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Old 05-27-2008, 03:47 PM   #281
Legate of Amon Lanc
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The hum is really unfortunate But otherwise, Gwath doesn't sound bad, only sometimes it's maybe too... I would say, not distinctive enough. However that may be also due to the sound form (I remember when I heard the recording of my voice when Nogrod posted it, it sounded way more "dimmed" than when I listened to it on my computer).
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories
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Old 05-27-2008, 05:48 PM   #282
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Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
Gwath's latest can be found here.

As you can hear there still is a lot of hum in the background - which is sad as like Gwath's voice. Let's hope there will be a solution to this...

Thanks for doing that. I'll keep searching for a better microphone.
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Old 05-30-2008, 01:40 PM   #283
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Cool clips, Gwath, I think you would be good as either Aragorn or Elrond.
"Loud and clear it sounds in the valleys of the hills...and then let all the foes of Gondor flee!" -Boromir, The Fellowship of the Ring
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Old 06-12-2008, 11:39 AM   #284
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Any updates?! People, we must do this!
"Loud and clear it sounds in the valleys of the hills...and then let all the foes of Gondor flee!" -Boromir, The Fellowship of the Ring
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Old 06-16-2008, 09:22 AM   #285
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Okay. DW II is over and I'm beginning to gather myself little by little...

Originally Posted by Matthew
People, we must do this!
I absolutely agree!

I hope summer will be a time when everyone is able to make a few recordings - it will eventyally rain one day or another and then what to do inside if not to record something for this project?

As we haven't heard of McCaber lately I'd suggest we'd start with The Ring Goes South from where the fellowship leaves Rivendell: the place from where my clip with the music begins, page 298 on which I think is a pretty standard edition, beginning with: "Many others of Elrond's household stood in the shadows and watched them go..."

That for the reason that we'd have music for that part readily available as well. I'll promise to come up with some other sound effects as well. They should be used sparingly though but I'm definitively for having something there.

If McCaber turns out and says he has the music ready for Rivendell I'm ready to call this proposition off and start from the beginning of the chapter.

Another concrete suggestion:
If we start from where I thought we should, let's then first cover something like three pages - going to p. 302 the last sentence being: "We must stop talking aloud, rest quietly, and set the watch" by Gandalf.

That would be a conveniently short amount of text to gear us up to doing this - and also as the text continues from there with Sam being at watch and the crebain coming I think I'd need to think about some serious variations to the musical theme as well. So it would make something like a natural "first stop".

Did we have something like an agreement on the roles? (Gah, sorry but I need to go now... I'll be back with this...)
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Old 06-16-2008, 10:06 AM   #286
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Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
Did we have something like an agreement on the roles? (Gah, sorry but I need to go now... I'll be back with this...)
Well we don't have, which is probably the main problem. But let's call it official and make some... voting (Oh, what a thing, one possibly cannot get rid of that...) Or something like that, like everyone posting the character list and in it whom he would like to see in which role. I think several roles were already stated for definite, but there were still lots of others which were not...
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories
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Old 06-16-2008, 10:53 AM   #287
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Originally Posted by Frpdo, all he says in that part
Dangerous or not, a real sunrise is mighty welcome
And Boromir says nothing. Narrator says a lot.

Copy of list in one of Matthew's posts. Characters speaking in suggested part underlined.
Narrator - Oddwen
Frodo - Volo
Legolas - Nerwen, or Mac? Has this been decided?
Gimli - Nogrod (or, if Nogrod decides he would rather do Gandalf, who then?)
Boromir - Matthew
Sam - Brinniel
Merry - Lommy
Pippin - Greenie
Bilbo - Nogrod

Downers who want to participate but don't have a character.

So I suggest Matt does Aragorn and Legate does Gandalf (or Mac or Nerwen depending who does Legolas). Let's do the deciding quick, no point in letting another few months pass. If this short passage doesn't work with these roles, we can try again with others.
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Old 06-16-2008, 05:10 PM   #288
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I looked at the book and made some counting for the lines different characters have... and am suggesting a new idea.

Let's take first an excerpt that begins from where I suggested (p.298) and read it through to page 305, ending with Gandalf's line "But we must not use the wood - not unless it is a choice between fire and death".

There the story changes quite remarkably as then the getting forwards gets actually tough and the snow starts to fall etc...

And taking a few pages more we'd get everyone speaking at least a few lines.

My count of lines for every character from the end of 298 to the halfway of 305 is as follows:
(short = 1 to 2 rows, medium = from about 3 to 10 rows, long = more than that)

Gandalf - 10 med. + 5 short
Aragorn - 4 med. + 5 short

Gimli - 1 long + 1 short
Legolas - 1 medium
Boromir - 1 medium

Frodo - 2 short
Sam - 1 med. + 2 short
Pip - 4 short
Merry - 2 short

The narrator - about 2½ pages

So unfortunately those roles we're most unsure of are the ones that have the most to do...

So a Gandalf and an Aragorn?

Any ideas?
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Old 06-16-2008, 05:19 PM   #289
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If I have it right there are now: Legate, Mac and Gwath without an assigned role and roles needing to be filled are those of Gandalf, Aragorn and Elrond (assuming Nerwen takes Legolas, will you? or do you have other suggestions?).


Preferences any one of you three?
Or should we vote as Legate said?

Borrowing Volo's list I think ones we seem to happy with are:

Narrator - Oddwen

Frodo - Volo
Sam - Brinniel
Merry - Lommy
Pippin - Greenie

Boromir - Matthew
Gimli - Nogrod

(Not needed as yet and thence can be changed:
Bilbo - Nogrod)

Also note that if (and when I hope) we will be doing more of this new quite juicy roles will become available...
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Old 06-16-2008, 05:25 PM   #290
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Welcome back, Nogrod! I know that Gwath wanted to be a part of this as well. He hasn't really voiced a preference for character, but out of Gandalf and Aragorn, I think he'd make a better Aragorn.

Ideas anybody?
"Loud and clear it sounds in the valleys of the hills...and then let all the foes of Gondor flee!" -Boromir, The Fellowship of the Ring
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Old 06-16-2008, 05:47 PM   #291
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Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
Bilbo - Nogrod)
That's arguable. There's one line that might need a Bilbo is we want. -Right, forget that, the part comes slightly later. In any case, this is bloody useful. Ctrl + F
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Old 06-16-2008, 08:05 PM   #292
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Originally Posted by MatthewM View Post
Welcome back, Nogrod!
The end of our semester and the DW II really kept me busy...

I know that Gwath wanted to be a part of this as well. He hasn't really voiced a preference for character, but out of Gandalf and Aragorn, I think he'd make a better Aragorn.
I'd say so too... and if Legate could carry on the way he makes Gandalf shout he'd make a nice one... And I also think Mac might be best as Legolas (well, he's just marvellous as the baddies!!!) if Nerwen is not going to do that - which I'd prefer myself.

But then again Gwath seems to still have a problem with the background-noise. And that will really stick out, believe me!

Have you any chance of getting rid of that during June - July- August, Gwath? If not then I'd suggest that Legate and Mac take the two leading roles with Nerwen being Legolas.

How about you Mac and Legate try one more, being careful with the S's (avoid high-pitch ones) and avoiding speaking to your nose? And no, this is no mockery. I never learned this when I was at your age or even later... it was only by age and then joining a choir a few years ago that led me to understand these things...

And I don't mean trying like how to sound like Donald Duck or how to make an orc-growl, but listening to where the sound of your voice comes from and where it resonates. And experiment then!

If it's high up and front it's the nasal one which I don't think either Gandalf or Aragorn would have.

Bringing the voice to the middle of your mouth and thence letting it resonate in your skull makes a pleasant full voice.

Dropping it to the back of your mouth / into your throat makes it sound lower and coarser.

If you manage to get your whole body (especially your midriff) to support the sound it will be spectacular (and no... I'm not good at that myself... it's so hard).

I'd like to hear a few trials unless you others are already bored / you have clear ideas how to cast the last roles.

But those with assignments could start doing it already! As soon as I get the first files I'll start building the recording... unless Nerwen has better equipment & more time in her hands... but for now I seem to have at least time until the end of July...

Oddwen! The sooner I get your part the better! That is the backbone of all this. With your part with me I could start counting how to fit the music eg. how many melody-rounds / bars we will need approximately and thence thinking about the variations etc...
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Last edited by Nogrod; 06-16-2008 at 08:10 PM.
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Old 06-16-2008, 09:10 PM   #293
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Oddwen! The sooner I get your part the better! That is the backbone of all this. With your part with me I could start counting how to fit the music eg. how many melody-rounds / bars we will need approximately and thence thinking about the variations etc... Today 05:47 PM
Ha ha, I started recording at the very beginning of the chapter...I'll work from the appointed point within the next couple of days.
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Old 06-16-2008, 09:50 PM   #294
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Originally Posted by Oddwen View Post
Ha ha, I started recording at the very beginning of the chapter...I'll work from the appointed point within the next couple of days.

But you'll have them ready as we get to them?

*always look at the bright side of life*

And don't worry. I will be able to actually concentrate on this the week after Midsummer's eve the earliest so no hurry... and I have a lot to do with the music just to get a clear structure in there and to decide which variations might fit whatever developement in the story.

Just don't send me too big files as you're the one with lots to do... I quess 10 MB is the limit most servers / e-mail accounts take.

So glad to hear you're on it!

Now others, show your qualities!
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Old 06-16-2008, 10:09 PM   #295
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Well, I've nearly finished my exams, so I'm free from now on. I'll take Legolas, unless Mac is desperate to do so.

Nogrod, as you're doing an excellent job with the mixing, I suggest you keep on with it... but I'll be available to help out, if need be.
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Old 06-16-2008, 10:15 PM   #296
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Oddwen! The sooner I get your part the better! That is the backbone of all this. With your part with me I could start counting how to fit the music eg. how many melody-rounds / bars we will need approximately and thence thinking about the variations etc... Today 05:47 PM
Ha ha, I started recording at the very beginning of the chapter...I'll work from the appointed point within the next couple of days.
Don't worry - the first half a page clearly state that there was "no song or music"!


But you'll have them ready as we get to them?

*always look at the bright side of life*
Tadaa! I hope it's up to snuff! I'll email it to Nog now, and will to anyone else who wants it.
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Old 06-16-2008, 10:50 PM   #297
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I have a friend who does music recording, and I'll ask him if he has an old microphone I could use.
Stories and songs.
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Old 06-17-2008, 01:30 AM   #298
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Hmm... I don't mind doing Gandalf, if you really think it doesn't sound unrealistic (un-Gandalfish, that is). However, in any case, I'm afraid I won't have time now, and as soon as I finish my last exam (this week), I'm off and will be off more or less continuously for some time... the earliest I can get recording something will be... around the second half of July or something like that.
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories
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Old 06-17-2008, 02:21 AM   #299
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Can one buy a decent microphone that plugs into the computer for really cheap?

I feel kind of stupid not having any sort of equipment considering the field I'm going into. But why buy a bunch of stuff when you can rent it for free at school? The problem comes in the summer when I'm not in class and still need to record stuff...
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Old 06-17-2008, 10:34 AM   #300
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Supposedly, USB microphones have less hum and are better - they usually retail for about thirty U.S. dollars. I was lucky enough to find a (Microsoft Lifechat LX-3000) USB headset at a secondhand store, and am pleased with it.
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Old 06-17-2008, 10:48 AM   #301
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Yes, I'd recommend a USB mike. I use a Logitech USB headset myself. They're quite cheap.
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Old 06-17-2008, 04:29 PM   #302
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Thanks Oddwen for the read out!

I'll try to get a "teaser mix" done tomorrow with help of Greenie (singing the choirs with me & playing the flutes).

Your voice is nice indeed!

The crickets chirping in the background build a nice athmosphere...

But... okay listen to it first everyone tomorrow as I send it to the Xanga and provide you with a link. Let's then discuss the following.

What I'd say for myself is that if you could make it one more time, not going so fast... kind of reading it with "all the time in your hands" - like thinking you were telling a story to your grandchildren and wished to keep up the suspense... or whatever.

Now I think the reading is a bit hasty, like the reader was in a hurry to reach the goal.

Also. As there is some background hum (the crickets actually? it sounds like them... and so nice!) it would be easier if I could fill the gaps in the narration with that original hum from your recording. Now if I make a break in the narration (cut the file and continue it fex. two seconds afterwards) the hum stops and then re-begins. And that sudden shutting off and re-starting of the hum is heard... (some of it can be covered with bringing forwards the music but not all)

So if you'd be so kind - after we'd heard you and others speak their minds as this might just be a question of my aesthetic ear hearing it that way - as to record it once more; with no hurry, easily, like you told the story to someone you love and care... and leaving good gaps between sentences that do not need to follow each other suit (and that's surely for you to decide which sentences should be tightly tied to one another) and between paragraphs a good 5 second break.

It's easy to shorten a too long break from the original recording but if I need to add breaks they will be totally silent and thence be heard being different from your normal pauses between sentences...

And do not worry about the failed parts... it was easy to clip them off (albeit in one case where you restarted it so soon that it was hard to cut it on the mark...). So if it goes wrong just draw your breath, let a second go in silence and take it a new (like you did most of the time). That's easy for me to handle.

Great to see this moving forwards.

And I think it will sound that great tomorrow that all those unsure about what this project might be will get confidence. This is worth doing indeed!
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Old 06-17-2008, 07:30 PM   #303
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PS. to Oddwen...

That question of trying it once more with easier pace means the "narration parts" eg. where you are the only voice around and telling the story by yourself.

When the dialogue appears I think the narrator's short lines can be a bit faster - I mean fast like yours...

We'll need to hear that as people send their lines to me and we can start building up dialogues...
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Old 06-18-2008, 04:15 PM   #304
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1420! The first serious clip is made!


Just check here.

Hurray to Oddwen and thanks to Greenie for singing & playing the flutes. And sorry Odd but I couldn't resist leaving those comments of yours there in the end of this clip... they felt just soo proper!

As I said in the Xanga there were some problems with my software and thence some of the choir-parts are a bit too loud as I got frustrated trying to edit them...

And to anyone concerned, when the dialogue starts the music will be dropped down considerably so that the dialogue is clearly in front without distractions. It's only with the narration that the music can be a bit louder to create feeling as they are oftentimes long bits of speech.

To those interested in the music stuff here's the music only by itself - and this time nicely mixed (the software was working ok. at that time...). Don't mind about the delay in the start, it takes some 10 seconds to begin.

But wow! We're doing this!

Just pull yourselves together and start doing your stuff!

This is going to be great.
Upon the hearth the fire is red
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But not yet weary are our feet...
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Old 06-18-2008, 07:13 PM   #305
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SOUNDS GREAT! I love the music guys, great job. And great job narrating Oddwen!
"Loud and clear it sounds in the valleys of the hills...and then let all the foes of Gondor flee!" -Boromir, The Fellowship of the Ring
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Old 06-19-2008, 09:31 AM   #306
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Oh and Nogrod - I have sent you 4 takes of a part of my've got mail!
"Loud and clear it sounds in the valleys of the hills...and then let all the foes of Gondor flee!" -Boromir, The Fellowship of the Ring
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Old 06-22-2008, 03:48 PM   #307
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Originally Posted by MatthewM View Post
Oh and Nogrod - I have sent you 4 takes of a part of my've got mail!
I'll check them tomorrow - I just came home and it's late now...


Keep them coming!
Upon the hearth the fire is red
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But not yet weary are our feet...
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Old 06-28-2008, 12:04 PM   #308
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Matthew's latest can be accessed from here Sadly the background-buzz is ever-continuing...

I really love the last one's sound! If we could just get rid of that buzzing!

But where are you others?

Let's make this.
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Old 06-28-2008, 03:01 PM   #309
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I talked to my film and audio friend, and it sounds like he would be willing to help me record all my stuff on his professional equipment. So, that problem is solved.

Now I just need a part.
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Old 06-28-2008, 03:12 PM   #310
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Originally Posted by Gwathagor View Post
I talked to my film and audio friend, and it sounds like he would be willing to help me record all my stuff on his professional equipment. So, that problem is solved.
Yay! ... I mean great! *wheee!* (how do you show you're enthusiastic about something in English?)

Originally Posted by Gwath
Now I just need a part.
Go for Aragorn, I say.

Take those lines in the TRGS which come after the fellowship has left Imladris. There are a few nice lines for Aragorn there.

You'll make a good one, believe me.
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Old 06-28-2008, 06:40 PM   #311
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OK, I downloaded some recording software and will have a go at some Aragorn lines tonight. If they (the recordings) still need help, I will resort to media-friend.
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Old 06-28-2008, 10:45 PM   #312
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That's not just a buzz! There is meaning in that noise, but no mortal ear can understand it.

I'm working on my own bit, but things might be sketchy until after the Fourth because of all the fireworks going off.
But all the while I sit and think of times there were before
I listen for returning feet and voices at the door

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Old 06-29-2008, 05:13 PM   #313
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Nogrod - I just sent you a whole slew of Aragorn clips. Thanks!
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Old 06-30-2008, 04:41 PM   #314
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I got the clips from Gwath for Aragorn but haven't have time to check them as yet. But we could soon have something really nice to peek at if someone just takes the role of Gandalf... I thought Legate might be a candidate but he's out somewhere for a while if my memory serves me correctly... And where's Macalaure? I think one of you should take the role.

Patience... even though patience does not mean inactivity!

The hobbits I mean... I know Lommy and Greenie will be back in a week or something and we can record their parts then.

What about you Volo? Would you like to come over one day to record your stuff here at my place?

How about you Brinn? It would be great if you could grasp an opportunity to make a version earlier than when the semester begins.

And Nerwen, are you still around? Wanna try Legolas... or Sam if Brinn is not capable during the summer?
(We'll get you a load of roles during the fall Brinn if we for some reason manage to pull this forwards during the summer).

So, what is your standing everyone?

And just for a side-dish I made this just today as I got the idea a few days ago. I'm not sure where it could be put. I first thought it could be something from Imladris but it sounds a bit too casual and rural to be elven music now as I listen to it. So maybe when / if we one day get to Bree or the Shire?
Upon the hearth the fire is red
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Last edited by Nogrod; 06-30-2008 at 04:45 PM.
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Old 06-30-2008, 11:31 PM   #315
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Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
And just for a side-dish I made this just today as I got the idea a few days ago. I'm not sure where it could be put. I first thought it could be something from Imladris but it sounds a bit too casual and rural to be elven music now as I listen to it. So maybe when / if we one day get to Bree or the Shire?

Indeed The music sounds excellent and well suited for Bree!
"Loud and clear it sounds in the valleys of the hills...and then let all the foes of Gondor flee!" -Boromir, The Fellowship of the Ring
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Old 07-01-2008, 02:33 AM   #316
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Originally Posted by Nogrod
How about you Brinn? It would be great if you could grasp an opportunity to make a version earlier than when the semester begins.
I still would really love to play Sam, but need to convince my parents to get me a microphone first. If only I can find a used one from somewhere cheap. Don't write me off just yet; I'll keep looking.

Btw, is there any need for a violin? I haven't played in five years so I'm a bit rusty, but I do have a violin sitting around and would be totally willing to use it if needed. I'm not exactly any good at writing music myself but I can improv, or if you wanted to send something you wrote Nogrod, I could do that too. Plus, it'd give me the excuse to have my parents get my bow restrung.. Of course, this is only in the case that I do get a microphone (and I'll only have my violin while in Boise).
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Old 07-01-2008, 04:23 PM   #317
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Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
And just for a side-dish I made this just today as I got the idea a few days ago. I'm not sure where it could be put. I first thought it could be something from Imladris but it sounds a bit too casual and rural to be elven music now as I listen to it. So maybe when / if we one day get to Bree or the Shire?
Sa-WEEET! Bravo! Very nice flavor and texture.
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Old 07-01-2008, 08:25 PM   #318
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Thanks mark12_30.

Now there is an assortment of Gwath's Aragorn in here. I think we can forget the discussion who will be Aragorn for now. We have found him.

So we only need Gandalf now to get this going for good... (Mac?, Legate?)

I can do it if no one else will, but I'd like to hear someone else doing it.

Any new "recruits" for the role?

Nerwen? Hookbill?

PS. I've been making a new version of the music as the first one you have heard had the synths made by my poor audio-software but today I visited our school and recorded something with a much better quality instruments (like the low voices almost sounding like real contrabasses and low strings...). I hope I can share it tomorrow or the day after with you...
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Last edited by Nogrod; 07-01-2008 at 08:29 PM.
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Old 07-01-2008, 11:37 PM   #319
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Hey Nogrod, you've got two rep boxes! Congratulations! (How many rep points did you have to get?)
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Old 07-02-2008, 01:16 PM   #320
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Is it too late for someone who's always late anyway?

Darn, confusticate and bebother my sporadic ability to read and post here for missing the genesis of this most interesting project! I'd love to read Gandalf for this project!

If there's any more spots open for narration, music scoring, voice acting, or other help I would be most willing to contribute in any way I can. My time is somewhat limited, but I'd truly enjoy being part of this. Or the next one, whenever it happens.

I have no professional entries on my voice-over resume (though I am seeking such work as a sideline), but I have had native Brits tell me that to their ears my feigned accents are nearly perfect. Additionally, I have read the entire TH-LOTR series to my children several times, using different voices for the characters such that my kids could recognize one character over another just by the way I read the dialogue.

Let me know what I can do!

P.S. We (Barrow-Wight, Sharku, myself, and several others) used to get together occasionally on Yahoo audio chat to do chapter readings -- in that respect, I do have a bit of experience reading Gandalf!
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~~ Marcus Aurelius

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