The Other Movies
Other than the 2001 release of the new [and spectacular] Fellowship of the Ring film, there have been other LOTR movies in the past.<P>-In the 70's (or 80's..I forget) there was an <B>animated LOTR movie that covered FOTR and most of TTT.</B> It was incredibly cheesey and quite awful in quality, but I own it and watch it for a good laugh.<P>-I don't know when it was released, but an animated version of <B>The Hobbit</B> came out. I love it! I remember sitting, engulfed in the movie when I was a little kid. This movie is what got me interested in LOTR in the first place. The art is mostly done by Tolkien himself, and needless to say, its gorgeous. The whole thing, I think, is great.<P>-There was also, I believe, an animated version of ROTK out a while ago too. I have never seen it, but we own it. I am restraining myself from watching it until I am finished with the book. <P>What I want to know is: <BR>• If you have seen any of these movies.<BR>• Your opinions on these movies.<BR>• If you know of any more LOTR movies from the past.<BR>• Anything else you want to add that is related to this subject of other LOTR movies.<P>As for me, I think I'll go watch The Hobbit right now.
"All rivers go to the sea, yet never does the sea become full."