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Old 12-22-2006, 11:12 AM   #201
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Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
Folwren is going way over the top here. "I'm innocent! You'll be sorry!!!" She wouldn't be registering too high on my list if she wasn't so adamant about painting herself as the victim.
Oh, don't you start. At least you didn't vote for me. It's all so unjust, that's all. I can't stand injustice.

I apologize. The Countess will be taking over for Foley in a just a few minutes...
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Old 12-22-2006, 11:22 AM   #202
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Originally Posted by Eomer
Even if we fail today (mathematically probable) we have good stuff to look back on in the coming days.
Just wanted to add that it is always mathematically probable to lynch an innocent. The moment it no longer is, the wolves have won.
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Old 12-22-2006, 11:29 AM   #203
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The Countess gathers her feelings back to her. The blood, that rose so quickly to her face, slowly drained again, leaving her as pale as before.

I understand the difficulties you may be having in believing my innocense, Nogrod. When anyone looks deep enough into anyone’s posting, you can usually find questionable stuff, because in this game, there are no certainties.

I honor and admire the way you put the case together so well. You’re good at that. A good friend, but a terrible enemy to have. I hope that someday, you will not be my enemy.

I have nothing more to say in defense of myself. I have answered all that I believe is pertinent.

I’m still going to vote for Farael today. Of everyone, he’s the one I suspect the most. Valier, I am uncertain about, and I always loath hopping onto what appears to be a bandwagon.


Do not expect me around any more today.
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Old 12-22-2006, 11:30 AM   #204
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Well going by my powers of deduction as displayed in Post 175 and then reversing them, adding a little bit of suspicion and reading between the lines and stirring with a heavy wooden spoon at boiling point, I am voting for:


What finally swung it for me was this display of fangs:

Originally Posted by Valier
To hopefully save myself for one more Dance.
Note, my fellow whimpering, fearful Downers, the big pointy teeth in that smiley. A spirited defence and one that could touch the heart, and if I am wrong then I shall be wracked with guilt, but having read through today's posts I am convinced. Note that if wrong, this does give one some particularly good leads...
Gordon's alive!
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Old 12-22-2006, 11:43 AM   #205
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To leave a bucket o' trails:

Rikae - looks quite innocent

Lalwendë - feels innocent

mormegil - I feel him innocent, but that might change tomorrow, who knows...

Cailín - no hunch whatsoever

Valier - slight suspicion of cobblerdom. I want her to speak sense toMorrow

Folwren - suspicious, but her defence was soo over the top that I can no longer think of her as a wolf. Slight suspicion of cobblerhood.

Holbytlass - nothing exceptionally wolvish, but also nothing exceptionally innocent. I will take a close look at her once I run out of better suspects

Vorgram of the Gaurhoth - too nice and uncontroversial for my taste. Could be anything

Naria - question mark. Could be anything.

Nogrod - Analysing Nogrod is a hard day's work, maybe toMorrow. One post looks perfectly innocent, one horribly guilty.

Farael - I don't see mush sense in his plans. Looks most cobblerish of all.

Celuien - purposefully uncontroversial, tries to be nice to everyone, looks helpful but isn't, flies under the radar by being so friendly, most suspicious

*holds up sign saying: LYNCH CELUIEN*
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Old 12-22-2006, 11:50 AM   #206
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Valier 4
Celuien 3

Left to vote: Rikae and Naria (correct me if I'm wrong)

Your own words, Rikae:
the avoidence of a topic or person will be the red flag
Rikae, Naria: Read (or skim) Celuien's posts again with this in mind.
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Old 12-22-2006, 11:53 AM   #207
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Ten minutes to deadline in a game with retractable votes!!

Speak up if you haven't voted yet!

Speak up if you voted for someone who isn't going to make it!

Foley, Holby, Nogrod, Farael! If you're still around, participate!
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Old 12-22-2006, 11:53 AM   #208
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I will go with whom I think is the most suspicious to me and that is


I normally would not vote for someone that is not here. But I have a nagging feeling that I have not been able to shake toDance. He may have just wanted his vote in, but why state who he is suspicous of after? And why no reason for voting for Cel?
Anyone who says it doesn't buy probably broke.
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Old 12-22-2006, 11:55 AM   #209
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Well, it's down to the choice of Valier and Celuien; if I vote for Cel, it leaves the choice to Naria - which would be interesting.

Or I can vote for somebody else and leave Naria the choice of Valier or a double lynch.

Mac's case against Cel seems like a shot in the dark; sure, she's played it safe, but so have Holby, Cailin, Mac and Nogrod (who is his usual self, nothing more).

If Cel is innocent, Mac's your wolf.


Let's see what Naria chooses.

EDIT cross posted w/ Naria
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Old 12-22-2006, 11:56 AM   #210
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In that case, let's have a double lynch.

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Old 12-22-2006, 11:57 AM   #211
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Mormegil-->Celuien (Cel-1)
Cailin-->Valier (Cel-1, Val-1)
Farael-->Mormegil (Cel-1, Val-1, Morm-1)
Celuien-->Valier (Cel-1, Val-2, Morm-1)
Nogrod-->Folwren(Cel-1, Val-2, Morm-1, Fol-1)
Holbytlass-->Macalaure (Cel-1, Val-2, Morm-1, Fol-1, Mac-1)
Macalaure-->Celuien (Cel-2, Val-2, Morm-1, Fol-1,Mac-1)
Valier-->Celuien (Cel-3, Val-2, Morm-1, Fol-1, Mac-1)
Eomer-->Valier (Cel-3, Val-3, Morm-1, Fol-1, Mac-1)
Folwren-->Farael (Cel-3, Val-3, Morm-1, Fol-1, Mac-1, Farael-1)
Lalwende--> Valier (Cel-3, Val-4, Morm-1, Fol-1, Mac-1, Farael-1)
Naria --> morm (Cel-3, Val-4, Morm-2, Fol-1, Mac-1, Farael-1)

I'd like to add that I have just upped my suspicions of Naria by a LOT.
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Old 12-22-2006, 11:58 AM   #212
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cross-posted with Rikae

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Old 12-22-2006, 12:00 PM   #213
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I hope we got at least one baddie...
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Old 12-22-2006, 12:00 PM   #214
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I just noticed that maybe I've been a little tense the last few minutes. I'd like to apologise. I was just a little disappointed because of the sudden silence near the deadline and Naria's obvious throwaway. Or rather not-throwaway, since it appears very possible to me right now that she's the second wolf or Celuien's cobbler.
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Old 12-22-2006, 12:01 PM   #215
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Anyone who says it doesn't buy probably broke.
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Old 12-22-2006, 12:02 PM   #216
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Mind you, Mac, I'm rather suspicious of you at the moment.
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Old 12-22-2006, 12:04 PM   #217
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And Naria saves Valier...remember that, folks.
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Old 12-22-2006, 12:06 PM   #218
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Naria saving Valier can be interpreted in many ways...
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Old 12-22-2006, 12:07 PM   #219
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Bah, I was looking forward to a double lynch!

Dance (Day) 2 has ended. No more talking, please.

Celuien is dead.

She was a Werewolf.

Rest (Night) 3 has begun. Werewolf...start thinking. Send me a kill before the night is over.
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Old 12-23-2006, 10:49 AM   #220
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Dance the Second

The dancing started off slow, and remained slow for quite some time. The dancers lazed around, obviously taking to heart the death of four innocent Wights. mormegil was the first to produce suspects, and when others began making serious accusations, the dancers fell into the same frenzy that had haunted them the previous dance. But it would be the first suspects that would come closest to their deaths: one would barely escape, the other would not at all. Macalaure began a lynch Celuien campaign, going so far as to break in his miming art to hold up a glaring sign. Others drove on a Lynch Valier campaign, and Rikae seemed to think it fun to see two die that day.

It all happened too fast for Celuien to defend herself, either in word or action.

Nogrod snatched her lasso from her hand and handed it over to Macalaure. Celuien regretted teaching him how to mime a lasso. He twirled it in great loops above his head, grinning at her in his usual red-lipped, white-faced grin. Holbytlass and Nogrod backed her toward the wall, grabbing both her arms, while Rikae and Eomer took hold of Valier before she could fly off, mouthing, “you’re next.”

Macalaure proceeded to round up Celuien by her neck. She struggled, trying to pull her arms away, and began to kick, trying to land a good hit with the spurs on her heels. mormegil removed her boots, and she snarled, cornered like a de-clawed cat.

A table was pulled up, and Celuien roughly placed on the edge of it. Macalaure tightened the lasso noose around her neck and tied the other end up in the rafters; he would not let anyone else touch the rope. Nogrod and Holbytlass were forced to tear pieces from the tablecloth to bind her wrists. Then Farael pulled the table out from under the accused’s feet.

There was a crick, but not a crack. Celuien struggled to breath.

“Her neck didn’t break,” Rikae remarked, sounding a bit disappointed.

“It wasn’t a far enough fall,” Folwren said coolly.

“It will take her a little bit to die this way,” Cailín remarked, nodding sagely.

“Yup,” Lalwendë said simply.

Everyone stood watching her struggle, watching her kick, but no one stepped forward.

Suddenly Naria stepped up from behind those gathered around the dangling Celuien. She carried one of the cowgirl’s spurs in her hand, and she plunged it into the lynchee’s chest.

Celuien’s scream turned from human to inhuman, and the dancers watched as her body transformed, plain human skin was covered in fur, her ears grew long and pointed, and her canines stretched to a ferocious length.

The four lights on the chandelier were not joined by a fifth.


The Dead Dead

Durelin (Mod and Hostess) – Ghostbusted on Rest (Night) the First
CaptainofDespair (Co-mod and Host) – Ghostbusted on Rest (Night) the First
Kath (Ordinary Villager) – Pinned and Labeled by the Mob on Dance (Day) the First
Kitanna (Ordinary Villager) – Minced, Placed in the Band, and Hardcore Harpsichorded on Rest (Night) the Second
Celuien (Werewolf) – Lassoed and Spurred by the Dancers on Dance (Day) the Second

The Living Dead

mormegil as a (Kewl-Shades) Rude Boy
Farael as a Fair-looking Orc
Rikae as an Entwife
Nogrod as a Nice Choirboy
Lalwendë as a (Mischievous Little) Christmas Elf
Naria as a Spoiled Heiress wearing a Venetian half mask
Macalaure as a Mime
Valier as a Flighty Young Woman wearing an exotic colourful bird mask
Eomer of the Rohirrim as Vorgram, Ancient Prince of Wargs
Cailín as a Robin
Holbytlass as a Court Jester
Folwren as an Elegant, Cold, Stoic, Mysterious Countess

“It is only the dead who have seen the end of the war.”

(Sorry this took so long to get posted.)
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Old 12-23-2006, 12:46 PM   #221
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Rest the Third

All was silent. The dancers sat a little more relaxed now that they felt they had achieved some sort of victory, but most minds were working as frantically as ever. Everyone eyed each other but tried to avoid each other’s stares. Three remained, feeling the loss in anger, but were far from daunted. Four had already been removed from the picture. Nine remained that could stand in their way.

And soon there would only be eight.

Lalwendë was getting a temporary “nice” feeling from Holbytlass, and so crafted her some new, extra jingly bells for her hat and shoes.

Cailín was hopping away from Farael as he inched closer to her and tried to give her the best angle to admire his profile.

Nogrod was trying to get mormegil to warm up to everyone a bit more.

Eomer was helping Macalaure learn a “the better to eat you with my dear” routine.

Naria and Valier were mocking Folwren’s stiffness.

Folwren stood alone.

No one noticed one guest was missing, nor that another slipped away.

The sweetness of a harp was wafted over to the guests, who initially took the melodious sounds in with contented smiles. Perhaps things really were looking better…

A voice, barely audible above the harp, sang:

Silent Night…

Holy Night…

All is calm, all is…


Lights illumined what first appeared to be a holy sight, as they were wrapped around a tree shining with different coloured balls and silver tinsel, and a large golden star shown above it all. Three festively wrapped packages sat beneath it.

Several of the guests rushed over to it, their childish instincts taking over. Farael unwrapped the first package. He grew more than a little pale, and dropped the package to the floor. It toppled over, and a severed foot rolled out onto the floor. Valier threw the package she had opened to the ground with a scream, and the match to Farael’s fell out of it. Naria was frozen, so in shock that she could not release her grip from the box or tear her eyes from what it held.

Apparently this tree had a name, and it was Rikae: now the bloody corpse hidden among the needles and garland.

Her feet had been removed before she was placed in the stand…and her head removed to make room for the star.

“I guess Rikae was on the nice list this year,” remarked Lalwendë.


The Dead Dead

Durelin (Mod and Hostess) – Ghostbusted on Rest (Night) the First
CaptainofDespair (Co-mod and Host) – Ghostbusted on Rest (Night) the First
Kath (Ordinary Villager) – Pinned and Labeled by the Mob on Dance (Day) the First
Kitanna (Ordinary Villager) – Minced, Placed in the Band, and Hardcore Harpsichorded on Rest (Night) the Second
Celuien (Werewolf) – Lassoed and Spurred by the Dancers on Dance (Day) the Second
Rikae (Ordinary Villager) – Trimmed and Bedecked on Rest (Night) the Third

The Living Dead

mormegil as a (Kewl-Shades) Rude Boy
Farael as a Fair-looking Orc
Nogrod as a Nice Choirboy
Lalwendë as a (Mischievous Little) Christmas Elf
Naria as a Spoiled Heiress wearing a Venetian half mask
Macalaure as a Mime
Valier as a Flighty Young Woman wearing an exotic colourful bird mask
Eomer of the Rohirrim as Vorgram, Ancient Prince of Wargs
Cailín as a Robin
Holbytlass as a Court Jester
Folwren as an Elegant, Cold, Stoic, Mysterious Countess

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, and just plain Happy Holidays to everyone!

Rest (Night) 3 has ended.

Dance (Day) 3 will begin on the 26th at 2:00 pm EST.

Everyone keep quiet until then, please.
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Old 12-26-2006, 12:33 PM   #222
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Apparently I may not be around exactly at 2pm to open the thread. So, I'm going to open it a bit early, just to be safe.

Dance (Day) 3 has begun.

Let the dancing/moving/awkward twitching resume!
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Old 12-26-2006, 12:57 PM   #223
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Oh my, what an ending to the last Dance! It sure ended happily, but there are things within it that look somewhat bothering...

I mean: the thing that astonishes me most is to see Macalaure still among us living-deads. The more I think of it the less sense it makes. No ranger to stop the wolf from killing him, his death would leave basically no trails as he didn’t suspect openly anyone and revenge (on Celuien) would be understandable reason enough, and he’s good (if someone hadn’t played with him before, now s/he would have been proved it)... So why Rikae is dead instead of him? Why to leave a dangerous opponent alive if one had the perfect opportunity to do away with him? (Mac: if you're innocent, kudos to you!)

Who, being a wolf, might have been afraid of killing him? The only one that comes around might be Naria as Mac changed his judgement in the last moments of the last Dance from
question mark. Could be anything.
I'd like to add that I have just upped my suspicions of Naria by a LOT.
So might that have been enough for a wolf Naria to back off and not kill him as it might have pointed towards her? Or is someone trying to frame her here?

Or then Mac is wolf himself. Wolves have been killing their mates many times previously to gain trust (my grandfather has done that too). It is probably one of the boldest strategies but if the bluff succeeds the first Day after the death of the wolf’s “friend” it usually gives the fellow-killing wolf almost an immunity for a long time. I wouldn’t put it past Mac to go for it and this would be the perfect timing: not too early (too many innocents against you) but not too late either (people would be more ready to consider a wolf-on-wolf kill). Mac’s behaviour – with apologies of being a bit too tense – might talk of a nervous wolf killing his mate?

But then Naria might fit the description of wolvery from two fronts. My earlier suspicion of her as the quiet wolf whom the cobbler really tried to save with all cost against Farael’s “lynch the silent” campaign still stands – as she would have been the most obvious silent here anyhow. But also if Mac is innocent, then she was perhaps the only possible wolf who would have had a reason not to kill him. For others killing Mac would have been easy and reasonable. The problem surely resides here: not killing Mac and going for someone else would have been a good kill for the wolf then... But if the wolf did it that way, it must have felt confident, very confident... confident enough to have Mac around one more Dance at least and not to be caught by his eye.

So if it’s not Mac or Naria, we probably should go towards those Mac felt most innocent?

But we should also look more closely at what Celuien said - now as we know she was a wolf. And what Rikae said - even though my gut-feeling says she's one more safe-kill, but still. There could be something in there too...
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Old 12-26-2006, 01:29 PM   #224
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I re-thought Naria's vote.
If she's Celuien's fellow wolf, she would have voted Valier to save her (unless she was very gutsy). It wouldn't have made anybody too suspicious, I think.
If she's Celuien's cobbler, she would have done the same, no doubt.
So, unless she's the other wolf's cobbler (possible, but I have better candidates), she's innocent.

I think Eomer looks very wolvish. He's just as uncontroversial as Celuien was. Would two wolves act exactly the same? I'm not sure. Maybe they trusted on the cobblers to create enough smoke to hide in if they avoid to draw any attention towards them.

Nogrod, I think you make very little sense in your last post. There's somebody else who voted for Celuien who is just as dangerous to the last wolf (probably a lot more) as me and who would have left a lot less trails: mormegil! What you say seems to me like you're purposefully trying to lead the village along the wrong track, Cobrod.

I still think Farael looks very cobblerish, too. Everybody else looks more or less innocent to me but, as you might guess, that might quickly change.

I fear Rikae was just another safe kill (seems to be their strategy), but I'll have another look at what she said.
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Old 12-26-2006, 01:35 PM   #225
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Well I'm rather glad my vote counted and that it was allowed by Celuien . To be honest I'm surprised that I'm alive. Mac is looking interesting to my by reading that last post, he is taking any suspicion and trying to glance it and divert any investigation his way. Also Naria and Valier are up to something, probably cobblers but I don't trust them and would be happy with them dead.
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Old 12-26-2006, 01:36 PM   #226
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When I broke the tie between Mormegil and Kath on the first day, it was because neither was particularly suspected and I felt that a single lynching served us better.

However, on Day 2, the double lynching was due to be Celuien and Valier. Both of them were highly suspected by the village.

So why did Naria feel the need to save one of them?

Why the drama in voting for Mormegil and then changing it to Celuien so soon after, and right at the end?

And why was there a in her swiftly changed vote? A defiant pose in realising that the jig is up?

Everything about that girl is suspicious.
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Old 12-26-2006, 01:36 PM   #227
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Oh and I want a second to gloat...Celuien is dead! I knew she was a wolf even before the day began...maybe I am a seer!
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Old 12-26-2006, 02:12 PM   #228
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Originally Posted by mormegil
Mac is looking interesting to my by reading that last post, he is taking any suspicion and trying to glance it and divert any investigation his way. Also Naria and Valier are up to something, probably cobblers but I don't trust them and would be happy with them dead.
Almost exactly my words too... As I said yesterDance Naria and Valier seem suspicious, Naria more of wolvery, Valier more of cobblery. I've experience with those two playing together and last time they bluffed the whole village nicely.

And Mac, really. If you are innocent you played astonishingly well last Dance, but there are reasons to keep an open mind here. I'm not of the type that gets irritated when suspected when innocent. No way. But when I'm talked nonsense about, then I may be a bit frustrated
I think you make very little sense in your last post.
I happen to think the contrary. I'm still a bit surprised you're alive after yesterDance - if you're innocent. And if you aren't? Well that would settle it...

Secondly. I have been looking through Celuien's posting and have found at least one interesting thing. Celuien made an analysis on Kitanna and laid a judgement over her death the first thing yesterDance. Now why would a wolf do that if not hoping to lead us astray? And what could she be hiding? She was of the opinion that Kitanna's death was a "no trail left behind" -one. So it was the contrary, a death for a reason or another? And yes Kitanna was suspicious of you Mac. I can't see her suspicion a major one, but that would even make it more clean to a wolf-Mac. To kill her then and being able to point out that I'm not this clumsy if it ever came to the question.

Anyhow. If Celuien was trying to divert us in her analysis on Kitanna, there could be other possible explanations too, but I will have to see to them before I say more... There seems to be a lot of possibilities in the air right now and only one wolf to catch.
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Old 12-26-2006, 02:45 PM   #229
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Originally Posted by Eomer
So why did Naria feel the need to save one of them?
I didn't "feel the need" to save anyone. I crossed posted with Mac and when I saw what was going on, I retracted. If my memory serves me correct, my forefathers have been known to oblige a lynch campaign at the end of a Day.

A defiant pose in realising that the jig is up?
Nope, just a sticky-out-tongue smiley. By the way, I do tangos not jigs

Everything about that girl is suspicious.
Care to elaborate?

I'll be back with more in a bit.
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Old 12-26-2006, 03:04 PM   #230
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I just want to comment on a few things....I too have had the same thoughts as Nogrod, but after reading through his posts and having some thoughts of my own, I do think that Mac may be innocent. He was one of the first to push for Celuien to be killed if I remember correctly.

Originally Posted by Morm
Also Naria and Valier are up to something, probably cobblers but I don't trust them and would be happy with them dead.
*pouts* You want me dead? just like that? I understand that everyone is suspicious in this game even if they are innocent, but I STILL don't see what makes me so suspicious that you will be happy to just see me dead. If I am an innocent, will you feel bad? By your behavior Morm I do think you are an innocent...just misguided. About Naria, I'm not quite sure I get a bad vibe from her, and I know I am not in Cobblery or any kind of evilness with her as my cohort.

I do seem to notice that there are quite a few players who have had no light shed on them. I think today would be a good day to have a look at some of our assumed "innocents" and my not so sures on the list below.

So I still need to do quite a bit of rereading since the holiday has been so busy. I will be back, but I want to post this new list of mine...



Not so sure (need to be looked at, subject to major changes)

Mind you my lists change quite frequently, but I thought I would post them so people know where I stand. I can give reasons for where I put people, but I have some things to do now, so if anyone has questions just ask.
grand return?........
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Old 12-26-2006, 03:05 PM   #231
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Shield Naria

You did indeed cross-post with Mac. So please tell what it was that Mac said that made you change your vote. As far as I can see he said nothing revolutionary.

I don't need to elaborate. Your voting behaviour yesterday was suspicious. There's nothing more to it.

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Old 12-26-2006, 03:10 PM   #232
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Originally Posted by Nogrod
And Mac, really. If you are innocent you played astonishingly well last Dance, but there are reasons to keep an open mind here. I'm not of the type that gets irritated when suspected when innocent. No way. But when I'm talked nonsense about, then I may be a bit frustrated
I think you make very little sense in your last post.
I happen to think the contrary. I'm still a bit surprised you're alive after yesterDance - if you're innocent. And if you aren't? Well that would settle it...
Thanks for the flowers.
Don't worry, I'm keeping an open mind. I'm carefully considering your points, but I keep on not seeing them. I'm increasingly convinced that the wolf likes to remain in the dark by lynching those who don't leave trails. I think I did leave a couple of those. morm on the other hand doesn't (except towards Valier). Why aren't you surprised that he is still alive? He's craftier than I and leaves less trails. Save kill in my mind.
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Old 12-26-2006, 03:23 PM   #233
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Originally Posted by Eomer
So please tell what it was that Mac said that made you change your vote.
It wasn't what he said, but what was going on. I know a lynch campaign when I see one...'nuff said.

Smilies always mean something.
Yup, sometimes they do and I did mine because I did what I was asked even if it meant that I was going to have to face the music the next Dance.
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Old 12-26-2006, 03:46 PM   #234
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Celuien has posted somewhat a lot and I have disregarded all those "x-posted with a lot, nothing to add" posts etc. and will only look at posts that I think merit a second look.

#15 Distrust on Folwren and Eomer. As a first post this is the best place to show your suspicion on a fellow, I would say. But nothing concrete here otherwise.

I'd agree that it hasn't been uncommon for wolves to use quiet folks to their advantage, so I would be inclined to choose from the quiet ones first...unless someone noisy catches my attention.
Nice and sweet, but still a bit leaning towards lynching the quiet ones. So her mate is a loud one - or a quiet one? Hard to say that early in the game.

#27 Thinking that the wolves should be very careful. Now she herself was very careful. Would that mean that her fellow in crime is too - or just the contrary? I would be inclined to see the latter the more believable one. So Cel says wolves are careful - as she is - and tries to thence divert our eyes from the more "open" players?

#69 Thoughts about almost all.
The quarrel between morm and Rikae is nothing.
Morm seems normal but bears watching.
Kath seems to be normal Kath. No alarm bells.
Farael seems like the usual innocent Farael.
Rikae is defensive but probably innocent just because of that.
Nogrod is the usual Nogrod. Helpful, analytic. Not suspicious.
Lalwende feels innocent, not familiar with her in werewolf.
Kitanna is another who does not alarm at all.
Macalaure seems not particularly out of line for day one behavior, and he did suggest the entirely reasonable modification to the lynch the silent ones plan of lynching those who say least when they do appear. *shrugs* He doesn't seem suspicious.
Eomer is a clear werewolf and should be lynched immediately.
Cailín seems calm and isn't really appearing odd.
Holbytlass is another who seems innocent.
Folwren is elegant and stoic. Not suspicious.

Now what to say of this other than what Mac already said: overtly nothing! But two things strike me here. First her open suspicion on Eomer with no grounds than the past that could be compared to her first post thing. At least it strikes out from there, but more like framing. The second one is her need to actually explain in more length why Mac is innocentish (and dare I say the thing Cel hails there is a most commomplace thought indeed - no one is so stupid as to lynch people on the numerical post count anyway). She spoke of some others with almost as great a lengtht but they were different things (see her points on morm, Rikae & Farael).
NB. Naria and Valier do not appear in her list...

Then there was this thing about cobblers that was (mis)understood?

#101 Votes for morm because
at this point, morm's behavior is jumping out at me the most
and also because he thought Valier is a cobbler.

#137 She continues her rant with morm and gives an analysis on Kitanna, arguing that the kill was a "no trail left behind"-one. But why? Was it random indeed?

The people we could lift up from Kitanna's posting according to Celuien are Rikae (she's unsure about, voted for her), morm (casts a mostly random vote as she she disagrees with him and has earlier history of not trusting him), Eomer (she disagrees with morm's judgement as she suspects him), Mac (she suspected him) and Lalwendë (voted for her). Then she claims the wolves picked her for no trails left...

#151 Thinks that Farael is the way he is (thence not a baddie? maybe she realised he was her cobbler now?). Says Kitanna's death puts Lalwendë into the innocent category. Thinks Valier a bit jumpy and worth looking (which never came...)

#156 Argues that Rikae's suspicions about Farael using the reverse-psychology (attacking the silent ones with so much fervour that would make others go the other way) are too far fetched. Admits that that kind of tactics would force the wolves to pick those who are not leaving tracks. Well why does she come back to this again?

#171 Vote for Valier because of jumpiness and defenciveness (easy target as she was not the first one to arouse that suspicion). Then there are again points about us others in the game.
morm is kind of relieved, although with some caution.
Lalwendë is brought forwards as a possible suspicion.
Farael is given a relif of sorts, using that to ground her vote on Valier.
Rikae, Folwren, Cailin, Holby, Mac and Nogrod all strike me as more innocent than not, though mathematically speaking it wouldn't surprise me to find a cobbler somewhere in there.
Much as I hate to admit it, Eomer doesn't seem wolvish.
I can't really get a feel for Naria.

In the end she thought it fit to answer my very slight question about voting early but still hanging online. Nice to see it got feedback from a wolf. Another one who answered that pretty innocent question was Mac...

But what to say of all this? A moment of thinking and then I'll try to say something.
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Old 12-26-2006, 04:05 PM   #235
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Originally Posted by Macalaure
Don't worry, I'm keeping an open mind. I'm carefully considering your points, but I keep on not seeing them. I'm increasingly convinced that the wolf likes to remain in the dark by lynching those who don't leave trails. I think I did leave a couple of those.
You should wash your glasses if you are wearing ones...

But what of Celuien pulling the effort of trying to explain the death of Kitanna in just those terms? We now know she was a wolf and was trying to make us think the way that suited the villains (remember, she was in no danger when she said so)! I'm not sure if your insistence on this calls more of a wolf or an innocent... I myself tended to think the kills as a "no tracks left behind" ones untill I counted together Celuien's post and her wolvery...

And your trails left behind? I already wondered at you mentioning leaving them yesterDance (as I got home RL and read through what had happened). What trails did you leave or were you just posturing as one who was leaving them? You basically said that most people were innocentish or could be anything! I wouldn't call that leaving a trail...

But yes. If you're innocent, I would really like to have you among us. I'll try to look at my Celuien summary first.
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Old 12-26-2006, 04:09 PM   #236
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Mac, care to explain why I would vote for Celuien when I wouldn't be here if I were either her fellow wolf or a cobbler? It's not that desparate yet to do that plus being that there is only two wolves I wouldn't do that until a little are grasping at straws here Mac. I am willing to sacrifice my life if it is agreed that Mac will go with me. If Mac is only the cobbler, which is possible, I request a double lynching of Valier and Naria...they both stink of collusion and are possibly in cahots too.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
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Old 12-26-2006, 04:16 PM   #237
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I had an epiphany right about now...I was and remain surprised that I'm alive becuase I figured that I would generally be viewed as innocent, which seems to be the general consenus. So why would I be left alive? Well to use as a scapegoat is one possibility, and low and behold who is attacking me despite all logic? Macalaure, probably the final wolf.

“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
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Old 12-26-2006, 04:29 PM   #238
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As I was reading the posts to see what Cel had said, I came across this
Originally Posted by Mac
He was about to continue credulously when suddenly a vision of his forefathers stroke him. He saw an ancestor of this Celuien lynching his own kin in times long past! Macalaure's face petrified in shock and in horror he withdrew from her.
I thought it odd when I read it the first time, but I passed it off as firstDance posting. What I also found odd was how Mac was so sure of Cel's guilt and pushed to get her killed. With what he said in the above quote and what happened yesterDance makes me uneasy about Mac now. Mac could you explain how you knew even on Dance1?
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Old 12-26-2006, 04:43 PM   #239
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Slowly there, morm.

First off, I am not using you as a scapegoat, because I have never called you suspicious at all! In fact, you're a firm member of my own current innocents list. I only used you to show why Nogrod's reasoning fails in my mind. If I am suspicious by his reasoning, then so should you. Yet, you are not. I guess I didn't make that clear.

Maybe, if you all have a different opinion, I'm just misguided. *shrugs*

And would anybody explain to me why I, if I am the last wolf, should have voted Celuien? I not only voted her (when only morm has voted for her), but pretty actively urged everyone else to do so as well. Do you really think I would spoil Celuien's fun like that just to win, especially when she was my partner-in-evil?

Mac could you explain how you knew even on Dance1?
I didn't.
That post was purely in fun and purely random.
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Old 12-26-2006, 04:52 PM   #240
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Well. First of all I find it very fishy that Celuien spends so much space to argue that the wolves are careful and kill carefully as not to leave tracks. I would like to remind you that when she went off for RL reasons the last Dance she was not under any actual threat of lynching herself (only the vote from Morm). So she could have been confident enough and trying to lead us astray. Then her companion might be someone who is in the middle of discussion and the kills are having a point, how superficial they might seem? What I mean: the kills may not have an imminent point as they might be calculated considering it. I have yet to see a game where a wolf would like to kill off someone who suspected her/him slightly. It's too obvious as we all know. But why not to take advantage of this shared sentiment in this kind of situation?

So I'm a bit more inclined to believe there is a point in the wolf-kills than not, but possibly a more straightforward one than we are used to.

It's also noteworthy that on Dance1 she votes for morm partially because he thought Valier being the cobbler but on Dance2 she votes her herself! So trying to frame Morm on Dance1 and then choosing the easy vote the next Dance? So even if we thought of her as the most careful one, she seemed to be able to make dubious steps...

She uses Farael to back her conviction that the wolves will pick ones who don't leave a trail. Also she kind of relieves him after a Night's thinking. So she was then assured of his cobblery? (we don't know if she was right with that, but anyhow)

Her early "unbased" suspicions on Eomer and then declaring him not to seem wolvish (regrettably, as she made us understand it) and her comment of not getting a feel about Naria should be noted too. And the number of people she "had no hunch about" or "felt confident with" should also be remarked.
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