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Old 10-04-2006, 06:09 PM   #201
Rune Son of Bjarne
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Well compared to how I have played, you have nothing to be ashamed of.
Originally Posted by Lalaith View Post
Rune is my brother from another mother.

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Old 10-04-2006, 07:39 PM   #202
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Eonwe has just left Hobbiton.

Perry Mason: From now on, I will be handleing all official business of my client, Eonwe. I will not be answering any questions at this time. We will be making a short statement shortly. All I can say now is that we expect my client to be fully acquited of the charges levied against him.

Take if from him, folks!
I've got bridge club on Wednesday,
Archery on Thursday,
Dancing on a Friday night!
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Old 10-05-2006, 02:08 AM   #203
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*a show-off arrival*

The last wolf is Mister Donkey.

Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
Blood is running deep, some things never sleep
Double Fenris
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Old 10-05-2006, 02:26 AM   #204
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Originally Posted by Lalaith View Post
Rune is my brother from another mother.

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Old 10-05-2006, 02:31 AM   #205
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I guess most of us were pretty confused. At one point I was honestly ready to see fault in everyone...

And that Di-bussiness really added some flavor.

But here we go now...

++ Eonwe
Upon the hearth the fire is red
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Old 10-05-2006, 02:36 AM   #206
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Originally Posted by Nogrod
And that Di-bussiness really added some flavor.
Indeed. You can imagine what I thought when everybody was trying to find clues from her posts and I knew there were none...
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
Blood is running deep, some things never sleep
Double Fenris
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Old 10-05-2006, 04:48 AM   #207
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++ Eonwe

Three cheers for Lommy!
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff.
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Old 10-05-2006, 12:53 PM   #208
Sleepy Ranger
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Sorry I'm late. I've been overloaded with school work and am not feeling that well. If it's fine with everyone, you'll have to wait till tomorrow for the end of the game. Sorry, I know you've been waiting but I'm just feeling a bit sick.
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Old 10-06-2006, 09:54 AM   #209
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The musicians lined up Boromir88. It was his turn to die. He had already come out as wolf earlier and it seemed his partner had been nailed down as well. It would be one stone at a time though. Boromir88 would die first. Before facing his death though he requested a last song. And as the others for him too the phantom band began to play.

Boro waited till he finished high school,
He went to hollywood, got a tattoo,
He met a werewolf out there with a tattoo too,
The future was wide open,

They moved into a place they both could afford,
He found another wolf, they could work as a band,
They had a guitar and they knew some chords,
The sky was the limit,

Into the great wide open,
Under them skies of darkness,
Out in the great wide open,
A rebel without a clue...

The papers said Boro always played from the heart,
He got an agent and a roadie named Volo,
They made a record and it went in the charts,
The sky was the limit,

His furry hair had claws that would strangle,
They all ate movie stars, parted and mangled,
Their a&r man said I dont hear a single,
The future was wide open,

Into the great wide open,
Under them skies of darkness,
Out in the great wide open,
A rebel without a clue...

Into the great wide open,
Under them skies of darkness,
Into the great wide open,
A rebel without a clue...

Boromir88 then laid down his guitar and smiled at the rest. "You need not worry. I will do this myself." That said he transformed himself into a wolf. The others backed away. Boromir did not attack them though. He moved over to the shell and let out a howl. He made his way to the large sound system and ripped apart the wires, binding himself in them.

Celuien had made her way up there as well and she flipped on the switch. The current filled the wires, now free of their casing. The live wires covered Boromir's skin. He let out a piercing howl as Celuien splashed some water on him. Sparks began to fly. "It's gonna blow..." said Nogrod lazily. And it did. Celuien was thrown forward by the blast but she seemed unharmed. Boromir88 though... was dead. Only one wolf remained...
And tonight we can truly say, together we're invincible...
Middle-Earth Football World Cup 2007
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Old 10-06-2006, 10:14 AM   #210
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When Eowen had been asked to play a final song he had rejected and turned into wolf form. Now he was chasing the surviving musicians, things did not look that good. The fact that even Celuien was running confirmed this. "Celuien! Kill him!" Shouted Thinlomien desperately. "Why me?" Said Celuien in the tone you use when you wish to see, 'Why is it always me? Why don't you do it for once?' "Because you're the ranger." Said Thinlomien.

"I protect. I don't kill." Replied Celuien. Thinlomien said nothing further, mainly due to the fact that she was running out of breath. Eonwe was fiercely close now. All he had to do was reach out and he would have had Nogrod in his arms but that would mean standing on his hind legs. Running was difficult on two legs when in wolf form.

Nogrod could not see anyone ahead of him. Thinlomien and Celuien had been in front of him but they seemed to have vanished. As he ran he risked a look over his shoulder. Eonwe did not seem to be chasing him either. He began to slow down a bit, came to a walk and then stopped running all together. He would have screamed as he was jerked behind a corner had someone not covered his mouth. He did not fight back though, he smiled instead. It was Rune. In fact they were all there, hiding from Eonwe.

It seemed like an hour to them but it had only been five minutes. "Do you hear that?" whispered Eonwe. No, they could hear... wait... there was something... music... from behind the shell...

All our times have come,
Here but now they're gone,
Seasons don't fear the werewolf
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain... we can be like they are
Come on you few... don't fear the reaper
take my hand... don't fear the werewolf
We'll be able to fly... don't fear the werewolf
I'm your man...

The battle of the bands is done
Here but now they're gone
Lyrics and music
Are together in eternity... lyrics and music
40,000 men and women everyday... Like lyrics and music
40,000 men and women everyday... Redefine happiness
Another 40,000 coming everyday... We can be like they are
Come on music makers... don't fear the werewolf
Take my hand.. .don't fear the werewolf
I'm your man...

Love of two is one
Here but now they're gone
Came the last night of sadness
And it was clear he should go on
Then the door was open and the wind appeared

"LOOK!" Thinlomien gasped out. There, behind the shell, the panels began to move apart. There was a room, lit by candles. They began to move towards it slowly.

The candles blew then disappeared

They candles blew out. The room was now in darkness but the company did not stop, they pressed forwards.

The curtains flew then he appeared... saying don't be afraid

A man stepped out from inside. He looked... different. There was something odd about him. Not bad but he wasn't right. Something was... different.

Come on you few... and have no fear

They had broken into a run. Eonwe had found them and was in pursuit again. They were running towards the man. He did not seem right but...

The song cut off there. The world seemed to evaporate. They were all floating. They tried to move but they could not. They looked at each other. Eonwe was there too and he could not move either. They were free... but something was not right. There, ahead in the distance was a bright light and that man. That man, something was not right.


Thinlomien was the first to see it. The man was Sleepy Cowell, no... now he was Glirdan... now he wasn't a he, she was Folwren. And then Diamond18 and then all of them and it was weird. That thing seemed to represent all the musicians who had died. "Immortality." A voice echoed. "Choose now. Do you wish to become a real star or drop back down?" Nobody replied. "Choose now or I'll make your choice." Came the voice again.

"Me! Me! Immortality!" Eonwe shouted out. "Very well. As for the rest of you." The figure snapped it's fingers and the rest of them floated back down safely. They looked up and saw stars twinkiling bright in the sky. They made a count only five shone prominently. More than five had died and Eonwe too had picked to become a star. It seemed that he had been tricked. Only Menel, Glirdan, Macalaure, Folwren and Diamond18 had become stars.

Elsewhere Eonwe was bursting with excitement at the though of becoming a star. He looked longingly at the figure who again snapped it's fingers. This time there was not a floating sensation though Eonwe was moving again. In fact this time it hurt. Five stars had surrounded Eonwe and rammed into him leaving the rest of him rather uh... dead.

So ends our musical tale. The five who survived dropped out of the public eye and worked together to try and figure out what had really happened. Rumors of Menel sightings began to spring up and it seemed both Glirdan and Macalaure had made appearances at music contests. Folwren seemed to have vanished from mainstream but there were few who whispered her name. As for Diamond, nobody ever heard of her but she never faded. She was still there up in the sky watching over the world. Sparkling silently.

As for what become of Sleepy Cowell? We're not sure either and we don't think we want to or need to know either. Some things are best left undisturbed. Besides, the worlds a better place without him.
And tonight we can truly say, together we're invincible...
Middle-Earth Football World Cup 2007

Last edited by Sleepy Ranger; 10-10-2006 at 12:29 PM.
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Old 10-08-2006, 12:05 PM   #211
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I'm sorry to intervene the flow of the ending story (and will remove this post in due time if it seems fit to do so), but isn't this a bit overstreched? I mean, it would be nice to exchange some comments with fellow-players before the memory of the game wanes and the new one begins...

An ending like this only serves to make the game fade out to insignifigance, just slowly decaying away, leaving no tracks whatsoever...
Upon the hearth the fire is red
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But not yet weary are our feet...
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Old 10-08-2006, 12:10 PM   #212
Sleepy Ranger
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Erm... sorry. Just been having a few problems. But by all means start discussions on the game. I'll just edit the rest into my post.

I think everyone did pretty well. Sorry to see Diamond have to die the very night she became seer. Nogrod was his usual self, Celuien did a pretty good job as a ranger and in the end the wolves were unlucky. Here are the choices the gifteds made,

Rune (Innocent)
Nogrod (Innocent)
Ka (Innocent)
Eonwe (Wolf)

Boro88 (Wolf)

And tonight we can truly say, together we're invincible...
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Old 10-08-2006, 12:16 PM   #213
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I did guard Lommy on the last night. Really.
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff.
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Old 10-08-2006, 12:22 PM   #214
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Oops... my bad...
Celuien did guard Thinlomien on the final night.
And tonight we can truly say, together we're invincible...
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Old 10-08-2006, 12:24 PM   #215
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Well, except for Sleepy's several mistakes (that seem to be for a reason, won't blame him, because somebody might then have a reason to blame me for mistakes ) and my Fenrisism this seemed a rather good game. I can't understand why my fellow wolves killed Menel on night 1 though...
Lommy sure had good luck and used it rightly. And I even dared to hope that we might win, until Lommy and her eyes "came out of the closet".
Fenris Wolf
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Old 10-08-2006, 12:39 PM   #216
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You know what I don't get, why nobody dreams of me near the start...I'm always innocent. Always! But nobody seems to get that sooo....Ughh, whatever. Anyway, sorry Folwren. I really did think you were a Wolf. I've played with you and have watched you play before and you were acting really oddly. So again, sorry. And sorry I had to leave you so soon there Celuien. But hey, these guys just don't get it when I say I'm innocent.
I'm going to buy you a kitty, I'm going to let you fall in love with the kitty, and one cold, winter night, I'm going to steal into your house and punch you in the face!
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Old 10-08-2006, 12:48 PM   #217
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Thanks, Sleepy. I thought I was sufffering from some type of memory replacement for a minute.

Originally Posted by Glirdan
But hey, these guys just don't get it when I say I'm innocent.
Well, I tried my best to stop them.

Should have listened to me when I kept saying Glirdy was innocent.

I'm a little surprised that I survived to the end. After all of my frantic warnings not to kill Glirdan, it was pretty obvious that I was either the Ranger or, as Rune thought, in possession of a dream about him, so I should have been an obvious target.

I wonder if Boro was constructing a double bluff with Menel's death...

Nothing wrong with Fenrisism, Volo. It puts you in some prestigious werewolf company. I didn't think you were overtly wolvish, but I couldn't figure you out, which was the reason for my vote. I think you had bad luck more than anything else, though as an innocent, it was good luck for me so I can't object.
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff.
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Old 10-08-2006, 01:15 PM   #218
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Just a few comments on the game...

On wolves:

Volo cursed himself in the "What do you assign to Mordor"-thread. It was a bit sad he died so soon, but really, getting to a 2˝ hours jog with a dog at the last hours of a game did sound a bit suspicious, avoiding the discussion... So just a remainder that we can deduct reasonable lynches even on Day1!

Eonwe was just as terrifying opponent I have been telling all my WW-history people like him are. I was about to suggest that we make a double lynch to do away with him but then decided not as there was that unhappy double-lynch already... So bad judgement from me!

Boro was a bit too nice all the time. It really caught my attention. But there was nothing concrete to build a case on so I thought that I should be friendly with him even though I voiced my suspicions mildly in the open for others to take the point of them. I hoped, were he the wolf, that he would have slipped something on the Days to come and decided to openly lean on his innocence just not to get myself killed. Well done, Boro!

On other matters:

Lommy is just the great seer! According to my lorebooks, she is only second to Boro! And her cool-headed revelation was just vintage-style werewolfing. Absolutely beautiful!

Although, I'm not sure if you all noticed my calculation after Lommy revealed herself (#171). Had she been a wolf and Di the real seer, the wolves would have won the game with us believing her story!

Di I feel really sorry about. She was just gearing up and had received seerness and then was killed right out. She even made the right guess as a seer but had no chance to actually come forwards with it! That must have been frustrating, not the least when she was reading us trying to come up with her "seer-hints" after her death!

Celuien I kind of trusted from the very beginning and that seemed to be worthwhile again. But I totally forgot about this rule that the Ranger and the Hunter may discuss and thence know each other! Had I just noticed that ruling and I might have done a better work for the village. The fool that I am. The lesson: everytime, read the rules of the particular game...

Durelin I tended to trust even before the (false) Di-revealment and did so to the end. Funny that some hunches actually work!

Folwren I must say acted a bit curiously in the beginning and here I agree with Glirdy. But as she got definitively to defend herself, there was no question of her genuiness, at least to me. So sad she had to go that way... the worse of all ways, I say

But that brings me to Glirdy. I was really lost with him. For one part I thought it was Glirdy as usual, on the other I looked at his somewhat suspicious manouvers on the thread... But to double-lynch him!

And Mac too I feel really sorry. He was - as Di - just getting the hang of it, and after he was lynched on that sorry Day (with Glirdy & Folwren) where many of us were not able to get online because of the BD collapse, it really felt unjustified.

In the end, before Lommy's revealment, I really began to believe that from the gang of Lommy, The Ka and Rune implicated by my interpretations of both Di and Volo would include at least one wolf. How much more wrong could one have been!

Rune really aroused some of my suspicions early in the game but seemed very reasonable towards the end of it. The Ka I held a bit suspicious just because she was so reasonable. A contradiction? No. A werewolf game...

But yes. A good game everyone! I really enjoyed playing with you!
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Old 10-08-2006, 02:01 PM   #219
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First I had no clue, then I had no time and then... I was dead!

It's a pity I had no time on the second day to fight against my lynching and so didn't have a chance to launch a Valier-style 'lynch Boro'-campaign on Day 3. Anyway, it was most entertaining to follow the game to the end. 2 ordos and 2 gifteds over one night! A horror! Before Lommy revealed herself I was pretty sure that that was it. If the mytho still was in the game and chose a wolf, it would have been the last day, after all.

But then the formidable Lommy saved the day.

Great game by everybody! (but me)
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Old 10-08-2006, 02:45 PM   #220
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Blasted Lommy foiled our plans...gah...well kudos to her for doing a good job and ensuring the innocent victory. I honestly began to taste victory as Eonwe and I had the village going exactly the way we wanted. Once Di was killed and I thought she was the real Seer, I knew Celuien was the Ranger, and was thinking clear sailing. As before Lommy's revelation, I tagged on with Durelin and wanted to get the village steering the way I wanted.

Nogrod, aye, you know as well as I do it's difficult as heck to be a talking wolf, as you always have to consider what you say...I wish I was like Eonwe and people didn't expect me to talk. Eonwe played quite perfectly and slipped into the background exactly as planned until the end there when everything unravelled due to Lommy.

To my other wolf buddy, Volo, sorry it didn't work out exactly as planned...I tried to do as much as possible without incriminating myself. And why we decided to go with Menel. We were worried about what you said towards Eonwe at the end, as it did look rather suspicious. So, we felt like either Nogrod or Menel would pick up on it, and it would be best to get rid of Menel since he didn't accuse either of us. Then I would come in the morning and twist around your posts the way I wanted it hoping the rest of the village would buy it.

Celuien and Rune turned out to be some thorns in my side. Celuien for coming after me there, and I thought she was the Ranger or the Hunter due to her interactions with Glirdan, so was worried about getting rid of if she was the Hunter there was a time when I thought she would choose me. Then in that lucky double-lynch plus Folwren's death made everything easier.

Rune because of his late accusations of me, I just had to grit my teeth and try to convince everyone else that he had no idea what he was talking about.

Actually that double-lynch was completely unintended and by accident (sorry Glirdan). It was a very welcomed thing, but I had no plans or intentions on creating a double-lynch. I actually had that post up earlier but due to the technical difficulties of the day I couldn't post it until near end the deadline and I had to leave before seeing all that unfolded.

This was definitely a very interesting and fun game, congrats to Sleepy, I loved it.
Fenris Penguin
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Old 10-08-2006, 03:50 PM   #221
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Nogrod, aye, you know as well as I do it's difficult as heck to be a talking wolf, as you always have to consider what you say...I wish I was like Eonwe and people didn't expect me to talk.
I totally agree! Being a talkative wolf is just a hell (but pure fun!)... Sometimes I have thought of the same: how if I could play a game where no one waited that I contribute a lot? It would be fun indeed! Or in some cases of RL-rush, just what would be needed. Really: just making one or two casual short comments on each Day with enough sense and surviving to the end...

That obviously is not for me, even if I would like to try that one time (and get killed immediately by the other villagers).

Eonwe played quite perfectly and slipped into the background exactly as planned until the end there when everything unravelled due to Lommy.
Yes he did! And I can just blame myself to be too slow to jump on him as I normally would do on players who do not contribute much. I just thought that I'm repeating myself too much here to go for Eonwe and felt bad on doing it as I wanted to find different solutions from the "basic-Nogrod-game". My bad, as I said earlier.

But I will be even more staunchly against the quiet people from now on...

This was definitely a very interesting and fun game, congrats to Sleepy, I loved it.
Yes it was a lots of fun! Sorry that you were caught so early and a good game ended so soon...

Sleepy could have been a little more up-to-date, but I for one understand the RL problems...
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Old 10-08-2006, 04:36 PM   #222
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Lommy... well, what can I say. You snatched away our victory when we were just beinging to savor it. Good job, though I hate to say it!

Volo: sorry mate! But at least you joined the honorary Fenris Wolf club! (even if it was against your

Boro: We shall be avenged my friend! These wrongs will not go unpunished...

All in all, this was a very enlightening game. I found a few things of interest:

Originally Posted by The Illustrious Diamond
Day 1 is pretty much par for the Eonwe course as far as I know. If I recall correctly, he usually gets lynched just by annoying people with his random voting.
I didn't know that!

Originally Posted by Mistress of the Penguins
Are you sure you didn't mix me up with Eonwe? He's so feminine, you know. (Sorry, Eonwe.)
Hmmm, that's a bit disconserting there, Lommy. Maybe I should swear more often, or heft some large boulders, or kill some dragons. Or ... challange Nogrod to a Duel!! (just kidding, lol)

Sleepy: Great game, man! Thanks for the interesting deaths an' all!
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Old 10-08-2006, 04:44 PM   #223
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Originally Posted by Eonwe
Hmmm, that's a bit disconserting there, Lommy. Maybe I should swear more often, or heft some large boulders, or kill some dragons. Or ... challange Nogrod to a Duel!! (just kidding, lol)

With paper towels hopefully, or with cotton bolls...
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But not yet weary are our feet...
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Old 10-08-2006, 04:51 PM   #224
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Well I think the wolwes did a freaking great job. . . Boro yeah I was on to you, but I was never convinced.

Eonwe was good as well, I felt uneasy about him, but that was it. Never have I been so clueless about a game. . .

Now Volo died on day one, but really that is just unlucky. A bad wolf (me) is the one constantly discovered on day 2, when people actually can analyse a bit.

Btw my artist was Leonard Cohen
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Old 10-08-2006, 06:24 PM   #225
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Eonwe and Boro did a good job. Leastways, they fooled me. They defended me (both of them!) and I felt very strengthened by their encouragement. Not that it did me any good. I'll bet you two were laughing up your sleeves when Mac, Glirdan, and I all got killed on the same day!! Bah.

Celuien, you had me convinced when you went fairly belistic about Glirdy being so inocent. I fairly wept when I saw your posts, but it was too late for me. I'd already voted, and I think time was up anyway. You can't imagine the torment I went through when I first realized he was innocent, then learned he was hunter, then learned that I was his victim.

It bothered me that Lommy accused me for my first post. That was disturbing and in the long run, got me killed. You did a good job, otherwise.

Great job, Sleepy. I'm liking your last post a lot!!

Good job, everyone else! It was fun, while I lasted. I enjoy being an innocent bystander, good only for defending myself so furiously.

-- Folwren
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Old 10-08-2006, 06:57 PM   #226
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Originally Posted by Folwren
Celuien, you had me convinced when you went fairly belistic about Glirdy being so inocent. I fairly wept when I saw your posts, but it was too late for me. I'd already voted, and I think time was up anyway. You can't imagine the torment I went through when I first realized he was innocent, then learned he was hunter, then learned that I was his victim.
I did go a little off the deep end. It was so frustrating to see the bandwagon taking off when I knew he was innocent. I only hope that if I'm ever the Seer that I'll be able to stay a little calmer.

My artist was Arturo Toscanini, whose picture is my current avatar.

I have Glirdan's and my correspondence, but there isn't much to it since we only had two nights to chat. The summary is that:

1) We were going to keep a distance from each other in the village
2) We discussed Noggie (Glirdy's original pick instead of Folwren) and ruled that he was not a wolf, after which Glirdan decided to hunt Folwren because he thought that her vote for Volo was too safe to be non-suspicious.
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff.
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Old 10-08-2006, 07:00 PM   #227
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Originally Posted by Nogrod
Di I feel really sorry about. She was just gearing up and had received seerness and then was killed right out. She even made the right guess as a seer but had no chance to actually come forwards with it! That must have been frustrating, not the least when she was reading us trying to come up with her "seer-hints" after her death!
Yes, it was frustrating. I think it may have shaved a few years off my life.

I'm over it now, since enough time has passed and Lommy fixed things up before they could completely derail. But I was pretty incoherent with dismay when I was killed. The fact that I sacrificed a couple hours of much needed sleep to write up an eviscerating Boro-analysis (which was really hard because Boro is hard to pin down) and never got to post it, had a lot to do with that.

Oh well, I've always wanted to be a seer and for the few hours I thought I had a wolf kill in my grasp were the best Werewolf moments of my career thus far. So I'm glad I was the Mytho, even with all the stress. I felt like I'd hit double gold, first picking Lommy and becoming the gifted I most wanted to be, and then dreaming of a wolf.

I've a question for Boro and Volo. That list Volo wrote up at the end of Day 1, was that all Volo's doing or did Boro suggest doing it? Because I hit heavily upon that list and Boro's analysis of it in my BoroAnalysis, pointing out that Volo was behaving similarly to Boro as a wolf and therefore it showed they were teammates. I honestly had no idea whether this was true or not, but I knew Boro was a wolf so anything I could use against him was fair game.

The reason I dreamed of Boro was the Glirdan vote which caused a double lynch. That, and because I knew Boro was a crafty, bluffing wolf and wanted to be sure about him one way or the other.

Anyway, it's good to get that off my chest, heh.

It really is frustrating to see Glirdan get lynched as an innocent once again. Just wait, we'll pay for all this "crying wolf" one day by letting him live to the end and you just know he'll be a wolf that one time.

Funny that everyone thought I dreamt of Folwren -- I would never have dreamt of her just because she was so obviously innocent feeling to me (and I don't have a history of her to think she's a bold bluffer). Anyway, kudos on the passionate self defense, Foley, it worked for some of us anyway.

Lommy Strikes Again! You were an awesome seer. And you really put me out of my misery when you revealed yourself and put an end to all the misleading analysis of my very Ordinary posts. (Since I only became the Seer on Night 3, the same night I died).

Eonwe, I didn't suspect. Even when I knew Boro was a wolf. It was really just process of elimination that got him in the end. Oh, and about my comment re: your past lynching. Weren't you in a game recently where we were all primed and ready to lynch you, but then you pulled out of the game? Or am I thinking of a different player? Guh. I've played too much werewolf, it's running together in my mind.

I figured out that Celuien was the Ranger or the Seer by the end of Day 2. However, at that point I had already sent my pick of Lommy in to Sleepy (the board unfortunately ate his reply to me telling me the result of my pick and I didn't find out until hours later over MSN). So for a little while I was thinking, "Darn, should have picked Celuien." I of course thought that Celuien would die on Night 3.

Anyway, to everyon else, I had fun playing with you and trying to figure out who your bands were.
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Old 10-08-2006, 07:01 PM   #228
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Originally Posted by Celuien
1) We were going to keep a distance from each other in the village
2) We discussed Noggie (Glirdy's original pick instead of Folwren) and ruled that he was not a wolf, after which Glirdan decided to hunt Folwren because he thought that her vote for Volo was too safe to be non-suspicious.
I honestly thought my life was on the line!! I was terrified as that fax went through so slowly!!!!!!!!!!


-- Foley
A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading. - C.S. Lewis
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Old 10-08-2006, 07:16 PM   #229
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Originally Posted by Ye Blacksmither
I'll bet you two were laughing up your sleeves when Mac, Glirdan, and I all got killed on the same day!!
Well, yes, I do admit that it pleased me immensely!

I defended you though, cuz you just looked so innocent. In fact, Boro and I both had you pegge as Gifted at one point. I though it might look good when you eventually died (sorry ) if I defended you. Honestly, I still don't konw what Glirdan saw in you that was so suspicious.

Originally Posted by Dia
Weren't you in a game recently where we were all primed and ready to lynch you, but then you pulled out of the game?
I dunno; your right, they all seem to run together sometimes. Wasn't it just yesterday that phantom, Boro, and Lalaith were tearing through us innocents?
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Old 10-08-2006, 07:26 PM   #230
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I've a question for Boro and Volo. That list Volo wrote up at the end of Day 1, was that all Volo's doing or did Boro suggest doing it?~Diamond
The only thing I suggested was for us to all act like we normally would as an innocent. And that it would probably be best, since it was Day 1 and all, that we just ignored eachother and went after our own 'suspects,' or if we had to; to defend eachother. I did try to defend him as much as possible without incriminating myself, which meant I had to use an excuse from the only other game I was in with Volo...the beginning he was odd and suspicious looking, but he turned out to be a great asset (being the Ranger and stopping two wolf kills) that was why I was wary of lynching him on Day 1, as he may just get on slow starts. Though of course it was just an excuse.

Now after Volo was dead, Eonwe and I planned to take Volo's post at the end and steer the village the way we wanted. So to answer the question, Volo's last post was all his decision.

Wasn't it just yesterday that phantom, Boro, and Lalaith were tearing through us innocents?~Eonwe
Which got me nervous about being a wolf in this game. In that game I just sat back acted normal and let phantom do all the planning and strategizing. My other wolf run was with Anguirel and Naria...where sadly I looked like phantom when he was a wolf and that got me lynched on Day 1. (So glad that phantom wasn't in this game to pick up on that again ).
Fenris Penguin

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Old 10-08-2006, 07:43 PM   #231
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Well, now that family issues are resolved enough, maybe it would be nice if I could catch up with all of you.

First of all, sorry Volo, for landing you in the decision kennel of potential Fenris Wolves. I had neither the idea or intention, but once you become accustomed to the title, it really is not that bad. You can even change it around, if you like.

Folwren, sorry I had some suspicion of you, but in the end you seemed innocent for good reasons.

Nogrod, wonderful reasoning, I really enjoyed your posts for their ability.

Durelin, once again you've helped to celebrate Smithy and The Cure with wonderful humor. It was fun to act out the Robert and Moz contempt, always makes me laugh.

Of course, Boromir88, I will have to tip my hat to your ease at the crafty skills of a well trained werewolf.

And of course to everyone else, for making this a very nice game. I was really re-enchanted with ww in this game, for awhile with the surge of downs conflict it was loosing it's witty appeal. So, once again, thank you very much.

Not to forget, sleepy dear, I really enjoyed your game, and your writing craft was at it's best flare. You know I'll always try to be around for another.

Well, see everyone soon. thank you again.

~ Ka
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Old 10-08-2006, 10:51 PM   #232
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First, I would ask not to connect everything I say elsewhere to WW.

Second, curse Këkko. He was jumping here behing me when I was writing my (in)famous post and stabbing me with the katana. :/ He wanted me to go dogwalking (two guys and just one dog), well I did in the end and put "to koiralenkki" as he so wanted. In the end I somehow miscalculated the time needed to write a post and so a short post came too late.

Well, the idea was just like Boro said, to be like an innocent. I didn't try twisting your minds then, it was a job enough to try staying alive. Too much useless talk was the mistake then, but I would suspect that the same would really happen were I innocent.
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Old 10-09-2006, 02:12 AM   #233
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Well played everyone, loved the game!

I must say I experienced some sort of déjŕ vu when Boromir started pretending to be the seer, but fortunately he realised being doomed earlier than Noggie did (in Kath's game).

Boro and Eonwe, why did you kill Di?

The reasons behind my dreams:
#1 Rune - Truth be told I had in mind Sleepy might have planned a special role for him (and I was proved wrong).
#2 Noggie - I would rather be sure of his innocence or guilt, knowing his capacity as a wolf
#3 THE Ka - She was making good points and one of the ones "steering" the village so I wanted to be sure of her. I must say that also the possibility of Sleepy giving her a special role and her quick jump on Volo worried me a bit.
#4 Eonwe - Well, I wanted to hear "yes, he's a wolf" from Sleepy at least once...

Sorry for underestimating you, Sleepy, and thanks for lovely narrations!
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Old 10-10-2006, 03:10 AM   #234
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Boro and Eonwe, why did you kill Di?
I would like to know that, myself.
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Old 10-10-2006, 12:29 PM   #235
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The final scene is finished. Sorry for taking so long but I've been busy lately.
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Old 10-10-2006, 12:49 PM   #236
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Boro and Eonwe, why did you kill Di?
We went over the posts of that day and felt like either Celuien or Diamond was the Seer (more likely that Diamond was). For the longest time we though Folwren was a gifted, probably the Seer, because why would she so heartily defend herself and beg for people not to lynch her? She was either a wolf (which she wasn't) or a gifted...we held off killing her on Night 1, because we thought the Ranger might spot this too and protect her. Then next night roles around and we don't have to make a decision on her because Glirdan did it for us.

That left Celuien and Di, Celuien because of her defense for Glirdan. And Diamond because of her last post where she speaks about everyone quite a bit, especially her thoughts on just seemed like something a Seer would say..."I feel safe about Durelin, but I'm not sure why" (or something to that effect)...just looked seer-like.

This was before we found out about Glirdan's identity, as I also had the fear that Celuien was the hunter and may pick me...then when we found out that Glirdan was the hunter, we pegged Celuien as the Ranger, leaving Di as our guess of who the Seer our dismay she was the mytho and the real cursed seer was still out there...I had such high hopes all come crashing down.
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Old 10-10-2006, 12:53 PM   #237
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Just to say it was good to see that the Mythomaniac option was demonstrated to be an interesting variant always been fond of it..... though it is statistically improbable, I don't think any mytho has chosen an ordo..... 2 seers and a wolf..any others..not sure..
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Old 10-10-2006, 05:06 PM   #238
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I'm beginning to think I'll never be a wolf, and this long streak of innocence really seals my fate if I ever am one. People are too used to innocent Durelin!

Great game all! Kudos to Lommy, yet again!

Ka - You have no idea how giddy and giggly I was when I discovered you were Morrissey (upon reading Sleepy's description of "you")! It was too perfect!
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