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Old 01-16-2005, 08:28 PM   #1
Rose Cotton
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25th Anniversary Edition DVD

As if you havn't alreadly given Peter Jackson enough of your hard earned wages in the RotK:EE he hints releasing even more footage.

In this article PJ confirms the desire to create another DVD for fans.

So I thought we could use this topic to:

1. Talk about the probablility of a DVD

2. Talk about what we would like to see on the DVD

Sorry if this is already being discussed somewhere.
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Old 01-17-2005, 04:11 AM   #2
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Thumbs up Good find

Wow! I hope this will be true, I'd love to see more! Darn I just can't wait! Good find!
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Old 01-17-2005, 10:00 AM   #3
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Surely there will be some anniversary addition (isn't there always?), but I'm not sure that I would be in line to purchase it. What more could one hope to see? Unless completely new scenes were added (and some less 'well received' ones removed), I don't think that there is enough there for PJ to tempt me.

Hope that this isn't blasphemy, but one would hope that in 25 years someone else would produce LOTR using state of the art technology. Having been around awhile, I can only dream as to what that could be like, as I remember when Rankin-Bass was better than nothing.

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Old 01-17-2005, 10:23 AM   #4
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Taking into account what has already been released and any clashes that may occur, I would like to see a little more of the journey towards Bree. There are many things in that section which were left out ie-

1. Farmer Maggot.

2. Tom Bombadil.

3. The Barrow Downs.

4. The possibility of seeing The Rangers guarding The Shire.

It would depend on whether Jackson thought any of this was interesting enough, or he may want to introduce us to some other characters and situations that leave us baffled. The other piece I would love to see, is The Druedain.
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Old 01-17-2005, 11:11 AM   #5
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Mr. Jackson speaks many times about his 25th Edition DVD on the commentary of the EE Return of the King. Humorously he will add in here or there "Yes, we had a lot more stuff for this scene but it was cut. I guess it'll just end up in the 25th Aniversary Edition." or "I really liked that scene, but we cut it. Someone remind me to put that in the 25th."

So while the plan is a wonderful idea, it won't fill up the missing holes between the movie and the book.

His extra footage that he refers to would not be entire scenes like Tom Bombadil's but little added lines, or additions. Listen to the commentary for exactly what he said.
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Old 01-17-2005, 11:27 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Ainaserkewen
His extra footage that he refers to would not be entire scenes like Tom Bombadil's but little added lines, or additions. Listen to the commentary for exactly what he said.
Exactly. There would be nothing really new. He may recut a scene so that it appears different (using different takes of the same scene), but one would/hope think that he put his best stuff out already.

My experience has been that 'never before seen footage' means that it wasn't really good enough to include before, but now that we're scraping the bottom of the barrel...
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Old 01-17-2005, 01:03 PM   #7
Child of the 7th Age
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"I don't want to add more footage," Jackson says. "There's as much in there as we want. Eventually you are just going to go backward and weaken the films."
As I understand it, the movie would not be touched in any way. What we are talking about is a documentary on the "making of the movie" plus a bloopers reel. While the former might hold some interest and the latter would be amusing, I think that I would probably pass on this. I might rent a copy from Blockbuster but doubt I would spend big bucks for a personal copy.

There is just one exception to this statement. If the set came with a "limited edition" from WETA---similar to the ones that came with the EE gift sets or the one-volume release of the book with Bilbo/Gandalf bookmarks, then I would look twice and make a decision.
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Old 01-17-2005, 01:49 PM   #8
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Two words: Blooper Reel. That in itself would be worth some money.

I also think he will add some scenes, not into the movie itself, but as seperate deleted scenes.

Another thing I look forward to is a re-vamped gollum. He changed so much between the 1st and 3rd movie, I would like to see him re-done so he looks the same everywhere.
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Old 01-17-2005, 04:08 PM   #9
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Where will we be?

Can you imagine yourself in 20 something years?
I think that I would probably pass on this. I might rent a copy from Blockbuster but doubt I would spend big bucks for a personal copy.
Perhaps, but I think that by the time the Special Edition roles around, it might be nice to remember all the good times and feelings the movies carted with them.
What we are talking about is a documentary on the "making of the movie" plus a bloopers reel.
I love blooper reels or gag reels are even better, I was disapointed that none of the DVDs had any. Usually there is someone in the crew that would throw one together. But then again, perhaps the Producers didn't want to add one.
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Old 01-17-2005, 06:44 PM   #10
Rose Cotton
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What more could one hope to see?
Quite alot. There are many scenes that didn't make it into the EE DVDs not to mention the days worth of "making of" footage. Of course if your not interested in that then yes I supposed there wouldn't be anything here for you.

Personally, I would buy the edition if only to see this scene:

----> When Sam must get though the watchers of Cirith Ungol. <-------

When I first watched the movie in theatres I felt that it was filmed but left out and that it would apear in the EE.
Then when I watched the EE it still wasn't there and I figured that my gut feeling had been wrong.
Then I watched the director's commentary and PJ said that they had indeed filmed the scene of Sam struggling to get past the watchers and he just didn't feel it was needed in the EE. My heart sank to hear those words. How could he have been so inconsiderate as to put in extra scenes like Legolas and Gimli's drinking game and leave out a scene from the book that would have been so dear to me.

Therefore I will continue to wait for that DVD to finally see that scene.
(And I always enjoy bloopers reals.)
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Old 01-18-2005, 03:54 AM   #11
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This is about TROTK but there are some pics of Goblins of the first film. But the pics you see of the Goblins wern't in the first film nor in the EE, so, maybe there will be one of the first film as well?

Here's a link to a pic:
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Old 01-18-2005, 06:35 AM   #12
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Yeah, those goblins were from an alternate version of the Fellowship entering Lorien. Originally, PJ had the fellowship being chased by the Moria orcs into Lothlorien, where they were rescued by Haldir & co. This was replaced because they felt it would be good to show Gimli's mistrust of Galadriel at first.
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Old 01-18-2005, 07:06 AM   #13
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Don't slaughter me, but I'm hoping they'll put Aragorn's fight with Sauron in that edition...Why? Because I liked what I saw of the concept on the ROTK EE. When I first heard about it being filmed, I thought: 'Oh NO!' but then when PJ explained the concept and how they wanted to go about it, I saw that somehow it could work. I mean, sure it's not in the book, it's out of character but then again how many things in the movie are? Better for Aragorn to defeat Sauron in a 'fair' fight, however unlikely that may seem to us, then chop MoS' head off unawares...But I stray off topic , sorry.

I also look forwars to more bloopers/ behind the scenes stuff, interviews with cast and crew because I enjoyed these a lot so far!
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Old 01-18-2005, 07:45 AM   #14
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Packaging & Sales

If I may put in my opinion, I think they'll sell more of the extra cuts and bloopers/bleepers if it is NOT packaged as part of a very expensive set, but as a stand alone item. At least, I see myself as more likely to buy it then!

Or will it be a gold embossed, leather bound, genuine parchment, complete book/script & movie collection?

In any event, it seems that the extras mentioned in the article would be released sometime in the relatively near future (in conjuntion with THE HOBBIT?) rather than some 21 years from now.
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Old 01-18-2005, 10:20 AM   #15
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yeah, I'm not sure what this 25th Anniversarry is all about. 25 years from now? I'd go so far in saying that dvds won't be selling in 25 years time. I agree with Matt Groening who said by the time he's released all the Simpsons on DVD he'll be able to start releasing them again on the next version of technology!!!!!
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Old 01-18-2005, 02:52 PM   #16
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1420! In the trailer, but not EE

I'd really like to see some of the things that were in the RotK trailer, but didn't make it into the EE. I really want to see the part where Merry says to Pippin "We shall see The Shire again." Also, I'm a bit curious about the scene with Arwen and Elrond on that bridge...
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Old 01-19-2005, 06:57 AM   #17
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But what will you see more? Bigger wars on the fields of Pellenor? More of Faramir and Eowyn? And if it's a 25th Anniversary DVD, it's means that it will come in 25 years?
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Old 02-01-2005, 09:45 AM   #18
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Srry that I bumped up a older topic

Here's another picture of a scene with Legolas in FOTR that wasn't in the movie nor in the EE version:
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