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#161 |
Ghastly Neekerbreeker
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Birdie noticed Mithadan's disapproval as she leapt over the side, and flipped him a flipper in return. She didn't know if he understood the gesture, but it made HER feel better, anyway.
When the guests started to arrive, and Pio went to climb the stern rope, Birdie perversely turned away and swam off down river. Heaving a sigh, Pio let go of the rope and plunged back in. She was starting to get use to the skin-changers "moods". a few hundred yards downriver they came upon Levanto. He had found a deep section of the river, full of the detritus of battle. Silver mail, uncorroded in the sweet water, swords and the frames of shields littered the river bed, amongst the ribs and planking of destroyed ships. And there were bones. Many, many bones. Levanto was playing a strange ball game with a half a skull, flipping it with his tail, watching it roll slowly through the water and silt, then flying ahead of it to flip it back upstream. "Levanto, what ARE you doing?" Bird whistled in irritation. "Studying history." replied Levanto idly. "Why are you not on board the "Lonely Star", greeting your guests, Birdland?" "I have a problem with Authority Figures" stated Bird loftily. Levanto gave her her a silent look that spoke volumes. Bird suddenly slapped her tail in frustration. "Scrolls and Kings and Elves and Riddles!" She whistled shrilly. "What about Kali? How will all these things help him find his people?" Birdie sped down the river and braking suddenly, slapped the skull with her flukes. It flew downriver with the current, finally hitting an upthrust rock. The three watched as the head of the unknown mariner split and settled in pieces into the mud of the bottom. "He should be down here right now, not me. But instead he will be questioned, and grilled and riddled, with the greatest concern and gravity. And then when we discover the origins of Men, Halflings, Elves, Wizards, Ents and perhaps old Bombadil himself; then what? Push him overboard to return to his rock cave? Alone?" Pio and Levanto floated in front of Birdie, open-mouthed and silent. She glared at them both, doing her best to draw her fixed dophin smile into a sneer. Then she shuffled her tail-fins in the river silt, drawing a random pattern that flowed away with the current. "Where are they, Levanto?" the dolphin asked sadly. Levanto and Pio swam over to Birdie. They would have put their hand on her shoulders, if she had had any. Levanto looked into the one black gleaming eye on the right side of Birdie's delphinic head. "I don't know, little skin-changer. But I may have found something that will give us another clue to this riddle that seems to grow bigger than anyone here understands. Come with me." "Levanto lead the two farther downriver, around a bend in the broad Anduin. Pointing through the murk, he lead them up to the riverbank on the south-eastern side. There was a tunnel mouth. Close to the bottom, it would never be revealed, even in the times of deepest drought. "It goes far." Levanto said quietly, "and it goes under the city." (O.O.C. - I have no idea what is at the other end of the tunnel. Any ideas?) |
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#162 |
Spirit of Mist
Join Date: Jul 2000
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Mithadan's eyes narrowed. "Angara's riddles! They awoke in the East, for they are of the race of men and came West during the First Age, drawn by Ulmo. And like Tuor they were guided to the Hidden Realm, Gondolin, until it was overthrown by Morgoth...and then what?"
Faramir looked about in confusion. "Ulmo? Gondolin? And who is Angara?"
Beleriand, Beleriand, the borders of the Elven-land. |
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#163 |
Spirit of the Lonely Star
Join Date: Mar 2002
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Everyone was having dinner with Faramir, that is everyone but Child and Birdland and Pio.
Child was below deck and, being a good hobbit, had managed to burglar her way into Piosenniel's cabin. She knew she should not be rummaging around in her things, but she did not care. The last few days, she had worked so hard at being a scholar that her brain felt as if it would explode. She needed to be a hobbit again. All this work had established certain things. Kali's dream obviously referred not to Numenor but Beleriand. The three islands, and she had checked this on the map, were Tol Morwen, Tol Fuin, and Himling. And Angara's first riddle had definitely made reference to hiding hobbits in Numenor. She had not yet looked at Angara's second set of clues, but she promised to do that later, And she did plan to spend some time in the Minas Tirith library tomorrow. Perhaps then they could decide where to sail. Now, however,her mind dwelt on something else. It appeared that, wherever they were going, it involved time travel. That meant using Pio's nautical and time-travel device that had originally been attached to the ship's helm. Now Child had a theory about this device. This clever instrument had been made in the Fourth Age. She know it could convey a ship precisely and accurately from a specific place in the Fourth Age to another specific place in the Seventh Age, or it might do the same from the Fourth to the Third Age. Child was less certain, however, about its precision and accuracy when dealing with ages from the distant past. It was one thing to deal with a world where the ideal of history operated, and quite another to deal with ages where myth and legend were the norm. History and myth were simply not the same thing, either philosophically or chronologically. The First and Second Age were definitely different from those that came later. The Third Age, she thought, might be borderline. Child worked over an hour with the device using different dates and places, and then judging what the actual destination would have been if they had utilized these settings in real life. Her results were astounding. It was quite clear there was a definite distortion whenever she put in very ancient dates, especially those from the First and Second Age. The device clearly showed that you could aim for a particular age and get there. But within that age, your results were variable. If you wanted to visit coastal Beleriand during the flood, for instance, you might find yourself some 50 years earlier on the River Sirion at the time of the fall of Gondolin. Or, if you wanted to go to the west coast of Second Age Numenor, you might end up in the Bay of Eldamar, Second Age, knocking on Manwe's front door. Child remembered uncomfortably how some men who had sailed unbidden to these lands had been swallowed up in the earth. Geography and time could be mastered, but precision was definitely lacking. No matter how much research Child did, no matter how many documents she discovered, using this time travel device was a bit like playing a cardgame where every third card was a joker. The hobbit in Child took delight in this: it was almost like playing a game. The scholar in her despaired how they would ever get to the specific place and time that they needed to be. Child scrawled a note to Pio and another to Mith explaining all this. She left one on Pio's desk plus a note of apology for burglaring her cabin, and slid the other under Mithadan's door, which she was careful to do without picking the lock. She made a mental note to tell Veritas, Rose, and the others as soon as she had a chance. She then returned to the feast which was still going on. Bird and Pioalso slid into the hall late and beckoned Child over to sit by them. [ July 12, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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#164 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Location: Pickin' flowers with Bill the Cat.....
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Bird and Pio had come late to the meeting. Levanto had shown them the underwater entrance to the tunnel, but it was growing too dark for them to explore it. They agreed to let the others know of their find, and come back on the morrow to explore it.
Pio stank of river water, silt, and the myriad of decaying plants dying in the eddies. She excused herself from the party and went down to her cabin to wash and change. There was a feeling of oddness about the room, but she shrugged it off. She pulled her dress on, and smoothed it over the planes of her body. Running her fingers through her curls, she placed the silver fillet on her forehead, and went up stairs to greet Faramir.
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#165 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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She came on deck, and saw Mithadan speaking with Faramir, who seemed quite perplexed.
Drawing nearer, she heard the Prince of Ithilien question Mithadan: 'Ulmo? Gondolin? And who is Angara?' She placed her hand on Mithadan's arm and asked him if he might introduce her to the guest. He did, most courteously, and then pleasantries aside, she asked them what they had been speaking of, discerning that Faramir had no idea what the dragon's clues pointed to, much less that Angara was a dragon. 'You mustn't mind Lord Mithadan's ramblings. He often thinks out loud, starting in the midst of a subject, much to our confusion. We've learned to wait until he has turned his thoughts over several times in different ways. it is then that the true clarity of his thinking comes through.' Pio went on to explain in full the purpose of their journey to Minas Anor, what they hoped to find out about the history of the hobbits, and the clues that Angara had left for them. She could see the light of understanding dawn in his eyes, and he shook his head assent. 'A Dragon!, my Lady' he exclaimed at her explanation of who Angara was. 'Indeed, that is beyond my comprehension.' His eyes widened in delight mixed with some apprehension, as Pio called down Angara from the Mast to meet the Lord of Emyn Arnen. The Wyrm and the Steward took an instant liking to each other. Angara was as courteous and gracious as an Old One could be, and Faramir delighted in her stories of the days long gone, and especially in her storehouse of old songs. Pio left them to their growing friendship and drew Mithadan aside. 'Where is Khelek?' she asked him. 'I thought to see him here.' Mithadan shook his head. 'I thought to see him here, also. Perhaps he has some pressing business that makes him late.' 'Perhaps.' she rejoined. 'But, tell me, as I came up to you and Lord Faramir, I heard you talking about Angara's clues. It seems you have them mostly figured out. Is there one that yet puzzles you?' 'It is the last one', he said. 'The clue does not go far enough -- "Lo! The sun had set and all was dark, a new light suddenly began, and a glow there was, but it was beyond the northward heights, and men marvelled, and there was a thronging of the walls and battlements. Then wonder grew to doubt as that light waxed and became redder, and doubt to dread as men saw the snow upon the mountains dyed as it were with blood. And thus it was that the fire-serpents of Melko came down upon the city." We know that the city was sacked and destroyed in that great battle, but what does it say of the fate of the hobbits?' he asked. 'I think she meant to go further in that series of clues, but the great sadness and anger she feels at the corruption of the dragons by Morgoth stopped her. Were I to guess at what came next, it would be the story of how Tuor led the exiles from the city, and though they endured many trials and miseries, yet were they free of the dominion of Morgoth at last with the aid of Ulmo. But naught is mentioned of the hobbits in this band of wanderers, and it is in my mind that they were not as fortunate as those led by Tuor. Though, in the end, I believe that Ulmo did not abandon them, even though the earth split apart and fell from under them in the Great War of Wrath when Morgoth was thrown down and Thangorodrim broken.' Child had drawn near during this discussion and was taking notes as the elf and man spoke. 'And what of the three islands Kali spoke about?' continued Mithadan. 'I recall Tol Morwen, where stands the Stone of the Hapless; and Himling, once Himring where the fortress of Maedhros stood; but what is the third one?' 'You recall the highlands of Dorthonion, called Taur-nu-Fuin, the forest under Nightshade when Morgoth corrupted them?, asked Pio. He nodded 'yes'. 'It is the other Western Isle, Tol Fuin, the last remnant of that region just north of Beleriand which fell under the shadow in the Dagor Bragollach, The Battle of Sudden Flame.' 'Ah! I see where this is going!' said Mithadan, rubbing his hands together, 'but if we consider what you've said to be true then what of . . .' She laughed and stopped his further questions with a shake of her head. 'Perhaps a Man, such as yourself, can live on the sustenance of words and thoughts, but this poor elf is both hungry and thirsty. Let us join the rest of our party at the table and put aside our serious thinking for just a while.' [ July 12, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#166 |
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Location: A place worse then Mordor........School!
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Rose was growing weary from sitting unmoving on the crates and thinking about the clues without any hope of coming up with anything. But then she felt a presence behind her. She turned to see someone coming down to the ship. It was growing dark so Rose couldn't see any of the person's features but she knew who it was.
She walked down the gangplank to meet the elf.
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin "The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?) |
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#167 |
Spirit of Mist
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Rose escorted Khelek up the gangplank and brought him to the others who rose to greet him. Mithadan was somewhat relieved to discover that Faramir also knew and appeared to respect the Elf. Unsurprisingly, after a toast to the company and some initial niceties, Pio immediately engaged Khelek in conversation. Rose stayed by the two Elves occaisionaly interjecting a comment or a question. Mithadan stayed with Faramir, content to discuss matters with Khelek or hear Pio's report later.
Beleriand, Beleriand, the borders of the Elven-land. |
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#168 |
Spirit of the Lonely Star
Join Date: Mar 2002
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Pio and Khelak were engaged in conversation. Pio's face had initially appeared strained, but seemed to relax a bit as the discussion went on. She was still leaning forward, however, and listening intently.
Child decided to leave the two of them be, at least for the moment. Child had found from experience that Pio, as an Elf, had an easier time communicating with another Elf and assessing their trustworthiness than Child herself did. Child had tucked a copy of Angara's riddles and clues in her pocket. She pulled one out, the latest edition, and began to review it. Interesting, she thought, Gondolin seemed to be involved. But if Gondolin played a role, what about Tuor and Idril? Child remembered the very strange look that had come over Idril's face when Kali had first described his ancestors being separated from his cousins at some point in the past. She also remembered that Idril had refused to give further information, saying that it was their task to discover the mystery without aid from her or Lord Tuor. Child tucked her hand into her pocket to draw out a copy of the first set of riddles which she wanted to examine again. They were not there. Then Child remembered. She had left them on top of her pile of books and papers in her room. She reminded herself to get hold of them when she went back to her room. Child looked over to the corner where Pio and Khelak sat. They were still bent together in conversation. Child wondered what they were saying, but decided to wait before going over to them.
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#169 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Location: Pickin' flowers with Bill the Cat.....
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He had a pleasant voice, she noted, and in another time she might have relished the thought of engaging him in conversation and in argument. But now his words flowed past her like a river, while her thoughts turned toward other concerns.
Most in her mind was that tunnel. It intrigued her. Yet, she had also felt, as she strained to look down its depths, a certain darkness beyond the ordinary lack of light. Bird and she must see what it held when there was time. He had paused in mid-sentence. She looked up, saying, 'Your pardon, I was distracted for a moment. Will you say that again?' He laughed. 'More than distracted, Piosenniel! You were miles away. Perhaps we should save our talk for another time.' 'Time is what we don't have, Khelek.' she replied. 'It is time which presses us even as we speak.' She shook her thoughts from her head, and focused her attention on him. 'Come', she said and smiled at him. 'Begin again if you would. As I recall I was somewhat rude with you in the city, and I challenged your intent. I would apologize for that and for my inattention now, but still I would have answered the questions which I posed to you.' [ July 12, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#170 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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He told her he was an elf of The Wood, Eryn Lasgalen - Mirkwood as it had long been known before the Dark Tower fell. Long a student of Numenor's history, he had volunteered to aid Thranduil in what then appeared as a small research into the history of the hobbit race. The King of the Wood-elves had come upon a small reference to the disappearance of this race, soon after their awakening, in an ancient ledger in his own vast library. Pages were missing after this curious entry, but on the last ragged page was another still more enigmatic entry: We are taking them to Numenor.
As to the hobrim, he said he did not know of them until he came to Minas Anor. He had seen the sculptured wall and wondered at its meaning. But it was when he overheard Child and Rose in the library discussing something they called hobrim that he put the picture and the name together. 'As to your last two questions, Piosenniel, My intent is to bring what I have found to Thranduil. And no, I do not seek to hinder you.' She judged the sincerity of his words to be true. No hint of darkness obscured the intent behind them. 'Let me ask two more questions of you, Khelek. First, does Thranduil expect you back directly? & second, if not, do you wish to travel with us?' 'There was no time limit set upon my research. He did not make it seem a pressing matter to him, more one of simple interest. & as to travel, where might you be going?' She leaned toward him and spoke in a lower voice. 'We are going to Beleriand, & we mean to leave soon.' He drew back from her, his features registering surprise. 'Beleriand?!'
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#171 |
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Child came up to Piosenniel and Khelak who were seated and speaking. She thought they wouldn't mind if she sat down beside them.
She had heard Khelek's voice registering surprise. "Beleriand?! Why do you chose such a destination, and how do you intend to go?" Then there had been more whispered words. Pio was obviously on edge for, as she came towards the table, Pio had responded with a gentle warning which Child chose to ignore. Perhaps, Pio had read her note and disapproved of her meddling with the time-travel device. The room was largely empty. Child, Pio, Khelak, and Kali lingered in the galley which was now only half lit by a single candle still left burning. Most of the others had withdrawn, said their goodbyes for the evening, and retired to their cabins. Faramir himself had departed with many gracious gestures and expressions of good will. He and Mithadan had walked out arm in arm, so it was possible they were still discussing something. Child was grateful when Kali came over to sit by her and lend support. Like Child, he was deeply concerned about what would happen next. Both his body and words implored Piosenniel and Khelak to let him know more of his fate. [ July 12, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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#172 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Pio saw Child as she drew near them. She could almost see the hobbit's ears grow larger as she tried to pick up each word.
She put her hand on Child's shoulder and looked at her fully. 'It can be a dangerous thing to listen to the conversations of Elves, little one. For often their thoughts turn to perilous action with no regard for anything but the outcome of the plan they are intended to fulfill.' Her features were unreadable, regarding Child from some deeper place within. Kali had come over, too. And now sat beside his friend, Child. Pio turned to him, and looked at him, thoughtfully. He reached toward her and placed his hand trustingly on her her arm. 'Please, Lady Elf - what plan?' [ July 12, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#173 |
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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At that very instant, a strange thing occurred. All around, the city lay quiet and sleeping. There was an almost eerie silence which was quite unlike the other evenings when so many sounds could still be heard from the docks even in the moonlight.
The moment that Kali voiced his trustful and wondering question, four pair of eyes turned instantly to the corner of the galley. For it seemed that, out of darkness, a thin shadow could be seen inching along the wall. You could almost hear the faint rustle of a cloak or skirt. Piosenniel lept up and maneuvered quickly over to that spot, expecting to see someone or something hiding amid the tangle of tables and chairs. But there was nothing to be seen. The moment passed, and all was silent. Kali sat waiting for the Elf's reply. [ July 12, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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#174 |
Spirit of Mist
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[OOC: I'll be back next thursday. Be gentle with my persona, please.]
Beleriand, Beleriand, the borders of the Elven-land. |
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#175 |
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Piosenniel looked Kali directly in the eye and said, "It looks like Beleriand it will be. I promise you, little one, that we will do all in our power to find your lost cousins and reunite you with your family."
Then she looked at Khelek, "Let me know of your choice by tomorrow, by messenger if you do not intend to go, or in person if you hope to join us." Then all settled down to a short night's rest. But many in the ship could not sleep and lay in their cabins, thoughts and apprehensions spinning in their minds.
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#176 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Location: Pickin' flowers with Bill the Cat.....
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Mithadan, standing near for Pio's admonishment to Child and her words to Kali, wondered at the elf's reply.
He spoke with her, once all the guests had been seen off the ship, the farewells spoken. 'This plan,' he said, 'you spoke of it as one which you were intended to fulfill. It is not just to Beleriand, is it?' 'Not just I, Mithadan. But I can speak no further of it now.'
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#177 |
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Child woke at the first rays of dawn. She had slept poorly, but was determined to get an early start. She slipped out of bed and put on her clothes, hoping to head out to the library just as the first bells of the city began to rang. She knocked on Rose's door and roused the young hobbit to come with her.
The two ran down to the galley and took a few items left over from the night before for a quick breakfast. Angara and Kali were the only other crew members awake and on deck, watching the sun rise. Child began to cross over the gangplank, when she was suddenly stopped by the dragon. Angara pulled her back by lifting her up by her skirts and depositing her in the stern of the ship. "Take a look, Child," said Angara in an almost wistful tone, "And you'd better tell Rose and Kali to come." A small sailing vessel pulled near as a tall lady covered with cloak and hood emerged. Angara offered a ride on her back so the Lady could come to their ship. When the woman gracefully slid off the dragon's back and pulled back her hood, there stood the Lady Idril. Without hesitation, she walked up to the hobbits and hobbrim. In her hand, she held what appeared to be the remnants of an ancient scroll. She bent down to Kali and kissed him on top of the head. She immediately spoke, "So you have figured out some pieces of the puzzle and are determined to sail to Beleriand. And you have learned something of the secret lore of both Beleriand and Numenor. Because you and your friends have puzzled out these secrets through your own reason and will, there are some small things which I may share with you now." Child wondered how Idril could possibly know these things, but she did not question. One of the Elves from the Blessed West surely had resources not known to a simple hobbit. Idril reached out and handed Kali a small, broken scroll. "This is one of the most ancient parchments in the library of Minas Tirith. I have taken the liberty of securing it for your use. Child, you might have found this on your own, but it would have taken many weeks of searching. And I fear that we do not have many weeks left. For certain events must come at a certain time and place, or else they come to ruin." "You have learned on your own where you must go and some of the physical dangers you may face. But there is more to it than this. The Elves in your crew and even Lord Mithadan understand, I believe, whom you must face. For each of these families has an ancient ancestor who fought against the Dark." "But you are hobbits and hobbrim, which means that both your past and your destiny are hidden from you. Read this scroll and understand. It is in the language of the Elves which was widespread in those days even among the servants of the Shadow. I have also put these words into Westron so you three may understand as fully as any Elf what is said here. I do this because I want you to understand the Evil that you face." She inclined her head to look at them with a touch of sadness, "You three may see things which bring grief to your hearts. I want you to remember that I cared and still care for your people, and Kali's, very much. But sometimes things do not turn out the way we hope and plan." "Do not be afraid. If you and your friends see this journey through, you can do your part to bring a small sliver of light into the world." She bent down and kissed each goodbye. "I must depart, since Tuor and I cannot follow where you now go. Please give my love and respect to Lord Mithadan and all of your friends." She turned to leave, but then hsitated for an instant, "Please tell the Elf Piosenniel that I hope she may find peace in her heart. Ask her to be gentle with herself and, I am certain she will find her way." Child's eyes were wet with tears as she saw Idril return to her boat. Child then glanced down at the paper. It was an order sent to a field commander in the year 510, ordering him to seize and imprison the hobbits who had made their home in Gondolin. Although crumpled and torn, the scroll was signed in letters clear even to Child's unpracticed eye. At the bottom was the name "Morgoth". [ July 13, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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#178 |
Shade of Carn Dûm
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After leaving 'The Lonely Star,' Khelek had made his way slowly to the nearest inn, thinking of the Elf maiden's words. There was not much more that could be found here in Minas Tirith, nor anywhere where Men ruled. But Beleriand? What secrets could such a place hold? Kali came into the Elf's mind - eager and full of mystery, his own past hidden from him, and his own future unsure. Yes, the Elf realized, Beleriand would be the next step: the most likely place.
The Elf hadn't lied to Piosenniel; there was not much interest from King Thranduil about hobbits, or even the Fall of Numenor itself. The Elf lord had much else to do: restoring his woodland realm. But simply the matter itself was interesting, raising enough questions for it to seem worthy of investigating. But after seeing Kali, the perspective had changed somewhat in Khelek's mind...
"What shall we do, what shall we do!" he cried. "Escaping goblins to be caught be wolves!" |
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#179 |
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Child looked at the paper then handed it to Rose. "Oh no." she said "We arn't up against Morgoth again, are we?"
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin "The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?) |
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#180 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Idril! You are leaving? Will you not stay to aid us?
My part is done for now, Pio. Then who will take them safely, by the secret way. You must do this now. They will look to you. Will I not see you again? In time, perhaps. Namárië! 'Namárië.' she whispered, standing in the shadows, and watched the craft speed down the river and disappear. One tear rolled down her cheek and was wiped quickly away. She felt a small hand creep into hers, and looked down to see Kali looking up at her. 'I know.' he said patting her hand gently. 'When family goes, much sadness comes.'
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#181 |
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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No longer was there the need to travel to the library of Minas Tirith. Child thought she had everything which could be gained here.
Only two small matters remained. First was the strange tunnel which Birdland had found. She hoped Pio or Bird would have the chance to search it later in the day. If not, she would try herself in the afternoon. And, secondly, there was the matter of the Elf Khelek. They waited on his decision whether to come aboard. Child decided to go to her cabin and begin arranging her papers and belongings in preparation for their departure which surely must occur soon. After that, she intended to show Lord Mithadan the scroll which Idril had given her. Child used the key hanging about her neck to unlock her door. Since she had so many valuable manuscripts here, she had taken to routinely doing this whenever she left. Then Child turned to the small table which she used as a desk. Books and papers were tossed here and there. To any other eye, it would look like the normal scatter of belongings which any hobbit would leave. But, as Child turned, her eyes grew wider. This was not the way she had left her table or her books. Child went over and began searching on the table. To her dismay, she discovered that at least one paper was missing, the one that had listed Angara's last riddles. For one instant, she thought Pio might have done this to get back at Child for her explorations of the night before. But this could not be. That was the type of gentle joke that a hobbit like Rose might play. If Piosenniel was angry or even annoyed, she would simply have told Child to her face. There was no doubt in Child's mind. Someone had been in her locked room, and removed at least one thing. And Child did not have the slightest idea who it was.
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#182 |
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Rose had followed Child down to her cabin still studying the paper in her hand. After a minute though she looked up and saw Child was looking at her with a worried expretion.
"Rose, have you or anyone been in my room?" "I don't think so. Not that I know. Why? Is somthing wrong?" "Angara's riddles that I wrote down are gone." Rose immediatly sprung into action. "We can figure this out. Are you sure that it's not just buried under somthing?" "I checked." "When were you last in here?" [ July 13, 2002: Message edited by: Rose Cotton ]
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin "The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?) |
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#183 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Mithadan was in the galley, foraging for breakfast when she found him. His head was in one of the small cupboards, and she could hear him opening containers and humming some familiar tune, though slightly off key.
'Mithadan?', she called, 'May we speak for a moment?' He turned, an apple secured in his teeth, and waved her toward a chair with the pot of jam he'd found. In his other hand was a thick slice of bread and the spoon for the jam. He sat down at the small table and looked at her questioningly, busy spreading a thick layer of jam on the bread. 'I wanted to talk with you about setting sail,' she said,'either tomorrow or the day after, with the early morning tide. We're well provisioned now, the ship is in good shape, and the crew is ready. We have only to wait today to see if Khelek will be going with us, else I would recommend we sail today.' With a small, sharp knife, he quartered the apple and offered her a slice without teeth marks. 'Tomorrow would be better, Pio, unless this departure is an emergency.' He raised his eyebrows questioningly. 'No, no emergency.' she replied, chewing on the apple slice. 'Is there something you need to do?' 'Yes, remember, we told the fresh fruit seller we would let him know a day ahead of time about delivering our order. Also, we need to tell the water-seller we need several more casks of fresh water.' He finished his bread and jam and licked his fingers with a certain satisfied grace. 'I'll take care of that directly, and we'll be ready. Anything else?' 'Has Child spoken with you yet?' she asked. 'No. Of What?' 'Idril and Tuor are leaving. They won't be going with us to Beleriand.' 'I see.' he said, and looked at her appraisingly. 'Then that must leave you in the catbird seat - not a comfortable place to be, eh?' Not waiting for her reply, he hurried up to the deck to speak with Child and then be on his way to get the last of the provisions on board. She rinsed the plate and spoon, put them in the dish drainer, and went looking for Bird. [ July 13, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#184 |
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Mithadan came over to Child as she stood on the deck. He questioned her about the hobbits' meeting with Idril and what she had spoken to them. Then Child showed him the small, torn scroll which she had secured about her waist on a special belt. Mithdan looked at it thoughfully and noted the signature in bold red letters.
"We will have to be careful in Beleriand where we go and whom we speak with. I certainly wouldn't want to encounter Morgoth as we are not outfitted for war. We have neither the manpower or the provisions. I will need to speak with Piosenniel about this, since it could affect the course we plot." He continued, "I am hopeful that Veritas will be able to make some modifications to our nautical device so we can get reasonably close to where we need to go. But even with those modifications, there would be considerable risk." "There is one more matter. A scroll emblazoned with such a name as this should not be carried casually about your waist. It needs to be stored in the small, locked chamber for valuables which stands near the helm." "Rose also mentioned what happened to your papers. You undoubtedly misplaced your belongings, but, just to be certain, we must be particularly cautious." Child did not reply to Mithadan's conjecture that her paper had been merely lost. She knew that was not the case. However, she agreed with him that a safer holding place was needed for the scroll. Child followed Mithadan up to the small chamber for valuables located near the helm. She placed the scroll inside the chamber with her own hands, and watched Mithadan close the and lock the door. [ July 14, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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#185 |
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Meanwhile Rose had sayed down in Child's room (with Child's permition) trying to figure out the mystery of the theivery.
The suspect list was: Pio Mithadan Birdie Veritas Kali Celeaewen Khelak Faramir Angara Rose didn't think any of these people would have stolen the riddles but they were the only ones on the boat.
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin "The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?) |
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#186 |
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Child returned to her own cabin, only to find Rose and Bird pouring over a list of names they had drawn up of possible suspects for the theft of her papers.
They thought and talked, but could not come to any agreement about what might have actually taken place. Bird threw up her hands in frustation. "I've had my fill of this for now! Let's go to the galley and make some lunch. I have a treat for you. I visited the marketplace yesterday, and bought a large bag of mushrooms for all of us to enjoy." So, with many exclamations of thanks from Rose and Child, the three went down to the galley to fix a meal. Bird went to the locked cupboard where she had deposited the mushrooms. She unlocked the door and pulled it open. Her eyes grew wider with disbelief, for the bag of mushrooms had completely disappeared. "This isn't possible," she muttered. "I was the only one with the key. Where has that thing gone to?" Child suggested, "Perhaps you forgot and put it in another cupboard." She and Rose searched the galley from top to bottom, but found no signs of the missing bag. Bird was not happy, but Child found some eggs and offered to make them a meal. After Child relit the fire on the stove and cooked the eggs, Bird proceeded to tear apart the galley again looking for her lost possession. "Maybe Mithadan got hungry, and forgot to leave a note," Child suggested. And then Rose looked over at them, her face serious and questioning, "You don't think whoever took the papers is the same person who stole the mushroom bag?" In her mind, Child had a mental picture of a large and ugly Orc hiding somewhere on board, gloating as he read the paper and eating a large pile of mushrooms. This image just didn't seem to make any sense. She shook her head. Out loud she said, "Probably just a coincidence. the mushrooms and the papers, I mean." But inside she wondered what had happened.
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#187 |
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Rose had a sudden idea. It was probably wrong but worth a try.
"Bird! Show me where the underwater tunnel is please." she said while making for the side of the ship. "You can come too Child if you want" "Alright." said Birdland. "Coming Child?"
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin "The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?) |
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#188 |
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Khelek once again made his way down to the docks, watching fishermen unloading their morning catch for the midday meal. The sea breeze was thick and humid, and the gulls were already standing on the ports, waiting for scraps of fish dumped over by the seamen.
The Elf slowly found his way back to 'The Lonely Star.' There was a large splash on the other side of the ship as three figures dove into the water. Curious, the Elf carefully swung onto the rigging of a nearby ship in time to see a dolphin and two hobbits surface.
"What shall we do, what shall we do!" he cried. "Escaping goblins to be caught be wolves!" |
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#189 |
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Suddenly, a fourth figure slipped into the water. Unlike Child and Rose, he swam with grace. He cut through the waves without effort, with no foam or splashing visible on the surface for he was indeed completely comfortable in this environment. Kali descended to the bottom faster than either Child or Rose. Only Bird could manage to keep up with him.
Kali saw the tunnel looming ahead, then deftly slipped inside and closed the door. There was air to breath and only a few inches of water on the chamber floor. The strangest thing of all was that this tunnel looked just a bit like a hobbit hole, one of the poorer and rougher ones that you might find tucked into the hillside of the Shire itself. It wasn't terribly frightening, but instead looked comfortable. It was also less fancy than most hobbit homes you would see today if your journied to the Shire. Indeed, it seemed as if it belonged in a simpler time. Kali had never even seen the Shire or a hobbit hole on land, but he had heard many stories from Child, and knew how such a home should look and feel. This strange, cozy, and very simple tunnel was just like his dreams. The room had a small bed, a table in the middle, and even what looked like an ancient kitchen where fires had once been lit and fine meals shared. Around the wall were simple representations carved in stone. There were one or two that seemed to be pictures of hobbits, although their hair was very long and their curls stuck out in all directions. They were wearing what appeared to be animal skins. There was also a stone reief of what seemed to be a tall young man in a long robe, his face glowing with light and holding a staff. On the table itself there sat a single chest, sealed tight against the waters. Kali thrust the chest under his arm and made his way back towards his friends. Just as he was leaving the chamber and had secured the door tightly, the old stone archway began to shiver and shake. Stones held tight for thousands of years slowly began to crack and pull apart. Kali was barely able to swim a few feet away when the entire structure caved in on itself. Whatever else was down there was beyond their reach or the reach of any others who might be searching. Kali collided into Birdland and showed her the small chest. The two swam swiftly together back to Child and Rose, helping the latter reach the boat again. Birdie quickly morphed back into her land-dwelling form. Rose, Child and Bird were first to surface, with Child spluttering and coughing. Kali followed a short distance behind, weighed down by the burden of the chest. Then they climbed up a rope ladder thrown down to them by Veritas, and stood safely on deck again. [ July 18, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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#190 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Pio leaned over the side of the ship and watched the three sink below the surface and then come up. Child was sputtering just a bit, and it looked as if Rose was attempting to give her some of the fine points of swimming underwater. Child was a quick study, and soon they were off toward the tunnel mouth.
As she turned to head toward the helm deck, Pio noticed Khelek had come and was standing by the ship looking in the same direction as the trio had gone. She caught his attention with a yell, and motioned him on board.
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#191 |
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Kali took the locked chest and put it into Piosenniel's hands. The Elf immediately wrenched a crowbar off the main mast and began straining to open the lid. The news of the discovery had spread very quickly so that everyone had now gathered round.
Cautiously, Pio pryed open the top of the chest. With utmost gentleness, she tilted back the lid and peered inside. An old bag lay there, made of some rough material. Pio began gently working the knot. She reached into the bag and felt a mass of small parchments, very delicate and fragile, animal skins that had been stretched out and written upon with some rude instrument. Although they had been held in the underwater chamber, they were surprisingly dry and brittle. Pio looked down into the bag. She could see that no actual writing appeared on the skins, but there were many pictures. She could not make out exactly what they were. Although Pio lifted the parchments out of the bag with exquisite care, many of them began to disintegrate and crumble the moment the air touched them. The Elf howled in frustration. She knew that some of her kin had developed techniques for preserving such ancient documents, but at the moment she had no tools for such delicate work. Within a space of five minutes, only scraps of parchment remained. A pile of dust and crumbled strips sat on the table. But then Piosenniel reached once more into the bag, and drew out a piece of stonework with a picture inscribed on the front. It was identical to one that Kali had seen in the Sea tunnel: a young man in a grey cloak holding a staff. Light beamed from his face. This picture, however, had a name etched under it. It read "Ancalimon" which means, in Quenya, "he who is most bright." [ July 18, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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#192 |
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Rose asked Kali about what he saw. He described it as best as he could and Rose looked up in triumph. A piece of the puzzle she believed had been found.
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin "The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?) |
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#193 |
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Mithadan and Piosenniel had puzzled over the stone with its engraving of a young man holding a staff. Neither of them could recall any tales about a hero who bore such a name. They remembered there had once been a "Tar-Ancalimon", an evil king of Numenor, but no plain "Ancalimon." In any case the engraving on the stone looked nothing like a king.
Pio took the shreds of parchment to a table set up on deck and sifted through them, wondering if she could read meaning into these meager scraps. Later, Bird and Veritas came by to peer at the scattered pictures. So far, none had been able to make sense of these strange images. Discouraged with their efforts, Pio put the parchments scraps back into the bag. Then she and Veritas took out the time travel device, carefully examining it to see what modifications would need to be made to chart a course to Beleriand. As the evening shadows lengthened, Child, Kali, and Rose sat listening as the hobbrim played a small, wooden recorder. It was surprising how many tunes Kali played which were equally familiar to Child and Rose. Child was tired from her swimming expedition earlier that morning and excused herself to return below. Just before leaving the deck, she glanced up at the mast. Angara was perched at the very top. She wondered why the dragon had been so quiet and distant in recent days. Angara had a faraway look in her eyes and was oblivious to everyone else on board. Child felt there was some deep sorrow here, but did not understand its source. Child again looked up and called to the dragon, "We leave for Beleriand quite soon, Angara. Please come down and take a look at a stone inscription we found today." The dragon did not answer. But, in the next instant, Child felt a single scalding tear fall upon her arm from far atop the mast. [ July 15, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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#194 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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In her cabin, Pio rummaged through her pack and found the small bottle she had hoped would be there. Holding it up to the light, she looked carefully to see if any fluid were left in it.
'Aah, there is some, then!' she said to herself, and gently shook the bottle to remix all the ingredients. This was an elixir for preserving papers, gotten from one of the elves who had managed the Great Library at Rivendell. She had brought the rude bag back to her room, along with the disintegrated pieces of parchment that had been exposed to air. She shouldn't have been so hasty in taking them out, but there was nothing to be done about that now. Her object now was to try to pull out intact that small piece of papaer she had felt in the bottom of the bag as she pulled out the stone carving. She carefully opened the bag top just enough to place three drops of the elixir within. Then she closed it quickly and placed the bag and its precious contents into a dark box for the night. By tomorrow, she should be able to see what was on that last scrap.
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#195 |
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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OOC -- I like your new sig and picture. Very good taste.
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#196 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Pio closed and locked her cabin door and went up on deck.
Night had come and the moon hung low in the sky, an orange crescent. She recalled the words of a poet she had read in the seventh age - notice the convulsed orange inch of moon perching on this silver minute of evening She wondered if somewhere in time, he was looking at the same moon, memorizing the colored image, to later bring it forth in black on white. What brings you up to look at the night, Elf? The dragon's thoughts jarred her own. Can't sleep. I'm too excited about setting sail tomorrow. Pio shivered, though the night air was warm. 'Excited' . . . now that is a word I hadn't thought to apply to where we're bound. Pio grabbed the deck rail and gazed out into the darkness. Her hands clenched the wood, and a small sigh escaped her. I'm dreading it, too, Angara. I fear having those dreadful memories made real. All my life has been moving toward this, and I cannot say I find myself adequate to the task. We are neither of us adequate, Pio. And possibly, we will fail. Hope is all we have now and that is cold comfort. Yet hope is what we do have, Angara, and I will take comfort from it as I can. They sat together on the deck and watched the moon move in its downward course to sink below the Western horizon. Then came darkness and the little light of stars, and memories of lands lost and loved ones gone. [ July 15, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#197 |
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Very near morning Rose went up to the deck to find Pio in a half dose next to Angara.
"Pio?" She asked shaking the elf slightly "Have you been up here all night? Still think we need a guard? Pio your troubled. Far more then anyone else. What's wrong? What do you know..or guess."
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin "The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?) |
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#198 |
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Before Child had fallen asleep the night before, she had spent several hours reading about dragons and how they had fought for Morgoth in the wars of Beleriand. Now she understood why Angara had been filled with sadness and fear.
Child also sensed that there was something missing from the ancient lore. For there was nothing in the stories about the dragons who had lived in Middle-earth before Morgoth had tampered with them. Yet she knew that such dragons must have existed. Her Uncle Bilbo had once confided to her that, however strong evil might be, the Shadow could not create life out of nothing. It could only take and corrupt beings that already existed. And no sentient being was created who did not have freedom to chose their path in life, whether for good or evil. On more than one occasion, Angara had expressed great anger that Morgoth had ruined and distorted most of her kin. She had told Child that only a few of her kind remained. Indeed, these true dragons were so rare that most people did not even believe they existed. Moreover, these original dragons were smaller and less powerful than the creatures manipulated and bred by the Shadow. They had just one advantage over their evil cousins. They were exceedingly fast and agile, more so than the powerful, lumbering creatures who served the Dark. No wonder Angara was reluctant to return to Beleriand. Once again, she would witness the sad fall of her kind, and be powerless to change their fate. Once again she would rage with fury against Morgoth who used and distorted her kin. Then a terrible possibility struck Child's mind. What if Angara intended to face the Dark Enemy and force a confrontation, a scenario that could only end in disaster for the dragon? Or, even more to be feared, what if Morgoth determined to corrupt Angara and, like so many before, she found it impossible to resist? These thoughts wove in and out of her dreams all night and were still on her mind as she awoke the next morning. Then, as she rose to meet the day, one last possibility hit her. What if these doubts and fears had been purposely placed in her mind, and Angara's as well, and perhaps even that of Pio, by some outside force to dissuade them from going? Child knew that Elves had many strengths which she did not, but they were also prone to extended bouts of longing and sadness, feelings which she as a hobbit did not normally have. Hobbits might know fear in a frightening situation, but they did not dwell on imagined evils. Yet that is precisely what she had been doing last night. Child shook her head and resolved to push back the cloud afflicting her thoughts. She decided to have breakfast with Kali, and then go to speak with Piosenniel and Mithadan about how quickly they could manage to make their way out of this harbor. For surely they would need to sail down the Anduin to reach the Bay before they could attach the time-travel device and mysteriously vanish from this age. [ July 15, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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#199 |
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Khelek's heart told a dark foreboding during the night. He watched the white foam playing on the waves of the ocean until the moon had reached it's peak for the night. Feeling restless, the Elf made his way to 'The Lonely Star.' In the moonlight, the ship gleamed, and the real dragon perched on top seemd just like another part of the ship. Khelek heard Poi talking gently to the dragon, and knew the dragon must be responding. He drew his cloak closer around him and balanced himself on a gangway, watching the water shimmer in the starlight and moonlight until the Sun shone her brightness across the Sea.
"What shall we do, what shall we do!" he cried. "Escaping goblins to be caught be wolves!" |
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#200 |
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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ooc: I'll be gone till Friday or Saturday. There might me computures where I'm going but I doubt it. Be nice to me and answer my questions Pio! LOL! Don't kill me. And don't have too much fun without me. Good Luck!
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin "The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?) |
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