" in NA-RG-01 since then the reader dose already know that it is a Noldo Beleg is locking at. NA-RG-03: Quote:
NA-SL-03: Is "Doriath" any better then "Thingol"? NA-TI-22: I agree that we can hardly hope to do this, thus we will not try it. NA-RG-06: Agreed. NA-RG-07: What about: Quote:
NA-SL-04: Aiwendil wrote: Quote:
NA-SL-05: Agreed, "to" is realy still okay. NA-RG-15, NA-RG-15.5, NA-RG-17, NA-RG-18: Agreed. NA-TI-23, NA-EX-47: I thought it was a bit overdone to hold "he was senseless ins a sleep of great weariness" since exactly that was explained in the sentence before. But If you don't think so we will hold that phrase. But what about: Quote:
Spellnames: I see your point. But it seems to me you are the best of use to check the elvish. It seems to me, I am no great help with the poem. I had hoped very much that we would find some help with this alliterative and (later) ryming issues. Respectfully Findegil |
10-09-2005, 04:54 PM | #7 | ||||||||||||||||||
Late Istar
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,224
Comments up to NA-RG-37 and discussion
NA-RG-25, -26, -27: These are rather problematic. For the first, we might try: Quote:
But for NA-RG-26 and -27 I'm completely at loss. If I stare at them long enough, I suppose I might come up with something. NA-RG-29: Quote:
NA-RG-31: Maybe: Quote:
NA-RG-33: I think we could use: Quote:
NA-RG-36: If we follow my earlier suggestions then we can simply un-capitalize "friend" here: Quote:
Findegil wrote: Quote:
So I think that, while a sentence like "The Gnomes are exiles" must of course be rendered "The Noldor are exiles", a sentence like "The Gnome drew his sword" would be better rendered: "The Elf drew his sword." Your suggestion of "Exile(s)" is an excellent one and I think it could be used in place of "Noldo(r)" in many cases of the former kind, and perhaps even in place of "Elf"/"Elves" in many cases of the latter. NA-RG-02: Findegil wrote: Quote:
NA-SL-03: Quote:
NA-RG-07: Quote:
NA-SL-04: Sorry; I read this too quickly and thought for a moment it was describing their passage through the forest, not their journey to the forest in retrospect. NA-TI-23: Again, sorry; I don't know what I was thinking when I read this before. You're right that we should delete the sentence since we just said the same thing. About the spell names: It's difficult to know whether the Elvish is still valid, since we don't know what the names are supposed to mean. I'm not an expert on Sindarin phonology, but I suspect that "Ogbar" at least may be obselete. I will have to do some research. But another point gives me some doubt about Beleg's spell. In the Lay he sings the spell because Turin's bonds cannot be cut by normal weapons. And it is by reason of the might of the spell that his sword cuts so easily through the fetters. But in our version his sword is Anglachel, already a mighty blade with strange powers. I cannot recall whether it is explicitly said that Anglachel and Anguirel are capable of cleaving iron, but considering the absence of the spell from later versions, it seems likely that the special nature of Beleg's sword was considered sufficient for the severing of the bonds. I wish we had an expert in alliterative verse to help us with these sections. Two questions we must resolve are whether X A A X and A X X A alliteration are permissible. I can do some research on this, though I am at the moment separated from the one book I own that might have the answers. |
10-10-2005, 04:42 PM | #8 | ||||
King's Writer
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 1,721
Posted by Aiwendil:
Therefore I will not mention simple agreement fartherone in the discussion. NA-RG-29: A couple of lines above Gwindor had "cried: 'Magic of Morgoth! A! madness damned!/ with friends thou fightest!'" So I thought he might be called a freind of Turin already. But you suggestions sounds good and is clearer in its meaning. NA-RG-32: I would prefer your first suggestion even if the grammar is agianst it. NA-EX-47.5: Your rearangement sounds perfectly well for me. Gnomes -> Elves or Exiles: I think we are at one mind in this now: No simple replacment but a checkup what term is best used in the context. When ever we reread or FoG in the "changes indicated version" we should have an open eye for this. NA-RG-02: I was temped in this case to stick to "Great", since if the Valar as a whole do rejoice, then that is true as well for the Great in particular. But it is a minor point and Valar as a replacment works for me. NA-RG-07: Sorry this was a misprint. I would have liked to suggest: Quote:
In short I am still holding to the spells, even if they were not as neccesary as in the original poem. Respectfully Findegil |
10-12-2005, 07:48 PM | #9 | |||||||||||
Late Istar
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,224
NA-RG-32: I put a critical comma in the wrong place in my last suggestion. It should have been:
The spell: I suppose your reasoning makes sense. I am still a little unsure, but I can definitely see keeping the spell. Further comments up to NA-RG-55 NA-RG-38: I agree with your use of "Fingon" in place of "Faery". But what do you make of the "seven kindreds"? Quote:
I am not sure whether this is a reference to some earlier conception of the divisions of Men or Elves. NA-RG-40: Quote:
NA-SL-09: We must of course delete the reference to fugitives from the battle, but your line does not have the requisite alliteration. All I can think of at the moment is: Quote:
NA-RG-51: This is a case where I'd go for "Elf" instead of "Noldo", leaving simple alliteration. NA-RG-52: I would say: Quote:
10-12-2005, 07:50 PM | #10 |
Late Istar
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,224
Also - I did some checking and found at least one source on the internet that says that X A A X alliteration is allowed. But I have yet to notice an example of it in Tolkien.
10-13-2005, 03:50 PM | #11 | |
King's Writer
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NA-RG-32: Ok, "... answered he, ..." it will be then.
NA-RG-38: 7 kindreds: Fingon, Maedhros, Falathrim & Gwindor's, House of Hador, House of Haleth, Dwarves, Easterlings of Bor That is not the only possible counting, but a possible one. And that is sufficient for sticking to the notation. By the way: What meaning had the 7 kindreds in the original poem? NA-RG-44: Quote:
Respectfully Findegil |
10-15-2005, 09:01 PM | #12 | ||||||
Late Istar
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,224
NA-RG-38: I don't know whether "seven" had some definite reference in the original; in any case, you're right that if we count properly, the number is suitable.
NA-RG-44: Okay, we can go with "fearful". A few more comments for now: NA-RG-57: I'm at a loss here; I can't think of anything except: Quote:
NA-RG-58: I think that Quote:
NA-RG-60: A straightforward Flinding>Gwindor substitution works here, I think: Quote:
NA-RG-62: Here I would use "Elves" instead of "Noldor", since the sense is not hurt by it. NA-RG-63: Again, I think "Gwindor" is a suitable substitute for "Flinding", leaving simple alliteration. NA-RG-64: Perhaps we could use: Quote:
10-16-2005, 03:22 PM | #13 | ||
King's Writer
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NA-SL-12: Aiwendil wrote:
NA-RG-65: What is about: Quote:
Respectfully Findegil |
10-31-2005, 08:00 PM | #14 | ||||||||||
Late Istar
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,224
Up to NA-SL-21
NA-RG-69: Another difficult one. I come up only with this: Quote:
NA-RG-73, -74, -76: Again, I'm lost. NA-SL-15: I don't think that alliterating "heart" with "heart" is desirable. Perhaps: Quote:
NA-EX-49: I would make this: Quote:
NA-RG-87: I would just replace "Cor" with "Tirion". NA-SL-18: I'm not sure about "chief friend of mine"; I don't think that retaining the word "chief" is desirable if in an altered meaning. Perhaps: Quote:
NA-RG-94: I think that "Valar" would be preferable to "Great", unless a precedent can be found for referring to the Valar this way. NA-RG-95, -96: I wonder about: Quote:
The only possible problem there would be the length of the second half-line. But I don't think it's unreasonably long. Or perhaps some other way can be found of using "guest-kindliness" here; it's a good word and a perfect substitute for "friendship" in this context. NA-RG-97: There's another spelling error here - should be "friends". NA-SL-20: It's a minor point, but I don't think we need the accute accent on the second syllable of "handled". I wonder about "drawn and handled"; it sounds a little awkward to me, but I may be reading this too critically. NA-SL-21: I would make line 2173: Quote:
11-01-2005, 05:33 PM | #15 | |||||
King's Writer
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Posts: 1,721
NA-RG-73: Not perfect but maybe better then nothing:
Na-RG-83 to Na-RG-85: What about: Quote:
Respectfully Findegil Last edited by Findegil; 01-30-2006 at 04:50 PM. |
11-04-2005, 06:35 PM | #16 | ||||
Late Istar
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,224
But I may be wrong. Again we are stung by the lack of the original Narn material. NA-RG-101: I can think of no suitable synonym for "foully" alliterating in g. We might try: Quote:
NA-RG-102: How about: Quote:
11-05-2005, 04:39 PM | #17 | |||
King's Writer
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 1,721
Posted by Aiwendil:
But Turin was used to wearing the Helm with its visor and he was interested to conceal his identity from his foes. Thus to use a dwarf-mask was very fiting for him. In addition: Quote:
Anyway, I don't see any forcing reason why we have to drop the dwarf-mask. But I agree that "we are stung by the lack of the original Narn material." NA-RG-101 & NA-RG-102: Both suggestions are nice. Respectfully Findegil |
11-12-2005, 06:05 PM | #18 |
Late Istar
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,224
After thinking about it for a while, I agree with you. The dwarf-mask can stay.
As far as I can tell, that leaves us only with a few lines that need to be fixed for reasons of alliteration in this section. |
11-13-2005, 04:41 PM | #19 | ||
King's Writer
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 1,721
Posted by Aiwendil:
While rereading the Lay in search for some add-able material for the fight on the summit of Amon Rudh (nothing useable was found; the Sil77 seems to be in part a paraphrasing of the Lay) I found a piece that would fit earlier in the narative: Quote:
Respectfully Findegil |
11-13-2005, 10:45 PM | #20 | ||
Late Istar
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By my reckoning, the problems for which he currently have no solution are:
FG-RG-26 FG-RG-27 FG-RG-67 FG-RG-73 Note - I had failed to comment before but your proposed: Quote:
Other than those four, we seem to have solutions that are at least satisfactory - though it certainly wouldn't hurt to continue to look at some of them and seek improvement. NA-EX-37.2: I like the idea of including this, but I hesitate about the lines: Quote:
11-14-2005, 04:36 PM | #21 | ||
King's Writer
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NA-EX-37.2: Posted by Aiwendil:
NA-RG-73: Mhm, it must have been late when I proposed that. You are right that it does not alliterate at all. NA-RG-67:What about: Quote:
Findegil |
11-29-2005, 12:12 PM | #22 | |
Late Istar
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NA-EX-37.2: I suppose you're right.
NA-RG-67: I think your proposal has one too many strong syllables. Perhaps just: Quote:
11-30-2005, 05:21 PM | #23 | |
King's Writer
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Just an idea for NA-RG-27:
Respectfuly Findegil |
12-04-2005, 10:31 PM | #24 |
Late Istar
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Hmm . . . I'm afraid I don't think that can work.
Also, I think that "fearful" here is probably objective rather than subjective - i.e. "inspiring fear" rather than "indicating fear". So I don't think that "worried" works. I will make a concerted effort to study the difficult lines tomorrow. |
12-10-2005, 05:32 PM | #25 | |
Late Istar
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Well, I'm afraid I haven't made much progress. But one possibility that occurs to me for FG-RG-26 is:
12-11-2005, 06:04 PM | #26 | ||
King's Writer
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FG-RG-26: Sounds not so bad to me.
FG-RG-27: If nothing else will be found, than we can at least skip line 1277: Quote:
And a solution of the same kind for FG-RG-73: Quote:
Findegil |
01-15-2006, 03:17 PM | #27 | ||
Late Istar
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Sorry for my absence in the past month or so.
FG-RG-27: I think your suggested line is too long, but we could make it: Quote:
01-15-2006, 05:23 PM | #28 | ||
King's Writer
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Na-RG-27: I think the "," must go as well otherwise I agree:
Findegil |
01-15-2006, 06:01 PM | #29 | |
Late Istar
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RG-27: Yes, I missed the comma.
RG-73: I think your suggestion is good, as long as we make two transpositions to prevent alliteration on the last strong syllable: Quote:
01-16-2006, 11:09 AM | #30 | |
King's Writer
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NA-RG-73: Agreed.
Posted by Aiwendil: Quote:
Respectfully Findegil |
05-20-2007, 04:45 PM | #31 | |
King's Writer
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NA-EX-44 This passages is not changed but that Beleg did not search for fellows means in the new context that he did not even ask Andróg to come with him. NA-EX-44.1 and NA-EX-44.2 This interruption of the Lay is new, but the information provided here from CoH makes the further story more probable. NA-EX-44.3 The passages about the lamp we did already know from the Appendix to Tour and his coming to Gondolin, but we had no idea were it belonged. NA-EX-45.1 and NA-EX-45.2 Again a intruption of the Lay-material for reason of new informations from CoH. NA-EX-45.2 Since the band that captured Gwwindor had no captives, I inserted the discription of them here. Faelivrin: The chapter title does now no longer reffer to Finduilas but rather it means really the sun glittering on the pool of Eithel Narog. NA-EX-47.6 I wanted to provide the elvish name. NA-EX-48b CoH fit here well as an intor to the passage from the [b}Lay[/b]. NA-EX-48.1 The new sub-chapter headline is inserted were it is positioned in CoH. NA-EX-48.2 small change of wording. NA-EX-50b again the position of the insert is changed, for reasons of better fitting. NA-EX-50.1 An other part of the Lay fitting the text nicely. NA-EX-56.6 (The changes before are only small wording changes or some such.) It seems strange that an Elve from Dorthonion should say that he wandered since the Nirnaeth, or? NA-EX-57.1 I searched for some stuff to add to the battle and this was all that came up. The rest of the changes are small additions or details of wording. No further changes are requiered in this section. Respectfully Findegil Last edited by Findegil; 05-22-2007 at 12:20 PM. |
04-09-2009, 01:01 AM | #32 |
King's Writer
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In addition to bring this thread up, I want to point out that NA-EX-43b and NA-EX-44 have been discussed already and are settled.
Respectfully Findegil |
04-10-2009, 01:55 AM | #33 | |||||
Late Istar
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NA-EX-45.2: I’m not sure I understand what you mean here by:
NA-EX-57.1: I’m hesitant to introduce such a small detail. If LT provided substantial information that would be one thing, but to break a sentence Tolkien wrote just to add (essentially) that the host contained wolves seems to me unnecessary. Also a general comment about moving back and forth between the Lay and the prose sources: I think we may be overdoing it with the editorial bridges. In many or even most cases I think we should probably eliminate these and simply move into verse without comment. Last edited by Aiwendil; 04-10-2009 at 07:58 AM. |
04-12-2009, 01:14 PM | #34 |
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hello again
The differences between this part and mine are minor in narrative structure, except for (I know it were discussed before by you) that i keep Androg dead, and Dirhaval could extract the information from elves (even Gil-galad as son of Orodreth) that flew to the Mouths of Sirion or the Isle of Balar. And in the prologue is not mentioned the source.
The other difference is that I wrote the text of the lay as prose. But in Spanish, of course, there´s no alliteration when is translated, and in an epic tale like this the rhetorical language can be omitted. (In Beren only was kept firstly in the passages of "love", that looks like better). Greetings |
04-17-2009, 06:01 AM | #35 | |||
King's Writer
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My appologise for not coming back to this further, but I had a hard time keeping track of the other discussions.
NA-EX-45.3: Aiwendil wrote: Quote:
NA-EX-47.6: Okay we leave the text like it was in the Lay. But my I probably very carefully suggest the unthinkable? =====> a FOOTNOTE NA-EX-56.6: You are, the could not wandering occupations for him between the flight from Dorthonion and the Nirnaeth. NA-EX-57.1: I do not fight for that add. It was a just the only additional information that my search through all the descriptions of that battle brought up, so I sought I should at least offer it. I will skip it. About the editorial bridges leading into the fragments of the Lay: I will go through them one after the other, but for know I have only time for one: NA-EX-37.2b: Here the bridge is not needed. We will do without. Respectfully Findegil |
04-17-2009, 09:02 AM | #36 | ||
Late Istar
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NA-EX-45.2: I think there was a typo in my suggestion. I meant: Quote:
NA-EX-47.6: A footnote?! Blasphemy of blasphemies! Actually, I think this is a good idea in this case. If it were prose, of course, there would be no reason to put in a footnote what could easily be added into the main text, but in verse things are different. And of course unlike the infamous Ainulindale footnote proposal, there are no thorny Aelfwine/Pengolodh issues here! |
04-17-2009, 12:51 PM | #37 | ||||
King's Writer
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NA-EX-45.2: That is okay for me.
NA-EX-45.3: They heard cries before so why not that of Túrin? The face is another matter. But it brought up a news idea: Quote:
Back to editorial bridges: NA-EX-44c: Quote:
NA-EX-44.2; NA-EX-45: Here also the bridges can go. NA-EX-47 See above. NA-EX-48b: Here I would slightly rearange: Quote:
NA-EX-52 had no bridge right from the start. NA-EX-55: The bridge can go, even so I find it usefull. On last pice remeans: But it is not in the Narn. It is the pice we took in in the last chapter of Beren and Lúthien BL-EX-19. While reading this I got the same feeling I had have before: Where exactly does this belong? Who is the whisperer and to whom does he whisper? Where it stand know it needs the bridge but probably when we really discover where it belongs it can go without? If I have any clearer idea about that I will post the according thread. Respectfully Findegil |
04-17-2009, 01:56 PM | #38 | ||
Late Istar
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NA-EX-45.3: A nice idea, but I have to say it looks like too much creative writing is required. We're already moving back and forth between prose and verse quite a bit, so I don't think the short prose insertion is a problem.
NA-EX-44c: It occurs to me that if we omit the verse additions to the 'Turin's Fostering' section, then this will be the first switch in the chapter (I think). So perhaps it would make sense to keep the bridge here at least. Edit: I just realized there is an earlier verse excerpt at NA-EX-37.2b, so probably we should keep the bridge there but eliminate it here. NA-EX-44.2: Perhaps eliminating the bridge but changing the punctuation to a colon might be good, since the verse section starts with a description of Taur-nu-Fuin: Quote:
On BL-EX-19: I was actually going to suggest that once we're satisfied with the Narn we briefly revisit the already completed chapters. Reading through the finished texts for them I found a few issues, mainly very small things. I suggest we look at BL-EX-19 at that time. Last edited by Aiwendil; 04-17-2009 at 04:52 PM. |
04-17-2009, 05:16 PM | #39 |
Late Istar
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Another thought before I forget it - I wonder whether perhaps we should try somehow to incorporate the two short 'independent poems' in alliterative verse that Tolkien developed from passages in the Lay and which are given at the end of the chapter in III.
One of them, untitled, is based on part of Gwindor's speech about the river Sirion at Eithel Ivrin, lines 1554-1570 in the Lay. I'm almost tempted to suggest that it was in fact a replacement passage for those lines. We may want to consider using it as such. The other is 'Winter Comes to Nargothrond', developed from lines 2082-2113. This is a bit different, since it not only expands on the passage in the Lay but also leaves out the narrative portions. So it would seem there's no way for us to incorporate it; at least we can't simply replace the corresponding section of the Lay with it. This is a shame as 'Winter Comes to Nargothrond' is in my opinion one of Tolkien's finest pieces of verse, but I suppose that's neither here nor there. |
04-17-2009, 08:47 PM | #40 |
Haunting Spirit
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While I have no objections to NA-EX-46b as such, I dislike the composition and flow of the additional verses. I'll see if I can't think up a better form for them, if you don't object.