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Old 01-25-2003, 03:58 PM   #241
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Bird! Pio laughed, a light, silvery sound, and inclined her head to the fox. ‘I thank you, Ruscomir. I am in your debt. You have brought news from a dear friend. I will send no reply back with you.' She grinned delightedly at the fox. 'Go see the cook if you wish some food. And I will see that a saucer of ale is set out for you.’ The fox inclined his head toward her, and repaired to the kitchen to find his promised reward.

Pio took the letter from its envelope, reading it carefully, twice.

21 Ringarë,Year 7

"The Water Lily", New Osgiliath, Emyn Arnen

Dearest Piosennial,

Please don’t let the name of the town where I am at mislead you. "New Osgiliath" is nothing more than an inn, (Though a very nice inn) here on the shores of Anduin in North Ithilien. The name changes daily, and the settlers and watermen who pass through here argue constantly as to what the name of this new town should be, or even if a new town will be the end result.

North Ithilien is truly a lovely land, and our King never did a better day’s work than when he bestowed the stewardship of this fiefdom on our good Prince Faramir. Though the majority of the labor is still devoted to the restoration of Minas Anor, hardy bands of people of all races have been striking out to settle land and make their fortunes here. The woodland kin of Lord Legolas have arrived, and while they seem disinclined to actually build permanent dwellings (at least that we with merely human eyes can see), their touch on the land has not gone unnoticed, and the woodlands and fields bloom and thrive.

I even actually got to see Legolas and Gimli! They did stop by to sample the ale here at the "Lily". I can’t say that the Elf Prince was much impressed with the accommodations, but the son of Gloin would not bypass a chance to sample the best - in fact the only - ale in the South Kingdom.

You may be asking yourself why, if I am so close to the city, I have not gone farther and sought out Mithadan. I very much intended to do this, but I ran into some misadventure on the road from Dol Amroth, and have stopped here to lick my wounds and recover before moving on. Please don’t worry, I am truly on the mend and will be fit to travel in another week or so. I had intended to inform Mith of my whereabouts, but found when I arrived here that he had taken the "Star" on a trading expedition and was not in the city. And the innkeeper informs me that you are holing up in the Shire! How in Middle-earth did you wind up there? So I have decided that I will wait until I can travel again, and will surprise your errant husband with my unannounced presence when he returns to the city.

Did you get the letter that I sent you before I left Dol Amroth? I hope you have given much thought to the information I discovered in Harad. The second map and drawings are still safe, of course, though I cannot make heads or tails out of what it all means. I hope you have given much thought to the words spoken by the blind shepherd. I truly think this could be an important lead to finding my kin!

Well, the innkeeper’s wife is scolding me. Seems to think the act of letter writing is far too wearying for someone in such a delicate state as I, and she orders me back to bed.

I have been having the oddest dreams of Cami. Seeing her with Bilbo and Maura, of all things. How I miss our little friend. I think of her often, at the oddest times.

Well, six more months, and the twins will be here. I hope you will not force me to travel clear to the Shire in order to see them. Please write to me care of the Dock Master at Dol Amroth to let me know where you will be. In the meantime, after a quick trip to visit with dear Mithadan, I will be returning again to the warm lands of Far Harad. The people there are a suspicious lot, and always seem to speak in riddles, but I really feel that I am getting closer to discovering the fate of the skinchangers.

And now to bed! And now to bed!

With great affection,


‘There is no time to write a return message.’ she thought to herself. ‘It has taken three months for this one to get to me. By the time she receives my reply, the twins will already have been born.’ She sighed and shook her head. ‘I know she hates this. She says she has no talent for it. But that simply is not true.’

Pio closed her eyes lightly and let her mind quest southward, seeking her companion.

Auntie Bird! Shire. Three months. The twins. Loendë, Midsummer’s day. Come!


Her head ached from seeking her friend so far away. Pio made her way back to her rooms to find a headache powder. She recalled that Erdaminéon was still sleeping on her couch, and she stopped in the kitchen for a mug of tea and a plate of foods for him.

'You look as bad as I feel.' she remarked as she closed the door behind her. 'Try this while I find something for your arm's pain and my pounding head.' She placed the tray before him and went to her medicine pouch to find the willow bark powder.

Reclining on the chair opposite him, after downing the draught, she regarded him as he picked at the food.

'So . . . what happened to you? And why did you come back to the Dragon?' She rubbed her temples gently. 'And speak softly, if you would, my head is pounding.'

[ January 25, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 01-25-2003, 05:48 PM   #242
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Rave followed the maiden, Laurie, to find this Piosenniel she had spoken of. She tried to explain to Laurie on the way over that her story had certainly not tired her.

It was just that it had been a very long day. Although Laurie was not so easy to convince, she did finally accept Rave's apology and continued to walk over to Pio.

[ January 25, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

[ January 25, 2003: Message edited by: Eruwen ]
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Old 01-25-2003, 06:00 PM   #243
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Since you do not have your Private Messages set up - please note that I have edited your post on the previous page. (It was a well done post!)

Please break your posts into paragraphs.

The minimum standard for the Shire postings is:

2 paragraphs of at least 2 sentences each.

Please see The Red Book of Red Marsh for all the rules for posting in the Shire
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 01-25-2003, 06:09 PM   #244
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Since you do not have your PM (Private Messages) enabled - please note I have edited your previous post in the Inn.

It was a good post - but a bit of technical advice:

To break the post into paragraphs, you must simply write it in block stye and double space between your paragraphs.

Indenting them only makes the whole post run together.


[ January 26, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 01-25-2003, 06:11 PM   #245
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Frodess has just left Hobbiton.

Champignonne watched the two other hobbits leave and smiled after them. She did not know what would happen, but she had to go. She could not go home, and yet she could not go to Rivendell just yet. If only she could find an elf to speak to her. . . .but no. She marched on in silence, the cheery lights of the tavern fading away.

She walked on silently, making sure that nothing was in her way. She thought that maybe she would buy a pony so that she could make it to Rivendell with some sort of company. Somehow, this feeling of isolation did not subside. But with this feeling came another, the feeling of being watched.

Champignonne looked around, her eyes scanning all her surrondings. She suddenly heard a rustle, and whispered, "Who is there?" She turned and saw a pair of catlike eyes staring at her through the murk.

"What do you want?" she asked anxiously.

[ January 25, 2003: Message edited by: Frodess ]
Lots of Cheese
Je suis le fromage!
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Old 01-25-2003, 06:15 PM   #246
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Pio looked up from her letter as Rave approached. 'A room, you say?' She called one of the serving girls to her and instructed her to freshen a room for their new overnight guest.

'Just follow her. She'll show you where everything is.' She collected the price of the room from the woman, and returned to her letter.

She had just finished and folded it away in its envelope when she heard someone ask if anyone cared to hear a story.

'Of course we would! Please tell away!'

Maegaladiel - Here is your chance to tell your character's adventure . . .
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 01-25-2003, 06:22 PM   #247
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Jesse has just left Hobbiton.

*Jesse walks into the Green Dragon Inn and sits down at a table. He looks around and lets out a sigh. He's just passing through this area and needs a place to lie down for awhile.

Jesse is a wizard and his staff is lying next to the table. Hopefully someone will come here and tell me where I can find a room, he thinks to himself.*

[ January 26, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
--This post was made by Jesse
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Old 01-25-2003, 07:42 PM   #248
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Hirilaelin has just left Hobbiton.

Sitting up with a jerk, Hiri said, "My people? Well, I don't really know where to begin." She mused for a moment over her ale, and looked around at the various patrons in the 'Dragon. "My people..." she said again. "I do not know much about the doings of hobbits in the Shire, but I do know a bit about Bree."

Astarielle nodded, and sipped her ale again. Hiri put her mug down on the counter, and began.

"In Bree, things are about what they have always been. Life goes on, the comings and goings of various peoples, life. It is more crowded than the Shire, which is what prompted our families move here. Mother was always one for peace." She picked up her mug, and took another sip.

"Yes, you mentioned that was why you moved here," prompted Astarielle. "I passed through there on my way here, stopping at the Prancing Pony."

"Ah, the Prancing Pony," sighed Hiri. "I spent much time there, with my friends. I don't know anyone here but you." Glancing over the room, with the merry crackling fire, she wondered if she would ever feel at home here.

Astarielle, sensing some of her new friends feelings, said, "I am sure, that in time, you will come to call this place home." Hiri, feeling assured, smiled at Astarielle. "Yes, I am sure that I will eventually. Noticing that Astairelle's mug was empty, she inquired, "More ale? It's on me."
__________________ I fired two warning shots. Into his head. - Chicago
Let Helky stay!
Bree|Imladris|guess you'll never know...
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Old 01-25-2003, 08:46 PM   #249
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theWhiteLady has just left Hobbiton.

Laurie followed Rave and the server girl up to the rooms. It was getting quite late, and though there was talk of singing in the common room, the call of sleep was too strong. Before they entered their respective rooms, Laurie paused for a moment, her forehead wrinkled from thought.

"Rave," she spoke, still in deep thought. Rave halted at the door post, looking back curiously. Laurie raised her head and looked intently into Rave's face. "I've been thinking about what you told me, about how you don't know your family." Laurie paused, and she nodded, encouraging her to go on.

"Well, I've just remembered the Rangers, they seem to know most of what goes on here in the North. Perhaps they will know something about your family..." Laurie added quickly, not wanting to get Rave's hopes up too high, "It is a long shot, and may come to nothing, but I just thought I would mention it."
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Old 01-25-2003, 08:58 PM   #250
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Eruwen has just left Hobbiton.

"Thanks," said Rave cheerfully. "I'll remember that." She bid Laurie goodnight and entered her room. It was not that small, but not too large either. The room was just right for a traveler to lodge in.

As Rave climbed atop the bed about to go to sleep, she turned toward the window in the room. She gazed out at the beautiful stars shining down from the skies. "Hmmm," she started to think to herself. "I wonder if the sunrises in the Shire are as magnifiscent as the other times in the day and night."

Rave soon fell asleep while the hopes of a beautiful morning hung in the air. This would certainly not be a land she would ever forget.

[ January 25, 2003: Message edited by: Eruwen ]
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Old 01-25-2003, 09:05 PM   #251
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Umbria had sat for hours writing on her parchment, Her liege had long since retired to rest and she sat alone at one of hte tables. She stopped and looked around at all the newcomers. "one would think the south did not exist anymore" she said to herself. He sharp gray eyes scanning the room.

She heard the elf Astarielle. "you have kin, in Lothlorien. I am of Lothlorien, perhaps I may know them?"

She was interrupted when two full grown men dressed in strange clothes of black burst into the inn, carriying with them in their arms, Snowdrop the hobbit, unconscious and bleeding from the side.

"who is the innkeeper here!" he yelled
The second one went to a chair and put Snowdrop down on the chair. "i need some bandages, im a doctor" he said

Umbria got up immediatly and went to Snowdrop's side "what happened to her?"
"Bandits, we think, we just found her like this with her pony and cart... there was gold missing from a pouch that lay strewn on the road."

Umbria looked him in the eye, "you are rangers."

"yes lady, we are, and my nmae is-"
"Aleamas, and your companion is Dolenmar: I know you from somewhere"

He looked at her in surprise "right now, my priority is helping this young halfling."
"Athena, stepping up behind him, visible to no one but Achillies, gripped his red-gold hair. Startled he made a half turn, and he knew her upon the instant for Athena." ~The Iliad~

~My lord, Éomer~
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Old 01-25-2003, 10:31 PM   #252
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Don stood quietly for a moment, gazing at the sky. It was her choice, Rie had said. A frown came to the girl's face. She had always disliked having to be the one to choose, but now, when it would decide her future, she was almost afraid. A conversation she had had with Rie played through her mind.

Those flowers are more beautiful than these wild ones.

No, they're not. Even those these flowers are wild they can still be beautiful. You're wild.

And ugly.

That little flower is beautiful, and so are you.

A soft smile came to Don's face, and she took Rie's hand. There was a little silence, and then Don looked up at her. "I've made my decision," she said. "After my parents died, and my family was split up, I never had any friend. Until I met you. You're the best friend I've had since then, Rie, and I've decided I should be grateful for that. I'm going to stay."
In the fury of the moment I can see the Master's hand
in every leaf that trembles, in every grain of sand.
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Old 01-25-2003, 10:40 PM   #253
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The new arrival to the table was ready for a story. But wanted to hear one first.

"So you where about to tell a tale?"They asked him.

"Yes it is a long and good story. Would you like to hear it."The stranger nodded in agrement.

The story of korilen

I have a story for every one. But be shure it is vary sad in its beggining.

Well my friends many years ago when there was still a heir to the throne in Gondor. There was a guard by the name of Karis. One day he met a fair lady by the name of Niril. She was no common woman. She was quick witted and cunning. Her fother was a ranger as where all of her brothers and famly. They fell in love and where married. They had three sons. The eldest they named Korilen.

Many years passed untill Korilen was soon to become a man. He was a joyus boy who loved Arda deeply. Often he would be found on the roof top of his house staring at the stars. Often he would dream queer things and tell his fother and mother about what he had seen. One night he woke crying when his mother came to him.

She asked him what had troubeled him in his sleep. He told her of the white city and its waters that sang. The trees that whent up like mountains. The beauty of an endless spring. The halls of a great and beautifull place. Covered with pearls. The most beautifull ships that where burned on shores. How ugly things hated all the beauty. How they destroyed it and it made him cry. He only saw them before in beauty not ruin. But now they where gone. He hoped that one day he would go to see them. Now he knew that he never could. So when he awoke it made him weep.

His mother comforted him and made him honey and warm milk to get back to bed. But she knew he had seen things before his time.

So ever since that day he was weighted by the burden. Of the memory of thing that where long gone in days of old.

He grew older now. His time to become a guard of Gondor was at hand. His fother over saw his training. He was swift of foot. Keen of aim. As strong as his fother hoped he would be. So he grew to his full hight. He was a high guard of Gondor. He saw the day come when the stewarts of Gondor took to governing his home. He was still vary young though. He was not yet an old man,but he was into his man hood for ten years then.

One day he beheld a sight that took him back. Windamere fairest of all he had seen. Her fother was a ships captian for Gondor.

Windamere was fair skined tall and strong. Her hair was as gold as weat on the harvest. Her eyes deepest blue. Her face was striking and fair. She stired with the beauty of all of Arda. So that in her face was light to be seen.

When she first met Korilen she was struck by his mannors and friendship. He was as gentle and kind as any man she had ever known. But she noticed the pain of some unknown weight on him. So that time he met her he sang for her. He had been taught by his mother all the songs that where in Gondor apon his lute. He had enchaned her with his beautifull songs that night. Ever afer she would rember that night. For that was the moment that she had fallen under his spell.

A few seasons had gone by. The summer came now. He and Windamer where to be married. One day she was off to sea with her brothers. The moring was fair and calm. But as noon time came a storm was at hand. The seas tossed and rumbled under the planks of the boat. They where trying to make it to shore before it was too late. As they came towards shore the wind and water raised up apon them. Then there ship was thrased onto the shore. All of the people on that boat had fallen. None where lift all whrere gone.

Then the storm lifted shortly after. The seas calmed and the wind came to a gentle wisper. Then after hours of search her fother found her. They where not supposed to go so far out. There journy had taken too long. The storm came in when he saw them making there way to shore.

He weeped deeply there where the reckage lay. So he never sailed agian. For he looked with anger apon the sea ever after.

News came to Korilen of his love and her voyage. She was gone forever. Never agian would he see his fairest love. All was lost there was nothing left for him now. He took to traveling and wandering. Seasons came and gone, winter, spring, fall, and summer. But all was as coldest winter to him. Grey and warmthless life was for him.

He sat by the great river Anduin one day. Playing apon his lute and singing of his pains. The beauty he had seen and lost. The love that he had seen and lost. For days out of his count he sang. There was no day or night. Only his songs where left. He grew weary and hungered for the loss of his life. But he was not dying. He was left singing with out realease. He would fall into sleep then awake. Night had turned to day or day had turned to night. He was in shear torture.

Finaly he cried out to the river."Why do I keep living when all I seek is death? Why do I have the memory of things that are gone? What would I do if I cannot find death? Would I be left here till all time has gone? Is it not enough that I am mortal and doomed to die? Must also my burden be made higher?"

Then a great voice of them deep arose. "You have sung second born and I have listened. Now you will hear me."

The voice boomed so loud his ears ached. It was all around but had no source. It was like water but thrashed like a storm.

"You have been burdened by many thing Korilen. But I have not gone blind to what pains you. So I will give you a gift to ease your burden. Your life is shorter than the Oak or the river running. But know me for I am greater than all of these."

He knew now it was he who is master of the sea. He humbled himself and kneeled down now.

"I have not let you die! You will live on. You have many deed that need your work in. For that alone you should live. You will do the will of Eru. Now I give you your new name that all will know you by. Eruantalon do the good that is needed. You are spared for this reason. Now seek out those who would lose what you hold dear. Do not let darkness mar what you love."

Now new strength was in him as one who has seen the Valar.

"There are gifts you should be given. Osse would help you if you go to the great sea. Now look apon me and know all of the great works are not gone. Know no fear or pain for I have shown you all is never lost."

With that Ulmo was gone. He had given Eruanalon great strength. There was tasks for him to do. He would also meet the servent of Ulmo. He would give him what he needed.

So now he journed to the sea. His body had never known such strength. He was now ready for all to come in this life. He was to help all that had needed him. He would not be alone in life. All was saved but his tasked where to be many.

There apon the shores he sang again. the song had reached Osse. There he stood on the shores. With him was another of his kind. So they said to him.

"I am the servent of Ulmo. This is the servent of Lorien. We where bid to give you your gift. Your suffering was heard by Manwe. He was moved by your songs as was Ulmo and orthers. We where given this gift that was to ease your burden. It will give you what is needed. For no man has made song of such pain as yours. Take now and help who need you."

Then he gave to me the instrument that I have now. My life is ever with it. One day I shall sing apon the shores. Then they will come for my instrument. Then I will find a place to lay ever after. No songs will I sing or battels will I see. I will have the rest only the mortal know.

For with this instrument I have known the friendship of all of the living things of Arda. In me there is memory of long forgotten things. I am old but do not seem it. I am young but weary. Still I find happyness in those I have helped and will help. All of the fair things left in Arda I have seen. But now is the fading time. So my time here grows shorter.

That is the story of my beggining my friends. The end is only known when it comes. The gifts I was given to help in battel must go back to the people that gave them. My instrument will go back where it came from. Then I will know rest.

With the end of his story Bali put his hand on Erulons shoulder."That my friends is the story of Korlin. My friend and companion. Can we get some ale? Storys make me thirsty!"

With a smile and gripping Balins hand back he said."Yes storys make me thirsty to old friend! I shall have one to."

[ January 25, 2003: Message edited by: Eruantalon ]

[ January 25, 2003: Message edited by: Eruantalon ]
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Old 01-25-2003, 10:52 PM   #254
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The moments that passed after Rie's last statement seemed like eternity. The young woman's green eyes hardly left Don's brown ones. She's going to choose now, Rie thought, she's going to leave me. Just like I left my family. If I scorned my own loved ones so much, how can I expect her to stay? How can I expect that?

Finally, Don spoke.

I'm going to stay.
Rie felt light-headed, but in a way that made it seem like a great burden had been lifted from her. She smiled, a full but teary smile. "Come on," she said softly, standing up, "let's walk a little, shall we? Talk some. We can talk about what you're going to do."

As they walked, in silence for a while, Rie began to sing, very, very softly.

Zâira nênud
adûn izindi batân tâidô ayadda:
îdô kâtha batîna lôkhî
êphalak îdôn Yôzâyan
êphal êphalak îdôn hi-Akallabêth.
"Oh, my god! I care so little, I almost passed out!"
--Dr. Cox, "Scrubs"
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Old 01-25-2003, 11:33 PM   #255
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Maegaladiel has just left Hobbiton.

--Pio and everyone else: Sorry about my last (and first) post, I totally forgot about the
whole double-spacing thing. Thanks for putting up with me!-- MAE

Nahai seemed pleased with the reaction to her offer. Smiling politely, she pulled up a chair next to the one who called himself...what was it?...Bali? Most embarrassingly, name
recognition was never her strong point.

“And what do you call yourself, lass?” asked one of the men at the table.

“I am Nahai, daughter of Silhinui. I come from the Carrock, near Mirkwood. In search of
adventure.” The gent’s eyes widened at this response.

“The Carrock? Surely this cannot be, for if it was, you would be--”

“A skin-changer? Yes, this is true.” the woman interrupted. This resulted in several raised eyebrows, and one or two people took an uneasy step backwards. The possibility of
offending a woman who could probably become a carnivorous beast was not overly
appealing to most. Nahai couldn’t blame them.

A passing elf, overhearing the remark, temporarily postponed his quest for ale to
investigate this interesting prospect.

“A shape-shifter, milady? Rarely are such wildflowers found in a garden like this,” he said.
The fair elf pulled up a chair, much to the disappointment of a nearby dwarf. Ignoring him, the elf continued.

“And what tales would you bring to our good table, milady?” He gave a dazzling smile,
one that Nahai gladly returned. This was too much for the dwarf.

“OUR table?!” He grumbled, “I don’t remember inviting you, Master Elf!” Those
tree-hugging, foolish, show-off elves made his blood boil. A man chuckled and patted his

“Be calm, friend,” he said. “All are welcome in the Green Dragon Inn.” He turned back to
Nahai. “Please, tell us your tale.”

The lady Shifter smiled and began. She wove a brilliant tapestry with her words, telling the folklore of her people. Her listeners were drawn in as the deeds and exploits of dark
wizards, brave shape-changers, dragons, gryffins, and magical talking beasts unfolded
before them. Their eyes remained glued upon her, but her own wandered around the
tavern, observing the patrons as they carried on their activities. A wounded, dirtied elf sat in a corner. Several maids and hobbit-lasses were locked in conversation in another. And
every now and then, she almost thought she saw the characteristic orange/red of a fox’s
tail in the kitchen. She longed to hear their stories, to learn of their adventures. Perhaps she would some day.

Nahai’s story ended. For a moment, her audience was silent. Her eyes lowered, suddenly embarrased. Then, as though released from a spell, they began to applaud. Now her eyes
lowered again, not from shame, but from delight and modesty.

“Another!” roared one of her new fans. Nahai laughed quietly.

“In a moment,” she said. “What shall it be about next?” The dwarf jumped at the

“Something less happy.” he grunted. “All I’ve heard all day was bright and sickeningly sweet love tales from that babbling fool over there.” He jabbed a stubby thumb over his shoulder at a preposterous looking minstrel in a heavilly-plumed hat, strumming some stringed
instrument. Nahai laughed again; a sound like a babbling brook in springtime.

“When I return,” she said, “I shall tell you the tale of a warrior named Kai. That should
suit you better. But first, I must have a drink. My throat is parced from my yarn-weaving.” The gentlemen laughed.

She walked to the bar and ordered an ale. As she sipped, she saw the wounded elf slump
in his seat, a pained expression on his face. She set down her mug quickly and went to his aid.

“Good sir,” she asked, concern marked on her brow, “Are you well?”
OK, which one of you wise guys bought Denethor a flame thrower?!?
I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I can tell a hawk from a handsaw.
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Old 01-25-2003, 11:56 PM   #256
Rosemary Took
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Rosemary re-entered the inn feeling much better. The fresh air does a lot for one who feels tired. There were a couple new patrons but it seemed as though nothing exceptional had happened. Looking around she saw a little figure in the corner, a hobbit on her own. Feeling very curious she walked over and introduced herself, 'Hello there, I'm Rosemary Took.'

The hobbit seemed to be a Took like herself though Rosemary couldn't put her finger on where she might have come from. She ordered a drink and waited for a reply.
Old 01-26-2003, 06:30 AM   #257
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“I see we suffer together then,”

He said, softly, so as not to bring more pain to Pio’s head as was necessary. He watched as she searched for a powder to dampen the pain. He winced slightly as he readjusted his position on the couch. She sat opposite him, watching him pick at the food.

“Not meaning any disrespect to your excellent food,” he said suddenly, “but I really can not eat at this time.”

He closed his eyes, trying to recall all events that had occurred since his departure. Then he fixed Pio with a clear gaze, and took a deep breath.

“You ask much of events that should take long to speak of. I suppose by your question of what happened to me you are referring to this,”

Here, he paused, gesturing to the wound on his inside arm, just above the elbow.

“I was clumsy. Fighting alone is a dangerous business. Fighting alone against large numbers is even more so. I avoid it. I do not seek glory, nor do I wish for recognition. By nature I would prefer to shoot down an enemy and remain hidden. But, as I said, I was clumsy.”

He sighed, and then looked around again. Not seeing anything, he continued his story.

“I was ambushed by Orcs. The wild is a treacherous place to wander and I was tired. I had ridden far and was in search of somewhere to rest myself, and my steed. And then they were upon me. I know not how it happened, for I should have heard them long before they sensed me. I fought, then ran.”

He looked away, bitterly. The pain of having to turn and run was setting in again.

“What I was doing there anyway,” he began, “what I was doing. It doesn’t matter. It is not of importance, and I feel not like speaking of it.”

He looked as though there was more to say on the subject, but he turned away again, letting the words fade from his lips in the hope that they could also fade from his memory. In the warmth and safety of the inn it was hard to believe that any of it was true. It was all a far off dream, like those he had been having of late.

“And you ask why I returned to your inn.” He paused, deep in thought. “I suppose it seemed a safe place to turn. There are many who walk these lands that I should not wish to encounter; not as I am at any rate. The Shire used to strike me as a retreat from the rush of life, but things are not so peaceful anymore. I supposed it is those like me, those who come in need of healing, who disturb your peace more than anything. And for that I apologise.”

He looked around again, still searching.

“Might I ask, where is my sword? It is of great value to me, and I should much like to know where it is.”
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Old 01-26-2003, 06:37 AM   #258
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"What does it take to get a decent breakfast here in this place?!" Turgon shouted out. He walked quickly over to the bar and hit the calling bell.

"Hello?!" He yelled harshly. No one answered. Turgon grunted and made his way back to the table, suddenly noticing someone was sitting there. An old man clad in robes, and his walkingstaff lay by the table. Turgon grunted once more.

"Yer sitting at me table old man!" He said as he stood, feet firmly wideplanted on the ground and his hands resting on his hips, looking the old man in his eye.

(OOC: Yes... this would be you Jesse)
"You cannot pass. I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor!"
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Old 01-26-2003, 09:02 AM   #259
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*Jesse looks at Turgon and stands up. His tired eyes look at Turgon's eyes. Jesse forces a frown and grabs his staff. He then stands upright. With his old age, his back isn't what it used to be.

"When I came in, no one was sitting in it. However, if it is your table, I will move to another one. My name is Jesse by the way. I must say, I am older than you could possibly imagine, so I would ask that you'd treat me with some respect." Jesse says as he begins walking towards another table. The wizard continues to eye Turgon suspciously until he sits down at an empty table. Jesse then sets his staff down on the floor.

[ January 26, 2003: Message edited by: Jesse ]

[ January 26, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
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Old 01-26-2003, 11:07 AM   #260
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Bali was steaming with anger as the elf continued to sit at his table, now talking to the two ladies sitting there (which made Bali all the madder). Quickly he stood: "Yes, my friend Eruantalon, let us go get ourselves some more ale."

Shooting a dark look at the elf who had invaded his table, and who was obviously enjoying the attention he was getting from the two ladies, Bali (along with Eruantalon)excused themselves from the table, leaving the two ladies sitting there to talk with the elf alone.

Moving over to the counter, Bali ordered an ale for himslef and Eruantalon. "Now that we are alone, we must make plans for our journey," said Bali.

"Let us find a quiet table away from the noise." "I agree," said Eruantalon. "Let us go."

[ January 26, 2003: Message edited by: Himaran ]
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Old 01-26-2003, 12:54 PM   #261
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So Rie sang, very softly, a joy in her eyes. She realized that she loved this fiery little girl, and it would hurt her terribly to see her go. Happiness was dancing in her eyes, and the tears of joy still remained. Don was listening, but she did not look at the woman beside her. Instead she bent down and plucked a little flower from the side of the road, and ran her finger gently over the soft petals. Then she burst into tears.

Rie quickly knelt down. "What's wrong, Don?" she asked. "You don't have to stay, Don, you don't have to stay if you don't want to."

"I'm not sad!" said Don fiercely. "Can't you see that, or do you not have any eyes?" A little smile turned up the corners of Rie's lips. This sounded like the Don she had first encountered.

Don took three deep breaths, and stopped crying. She looked at Rie fondly. "I'm sorry, Rie," she said. "I'm sorry I yelled at you like that. But I hate crying when people are watching me."

"Oh, I understand," said Rie. "And it didn't sound like you were yelling. You just sounded like... like Don."

Don smiled, and then laughed through her tears. She looked down at the flower again and then up at Rie, who said quietly, "But will you tell me why you were crying?"

"I was happy," said Don. "When I said I would stay, I was afraid I'd be miserable. I was afraid I wouldn't be happy, but I was foolish to think so. I'm very happy, Rie. So happy that I'm crying. I knew we'd be friends when I first saw you, but I didn't want to admit it. That's why I was so terrible. And that's just my personality. But we're not friends, Rie. We're almost like… family." The last word was whispered, as if Don was afraid it might not be true.

"You're right, Don, we are like family," said Rie. "And I'm glad, because I don't have a family anymore."

Don looked at Rie with large eyes, full of a wisdom that a child of her age should not have. "You do have a family, Rie. Your family is still waiting for you, I think. I have a family. I have my brothers; I have my sisters… I even have my aunts and uncles… though I don't like them," she added quickly.

Rie laughed a little, then became solemn once more. "You're right, Don. I do have a family. But I can't go back to them now."

"Why can't you, Rie?" the girl asked, all the wisdom leaving her face and childish curiosity taking its place. "Why can't you go back? And why did you leave?"
In the fury of the moment I can see the Master's hand
in every leaf that trembles, in every grain of sand.
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Old 01-26-2003, 01:24 PM   #262
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Rave woke up early that morning and caught the sunrise out her window. It was truly as great as she had immagined it. She walked down to the inn where many people had already gathered.

As she approached the bar, she ordered a cup of tea, then sat down at a small table after it was delivered. Suddenly, Laurie's words from the previous night came into mind.

"Well, I've just remembered the Rangers, they seem to know most of what goes on here in the North. Perhaps they will know something about your family..."
A quick ray of hope appeared in Rave's eyes. As she looked around the room at the various types of people, she decided to recover her head with her hood. Something was not right. She felt a wry presence in the air that made her soul quiver tremendously.
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Old 01-26-2003, 01:37 PM   #263
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Rie didn't answer immediately, but began to hum again, the same song as before. It was a very sad song, though Rie could make it reflect her own mood. When she had first sung it in front of Don, it sounded almost happy, at the least resigned in a contented fashion, "this is how things are"--now, it sounded lonely and a little nostalgic. In truth, in its intent, it was a song of longing.

Rie looked at Don. "Why did I leave?" she echoed. Don nodded. "Well, I left because I wasn't thinking, above all else. At the time I told myself that I left to find a new life. See, I wanted--want--to fight, like my brothers and father, all Rangers or Rangers-in-training. But they wouldn't allow it, and so I ran away. I've regretted it since, though I don't think I want to go back. I've seen too much of the world to go back to my mother's forge, I guess, and leave it all behind me. No, I've already agreed, like it or not, to have my share of adventures.

"Now, as to why I can't go back." Here she sighed. "Zâira nênud! The longing is on us! It was on me, and I left my house, a note on my bed saying that I would come back only once I had done something to make my father proud of me. I haven't done anything yet. One thing my father taught me is never to make a promise I can't keep. And I made a promise, Don. I made a promise. I wasn't thinking about it, but nevertheless I did it. So I guess that if I don't find myself an adventure, I'll never be able to go back." She cocked her head back and stared up at the sky for a moment. "But you know what, Don?" she asked, not looking back down. "I think I'm okay with that. I've always wanted to have sisters. Now I can, can't I?"
"Oh, my god! I care so little, I almost passed out!"
--Dr. Cox, "Scrubs"
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Old 01-26-2003, 02:33 PM   #264
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"If I were your father I would be very proud of you now," said Don quietly, that strange wisdom returning to her eyes. "You've done more than win great battles and become a hero. Much, much more. I'm almost afraid to say it, Rie, for fear that you'll disagree. But it's true."

"What's true?" Rie asked. "What have I done that would make my father proud of me?"

"It all depends on what kind of father he is," said Don. "If he's the kind of father who only cares about great battles, heroic deeds, glory and honor, then he wouldn't be proud in the least. But if he were the type of father who cares for family, love, and kindness as well as those, then he would be so proud of you, Rie, that he probably wouldn't be able to stand it."

"And if he were?" the woman asked. "What would have made him proud?"

"I was lost and alone in this world. Entirely alone. My parents were dead, my family was being dragged apart, and life was nothing but a miserable void of nothingness. And then I ran away, and I came here, and I met you. Any other person would have ignored me, or even if she spoken with me, would soon leave because of my sharp tongue and stubborn personality. But Rie, you didn't. You were my friend no matter what I said, no matter what I did. And you became my family when I had none. If my father were… were…" Don choked on a sob and a tear trickled down her cheek. She took a hold of herself and started again. "If I had done what you did, if I had loved someone who desperately needed love, if I had become a family for someone who had none, and my father were still alive, he would be very, very proud. And even if that wouldn't make your father proud, Rie, I'm proud of you, and I love you so much."
In the fury of the moment I can see the Master's hand
in every leaf that trembles, in every grain of sand.
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Old 01-26-2003, 05:40 PM   #265
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Durmán hesitated by the door. Just yesterday he had left the Inn, determined. He had already stayed there far too long, what had he been thinking? He had a quest that could not be abandoned. He had to find his brother, Endel.

So he had ridden the whole day under the burning sun, to the north, for it was the only direction he had not yet been to on his travels. Everything had been quiet, he hadn't met anyone, save some scary animals.

He had had time to think. And he had realized that he had been wrong after all. This was not the way to find his brother. Had he not searched for him in vain for years now, riding through the lonely woods, climbing the snowy mountains ? How could he think he could find him like this, with no advice from anyone?

It was time to forget about his pride, forget about the shame cast on his father's name. He had to speak with someone. He had to ask someone if they had seen his brother.

So he decided to return, once again, to the Inn. There were many men, certainly somebody might know something? But he knew what it was that he feared the most. That he would hear something he didn't want to.

So there he was now, by the door, still deep in thoughts. Who would he approach? What would he say? He clenched the silvery necklace that once had belonged to Endel in his hands and could feel his courage returning to him. He had to find him or at least, had to find out what had happened to him.

He opened the door and walked straigth to the counter. A tall, noble man with black hair and bright grey eyes. His clothes were dusty, but in his finger could be seen a ring with a figure of a swan carved to it.

"Could I have some water, please? I've come a long way..."
Be strong, saith my heart; I am a soldier, I have seen worse sights than this. - Iliad -
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Old 01-26-2003, 06:38 PM   #266
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‘I have no idea where your sword is.’ returned Pio. She put her hand upon her belly to quiet the babies, distraught at their mother’s headache. She was nine months along, three more to go. Her focus had narrowed to the return of her husband, Mithadan. And the coming of her old friends to celebrate the birth of the twins. ‘If you are able, good Sir, I suggest you look for it yourself.’

She longed to be away from here. Away from the daily responsibilities of this place. She had never intended to stay this long. She clung to the thought that Mithadan was on his way to her . . .

She was tired, and sad. For she knew that soon after the birth, Cami would be gone. She would lose her forever this time. To her task and to time.

Pio returned her attention to the person before her. She had lived so long and he so little. ‘The Inn is safe. As long as I stand within it.’ She stood, knowing that the daily, ordinary business of this place called to her, and made her way to the door.

‘Rest as you need, Erdaminéon. No ill dreams will find purchase here.’ She paused as she stepped through the door. ‘You cannot run forever. For good or ill, you must face your doom and master it.’

She closed the door behind her, leaving him to the mercy of his own thoughts.
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 01-26-2003, 06:39 PM   #267
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The Green Dragon. "At last", Vivi Boldger thought, as she saw the Inn appearing before her.

"Look Tom, Emma! The Inn! We can spend the night there!"
Vivi felt wonderfully relieved. Food, a bed, a roof over their heads-after two days in the wild, it seemed like hobbit heaven. No one answered. Sighing, she turned down to look at the two children trailing along side her looking hungry, cold , dirty and extremly miserable. They were only three years old, both of them.

"Mama?" the girl asked, sounding confused, her big, brown eyes staring at Vivi.

Vivi fouriously blinked back her tears.
"Mama´s not here, Emma, Mama´s..." she ended, what could she say? Mama´s dead? Killed in a huge fire, like Tom´s parents, like your-and my- brothers and sisters, like our whole small community of holes just outside Frogmorton? How could a 3-year-old understand??

They reached the Inn. Vivi hauled Tom up and balanced him on her hip, drawing Emma closer to her side. She pulled back her curly brown hair and entered the Green Dragon.

The fantastic smell of ale, pieweed, food and warmth greeted her. She made her way to bar, greeting astonished looks from many people. A teenage girl with two small children- the poor, stupid hobbits, wondering their heads off. She reached the counter.

"Hello," she greeted the bar-tender. "I would like a room for us three please, for one night. And please bring us... a big jug of milk and some bread." The woman nodded. She didn´t even give her a questioning look, she just nodded.

Suddenly feeling extremly tired, Vivi and the two kids settled down at a table.

Was this ok? I never quite figured out the green dragon, I hope I entered the right way!

[ January 26, 2003: Message edited by: Manardariel ]
Love is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig and then suddenly he turns on you with a miniature machine gun. Blog :-)|FanFicDream City
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Old 01-26-2003, 07:34 PM   #268
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Pio reached out her arms for the small boy. ‘Oh please, let me hold him for a moment.’ She snuggled the small body against her, while Viv fished through her purse for the room price. ‘Please . . . Viv. Don’t worry about the money. Let me just show you three to a room, and we can solve that problem later.’

The boy was so thin, and so quiet. His large eyes regarded Pio solemnly. She motioned for Viv and Emma to follow her as she showed them upstairs to a room with two beds. ‘Make yourselves comfortable. Then come downstairs and we’ll see about some food.’

Pio sat Tom on the bed, giving him a kiss on the cheek before she left the room. She went back downstairs, then, to see to the needs of the Inn’s guests.
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 01-26-2003, 07:51 PM   #269
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Bebberyn had taken Snowdrop home to rest, The two rangers sat talking by the fire. Umbria looked towards Durman, who had now returned. The elf walked towards him. She stared deep into his eyes, the pearcing stare that she was known for.

"you search for your brother, a noble man... Endel" she said calmly "you are so troubled.." she took his hand, the one with the ring of the swan, "Dol Amroth" she said "the city in which i am revered as a person of wonder, advisor to the prince... do you not know my name... I am The Everdawn" she opened his hand, and put her fingers over the chain "this was his..." she looked deeply, and an feeling of emmence sadness appeared amid the grace in her eyes. "do not despair, perhaps I can help you" she gestured to her table "you need to talk... it will make you feel better"
"Athena, stepping up behind him, visible to no one but Achillies, gripped his red-gold hair. Startled he made a half turn, and he knew her upon the instant for Athena." ~The Iliad~

~My lord, Éomer~
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Old 01-26-2003, 08:05 PM   #270
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"Oh, Eru ainu, Don, you're going to make me break down," Rie said, laughing a little too loudly. "I know my father would be proud of me, but I'm still not ready to go home. Besides, you just said you wouldn't leave me. How fair would it be for me to leave you? I have all the family I need here. I love my family, my brothers and parents, but I know I'll see them again. Who knows? Maybe they'll come to the Inn, looking for me. I hope they don't, though--I'd be in serious trouble then!" Rie laughed again, a genuine laugh, this time. "Oh, Barîm. I'm going to cry. Let's talk about something else, why don't we!"

She saw Don grinning at her as she wiped her eyes hastily with sleeve. "Quit grinning at me. I'm going to cry. You think you don't like crying in front of people? If I cried, I heard about it for weeks from my brothers."

"You can cry in front of me," Don said in a consoling voice. Rie smiled weakly and sat down.

"You can cry in front of me, too," Rie countered. "Ah! Why do I have to turn everything into an argument? Oh, Barîm, I always do that." She laughed once more, then let herself cry.
"Oh, my god! I care so little, I almost passed out!"
--Dr. Cox, "Scrubs"
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Old 01-26-2003, 08:22 PM   #271
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Don waited patiently for Rie to finish crying, and then took her hand. "Would you like to go back inside now?" she asked. "I'm sure Pio and Cami would be grateful of any help we could offer."

They walked back to the inn, and Don spoke again, "Rie, I don't really understand you. If I had a chance to get my parents and brothers and sisters back, I would jump at the chance. But you're running away from them. I just don't understand."

Rie did not answer, so Don continued.

"And you said that if you cried, you'd hear about it for weeks from your brothers. But you ran away, so your brothers won't ever know. At least you could go to your brothers if you wanted to, and I can't. I miss my brothers…" She sighed.

They came to the door of the inn, and Rie pushed it open. Don surveyed the room, and saw Pio carrying a little boy up the stairs with two girls following behind her. Don stared at them for a moment, and then dropped Rie's hand. A sob burst from her, and she whirled around and fled out the door.
In the fury of the moment I can see the Master's hand
in every leaf that trembles, in every grain of sand.
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Old 01-26-2003, 08:26 PM   #272
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Burzdol has just left Hobbiton.

"So this is the famous inn Bali had recommended so eagerly," said the the golden haired elf. Though he was middle aged, Burzdol looked only like an older teen. "Well, I 'ought to get inside before the rain starts, I hope I can get a room," he said thinking out loud.

Upon opening the door he came upon a strange site: men, dwarves, and elves were all crowded around different tables talking about war strategies and things of the sort. Baretone dwarven voices and laughter rang out loud as others told jokes to them. But where's Bali? He said he would be here.

Setting his mind aside, he decided to get a drink from the bar. Just what to get, what to get?
"Kill them all for all I care. You just keep that bow away from me!"
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Old 01-26-2003, 09:00 PM   #273
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Laurie had entered her dark room and stretched out upon her bed with a long sigh. The only light was from the window, silver moonlight that trickled down through the trees to lay dappled across the room. The air was cooler up there, away from the large and crowded common room, and it was much quieter. Snatches of laughter and the hushed tones of a story murmered up through the floorboards and Laurie fell asleep trying to hear the end of the story.

The next morning dawned as bright and beautiful as the previous ones but Laurie awoke with a crick in her neck and a sore back. She had fallen asleep with her neck craned in a very peculiar position to hear the last part of the story, so she didn't quite appreciate the beautiful morning like she would have otherwise. A quick brush of her golden hair, and a change into a fresh, white dress and Laurie was off downstairs to begin the new day.

Laurie marveled once again at the number of people that constantly came through the Green Dragon. The room was full, even more full than when she had left it the night before. She made her way to the door, but before she could open it herself, a man walked in. He seemed travel-worn and rather tired, and his eyes swept the room as he spoke.

"Could I have some water, please? I've come a long way..."
Laurie saw that Pio was busy with some customers on the other side of the room, so she stepped behind the counter and fixed a tall glass of water for the man. She handed it to him with a friendly smile.

"Welcome to the Green Dragon, good sir. My name is Laurie of Rohan," she introduced herself with a small curtsy. "Is there anything you need besides a glass of water?"
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Old 01-27-2003, 02:07 AM   #274
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"Bah!" Turgon grunted and sat down at his table, but at once he sat back down, he felt an inch of guilt comming over him. He looked back at the old man, then nodded to himself.

"Me is sorry for being so rude to yer." Turgon bowed deeply as he had made his way over to the wizards table.

"A little too much beer, and a little less of a bed I had last night," Turgon said giving a grimaze, trying to make a smile.

"Me is Turgon Hardhammer, at yer service!" the dwarf said, bowing deeply. "There is more to yer then yer old figure me is guessing..." Turgon chuckled lightly. "Yer minding me givin yer company, master...?"
"You cannot pass. I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor!"
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Old 01-27-2003, 06:18 AM   #275
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* "I would be honored to have your company Turgeon. My name is Jesse the Wizard. I'm a wanderer, coming from the farthest point in Rohan.

What brings you to the Green Dragon Inn? You're forgiven by the way," the wizard asked the dwarf as he begins meditating. For weeks he's had visions that darkness was covering Middle Earth. He yearns to find out what the visions mean. Suddenly, he has another vision. Jesse is leading an army battle. The foe is unknown. Just then, lightning engulfs the sky and the whole of Middle Earth is covered with . Then the vision ends. The Wizard then stops meditating. He needs to catch his breath. This was the first vision that was intense.
Perhaps someone here at the Inn can translate my visions, the wizard Jesse thinks to himself.

Jesse sits up again and looks around for that person. However, he does not keep his hopes up.*

(OOC: I hope this is a long enough post. I'll try to make mine more long.)

[ January 27, 2003: Message edited by: Jesse ]
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Old 01-27-2003, 07:57 AM   #276
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A soft smile wondered over Astarielle's face as she replied "yes I would like another ale but please let me pay." Astarielle tried to get the barman's attention again but failed.

Astarielle got up slowly and took the mugs over to the other side of the bar and pulled Hirilaelin and herself another pint. She alsoleft the money on the side. With a single swift movement Astarielle glided over the bar and climbed back into her seat.

Astarielle took another sip and said, "thats much better." Amoment of silence came upon the two friends, as they thought about the conversation passed. After a while this silence was shattered by a loud neigh. It belonged to Talhandir, Astarielle's horse.

"Oh no, I must have forgotten, Talhandir is still outside." As quick as lightening Astarielle rushed outside, untacked TAlhandir and set her loose in a nearby field.

"Sorry about that Hiri" she said in a sympathetic tone as she walked in drenched. "I do not care much for this weather either"
"I know exactly where I have been,
But never where I will go for
I tavel on the wings of angels"
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Old 01-27-2003, 02:19 PM   #277
Join Date: Sep 2002
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Schmendrick has just left Hobbiton.

Durmán looked at the woman, startled. What was this? Who was she? How could she know all this? She had the strangest eyes he had ever seen. It seemed to him she could see right through him and he didn't like the feeling. He also disliked her touching the necklace that had almost become like a relic to him during his past solitary years.

Durmán drew back his hand and the necklace. He also felt stupid, having left the ring on. The last time he had entered the Inn he had taken it off, but this time he had been in such a hurry, he had forgotten all about it. He had indeed planned to talk with somebody - this was the very reason he had returned - but he had wished to do it on his own conditions, telling what
hechose to. Letting Dol Amroth go unmentioned even, if possible. But now it seemed he had no choice.

Again he looked at the woman and he thought he saw pity in her eyes. He wondered how much she really knew about him, but he didn't really wish to know.
Finally he spoke, keeping his eyes fixed on hers.

" I do not come from Dol Amroth, it has been years from my last visit there. It was my mother who gave me this ring." He was seemingly unwilling to tell more about it. "But tell me, how do you know about my brother? How do you know his name? Have you seen him? "

Durmán had decided to stay calm, but it was impossible. So many years had passed with no news about him.

"How do you know all this?", he repeated. "Have you heard about it while in Dol Amroth? I know the people there know my story.
For I do not believe in seers or prophets."

This was not entirely true, but Durmán felt suddenly quarrelsome. He was not used to strangers telling him about his life.

As he was waiting for her to answer, he saw a young rohan girl place a glass of water before him. He tried his best to calm down and smiled warmly to the girl, who looked somewhat lost behind the counter. "Thank you. Actually I could use something to eat, too, if that is not too much of a trouble? I haven't eaten a proper meal for days."

Then he turned back at the elven woman again. " I want to apologize for my behaviour. Please, tell me, do you really know something about my brother?"

[ January 27, 2003: Message edited by: Schmendrick ]
Be strong, saith my heart; I am a soldier, I have seen worse sights than this. - Iliad -
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Old 01-27-2003, 04:08 PM   #278
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Jesse has just left Hobbiton.

*Jesse looks at Lumiel with a smile. His white hair moves, but there is no wind. The Wizard stares at Lumiel and then goes back to his business. It seems no one will be able to translate my visions. I can't go to Gandalf because he's too busy right now. There is no other wizard or person in Middle Earth that I know of that can tell me what my visions mean, Jesse thinks to himself with as he lets out a sigh.

Jesse stands up, grabs his staff and walks to the bar. He sits down on an empty barstool and puts his staff on the floor beneath the chair. The Wizard's green staff and robes shine brightly. Jesse then raises his hand:

"Bartender, I would like some milk if you would please. I'll be on my way within two days to go back to my homeland," the Wizard tells the bartender as he grabs his staff. He senses danger approaching, but when he sees none, he puts the green staff down again.*

[ January 27, 2003: Message edited by: Jesse ]
--This post was made by Jesse
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Old 01-27-2003, 05:21 PM   #279
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Location: The Fair City of Rivendell
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Burzdol has just left Hobbiton.

The heavy quiver and bow were weighing down Burzdol's right shoulder. Boy, Rivendell bows sure are light, but cumbersome. The long Mirkwood sword hung at his side, his hand clutching it in case of open conflict. Usually good natured, he had to fight quite a bit on his way to the inn. Laughing at a joke he had just overheard he walked a little farther in.

"Has anyone seen a dwarf named Bali," he asked. No one answered. No one even cared to listen. Well, I guess I'm going to have to find him myself. Slowly a women walked over to Burzdol.
"You new here?" she asked.
"Just passing by, I guess," he replied
"Where are you from?" she asked.
"The faithful woods of Mirkwood. Though I haven't been back there in a while. I miss walking the woods and riding Erigan, my horse. My friend Bali was supposed to meet me here. He is a jolly, but deadly dwarf. He is one of my oldest friends," he slowly explaned to the pretty girl.
"Can't say I know the names of any dwarves around here," she said, her eyes wandering.

The two found a small booth and sat down.
"So what is your name, tell me more of your story," she said sincerely.
"Well, my name is Burzdol Mora. My father is a stuwart of Gondor, I guess you could say that means that I'm part Numenarean. My mother, though, was a Mirkwood elf and I got traits from each. When I was eight my father gave me this sword, and said he had to go back to Gondor. I miss him so much, he taught me how to weild a sword, ride a horse, and make Gondor chilie. He was never to good with a bow, though, so my mother taught me everything I know. My mother raised me 'till I was old enough to venture in and out," he said as if he could see it in his mind.
"Sounds like you had an interesting childhood. How 'bout a drink?" she slowly asked.
"Sure, do they have malt beer?" Burzdol asked. "I haven't had one of those in a while."
"Two malt beers," she called to the bartender.
"So tell me your story now that I told you mine," he persisted.
"All I can tell you now is my name is Eltor," she said as an older, burly man walked by glaring at the two. "I got to go, bye."

With that the girl walked away. I wonder what that was about? Now where is Bali?

[ February 11, 2003: Message edited by: Burzdol ]
"Kill them all for all I care. You just keep that bow away from me!"
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Old 01-27-2003, 05:44 PM   #280
Join Date: Jul 2002
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theWhiteLady has just left Hobbiton.

Laurie listened with some annoyance as the man she had addressed talked with his companions, her back really was beginning to be a bother. After awhile, he finally seemed to remember her and turned around with a friendly smile.

"Thank you. Actually I could use something to eat, too, if that is not too much of a trouble? I haven't eaten a proper meal for days."
Taken off guard by his smile, Laurie felt guilty at herself for being selfish. She disappeared into the kitchens set a pot of stew upon the fire to simmer. She also threw a loaf of fresh bread into the oven to bake, and set out a block of cheese and leftover apples. When the stew had finished, she poured a goodly portion into a bowl and set it upon a plate with the warm bread, cheese and apples. Laurie couldn't help but be rather proud at herself, she had never been much of a hand in the kitchens, always preferring to run around outside with her brothers. Still, it looked quite good, if she did think so herself, and she entered the room and set the plate down before the man with another curtsy.

"There you are, sir."
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