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Old 11-10-2009, 05:51 PM   #1921
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Oh and Foley, if you think you would like to write for Javan, he could of course come back... or go to find Cnebba and Garmund to share his experience with the new girl. And Cnebba could share his own too.

(Feel free to use Cnebba for that.)
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Old 11-10-2009, 07:55 PM   #1922
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I still don't have time to post! I'll probably write after Nienna posts.

I see what you mean, Nogrod...but it cracks me up, because this'll be the third person to disappear after a fight.

EDIT: Ack. I see the maid lady has found Aedre. Oh dear.

And back to class I get.
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Old 11-10-2009, 10:37 PM   #1923
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I'm planning on waiting a day or two in real life before Wynflaed sees her daughter, so if people still want to post the ensuing ruckus that Lilige's presence will no doubt create (even if only a mental ruckus) there's time for that.
Got corsets?
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Old 11-11-2009, 02:41 PM   #1924
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I'll try to post something tonight...

As for posting for other characters, I think it's ok to make them say a thing or two, but not anything very big or important and in any case it's always nicer to ask the other writer. So writing

"Good day to you, sir!" my character said.
"Good day," your character replied.
"How are you?" asked my character.

is completely ok. But I wouldn't write:

"Good day to you, sir!" my character said.
"Good day," your character replied.
"How are you?" asked my character.
"My day is absolutely awesome this far - my love agreed to marry me!" your character said and smiled.

because that's sort of intruding on the other writer's domain. Mostly, you get quite far by using common sense and your gut feeling about what you would or would not like other writers to do to your character. Of course there's leeway with characters with currently inactive writers, but I guess that can be considered with the aforementioned "common sense". One definite rule, I'd say, would be NOT MAKING UP OTHER CHARACTERS' FEELINGS OR THOUGHTS.

And of course, everybody here is willing to edit their post if their characters are misinterpreted, so I wouldn't think it's a problem. People have been mostly very nice and sensible this far. But thanks to Durelin for bringing this up, especially if the issue was not clear to all writers. (And I think we also all have different opinions, so don't take my words as the absolute truth! )
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Old 11-11-2009, 04:29 PM   #1925
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situation check: there's something I have to discuss with people
time check: half past midnight
conclusion: I'll post tomorrow
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
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Old 11-11-2009, 05:01 PM   #1926
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Lommy or Nogrod - if there's a way I can catch you before you go to bed - can I borrow Cnebba and Garmund for my next post?
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Old 11-11-2009, 05:10 PM   #1927
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Originally Posted by Folwren View Post
Lommy or Nogrod - if there's a way I can catch you before you go to bed - can I borrow Cnebba and Garmund for my next post?
I was just going to bed but happily saw your post.

Please do borrow them. (And actually Garmund isn't our character in any strict sense)

Have fun with the boys!
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Old 11-11-2009, 06:19 PM   #1928
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Thanks, Nogrod! I came up with a long post...longer than I had originally imagined.... Please let me know if I must change anything of Cnebba. I did not write much for him. If you would like to have me have Cnebba say something new, or have him take some of Garmund's lines, then please let me know, and I can alter it.

I integrated Saeryn. Fea, I have hopefully written it in such a way that if you want, you can post Degas' answer and go ahead and finish their conversation and it would still be correct time-wise for her to be where she is at the end of my post.

I have left the post open ended. Either Nogrod or Lommy can answer, or I can go ahead and write a response, but there is really no rush.

I think that's all I need to say. I have to go help make dinner now. If I remember something, I can always post again.

A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading. - C.S. Lewis
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Old 11-11-2009, 06:25 PM   #1929
Feanor of the Peredhil
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Everybody can consider my last post as an open invitation to have your characters antagonize Degas in any way imaginable.
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Old 11-11-2009, 06:27 PM   #1930
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Actually, Foley, you might want to copy/paste my Degas post into yours, and then I'll delete it. That way it's not jumping backward.
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Old 11-11-2009, 07:00 PM   #1931
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Done, Fea. However...I did it slightly unconventionally. Generally, when one post is integrated into someone else's post, the original poster puts 'Feanor of the Peredhil's Post' before it. Well...I confess, I didn't. I didn't like how it broke it up and I thought it would run better if I left the disclaimer out. that all may know, this was Fea's post:

Originally Posted by Fea's post from the game thread, also can be seen in my latest post there
Degas smiled a strained smile and hugged Saeryn around the shoulders. "For a moment there I thought of saying, incredulously, "Who do you take me for?" until I remembered that it's not so long ago that I probably would have challenged the man to a duel as a matter of foolish pride. He weighs more than me yes, but I'd bet a great deal I'm faster and could win..."

He shushed Saeryn with his hand before she could say anything.

"Don't worry, sister. The troubles of nobles should never be made the troubles of commoners, and this Emnet has enough problems without our revealing to the people that we question our superiors." He swore. "Really, Saer, it would be a nightmare if commoners got it into their heads that it is acceptable to talk back. We protect and govern them in return for their loyalty and obedience. As long as we are good rulers, commoners absolutely must remain good subjects. No, we can't show them by example that they may question or refuse. Upon both of our honors, Saeryn, I swear that I will not fight with anyone tonight, no matter how I am baited to do so."
A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading. - C.S. Lewis
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Old 11-11-2009, 07:06 PM   #1932
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Oh psh. Don't worry about convention. I just like things to look nice and run smooth.
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Old 11-12-2009, 03:12 PM   #1933
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Foley, your post was brilliant.

I'm posting something short for Modtryth tonight and possible for the W's too, and Cnebba if needs be - but I kind of think it may be better to leave things open-ended there...
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:00 PM   #1934
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My apologies Foley, I somehow managed to miss the part of Saeryn addressing the boys. I continued with a few lines for Cnebba, feel free to carry on.

And as for what I wrote for Modtryth, the first soldier to enter the kitchen was obviously Áforglaed and the second one is Hilderinc who is looking for him. Lhuna, if you're around, I hope I handled Ginna correctly.

I will write for Wulf&Will as soon as I get inspiration... hopefully tomorrow!

PS. Fea dear, you agreed with Foley's plan but actually forgot to delete the post.
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Old 11-12-2009, 05:21 PM   #1935
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Yes, I just noticed that. All better.
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Old 11-13-2009, 02:44 AM   #1936
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Wonderful, I am going to post for Hilderinc later today, filling part of the time he spends in between unpacking and the evening celebration...
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Old 11-13-2009, 03:14 AM   #1937
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Opening the can of worms again.

Originally Posted by Folwren View Post
Guard room and Armory at the front of the building. Guardroom a little too small for my liking...unless we decide to put all the men who aren't strictly guards back in that back room.
I need to get this settled probably now. So, which one of the maps are we going to use? Because if it is the last one (presented in the post I am quoting) and the guardroom is in the main building, it is preeeeeetty small! I mean, in that case, it would be just guardroom for, like, some eight people sleeping there at most, or something like that. And I was just writing my post for Hilderinc and I accidentally used one of the former maps, where the room was much bigger and next to the kitchens... thus Hilderinc's thoughts about it were good... then I saw this and figured that in that case, I would need to reconsider. In that case, his reactions would be preeetty negative (Which is maybe in our intention? ) So, anyway, I do not have time to finish my post now, but when I will be back home in the evening, some six hours from now or a bit more, then I would like to post (well, of course I can still edit it later if we decide otherwise... but since the looks of the barracks are probably going to influence Hilderinc's mood, I think it's time to settle it now).

So, meanwhile, if there is anything yet to add or alter about the Mead Hall's appearance, or mainly, about the soldiers' "housing place", let's talk about it... also, where are the men of the Mead Hall living now (i.e. the locals)? Are some soldiers now in the barracks, and some of them are going to move out, or will some of them stay and squeeze in with a few of the new soldiers, while others will be... where? Where do the men sleep? And where will the rest of Athanar's soldiers sleep? It is obvious that not all soldiers, let alone all men in the Mead Hall can sleep in the same small room. (Personally, I had nothing against the original placing of the barracks against the kitchen, as it would be at least partially heated from the kitchen, if there is a fireplace built in the neighbouring wall.)
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories
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Old 11-13-2009, 08:26 AM   #1938
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K, good. Thanks for your comments. It answers some questions I had earlier.

The main thing is, before everyone from Edoras came, the guardroom would have been big enough for Eodwine's current men at arms. And right now, all they were doing were building things that would currently house people. Future barracks were perhaps being built.

25ft by 12ft would be able to house more than 8 people. They would have to use stacked beds (bunk beds), but you can fit a lot of people into a fairly small space. I'm trying to the summer camp where I work, the staff housing is consists of two rooms about 20 ft by 10 ft (not including the sinks, toilet, and shower). They got four bunk-beds in a room, plus, on days that there were a lot of us, we would put up two additional cots. Now, this being kind of my basis, there are a few things we might address:
Would there be any such thing as a bunk-bed in Rohan?
Would the beds be as wide as the smallest size of beds we have now? I kind of think they would have narrower beds.
Even if the beds were narrower and were stacked, where would their stuff be kept?

All that being said, a 25 by 12 foot room is not big enough for all the men we have now...

So, I'm going to say, let's put as many men as we can into the room that is beside the Master Bedroom in the map, up at the end of the building. Here, I'll attach the document again with the word's written in.

This doesn't solve our problem of a small guardsroom. It may be that later we build an entirely separate barracks and give them a small fireplace or stove for themselves. I think one reason I liked the guardroom being in the building itself is that they would be there immediately, all the time. If we build a seperate barracks, then some of the guards should be at the guardroom at all times, just in case.

Thoughts? Comments?

EDIT: Upon reading Mnemosyne's post, my thoughts was: "Okay, here we go. Out of the frying pan into the fire."
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A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading. - C.S. Lewis

Last edited by Folwren; 11-13-2009 at 08:30 AM.
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Old 11-13-2009, 09:15 AM   #1939
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Okay, haven't thought about bunkbeds. My first general idea was having some really simple straw beds there, and of course some addittional space to put their stuff. Of course, bunkbeds would give some better solution to that problem, though still, as Foley says, not enough for giving everybody place to sleep. Bunkbeds... as for whether they would exist in Rohan, I wonder. Perhaps somebody more educated on that matter (of beds ) would help us? But my impression was anyway that simple soldiers would be closest to just lying on the floor on something simple (and especially in this half-built place), rather than having "beds" in the sense we understand it nowadays.

Anyway, I guess for the purposes of my posting now, it is sufficient to have the basic idea which we have now... I'll make Hilderinc see the guardroom inside the main building and evaluate it in a very vague manner, but I think we should solve this stuff for later, and the sooner, the better, so I'm also looking forward to other people's comments... (Nog? ...)
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories
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Old 11-13-2009, 10:32 AM   #1940
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Just a quick one right now. Hopefully more a bit later.

Let's remember the place is totally under construction and thence all the spaces could / should be more or less temporary... So how the rooms are spread & divided, who lives where, etc. could be changed later when we come up with a grander-scale plan (with a second storey and such) and time for them to have built them goes by.

So only the fireplaces and outer-walls should be seen as permanent structures, all else could be redistributed, changed, upgraded...

Would that sound okay to you?
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Last edited by Nogrod; 11-13-2009 at 10:39 AM.
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Old 11-13-2009, 11:11 AM   #1941
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Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
Let's remember the place is totally under construction and thence all the spaces could / should be more or less temporary... So how the rooms are spread & divided, who lives where, etc. could be changed later when we come up with a grander-scale plan (with a second storey and such) and time for them to have built them goes by.
Well, for sure. But anyway, my question was aimed to the present, and also we need to take account that the people are somewhere in the present. But for now, it is fine as it is.

And so I have posted. Gwath, I took it that Crabannan entered through the same door as Hilderinc did, i.e. from inside the building (which actually makes a lot of sense when I read your post, as he was inside the hall before he came to the kitchen, so he would obviously take the shortest route). Not sure about Áforglćd in this sense, as perhaps he would have more probably came from the courtyard (which would just mean that maybe you, Lommy, could edit your post to point out that Hilderinc entered through the other door than the soldier before him). Somehow this idea of Hilderinc "exploring" the place in this way occured to me and it seems better in the end to me than if he came through the courtyard (also, this way I made him avoid the commotion in the courtyard, if there was any left).

I guess whoever, Lommy or Gwath, may continue our little kitchen discussion from here... it's pretty open.

And ha, it looks like we have even a description of Áforglćd already! He is slowly becoming flesh and blood. I wonder if I could maybe really write some short info-post for him and ask Pio to link it to the character list, possibly as some "partially-common use" character.
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories
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Old 11-13-2009, 02:06 PM   #1942
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I'm glad we have some playing going on between the men. This is fun.

Yes, I agree with Nogrod and Legate - all rooms are temporary, but I am forming it as it would be seen now at this moment, not as a finished product yet (except the stables - the stables are shown as a finished product, although I've already stated all the stalls branching off to the left are not built yet).

I posted for Saeryn and Javan. They are still in the stables, but at any time that someone else wants to post them coming out, they're ready. I am now sitting tight until I see at least some posts from one of Nienna, Mnymosyne, Loslote, or Nogrod.

I may use Thornden if the need comes up, but otherwise, Saeryn and Javan are at a halt until other players are ready.

-- Foley
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Old 11-14-2009, 04:08 PM   #1943
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I've linked Nogrod's new map of Mid Emnet and Foley's drawing of the Meadhall and outbuildings to Post #3 of this thread.

You can always find a link to all the maps/drawings there are so far by clicking Post #2 of this thread and accessing the Location of Meadhall/MAPS section link.

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Old 11-14-2009, 10:40 PM   #1944
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Thank you, Pio. In time, we will come up with a finished version and the floor plan can be replaced.

-- Foley
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Old 11-15-2009, 01:59 PM   #1945
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Oh no. Oh, no! Groin, your posts never cease to surprise and amuse me!!! That is so funny and great!

I am under the distinct impression that he is speaking with Athanar himself. Am I not correct?

You said Athanar was a rider, but I thought Nogrod said he was on foot. May want to consider re-wording that.
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Old 11-15-2009, 03:07 PM   #1946
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Originally Posted by Folwren View Post
I am under the distinct impression that he is speaking with Athanar himself. Am I not correct?
Absolutely! It must be Athanar he's speaking with...

Although that being the case I would like you Groin to make a few minor adjustments to your post...

You post:
The man looked at the extended hand as if he had never shook hands before. It was a very reluctant hand shake.
which would be incorrect... lord Athanar would shake a hand firmly and even quite in a tough way. He is a veteran soldier and a commander who doesn't shy away of hand-shakes... on the contrary.

“What do you mean by that?” The man’s voice contained some irritation in it.
It would not be irritation, but curiosity. Athanar is no fool and meeting this "everyman" from Scarburg would give him a lot of information so he would be rather more interested in hearing what Erbrand has to say. So no irritation...

And with the same vein:
“Then how did you mean it?” The man was becoming obviously vexed.
lord Atrhanar would not grow more vexed but more interested...

But otherwise, A nice idea I'll try to answer in a moment...
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Old 11-15-2009, 03:49 PM   #1947
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Groin: let me know if how I portrayed Erbrand is okay as he must have been stunned to have hit lord Athanar himself and talking to him like to any soldier...
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Old 11-15-2009, 05:04 PM   #1948
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Adjustments are made and yes, that was just how Erbrand would react, Nogrod. I took the whole peasant meeting lord thing a little too formally I guess. I wrote from the perspective that Athanar as a lord might be reluctant to mingle with the peasants--the lowest class. This will teach me to put words in your character's mouth. I'll stop doing such from now on.

I'll get a post up for Erbrand's reaction. He is shocked
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Old 11-15-2009, 09:08 PM   #1949
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I'm sorry for not posting in so long. I will try to post tonight. If need be, of course carry Coen along.
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Old 11-16-2009, 03:49 PM   #1950
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Originally Posted by Groin Redbeard View Post
I took the whole peasant meeting lord thing a little too formally I guess. I wrote from the perspective that Athanar as a lord might be reluctant to mingle with the peasants--the lowest class. This will teach me to put words in your character's mouth. I'll stop doing such from now on.
Don't you worry Groin! And actually you're quite right that lord Athanar might not be too happy to be approached by unknown commoners in that friendly fashion - or not realising who he is... But I hope you also see that what Erbrand said was really important to Athanar. It was the first time he heard there had been rows between his men and the "locals" (from his POV) and what Erbrand said about the general feeling at the Mead Hall... That was something he really wanted to hear, every bit of it, whoever was telling him that.

But it looks very good now and the lead you left me just cries out for continuing! It's late, but I'll make a short post at least.

On another issue. I see the fervour of posting is slowly coming down... When would you guys wish to have the banquet to start in RL-terms?
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Old 11-16-2009, 03:51 PM   #1951
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That's partially b/c there's a group post in the works...
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Old 11-16-2009, 04:28 PM   #1952
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Originally Posted by Mnemosyne View Post
there's a group post in the works...
Go on with it! No hurry!

Groin: I left Erbrand there without any special hook to grab (as I thought people were willing to get forwards) but make him follow lord Athanar once again if you feel like it. I will be able to answer tomorrow if you have something...

Although, Mnemo, should our characters have a word? Athanar has learned of the row between the soldiers and he believes he has learned about Saeryn's pregnancy. And if Wynflaed has learned about Aedre we might make a post between the two before going into the banquet - whenever it is going to take place?
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Old 11-17-2009, 03:06 PM   #1953
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There seems to be a few posts underway behind the scenes so feel free to post anything you can come up with. The banquet will probably not start before the weekend so there's ample time for anyone to go forward with whatever your characters are doing - or to get your character into some meetings with others.

Groin: I think lord Athanar would not have stressed the fact that "there is a new lord in Scarburg" knowing how delicate the situation is... but otherwise it was very good, like him (as far as I know him by far). And there's no need to change that either as I don't think it such a big deal...

I just need to come to grips with him whether that was something he slipped away consciously, whether it was an actual slip, or whether he was just trying to say something and saying things he didn't actually mean. The last option looks the most natural to me right now but let's see...
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Old 11-17-2009, 07:36 PM   #1954
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Originally Posted by Nogrod
There seems to be a few posts underway behind the scenes so feel free to post anything you can come up with. The banquet will probably not start before the weekend so there's ample time for anyone to go forward with whatever your characters are doing - or to get your character into some meetings with others.
I would love to post, but I have nothing to say. So...I'll sit tight and wait with great anticipiation!

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Old 11-18-2009, 03:34 PM   #1955
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Originally Posted by Folwren View Post
I would love to post, but I have nothing to say. So...I'll sit tight and wait with great anticipiation!

-- Foley
Similar with me. I am actually waiting for Gwath's reaction, if any. But I am indeed awaiting with anticipation for the PM-prepared posts, too (But as for the banquet, I think we could basically move to it soon... if there are no more ground-breaking events coming.)
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories
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Old 11-18-2009, 04:35 PM   #1956
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Good to know that even if sad to hear it...

Well, here's my idea. We wait for Mnemo, Lottie & Nienna to make their post concerning Aedre, Lilige and Wynflaed but we skip the post concerning Athanar and Wynflaed (whatever they discussed can be hinted at in later post if felt they are needed).

Then I'll try to come up with the opening words of the banquet in let's say 24 hours from now.

If anyone wishes to move oneself or the story towards the beginning of the banquet just feel free to do it. Like moving your character next to someone else, sitting into a same table, have a little chat... whatever.

The banquet should probably take place in the Mead Hall as I think people have been too busy carrying things around not to have time to organise a party-arrangement outside. Or if you wish it otherwise, it's okay.

The first to write about it gets the decision!
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Old 11-19-2009, 02:14 AM   #1957
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Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc View Post
Similar with me. I am actually waiting for Gwath's reaction, if any. But I am indeed awaiting with anticipation for the PM-prepared posts, too (But as for the banquet, I think we could basically move to it soon... if there are no more ground-breaking events coming.)
I'll be posting as soon as I well can, maybe tomorrow or the day after. Certainly Sunday at the latest.
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Old 11-19-2009, 02:41 PM   #1958
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My post for lord Athanar's speech is getting ready quite soon.

But I will first PM it to the "original Scarburg character" writers to hear their comments on the crowd reactions. This is no discrimination...

It is just that I have written some crowd reactions to some parts of lord Athanar's speech (like what he says of Thornden or Saeryn) and I would like to have the writers' feelings on how the "original characters" would react before posting the speech eg. to see they are right from the start.

Which means you guys have about 24 hours still to tie up anything that is unfinished, or to introduce the banquet (especially the new writers might wish to take the option to build their character a bit more by writing of their feelings before the banquet).

My post will start from lord Athanar's speech so it is assuming everyone is inside the hall and the first round of drinks has been served. In the sad occasion no one has introduced the banquet I will add a few lines to the beginning of the post to introduce the situation, but I hope someone else can do it as lord Athanar's speech is already like 3 pages with Word...

Also important: I will add a "save" before my post tomorrow (about 24 hours from now) - which is against the basic principles of the Mead Hall but can be used in dire situations... so if fex. Mnemo, Nienna, Lottie are not able to produce their post before lord Athanar speaks that post can be added there. Or if Gwath is not able to make a post before it but wishes to make it and Legate wishes to answer... we can put them there (I can do it or Pio could do it). Well anything you think should be added before the banquet begins could be added there.

But as I said, you have now 24 hours to do that without any "save-tricksery"...
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Old 11-19-2009, 03:52 PM   #1959
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Legate - I can edit my post if you edit yours: there would be four women in the kitchen (Modtryth, Frodides, Kara and Ginna), not three.

I'll post for Modtryth and the two disasters on foot (or on horse, atm) yet today before I go to sleep.
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Old 11-19-2009, 04:07 PM   #1960
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
Legate - I can edit my post if you edit yours: there would be four women in the kitchen (Modtryth, Frodides, Kara and Ginna), not three.
Done (Or at least if I mentioned it only once, I think so...)

Looking forward to any posts coming yet, I would prefer to get somewhat "clean slate" before the banquet starts so that there is not that much confusion in our minds from thinking about our characters at various times, but sure there's time yet.
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