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Old 04-05-2007, 10:51 AM   #161
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Blimey, clearly I should have read the admin thread at lunchtime!!!!

Rather annoying to be described as stalling when one has made a huge effort to participate even for 20 minutes 4-5 hours earlier than wouldhave been otherwise possible......

Idle wolves ..... does anyone really think for a second that I would have missed a kill? I was online yesterday til nearly the deadline thought I am not sure I posted enough to prove it.
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Old 04-05-2007, 11:27 AM   #162
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Nogrod, you wrote earlier:
I have a suggestion. I hope you agree with it.

So how about we just make a deal that no one discusses the events of the last Night and uses none of the information s/he might have gained, direct or indirect, as evidence or reason to back up any of her/his views in-game?

The other possibility surely is that we exploit all there is, but I think that would not be wise if we wish to maintain something like a fair play here.

Surely everyone is allowed to make her/his deductions of things that have happened outside the game-thread - I have done a lot myself already. But let us try to not use them as arguments in-game and try to find other ways to make our points about suspicions and feeling easier about people?
Okay, Roa has decided to exploit this issue...her vote is not exactly something I agree with, but I'm not going worry about it for the moment.

The thing is, Nogrod seemed so against making arguments and decisions based on what happened last Night. Now that Roa has brought it up, he seems a little too eager to jump on Gil for the same reasons. This makes me a bit uneasy.

So, perhaps we could go on analyzing who the wolf may be based on last Night's events, but I don't think that'll get us anywhere. Alright, maybe some could be more likely to let a kill go than others, but honestly, would any wolf really want that to happen, especially after a Day One lynching of their mate? I think the most likely explanation for what happened is that something came up in RL for at least one of the wolves that was unavoidable and there was a misunderstanding between the two on who was submitting the kill. I'm not sure...but it's not something we will know until the game is over. But I think lynching someone only based on this is very weak.

I still don't understand this bandwagon against Lommy. Perhaps I am being blindly misled, but for now I have to agree with Sixth and say her posts seem fairly honest and trustful to me. I don't know...all this mistrust towards her is rather confusing to me. If she is still alive tomorrow, I suppose I'll start examining her more closely...maybe there is something I'm just not seeing.

On tgwbs, I really have no idea whether he is innocent or not...certainly there are plenty who seem to think the latter. While I don't agree with his suspicions on Lommy and Roa, he doesn't really give off a wolfish vibe for me. As of the moment, I feel rather hesitant to vote for tgwbs.

Okay, this is how I'm seeing things right now:

Most Likely Innocent:
Sixth Wizard

Possibly Innocent:


Slightly Suspicious:

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Old 04-05-2007, 11:28 AM   #163
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Lommy's posts yesterDay have been talked of enough, so here's what she said today. She has very limited time, let's see how she spent it.


She comments about people being snappy and edgy, when at the same time we are doing fine. I already said how suspicious I find this.

Her comment about the non-kill is classically lommyish, but does not really further our cause.


She says a cunning and bold wolf might have voted like Six did. Doesn't this imply that a cunning and bold wolf would have voted the way Lommy herself voted, too? Yet she said the things I said about her made her raise an eyebrow (without explanation why). If I'm oversimplifying things, then at least I'm not aware of this.

What has happened to Gil??? I quite like his new self, and would not like voting him right now without strong judgement.
I don't know what this is supposed to mean. Did I miss something? Gil is more outspoken than he used to be (praise Eru!), why is she putting talk about voting him in there?

She's suspicious of tgwbs and will look at him closer.

There's also some good advice for Six and some joking. All nice, but isn't time pressing us?


Brinniel - innocent: agreement here
Gil - again, says she likes his way, but immediately talks about lynching him again, even though she says she doesn't want to. I'm sorry, but this leaves a sneaky impression with me.
Legate - funny, yes, but I have no idea how she got there.
Me - hasty and edgy? I don't know about hasty, but I'm sure I've been more edgy in some past games.
Mith - puts her in the middle zone, but somehow this one feels really sneaky
Nogrod - she made up her mind about Roa's analysis and apparently decided to dismiss it.
Rikae - nothing
Roa - she decided not to like Roa's analysis, that's ok. She still believes Roa to be innocent, that's ok, too.
tgwbs - bad case against her, deliberately misunderstanding Roa, Roa makes good points against him: this is all not inherently suspicious, but, lacking a better word right now, hasty.
Six - innocentish, but unsure: this is interpretable in both ways
Xyzzy - nothing, of course

Her conclusion: tgwbs or me, maybe Mith or Legate


She votes tgwbs for his bad case against her. Just because it's not unexpected now, it doesn't mean it's not retaliation.
He seems very edgy/jumpy too.
Yes, he does! But that does not necessarily point towards wolvishness. More often, in fact, it points towards the opposite.

Well, Lommy's posts today do not cry wolf, but also aren't model-innocentish by far. I did not encounter one thing that made me feel more easy about her than before. If she is evil, then her behaviour fits seamlessly. If I had a better suspect today, I would go with that one, but I don't. Unless something strange happens, I will vote Lommy today.

This makes three votes for Lommy now. I'm really interested in seeing what rivaling bandwaggon will appear against Lommy's.

PS: I suggest that those who spill the milk shall have to drink it.

edit: crossed with Brinn
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Old 04-05-2007, 11:43 AM   #164
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Just registered this Post 37

We don't know if we have a ranger though, so if we go a night with out a kill, we cannot assume that a person was protected. Roa

So no kill means that the wolves just decided not to kill anybody? Why not come to the sensible conclusion that no kill = ranger? Why is she trying to make us doubt even this? TGWBS

Maybe we have very cunning wolves rather than idle ones... but Brinniel, that isn't a confession.....

Is it coincidence, TGWBS trying to frame Roa, or Roa bluffing....? I need to go through everything... but if anyone else is inclined ot give their opinion I woul dbe interested.
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Old 04-05-2007, 11:49 AM   #165
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As of now, the official voting count looks like this:

tgwbs: 2
Mithalwen: 1
Gil-Galad: 1
Lommy: 1

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong...

Five votes down, seven to go...

I have to run to class right now, but I will be back around an hour before deadline, which should give me enough time to vote.
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Old 04-05-2007, 11:59 AM   #166
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Originally Posted by Mithalwen
We don't know if we have a ranger though, so if we go a night with out a kill, we cannot assume that a person was protected. Roa

So no kill means that the wolves just decided not to kill anybody? Why not come to the sensible conclusion that no kill = ranger? Why is she trying to make us doubt even this? TGWBS
It just occurred to me that we might have a Cursed Villager among us, a villager who, when attacked by the wolves, turns into one of them. This would result in a night without a kill, too.
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Old 04-05-2007, 12:05 PM   #167
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Originally Posted by Macalaure
It just occurred to me that we might have a Cursed Villager among us, a villager who, when attacked by the wolves, turns into one of them. This would result in a night without a kill, too.
But why would then Menel speak about delaying the deadline because of the wolves not sending him the kill?
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Old 04-05-2007, 12:12 PM   #168
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I doubt he would have actually stated that he had decided not to kill anyone in those circumstances. But that doesn't mean that there isn't a cursed of course....
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Old 04-05-2007, 12:13 PM   #169
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Okay. Here's what I have for Gil-Galad

#5 Two line nonsense.

#31 Suspects Lommy for “defending” Roa. Speculates whether they could be our gifteds. Ends up suspecting them both. A weird post I must say.

#38 Votes for Lommy

#62 Comes back to state his point that if Lommy is a wolf then Roa and The Sixth might be as well and if she is innocent then the two would be innocent as well.

#120 His longest post in ww-history as he said it. And it’s just so weird... First he lists the votes from D1 and says that those who voted for Glirdy tend to be innocent (which is not true or at least anything obvious). He notes that Brinn and Mith voted somewhat strangely.

Then comes this I don’t know what to say about:
another thing that bugs me today, is Macalaures post, is it a conicendence that your inncoent list contains Mith and Sixth, which if i do math again, included your self will equal the remaining wolves? (i'm uncertain right now of how many wolves we have in the vilalge, is it three or four?) if it is indeed only 3 wolves then i will proabaly let this accusation slide.
It is followed by reasoning about Glirdy trying to cover for his mate The Sixth by voting him. But it was that early so would that have been necessary or wise? I don’t think so.

Then his list:
suspicious ~ Lommy, sixth
somewhat suspicious ~ Mithalwen, Macalaure
unsure ~ Tgwbs, Legate,
somewhat innocent ~ Roa, Rikae, Nogrod, Xyzzy
Post ends with a suggestion to vote for The Sixth...

#122 Answers Roa by a counter-attack. Doesn’t think people should be “compassionate” towards newbies. Suggests that if Roa defends The Sixth she might be a wolf defending her mate.

#150 Votes for Mith because Mith tried to cover for Glirdy with her vote on Day1. Which I find an interesting interpretation. Wonders about Lommy defending Roa and then Roa defending Lommy. Thinks tgwbs innocent.

#156 Defends himself against Roa again, quite concernedly. Thinks Lommy and Roa have a tag-team against him, feels cornered by everyone (accuses Roa and Lommy about it).

So what to say of this? I think most of his stated reasons to suspect this or that player are quite bad. But it's hard to read him in the first place. He really manages to puzzle me.

I had some preliminary ideas about him and Lommy being two wolves but I think I need to drop that idea. His insistence on suspecting (and voting) Lommy is not something I'd expect from a lupine Gil - from some others I might expect it though.

The only thing that raises my eyebrows with some real concern is his unexpected activity in this game. It's a good thing, no doubt about that. It just makes me wonder a bit.

I'm less convinced of his lupinity at the moment but would not free him from suspicion either.

Something on Lommy in a minute...

EDIT: X'd with many...
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Old 04-05-2007, 12:26 PM   #170
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I happily noted that Mac had done Lommy for toDay so I can spare myself from writing everything down.

So here's what I have on Lommy D1.

#15 Cool post, defending Roa and Rikae slightly and suspecting Glirdy with reservations. Especially this caught my attention:
Glirdan then... he's the one to turn heads this morning... and for a reason. His jump to support Rikae's feeble-ish accusations so early is like an example from the classic Spot-a-Wolf -book. He seems suspicious to me, yet I wonder if a wolf'd be this... obvious.
Could be read as a wolf-on-wolf suspicion but could be read off quite innocentishly as well.

#17 Makes the case against Glirdy more open:
Yes, Glirdan seems quite taking Rikae's point - which was not an accusation in my opinion - and turning it to an accusation while trying to make it seem that Rikae's with him there... Looks quite bad...
#18 Votes Glirdan with the following explanation:
He looks quite bad. (Though possibly he looks too bad to be a real baddie.)
I must say that the evidence against him is in a way quite feeble (at this phase of the day) - I would love to hear Glirdy explaining his actions or responding to the accusations against him in some way, for one, and it's never wise to judge on the basis of only a few posts - but I'm going to vote him because he simply seems clearly the most suspicious of those who have posted this far.
Her reservations over her vote are perfectly reasonable as there was little to base one’s decision at that time and as an innocent one would be a bit worried about one’s vote. But then again it is easy to see that as a wolf she couldn’t switch from the road she had taken and vote for someone else anymore at that time – and she was in a hurry, innocent or not.

Summa summarum. It's pretty easy to construct two interpretations on Lommy here. In the one she's the reasonable and caring villager who tries to remember every time the best of the village, is careful (to the point of waffling? ) and calm. In the other she's the cunning wolf who exploits her RL-hindrances to the fullest and wears the mask of a reasonable person with little time on her hands. I wouldn't be surprised by either one. She could pull out the tricksery stuff but she could as well be innocent.

I need to find better candidates...
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Old 04-05-2007, 12:32 PM   #171
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triple posting...

And just two small points before I take a short break (I'll be back soon).

Reading Glirdy on the way of looking Lommy and Gil brought these two things forwards...

Glirdy's way of raising suspicions on Roa in #8 speaks to the favour of Roa being innocent.

In #20 he first suspects Lommy and then eats that suspicion and goes for The Sixth. I don't know if this clears The Sixth but I think it's one more small thing that makes me think him innocent. What about Lommy then? If there were reasons to suspect her of wolvery this might add to them but if not... I'm not sure. Just thought it would be good to remind you of these two things.
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Old 04-05-2007, 01:36 PM   #172
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I am probably being dim but I can't quite see why Lommy is drawing so much suspicion.

I am slo still uneasy about Brinniel's saying she had promised not to vote for Glirdan yesterday then backtracking today to say he was second choice for a vote. Those statements don't square to me but I may be biased becasue she is trying to make a case against me ..however the reasoning for my (allegedly) throwaway vote still stands.......

Legate makes me uneasy too... I think last's endgame is significant but need to take another look.
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:00 PM   #173
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Okay. I will not repeat all the things said on / by tgwbs yesterDay. I just sum up some of the things that bothered me with him yesterDay.

His bogus case on Lommy and insistence to stick with it.

His stated view that we should not use our time discussing the gifteds and his actions of doing mainly that (and thence making it harder to have any other discussion).

All this “trying to look helpful without being helpful” –stuff. It’s all too easy way to throw accusations around when there is no substance. Admittedly he has made quite a row about the possible substance with Roa after these events...

As Rikae and Macalaure pointed out he also said this:
Roa and I are both known for loudmouths, and loudmouths have a thing for calling attention to themselves and getting lynched for no reason.
Pre-emptive lupine defence?

And most importantly his voting which nicely brought Lommy level with a known wolf. Also it felt like a detached vote: an innocent villager would not be ready to vote for a cabable player (and bring her level to share the lead) early in the game with that bad reasons tgwbs presented at the time. Also I got the same vibes from him the last time and he turned out a wolf then.

Then something from toDay.

#142 There is this “anti-waffling” of him... I mean his continued insistence on the interpretation on Lommy’s vote for Glirdy
To me, with hindsight, this looks very much like a wolf-on-wolf vote. Lommy says her evidence is feeble, so she can distance herself from it in the future, but she still manages to vote for a fellow wolf. Saying her evidence is feeble also decreases the potential of the vote becoming a bandwagon.
Lommy’s vote can be constructed both ways but tgwbs decides to be “sure” it is this way. That I find unnerving. Too decisive people are worrysome.

#143 This has all the good reasoning behind it:
I don't think Nogrod is a wolf. If he were, and presuming Lommy to be a wolf too, I think the sensible course of action would be to vote for me so that there would be a 1/3 chance of an innocent dying, rather than 0.
After Brinn had first appreciated Roa’s terribly bad analysis of me and then brought forwards her confusing theory about myself and Mith wishing to lynch Xyzzy because we were wolves (I don’t of course know about Mith but I doubt it) and Mac had also said Roa had good points and even speculated on it, it felt quite good to read these words of reason. But immediately I realised this psychological effect that it had and started to wonder whether that wouldn’t be just the thing a wolf-tgwbs would need to do? Appease some of those who openly suspected him the Day before. I was a good target as there had been some suspicions raised against me on weak grounds and I would then welcome his reasonableness and lower my suspicions... A bit complicated I agree and am not sure what to think of it.

#147 He still only includes interpretations that back his idea of Lommy and Roa being wolves. I don't deny the possibility, not at all, but a decent villager would note that there are other ways of interpreting things that are equally reasonable.

In general I’ll leave the row between tgwbs and Roa be. I see no reason to dwell in it now. But this argument against Roa in #155 needs to be restated just for fun:
I do not need to analyse you, because your unreasonable obstinance on this matter is more than enough to make me confident of your wolvishness.
There is Finnish proverb that talks about a pot blaming a saucepan while they both are black on the sides...

So what to say about all this?

I have all the reasons to suspect tgwbs. More than others at this point I think. But I must admit that I waver again (even waffle? ). It may be just the differences in style or approach too... unlike tgwbs I can’t say I’m sure.
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:03 PM   #174
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Btw. Brinniel, I saw this as I reread the posts.
Originally Posted by Brinn
Now if xyzzy is innocent, then a werewolf Nogrod or Mithalwen, or even both, would knowingly push for the lynching of an innocent, using his absence as an excuse.
Why should a wolf wish to drive openly a lynch of Xyzzy which draws attention? There were three candidates who could realistically be lynched by that time: Glirdy, Lommy and tgwbs. Assuming us the wolves we should have gone for Lommy or tgwbs and that would have been easy taking account of how many suspicions had been raised on them (I had suspected tgwbs already the whole Day). And you can’t say wolf-Nogrod and wolf-Mith didn’t wish to do that because also tgwbs and Lommy were wolves too... That’d make five wolves...

Where is everyone? An hour left!
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:04 PM   #175
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The only thing I would mention is the point I made about him saying that the wolves forgoing a kill was ridiculous.... if TGWBS is a wolf he has missed a kill.... would he do that to prove a point he had made himself....

But you are right about me not being a wolf Noggie...
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:16 PM   #176
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Originally Posted by Mithalwen
if TGWBS is a wolf he has missed a kill....
That's true. And it is true of every other wolf-candidate too. But Brinniel is right. It maybe for whatever RL-reason.
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:18 PM   #177
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Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc
But why would then Menel speak about delaying the deadline because of the wolves not sending him the kill?
Oh, no, no! You misunderstand me. Or I wasn't clear enough...

I was referring to Mith, who was referring to Roa's and tgwbs's general point about being able to count with a ranger if there's no kill in one night. If there is nothing special, as there was tonight, Roa is right here, because of the possible existance of a Cursed.
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:19 PM   #178
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Originally Posted by Nogrod
Why should a wolf wish to drive openly a lynch of Xyzzy which draws attention?
Because the reasoning behind lynching xyzzy, who is quite possibly innocent would make sense. As you and Mithalwen mentioned, you were not sure if he'd ever show up at all...a perfect excuse to lynch an innocent, while not making it look suspicious. Legate was partially going for this idea as well, and I know all three of you couldn't be wolves. If this was indeed a werewolf's plot, this using the "no-show-player" excuse did work in bringing at least one innocent onto the wolf's (or wolves') side. And such an excuse makes your actions towards the idea of a xyzzy lynch not suspicious at all.

Ugh...I feel like I'm rambling. I hope that made sense.
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:22 PM   #179
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Originally Posted by Nogrod
That's true. And it is true of every other wolf-candidate too. But Brinniel is right. It maybe for whatever RL-reason.

And he didn't post elsewhere on the downs yesterday... hmmm
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:26 PM   #180
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Don't get me wrong, but I think all this speculation about who might have missed to send the kill to Menel and who might not is really low-level Werewolf...
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:28 PM   #181
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Originally Posted by Macalaure
Oh, no, no! You misunderstand me. Or I wasn't clear enough...

I was referring to Mith, who was referring to Roa's and tgwbs's general point about being able to count with a ranger if there's no kill in one night. If there is nothing special, as there was tonight, Roa is right here, because of the possible existance of a Cursed.
Oh. Of course, sorry. It seemed very strange to me you were discussing it.

Originally Posted by Mithalwen
And he didn't post elsewhere on the downs yesterday... hmmm
Oh, I don't think we should bring this into play... it's not fair play.
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:28 PM   #182
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Originally Posted by Brinniel
Because the reasoning behind lynching xyzzy, who is quite possibly innocent would make sense. As you and Mithalwen mentioned, you were not sure if he'd ever show up at all...a perfect excuse to lynch an innocent, while not making it look suspicious. Legate was partially going for this idea as well, and I know all three of you couldn't be wolves. If this was indeed a werewolf's plot, this using the "no-show-player" excuse did work in bringing at least one innocent onto the wolf's (or wolves') side. And such an excuse makes your actions towards the idea of a xyzzy lynch not suspicious at all.

Ugh...I feel like I'm rambling. I hope that made sense.

Not really.... since if I were a wolf I would not do something so conspicuous.... and I since you are suspicious it would not have been such a good plan to make myself look innocent would it? And Xyzzy has not been proved innocent.....

In fact on the surface, you would have to say if there were 2 wolves remaining and they failed (rather than designed) to demand a kill... then Xyzzy and Gil would probably be the 2 most likely too.. however there may be extreme RL circs that made a less likely player miss it.....
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:30 PM   #183
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Originally Posted by Brinniel
a perfect excuse to lynch an innocent, while not making it look suspicious.
Possibly. But I still fail to see a reason for a wolf to act like that when there were much better candidates of whom someone had to be innocent if we don't have a pack of wolves around here... Anyhow, I think we have more important things to discuss now than this. There are still seven votes to give and all is open.
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:33 PM   #184
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Originally Posted by Mac
Don't get me wrong, but I think all this speculation about who might have missed to send the kill to Menel and who might not is really low-level Werewolf...
It's a waste of time.'re not going to find out who the werewolf is through this. Let's be logical and base our votes on what's in this thread, not elsewhere.

Half an hour left... Where are Legate, Gil, and Rikae?

I'm assuming xyzzy won't be voting again...

Well, whether the posting speeds up or not, I think I'll vote very soon. I feel pretty confident in who I want to vote for, unless something dramatically changes...

EDIT: X-ed with a lot of people. There you are Legate...
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:35 PM   #185
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Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc
Oh, I don't think we should bring this into play... it's not fair play.
I agree. It might have been whatever reason between the earth and heaven so let's leave this. I myself feel much better this way too...

But any ideas you people? Everyone is just waiting, but waiting for what?
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:35 PM   #186
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Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc
Oh, I don't think we should bring this into play... it's not fair play.
This isn't cricket you know ..or these days maybe it is..... and I think the genie is out of the bottle on that one this game

And I personally I always have a quick check at recent posting if someone claims RL has prevented them posting much. It is not fool proof but gives a hint as to the degree of economy with the actualite....
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:35 PM   #187
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Let's fix it:

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Old 04-05-2007, 02:36 PM   #188
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Who blinks first of course ...
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:40 PM   #189
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Originally Posted by Mithalwen
Who blinks first of course ...
C'mon. That's foolishness! Why don't you people say what you mean (or why you vote like you do)? Why this secrecy? Wolves around perhaps?

I'm inclined to vote for tgwbs as I can't see better candidates.

What say you?
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:41 PM   #190
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I'm inclined to vote for TGWBS or Brinniel.
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:42 PM   #191
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Can I persuade anybody to vote Lommy?
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:44 PM   #192
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OK I knowI am innocent and don't want to get lynched.

I have a suspicion that TGWBS may be gifted not a wolf but could be sooooooooo wrong.....

I still don't understand why Lommy is so suspected ....

Brinniel and Gil are definitely misguided and one of them may well be a wolf.

Both would be unlikely.

Legate makes me very uneasy but not exactly sure why..may be a memory of gettin git so wrong last game...
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:45 PM   #193
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Originally Posted by Nogrod
But any ideas you people? Everyone is just waiting, but waiting for what?
Waiting for someone to slip, of course. After reading it I think I don't have anything to add to your little debate up here. I just hope you&Mith are not wolves.

Originally Posted by Mithalwen
And I personally I always have a quick check at recent posting if someone claims RL has prevented them posting much. It is not fool proof but gives a hint as to the degree of economy with the actualite....
I know what you mean and I agree with it, but then we can rightaway all play in Visible mode. Anyway, this is about nothing, let's leave that matter once and for all.

On a more gaming note - so far I have seen nothing here to change my opinion on my vote. I hope we won't see some wolfstream in the last moment. I am going to wait yet, so the last minute rumble makes sense, but Lommy it is for me.
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:45 PM   #194
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Originally Posted by Macalaure
Can I persuade anybody to vote Lommy?
I do have some suspicions on Lommy too but at the same time there is as good case to be made that she is innocent. If she actually is able to participate more on Day3 I would like to hear more from her then...
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:46 PM   #195
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Looking at the voting tallies, I'm not going to spread it out and make the mistake of another throwaway vote...

Nogrod still remains suspicious to me, though I'm also thinking that if we have a cobbler on our hands, he could quite possibly be it. I'll leave him alone for toDay.

I'm still not convinced Lommy is a wolf...I think she's more innocent than anything.

I'm also not convinced about tgwbs either. I think he's more suspicious than Lommy, but I don't want to vote for him.

I still find Gil a little suspicious, but I don't yet have enough evidence to make a strong case against him. So, I will let him off the hook...for toDay at least.

For reasons and theories I've already stated, Mithalwen has remained at the top of my suspicion list for sometime. With that said...


Hopefully, I won't be so far off as I was yesterDay...

EDIT: X-ed with last six posts
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:48 PM   #196
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I still don't understand why Lommy is so suspected ....
Put very short, yesterday she voted Glirdan while strongly disencouraging anybody to follow her. She wasn't just saying she was not sure about him, but more.

Today, it's more a general 'aura' of... dishonesty. Many things she said just feel wrong (check my analysis)
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:49 PM   #197
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Originally Posted by Mithalwen
I have a suspicion that TGWBS may be gifted not a wolf but could be sooooooooo wrong.....
That thought has passed my mind too, but looking how decidedly he went for both Lommy and Roa already on Day1 and the way he plays overall quite eases that fear. No sensible gifted would play that way... too risky for the village. And tgwbs is a sensible guy.
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:50 PM   #198
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Oh why not vote me since I am clearly so unsporting? But I think you are being hopelessly naive and unrealistic.... everyone refers to other games .... what is so wrong to check up as far as one can if people are being honest about their time for participation .... I mean I understand RL..I just take it with a pinch of salt if I see someone has posted a ton elsewhere the downs....
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:51 PM   #199
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Originally Posted by Brinniel

Hopefully, I won't be so far off as I was yesterDay...

You are .... you are.....
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:52 PM   #200
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Lommy > tgwbs
The Sixth > tgwbs
Gil > Mith
Roa > Gil
Tgwbs > Lommy (tgwbs2, Mith1, Gil1, Lommy1)
Mac > Lommy (tgwbs2, Mith1, Gil1, Lommy2)
Brinn > Mith (tgwbs2, Mith2, Gil1, Lommy2)

Not voted: Mith, Legate, Rikae, Xyzzy, Nogrod
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