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Old 07-05-2002, 06:37 PM   #81
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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OOC: Good lead in post, Khelek!! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

The elf was quite red in the face when she reached the front of the cart, and taking hold firmly of the pony's reins, brought it to a halt.

Breathing deeply, one hand on her hip, her eyes blazing, she confronted the driver of the cart.

'Bird!! What in the Great Rift are you doing?'
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-05-2002, 06:42 PM   #82
Rose Cotton
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Rose Cotton has just left Hobbiton.

ooc: Thanks Child. Now on to the library!::
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 07-05-2002, 06:50 PM   #83
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Birdland has just left Hobbiton.

"How, now", said Birdie, a mischievous grin on her face. "Cannot a poor farm woman, with her young son and her crippled grandfather come to the City to take the sights and peddle some wares?"

Levanto, hearing Pio's voice, peered from out of his hood and called" My fair lady! Come in the back and ride with Grandpapa."

Birdie laughed and nudged Pio. "Poor granda lost his legs on the Pelennor Fields, he did. Come Pio, join us! It is an 'historic occasion'. We're not going to knock on the door of Elessar's chambers and announce ourselves, after all. Just a turn around the city and home again, home again."
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Old 07-06-2002, 05:52 AM   #84
Rose Cotton
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Rose Cotton has just left Hobbiton.

As they aproached the library Rose finnally realized people wern't just looking at her and Child because they were hobbits. Now that she was away from the boat Rose noticed how dissheveled she looked. She wore the same dress she had come to the party with and it was now damp, salty, torn, and wrinked.

So when they finnally sat down to read the dusty old volumes and maps Rose was also sewing together a new dress.
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 07-06-2002, 09:36 AM   #85
Child of the 7th Age
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Child and Rose had been sitting at one of the tables in the entry way amid the dusty volumes. Rose had brought along material and was sewing a new dress. Child shook her head and affectionately laughed. Then Child approached the librarian and explained they were seeking tales and poems of two sorts: the drowning of Numenor, and the history of Hobbits.

The librarian shook his head, but said nothing. "What a coincidence," he thought. Two parties searching for the same information and on such obscure topics! How strange, particularly the part about the hobbits, since few show interest in a people who only recently were known to us. And most of their history still seems so uneventful and unimportant!"

"Now, this group, I might understand, since at least these are hobbits. But the other one is quite beyond me." He shook his head again, but asked no questions and led them towards the library doors.

Child was eager to get into the archives. She was very comfortable in places like this and was not at all worried about her dress or cloak, which admittedly were quite worn. She loved even the smell and feel of such rooms with their piles of old books and parchment manuscripts, some in languages she could not even understand.

The librarian brought out a large brass key and led them to the entrance of the stacks. As the door unlocked and swung inward, it groaned on its hinges. Rose's eyes grew larger and larger as she surveyed the hundreds of shelves and tables filled with what must be thousands of items, all looking very ancient.

"How will we ever find anything here?" Rose whispered, gazing about in awe.

"Don't worry," Child replied, "Everything does have an order although it doesn't look like it. And we can ask the librarian to help us begin. We'll show him the riddles and ask to see a volume or scroll that contains similar text."

Child had a clear list in her head of the questions she wanted answered. She mentally reviewed them, one by one.

1. Was it only the Stoors who had left the Anduin, or were other membrs of the community involved?

2. In what age did the hobbits depart? Did the hobbits go voluntarily to the west, or were they forcibly removed? If so, by whom?

3. Had the hobbits gone directly to Numenor, or had there been other stops on the way?

4. Why had the Elves intervened to hide the hobbits on the Pillar of Heaven? What was so unique about hobbits that the immortal Elves had sailed from the Blessed Lands to intervene in their behalf, while so many others had died?

5. Most critically, what had happened to the hobbits after their hiding? Were they still hidden on the Isle? Had they disappeared in ages past? Had some or all been transported elsewhere?

Such a long list of questions! But, then, Child abruptly realized that both she and Mith had overlooked one possibility.

Perhaps the hobbits had not left Anduin of their own free will, or been forcibly seized. Perhaps one with a slick tongue and an evil heart had tricked them into departing their homeland, in hopes that they would perish or never return. That idea would explain much about the hobbits' later mistrust of adventures and fear of boats and water.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a voice came into Child's mind. She truly did not know from where it came. Child stood as if in another world, while words poured into her heart:

"Then Iluvatar spoke, and he said: 'Mighty are the Ainur, and mightiest among them is Melkor; but that he may know, and all the Ainur, that I am Iluvatar, those things that ye have sung. I will show them forth, that ye may see what ye have done. And thou, Melkor, shalt see that no theme may be played that hath not its uttermost source in me, nor can any alter the music in my despite. For he that attempteth this shall prove but mine instrument in the devising of things more wonderful, which he himself hath not imagined.'"
Rose pulled insistently on Child's cloak. "Child, Child, pay attention." But she ignored her.

Child felt as if in a dream. She knew these phrases were from the Ainulindale, but why they had come into her heart and mind with such force, she could not understand.

In some hidden recess of her mind, Child could also hear the librarian saying something, as if speaking through a long tunnel very far away: "Excuse me, another gentleman has the scroll you were requesting. The two of you will have to share."

Child looked up, still in a daze, and saw an Elf, one who looked majestic and very old. The Elf was reciting the same riddles which Child and Rose were seeking, except he was singing them with a beautiful melody she had never heard.

With one hard pull, Child fell back into reality.

But the strange Elf had evidently not been part of her dream for he was still there, quietly voicing the music and its mysterious words.

Child and Rose stared in amazement and disbelief.

[ July 06, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-06-2002, 10:58 AM   #86
Child of the 7th Age
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For some reason, perhaps because she had been brought back so rapidly from the world of vision, Child was filled with mistrust and apprehension. She clutched at Rose's hand to steady herself.

How could another being, a majestic Elf, be searching for the same information that they also sought?

Child no longer felt like a scholar, but only a very small hobbit who had stumbled in among the affairs of the great and wise. What could she possibly be thinking, intruding into a matter where mysterious Elves appeared out of nowhere and the ancient words of Eru flooded into her heart?

But behind all this, behind the great visions or the seated Elf, stood a very small hobrim, one who was even smaller and more alone than Child herself.

Child silently vowed that,whatever it took, whatever sacrifice was required, she would see this through. This was more than an adventure or whim. For Kali, who lived alone without kin or hobbit friends, surely deserved a people. And his people, her own ancestors, surely deserved to be rescued and not left stranded amid a strange ocean.

She waited for the Elf to speak, determined to find out what secrets he might hide.
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Old 07-06-2002, 11:53 AM   #87
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Pio raised her eyebrows and shook her head at Bird and 'Grandpa'. Her better sense said Turn this cart around and take them all back to the ship; but her sense of adventure overcame the warning and she climbed into the cart, careful not to sit too close to 'grandpa'. His legs might be gone in the 'war', but, as she recalled. his arms and hands were working just fine.

Bird shook the reins on the rump of the pony and urged him onward. 'I'm thirsty!', she announced as the moved down the road. 'Now I wonder where a tavern might be?'

'Just a turn around the city and home again, home again?!', said Pio.

'Relax, just a small drink. We'll be discrete. I want to savor all the delights of this fair city. I'm writing a book, you know.' He winked at her in a decidedly ungrandpa like manner.

Bird rolled her eyes at the announcement again of his book, and clucked at the pony to move along a little faster.

The elf looked at Levanto and laughed. 'Assure me, dear Levanto, that you do not have me on the list as one of the delights you intend to savor.'
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-06-2002, 12:09 PM   #88
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OOC: Veritas is still on holiday
Veritas was helping Mithadan get supplies for the ship. She was keeping the list of things needed, and ticked each one off as the deals were struck.

It was getting late in the afternoon, and since most of the provisions had been gotten in, Mithadan called a halt for the day. He was tired and just wanted to lean back in a chair on the deck with his legs on the railing, and let the breeze off the harbor cool him down. And then,there was Angara to entertain. She must not go flying into the city and arouse suspicions. And besides, he thought, there is the matter of those kegs of fine wines and hearty ales - someone needs to do a little testing of their quality. He strode back aboard the ship, telling Veritas that they were done for the day.

Veritas put the list away in the captain's cabin, and went looking for her friends. She knew Child and Rose were headed for the Library, but it was a fine afternoon and she didn't relish the thought of being shut in a room of dusty tomes. Where were Pio and Bird? It was just like them to go haring off seeking fun while others did all the work.

She shook off her feelings of being unjustly left behind, and decided to find the elf and the skin-changer. 'Now, where to look?!', she asked herself.

'Ah, yes, the nearest tavern!'

She raced down the gangplank and waved at Mithadan. 'Be back later!!'

[ July 06, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-06-2002, 12:21 PM   #89
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OOC: Tuor and Idril are still with us, correct? They probably should not sail into port, eh?!
Tuor had anchored his ship well beyond the waters of the bay. Idril stood at the prow and gazed toward where the mouths of the Anduin would be. She looked further north, imagininng the entrance into the harbor at Minas Anor. A slight frown creased her forehead.

'They'll be alright.' said Tuor to her, taking her hand gently in his in an attempt to comfort her. 'Child has a good head on her shoulders, and Mithadan seems to have a solid grasp of the dangers involved. What could go wrong?'

'It's not those two I'm worried about. It's Pio and her cohort, Bird. I've been trying to contact Pio, and can't seem to get through.' She laughed a silvery laugh and shook off her sense of foreboding.

'What could go wrong?' she asked. 'Nothing, I hope!'
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-06-2002, 02:27 PM   #90
Shade of Carn Dûm
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GreatWarg has just left Hobbiton.

The Elf memorized the words, putting it into song that had just floated to his mind from the Eldar days. Sensing someone watching him, he swung around. Khelek stood politely, and with a gracious movement of his hand, beckoned the lasses to come in.

"You are searching for the scrolls," he stated, searching their faces with keen, starlit eyes. Child nodded, still gazing at the Elf in wonder. Rose took the scrolls curiously, looking at the words, then turning to the blank side.

"Then there are, as I thought, others that are searching for answers; answers that may fill in gaps of lost history in the Fall of Numenor." The Elf continued to search them.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Rose inquired, embarresed at interrupting the Elf.

Khelek bowed, letting his dark cloak sweep the floor. "Excuse me for not introducing myself sooner. I am Khelek, from the House of Elrond, whom has sailed West. I have made Mirkwood my abode, but now I seek answers; answers which you may also seek."
"What shall we do, what shall we do!" he cried. "Escaping goblins to be caught be wolves!"
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Old 07-06-2002, 03:01 PM   #91
Rose Cotton
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Rose had complete trust in this elf with his polite smile and pleasant manners. It didn't trouble her at all that he was intrested in the information that they sought. As soon as she had seen this city on the horizon she had found no reason to fear or hide anything from anyone who dwelt or visited it. But she felt Child hesitate in frount of the stranger. So she decided to build the conversation. "Why do you want to find these answers? And...if you would be willing to share, have you found any clues? For there are many mystries besides the fall of Numenor that we wish to uncover."

[ July 06, 2002: Message edited by: Rose Cotton ]
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 07-06-2002, 03:14 PM   #92
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The Elf looked at the unfearful lass, sizing her up. "That will be known to you later, perhaps. But I can't tarry here long, I'm afraid. These clues could very well be the key to..." Khelek stopped as he heard approaching footsteps, and the librarian came back.

"I'm sorry, but we're closing up early today. I'll keep the scrolls for you until tomorrow," she said, politely ushering them out.

"I fear that someone else may be searching too; someone who does not mean well," the Elf muttered darkly under his breath so that only Child and Rose could hear.
"What shall we do, what shall we do!" he cried. "Escaping goblins to be caught be wolves!"
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Old 07-06-2002, 03:18 PM   #93
Ghastly Neekerbreeker
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Birdland has just left Hobbiton.

Child and Rose had decided that they would ride on to the library after all, after seeing that Pio had caught up with Birdie. "She should be able to keep them out of trouble." Child thought. They had all agreed to meet back at an inn on the waterfront after they had finished.

It was a fine road that led up to the city, and it was full of people of all races, eager to enter the city as the day waned. Elves on fine horses, doughty dwarves stumping along in groups, Men and women of every shape and color, all flowing into the the great white city like schools of the most colorful fish. Laughter, songs, and languages blended in the air above them.

There were even a few halflings. Pio spotted two hobbits of unusual size and stature, mounted on small horses with fine livery. One actually wore a suit of mail, and the other carried a green shield with a white horse running upon it. They laughed and sang as they rode, and shouted greetings to various people on the route.

Pio nudged Birdie hard in the ribs and gestured frantically towards the pair. "Bird! she whispered excitedly. "Do you suppose..."

Birdie craned her neck to look at the halfling riders and shook her head. "Nah, couldn't be" she said dismissively. "Feet aren't big enough." Then she had to put a restraining hand on Kali who had also spied the laughing Periannath. Standing in the cart and raising his arms to them, he started to cry "Cousins!"

Birdie pulled him down again, not ungently, and explained. "Kali, you have to stay in disguise. These people don't even know Hobrim exist, and now's not the time to show them. Perhaps later we can introduce you to more of your 'cousins', but for right now you have to pretend to be a Man-child."

Kali looked at the lofty, huge men surrounding him, and then cast a doubtful look at Birdie. But he pulled his hood close about his face, and subsided into silence, looking longingly after the two diminutive riders who were disappearing into the crowd.

But all thoughts of the people around them were forgotten as the cart approached the Great Gate. Bird pulled up the cart, and all gaped in silence at the magnificant structure rising before them. It was only the shouts of those behind that brought them to their senses again. Pio and Bird had read often of the Great Mithril Gate built by Gimli and his folk, but all the words of all the authors in the world could not duplicate this first sight. It was a true Wonder of the World, and its like would never be seen again.

Levanto knelt behind Pio and Birdie, peering out at this work of the "Land Races". For one of the few times in his life, he was completely without words. Bird smiled back at him, then shook the reins and clucked to the pony. They were entering the city at last.

O.O.C. - Here's a link to an great map of the cityMinas Tirith, now Minas Arnor

[ July 06, 2002: Message edited by: Birdland ]
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Old 07-06-2002, 08:30 PM   #94
Child of the 7th Age
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Child and Rose decided to stop for a snack in the inn which lay closest to the dock. All around mariners were eating and singing, enjoying the release of shore life after so many weeks at sea. The inn was a pleasant one, much gentler than some they had passed along the way.

Child sat and ate in silence. She was hungry enough to eat with relish, but confused enough not to be able to keep her mind on the singing. The picture of the Elf sitting with the scroll and singing a gentle tune kept intruding on her thoughts. She vowed to return to the library first thing in the morning, if possible before the arrival of the Elf. She wanted to look over the manuscript carefully.

Then Child remembered Angara sitting upon the deck of the ship with no companion save Mithadan and a barrel of fish. She felt badly and vowed to return to keep her company. Child said goodbye to Rose and made sure she could find her way back to the ship on her own. Or perhaps Rose would decide to find Bird and join the sightseeing party. Chid promised to try and join up with them again if they stopped at the inn for dinner. Then, she sat upon her pony and made her way back towards the dock where the ship lay at berth.

[ July 07, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-07-2002, 08:52 AM   #95
Rose Cotton
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After Child left her for the ship Rose finnished her drink and exited the Inn. If she met up Pio, Bird, Kali, and the mer-man she would be delighted but she wasn't ready to look for them yet. She wanted to walk alone around the city. It had been a long time since she could stroll carelessly with her own thoughts.

She was now wearing her newly made dress and was glad for the long boring hours in which she had learned to sew for it was nice on her.

She walked though the streets greeting those that went by. She didn't know where she was going but after awhile she relized she was far up away from the river. This didn't bother her. On the contrary it enlightened her to plunge deeper into the city. She longed to see a familar face from her stories.
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 07-07-2002, 09:57 AM   #96
Child of the 7th Age
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As Child walked onto the plank that led to the ship, she could see Angara sleeping on deck. The dragon was carefully hidden under a tarpaulin which Mithadan had prudently draped over her back.

Angara awoke and stretched out her gleeming body, the scales on her back catching the glint of the sun. Her eyes immediately sought Child's face. The dragon glared and then bellowed, "It has taken you long enough to return to me! I have finished the entire barrel of fish, and I am exceedingly bored. If you do not amuse me, I will undertake a short flight for my own entertainment to take in the views."

"Of course, unlike you, I have been to Minas Tirith several times and am quite familiar with the sights. I will know exactly where to go to drop in on a number of persons whose names we know well from the stories."

Child assured Angara that she would stay to read her poems and bring her treats, and otherwise tend to her well being.

Angara nodded her head and began preening her scales with her claws. "You know," the dragon said, "If you would listen to me, your trips to the library could be considerably shorter and much more productive. Once you finished answering the two riddles, you assumed that there was no reason to consult me."

"I regret to inform you," the dragon continued, "that your assumption was incorrect."

Child tried to weedle more on this subject out of Angara, but, beyond this, the dragon would add nothing. She sat on her haunches, blowing smoke rings through her nose, with golden-green eyes whirling like rings of fire.

[ July 07, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-07-2002, 01:54 PM   #97
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Angara trudged over to where Mithadan was seated, and curled up near his side on the deck. She was still huffing and puffing a bit at the injustice of making HER stay on the ship, not to mention the audacity of the others not thinking that she might have something more to offer them in the way of information.

Mithadan reached down,unmindfully, and rubbed the scaley plate on the top of her head with his knuckles. Her harumphing soon turned to gentler thoughts from his heedless ministrations.

As long as I'm trapped here on this ship, perhaps I should consider some new riddles to move these creatures along in their searchings. Hmmmm?! Now how to phrase it, how to phrase it . . .

She dropped off to sleep, warring images of cold lands and hotly fought battles filling her dreams. Her talons twitched in remembrance.

[ July 07, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-07-2002, 01:55 PM   #98
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GreatWarg has just left Hobbiton.

Khelek walked down the crowded and bustling streets teeming with life. Exotic plant life imported from Mirkwood lined the busy roads, and the fine worksmanship of the Dwarves could be seen down every paved street and every stone wall.

Down to the docks, the dark Elf decidedly went, to catch a whiff of the Sea breeze and, possibly, the news of Ulmo. Looking upon the ships in their docks, and the mariners singing gaily in the salty breeze, Khelek came to a ship named 'The Lonely Star.' Looking over the proud-bearing ship, the Elf knew that it was built with fine craftsmanship.

Two voices came floating to him with the wind, one of which belonged to a hobbit lass he had met earlier in the library. The other voice was unknown, but it was filled with wisdom and of long years.

"Verily, few have seen a dragon in Minas Tirith," the Elf commented.
"What shall we do, what shall we do!" he cried. "Escaping goblins to be caught be wolves!"
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Old 07-07-2002, 02:22 PM   #99
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She marvelled, once again, at the minds of the men who had constructed this city. And the addition of the gift of the Dwarves, the wondrous new Great Gate, reinforced her opinion of it.

Pio had been to Minas Anor twice before, in earlier times, to do research in the vast library. She had never tarried long, and so had never seen most of the city. This would be a grand opportunity to drink deep of its richness.

Birdie turned the cart left at the Great Gate. The city was constructed on a hill with seven concentric walls protecting each part of the ascent. Gates through the walls were set in such a manner that the traveller had to pass back and forth between them in a weaving pattern to acces each level. It was indeed a well defensed city!

'Say, Bird!' said Pio, giving her a nudge in the back. 'I am getting a little thirsty back here. There's a small tavern just up the way where we can park the cart in the courtyard and sip some ale in the open air before we go on. What say we do that?' She rummaged through the small leather pouch at her waist, counting coins. 'I'll treat!'

The pony's hooves clattered over the cobblestones and the four travellers looked for sign of the tavern.

'There it is!' cried Levanto. 'And how fortuitous we should come to this one!' He winked at Pio.

She laughed, and entreated Bird to pull in there.

'So, this is a tavern.' said Kali, as he read the name on the swinging wooden placard:

Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-07-2002, 03:29 PM   #100
Child of the 7th Age
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Child sat at the stern of the ship, her books and papers strewn about like a tumbled mass. She went from map to tale to chronicle, searching for some light on the sinking of Numenor and its relation to the hobrim, but was unable to find even the smallest hint to explain what had happened to Kali's family or his distant cousins.

Child made a mental note to try and speak further with the little hobrim. Even if he could recall few stories about those who had been lost or hidden in ancient times, he might be able to remember his immediate family and what had happened to them.

Child already knew that he had once possessed a mother and grandmother, since he had referred to them several times and to the things they had taught him. Perhaps she could approach the hobrim and ask about this. She knew it would have to be done with gentleness. For, whenever Kali referred to his close kin, so obviously absent, he did so with longing in his voice. Still, it might prove important to their search.

Child went back to her work, singing gently to herself as her pen went back and forth across the page. She heard some noise from the area of the docks and got up to stand by the rail. She looked down and saw two vendors arguing over a pushcart full of fruit which had spilled onto the causeway. Each was accusing the other of causing the accident.

She laughed and was about to turn away when something stopped her retreat. She shook her head, as this sight appeared far more ominious. For looking down into the shadows, she could see the figure of a tall Elf staring transfixed at their ship.

There was no question in her mind. This was the very same Elf whom she had met just hours before at the Minas Tirith library. She wondered grimly what he happened to be doing in this particular vicinity.

Just then, Angara's clipped tones rang out clearly from the vessel, "Stop that Mithadan, you are treading on my toes with your great heeled boot. Can't you be more careful? I do not like being woken up out of a perfectly lovely dream. Son of Man, you are a blundering bear!"

The Elf had glanced up again to the vessel, his eyes shining with the light of his kind and a slight smile upon his face. It was quite clear that he had heard and understood every word that the dragon had spoken.

Child cowered and shrank away from the rail.

[ July 07, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-07-2002, 03:51 PM   #101
Rose Cotton
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Rose Cotton has just left Hobbiton.

Rose did not know how long she had been walking though the city. But she knew it had been a long time. Many times she had come upon dead ends or found she was going the wrong way. She wondered if she was being missed. With the amount of trouble she'd caused ever since the party she thought the others would be worried about her being on her own. Though, everyone had thier own affairs to deal with so she was most likely given no thought. She prefered it that way.

Finnaly she made it.
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 07-07-2002, 04:05 PM   #102
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OOC: A short post before I'm off to work!

Angara licked her trod-on talons carefully. She hated to see them smudged.

A movement caught her eye.

It was Child, and she was cowering back fearfully from where she had been sitting. The wyrmlet's protective nature came to the fore, and she came swiftly and silently to the side of her friend.

'What troubles you, little one?', she whispered. Child pointed toward the dock.

The dragon flattened herself to the deck and eased her way to the edge, her small eyes peering over the raised decking under the rail.

She spotted him . . . a shadowy figure who appeared much too focused on The Lonely Star for it to be casual interest.

He stepped into the light, and turned as if to stroll away. A fleeting glimpse of his face confirmed her thought.

Another damnable elf! she thought to herself.

'He bears watching.', she whispered back to Child, who shook her head in agreement.
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-08-2002, 02:42 AM   #103
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Veritas heard them, before she saw them. They were never ones to make a quiet entrance. As if to prove her right, Pio and Bird were singing one of those ballads they so liked to do at the top of their voices.

'But, no,' she said to herself, 'it's not Bird who's singing with Pio. It's a deeper voice, more in the bass range. Unless Bird has a horrible cold, I would swear it's a man.'

She took the sleeve of her robe and wiped some of the grime off the window facing into the courtyard. Once the circle of clearer glass had grown large enough, she could make out a cart and pony pulling in and three, no four, figures talking to the tavern-maid. Two of them she recognized - Pio and Bird. But who was the small child swathed in a large hooded cape, and who was that man bundled up in the bed of the cart?

Veritas hopped off her stool carefully, mug of wine in her hand, and walked out side to greet her friends.

[ July 08, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-08-2002, 02:49 AM   #104
Rose Cotton
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Rose Cotton has just left Hobbiton.

Rose stood outside the last wall into the center of the city. She didn't go further yet though. She didn't know why she headed in this direction anyway. She wouldn't be able to see the king. She was just a small hobbit. She had been sure that all would be alright when they came to the city. But what did Aragorn know about hobrim? Perhaps she could just take a closer look at the tower.

Rose stood for what seemed like forever. Then two horses came up from behind her. No, they were ponies. And the ponies were not ridden by men but by hobbits richly clad. Rose smiled and called out to them.
"Hello there. And where would two hobbits be going in such fine rainment and upon such fine steeds?"

The hobbits turned and Rose knew her guess was accurate.
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 07-08-2002, 08:35 AM   #105
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

Mithadan overheard Child's discussion with Angara about the mysterious Elf and leaned over the railing to look at the intruder and memorize his features. "Bears watching, eh?" mused Mithadan. "Then perhaps we shall watch him." He turned to Child and inquired about the location of the others. When he heard that they had entered the city with Kali and Levanto he became alarmed.

"Foolishness," he hissed. "Tramping about with members of two unknown races as if they were tourists gawking at the sights. We must be more careful than that." He asked Child to mind the ship while he sought out Pio, Birdland and the others. He strapped on his sword and bounded down the gangway. He did not notice a grey figure slipping out from behind the wall of a shop to follow him.
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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Old 07-08-2002, 01:02 PM   #106
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Bird pulled the cart beneath the shade of a large tree in the courtyard, where the pony happily munched on a tuft or two of stray grass.

Pio and she dragged a plank table and abutted it against the back of the cart, so that 'Grandpa' wouldn't have to get out. They admonished him to keep the blanket securely covering his lower half.

Bird brought a bench for the table and Pio lifted Kali from the cart seat and placed him between them, adjusting his hood to cover most of his head.

'Pio! Bird!' came the voice, from the figure crossing the courtyard toward them. The elf shaded her eyes against the background sun and waved her hand in greeting to Veritas.

'I've found you!', she said. 'Somehow I knew you would wind up at the first watering hole on the route! But who are these two friends with you?' Veritas leaned closer to see their faces and introduce herself. 'Oh!', she said, 'but I thought . . .'

She was cut off Pio who said, 'Yes, we didn't think grandpa would feel up to coming along, either. But when his little grandson here insisted his gramps come along and get some fresh air, he was persuaded.' Levanto and Kali nodded their heads in agreement with this statement.

'I see!' said Veritas to this scenario. 'Well, in that case, allow me to buy the next round of drinks for this merry group.'

The five companions sat in agreeable silence letting the cool breeze in the courtyard refresh them while they waited for the return of the tavern maid.

She was there, soon enough, with a chilled pitcher and four cups. 'Here it is, my good travellers! Our finest Dorwinion wine!' She poured them each a cup and setting the remainder in the center of the table, turned to go.

'I say, pretty lass,' came the voice of grandpa, 'before you go - how comes the name of this fine establishment?'

She came to the side of the cart, and smiled prettily at him. 'I'm sorry, sir. I'm new here and can't answer your question, but if you'll wait a moment, I'll fetch the tavern keeper. He'll be sure to know!' She dropped a small curtsy to the venerable gentleman and hurried back inside before Bird or Pio could call her back.

'Levanto!' hissed the elf at the merman. 'It would be best if we kept our actual contact with the locals to a bare minimum. Now we have the tavern keeper coming out to speak with us! They are an all too discerning breed of men!'

'It's just a story, dear Pio. What could happen from just the hearing of it?' He smiled and raised his cup to her, his eyes twinkling.

From out the door came the generous figure of the tavern keeper. Wiping his hands on his apron, he came toward their table, a smile on his face.
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-08-2002, 01:10 PM   #107
Child of the 7th Age
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Child remained on the ship at Mithadan's command, pacing back and forth. It had been a long time since the departure of her friends in the small pony cart. Nor was there any sign of Pio or Rose. Perhaps they had chosen to join up with the sightseeing party or to strike out on their own.

To be truthful, it was not Pio or Bird or Rose or Veritas who were at the center of Child's concerns. It was Kali who most tugged at her heart. The hobbrim had been fearful and disapproving upon merely seeing a sword strapped on the waist of one of the hobbits. She had questions about his ability to defend himself should the need arise.

Child sincerely hoped that Birdland was being careful and exercising discretion, but somehow she had doubt.

"Find them, Mith, find them," she pleaded inside her head. "Before they run into someone who is suspicious and wants to pry into our affairs."

"And Ulmo, he is your child. Please protect the hobbrim."

Child did not know what their next step would be, but, the more she studied this puzzle, the more certain she was that they were involved in something both wide and deep, something that went far beyond her own limited world and concerns.

It would not surprise Child in the slightest if she discovered that there were others about them who were keeping an eye on their activities. Certainly, the mysterious Elf fell in this category. But she wondered if there were others.
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Old 07-08-2002, 01:53 PM   #108
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

It was quite a distance to the main gate of the city. Mithadan covered the ground as quickly as possible without running. Even if his ribs were up to the task, racing up to the gate might attract unwanted attention.

He entered the first circle of the city and made his way through the daily traffic of merchants, guards and citizens, pausing now and again to peek into various taverns and common houses. He passed The Green Apple, The Rusty Scupper and The Sailors Retreat without spotting his friends. Continuing on, he began to curse creatively under his breath. The Black Sail, The Crusty Barnacle and The Sinking Corsair brought no better results. Given the denizens of some of these establishments, he was almost pleased to not find his friends.

Rounding a corner he came across a more pleasant tavern with outdoor seating shaded by trees. He almost choked as he read the placard. 'The Sign of the Mischievous Merman' it read. At a table under a tree was a pony cart and several familiar faces as well as a tall, bearded man with an apron. Fixing a smile on his face, he approached with such semblance of calm as he could muster. To his astonishment, the tavern keeper was speaking to Levanto. Even Piosenniel and Birdland appeared uncomfortable with this turn of events.

"The tavern's name?" said the barkeep. "Well, no doubt you have heard legends and rumours of man-like creatures dwelling beneath the sea? Now, these tales are true, and I've seen them myself and others here besides." He turned to two sailors sitting at a nearby table. "Angrim, Durmir! These fine people be asking about mermen. You've seen such creatures haven't you?"

One turned and drained his pint before speaking. "Aye! And right evil slimies they be too! If yer fool enough to post no watch, they creep aboard in the dark of night and steal yer cargo. Partial to drink they are. And if ye wake and try and stop 'em well they slash at ye with claws and they're not beyond takin a bite from one's leg." With that, he heaved up a leg and rolled up his breeches to show a thin scar on his calf. "One near got me one night," he said.

Levanto's face became dark and he made as if to rear himself up on the cart. "Bite..." he began.

Mithadan placed a firm hand on Levanto's shoulder and pushed him back down. "Do tell," said Mithadan. "Barkeep could you fetch these fine men two more pints for their tale? A fine tale, but we don't want to scare the children..." He motioned towards Kali then searched about for Rose. But she wasn't there.

"Where's Rose, Pio?" he said with a smile of gritted teeth.
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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Old 07-08-2002, 02:13 PM   #109
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'Rose?', said Pio. 'Why I haven't seen her since she rode off with Child. Hmmm, they're both probably at the Library. Yes, I do recall Child say that's where they'd be going.'

Her smile at Mithadan soon turned to a concerned frown as she saw his eyes snap with irritation. The elf stood up, rubbing her chin in thought.

Oh no, she can't possibly have tried to do that! she thought to herself, recalling a scrap of conversation Rose and she had had just before they disembarked.

'Will you see these four back safely to the ship, Mithadan? I fear I know exactly where the little one has gone.'

She turned to leave the courtyard.

[ July 08, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-08-2002, 02:49 PM   #110
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

"Child's back on the ship," Mithadan called after the receding Elf. "Rose isn't with her." Piosenniel waved and turned towards the gate to the second circle.

Mithadan walked over to the waitress and paid for the drinks. When he returned, his friends were draining their mugs and making ready to depart. Levanto was clearly still irritated. "Ignorant, near-sighted, hairy, foul-breathed humans," he muttered. "If my people chose to attack his ship, we'd do more than scratch his leg..."

"Be quiet," Mithadan suggested with an obviously forced smile. "You can drill holes in his keel some other time." Levanto brightened at the idea.

Birdland and Veritas rose and prepared to guide the pony and cart along the streets. Mithadan looked about and noticed an Elf in a grey cloak staring fixedly at Levanto and Kali. Levanto's blanket had slipped slightly and a bit of his tail protruded from under the cloth. Mithadan strightened the blanket, then motioned for Veritas and Birdland to head off to the gate. "Straight to the Lonely Star. No detours," he growled.

[ July 08, 2002: Message edited by: Mithadan ]
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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Old 07-08-2002, 03:45 PM   #111
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She remembered now, as she passed through the bastion of stone on her way to the second level's entry gate why she had not oftened fared to the upper tiers of the city. Being under so much rock unnerved her, though the passageways themselves were wide and tall.

Mustering her courage, she proceeded upwards in winding loops, walking quickly. As much as possible she melded into the groups she encountered, trying not to draw undue attention to herself.

Reaching the sixth level, the one just before The Citadel, she drew into the shade afforded by the near wall of The Houses of Healing, and paused to assess her next move. Drawing her cloak about her she leaned back against the wood.

She was sure that Rose was in the next tier, hoping to catch a glimpse of the King. It was this information that she had recalled from their brief conversation on the ship - a sighing Rose, gazing dreamily at the White Tower. 'Oh, I hope we can see Aragorn!', she'd said, with longing in her voice.

Pio drew further into the shadow of the wall and sought a plan to enter the Citadel. Once there she would find Rose quickly and deliver her safely back to the ship.

It was then she saw another elf, wrapped in a grey cloak, come out of the tunnel. He stopped and breathed deeply as if he had just made a hurried ascent. His eyes scanned the area quickly, looking for the object of his obvious pursuit.

'Who's this?', she thought to herself. 'And whom does he seek?' She drew her cloak tighter about her and pressed against the cool wall.

[ July 08, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-08-2002, 04:50 PM   #112
Rose Cotton
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Rose Cotton has just left Hobbiton.

ooc: Merry and Pip would know me right? Since I (Rosie Cotton) was alive when they were. If i'm wrong i will delete this post.::

"Rose?" cried the hobbit nearest to her. It was Merry. "Why are you here? How did you get here?"

"How I got here is a long story. The reason at this time is to see the sights and to meet the famous Aragorn."

"Well then follow us. We are just about to see him." said the other hobbit named Pippin.

So Rose walked alongside the two ponies and they approached the tower and entered.

[ July 08, 2002: Message edited by: Rose Cotton ]
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 07-08-2002, 05:39 PM   #113
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Birdland has just left Hobbiton.

Birdie and her party, (or what was her party, until Mithadan had come and spoiled it!) were at the first level, heading back towards The Lonely Star. Even the pony seemed chided, and plodded along slowly, head hung low.

"Well, what did you think of the city of Men, Kali?" Birdie asked the Hobrim. Kali's eyes were full of many emotions; delight, speculation, and a touch of sadness. Bird had the feeling that hobrim, or at least this hobrim, wase a little more introspective then the average halfling. "It was most beautiful, Bird-eee. I am glad we came, though your friends seem angry at you."

"Oh, they'll get over it, Kali. They always do. Here!" Birdie reached and plucked a yellow flower from a wildly climbing vine growing over an old crumbling wall. "Cities are indeed wonderful, but here is one of the true wonders of Middle Earth. It's called a rose. Smell it."

Kali held the rose to his face and sniffed tentatively, then with obvious delight. "It is beautiful! I have never smelled anything like this!"

"It's a yellow rose. That symbolizes friendship in the language of roses" explained Birdie."

Kali cradled the rose in his webbed hands, "I will keep it forever."

"Oh, Kali, you can't keep a rose forever. It will wither and die in short time. You can only keep the memory."

"Then the memory I will keep forever." declared the hobrim firmly. "Here, Lee-Van-to. Smell the rose."

But Levanto was not looking at the rose in the cart. He was craning his neck, looking back at the wall where the dozens of wild, yellow climbing roses was clinging. "Birdie, stop the cart, go back to that wall!"

Birdie pulled up the pony and looked back over her shoulder. "Do you see it! Back up!" urged the Mer-Man

Birdie carefully coaxed the pony to inch back to the crumbling wall. The first level of the city was, obviously, the first to be built, and the age of the wall testfied to that. It had guarded the house of some noble or sheltered lady in days long gone, but the ages showed the effects, even on such well-sculpted stone. The people of Minas Anor had done much to restore the city since the end of the war, but parts of the first level were still sadly neglected.

"There! Do you see it?" Levanto pointed to a carved bit of stone peaking through the vines. It was a face. A strikingly familiar face.

The three in the cart stared at the carving, then Birdie got down from the cart and started pulling more and more of the twining vines away and down from the wall, disregarding the thorns buried in the leaves. An ancient bas-relief carving was revealed as more of the branches were pushed back.

It was a carving of a ship, proudly riding the waves. Figures of mariners and passengers could be seen on the deck, one standing at the prow and pointing towards an Eastern sun. A star was carved on the single, stone sail.

Mer-folk could be seen riding the bow waves looking up at the lordly, but small band of Men and Women standing at the rails of the ship. One imitated the gesture of the Man on the prow, also pointing towards the East.

Behind the ship, dwarving it, yet protecting it, was the figure of a Valar. The familiar symbols and features of Ulmo, as he had been represented by artists through the ages. It was a work by an master carver, long hidden by the forces of nature, and in surprisingly fine condition.

But it was not the skill of the artist that held the eyes of all in the cart. It was two small figures who rode the waves at the feet of Ulmo, their arms raised towards the ship, (whether in entreaty or farewell could not be told.)

A male and a female. And the male bore a striking resemblence to Kali.

[ July 08, 2002: Message edited by: Birdland ]
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Old 07-08-2002, 06:35 PM   #114
Child of the 7th Age
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OOC-- I erased the earlier post and put this later in the story line with some editing.

Child was standing at the end of the gangplank as the four chastened sightseers returned to the vessel chaparoned by Mithadan. She didn't know whether to embrace them or throw something at their heads. Child was about to do the latter when she noticed how silent and thoughtful they were. So she held back her hand and tongue.

Child immediately asked where Rose and Pio were. Mithadan briefly explained what had happened in the Inn and how Piosenniel now sought for Rose.

Mithadan came up to Child and, with hesitation, explained the strange bas relief the four had uncovered on the tumbling, ancient wall.

"So this," thought Child, "is why they are all so quiet. Not even what happened in the Inn, but their discovery of that strange work of art."

Child felt it was time she shared her part of the story. She explained to the group about the unknown Elf in the Library and his presence on the dock. Mithadan was able to add his own observations to her comments.

Finally, Child built up her courage to get to the strangest point of all. She really did not feel comfortable discussing this, but she felt she had no choice. Perhaps, it was nothing, or perhaps it did mean something. It was not her place to judge.

So she quietly spoke of her vision from the Ailundale and the words of Eru.

Birdie and Veritas looked frankly credulous as she recalled her experience. Mithadan looked her steadily in the eye and said nothing, gving no indication whether he believed her or not.

Suddenly, Angara turned and came to stand by Child. The dragon softly growled, "Believe what you want, but Child speaks the truth. You know not half of what you have taken upon your shoulders. And if you take my two riddles to be the beginning and end of your path, do not be so sure. For even I have seen more than I have spoken to you, and there is much beyond this which is still unknown to me."

The group stood silent. All that Child could hear was the flapping of the limp sails, and the banner fluttering overhead. She walked over to the stern to watch the setting sun, a sight she found familiar and comforting.

[ July 08, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-09-2002, 09:40 AM   #115
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Late afternoon had moved to evening, and from her hiding place, Pio watched her pursuer, for that is how she thought of him now, approach the guardhouse and speak with the posted sentries. She noted that his presence caused no alarm to them, that after only a few moments he passed into the passageway leading to The Citadel.

As he strode into the tunnel, a party of three emerged, talking and laughing as they came. Three hobbits! Two males and a young girl, her cloak on against the chill of evening, its hood obscuring her face from view.

Pio recognized the merry voice. It was Rose!

She watched as Rose made her farewells to one of the hobbits, and he turned back toward the tunnel and was gone. Listening intently, she heard the other hobbit offer to see Rose safely to where she was staying.

Alarmed that the all too trusting hobbit might accept his offer, Pio stepped forth from the shadows, hailing her.

'Rose! Here I am! I've come to walk you home!'

Hasty introductions were made, and the hobbit, assured by Rose that this indeed was one of her friends, bid her farewell.

'Oh, Pio,' exclaimed Rose in delight, 'you'll never guess who I've seen!'

Pio pulled the hobbit quickly into the tunnel without answering, and hurried her through to the fifth tier, keeping in shadow when she could. Rose protested the haste and the elf drew her into the deeper darkness of an alley.

'There is danger here.', whispered Pio. 'Another of my kind followed me as I came to find you. He passed into The Citadel, seeking something or someone. We need to get back to the ship quickly before he thinks to follow again.'

Rose nodded her silent assent. The two companions strode quickly through the tiers and made their way cautiously to the ship.

Once on board, Pio knelt before the hobbit and helped her off with her cloak. Smiling at her, she said, 'Now Mistress Rose, tell me, how came you to be with two such handsome hobbits, and who did you see?'

[ July 09, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-09-2002, 11:00 AM   #116
Child of the 7th Age
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Child was again relieved to see Piosenniel and Rose climbing on to the vessel. She briefly gave a welcome to them, and then backed away, as they seemed to be wrapped in some lengthy discussion.

Child went down to the lower deck and found Kali rummaging about in the ship's galley to begin preparing dinner. She offered to help with the food preparation, and the two were soon engaged in a lively conversation.

Kali went on at great length about the wonderful sights he had seen. He was so happy and animated that Child almost forgave Bird for her foolish sightseeing stunt.

With so many new provisions on board, it looked as if dinner would be a decided improvement over their most recent meals, when the ship's supplies had been so depleted. As Kali prepared the food, he was going on with great glee, waving a kitchen knife in the air to punctuate a description of the proprietor in the inn and the response of Leventro to his story.

Then he came to the point in his tale where the strange bas relief had been discovered. Kali seemed quieter now and more thoughtful. Child sensed a moment when she could direct the conversation to a subject that had been of great interest to her for some time. She decided now was as good a time as any to bring up he subject of Kali's own family.
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Old 07-09-2002, 11:43 AM   #117
Child of the 7th Age
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Child began her conversation, "What did you think of that strange and ancient piece of art?"

Kali looked up and smiled, "Very, very old. This was kind of ship my mother said came from long ago." Then he fell silent.

"Kali," continued Child, "did your family pay special homage to Lord Ulmo? I had a feeling from the picture itself and how your face looks now that Ulmo must be special to you."

"Oh, yes, yes," the hobbrim continued, his voice filled with excitement. "Mother and Grandmother teach Kali stories about Ulmo. He is special friend to the hobbrim. Make our bodies good for swimming in the Sea."

"Do you remember any stories?" she continued.

"A few, only a few. Mother and Grandmother tell stories when I am little. Tell how water rise and only a little land left. Later, Ulmo come and tell us we must hide. Water good for hiding. Ulmo ask for brave hobbits who want to learn how to live in water."

He turned to her with pride in his face. "Hobbits who are Stoors already love water so we are brave. My family and others are Stoors. Water hide us and keep us safe."

Kali lowered his voice, "Some hobbits afraid of water but this silly. Even Elves sometimes wrong. They think only Fallohides go on adventures, but that not true. This time, Stoors brave and do what Ulmo say. Ulmo choose us special. Great Valar say we are chosen to do something important, but very far away in distant age."

Child asked quietly, "Where and when did this happen?"

Kali shook his head in response, "Do not remember, many years ago, before mother and grandmother born, very long ago."

"So you were all together, all the hobbits, and your particular family and friends who were Stoors said 'yes' when Ulmo came to make you special?" Child probed.

"No, it was not like that. Most hobbits already gone away but some left behind. Maybe four or five big families. We stay and meet Ulmo because we love the Sea."

Then Kali brightened, "I remember, Ulmo tell us to sail east, east into Bay of Belfalas. And he give big promise. He say some others will be like us someday! I, Kali, want to find others."

Child looked up startled at Kali's remark about a Valar asking living beings to sail towards the east. This was very strange. Why would Ulmo ask the hobrim to sail east? In every other tale she knew Elves and Men, were asked to go west towards the Light. And what was this about the promise of other hobbrim?

Before she could ask Kali the rest of her questions, at least some of the answers came pouring out of his mouth. "Ulmo say, for a little while, our families hide in shadows, nice shadows of the ocean, instead of coming into the Light. He say we go east because we wait for ship to come, ship with a single star. Ship important. Have something to do that is special. You, Child, your friends, bring this ship."

"Mother and Grandmother tell how our group of hobbrim got smaller and smaller over the years. They tell Kali he will be only one left. When Grandmother and Mother die, I am sad. Sad and alone. Before Mother die, she say to go find others. The stories will light my way."

"Kali brave because he must remember stories. Stories make hobbrim who we are. Other hobbits on land lose stories, but not Kali. Kali remember. And now I tell you stories, and you help me. Now you and your friends part of stories too. Now you chosen like me."

Calm and confident, Kali looked into Child's eyes with a sentiment that was surely kin to "estel".

[ July 09, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-09-2002, 12:39 PM   #118
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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piosenniel is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

A small group had gathered round Rose to hear of her adventure. Veritas and Bird urged her on, wanting her to expand on every detail. They envied the sights and sounds she had gleaned that day. She was a good storyteller and kept them hanging with every tidbit she doled out.

Pio sat apart from the group, half listening to the ebb and flow of questions and story, her thinking focused on other concerns. That elf weighed heavily on her mind.

A glance to her left brought the figure of Mithadan into view. He was dressed all in black and making his way to the gangplank,as if he meant to leave the ship. He moved silently, and as he strode through the shadows of the ship's deck he seemed to disappear altogether, reappearing only briefly when he chanced to walk through a puddle of bright moonlight.

Pio rose stealthily from her place and followed him to the gangplank, reaching to touch his arm. She stepped back quickly when he turned to face her, his eyes hard.

'Before you leave, I must needs tell you something.' she said quietly to him. He nodded his grim assent.

She told him of her going up through the tiers of the city to find Rose. That as she paused to wait in the shadows of the sixth tier, she saw an elf come hurriedly through the entrance tunnel and look about him as if in pursuit of someone. And that she felt he had been following her. Her next words brought a certain chill to his features.

'I had expected him to turn round and go back through the tunnel as he did not see me,' she said, 'but instead he spoke with the sentries, who greeted him with some familiarity, and passed through to The Citadel.'

[ July 09, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-09-2002, 04:12 PM   #119
Spirit of Mist
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

Mithadan nodded grimly. "I am aware of this Elf. Child met him in the library, if indeed it is the same person. Then I saw him at the Tavern staring at Kali and Levanto. Angara believes he bears watching and so do I. And to that end, I will take a turn exploring the city. But first I will tarry in the area of the docks to see if he appears again. With Kali safe on board and Levanto back in his watery home, I will not hesitate to 'force' a meeting with our footpad."

He gestured back to the foredeck where Rose and the others were chatting animatedly. "They must not leave the ship without our knowledge again. There is a new game afoot and until we understand the rules and the objectives we cannot risk any more carefree 'adventures'."
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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Old 07-09-2002, 04:17 PM   #120
Rose Cotton
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Rose Cotton has just left Hobbiton.

Rose told her audience about how she had met Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took and how they had taken her to see the famous king.

"He is just as the stories say. He really looks and acts the way a king should. I asked him to let us have a private conversation. Just him, Merry, Pippin, and me. I told them about our company. What our past adventures have been and what we now seek." As soon as Rose said this everyone became silent. They looked worried. "They have promised to, for the presant, keep this a dead secret. And some of us can go meet with Aragorn tomorrow and we can work somthing out. He could possible give us aid."

Rose waited for the crowd around her to praise her efforts.
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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