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Old 06-12-2003, 04:08 PM   #1
Child of the 7th Age
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Silmaril In the Shadow of the Star: Part 2

This is the continuation of our first game thread......

Child's post

Darkness had fallen over the compound by the time Stoatie managed to get around to speaking with the Boss. He dropped by Ferny's place after dinner to get the final word on when they'd be leaving the next day and what they were supposed to do.

Ferny was sitting hunched over at the planning table, staring down at a whole pile of maps that were sprawled out before him. The room was dimly lit by the pale light of several lanterns hanging down from the rafters, and a single candle that the Boss held in his left hand right over the papers he was studying. Ferny glanced up at Stoatie and grunted a terse welcome, gesturing him to sit down and listen.

"I don't want screw ups on this, Stoatie. No excuses and no mess ups. Just get the brats away and haul them here as fast as you can. I got plans. Big plans."

Stoatie's face dropped at Ferny's words. He spat out his disgust. "Me! You want me to handle those brats? You promised me I'd git to rough up some kid and deliver the ransom note. It ain't no fun gittin' stuck with babies. And two of 'em to boot. What if they git on my nerves, and my knife slips a little?"

The Boss turned and bellowed. "Hear this, and hear it good, Stoatie! Your knife ain't gonna' slip. I want those brats untouched. If one of them gits hurt, you're gonna find my hands around yer neck real quick."

Stoatie sighed and nodded. The Boss didn't make idle threats. Time and again, Stoatie had seen him follow through on promises against whoever dared to challenge him.

Once Stoatie had backed down, Ferny spoke more reassuringly, "Look. You got to swipe those kids. I'm not sure about the new man yet. He's been doin' a good job keepin' his nose clean, and he's too good with the sword to leave behind. But I have to keep a close eye on 'im. You're the only one I can trust. Stoatie, you pull this off, and I promise that you'll be livin' purty.

Ferny set down the candle and picked up the chart that he'd specially marked for Stoatie. "Those brats shouldn't be a problem if you take the mother along with you. Threaten 'er kids and she'll keep 'em good and quiet. You'll be back 'ere in no time."

"Now git some sleep for a little bit. We'll be ridin' all night tonight and well into tomorrow. First to Bree where I need to tie up some business and then back into the Shire."

"Oh, yeah, one more thing. Don't forget to tell Mithadan he'll be helpin' to deliver that ransom note. And if he does a good job, there'll be something in it for 'im."

"You comin' too Boss?" Stoatie queried, as he picked up the map and started to leave.

"Sure I'm comin'. I'll ride with Mith and Ratty. We'll all go together to the outskirts of town. Look, here's a grove of trees north of the Water where we can hide till nightfall." Ferny gestured at the map. "You go in first and git out fast. Then we'll follow."

"Hey, boss, I can leave that note for you. You don't have to hang around."

Ferny shook his head and grinned. "No, I'm gonna' enjoy that part. I been waitin' a long time to git back at Frodo and Sam. A real long time." He turned away and stared blindly at the wall as Stoatie left the room.

Mithadan's post

The days had dragged unmercifully. Each night, Mithadan had been escorted firmly to a brick hut without windows. After being handed a piece of bread, some dried meat, a cup of water and, when he was lucky, an apple, he was led into the hut and locked in. There was little air and the heat was nearly unbearable. But worst of all, Bird had not come by in any form. At first, he was worried. But when no harm came to him, he fixed in his mind that she simply could not evade her guards without placing herself or the children at risk.

The children... He had journeyed to Bree to find them and had quickly done so. But now, when they were a few hundred paces away, he could do nothing but bide his time and wait for an opportunity to somehow effect a rescue. The likelihood of accomplishing this without planning ahead with Bird was, however, slim. Thus he resolved to break the impasse, whether the Shapechanger liked it or no.

So after he had eaten, he composed himself as best he could in the heat and filth of the hut. Then he reached out to Bird using Osanwe. He found the experience to be akin to trying to catch a writhing fish with bare hands. Each time he thought that he had reached her, she slipped away until, at last, in frustration he gave up. But even as he did so he sensed anger and an image of two babes in a basket. The image vanished even as he reached for it, leaving him confused and suffering from a throbbing head.

His headache woke with him in the morning and accompanied him through the day. The hot summer sun did not improve his mood, though at least he had access to water and better food as he stood watch. But this day passed as mindlessly as the last and a pall of depression fell upon him as the sun approached the western horizon. He followed the ruffians numbly as they led him back towards his hut. However, this evening would be different, for even as they approached the hovel, Stoatie stepped out from behind a nearby tree.

"Enjoyin yerself, are yah?" he asked with a cruel curl to his lip. "Well, I've heard that you've been a good lad and haven't done nothing wrong...yet. So I'm thinkin maybe it's time to reward yah with a bit o fun. Are yah up fer it?"

Mithadan smiled through the haze of his headache, hoping sincerely that he looked friendly rather than as if he were baring his fangs...

Child's post

Stoatie grinned broadly at the man. "Mithie, maybe I was wrong about yer. When you came, I figgured you was too soft to last. Besides, I thought you'd turn tail and run. But you done alright by the Boss."

"Now he wants to give you somethin' big. Mithie, come through on this and yah might go up a peg or two. Ferny might even let yah turn the screws on some of the others who ain't so smart."

Stoatie pulled Mithadan into the nearest shed and roughly shoved him to his knees. Then he pushed a map in front of his nose and, pointing at Hobbiton, began to explain what Ferny had in mind. Much to Stoatie's frustration, Mithadan kept interrupting with questions. After a while, the henchman exploded with anger, "Enough askin' questions! It's real simple. Shifty and I take care of those brats. Maybe we drag along the Elf witch to shut 'em up and stick a sword in 'er throat. You git the fun job. The Boss'll pick out a special kid and have yah rough 'em up. Then give 'im a note to deliver. That's all yer gotta know."

Mithadan opened his mouth but before he could speak Stoatie smacked him square in the face with the flat of his hand. "Yer gotta learn. Don't ask nothin'. Maybe I know more and maybe I don't, but I ain't gonna tell the likes of yah."

With that the henchman stalked out of the shed, glaring back over his shoulder to shout out a final warning, "Jest be ready in a few hours. We got serious business to pull down."


Child's post

It was already past midnight when Stoatie awoke and blearily pried opened his eyes. His head was still throbbing from what he'd done a few hours before. After his talk with Mithy, he'd gone to his room and spent an hour or two finishing off the tail end of a keg of homemade brew. He was supposed to be up and about at midnight, but things hadn't worked out quite like that.

Not that it would keep him from doing his job. Drunk or sober, Stoatie had a mean streak that would brook no opposition once he set out to do the bidding of the Boss. And nothing gave him greater delight than turning the screws on those whom he deemed most defenseless. Hauling off a bunch of brats and their stupid mother was just up his alley.

Stoatie turned and peered out the tiny window that faced out on the compound. In the shadows of a moonless night, several of the men had already gathered near the front gate in anticipation of the group leaving. Stoatie watched carefully as the new man paced back and forth. Whatever Ferny might say, Stoatie did not trust him. That discussion after dinner had clinched it. The man was too quiet and kept to himself too much. And when he finally did open up, he asked too dang many nosey questions.

Ferny's chief henchman stumbled out of bed and threw on a pair of breeches and a shirt. Then, he slipped on a long brown cowl that could be pulled up to hide his face. Brushing the dirt off his tattered pants, Stoatie ran out to the horse pen and barked instuctions to the stable lad.

"Hey, Mister Stoatie," the boy slyly interrupted. "We thought you was gonna sleep all night."

"Shut yer trap!" Stoatie growled, striking the boy full in the face with the flat of his hand. "It ain't no time for jokes. We've a job to pull down. Now, git goin'. Bring me a horse."

Stoatie watched as the lad led out a gentle bay and began to place the halter over her head.

"Are you daft boy? Not that old thing. I'm not goin' on a picnic here. Git me the fastest one you have."

The stable boy hesitated for a minute, "But Mister Stoatie, that would be Thrasher. No one rides Thrasher, not even the Boss. He's too mean."

Stoatie bellowed back. "Today that changes. I ride Thrasher. I'm feelin' as mean as he is. And bring in that other horse from the back pen. The one they call Thunder. Saddle 'em up for Shifty."

The stable lad smothered a grin and was about to object, then thought better of it. Best keep his thoughts to himself, or he'd end up with another whack. Stoatie and Shifty were no great riders, at least not with steeds the likes of Thunder and Thrasher. The horses would be no trouble on the outward journey. It was only when they turned homeward and got within a few miles of the stables that they'd live up to their reputation. The boy shrugged his shoulders. That was their problem, not his.

Stoatie went back inside the stables and picked out a stiff, barbed rod that the men normally used for prodding cattle. He felt the razor sharp point and grinned, stuffing it through the loop of his pants. He'd used it as a whip on Thrasher to keep the beast in line. Maybe he'd even use it on the brats, if he could find a way to do that without Ferny getting wise.

Then he hurried back to the gate and mounted up on Thrasher, making sure to keep a close eye on Mithy while he waited for the Boss to arrive.

[ September 15, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
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Old 06-12-2003, 04:12 PM   #2
Child of the 7th Age
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Mithadan's post

7 Cermië

After his conversation with Stoatie, Mithadan was again locked in his hut. His hands shook. Only with the greatest of efforts had he managed to remain impassive as Stoat had outlined Ferny's plan to steal the twins and kidnap Piosenniel. Even so, his face or demeanor had communicated something to Stoat that had led the bandit to strike Mithadan. His fingers twitched as if Stoatie's throat were in reach, but he forced himself to become calm.

He had spent the day in a fog with his head throbbing from the ill-fated effort to contact Bird the night before. Now, he must use Osanwe again to contact his wife and warn her of the impending plot. He slumped to the floor and rested with his back to the cold brick wall and attempted to clear his mind with difficulty. He struggled to breath evenly. They would steal my children! He took a long and ragged breath. They will attack my wife!

At length, he calmed himself and reached out towards The Shire. But try as he might, his every effort to contact Piosenniel failed. It was as if he was reaching towards a fortress but each time stumbled against its walls. He could just detect a warm murmuring from within; that of a mother whispering to her children. But he could not breach the walls that encircled the three. Piosenniel!

He hammered at the dirt floor with his fists in frustration and tried again... and again...without success. He had heard of the special bond that an Elven mother had with her infant but had not realized the strength of the bond. Perhaps if he had been an Elf himself, he could have penetrated the blanket which enclosed mother and children. But he was a mere Man. He slept little that night.


8 Cermië - Party Day

Child's post

Shortly after midnight, Ferny led the band out the front gate and told the men they'd make for the Pony first. He slowed his mount and rode up beside Stoatie to explain what was actually happening.

"We should get there by sunrise. There's some extra help signing on. Gotta look 'em over and send 'em straight to the quarries to train as guards. Can't be too careful. Once these hobbits find out we've nabbed the brats, no telling what they'll try to do."

"And then?" prodded Stoatie.

"Then we'll rest and eat, and swop out our horses for fresh ones. We'll head straight down the Eastern Road, and veer north at the Brandywine so there ain't so many nosey people gapin' at us. A friend'll meet us in a quiet spot with fresh horses and git us across the river.

Stoatie looked over and grinned, "You shure got things planned out!"

"I ain't gonna have nothin' go wrong" the Boss glowered in reply, "All we gotta do is hightail it back to the quarry. Once we git there, with all those extra guards, no way those hobbit brats can do anything 'cept jest what I tell 'em."

"That's about it. We'll stick north of the Water once we cross into the Shire. In the woods where it's easy to hide. The trip'll take a little longer, but we don't want to pull the job down anyways till it's after dark."

Ferny nodded his head in agreement as the two men urged their horses forward, with the rest of the band following close behind.

Pio's post:

Despite the fears of her afternoon dreamings , and the fact that she had slept with her sword at the head of the bed and a knife beneath her pillow, Pio had dropped into a deep sleep for the night and awoke refreshed just as morning’s first pale light crept in through the curtains. Her only dreams that night were pleasant ones, safe ones, and the only times she roused was to nurse the twins and tuck them back safe against her.

Hearing her stir, Gilly came in to take the babies once they had their hunger satisfied. ‘I’ll get them washed up and changed and prettied up. We’ll be going to Sam’s in a few hours – I’ve told Miz Rose I would help with last minute things, and Amaranthas wants to bring some flowers from her garden over for the decorations.’

Pio sat up and leaned back against the headboard, groaning. ‘Are you hurting?’ asked Gilly, a look of concern on her face. Pio shook her head no and sighed. ‘I just remembered. Cami said this was to be a potluck celebration, and I will be expected to bring something.’ She thought back with chagrin to her defeat at the hands of the pie dough in the Inn’s kitchen, and the despairing look Cook had given her.

The Hobbit grinned widely at the Elf, wondering how one so capable could be so inept in the kitchen. ‘There’s no need for concern there, Mistress Piosenniel. Cook has already taken care of that, since you’ve been ill and all, and will be supplying enough food to cover your contribution.’ Gilly’s eyes glinted mischievously. ‘That and the fact she mentioned Amaranthas could probably not stand the assault you would make on her kitchen!’ Gilly scurried out the door, the babies in her arms. Her retreating figure was caught lightly in the back by a pillow tossed from the bed.


Child's post

As the golden rays of dawn filtered through the lacey curtains, Cami arose to check on Holly, placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, and then slipped out of the burrow to scurry down by the edge of the pond. She sought out a smooth, flat stone from the many that lay scattered along the bank, and, with a practiced grip, hurled it deftly across the surface of the water. Three, four, and five times the shiny grey pebble skipped, skimming quickly forward, going further and further from shore until it hesitated and sank beneath the waters, disappearing from her sight.

The hint of a smile played on Cami's lips, for Hobbits considered such a skilled throw to be a sure sign of luck. And Cami knew she was going to need all the luck she could get to make it through this day and the week that lay ahead. She didn't even know whether to laugh or cry because this moment in time had finally come. Although the twins had been born, she still had no idea what would happen to herself or Maura after they intertwined their arms and the cord was tied about their wrist. Perhaps, their time together would end as abruptly as it had started, with no warning or explanation so that, once more, she would be stranded in another age. She tried to think of Bilbo's words of encouragement and hope, but it was difficult when so much was so uncertain.

When she'd arrived in the Shire, and found out why she was here, all her thoughts had initially been focused on the ceremony where she and Maura would pledge their troth in front of family and friends. Somehow events had passed them by, and that public ceremony seemed less important than before. She had already given her private promise, both to Maura and Eru, speaking the time honored words of the hobbits of Beleriand while standing beside this pond. They had joined their lives together, and now she carried his unborn child. What need was there for anything more? Especially when the shadow had cast its ugly form over the Shire, and so many good hobbit parents grieved for the loss of their children. And when she herself had no idea what the coming weeks would bring.

Except for not wanting to disappoint Bilbo, Cami could see little reason for going forward with a public handfasting. She had a wavering feeling in the pit of her stomach that it might be better to forget about any exchange of vows or party at Bag-end, and just ask people to stay at home.

It was at this point that she saw Lorien sitting near the shoreline no more than thirty paces distant. He beckoned to her with his hand, and she walked obediently over to him, wondering why he wanted to see her. He was a Vala. His ways were not like those of her own people. For some reason Cami could not comprehend, he had done nothing to try and help the residents of the Shire to defend themselves against the thieves and kidnappers.

She approached Lorien with some hesitency, and sat down on the rocky bank with her legs drawn up close to her body and her arms clasped tightly around them, while she waited to hear what the Vala had to say.

[ June 30, 2003: Message edited by: Mithadan ]
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Old 06-12-2003, 04:13 PM   #3
Child of the 7th Age
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Pio's post:

8 Cermië

Breakfast, such as it was, was done. Amaranthas had no time to fuss over the Elf who had obviously made it to the kitchen with a minimum of hobbling. ‘There’s some seed cake in the bread drawer,’ she said as she gathered her flower basket and cutters from off the stand next to the back door. ‘I’m going out in the garden to find some flowers to take to Miz Rose’s.’

Amaranthas was nearly out the door when Pio came hobbling up behind her. ‘Wait for me,’ she mumbled, her mouth stuffed with a chunk of seedcake and an apple in her hand. ‘I need to get out doors myself. The walls are closing in on me a bit. Let me go with you; I will hold the basket for you.’

The garden was at its morning freshest as they walked among the flower beds. Amaranthas strode with a critical eye from planting to planting, snipping bunches here and there and laying them carefully in the basket. The old Hobbit was a wealth of information on flower growing and more interestingly, to Pio, on flower lore.

‘They all have a meaning, Miz Pio,’ she said as they walked along. ‘Look over there, that ivy that trails over that garden wall. Ordinary looking isn’t it?’ Pio nodded her head yes, wondering what the old woman would make of the everyday, ordinary vine that crept its way in everywhere.

Amaranthas cut several long strands of it and handed it to the Elf. ‘We’ll take to Miz Rose’s with us, and twine it in among the red and white roses on the wicker trellis where Cami and Maura will say their vows. It will be a reminder of marital love, as are those roses, and a declaration of the fidelity, friendship, and affection they share.’ Shading her eyes from the sun, she glanced up at Pio. ‘You know Cami has chosen little bouquets of primroses and wood sorrel to honor you and the little ones – primroses for them and wood sorrel for your joy and delight in them.’

‘Hmmm,’ Pio’s face bore a look of consideration, and she began to question Amaranthas as they walked about on the meanings of the plants in her garden. When the Hobbit had gotten what she wanted, she traipsed back to her kitchen, the Elf trailing thoughtfully behind her.

I shall just borrow those, if I may,’ Pio said taking the flower shears from off the counter where Amaranthas had laid them after trimming the ends of the flowers. ‘You go ahead and stay here to fix up your bouquet. I am going back out to make one of my own.’

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-12-2003, 04:13 PM   #4
Child of the 7th Age
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Child's post

Cami tugged nervously at the green gemstone that hung on a simple ribbon about her neck. She refused to look up and meet Lorien's gaze. Instead, she stared stubbornly across the pond and waited for him to speak. For several moments, the only sound she could hear was the soft murmur of water that lapped noiselessly against the shore. Then, an owl hooted from the woods, and the spell of silence was broken. Lorien knelt down beside Cami, then sat and stretched out his long legs, turning to confront her.

"Sometimes, even the giver of dreams lies trapped in a silver web of mist. So it happened last night. On the eve of your wedding, a vision came to me in troubled sleep. In my dream, I watched as the sky grew dark and a great storm arose. The wind shifted, and the clouds began to drift apart, with tiny patches of blue appearing in between. Yet still, the rain fell and would not stop."

"Then a voice spoke to me over the tumult: 'You must not forget. The storm will not abate until you tell her why she is here and what she must do.'"

Cami gave Lorien an odd glance and replied, "How can this be? I know why I'm here. That Maura and I may exchange vows. And who spoke to you?"

Lorien shook his head, "I do not know. But afterward, I remembered something I had forgotten." He looked straight at Cami, "You are here for three reasons, not just one. Like Frodo, you have come to the Shire to stand by Bilbo when he chooses to pass from Arda. But that is not all. In distant years, your people will be forgotten, your tales hidden in the pattern of warp and weft that underlies the fabric of time. But, like the Elves, you will leave gifts to those who come after you. Not gifts passed down by blood, but rather by example. From the example of your people, the big folk will learn to cherish the earth and to focus on the families that bring them into the world. For no people who live within Arda center their lives on children and family as fully as you hobbit folk do."

Lorien turned and wagged a finger directly under the hobbit's nose. "Think, Cami, think. Think back to the Star and the conversations you had with Olorin. Even before you came here, in Greenwood, you felt and sensed the brokenness in your home. And when Maura first came to the Inn, you spoke of it with tears to each other, but little more was done."

She stared up woodenly at him. "You are speaking of the boys, and of Gamba?

He snapped back at her, "Don't they have names? They are something more than "boys".

Anger and frustration flooded into Cami's mind, "Don't you think I can see the problem. But what can I do? I can't do it by myself. I've tried and tried. The Tombs broke Gamba into pieces and I can't make him whole again. "

"Maybe not. But if you give up now, you will surely fail. If you can't do it by yourself, then try to do it as a family."

Cami closed her eyes with tears brimming over, "I would if Maura was coming home with me. But I've been given no promises. And it's so hard. The little ones look to Gamba as their parent, and I am shut out."

Lorien impatiently glared back, "Promises? No one in this life is given promises. And who said anything would be easy? All you can do is make a start the best you can. What happens later, happens. Neither you or I control that. But you and Maura can choose whether you make a start."

Cami stared down at the earth and said nothing. Then she looked up at him and queried, "You will come to Bag-end, then?"

"To the party, no. But I swore to Olorin that I would be there and witness your public exchange of vows."

"And you would slip the mantle over our heads to unite us as a family, as the custom of our people demands?"

He looked over at her and nodded, "Speak to Maura first and your sons. I will be there if you need me." Then he turned and walked back in the direction of the Inn.


Child's post

As Cami retraced her steps to the burrow, she mulled over what Lorien had said. Gamba's behavior had troubled her as far back as the Star. It wasn't that he was always getting into trouble. She could deal with that. What bothered Cami was that the older boy held himself apart and never seemed to trust her. He kept the little ones so close that Cami could barely slip in a hug, or spend an evening together telling stories in front of the hearth. Despite every reassurance she'd offered her sons since their being in the Tombs, it was almost as if Gamba was protecting his brothers from someone or something, and that he regarded his mother as part of the problem.

With anguished thoughts, she approached the spot where Maura sat with Frodo Baggins. The two men were enjoying a shared flagon of ale and discussing the wedding ceremony and party that was to begin later that day. Cami greeted the two hobbits, placing her hand on top of Maura's.

"We need to talk. Lorien's spoken with me. It's something we need to get settled, or at least think about, before the ceremony this afternoon."

As Frodo heard Cami's words and stood up to leave, she reached over and shook her head, "No. Frodo, please stay. This is about Gamba. I've seen you speak with the boy and watch him care for his younger brothers. And I know Maura's talked to you about this before. We need all the help we can get."

For the next half hour, as the sun crept higher in the sky, Cami spilled out the words that Lorien had told her. When she had finished, she stared intently at Maura, tears spilling down her cheeks, "My whole life has been spent caring for other people's children, as a nursemaid and teacher. There were so many things I couldn't do well. I used to look at Piosenniel and wish that I could be more like her. But, with children, it was always different. They would throw their arms about me and bury their faces in my shoulder, and share their secrets with me. Yet, now, with my own sons, the people I want to help more than any others, I can't even understand them."

Maura looked at Cami's face which was shot through with despair, and then spoke quietly. "Ever since we first arrived, I knew this was troubling you. Once, early on, you began to open up. But, since then, you've kept it inside, and I was afraid to push."

Cami averted her eyes and stubbornly stared at the ground. "I felt it wasn't fair to saddle you with problems that you didn't create. Anyways, what can we do when I don't even know if we'll be together once we leave the Inn?"

"No, Cami. Whether I'm there. Whether I'm not there. You are my wife. And what we decide here, in the little time we have together will set a course for both of us in the days ahead. And until I draw my last breath, I will never stop trying to return to you."

It was Frodo who quietly interrupted. "To be truthful, I've seen how Gamba shields his brothers. And I've noticed he's more comfortable with older male figures like Maura or even Mithadan than with you who are his own mother. I don't know why that's so. Have you ever tried talking to Gamba about it? If not about his feelings, then his behavior."

Cami shook her head, "No, I was afraid. Afraid that if I laid down the law, Gamba would take the boys and disappear." She hesitated and then continued, "Frodo, I don't understand him. After everything I've done. After all I've given. Why does he still see me like this? "

"Cami, it's not you. It's nothing you've done or haven't done. It's something inside the boy. Something that happened in the Tombs before you even met him."

Maura looked up, "Every night, he sings Lindo's ancient lay about Maura to his brothers. I felt strange even hearing that. But, once he accepted I was actually that Maura, he began to warm up a little. I even tried to get him to talk about his past and his family, and the girl he lost. But he won't. In fact, I think he's hidden the truth from himself. It's almost as if there's a curtain hanging down, and he won't or can't go behind it."

"But other children I've worked with weren't like that," Cami objected. "Even Holly. And Maura has said her own parents were killed in some horrible way in front of her eyes." Cami glanced down at the girl playing quietly beside the pond.

Frodo shook his head. "Each person is different. But remember this. For years on end, the hobbits in the Tombs lived under the physical presence of Morgoth. Every act, every breath they took, was carried out under a terrible shadow. Gamba and Ban and the other children who'd been orphaned couldn't deal with that. With so much evil near them, it's easy to lose track of what's right."

"Gamba is hurting. He was broken into a thousand pieces. If anyone understands how that can happen, it's me. He will have to learn to live with that. It's not easy for him, or you. And, even if things get better, it's never going to be the same as if Gamba had grown up in the Shire, with the kind of support and caring you're used to."

"But we can't just give up. We can do something," Maura insisted. "At the ceremony today, we can bring the boys in under the mantle that will unite us as one family. Let them know that I regard and love them as my sons. And, without raising our voices or threatening, quietly tell them that they will be asked to change their behavior in certain ways. And that has to hold true whether I'm physically present, or not."

"Cami, I will not accept our sons staying out in the forest every night under separate cover, especially the little ones. No matter how fiercely Gamba loves his brothers, that has to change. He is their loving big brother, but he is not their parent. You are their mother with responsibility for feeding and defending them. He is there to help you. And you must quietly insist on that respect."

"Any other arrangement is wrong, just plain wrong. It goes against everything that I know to be good, the decency and love of family that Eru built into the hearts of hobbits. I've spent my whole life as a Loremaster studying the ancient tales, and I can not turn my back on those basic truths."

"The saddest thing to me is that, by his possessiveness, Gamba is recreating a little piece of the shadow in Greenwood. He runs the risk of becoming the very thing he fears and hates."

Maura glanced over towards Cami, "These boys will never be the happy children from the Shire you would like them to be. Sometimes, you're going to have to look for ways to bend. If Gamba is uncomfortable in a burrow, then build a different kind of house, above ground. Something with an outside porch attached so the boys can lay down and still see the stars. But, however you have to do it, keep them under one roof."

"This would be so much easier if I knew you'd be with me," Cami pleaded. "I'm not sure I can do this by myself."

Maura smiled at his wife, tenderly draping his arm about her shoulders, "Little Andreth, I believe in you, your spirit and your heart. I believe that, if you try, if you stop being so afraid of hurting Gamba's feelings, you can begin to help him heal. Act like a mother. Let him decide whether he has the inner strenth to accept you in that role. But you must quietly insist, again and again."

Frodo spoke up shyly, "Anyways, you've got the best example in all of Arda to model yourself on. Watch how Sam and Rosie handle their children. They are strict but caring, and stay as calm and firm as a rock. Talk with your sons this afternoon. Let them know you love them. Don't demand they change what they feel in their hearts. No one can do that. But let them know you've talked, and as Maura's sons, they will be asked to change their conduct in certain ways so you can draw closer together as a family."

"But what if my fears are true? What if they cannot accept those limitations and choose to leave?"

Frodo shook his head, "I don't believe that will happen. Despite all his fears and thoughtlessness, Gamba still cares for you."

But what if it does happen?" Cami pressed, her voice laced with apprehension.

Frodo responded in a somber tone, "This is how I feel. These words may sound harsh, but it's the only way. If Gamba can't bring himself to be part of a family, with all its give and take, you're better off granting him freedom and letting him go. His brothers too if they feel that way. Gamba has to understand that you're not a jailer, and he is free to depart if he really feels that is best. But, while he lives with you, there are certain rules to follow with real consequences."

"There's something else." Maura held Cami in his gaze. "It's not just Gamba who's going to be staying closer to home. Cami, I've never told you this because I didn't want to worry you. But Holly's parents were killed by Orcs. At the beginning when she came to us, I read her mind. Something is happening in Greenwood. I don't know what. But a shadow is beginning to extend its fingers over the forest glades."

"Orcs? Greenwood?" Cami froze, as a half-forgotten tale hidden under the veil of time came up and tugged at her heart. "My people know nothing of battling Orcs. They've never even seen an Orc."

"I know. I've spoken with Bilbo about it. If there were some way I could come with you.... Sad to say, I know something of Orcs and their ways." An image of his mother and sister lying mortally wounded in the hills outside Gondolin formed in Maura's mind. How ironic. He'd spent his entire life studying lore and trying to avoid the physical battle that had raged around him. Now, whatever worth he might have in Greenwood stemmed not from his book learning, but from his experience on the field of battle.

"Cami, your sons and all the other children in that settlement are in danger. Having Gamba sleep under your roof is not just a question of showing respect. It will soon become a matter of life and death. Neither you or Gamba will have much choice in this. So what we say to the boys today carries a heavy meaning."

With that somber message, they slowly walked back with Frodo towards the Inn.

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-12-2003, 04:16 PM   #5
Child of the 7th Age
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8 Cermië

Pio's post

The party was not to begin until late afternoon, but Amaranthas had insisted they go several hours earlier to see that all was in order. ‘Miz Rose is in no condition to be seeing to all this.’ She gave Pio a meaningful stare. ‘You remember how tired and uncomfortable you were at your late stage. Imagine poor Rose who has to oversee all those other children, and run her house, too.’ Pio nodded her head yes, sympathizing fully.

Gilly had gotten the twins all set along with a large basket of all they might need while they were there. ‘We are not moving in, you know,’ chided Pio playfully, looking at the bulging basket. But her comment was met with a hmmph! and roll of the eyes from Gilly, implying that Miz Pio had no idea how necessary each of the items in the basket was. ‘All I am saying Gilly is than the supply basket is four times larger that the babies in their basket, and we are only going across the road to Sam’s house!’

Handing Pio the dress she had brought from the Inn for her, Gilly said nothing. She picked up the basket with the twins with one hand, and the basket of ‘necessaries’ in the other and went out the door, saying she would see Mistress Piosenniel in the cart.

Pio stripped off her comfortable clothes, leaving them in an untidy pile at the foot of the bed. She shrugged on the sea-green dress with the flowing sleeves and smoothed out the wrinkles with her hands. She tsk’d! at the silvered fillet that Gilly had found thrown into the trunk with the weapons and insisted that she wear to this ‘occasion’.

Her hair had grown out in this past year, and it fell in thick, dark waves to her waist. She pulled two twists of it back from her temples and bound them at the nape of her neck to keep her hair from falling into her face. Large grey eyes loomed out from a pale face as she regarded herself in the looking glass that hung above the wash stand in her room. Picking up the fillet she placed it on her brow, securing the ends in her pulled back hair. Gilly had also found a necklace for her to wear, and Pio smiled as she pulled it from its small velvet pouch. A small sea-star shell on a finely wrought silver chain. A gift from Mithadan when he came to the Shire.

She clasped it round her neck, and put her hand over it, wishing that he were there with her.

We are going to Cami’s wedding. I will wish her well for you. Take care, beloved.

Her left hand twisted the slender gold band on her right index finger for a moment, wondering what he had found out.

Pio tucked a stray wisp of hair behind her ear, and slipped her shoes on. As an afterthought, she strapped one of her short knives to her calf. Then she was out the door, her jar of flowers for Cami in her hands . . .

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-12-2003, 04:19 PM   #6
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Child's post

Frodo said his farewells to Maura and Cami on the doorstep of the Dragon, promising that he and Bilbo would see them later that afternoon. Then, the couple detoured around to the rear of the Inn, hoping to inquire if Gilly or Cook had recently seen the boys. They found the two hobbits hard at work in the back alley. They were stacking a series of steaming plates and dishes and platters onto a cart parked just outside the gate. Ruby climbed up into the wagon and, after a quick nod to Cami, flicked the reins over the pony's rear to urge him forward. In an instant the cart trundled noisily off and disappeared.

Cook spun about and crooked one finger under Cami's nose. "Whatever are you doing?" She cast a hasty glance at Maura, pretending he wasn't there, since many Shire residents consider it an omen of ill fortune for the groom to see the bride on the wedding day before the exchange of vows. Cook pulled Cami aside and whispered pointedly in her ear, "What's he doing? Why aren't you dressed yet? If you don't get ready, they'll have your wedding without you."

Cook finally raised her voice so even Maura could hear, "Anyways, it's a good thing you've dropped by. Your party dress is upstairs in Pio's cupboard. She told me to let you in whenever you came by."

Cami replied calmly, "I haven't had time to get ready yet. We have some family business to untangle."

"Family business? What might that be? Surely it can wait till after the wedding."

Cook fixed a keen eye on Cami, but the bride-to-be remained stubbornly silent, staring down at her toes and offering the simplest of explanations, "I promise to get dressed as soon as we've spoken with our sons. Just tell me where they are, and all this will go quickly."

Cook started a bit at Cami's mention of "our sons". It was the first time she'd heard the hobbit refer to her boys that way. "Gamba? That scamp and his brothers? I believe they're helping Hob curry and feed the horses. They were here a little while ago. Those no-goods stole every last carrot out of my pantry."

Cami smiled slightly at Cook's indignant words. However thoughtless or possessive Gamba was, the lad had a soft heart for animals and any other creature in need who happened across his path. Cami thanked Cook and was about to leave, when she caught a glimpse of Gilly bustling through the door.

"Gilly, wait." Cami beckoned to Pio's nursemaid. "I have something for Piosenniel. It's a gift."

"More booties, Miz Cami?" Gilly queried, since Cami had become quite famous for the prodigious number of booties she had knitted.

"Not this time." She handed Gilly a square quilt block elaborately embroidered with colorful yarn that depicted the Elf with her babies at the front door of Bag-end. "Could you put this on the table with the other presents for the twins? I'm afraid I'll be late arriving. Pio will know who it's from and what it's for."

Gilly nodded absentmindedly and stuffed the handiwork deep inside her pocket, as Cami and Maura walked off together in the direction of the stables.


Cami tightened her grip on Maura's hand as she approached the courtyard where the boys were helping feed and curry the horses. Even from down the pathway, she could hear the excited giggles of Ban and little Maura as they drew up buckets of water from the well.

"You're sure this is right for us?" Cami murmured to Maura.

"Very sure. My father once taught me 'The task that takes the longest is the one you never start.'"

Cami smiled. Some things never changed with hobbits.

Then, Maura gently embraced his wife and held her close to him. "Just stay calm and say what's in your heart. We don't know what will come of this. But, unless we try to pass on what we believe in, we will have failed as parents, even if we give the boys a home."

With this, they pushed open the gate to the courtyard, and went inside. Asta came darting up to Maura to share a treasured stone he'd found by the river. Ban climbed up on his mother's knee for a tickle and a hug. Maura gave a respectful nod to Gamba, then called the boys together to sit and talk.

"It's about the wedding, isn't it?" Roka piped up. You and Maura are getting married today. And we all get to go to a party."

Cami nodded her head and smiled, "Yes, we've talked about this before. Maura and I have already made promises to each other in front of Eru. Now we want to share those with you and our friends."

"But it's not just Maura and I. It's you too. We want to be a family. One family." Cami looked around the circle. "Myself and Maura, Gamba, Asta, Roka, Ban, Little Maura, Holly and Rose as well as our other little one who's on the way. You mean more to us than anything in the world."

Maura looked at the boys and tried to explain in simple words. "I hope that I will be able to come to you in Greenwood."

"Will you come for sure? Gamba countered.

Maura looked him straight in the face, "I will not lie to you. I do not know what is possible. But we have hope. And I will not stop trying."

"But, whether or not I'm there, you are my sons and I'm proud of you. This afternoon, in the ceremony at Bag-end, I would like us to make some promises to try and treat each other with respect and love. Your mother and I have spoken about our hopes for our family. Sometime, in Greenwood, she or I may ask you to do some things differently because we believe it will help us grow as a family. That won't always be easy, not for you or for us."

"But today, we just have to make a promise that we will try to love and care for each other, and work through the good times and the bad."

"How about it boys?"

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-18-2003, 12:12 AM   #7
Child of the 7th Age
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8 Cermië - afternoon of Party Day

Pio's post

Bag End was in a festive mood. Sam answered the door with a smile and a bow when they arrived and they were ushered in through the front hall and directly into the kitchen. Miz Rose, seated on a padded chair was directing the activities. The counters and the large table in the center of the room had all been cleared of ‘family things’ as little Rosie explained, taking hold of Pio’s hand and leading her up to the long counter that ran the south side of the kitchen. ‘This is my favorite now,’ she whispered to the Elf, as she eyed the twenty pies, the cloth covered baskets of cookies, and the dishes of fresh, ripe fruits that stood along it.

Pio glanced along the row, thinking that she might have to skip the main courses and go straight to dessert. Her finger was just reaching out to touch a drop of blackberry juice that had bubbled out the side of the crust and stood waiting to be tasted on the side of the pie dish, when she heard a distinctive clearing of the throat and the sound of someone moving up behind her. ‘I wouldn’t touch that pie if I were you, Miz Pio,’ came the distinct tones of Cook. ‘You’ve a notorious way with pies and I don’t have time to bake another one!’ Pio’s eyes narrowed and she was just about to retort when she saw that Cook was laughing at her. ‘Well, I guess I will never live that one down, will I?’

Gilly had come up to survey the bounty, and turned with a perplexed look on her face. ‘These are all very nice, Cook.’ She motioned her closer, her voice down to a whisper lest Cami be nearby. ‘But the wedding cake? Where is it?’

Rosie put her fingers to her lips and motioned for Gilly and Pio to follow her. Down the hall a short way and into the cool pantry they went, stopping at a large deep cupboard at the back. Gilly opened the door with a prompting from Rosie and glanced in. ‘Oh my!’ was her response, and Pio, curious, pushed her slightly out of the way and looked in. She turned with a frown on her face. ‘What an odd custom!’ she said, turning round to take another look at the contents. ‘Hobbits eat large biscuits as wedding cake?’

Rosie and Gilly stared at one another then broke into giggles. Pio shrugged her shoulders and stared back at them, not catching the joke at all. It was Cook, who had followed along behind the group, who straightened out the confusion.

‘It is a biscuit of sorts,’ she explained, ‘or a number of large, fluffy, sugary ones. We’ll split them when the time comes and fill them with these plump, sweet strawberries sliced thick and sugared just a bit to bring out their juices.’ She pointed to the three large bowls of strawberries just picked in the Inn’s garden that very morning. ‘We’ll stack the layers high, and crown the top with thick sweet whipped cream that’s cooling right now in the springhouse. A few whole berries on top for decoration, and it will be fit for a queen!’

Pio’s eyes had grown wide at the description of the dessert, and her mind had definitely been made up to head straight to the dessert table as soon as she could. Cook, as if reading her mind, reminded her that the shortcake would be served after the vows, and was not to be tasted beforehand. Pio feigned an expression of injured dignity, then broke into a grin. ‘Ah, Cook, you know me too well!’

Once they exited the pantry, Cook went back to the kitchen and followed to help her. Elanor had by then come up, and she took the basket with the babies in it, walking with Rosie and Pio out to the west side of the large burrow, where the gardens were.

The grounds were decorated beautifully. Bright colored streamers flew from the branches of the trees, and there were a myriad of small lanterns hung between the trees themselves, to be lit later when darkness had come.

There were gleaming white cloths draping the tables set round the greensward, and on them had been set the pots of wood sorrel and primroses. Pio smiled when she saw them, her breath catching in her throat at the gentle kindness of her friend. The larger table, where the food would be set out, held the arrangement of white hawthorn that stood for hope. And there at the side of the house was the trellis with its white and red roses, where Amaranthas was directing Sam and Frodo-lad on how she wanted the ivy intertwined among them.

Pio’s own vase of flowers she still held carefully in her hands. It was a large, wild and random assortment, unlike the prettily composed ones that Cami and Miz Rose had made. She had listened well as Amaranthas guided her through the flower garden that morning and had put together her own message for her friend.

There were long branches from the hazel, their soft yellow flowers signaling peace. Mugwort for happiness and lily of the valley for return of happiness blended happily with sprigs of fennel for strength. Buttercups marked cheerfulness and sweet smelling honeysuckle the bonds of love. A single, leafed blackthorn wand stood for difficulty, wrapped round with wallflowers for ‘faithfulness in adversity’, while the broad leaves of the chestnut at its base said ‘do me justice’. Sprigs of holly were tucked here and there, a defense against shadow, as were sprigs of mistletoe saying ‘I rise above all’. And here and there were nestled ivy leaves for friendship, and near them the tiny blue flowers of forget-me-nots. It was a motley assortment when looked at with a critical eye, but Pio had gathered the flowers and leaves carefully, putting them in a large crockery jar from the Inn, the sort that held a pint of ale. And round the middle of it she tied a thin leather thong, wrapping it tightly about the jar several times, from which hung a single silver star.

She set the arrangement back out of the way, in the shadow of a tree that overhung one of the tables. Rosie and Elanor wondered at the odd looking bunch of flowers, but said nothing, thinking it was some Elven custom.

In a short span of time, the final preparations were done and Miz Rose pronounced that all was in readiness for the party. She and Pio went out to the lawn and sat in the shade of the tall trees on comfortable chairs, glasses of cool tea in their hands. Miz Rose made much of the babies, as did Rosie and Elanor, while young Merry and Pippin entertained Goldilocks and little Hamfast with a game of catch the beetle.

Frodo-lad crept quietly up to where his mother and the Elf were sitting and sat down between them on the grass, hoping that Pio might look his way.

All too soon, the guests began to arrive . . .

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
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Old 06-19-2003, 01:01 AM   #8
Child of the 7th Age
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Himaran's post:

Frodo-lad crept quietly up to where his mother and the Elf were sitting and sat down between them on the grass, hoping that Pio might look his way. Unfortunately, it was Rose that saw him first. "Frodo-lad, why can't you just run along and play? Miss Pio is very busy, and I'm sure you can talk to her later."

The kind elf, however, upon turning and seeing the hobbit boy, merely smiled and patted her knee. Happily, Frodo-lad scrambled up onto it, a wide grin from ear to ear plastered on his small face. "Now, good hobbit, what can I do for you?"

After thinking hard, Frodo-lad decided to take full advantage of the elf's open question. "Miss Pio, could you tell me one of those old stories. The ones with elves, and dragons, and orcs?"

Pio’s post:

Pio smiled, and tousled the Hobbit’s thick head of brown curls. She handed the twins, one each to Elanor and Rosie, who sat by her side, then drew Frodo-lad closer on her lap.

‘An old story, eh?’ She rubbed her chin thoughtfully, her eyes growing dark with memories. Her voice dropped low as she spoke.

‘There once was a great city of the Eldar in the First Age of this world. City of the Seven Names, it was called by others. But to we who loved it, it was Ondolindë, the Rock of the Music of Water.

Blessed by the Vala Ulmo and guarded by the fierce Eagles of the Encircling Mountains who protected it from the spies of Morgoth, it lay hidden in the valley of Tumladen in Beleriand. It was said that the beauty of this Elven city rivaled that of Tírion in Eldamar, in the West, far over the Great Sea.

Turgon was its King, and it was he whom Ulmo directed to prepare a secret kingdom hidden in Tumladen. Turgon was one of the Noldor, and as such he fell under their Doom . . .’

Frodo-lad’s eyes had gone wide at this talk of the secret kingdoms, the Eldar, and a Doom laid on them. Elanor and Rosie had scooted in nearer to the side of Pio’s chair, leaning in closer, so as not to miss a word.

‘She talks like she was there,’ whispered Rosie to her sister. ‘Hush, Rosie. Let her go on,’ returned Elanor. Frodo-lad said nothing, his eyes on Pio’s face, he nodded, urging her to continue.

Pio drew a picture with her words of the city and its surrounds. The Encircling Mountains, the Eagle’s aerie, the Hidden Way with its seven gates, the beauty of the city of white stone as it stood on Amon Gwareth in the center of the valley came to life before their eyes. And most of all she drew for them the beauty of the great fountains whose waters sang for them as they ran over the rocks, and which protected the city as their waters fell over the sides of the hill, making the ascent slippery as glass.

She spoke of the evil of Morgoth and how he found the hidden city. And how he sent his troops to overwhelm it. ‘There were Orcs, thousands of Orcs,’ she told them, ‘and Balrogs with their whips of flame, which drove them on.’ She looked closely at each Hobbit child, her head nodding. ‘And there were Dragons,’ she said speaking more quietly than before, ‘great dragons, and we could not stand against this Shadowed host.’

Pio stopped for a moment , taking a sip of her cool tea to refresh her throat, gone dry from speaking and from the sadness of those days. Finished she set the glass down and went on.

She spoke of the great battle the Elves put up against the forces of Morgoth, and how the great champion, Ecthelion, the captain of Gondolin and warden of the Gate, slew Gothmog, the Lord of the Balrogs even as he was slain in this fight. ‘King Turgon, too, was slain,’ she told them, ‘as he defended his Tower. He was the last of the House of Finwë to rule in Middle-earth.’

And she spoke of the Lady Idril, the King’s daughter, and her husband, Tuor, a Man. And how Idril had made a Secret Way of escape and they brought a small number of the Elves of Gondolin to safety just at the last as the city fell. And she spoke with great fondness of their son, Eärendil, who was only a small boy when all this happened.

‘Younger than you three,’ she said. ‘About the age of Merry-lad and little Pippin.’

‘And did they all get to safety?’ asked Rosie. ‘Where did they go?’ Elanor looked at her, her brow wrinkling in thought. ‘Eärendil? That’s the name of the evening star, isn’t it?’ Frodo-lad sat quietly taking in all he had heard, having gotten all he had asked for and more.

‘That’s such a sad story, Miz Pio,’ said Rosie, patting the Elf’s knee as she rocked the little boy carefully.

Pio shook off the feelings that had come up with the telling of this story, and grinned at the three children. ‘But you know, that was a very old tale, and now it is over and done with. And here we are on this bright sunny day in the Shire.’ She poked Frodo-lad playfully in his ribs, causing him to loose his serious and dignified look as he giggled.

‘You turn,’ she laughed, challenging him with an impish look. ‘Now you tell me a story. Something that happened in your life, my dear Hobbit. Something fun!’

‘Go on!’ urged Rosie, ‘tell her . . .’

Himaran's post:

For a moment, Frodo-lad was in pure shock. Had Miss Pio actually asked him to tell her a story?" His disbelief soon turned into fear. What story would he tell? Suppose she didn't like the story?

Frodo-lad was terrified at the thought of his idol not being pleased with something he did. But, encouraged by his siblings, he knew he would at least have to try. "Why, sure Miss Pio! I'll tell you a story. What sort of one do you want to hear?"

"Well, how about a short little story about hobbits. You know, a fun and humorous one, and peaceful at that. Something that will make us all laugh."
The little hobbit thought hard, and soon remembered a hilarious event that his father had told the family over dinner one night. "Alright, here's my story."

"You see, my dad used to be Mr. Frodo's gardener. He would always cut down the grass in the yard and right next to the wall. One day, when Mr. Frodo was gone, dad was working in the garden, and saw that he'd left something inside that he needed.

Now Mr. Frodo had given him the key to Bag End. And when dad went over to the door, he couldn't find the key in his pants. He had left it inside the hole.

Then Dad went over to one of the windows, and tried to crawl through. But halfway in, he got stuck. His arms and legs were still outside, but the other part of him was inside. He started kicking and squirming, and shouting too. But his head was inside Bag End, and so no one heard him.

Then his Gaffer, my Grandad, saw him from the road. He thought that it was a burglar, because all he could see was Dad's legs. So he took his stick and gave Dad a good beating in the backside before he realized whom it was he was smacking."

Pio's post

Frodo was quite enjoying his telling of the family tale, and he was pleased the Pio thought it so funny. She laughed at the picture he drew of Sam caught in the window, and the Gaffer’s sound thwacking of him. Rosie’s mouth, however, had formed into a little ‘O’ of surprise, and she looked guiltily up at him, then pointed to a place over his shoulder. Frodo turned, a look of surprise coming over his face as he saw who now stood behind him.

Sam stood there, shaking his head, a look of mock sternness on his face.

Pio laughed again, and put her arm round Frodo-lad. ‘Did you know your son had such a knack for making history come alive, Sam?’ Sam, all hope of looking disapproving gone now, agreed that his son had indeed inherited the ability to make old tales seem fresh and new, and ‘humorous’, he added, giving a wink to Frodo-lad.

Miz Rose had come up to where they were standing, and Sam brought a chair close for her, assisting her to sit down. Her eyes twinkled as Sam recounted the story Frodo-lad had been sharing. ‘So, Miz Pio has now seen another side of you, so to speak!’ she said grinning mischievously up at him.

Sam took his leave of them, saying he needed to attend to a few details before the ceremony began. Miz Rose watched his retreating figure fondly, then turned her attention to Frodo-lad and the two girls. ‘Let me have some quiet company here with Miz Pio before the party is in full swing, won’t you children?’ They nodded their heads ‘yes’ at her, all three standing up to go. ‘Perhaps you three can see to the other children that some of out guests have brought. Get a game going of some sort if you would.’

Rosie looked up with an impish grin. ‘Tag!’ she cried – let’s go out on the front lawn and play it!’ She ran off quickly, her older siblings running along behind her.

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-19-2003, 01:51 AM   #9
Child of the 7th Age
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Gamba came bounding up the path and pounded noisily on the door, "Mother, hurry! We're late. Father says you'd better come. He's waiting by the main road."

"Just a minute," Cami shrieked back. "Holly fell into the pond. Thank goodness, she swims like a fish. But she needs to change her clothes."

Cami hastily pulled the door open and beckoned Gamba to come inside, shoving a towel into his hands. "Here. Could you dry your sister off while I get her another frock?"

"What did Maura tell you after I left? After we all agreed to try and stick together as a family?" Cami prodded Gamba, as she ran to the back of the burrow, rummaging through a small wooden chest and pulling out a stack of dry clothing.

"Oh, not much," laughed Gamba, scrubbing vigorously at his sister's mop of wet brown curls. "He said we had to walk together to Bag-end as if we were a real family. And we all had to behave during the ceremony and act polite."

"And after the ceremony is over?"

Gamba grinned, "He said we could run wild and hang by our toes from the rafters."

"He really said that?"

Gamba grinned victoriously ear-to-ear. "Sort of. He said we'd need to let off some steam, and we'd better do it in the side garden where we wouldn't bother other folks too much."

"That rascal of a husband," Cami muttered under her breath, as she slipped a clean dress over Holly's head. Then the three hobbits set out quickly down the roadway to join up with the others.

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-19-2003, 10:37 AM   #10
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Pio's post

Sam’s boys, Merry and little Pippin scurried into the parlour and commandeered the footstool from its place in front of highbacked chair. Intent on getting it wrangled safely down the long hall, they did not see their Father come out of the kitchen door as they passed by.

‘Here! What’s this!’ he cried with mock ferocity. ‘Does your Mother know you’ve hijacked a piece of furniture from her parlour?’ The two bandits plunked down the stool on the hardwood floor and turned to face him, their faces red from the exertion of trying to manage the unwieldy cargo. Little Pip put his hand on his hips and stared up exasperated at his Father.

‘Now look what you’ve done, Papa! We almost had it to the door!’

Merry-lad stepped forward, shushing his brother. ‘Mother asked us to fetch it, Papa. Mistress Piosenniel’s leg is hurting, and we’re bringing it for her to put it up on.’

‘Well, then,’ said Sam, smiling at his sons, ‘let me be of some service to you.’ He picked up the footstool, nodding to the boys to go ahead of him. ‘Open the doors for me, lads, and lead me out to where Miz Pio is sitting. We’ll get her fixed up soon enough.’ Merry ran ahead to hold the door, while little Pip took hold of his Father’s pant leg and guided him along.

Pio sat in the shade of the sugar maple tree, the babies near her in their basket on a low, sturdy table. There were a number of guests who stood round her, talking softly while the babies slept. It was women, mostly, their men having drifted away to congregate around the casks from the Green Dragon and talk of crops and smoke a pipeful with their peers.

One of the babies had begun to fuss, and several hands darted forth to pick up the little girl and see to her. ‘Peony, you’ve had a turn already, let me hold that baby for a minute!’ A deft pair of hands scooped the tiny bundle from the other Hobbits arms to coo and fuss over her.

‘Would you mind if my wife held the boy, Miz Pio?’ The Elf looked up startled, a slow smile spreading on her face. ‘Halfred Whitfoot! It is so nice to see you here, away from “official” business.’ Halfred reddened a bit and brought his wife forward. ‘Mistress Piosenniel, I would like to introduce my wife to you – Millefoil.’ There was such an obvious affection in the man’s eyes that Pio’s own heart melted toward him. ‘Very pleased to meet the goodwife behind the Shiriff, Miz Millefoil!’ Pio and Millefoil chatted amiably for a few moments, and then the boy began to stir. Millefoil picked him up and held him near. ‘Isn’t he just the darling, Halfred?’ she asked holding the baby out to the Shiriff. ‘He must look just like his Daddy. What a handsome little man.’

Halfred’s brows went up at the mention of Mithadan. ‘Where is he, by the way, Miz Pio?’ he asked, looking about the yard. ‘Not still sick is he?’

‘Mithadan has gone away, on some business, Shiriff. He will be back soon, I think.’

Halfred’s mouth opened to ask another question, but by then the babies had begun to cry, and Pio took them both in her arms. ‘If you good folk will excuse me, I will take the little ones in and get them fed and changed.’ She smiled sweetly at the Shiriff and his wife, and called out over her shoulder as she made for the house. ‘The flowers were lovely Shiriff. Thank you!’

‘Now isn’t she just the sweetest thing, Halfred. And what an attentive mother.’ Her eyes followed the retreating Elf with some wistfulness. ‘Our youngest girl is two now, Halfred. Don’t you think it’s time we had another baby in the house?’ Halfred patted her hand, and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. ‘Best we discuss that at home, dear. Oh look,’ he said, directing her attention to where his brother and his wife stood, ‘let’s go over and see Filibert and Hyacinth.’

Millefoil prattled on about this and that as they walked to where the other couple stood. Halfred, his hand on her elbow, put in the occasion ‘uh hum’ and ‘yes, dear’, but his head was turned to catch the figure of the Elf as she entered Bag End, his brow furrowed in thought. ‘Away on business, is he?’ he thought to himself. ‘And what sort of Big Folk business might that be, I wonder?’


Halfred left Millefoil in the company of Hyacinth, the two ladies talking warmly about new babies, and poking through the presents that had been left on the table for Pio’s twins. Seeing her so well engaged, he drew quietly away, taking his brother Filibert with him.

‘Mithadan apparently is “away on business”, or so the Elf says.’ Halfred spoke in a low voice, as he led his brother well away from any other party goers. ‘She was very vague about the whole thing.’ Halfred looked round the milling party goers and caught the eye of his two deputies, Milo and Hugo. They raised their mugs of ale to him and smiled.

The smiles left their faces as he motioned them over. ‘You two need to make your excuses to the host. I have something I want you to follow up on.’ Milo and Hugo drained their drinks and listened as Halfred detailed what he wanted them to do and where he wanted them to go. They nodded their heads and setting their now empty mugs on a nearby table made their way to garden gate, pausing only to speak briefly with Sam as they left.

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-19-2003, 10:38 AM   #11
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Child's post

By the time Cami and Maura arrived at the party, with six children in tow, the festivities were well under way. As they came up the walkway towards Bag-end, Cami could hear a recorder and fiddle playing, and a number of guests all chattering away. The lovely lanterns and flowers, the tables with their generous platters of food, the friends and neighbors gathered around--all took Cami's breath away.

She whispered her goodbyes to Maura and Gamba, explaining that she'd see them again once the ceremony started. Then, she made a quick tour of the party room and gardens, stopping to greet Zira and Ban and several other friends.

Out of all the lovely floral arrangements that had been set out, there was one that instantly took her eye. A wild thing hidden towards the back of the garden with a crazy assortment of flowers. Hazel, mugwort, chestnuts, and forget-me-nots, a sprig of ivy and a lone blackthorne wand, all tied together with a leather thong from which hung a single silver star.

How appropriate, Cami smiled. Just like her friend. So good hearted and adventurous. Perhaps just a shade too adventurous!

When Cami approached Frodo and asked him where Pio was hiding, he had nodded towards the rear of the house and briefly explained she had taken the twins there to settle them down. Cami deftly undid the latch and slipped through the door to the back hallway, hoping to surprise her friend by thanking her for the striking arrangement of flowers and letting her know that it was time for the ceremony to begin....

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-19-2003, 10:39 AM   #12
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Pio's post

She heard the steps come hurriedly down the long hall, pausing it seemed to look in each room, then hurry nearer. The twins had been fed, and changed, and now lay in their basket at her feet. As far as she knew, she and the babies were alone in the house while everyone else was out in the gardens waiting for the ceremony to begin.

The hair at the nape of her neck prickled as the steps grew nearer, stopping and starting at each of the entryways. Drawing the knife from the sheath on her leg, Pio moved the basket of sleeping babies behind the sofa in the parlour, draping a thin blanket over it to shield the light from the nearby window. Without a sound she moved to the side of the entry into the room and waited.

It was not a long wait. The sounds drew near and then stopped, just outside the door. She could hear them retreat across the hall, and then return, coming closer to the parlour. The door was only slightly ajar, and she watched as a hand reached in to shove at the handle.

As soon she saw the wrist, her free hand snaked out in a rapid motion, closing round it with a steely grip. Pio hauled the intruder in quickly in a single motion throwing them against the wall, blade to throat.

‘Don’t kill me before my wedding!’

The squeaky whispered plea brought the Elf back to a shocked reality as she looked down into Cami’s face, all color drained from it. The knife clattered to the floor, and Pio stepped back. Cami rubbed her wrist and felt carefully along the side of her neck for any bleeding cuts.

‘It’s me, you knife happy ninny! I’ve only come to tell you we are about to begin,’ she rasped out, her throat gone quite dry from fear. ‘What in Arda were you thinking?’

Pio took a deep breath, shaking off the tension of the moment. ‘I am truly sorry, Cami,’ she said, taking her friend’s hand and leading her to the sofa. Pio brought the babies from behind it and sat their basket at her feet. Urging Cami to sit down near her, she took her hand, apologizing once again.

‘It was a dark dream I had yesterday that has set me on edge. Full of shadows and feelings of emptiness and despair.’ Pio looked out the window, the soft light of a pleasant Shire evening belying the uneasiness niggling at the corners of her mind. ‘My arms were achingly empty. The shadows had drawn near and I drew my sword against them. But the blade cut through them without effect, and I could not find what I sought.’

Pio’s hand strayed to the basket, gently touching her son and daughter. ‘And now the Shiriff has come, wondering where Mithadan has gone, bringing up the fear of him and Bird also in danger from both sides – the ruffians and the law.’ She leaned against the back of the sofa, her hand straying to the back of her neck, rubbing at it. ‘It is strange, is it not. One entangles, entwines ones’ life with another – either by choice, as with Mithadan,’ she dropped her hand down to take Cami’s once more, ‘and as with you, in friendship - or by chance, as with my children. And one is quite undone. Pushed to consider things in a wider cast, if hazier, light. Unable to make those decisions that would have come so easily before.’

The sounds of Sam’s children came streaming by the window – a raucous game of tag was underway and little Pippin was chastising his older siblings for running so fast. ‘No fair!’ came his indignant cry. Goldie and I will never catch up to you!’ There was laughter, and a swirl of good-natured comments as Elanor, Rosie, and Frodo-lad swarmed about the younger group, just barely in reach of Goldie’s hand. She reached out giggling and slapped Rosie on the leg. The gathering broke up as swiftly as it had come together, their cries of delight flowing away from the window.

Pio laughed, her dark mood slipping away for the moment. ‘Ah! What am I thinking! This is your day, Cami Goodchild. Excuse my dark meanderings . . . and my all too ready blade!’ She looked closely at her friend. ‘Everything will turn out as it should - at least for this day, I think. I will witness you and Maura and your family as you join your courses. We will eat and drink and toast your good fortune as we may.’

We will be safe for a space of time among this good company.

She leaned in close and taking Cami’s face in her hands, kissed her three times on the brow.

‘From me,’ she said, ‘and Mithadan and Bird who are with you in their thoughts.’ She leaned back, studying the features of her friend’s face. ‘Would that They grant you their grace, Cami. You and Maura and all your family.’

The basket with the babies gripped firmly in her hand, Pio rose from the sofa. She could hear the small band of musicians recruited from the area tuning up in readiness to play a little music for the dancing that would come after the vows were said and witnessed. Laughing she reached down and swatted Cami lightly on the arm.

‘Tag! You are it!’

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-19-2003, 10:40 AM   #13
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Mithadan's post

8 Cermië

Shortly after midnight, Stoatie unlocked the door to the Hut. Mithadan rose and walked out, only to be halted by the bandit as he entered the bleak courtyard. Ferny and two others were mounted on horses already and looked down upon him with feral smiles. "You'll be riding with us, Mithadan," said Ferny. "We will halt in Bree for a bit before moving on to the ratland of The Shire. That one is yours." He motioned to a horse browsing a patch of grass nearby.

"Yer sword, Mithy," said Stoat with a grin. He held out his hands. "Not that we don't trust yer or nothing. Just bein' careful 'til we gets ter know yer better." Mithadan unbuckled his scabbard without expression and passed it over to the bandit. Then he mounted and the party trotted off into the night...

They reached The Prancing Pony at daybreak and entered the common room for some breakfast. Mithadan noted the dark glare which the innkeeper shot at Ferny, but looked down at the floor lest his inopportune smile be seen by his companions. It seemed that the Breelanders were none too fond of his "boss".

Ferny ordered eggs, bacon and milk for the party. Mithadan was gnawing on a hard roll when a familiar figure entered the room. Rose! She took a seat at a nearby table after glancing quickly over at him and ordered some breakfast herself. Mithadan waited for several minutes until the room became a bit more crowded. Then he reached for an apple. Drawing a knife from his belt, he began cutting slices from the fruit as he chatted with Ferny. Then he drew the blade sharply across his fingers. He shot to his feet with a wild curse that made several nearby diners stare at him with shock. Dropping the knife to the table, he shook his hand, sending drops of blood into the air. Ferny and Stoat broke out in loud laughter even as they dodged the red droplets. "Gimme a rag," Mithadan shouted to a serving girl. She passed him a cloth which he looked at and threw to the floor. "A clean one!" he yelled. He stalked over to the bar and seized another cloth. Mithadan turned his back on his table as he wiped his hand. Then he spun around and walked back towards his party.

As he passed Rose, seated with a group of Hobbits, he sneered and dropped the bloody cloth on her plate, bringing cries of outrage from her companions. He ignored them and sat back down to the teasing of his companions.

Rose picked up the cloth and dropped it on her lap. When the commotion died, she unfolded it. The letters were unclear and smudged but the words could be read. Twins. Go. She crumpled the rag, being careful to smudge the letters into oblivion. Then she stood and excused herself so that she could wash her red-stained hands...

[ June 28, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

[ June 30, 2003: Message edited by: Mithadan ]
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Old 06-19-2003, 10:41 AM   #14
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The men had made rapid progress for the remainder of the day, riding the horses at a hard gallop for long stretches of the Great Eastern Road. They'd made as few stops as possible to catch their breath or take on water. By the time they'd reached the Brandywine, it was only mid-afternoon. Their mounts were hot and lathered and nearly falling in their tracks.

Ferny's henchman was waiting with fresh horses and took them across the River on a make-shift raft. From this point, they headed west through the deserted marshes that bordered on the northern bank of The Water. The thick patches of tall sedge and bracken growing there made slow going but provided ample places for the band to hide, even under the bright rays of the afternoon sun.

Only once did they hear some hobbit voices nearby. They'd stood perfectly still under cover of tall grass with their weapons poised as they waited to see if the voices came any closer. But they'd faded off into the distance, and the men had resumed their westward trek. By the time they actually reached Bywater Pool, the sun was dipping beneath the horizon and grey shadows were creeping over the land.

"I'm hungry," growled Shifty to Boss.

"Stop thinkin' of yer stomach. Ya think there's an Inn 'ere that's gonna feed the likes of us? Even if we could chance it, these hobbits hates men and won't give us the time o' day, let alone a flagon of ale."

"Hey Boss," Stoatie chimed in. "I got me an idea. Look over there!" Stoatie jerked his thumb over towards a small burrow that stood at the base of Bywater Pool. "Doesn't look like anybody's around. Betcha they've got some free food for the takin'. I hear hobbits eat purty good."

"Alright Stoatie, check it out. I could use somethin' myself. Jest be careful. Take Mithy with you and, if you see anything move, pound it into the ground."

A few moments later, Mithadan came riding back. "There's no one in sight, Boss. Whoever lives there isn't home now."

Mithadan inwardly breathed a sigh of relief to see that the burrow was empty. He forced down the familiar image of Cami and Maura that came creeping into his mind.

"Alright, then," barked Ferny as they headed towards the small burrow. "Let's get some dinner before we head out. Can't do nothin' till it gets darker so we might as well stay hid here. Shifty you'll stand guard, while we rustle up somethin'. Just holler if you see anybody." With that several of the men crammed themselves into the tiny space, ransacking the cupboards and overturning everything else in sight.

[ June 22, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-19-2003, 10:42 AM   #15
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Child's post

Amaranthas slipped in through the unlatched door and came hobbling up the corridor, with a serious expression on her face. Cook followed close behind.

"Enough games, Miz Pio! Our younger guests are getting rambunctious. It's time your friend stepped forward to tie the knot."

The older hobbit gazed around searching for the bride, who had wandered over to the side of the room trying to blend into the wall. Amaranthas approached Cami and reached out with the tip of her cane, giving a slight jab to the hobbit's ribs. "Let's have a closer look."

She surveyed her top to bottom, and gave a chuckle of approval. "Not bad for a bride who's a bit long in the tooth." She bent down and, with some difficulty, picked up the edge of Cami's silken overskirt, then peered intently underneath, sifting through layered petticoats until she felt a telltale lump. Cami wiggled uncomfortably as Amaranthas unhooked the pouch and triumphantly looked inside. The older hobbit inspected the contents: a small clump of earth laden with roots, a piece of bread, and a Shire penny. Then she showed the items to Cook before returning them to the pouch and pinning it back under Cami's skirts.

"Well, lass, you haven't forgotten all your customs." Amaranthas exchanged an approving glance with Cook, as Cami breathed a sigh of relief to see the older hobbit turn and disappear down the corridor as quickly as she had come.

Cami turned a gleeming face to Pio, "It's almost time!"

"What was that?" The Elf gazed quizzically at her friend.

"Just custom. Thank goodness Amaranthas let me off easy. I've seen the wise women do far more vigrous inspections."

The Elf wondered what those might be like, but merely asked about the pouch Cami carried.

"Oh, that. It's said to contain all that's needed for a happy life. The bread for food, the rich earth for the protection of a burrow, and a simple penny for the basic things we need to hold ourselves together."

At that moment Bilbo knocked on the door and asked if Cami was ready. She gave Pio an impulsive hug and walked over to Bilbo. "As ready as I'll ever be."

"Lorien is here, and Maura has the children lined up in front. You'd best hurry as they're beginning to wiggle."

As Bilbo linked arms with Cami, he leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I do believe you're the only hobbit in history to have the cord tied by one of the Vala."

Cami responded with a grin, "It's all your fault. You know what the neighbors said about giving a lass an education. It's all those fanciful tales you told me."

With that, Bilbo affectionately towsled the bride's curls. Then, the two walked together towards the floral arch in the garden, with Cami being careful to support the hobbit's faltering steps with the sturdy weight of her own body.

Bilbo led Cami under the bower of flowers set up in the garden and gently laid Maura's hand on top of hers before he stepped away. The first silver star of the evening hung overhead like a lonely beacon of hope, as Maura looked deep into Cami's eyes. Then he made these simple promises: I, Maura Took, take you, Camielia Goodchild, to be my chosen wife. May I ever show love and respect for you. And may our union be as fruitful and blessed as the rich bounty of the earth. Then Cami repeated these same vows.

Lorien came forward, asking Cami and Maura to place their wrists near each other. Then he took a silver cord and wrapped it about their hands and arms and bound them together with a single knot, repeating these words:

Above you are the stars
below you are the stones
as time does pass
Like a star should your love burn brightly
Like a stone should your love be firm
Before the witnesses assembled,
And in respect of vows privately pledged,
I proclaim them Husband and Wife,
And declare them bonded.

Then he asked if either Cami or Maura had children who should come forward under the mantle of family. With shaking voice, Cami called out the names of Holly and Gamba, Asta and Roka, Maura and Ban, and even of absent Rose, as well as the unnamed babe she carried beneath her heart. And Lorien took a great mantle of linen and cast it over them all, saying they should love and respect each other as family.

And when all that was over, it was quiet for a moment until a small frantic voice rang out: "Mommie, I can't get out of this thing!" And the family's friends ran forward to lift the mantle and untie the cord, and offer the couple their best wishes.


Orual's post

Sam smiled as Lorien completed the ceremony, and thought of his own wedding. It had been a simple affair, but it had been everything that either of them needed. He could remember the glow on Rose's face as they exchanged vows. It was much the same as the glow that was now on Cami's face.

Sam smiled fondly at his childhood friend and cousin, radiant in her beautiful dress, gazing lovingly into fiancé--her husband's eyes. Quite a different person from the girl he squabbled with as a boy, who lorded her whole year of seniority over him, who he looked up to and tried to emulate and had wished so desperately to impress. Cami and Maura turned to him, and he took a deep breath. Rose gave the Hobbiton Registry of Marriages to him, and he held it up before the newlyweds. Rose was standing at his side, a quill pen in her hand, ready to give it to whoever would sign first.

"Camielia and Maura Took," he said, smiling as he said their names together for the first time, "you are now married under Iluvatar, with all of us as witnesses. Now, I ask if you wish to be recognized as a married couple by the laws of Hobbiton and of the Shire. By signing this Registry, you will be married under the law. I ask you, do you wish to sign?"

Cami and Maura looked at each other, and nodded. "We do," they said, nearly in unison. Rose solemnly handed the quill pen to Maura, who signed and handed it to Cami, who put her signature next to his.

Rose took the quill back, and Sam blew gently on the ink to dry it. "Signed and sealed under the law," he said. "You are married by the laws of the Shire." He grinned at Maura. "If you wish, you can kiss the bride."

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-19-2003, 10:42 AM   #16
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Piosenniel's post:

"The little ones are tired, Mistress Piosenniel, and to be honest so am I."

Gilly stood yawning by Pio's side, the babies in their basket hanging from one hand. She had dark circles under her eyes and she knuckled her eyes with her free hand, hoping to keep them from drooping.

Pio stood at the gift table for the twins, fingering the lovely and thoughtful presents the Shire folk had made for her children. She glanced over to where Maura and Cami stood, their arms about each other's waists receiving the congratulations of the guests. There were hugs and kisses on the cheek for the bride and handshakes with slaps on the back for Maura. She caught Cami's eye for a moment, and smiling sent her an image - a familiar toothy visage with a puff of smoke escaping its nostril winking impishly at her in a congratulatory manner.

She looked down at Gilly, and bending close gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You are a treasure, Gillyflower Took. I cannot think what I would do without you!" Gilly blushed at the unexpected compliment, and wondered how much of the Old Winyards her mistress had downed that day.

'Not a drop, Miz Gilly!' came the unexpected reply. Gilly looked up to see Pio grinning at her, and grinned back. 'I have stayed with the iced tea and lemon-ade today.' She laughed, reaching down to smooth the hair on her daughter's head. 'We would not want the little one's to be tipsy, would we?'

Pio took one of the blankets from the gift table and placing the basket on the gift table, tucked the soft wrap carefuly around the two babies. 'Take them and your self to Amaranthas' house, Gilly. Get some rest, the lot of you. I will come later, when the party has wound down, and we will all stay another night at her house.'

Gilly adjusted the shawl she had put on around her shoulder, drawing it more securely about her as the cool night breezes came up. 'Would you like me to walk with you to the house,' offered Pio. 'or have someone to go with you to see you safely there?'

'No, no need for that,' scoffed Gilly at the offer. 'It's only across the road and I could walk there blindfolded, I've been back and forth so many times today.'

Pio bent down and kissed the two heads just barely sticking out beyond the cover. Sweet dreamings! Your amme will come to you soon.

Gilly took the basket in her hand and trudged slowly down the path to the gate. She waved her hand at Pio in the distance as she opened it and turning east, slipped quickly across the path to the house beyond.

[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-19-2003, 10:43 AM   #17
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The men had raided the pantry for food, coming up with a pitcher of ale and several pork pies, which they'd hastily stuffed into their mouths. Then, just for fun, they'd overturned and destroyed everything in sight: the plump down mattress, the rickety table and chairs, the carved chest that Maura had made, and a few pieces of crockery Cami had borrowed from the Inn.

Worst of all, Shifty and Ratty tore down the shelf near the window that held all of Cami's books. They'd hurled them outside one-by-one and used them to aim at a variety of targets, yelling and roughousing with each other in the process.

It was Ferny who put a quick end to this horseplay, collaring Ratty and dragging him in by the scruff of the pants. "Shut yer traps. Git in here. You'll wake the whole neighborhood."

"But Boss. There's nobody here. Absolutely nobody. It's like they all disappeared."

Ferny growled back, "That may be so. But they could be back any minute. Anyways they're probably just down by the Inn."

"I want everyone to be careful. Stoatie, take off for the Inn with three of the men. Spy it out. Take the extra horse with you."

"If everything looks clear, wait in the bushes till midnight, then go ahead with the strike. Just send Ratty back so he'll tell me what you're doin'. Once you get the brats and their mother, take off. Head north and stay off the roads.

Stoatie grunted agreement and gathered the ruffians together. Each man led his horse towards the rear courtyard of the Inn keeping a tight grip on his weapons in case anything unusual turned up.

[ June 23, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-19-2003, 10:44 AM   #18
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Himaran's post

Frodo-lad had bored quickly of the small game of tag; finding himself once again looking for Piosenniel. Perhaps it was just a coincidence, or maybe it was his own imagination, but seemed to him that wherever she went, excitement and adventure could be found.

After carefully scanning the party, his eyes saw Pio conversing with another hobbit, Gilly Took. He walked slowly towards them, and crawled under several tables to reach them. Crouching behind a barrel, he overheard part of their discussion.

"Take them and your self to Amaranthas’ house, Gilly. Get some rest, the lot of you. I will come later, when the party has wound down, and we will all stay another night at her house;" Piosenniel was saying. The elf asked if Gilly would like someone to accompany her to the house, and she politely declined the offer.

"No, no need for that, It’s only across the road and I could walk there blindfolded, I’ve been back and forth so many times today."
This appeared to satisfy Pio, and Gilly left with the twins.

Frodo-lad had nearly leapt up and asked if he could go with Gilly, but was too shy to do so. He certainly did not want Pio to find out he had been spying on her. But then an idea popped into his head. He could go with Gilly anyway! He would merely go for a walk, and then head over to Amaranthas’ house. He might stay outside, but he felt (in a strange way) partially responsible for the safety of the twins.

Frodo-lad waited until Pio had gone, and then slipped out from his hiding place and hurried out of Bag End. He soon spotted Gilly, and followed some ways behind her. When she reached (and entered) the house, Frodo-lad crept over to a window, and saw Gilly sit back in the armchair.

The warmth of the late evening, mixed with the walk from his secret journey, soon caused Frodo-lad to yawn and sit back against a tree. Within minutes he was asleep.

[ June 20, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
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Old 06-20-2003, 01:55 AM   #19
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It was quiet for the most part at Amaranthas’ house as Gilly sat in the large overstuffed rocker in the front room. The little ones were asleep in the second bedroom, and she sat in the dim glow of the hooded candle lantern that stood on the small table by the door, her eyes nearly closed as the rocker swayed slowly back and forth.

The house had been warm when she returned from the party, and stuffy, from being closed up most of the day. Gilly had thrown open all the windows to let in the fresh night breezes, and now she sat dreamily listening to a chorus of nearby frogs play bass line to the fiddle music from the party as the summer night’s sounds drifted in softly from a distance. Only the occasional rasping sound of some insect broke the lulling rhythm.

‘I should go to bed, myself,’ she thought drowsily to herself, ‘but it’s so comfortable here.’ Gilly curled up on the seat of the rocker, drawing her legs up against her, and resting her head on the arm of the chair. Reaching her hand up to the soft woolen shawl draped over the chair’s back, she pulled it down over her, tucking a corner of it under her head as a pillow. Her lashes dropped lower, until they brushed her cheeks, and she fell headlong into dreaming.

The sounds of her soft, slow breathing eased into the cadence of chair’s wooden rockers against the old wood floor.

Squeak . . . squeak . . . . . squeak . . . . . . . squeak . . . . . . .
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 06-22-2003, 04:57 PM   #20
Child of the 7th Age
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Catching a glimpse of the Dragon around the next bend, Stoatie ordered two of the men to stay behind with the horses, hiding in a grove of oaks that grew just off the main pathway. Then he and Shifty carefully crept up behind a thick hedge that led to the rear of the Inn.

Everything was strangely quiet. Much too quiet. They had not spied a single hobbit out on the road or even heard any voices coming from inside.

"What ya make of it? Maybe they is expectin' us." Shifty's voice sounded troubled.

"Dunno. But I'm gonna try somethin'. You wait 'ere."

Stoatie trotted to the back gate. Last time, he'd pried off a rear basement window and snuck into the Inn that way. Peering out in all directions and seeing absolutely no one in sight, he darted in and out of the bushes until he'd made his way to the front steps of the Inn. With a boldness that was surprising, the henchman grabbed hold of the knob and tried to turn it, ready to bolt in another direction if someone's face appeared too near the threshold.

To Stoatie's complete surprise, the door handle refused to budge. What kind of Inn was this? Every Inn he'd visited had kept their front door open for customers or at least left a doorkeeper to screen people at the gate. Stoatie glanced up and noticed a piece of paper tacked up beside the door with some handwriting scribbled on it. With one jerk, he yanked the sheet down and stuffed it inside his pocket.

Just then, from down the road came an omenous sound, the steady clip-clop of trotting ponies as a band of weary travellers approached the Inn. Glancing around and finding nowhere close to hide, Stoatie made for a nearby tree and slung his body into the lower branches so that the thick greenery completely shielded him from view, especially since it was dark and foggy.

Stoatie watched and listened carefully as one of the hobbits bounded up the steps and impatiently knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer. Then one of his companions hastily called out, "Oh, I forgot. Remember what the Innkeeper in Frogmorton told us. The Dragon's closed for the afternoon and evening. Something about folk going to a party. Strange that they didn't even post a notice. We'll have to seek lodging in the Ivy Bush."

With that the travellers continued down the roadway.

[ June 23, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-22-2003, 11:27 PM   #21
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Stoatie came hustling back to Shifty and dug into his pocket to fish out the crumpled sheet. Then he shoved it under his henchman's nose.

"Here. Read this. Everyone's gone off to some party. Maybe this tells us where they're at."

"Stoatie," Shifty protested, "My readin' ain't so good."

"Well, it's gotta be better than mine. Take a look at this. Can you make out any names or places?"

Shifty shook his head, "I can't make out most of this but I see two short words here I can read. Don't know if this is any help." With difficulty, Shifty slowly pronounced the two short words as if they were totally unrelated to each other: 'Bag'.....'End'"

"Bag-End?" Stoatie shrieked triumphantly, then lowered his voice to a whisper. "I know jes' where we're goin' now. It's a ways from here. We'll need the horses. Let's drop by Ratty and Tom and tell 'em where we're headin'. Then you 'n me will take off to do the job. Oh, yeah, and bring that extra pony."

[ July 01, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-23-2003, 12:00 AM   #22
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Stoatie turned around to Shifty and glowered. "This ain't no good. No good at all. Boss didn't say anything about grabbin' the brats from a party. I never seen so many hobbits in one place in my life. There must be a hunderd of 'em all eatin' and singin'. No way I can go in there and carry the brats off without bein' caught. Heck, I can't even see those brats, let alone snatch 'em."

Shifty and Stoatie were lying hidden under the rose bushes, peering out across the garden and trying to get a look at what was going on inside the house. No matter how they stretched and squinted, their efforts met with little success.

"This ain't no good. There's only one thing to do. We'll go back to Boss and tell 'em to pull back across The Water and maybe wait for another night."

"Boss ain't gonna like that," Shifty purred.

"Well, yah got any other ideas?....Nope, I didna' think so."

With that the two men slipped out of the bushes, and walked quietly back towards the roadway where Tom was waiting with the horses. Frustrated and enraged, Stoatie aimed at a nearby stone with his right foot sending it hurtling off across the grass and crashing through a nearby window. Almost instantaneously, a harsh sound split the quiet of the night. A familiar wailing sound that Stoatie had heard too often in recent weeks was now coming from inside the burrow where the rock had sailed through the window.

Stoatie looked up excited, his eyes intent and focused, "That's it. That's one of the brats. I'm sure of it." He cautioned his men to wait and propelled his body over the hedge landing in the garden. As Stoatie peered in through the front window of the burrow, he saw a hobbit lass just waking up in the sitting room. She finished yawning and stretching and got up from her rocker. Then she walked purposefully over to the back of the burrow where a window had been broken and brought out a squalling baby, dandling him gently on her knee. She was complaining about hobbit lads who were so careless with their balls and rocks that no one could sleep in peace.

Stoatie's lips curled back in cruel triumph as he raced over to his companions and ordered them to com with him to guard the front gate. "Those brats are full-sized. I'm sure it's them. It ain't the mother, but it sure is the brats. And it's the kids that Ferny wants kidnapped. The Elf is just an extra."

"But don't you want us to come inside to help?" Tom queried.

"Nah, I got it all planned out. Jest wait 'ere for me with the horses." With that, Stoatie vanished behind the rear of the burrow.

[ June 23, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-23-2003, 03:59 PM   #23
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Child's post

The girl opened her eyes, yawned and stretched; then peered out at the friendly shadows of the dimly lit room. She felt her brother stir and startle. After sensing him settle again, she rolled over on her tummy and nestled down to sleep.

For a long time, she lay half way between waking and sleeping in the strange state where the eyelids softly flutter. She was dreaming of her ammë’s gentle touch and warm voice. In an instant, her mother's actual presence bushed sweetly against her dreams.

Suddenly, this bond was snapped as a rock came slamming through the window and landed with a thud on the braided rug, bouncing off the leg of the table and skittering to the side of the room. Almost instantaneously, Gilly's plump feet quietly padded in. Clucking and tittering, the nursemaid reached down into the cradle, hoisting the wailing lad onto her shoulder, while extending her left hand to place an affectionate pat on his sister's back. She drew the curtains shut and reminded herself to clean up later.

Her little world restored, the girl slid back into dreams. Once more she felt her mother brush against her mind with hints of comfort and reassurance. Within a few moments, she was deep in sleep, blissfully unaware of the dark shadows that now lurked just outside the window.

[ June 23, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 06-23-2003, 06:46 PM   #24
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The night was pleasantly warm. A small breeze had sprung up but only for a short while, and only enough to bring the scents of the night blooming flowers to her. It had grown dark and someone had lit the little lanterns that hung from the trees. They twinkled against the backdrop of the night sky and glimmered on the leaves. Voices rose and fell as groups of merrymakers came together and then departed, forming new groupings, moving on again.

The party swirled about her, and lulled by the ebb and flow of sounds, Pio was half asleep in her chair, leg propped up on the footstool Sam’s boys had brought her, her head leaning heavily on her hand. Hazily she reached out to the babies, touching their soft dreams, slipping further into dreams of her own.

Her eyes flew open as they startled awake, and her hands clasped the arms of the chair as she pushed herself upright and awake. Pio’s eyes narrowed and turned to the east, as her mind sought the reason for this rent in the peaceful night.

Little Wing! What frightens you? she called softly to her daughter, reassurance flowing back with the feel of Gilly’s calm presence in the little girl’s mind and the feel of the Hobbit’s warm, comforting hand against the little back. Her daughter's mind fluttered back toward the comfort of her dreamings.

Her son was crying, and she could feel his body tremble and tense against the frightened awakening, then calm down slowly in little steps as the familiar smells and touch of Gilly engulfed him.

Ah! She holds him close and rocks him. Pio smiled, feeling the rhythm of the chair drop him down into sleep again. She reached out to him, singing softly . . .

Close your eyes,
Have no fear,
The monsters gone,
He's on the run
and your ammë's here,

Beautiful, beautiful,
Beautiful Boy . . .

Now both were peaceful again in their little dreams. And Pio, assured of their safety and comfort, relaxed against the chair and propped her own head back on her hand, her eyes fluttering closed.


Gilly turned the lamp on the little table by the door down low. ‘Hush, little lordling,’ she murmured softly to the wailing baby. He squirmed against her, balling up his little fists in rage against the sudden awakening. ‘It was nothing, little one,’ she said, holding him securely against her shoulder as she patted him gently on the back. ‘Just some trick of the wind blowing that branch from the ash tree hard against the old window pane, I’ll bet.

Sitting down carefully in the rocking chair, she cradled him close in her arms and rocked slowly back and forth. ‘Shhh!’ she whispered quietly to him, ‘shhh . . .’ Freeing one hand, she pulled the warm shawl she had thrown in her haste on the back of the chair, back over her, tucking one end round the drowsing baby, secured on her lap.

‘Hush now, your safe . . . I’m here . . .’

Gilly’s voice trailed off, the motion of the rocker coming to rest, as sleep claimed her . . .


*with a thank you to J.H. & J.L. for their lyrics . . .

[ June 24, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 06-23-2003, 08:12 PM   #25
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theWhiteLady's post

As the water in her basin swirled with a red stain, Rose's breath came in great ragged gasps, and her mind worked furiously, struggling to think quickly. It was as if the red mist obscuring the pure depths of the water had also drawn a blanket over her thoughts. The long, frustratingly serene days Rose had spent in Bree, waiting for some bit of information or hint from Mithadan or Bird had built up inside her a longing for something - anything to happen! Sitting idly by was not this young hobbit's idea of helping, and certainly not what had in mind when she had left Gilly behind.

Rose ran to the small closet beside her bed and ripped clothes off their hangers before stuffing them roughly in an old traveling sack. Now the time had come for action, and Rose felt an exhilarating thrill which turned to a cold chill when she thought again of Mithadan’s bloody message. Any details were unnecessary; it was enough for Rose to know that Pio's twins were in danger. And from the look of the men downstairs, very serious danger indeed.

Clothes hasilty packed, Rose tip-toed down to the kitchen and took enough provisions to last her until she could reach Hobbiton. Excuses would have to be made for her quick disappearance, and her pony fetched from the stable but by now Rose was almost in tears. Even such a short delay could be disastrous; she did not want to even think of Pio's reaction if she was too late!

It was not until nearly an hour later that Rose was able to break away from her many new friends, all anxiously inquiring about her 'ill aunt' and set out upon the dusty road. A tight knot had settled firmly down into her stomach and as the countryside fell steadily behind, Rose knew she was the only person that could save Pio and her twins from danger.

[ June 28, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
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Old 06-25-2003, 01:27 AM   #26
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Stoatie bent over and with much squirming and maneuvering managed to haul his lanky frame through the small opening that stood near the childrens' beds. There was a sharp ripping sound as his breeches caught on a protruding nail, and his back seem split asunder. Stoatie cursed the small dwellings of the hobbit folk and swore that he'd find a way to get even. After his body emerged on the inside of the burrow, he slid to the floor and landed in a head-long sprawl just inches from the baby's cradle.

His hand instantly went down to the top of his boot as he yanked out a silver dagger with a blade some eight inches long. Scrambling to stand up, he drew his finger along the gleeming edge to make sure that it was sharp enough to do the job that he would need. With a self satisfied smirk on his face, he stalked over to the cradle and leered down at the brat he'd come to swipe. Oblivious to the rude invasion of her little world, the girl slept contentedly.

Stoatie pointed his dagger at the base of the sleeping child's throat and drew it gently and deliberately across her skin, leaving the slightest impression. Then he repositioned his knife in the same spot and drew it across again but this time pressing hard enough to leave tiny red beads along the edge of the cut. He stared at the little body as if mesmorized, thinking that it would take very little effort for him to snap the slender neck in two. The child had already started to howl and turn red in the face, flailing at the air with two clenched fists.

The spell broken, Stoatie reached down and jerked the baby out of the cradle running towards the front of the house up to the rocker where Gilly sat snoozing with the other child nestled to her breast. He immediately began to bark out orders to the startled nursemaid who stared back at him, her eyes wide with terror and disbelief. Despite Stoatie's frantic screams for Gilly to get up and move, she sat frozen in the rocker with her arms protectively wrapped around the little boy.

Stoatie leaned over and jerked Gilly up by the collar of her dress, throwing her against the wall. The boy had begun to sob hysterically. But when Stoatie tried to grab onto him, Gilly yanked away and clutched the child even more closely to her body.

He looked over at the hobbit and sneered, "I don't know who you are. But, if you want these brats to live, you'll do what I say."

Stoatie held up the infant girl and grinned maliciously as he pointed towards the trail of red which now extended around the base of her neck. He set the point of his dagger immediately under the baby's chin. "Make one move and we'll kill this one, plus the other ten we have back in our lair. I ain't kiddin'. The Boss wants these kids alive. But rather than lettin' 'em get away, he'll see 'em dead."

"Now, get movin' and shut that kid up." Gilly frantically tried to comfort the boy as the thug shoved her out the door.

"Shifty, get over here," Stoatie roared, shoving the girl baby towards him. "Tie that kid onto your saddle or somethin'. If the nurse does anything funny, don't look twice. Just kill this little one. That's the price for misbehavin'." He turned around and glared at Gilly and ordered her to mount up with the boy and ride as hard as she could.

[ June 25, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-25-2003, 01:39 AM   #27
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Himaran's post:

Frodo-lad was awoken by the sound screams. Those of a baby, and one inside the house near him at that. Suddenly, he jerked upright, realizing just who that baby was: one of Miss Pio's children!

Dashing over to the window, he peered in cautiously; not wanting to disturb Gilly. What he saw, however, certainly did not involve Gilly attempting to comfort one of the babys. Two Big-Folk were inside, one of whom had thrown Gilly against the wall. Through snatches of the conversation, Frodo-lad could tell that the babes were being kidnapped, and Gilly too. A sense of pure helplessness grasped him, a feeling of great defeat; of being to small to protect the twins and Gilly. Before he realized what had happened, the men were gone, along with Gilly and her precious charge.

The young hobbit stood still for a moment, completely stunned by the events that had just occured. Shaking himself back into reality, Frodo-lad decided that his best course of action was to head to Bag-End for help. He started at a flat run, but soon tired and slowed to a quick walk. Frodo-lad knew one thing for sure; he had to get there in time!

[ July 02, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

[ July 02, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
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Old 06-25-2003, 01:58 AM   #28
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Stoatie had shoved her roughly as she stooped to grab the basket with the babies’ things in it that stood by the door. ‘Wotcher doin wiv ‘at?’ he growled at her, his words slurring around a mouthful of nasty chew-weed. He spat a foul looking gob on Amaranthas’ floor to emphasize his question.

Gilly clasped the baby boy to her and murmured a few words of comfort. ‘Listen here, Mister Big-Folk, if you’re so set on taking me and the babies, you better have something for me to take care of them with.’ She stood her ground, her knees shaking beneath her party dress, and glared back at the ruffian.

He grabbed the basket and pawed through it with his dirty fingers. ‘Looks like there ain’t no weapons.’ He threw it at her and smirked as he took one of the twins’ little night gowns and wiped his nose with it. ‘Here! You little hole-dwelling rat. Take it and mount up and shut up!’


The little girl wailed with rage, her tiny body stiffening against the hurtful grip that held her. Gilly’s mind was filled only with the sight of her precious charge, bleeding and struggling in the hands of the other ruffian. Her throat tight with fear, and eyes wide as saucers, she took her second stand.

‘Give me the other baby, too,’ she said firmly to Shifty, swallowing back the bile which had risen in her throat. ‘She won’t stop crying til you do.’ Shifty looked from the caterwauling infant to Stoatie. ‘Her mother’s an Elf, you know, and quite handy with a knife and sword. If she senses her daughter is in danger she’ll be on you in a moment.’ She looked Shifty straight in the eye, and added for emphasis, ‘She’ll peel the skin right off you while you’re both still breathing.’ Gilly nodded her head solemnly. ‘She’s done it before. Told me so herself.’

Gilly stood her ground and refused to mount the horse. Her hand kept up a steady, gentle rhythm on the little boy’s back and he had snuggled in against her, quiet for the moment as his sister screamed. ‘Best hurry and decide,’ she said. ‘Mistress Piosenniel is only a short distance away . . .’

[ June 25, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 06-25-2003, 11:16 AM   #29
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Shifty stared, bewildered, at the shrieking infant in his arms, and glanced uncertainly at Stoatie. Give her the kid? What if she bolted? His head tilted slightly, he looked at Gilly and then at the horse. She probably couldn't. Or at least wouldn't risk it. Long way to fall.

He jerked his head to indicate to Stoatie that he was pulling over for a moment. He dismounted and shoved the girl child at the nurse, pushing her roughly to the front of the saddle. He pulled himself back on, sitting behind Gilly and the babies. "Another complaint and I'll try some o' them pretty ideas your Miz Piosenniel gave you," he rasped. Gilly shot a nervous, angry look at him, which he ignored. He jabbed his horse with his heels, and it took off running.

The night air whipped against his face and stung his eyes. He wished to be basically anywhere but on this horse, on this road, at this moment, but there wasn't any point in wishing now. A group of three hobbits--young farmers by the look of them--startled when they heard the approach of the horses, and Shifty laughed. "Hya! Make way!" he shouted. He could feel Gilly stiffening in front of him, and he laughed harder. The three farmers fled as he jerked his horse toward them, running them off the road. His eyes glinted cruelly and he spat at their backs. He threw his head back and whooped, spurring his horse on faster. Even in Gilly's comforting embrace the little ones whimpered, and, fearing that they would start to scream again, Shifty slowed down.

"Got them kiddies tight?" he demanded, and Gilly nodded stiffly, refusing to look the bandit in the face. "Good," he said,and they rode off further down the road.

[ June 26, 2003: Message edited by: Orual ]
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Old 06-25-2003, 03:36 PM   #30
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Pio sat in her chair beneath the trees in Sam’s yard, dreaming of riding in the Forest of Brethil. She was mounted bareback on Falmar, and her children sat before her, about the age of four, taking in the trees and the creatures that lived among them. It was a scene from her own childhood, and the pleasant memories of a ride she had gone on with someone there played back in her dream.

Something was wrong, though. The pleasant day that she recalled was turning dark, the air heavy with the promise of a rising storm. The sharp cry of a bird in warning drew her attention sharply to the shadows that moved beneath the trees.

Her children grew frightened . . . she pulled them closer to her . . . she drew her sword . . .

With a frightened gasp, Pio woke from her dream, her mind disquieted. The pleasant sights and sounds of the party moved around her in a swirl. She blocked them out and touched her son’s mind briefly. He was sleeping! Though his dreams seemed slightly ruffled and uneasy. Perhaps he was still upset from what had startled him before. Her daughter, too, shifted uneasily, thoughts of Gilly’s presence though giving a feeling of some comfort.

Little ones! she said gently, touching their minds softly. ‘Your ammë will come soon to you.

They reached out for her, comforted by her presence. Their little thoughts grew distant, and she thought they must have dropped deeply into slumber.

Satisfied for the moment, Pio rose carefully from her chair and walked stiffly across the yard, looking for Cami, to tell her she must leave . . .
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 06-25-2003, 03:42 PM   #31
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Mithadan's Post:

Ratty returned to the copse of woods near Cami's burrow shortly after midnight. As he reined in his horse, Ferny jumped up and ran over to hear the bandit's report. "The Inn's closed. Some party or sumtin' at Bagged End. But Stoat found the little Elf rats at another house bein' coddled by some Hobbit. The Elf ain't there. He's goin' in ter grab the kiddies and should be back soon."

Mithadan breathed a silent sigh of relief upon hearing that Piosenniel was not with the babies. Then he waited tensely alongside Ferny for the raiding party to return. He did not have to wait long. The three horses approached perhaps twenty minutes later. He recognized Gilly being held by Stoat. She in turn held two bundles in her arms. Mithadan resisted the urge to peek at his children and instead waited impassively as Ferny spoke briefly with Stoat.

At the conclusion of the conversation, Stoat guided his horse over to Mithadan. Shifting the weight of his captive to one side, he reached down and pulled Mithadan's sword from a strap alongside his saddle. He tossed the blade over with a slight sneer. "There yer go Mithy," he called. Gilly stiffened slightly upon hearing the name and glanced quickly down at her friend before looking away. "Just in case yer have some need fer it!" Then he and his companions wheeled away and galloped off towards the east.

Ferny walked over and clapped a hand on Mithadan's shoulder. "Our turn for some fun now!" he cried. "They found the kids in a house about halfway between the Inn and Bag End. They said there're some people about, so we should be able to find a messenger for our note. Come on!" Mithadan mounted his horse and followed as Ferny trotted off in the direction of Bag End.

[ June 30, 2003: Message edited by: Mithadan ]
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Old 06-29-2003, 04:43 PM   #32
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It was a good hour and possibly two before Pio could get away from the party. Many of the guests who had come had not had time to place their gifts on the table, and it seemed as if an endless stream of smiling Hobbit faces presented her with brightly wrapped boxes. And each, or so she had been told by Cami, must be opened carefully, the paper smoothed out and folded for later use in lining the twins’ dresser drawers once they returned to Gondor.

In addition to this, there was, of course, the obligatory oohing and aahing over the gift itself. Not that Pio objected to this little round of tradition, but she was tired, and it took most of her effort not to yawn as she listened attentively to the well-wishes of the gift-givers.

Some,also, had brought their gifts to Cami and Maura, who stood nearby, and Pio felt she must also comment on each of those as well. Her face ached from the smile she had cemented on it, and she yawned widely as the last of the presenters wandered off for a last glass of ale or wine.

‘I saw that!’ Cami came over to sit on the edge of Pio’s chair. Pio grinned guiltily at her, then yawned again. ‘You cannot tell me that you are not bone tired also, my friend.’ She took Cami’s hand and held it to her cheek. ‘It has been a very long day. My leg is aching and I long to snuggle in with my children and drift off for a good long while.’ She nodded to the table that had held the food for the party. Empty now, except for a few crumbs on the cloth, it’s covering fluttered softly in the night breeze. ‘Look there, Cami. If I am not mistaken, that is Holly’s little head peeking out from underneath it, asleep.’

Cami turned and smiled as she saw her daughter’s sleeping form. Holly lay there peacefully unaware of those who milled about in the yard, her little head resting on her arm and her thumb stuck securely in her mouth. ‘You’re right,’ she laughed. ‘It has been a long day. I suppose we should say our good-byes and get home.’

‘Better yet,’ said Pio winking at her conspiratorially, ‘we can just sneak off, no one will notice us.’ Cami shook her head and gave her a ‘look’.

‘Right then,’ said Pio, sighing, ‘would not want to offend and all that. You go gather up your family and I will see to Amaranthas. She can make the excuses for me, and then we will head back home.’

Pio bent down and kissed her friend on her curls. ‘If I do not see you when we leave, then I will come with the babies to see you all tomorrow.’ She waved at Cami as she walked off.

‘Have a good night, Missus!’
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 06-29-2003, 04:45 PM   #33
Child of the 7th Age
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Child's post:

As Cami watched Pio disappear around the corner, she hoisted the sleeping Holly into her arms, nestling the toddler's drooping head in the hollow of her shoulder; then she went to search for her sons. Maura had already rounded up the boys and shepherded them along the walkway to the outer hedge encircling the back garden where they stood waiting for their mother. As Cami approached her family, she leaned over and kissed each of the boys on top of their curly heads, saying how very proud and happy she'd felt that afternoon.

After extending thanks to Samwise and Rose, the members of the new Took family waved their goodbyes to the remaining guests and headed towards home. Before they'd gotten more than a few steps from Bag-end, Frodo came running to join them, hastily explaining that Bilbo had already left with the pony cart about an hour earlier. The nine hobbits walked together towards the Dragon, with the boys playing tag along the side of the road and the adults chuckling good naturedly over the childrens' hijinks.

As they approached the final bend, Maura offered to stay with the boys in the stables to help them settle in for the night. "Take Holly home," he urged his wife. "Both of you look exhausted. I'll be there in a little while."

Cami nodded wearily and was about to head off when she felt Frodo's hand gently tug at her sleeve. "Can't be too careful with all these strange happenings. Let me walk with you. Just in case." Cami stretched and yawned, weary beyond all thinking. She had intended to decline Frodo's kind offer when a strange presentiment slipped into her mind and forced her to silence.

Maura leaned down and whispered something in Cami's ear. She looked over and affectionately hugged him, whispering that he should hurry home. With these final words of parting, Cami made her way behind the Inn to where the lonely path wound down from the rear courtyard through a tangled grove of beech trees. The two hobbits chased away the dark shadows by playfully discussing what a lovely view Cami's burrow commanded, and how others might want to copy their example by refurbishing some of the deserted holes that bordered the pond.

They had just rounded the corner by the last beech tree and stepped onto the pathway that led directly to the Took's back door when Cami flinched in horror, her eyes widening in disbelief as she stared at the scene of destruction that was spread out before them. Almost instinctively, she gasped and buried her face in Frodo's shoulder, before recovering and running forward to find out what had happened.

The family's few belongings and pieces of furniture had been hurled out the front door and strewn over the muddy banks of the pond, many of them spilling down into the water. Books, broken crockery, ripped breeches, and gutted matresses lay haphazardly discarded in crumpled piles. Cami curled her fingers tight, clenching her fists close to her body until the knuckles stood out like pale white hills. "Who did this?" she demanded of Frodo.

"I don't know but I'm going to find out," the hobbit muttered angrily under his breath, immediately beginning to scavange the area for any clues the vandals had left behind. He disappeared around the back of tne burrow next door. Clutching Holly tightly to her chest, Cami sprinted up close behind him, peering over his shoulder to see what he was looking at.

Frodo whirled around to confront her, and pushed her back several paces. His face looked taut and strained "No, get away. You don't want to see this." Wrenching loose from his grip, she pushed his hand off her shoulder and struggled around towards her left until she could clearly see what he was trying to shield from her view. On the lower branches of the great beech, suspended from a knotted rope, hung the lifeless body of a black kitten, a small creature that Cami had been feeding every night when he came meowing to her back door. Its head drooped at a crooked angle; streaks of blood ran down its fur. Tied to the rope close to the cat's body was a single sheet of vellum yanked from one of Cami's books. On it, inscribed in blood red letters was a single name in large block print: "Frodo Baggins"


Mithadan's Post:

Mithadan and Ferny crossed the fields at a trot, keeping to cover where possible. At least an hour had passed since the children had been snatched by Stoat and other mischief had been done as well which might be noticed at any time. They were not far from the Bywater Bridge when they spied a solitary figure trudging along the road up to Bag End. Ferny spurred his horse forward and they swiftly caught up to the Hobbit who, at the last minute, noticed their approach and stepped warily off to the side of the road.

"He'll do!" cried Ferny. "Go on Mithy!"

Mithadan leapt from his horse and ran towards the Hobbit. With a cry, his quarry turned and ran, dodging behind a hedge where Mithadan, with a leap, caught him by his legs. The Hobbit kicked and squirmed. "Let me go!" came a familiar voice.

Mithadan caught him up in a tight hug and covered his mouth as tightly as he could without harming him. "Sam's son, isn't it?" whispered the Man. "Thrash about and act as if I'm hurting you. I'm sorry about this." Mithadan lifted Frodo-Lad and, still holding him, crashed into the hedge causing a bit of a racket. Then he threw himself down on the ground and rolled on top of the lad feigning blows to his face and head.

As Ferny came up, Mithadan lifted the lad from the turf and, with a kick to his back, straightened him before the "Boss". Frodo wriggled and whimpered, but a cuff to the side of the head (which actually struck Mithadan's own arm) silenced him. Then Mithadan drew his sword and held it across the lad's throat as he waited for Ferny to speak.

[ June 30, 2003: Message edited by: Mithadan ]

[ July 01, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-29-2003, 04:48 PM   #34
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‘That was a very pleasant evening!’

Amaranthas sat on the seat of the pony cart next to Pio, her chin resting on the head of her cane. It had been a long time since she had seen many of the Hobbit families that were at the party, and she had gotten her fill of family histories and gossip. Enough she thought to last her a good long while. She chuckled out loud, thinking of the Deepdelvers from Gamwich, and the outlandish stories she had heard of Gaffer Deepdelver and his experiment with the dandelion wine.

The little house was quiet and dark as they turned onto the little dirt path leading up to it.

‘Ah! Here at last,’ said Pio, coming round to where Amaranthas sat and giving her a hand down from the cart. ‘I cannot wait to crawl into bed,’ she commented as she and the old Hobbit unhooked Thistle from the cart and got him settled in his little stall. ‘Here, let me carry those baskets of gifts into the house. You go up and open the door for me. Put on a little light if you will.’

Pio stacked the three baskets one on top of the other and bent down carefully to pick them up. She had just turned and gotten to the step up to the verandah, when she heard Amaranthas gasp, and then cry out. The baskets were dropped and Pio covered the distance to the door in a few steps.

Amaranthas stood just inside the doorway. The lamp on the little table next to it was lit now, and Pio’s darting gaze took in the tumult in the room. There was a small red trail on the floor, and one of the twins’ gowns was crumpled in a dirty heap near it. Pio ran to the bedroom. The cradle was empty, the twins and Gilly were gone, and there was glass on the floor beneath the broken window.

Her blood ran cold. The world narrowed in about her. ‘I cannot frighten them,’ she told herself, taking a ragged breath and breathing it out slowly.

Little ones! Her mind brushed round theirs gently. Your ammë is here. Sleep. Do not cry. I am coming for you.

Pio’s mind focused in what she must do. Amaranthas was put on Thistle and told to go straight back to Sam’s house. They must alert the Shiriff. Amaranthas would stay with them tonight – her house was not safe, and Pio would not be there.

Once the old Hobbit had been sent on her way, Pio rushed back to her bedroom. She undressed quickly, throwing her clothes in a heap on the floor, and pulled on her black tights and mail shirt with a tunic over it. Her scabbard was secured about her hips, and her baldric with six knives slung across her chest. She jammed her legs into her boots, securing the last two of her knives in the tops, along with a thin, woven cord garrote. last, her vambraces were secured to her forearms. Done, she went out to the yard to see if she could pick up a trail.

The kidnappers had not been careful to hide their tracks. Thank the Stars for the overweening pride of the stupid creatures she thought to herself as she crouched down, noting the general direction in which the horses had gone away from the house.

East - and it looked as if they traveled over the fields, not by the Great Road.

Throwing her cloak about her shoulders, she called Falmar to her from the fields near Amaranthas’. Pio twisted her fingers in the horse’s mane and leapt to her back, making for the gate to follow them. She had just cleared it when she heard the sound of hooves getting louder, coming closer. In the distance, beneath the bright moonlight, she saw a lone rider urge their mount on at breakneck speed up the road to Bag End and Amaranthas’.

Pio halted, throwing her cloak behind her shoulders, and unsheathed her sword as the rider, face in shadow, drew near . . .

[ June 30, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 06-29-2003, 04:49 PM   #35
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theWhiteLady's post

The sun had long slipped below the horizon and replaced by a pale moon, when Rose finally reached the outskirts of Hobbiton. The wind whistled in her ears, drowning out all noise except her mount’s pounding hooves and laboured breathing; she began to distractedly wonder how much longer he could keep going. The cold light illuminated the path before them, and lengthened the shadows that stretched over the road. To Rose’s exhausted mind, the shadows seemed to be reaching out with long, groping fingers, intent on slowing her down. The young hobbit shook her head but as her eyes once more swept the road, the shadowy phantom seemed only to evolve into a more menacing shape: a cloaked rider blocking the path. A shaft of moonlight danced upon the keen edge of an unsheathed sword, the steel glittered with deadly brightness. Rose brought up her horse with a gasp, wondering wildly if a barrow had arisen out of old fireside tales; cold chills shook her hot body and it was only her desperate mission that was able to keep her from fleeing.

A moment later, a warm summer wind rustled the trees above, and the shaft of light shifted fitfully from the sword to the rider’s face. Rose realized, with a wave of relief that left her weak, that the foreboding phantom before her was the very person she was seeking: Piosenniel!

“Miss Pio!” Rose cried into the dark. “It’s me, Rose.”

“Rose?” Pio’s voice echoed back with surprise and a hint of skepticism. Suddenly, Rose felt sick once more. She had thought it strange to see her friend out at night, and dressed for battle but now all came clear - what else could be so urgent?

“Their gone, aren’t they? I’m too late,” The young hobbit slid from the saddle and shook with despair.

“How did you know? Do you know where they have been taken?” Pio dismounted and half ran over to her friend. Rose spoke thickly, a lump seemed to have become lodged firmly in the middle of her throat.

“Mithadan told me in Bree,” but Pio interrupted sharply. “Mithadan knew?” Rose hardly noticed the interruption as she struggled to continue.

“Rumor in Bree has it that Ferny has been using the quarries of Scary in the Eastfarthing as a hide out and I had a sneaking suspicion he might be using it to hide the children he’s kidnaped. I don’t know anything for sure though, I was hoping to reach you before they did.” Rose could not keep back the tears.

Pio looked away to the East with a dangerous glint in her eye and Rose knew there would be no mercy for those who had taken her twins. After mounting, the elf glanced at the quivering hobbit below her. “You’ll need to let Samwise know where Ferny might be heading. And thank you, Rose,” she added in a softer tone. The next moment, Pio was gone, galloping furiously towards her twins and the men who had taken them.

Rose also mounted and completed the journey into Hobbiton in a daze. Her head felt light, and her stomach seemed to have dropped down somewhere in the region of her toes. After all her riding and determination to keep Pio’s twins from harm, she had failed. Now, who knew what might happen to them and to their mother?

The green door of Bag End finally appeared with banners draped gaily around and the sound of music floated out an open window. Too weary to wonder what festivity had kept the occupants of the hole up so late, Rose knocked and waited, but her knees shook, and before they could open the door, she had collapsed onto the doorstep.

[ July 01, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 06-30-2003, 06:59 PM   #36
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Ferny looked roughly down at the young hobbit, who glared back up at him defiantly. The former felt a thrill of delight when he saw that there was no proud, haughty, superior shine in that look. Just plain defiance and anger. No more dealing with Fosco-brats... until they went back to the hideout.

Ferny hesitated for a moment, trying to work out just how to make his approach. The ransom note right away? Or should he ascertain that this child knew Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee? No time to think it over. Ferny spoke in a sharp voice. "All right, speak up. Do you know Frodo Baggins?"

Frodo-lad glared at him stubbornly, his lips pressed tightly together and everything about him saying that they would get no answer from him. Ferny leaned forward, his foul breath blowing into the lad's face. He repeated the question, but his voice had changed. Rather than speaking in a scolding voice like you might use to threaten a child, his voice was low, menacing, dangerous.

The boy shook his head obstinately, saying in a growl, "What business have you knowing?"

Ferny, feeling his patience and calm dropping rapidly, struck the child on the cheek and snarled the question once more. But, to his surprise, the lad still didn't answer. His eyes rose and looked evenly into Ferny's, smoldering with anger. Ferny suddenly realized with a shock that his hand was covering his nose, and suddenly it was all clear to him. He knew where he had seen a look like that before.

"You're one of Samwise Gamgee's children, aren't you?" he snarled angrily, the memory of that apple coming at his face now clear and vivid. He laughed cruelly. "No need to deny it, because I know it's true." He glared down at the lad and took his hand away from his nose. "You need to deliver a message to Frodo Baggins," he said. "Tell him that he needs to come to the the deserted area a little ways north of Bywater Pond tonight, without any Shirriffs or friends, not even that faithful pet of his, Samwise Gamgee, or the three brats don't have a chance at life."

A flicker of concern shone briefly in the boy's eyes, but he spoke in the same tone of voice. "What three brats?"

"Just tell him that," Ferny said. "He'll know what I mean." He hesitated, then added, "Remember, if he doesn't come they die, and if he doesn't come alone they die." He shifted his eyes to Mithadan and said, "All right, let 'im go."

As soon as Mithadan released him, Frodo-lad scrambled a distance off, in the direction of Bag-End. He stopped at one point and, turning, glared at Ferny. The ruffian called up to him, "You'd better get going now or they'll be killed! Go quickly!" The hobbit lad turned and began to run towards Bag-End. His father and Frodo would know what to do about this.

[ July 02, 2003: Message edited by: Nurumaiel ]
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Old 06-30-2003, 10:18 PM   #37
Child of the 7th Age
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Himaran's post:

Frodo-lad ran flat out toward Bag-End, mentally repeating the lengthy message in his head. When he reached the gates, the hobbit was nearly sick from running; and thus jogged across the party field. He soon spotted his father, mother, and Frodo all talking on the steps above Bag-End. Running up to them, Frodo-lad blurted out "Dad, Dad you've got to hear this!"

The desired effect of the words did not come. Sam turned to Frodo-lad slowly, and gave him a dark, stern look. "Frodo-lad, how many times must I tell you not to interrupt other peoples' conversations! It is an extremely poor social skill, and furthermore....."

Sam's voice trailed off when he saw how exausted Frodo-lad looked. The hobbit then knew that he had his father's attention. However, in his excitement, the hobbit tried to fit everything into several sentences. "I was down at Amarathras' house, and Gilly was there with the twins. But then these three Big Folk came in, and they took them away. And then I ran back, but I was stopped by Mithadan and another one of the big folk and they grabbed me, an' told me to tell you that, Frodo, he needs to come to the deserted area a little ways north of Bywater Pond tonight, without any Shirriffs or friends, not even with you, dad, or Gilly and the twins won't live or any of the other children!"


Pio's post - the Shiriff, Halfred

Halfred’s face darkened as Frodo-lad repeated the ransom demand. His eyes narrowed and he nodded his head at his brother, Filibert, as if to say ‘I told you so!’

The partygoers had gathered round as the note was read, and now the group was abuzz with exclamations of shock and anger. Halfred raised his voice his voice to add his own commentary to the maelstrom of words and emotions.

‘I knew it all along! He was a viper in our midst!’ Halfred rounded on Sam. ‘Begging your pardon, Mister Mayor, but you should never have sent that note when we first caught him. He should have been kept in the locks, and delivered by the Bounders to the Rangers. The King’s justice should have taken care of him. He shouldn’t have been allowed to stay here as a free man!’

He folded his arms across his chest and waited for the recognition he felt he deserved. The response was not long in coming . . .


theWhiteLady's post

"You listen here, Mr. Halfred!" Rose Goodchild's voice rang out clearly, though she staggered a bit as she made her way through the crowd. Several heads turned, watching the little hobbit march up to the shirrif, trembling slightly from both anger and exhaustion.

"Mithadan has been out risking his neck trying to find out who those
Bandits are and where they are hiding, which is a whole lot more than
I've noticed you doing! I've been in Bree for the last few weeks because I was foolish enough to try and stop him; well, he finally make contact with me yesterday, and do you know what he did?" Rose was shouting now and everyone else listening. "He warned me what was going to happen. Why else would I nearly kill my pony to get back here so quick? And I might have had time too, if you had been doing your job instead of going to parties! And if you think Mithadan would want to hurt his own children then . . . then you're even more stupid than we all thought!" Rose was forced to stop, out of breath and out of steam for the moment.


Himaran's post:

Frodo-lad watched Halfred's face as Rose explained why Mithadan was innocent and a friend. It was clear that the Sheriff was unimpressed with her story. "Yes, that's all good and well, but what about him grabbing Frodo-lad and giving him to Ferny, huh? How do you explain that?"

Frodo-lad then decided to intervene. "I can, sir. You see, Mithadan didn't actually hurt me. He just picked me up and told me that he was sorry about the whole thing, but was just trying to help the children. I think that he's just playing along with Ferny and the other Big-Folk."

Child's post:

Rose and Frodo-lad's heartfelt words did a great deal to sway the opinion of those who had gathered to hear what had happened. A few who had initially clamored for Mithadan’s head now found themselves staring at their toes, shifting nervously from foot to foot, and wondering if their own judgment might have been too hasty. Soon, they were glaring over towards Halfred with unabashed frustration, begging him to stop persecuting an innocent man and actually do something to collar the real culprits.

Halfred, however, gave little indication of backing down. He was too sure of himself and remained stubbornly obdurate, carefully pointing out that the Shire had been a happy place to live until Mithadan arrived within its borders upsetting everyone and everything. Vowing to carry out his duties exactly as he saw fit, Halfred mulishly planted his feet in the soil and refused to budge.

At this point, Cami had heard enough. She’d stood quietly at the back struggling to keep her opinions to herself, but soon found her anger bubbling over as she remembered the twins and the danger they were in. She stared at Halfred and vented. "How can you possibly say these things after everything Mithadan has done to try and help? If one hair on those childrens’ heads is harmed, it will be your fault. Your fault, Halfred Whitfoot! You will be as much to blame as the bandits themselves. If you had focused on catching these thugs instead of wasting time chasing after chimeras, we wouldn't be in this situation!"

Halfred's response was immediate and curt. "When I need an opinion from someone who doesn't even live here anymore, I'll ask for it. Meanwhile, I'm in charge. You can argue all day, but it's not going to change my mind!"

Suddenly, from beyond the garden hedge, came the distant sound of rumbling cart wheels, a vehicle that appeared to be slowly heading west in the direction of Bag-end.


Coming to the hard realization that nothing she could say would dissuade Halfred from his course, a disappointed Cami retreated over to where her husband stood. Maura's attention was no longer fixed on the cantankerous debate which he frankly considered useless. He'd already begun his preparations to leave and was sorting through the weapons he'd managed to salvage from their ransacked burrow. He handed Cami her bow and sword, then buttoned up his protective leather vest and strapped two dudgeons to his waist, drawing out his broadsword to test its balance and heft before slipping it back inside its scabbard.

Maura fixed an uneasy eye on his wife as he began walking towards the outside gate. "I'll never understand Shirelings. There's a man and several hobbits in trouble and all they do is argue."

Cami shook her head, "It's different for them. Very different. There were troubles at the end of the last war. But that's it. Other than that, they've been protected from this kind of thing."

Exasperated and out of patience, he snapped back, "They would never have survived in Beleriand. They have neither the wits nor heart."

Cami's response was equally swift, "Don't be so sure. There's more to them than you see. At the end Halfred will do what's right."

Maura reached out and gently squeezed his wife's hand as if to apologize for his sharp tongue, "I hope so. But now I have to do what I think is right."

He hastily sprinted down the garden path and out onto the road with Cami following close at his heels. Some ways ahead was a shadowy figure whom they could not make out. As the shadow came into focus bringing a flash of recognition, Cami's heart thumped furiously. In the distance, heading straight towards Bywater and presumably venturing on to the pool where the rendezvous was scheduled to take place, was the quickly receding figure of Frodo Baggins.

Cami's face blanched as she glimpsed the solitary hobbit hurrying along the road. "By all of Beruthiel's cats, no one even bothered to talk with him, or ask his opinion. So he made up his own mind and slipped off. Curse that Halfred. His stubborness will cause someone's death."

Maura glanced quickly at Cami, "Would Frodo do that? Would he run off to handle things on his own?"

Cami nodded fiercely without bothering to explain. "Yes! Believe me, he would." With that she and Maura took off at a dead run to try and catch up.


Pio's post - The Shiriff, Halfred

Milo and Hugo raced back to Sam’s house, shouting for Halfred as they dismounted and hurried into the garden with Amaranthas in tow. She had flagged them down from her cart and given them the story of what had happened at her house. They had just come down from the burrow where Cami and Maura had taken up residence, and had come to alert the Shiriff.

They stopped, perplexed, when they caught sight of him and looked curiously at the red faced Shiriff, ringed by an angry looking group of Shire folk. They drew nearer, looking to see if he needed protection, but words, it appeared, were the only weapons being hurled at him.

Halfred, for his part, was doing his best to explain why he had taken the actions the angry little mob seemed so upset about. Noting that his deputies had arrived, he breathed a sigh of relief and motioned them over, expecting them to support him in his continued belief that Mithadan was at the heart of all this nasty business. Milo and Hugo cast their eyes at the ground at his request to tell the group what they’d learned, squirming uncomfortably with the knowledge that the Shiriff was indeed in the wrong.

It was Amaranthas, elbowing the two of them apart to make a path for herself, who set him straight once and for all. She stood right before him, fixing him with her beady black eyes. Leaning on her blackthorn cane, she told him the entire story of how Piosenniel and Mithadan had agreed that he would try to find the Big Folk responsible for hurting the folk in the Shire. How he had gone away before his own children were born.

‘His firstborn, mind you, Halfred Whitfoot,’ she emphasized, tapping the head of her cane against his chest.

And didn’t he do just what he’d promised Mistress Pio. He found out who they were and where they were hiding the children. ‘And if you weren’t so pigheaded you would be helping him rout them out instead of badmouthing him and doing nothing but helping the ruffians from Bree.’ She thumped him again on his chest. ‘I can’t imagine a better friend to the Shire than someone who would put the Shire’s needs above the needs of his own family.’

She stepped back and shook her head at him. ‘Mistress Pio’s gone after them herself, you know. Her wee little babies in the hands of those miscreants.’ Her voice dropped low and the group leaned in closer to her last words. ‘One of the babies was hurt when it was taken. Cut. Its little drops of blood fell on the floor when they stole it away . . .’

The group was silent when Amaranthas had finished speaking. Millefoil had turned white as a sheet when she thought of the little ones she had held in her arms a few short hours ago. Trembling, she walked up to her husband and poked him hard in the ribs.

‘Halfred, you were dead wrong. There’s no time to apologize now. Get this business with the ransom demand for Frodo taken care of, then you find Mr. Mithadan, if he’s with them, and offer him your help.’ A certain steely note had come into her voice as she made her final demand.

‘You find those babies, Halfred and you get them back safe to the Inn.’

‘You, too,’ said Hyacinth firmly, pushing Filibert to stand next to his brother.

[ July 11, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-01-2003, 12:40 PM   #38
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It was all Gilly could do to keep herself and the babies secure on the horse. When Shifty’s horse stumbled in a small hole in the road, she nearly fell off as her own mount stopped abruptly. ‘Think, Gilly, think. You’ve got to get hold of yourself. The babies and Mistress Piosenniel are depending on you now.’

She draped the little ones in front of her on the broad back of her horse. Shifty had gotten off his horse and was checking out the leg of his mount. Stoatie had pulled back with a curse and grabbed her reins, giving her a glaring look, daring her almost to try something.

‘Don’t give him any reason to hurt you or the twins,’ she told herself, sitting as meekly as she could. Gilly pulled a shawl from the basket they’d strapped on behind her, and tied it like a sling across her shoulders, securing it around her waist. She picked the babies up gently, one by one, and placed them in the sling. They would be close to her, and protected from the night air, kept warm by the heat of her own body. And best of all, she would have both hands free to guide the horse.

‘I wish I hadn’t left my little knife in my room!’ She reached down hopefully into her skirt pocket, but no familiar little lump met her hand. Only a wadded up piece of cloth, jammed hastily in there at some point this past evening. ‘What’s this,’ she wondered, fingering the good-sized folded square.

No time to find out, though. Shifty had remounted, declaring his horse to be good enough to get them to Bree.

‘Git movin’, you little Shire rat,’ he hissed at her, whacking her horse soundly on the rump. ‘Stoatie’s already halfway down the road ahead of us. He’ll have my head if he looks back and you and the brats ain’t behind ‘im!’


Child's post

By the time Cami and Maura cornered Frodo, he was already halfway down the path that led to the pond. Frodo saw the couple approaching from behind and halted uneasily under the beeches. His words of explanation were short and to the point: “I just couldn’t stand there doing nothing listening to everyone argue.”

Resisting her initial impulse to yank her friend back, Cami spluttered out her annoyance, “You shouldn’t have left without telling someone. It’s too dangerous! Ferny’s after you. Anyways, why did you come here?”

“You heard what Frodo-lad said. If I hand myself over, maybe Ferny’ll give us the children. Halfred's done nothing. Let me go now. I’ll do what needs to be done.”

Cami wrinkled her brow scowling, “No. Look what happened at my burrow. Ferny hates you. Anyways, how do we know he’ll do what he promised?”

She looked towards Maura and pleaded, “Please. Let’s leave....the three of us together. If we ride hard tonight, maybe we can pick up Pio’s track and help her free the twins.” Signs of worry showed clearly in Cami's eyes as she mulled over the prospect of Pio’s babies in the clutches of a lunatic like Stoatie.

Maura glanced first at his wife and then at Frodo choosing his words with care, “Cami’s right, Frodo. We can’t trust Ferny to stand by his word.”

“Then we can leave now?” Cami brightened.

Maura shook his head, “That won’t work. If Ferny doesn’t get what he came for, he’ll steal more children out of spite. All of Hobbiton will suffer.”

Maura looked grimly over, “You’re sure about what you said before? About Halfred coming through?”

Cami did not immediately respond; instead, she stood listening to the whistle of the late summer wind as it rustled through the overhanging foliage of the towering beeches. She’d come down this path and listened to these trees a thousand times before. The bleak silence of winter, the honeyed notes of springtime made by nesting birds, the gentle flutter of golden leaves floating down to earth on balmy autumn days…..she had seen and heard it all.

The first time had been when her parents had taken her on an outing by the pond. Much of Hobbiton had turned out that day. A hundred hobbits had spent the afternoon joking and chatting, bickering over this and that, wading in the shallows, and filling up their plates with goodies from platters and covered dishes that each family had provided. Not really too different from what had happened today at Bag-end. Whatever Halfred might think, a piece of her would always regard the Shire as home. She’d grown up here and knew these folk both for their good and bad.

She fixed her eyes on Maura and spoke with quiet assurance, “Yes, Halfred will come through. And he’ll bring a band with him.”

“And you Frodo? What do you say?”

Frodo did not answer for a moment as he stood remembering everything that had happened since his return to the Shire. Then he quietly added, “In all truthfulness, I don’t think folk have changed. They came through at the Scouring. They’ll come through again. Only,” and here he smiled wryly, “it may take Halfred a while to make up his mind.”

Maura nodded and grimaced, “Let’s just hope he doesn’t take too long. At least, this makes things easy. Halfred’s bound to come by the same road we did, since he can’t risk being seen by Ferny who's somewhere to the north. It will be easy to wait for him near the Inn.”

With that the three hobbits hurried back to the Dragon. When Halfred arrived just a few moments later, Cami hastily said goodbye to her husband and retreated to the common room, where she asked one of the lads to go out to the stables and saddle up her pony.

With rumors of recent events sweeping through town, half the guests at the Inn were wide awake and asking questions which Cami did her best to avoid. She quickly scurried down the hallway towards Pio’s room and stuffed the Elf’s healing herbs and potions into a satchel, slinging them onto her back. Sneaking inside the kitchen, she managed to weedle a few provisions out of Cook who was still up and about despite the late hour. When Cami told Cook she intended to go along to help rescue the twins, the older hobbit at first seemed surprised. But within a few moments she had changed her mind and come around full circle offering Cami a few words of encouragement, "You give those ruffians a hearty whack from me." Cook threw a few more muffins into a bag, propelling Cami out the door and extracting a firm promise from her to give the twins a one of Cook's special hugs as soon as the little ones were safely rescued.

[ July 01, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

[ July 11, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-01-2003, 12:41 PM   #39
Child of the 7th Age
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Pio's post - The troops deployed

Halfred fished for the red handkerchief in his back pocket, and wiped across his sweaty brow. He and the others had hammered out a plan for the proposed ransom. The ruffians had demanded a meeting just a little north of the Bywater Pool. There was a large outcropping of fieldstone there, in a small clearing. Low lying brush ringed the clearing on its eastern and southern edges. In the west, and extending north, a short distance from the clearing over a scrub grass terrain, was a dense copse of ash trees. It was here that the Shiriff and his men would hide while Frodo would come up from the Great East Road and enter the clearing from the south.

‘We’ll walk in quietly,’ said Halfred pointing to the crude map he’d drawn. Filibert, Milo and Hugo were by his side, while Sam, Maura, and Hob ringed the other three sides of the table that held the map.

The three Boffin brothers, Minto, Moro, and Milo crowded in, saying they would offer their help, too. Halfred looked up at their offer and welcomed them. 'Glad to have the Westfarthings finest bowmen, lads!' he said, motioning them in closer.

‘We should space ourselves out, like we do on the bird hunts,’ joined in Hob. ‘And watch closely that they haven’t left any of their band hiding in the woods,’ added Maura. ‘Good thinking,’ said Halfred, as he pointed to the ‘X’ where Frodo had been instructed to stop in the ransom note. ‘But If I were them, I would have my men here in these bushy areas. They’re closer to the center of the clearing than the trees – it would be easier to jump out and grab the victim from there.’

‘Right then,’ he said, noting how each of the men had their knives at hand, and the deputies carried long sharp-ended staves as well. ‘Let’s mount up on the ponies Sam and the others have lent us and make for the trees. Keep close, no talking.’

A half hour later and they were on the western edges of the stands of trees. The Hobbits dismounted and fanned out, keeping each other in sight as they entered in under the darkness of the trees. Silently they approached the trees standing closest to the clearing. It was empty, no sign of the kidnappers. Frodo would be due in the next quarter hour.

Hidden in the shadows, the men waited quietly for Halfred to give the signal.


Child's post:

Frodo had dutifully waited for Halfred to finish planning before heading off on his own. Afraid that he might be frisked, he'd decided not to carry any weapons, since these would only offer a convenient excuse for the ruffians to slay him on the spot. He'd slipped his sword to Maura right before the band's departure, asking him to keep it safe in the hopes that they would have a chance to ride out later to rescue the children.

As Halfred had requested, he lagged behind another quarter hour on the Great East Road, then headed north through the low lying brush that bordered the eastern side of the pond. Arriving at the place specified in the ransom note, he'd peered out in all directions but could see no sign of any activity. Frodo squatted down in the grass and waited for something to happen; then he stood up, cupping his hand to his ear. From some distance to his left, he could detect the sound of muffled footsteps, a rustling in the bushes that suggested someone far too loud and clumsy to be a Hobbit.

Mithadan's Post:

Ferny, Ratty and Mithadan hid themselves in a dark stand of trees about three miles from the spot where Frodo was to meet them. Their hiding place had been chosen carefully. It was well away from any road and the nearest farmhouse, still some ways away, was abandoned. No one saw them at all as they waited for the appointed time until the sound of horses approached from the north. Ferny waited tensely until the shadows approaching across the overgrown fields resolved themselves into full-sized horse bearing Men, not ponies carrying Hobbits.

So as they set out for the Bywater Pool, they numbered six Men. Four carried cudgels in their hands and long knives in their belts. Ferny wore an old sword in a scabbard and carried a club as well. He and Ratty bracketed Mithadan between them as they rode. Ferny laid his plans as they went. The four newcomers would fan out just above the low hill in which the Hobbit Holes were located. They would look out for any trouble and be prepared to rush in if need be. He, Ratty and Mithadan would seize Frodo and carry him off to the horses under the eye of their guards who would form up behind them.

They rode slowly up to the far side of the hill and tied off their horses in a stand of birch trees. From there, they walked slowly up the incline. Again, Ferny and Ratty bracketed Mithadan, though their eyes looked around them rather than at their companion. As they crested the hill, the guard spread out to stand where they could see down to the pool. They made no attempt to conceal themselves, trusting in the dark for cover.

Then Ferny and his companions descended down towards the pool through the underbrush. They could make out a single figure standing beside the water. Mithadan looked about and noted a number of places where archers or other friends might be concealed. When he caught a hint of movement to his left out of the corner of his eye, he smiled humorlessly. Then, mustering his skills in Osanwe, he reached out to Frodo. Ferny is coming. I am with him. You are not alone? There are others here to help us? The response came quickly. Thank you Mithadan. I am not alone. Mithadan loosened his sword in its sheath as the three Men approached the Hobbit...


Pio's post - Halfred

Halfred kept his eye on the spot where Frodo stood in the clearing. The night was quiet. The frogs at the Pool were normally in full voice at this time of night, but now were silent, their senses picking up on the presence of the Hobbits. He strained his eyes to see any sign of movement into the clearing. Nothing yet!

The three Boffin brothers approached the Shiriff, bows at ready, arrows knocked. 'We're going north a short ways,' Milo whispered the Halfred. We'll fan out just behind the small rise north of the pool. Minto and Moro and cover from the north, while I move to those trees on the eastern side. I should have a good shot at any in the clearing. I can see this stand from there, and I'll wait 'til I see you move from the cover of the trees.'

Halfred motioned them on and had just slumped back against the tree’s bark, cudgel in hand when he heard the sound of muffled footsteps and the movement of something moving through the low lying bushes - approaching from the thicket on the clearing’s eastern rim.

‘This is it, lads,’ he whispered to the two Hobbits nearest him. He raised his cudgel high, preparing to drop it at an opportune moment, as the signal to attack . . .


[ July 14, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
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Old 07-01-2003, 01:06 PM   #40
Child of the 7th Age
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Mithadan's Post:

Ferny approached Frodo with a vicious smile upon his face. When he was several steps away, he drew his sword and laughed with delight. "Frodo Baggins," he chortled. "It's been quite some time since we last met now hasn't it? But now the tables are turned. Tell me, do you remember your old friend Bill Ferny after all these years?"

"I've not forgotten you," said Frodo quietly. "Nor have I forgotten your master. An ill-seed sown serves only to sprout more evil. Where are the children?"

"Oh, they're fine," said Ferny with a sneer. "They're in the loving care of my Old Stoatie. He won't harm them much without a word from me. At least I think he won't. Not that you should be concerned. You'll have enough to worry about soon. I've waited a long time to see you again and I intend to enjoy myself. Mithy, grab him!"

Mithadan drew his own blade and stepped forward. He grabbed the Hobbit by the collar and pulled him forward toward Ferny. The Man gloated over his prisoner for a moment, then spat at his feet. "Come along Shire-Rat," he said. "We're off!"

Frodo pulled against Mithadan's grip on his shirt. "No!" he cried. "First release the children!" Ferny stepped forward and slapped Frodo across the face. "That's the first installment," he shouted. "Now shut your mouth!"

Ferny turned and waved to his Men positioned upon the hill. "Come on down," he cried. "We got him!" Then Ferny led the way as they began walking towards the underbrush, followed by Mithadan and Ratty. Before they had gone a half dozen steps, a loud voice rang out in the clearing.

"Stop in the name of the Shire!"

[ July 09, 2003: Message edited by: Mithadan ]
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