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Old 01-04-2003, 12:24 PM   #1
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Sting Call me cynical, but...

Firstly, I am a new member and this is my first post so: hello and a prosperous new year to all at the Barrowdowns.<P>I have been a LOTR fan for many years and welcome the fact that the technology is now available to make a stab (no pun intended) at making the film. Having watched the first two parts (I do not see TTT or RTOTK as sequels)I am of the opinion that PJ has made a valiant effort. However, Is it just me or has anybody else picked up on what looks like a blatent piece of commercialism in the releasing of the 'theatrical' and extended DVD's in a relatively short space of time?<P>Further, having watched the director's commentry on the special features, I picked up on PJ saying that several scenes were shot but were not wholely shown on the extended edtion. Does this mean that there are scenes that will eventually be seen on a specially extended extended version to be released possibly after all three parts of the film have been shown?<P>I'm not neieve in that I realise that success these days for a film is not measured in awards so much as takings. By this maxim then PJ may well have directed the most successful film in cinematic history.<P>Anyway, your comments will be appreciated on this and I am sorry for the length of this post.
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Old 01-04-2003, 01:32 PM   #2
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Welcome to the Barrow Downs! Have fun being dead. <P>Actually, I don't think that there will be a special extended extended edition (although I really hope that I'm wrong). Those were just tidbits that didn't "move the story along." Besides, even LotR fanatics like us might get bored with a 4 and a half hour long movie (along with 6+ hours of bonus stuff in the appendices) Too bad...
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Old 01-04-2003, 01:46 PM   #3
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He deserves to have the most sucessful film in cinematic history. What he has done in these last few years is so wonderful. And I really hope for a special extended extended version, though I also doubt there will be one. <P>I agree that there is too much commercialism for LOTR, but I dont think that PJ is the one responsible for it. The worst was the Burger King toys. It takes the meaning out of LOTR to see it splashed around everywhere.
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Old 01-04-2003, 01:53 PM   #4
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its not pj's fault the commercialism is out of hand. he said himself he's unhappy with it, b/c tolkien would be furious! (he really would)
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Old 01-04-2003, 02:00 PM   #5
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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> its not pj's fault the commercialism is out of hand. he said himself he's unhappy with it, b/c tolkien would be furious! (he really would) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Yeah! Luckily, his ghost can't wreak havoc on the world because of everybody's shallowness. I can imagine Christopher bursting a blood vessel right now, though.
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Old 01-05-2003, 01:21 AM   #6
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mae govennan, mellon nin to the barrowdowns forum.<P>I heard the movie was to be a good 6 hours long if everything is included. I do not know of any special extended version or anything, but who knows? maybe one day it might come out. But do not trust hope.for it is forsaken in this time of the world.<P>peace
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Old 01-05-2003, 02:36 AM   #7
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Remeber that the Extended Version was a special version of the film for the fans of the books...PJ has expressed this before. Also the extended version was specially designed so it could be 'viewable' Six hours is a very long time for any film, and this extended version was designed for those purposes. To please the lovers of the books and to also for people to be able to watch numerous times.
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Old 01-05-2003, 02:42 AM   #8
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I think they will probably have a 3 movie set with special features for the entire series after the 3 movies come out. But I think that the extended editions for FOTR, TTT, and ROTK are the final "changed" versions that we will see.<P>Oh and Welcome to the Downs
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Old 01-05-2003, 03:20 AM   #9
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The Special Fantastic Skippy Slippy Slappy Happy Fun set will be as follows:<P>All of the Lord of the Rings films from the animated versions, to the Big whooptie doo live action versions, the Hobbit animated television series AND that homemade version you made with your brother when you were 10.<P>AND it'll include all Star Wars movies after the last one is made. OH and the X-men films. And the Harry Potter films. OOOOH and all the Matrix movies!!!<BR>JUST FOR THE SMACKIN' GOOD OF IT! <P>TOP THAT!<P>Serious, I'm interested in seeing what that 3-film compilation will be...hmmmm.....<P>You're not therapist says I'm eccentric, whatever that means... <BR> <p>[ January 05, 2003: Message edited by: Pookabunny ]
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Old 01-05-2003, 03:30 AM   #10
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Hi there,<P>I am new here also but I would like to add that while I also find the comercial angle that has been taken with The LOTR films distasteful, I beleve that the financial succsess of the LOTR trilogy will help encourage the film industry to take a look at High Fantasy as a Viable genre. <P>We can hope that as the net widens for film scripts that other authors works also get the Peter Jackson treatment. I for one am hoping that Messers Gemmell/Feist and Lady Hobb all are in the running for Films of there Work.
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Old 01-05-2003, 03:47 AM   #11
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I'm also cynical about the Extended DVD, but for a different reason. There is a disturbing trend of important scenes being cut and then turning up on the Extended DVD. The Downs is littered with comments along the lines of "boy, I really hated how they didn't show *insert scene/dialogue*, but I hear it'll be in the Extended version. Don't get me wrong, I'm SO grateful for this brilliant new medium, it's gonna make big changes to entertainment. I think that so long as filmmakers have this safety net to fall back on, they won't be under pressure to create the best possible cut for the cinemas.<P><A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>Here</A> is a link that I <I>thought</I> would have some good comments on the Extended DVD, but right now doesn't have a lot on offer. Maybe you can add something.<P>On the commercialism thing, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Before the movies came out my stock joke was "I can't wait to get a Frodo happy meal!". At least it's not as over-the-top as Star Wars. Waylander - GREAT name! - I'm sure fantasy will explode onto the scene after LOTR's success, but that might not be a good thing. A lot of fantasy films I've seen up to now are nothing but mush crudely designed just to get audiences to the box office, and aren't very good (Dungeons & Dragons comes to mind).
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Old 01-05-2003, 04:39 AM   #12
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Doug,<P>I have to agree with you about D&D, truly abysmal, but there are dodgy films In any genre, eg after Star Wars came The Last Starfighter, On the whole though Star Wars provided the Boost that turned SF into a Mainstream Genre.<P>I wonder What PJ would have done with Dune?
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Old 01-05-2003, 05:12 PM   #13
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Well, at least New Line Cinema had the decency to actually <I>tell</I> people about the various versions before hand - & their release dates. Many just let people buy the first version to come out with a 'directors cut' (or whatever) at a later date <I>without</I> any 'warning'...
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Old 01-05-2003, 07:42 PM   #14
Abigail the Just
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Nefturion,<P>The same thing occured to me. I guess we will find out in a couple years.<P>I enjoy the movies but if they couldn't make money with them they wouldn't have made them. <P>Abigail
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Old 01-05-2003, 08:54 PM   #15
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I've been wondering what'll be on the three movie set since before Fellowship was out. ~_^ I don't think, though, that they'll extend the movie any more. Even dedicated fans wouldn't be able to sit through a movie after so long. Besides, they had to compose a new song for the extended edition, and specially edit the scenes to make it fit. I don't think they'd do that much work for all three movies again. Some things just have to be cut.<P>I think that there'll just be more behind the scenes info and whatnot. Probably something more, but I can't guess right now.
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Old 01-07-2003, 02:24 AM   #16
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okay, I must admit that I held out for what I thought would be a "special edition" dvd for the FOTR... Consider that filming/editing/researching all that the dvd covers took a long time and I'm sure New Line didn't want to wait for PJ and the crew to complete it before selling the movie...try to think of it as a bonus and not as an evil ploy to get more money from you. I work in post production and everything takes 3 times longer than expected. I can't imagine the clearance route on this one...whoa. Daunting. Do this...just sell your original dvd on ebay and/or trade it in for the upgrade. Also, as a side note...I don't particularily see these films as "commercial". "Maid in Manhattan" commercial, "Scream 3" commercial...a movie about beloved hobbits, wizards, elves, demons and talking trees??? Not so commercial. The reason why these movies are so popular is because there is such a fan base for the literature. Plus, all of us hard core freaks are going back and paying $10 each time to see the movie over and over again. And, of course there is word of mouth (i.e. getting our "Catch Me If You Can" friends out to see the move that we love so much). Finally, there is the writing...I have NEVER read anything so mezmorizing and exciting. Everything starts with a good script...JRRT wrote amazing books and PJ (& crew) have created epic and exciting movies...bravo!!!
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