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Old 06-17-2006, 07:11 PM   #1
Elladan and Elrohir
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The Eye What was the WORST new scene in the three EE's?

All right, so you've sung Jackson's praises in giving your favorite new scene in the three EE's. So now, what in your opinion is the WORST new scene in the three EE's?

My choice would have to be the confrontation of Gandalf and the Witch-king in ROTK. Still not sure why they had to show Gandalf getting his rear end kicked, and I'm really not sure why the Witch-king hears Rohan-horns and suddenly decides to pass up killing G.

I would say the Mouth of Sauron scene because of what happens at the end of it, but the rest of the scene is so good. So yeah, Gandalf vs. WK is my pick.

So, what infuriated my fellow BDers?
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Old 06-18-2006, 02:32 PM   #2
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I would agree on the two scenes mentioned above, but I also will add the scene with the confrontation with Aragorn and co. with the Corsair’s. It was so poor and seemed to detract from the seriousness of the storyline of Minas Tirith being overrun by the hosts of Mordor.

The other scene was that of Eowyn when she is tucked in by Aragorn and grabs his arm and says the dream that was Faramir’s dream in the book. It really seemed thrown in there and unless you had for knowledge of what that meant you would be like what the heck does that have to do with this.
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Old 06-19-2006, 08:13 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Elladan and Elrohir
My choice would have to be the confrontation of Gandalf and the Witch-king in ROTK. Still not sure why they had to show Gandalf getting his rear end kicked, and I'm really not sure why the Witch-king hears Rohan-horns and suddenly decides to pass up killing G.
Oh Lord here we go again.

Not that I don't agree with you (mostly), but I hope this doesn't spark yet another Gandalf/Witch-King debate.
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Old 07-01-2006, 03:48 PM   #4
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Ah, sorry. That is not my intent. Not that this topic has generated much discussion yet, but in the event that it does, please stay away from excessive G/W-K bashing.
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Old 07-01-2006, 04:04 PM   #5
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Not that this topic has generated much discussion yet, but in the event that it does, please stay away from excessive G/W-K bashing.
The fanfic or the scene

Worst new scene, agreed the end of the Mouth of Sauron bit, though only because of what we know from the books, with Aragorn not even needing to raise a weapon to cause fear.
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Old 07-10-2006, 06:57 PM   #6
Azaelia of Willowbottom
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Well, everything mentioned was from the ROTK EE DVD, which I have refused to watch...I've seen all the special features, but not the actual movie because I'd heard multiple places that it just wasn't as good as the theatrical release, which I loved (in spite of it not completely matching the book, it is my absolute favorite of the three). So I didn't watch that one. But I have seen FOTR and allow me to contribute my least favorite scene from the TTT EE, since I loved the FOTR version.

I didn't like the construction and flow of the TTT EE as a whole, especially towards the end, but one moment just stuck out in particular as especially bad.

It's the scene where Legolas and Gimli are arguing about their final tallies, and Gimli delivers his (in)famous "nervous system" line, in a weak attempt at humor. It was laughable, but didn't have the effect they were going for...and got a cringe from me, instead of a laugh. It just completely jarred me out of Middle-earth. I'm assuming that was the reason why it was left out of the theatrical release, and I just don't see what was gained by putting it into the EE at all.
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Old 07-20-2006, 01:30 PM   #7
Beanamir of Gondor
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Ah, Azaelia, then it's just as well that you haven't seen the newest Legolas-Gimli scene in RotK EE, probably my least favorite scene. Legolas and Gimli have a drinking game... and the elf wins. By a landslide of wet tankards and a slight tingling in his hands. As the dwarf passes out on the floor. Argh. Somtimes the Comic Relief Team of Legolas & Gimli just doesn't do it.
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Old 07-20-2006, 02:04 PM   #8
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Oh, golly, Azaelia, I totally think the EE RotK was excellent! There was some great added stuff there!

Uh, worst added stuff in the EE? Well, when I first saw the topic on the Dicsussion Forum I only saw 'What was the WORST new scene. . .' and my answer was immediately the part where Frodo turns Sam away, but that was in the regular edition. . .

My least favorite was Gandalf being blasted by the Witch-King. I won't bash it, but that was a poorly thought out plan of Jackson. That or Sam asking Galadriel if she didn't have any more of those nice, shiny daggers in the FotR. Argh! That makes me whither in my seat and blush for the poor chap who'd never say anything of the type!

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Old 07-20-2006, 03:32 PM   #9
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I just watched the EE's with a bunch of people who'd never seen them before. To them the new scenes were great, an extra bit of the film that meant the experience went on for longer.

They laughed out loud at the drinking scene, and as they did I found myself enjoying it a little. Eomer's expression as Legolas talks about the tingle is wonderful, and Gimli's cross-eyed look is quite priceless.

The same thing happened with the 'nervous system' gag. After the tense battle and the euphoric rescue by Gandalf and Eomer there's a bit of light relief that really does work.

I was beginning to think that we're all a bit jaded, but then I realised that they aren't manic Tolkien fans. I was the biggest there and I can't even compare to some of the people on here. Moments like that don't jar them out of Middle Earth like they do us. That's why I sometimes wish I'd seen the films first, to have that lack of knowledge so that all of it can be enjoyed.

However, I didn't stay for the second part of RotK, so I can still claim the Gandalf/Witch King scene as being the worst in the EE's
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Old 07-20-2006, 09:48 PM   #10
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Yeah, I would say the worst scene was Gandalf vs. The Witchking, but the biggest letdown was The Houses of Healing...could have gone more in depth with such a scene. I'm talking about the scene where Aragorn is healing was done nicely but just should have been more. I'm not talking about the scenes with Faramir and Eowyn though, because that was done greatly.
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Old 07-20-2006, 11:53 PM   #11
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I'm talking about the scene where Aragorn is healing was done nicely but just should have been more
Agreed, I think that this scene could have been a little more descriptive....showing exactly what kind of "powers" Aragorn has.

I'm not talking about the scenes with Faramir and Eowyn though, because that was done greatly
I totally disagree with this. I for one, hated the way they left out major information on how Faramir and Eowyn got together. I mean come on if one did not know better one would assume that they were just two people standing beside eachother at the end of the movie. I thought and still do think that PJ should have mentioned a wee bit in the House of Healing how the two of them met.
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Old 07-21-2006, 08:34 AM   #12
Beanamir of Gondor
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Originally Posted by Naria
I thought and still do think that PJ should have mentioned a wee bit in the House of Healing how the two of them met.
Perhaps something about the Indistiguishable Backup Hobbit ....
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Old 07-21-2006, 12:15 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Naria
I thought and still do think that PJ should have mentioned a wee bit in the House of Healing how the two of them met.
This he could have elaborated on, but I'm talking about the scene between Faramir and Eowyn in itself, the finished product. It really has the feeling of the books. Especially when Faramir says "I do not think this darkness will endure". Even if we don't see the development between the two, I can see the familiarity and comfort they share, and you can see Faramir falling for her. So for what it is, I stand by what I said---it was done greatly.
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Old 07-21-2006, 02:19 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by MatthewM
This he could have elaborated on, but I'm talking about the scene between Faramir and Eowyn in itself, the finished product. It really has the feeling of the books. Especially when Faramir says "I do not think this darkness will endure". Even if we don't see the development between the two, I can see the familiarity and comfort they share, and you can see Faramir falling for her. So for what it is, I stand by what I said---it was done greatly.
I agree. I liked the added Faramir and Eowyn scenes. There were lots of added scenes I loved, but that's not the point of this thread. . .

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Old 08-06-2006, 04:35 PM   #15
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my least favourite part of all the EE's is that there wasn't anything extra at all in the final 20 minutes or so.....
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Old 08-15-2006, 08:46 AM   #16
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Let's see here...


All of the added 'burp' or 'fart' scenes! The (I type this with gritted teeth) Gandalf vs Witch King scene, what an abomination! The stupid drinking game... curses. Gothmog chasing Eowyn on Pellenor, I thought it was a useless Hollywood cliche' and took away from the dour situation. I mean, Gothmog's growls and grunts are nearly laughable!


Not really any complaints here, I didn't like this film from the start, but the new scenes weren't exactly bad...


No complaints, I thought the additional scenes really added to this film. It felt more 'Tolkien True' to me than the original version, especially the Shire scenes. Oh, wait a minute, on second thought, there is that whole Lembas bit with Pippin belching... forgot about that.

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Old 08-30-2006, 05:12 PM   #17
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I was NOT happy at being beheaded .
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