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Old 07-09-2002, 04:24 PM   #121
Shade of Carn Dûm
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GreatWarg has just left Hobbiton.

The sentries at the Citadel had agreed to keep a sharp watch for mysterious, or untrustworthy-looking folk. Though the term 'mysterious' seemed to apply to himself as well. Khelek had wandered around Minas Tirith, several times catching sight of folk he knew had come with the two hobbit lasses he had met in the library earlier. They all carried the same air of mystery and knowledge of long-forgotten events that even the wisest lore-masters did not know.

The Elf was a common sight indeed in Minas Tirith, for he was a lore-master whom often visited and would give counsel to the Lords of the West. Faramir had been a most interesting young Man, loving lore and eager to learn more. King Elesser's time marked the end of the knowledge of Elves, though they were still preserved in the hordes of scrolls in the library. "And in that library contains the information about the fall of Numenor," the Elf sharply reminded himself.
"What shall we do, what shall we do!" he cried. "Escaping goblins to be caught be wolves!"
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Old 07-09-2002, 04:45 PM   #122
Spirit of Mist
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

The shadows of the docks concealed Mithadan well. But after a few hours passed without the appearance of any person more unsavory than a drunken sailor, he resolved to again enter the city. Khelek, if the Elf who Piosenniel had encountered was indeed Khelek, had last been seen entering the citadel itself, but that had been nearly ten hours before.

Upon entering the city's second circle, he inquired of a passerby what inns or taverns might be frequented by the elder race. He was given three names and set off to find the nearest; Lasgalen, The Green Wood.
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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Old 07-09-2002, 04:59 PM   #123
Shade of Carn Dûm
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GreatWarg has just left Hobbiton.

Khelek slowly wound his way to a tavern called 'Lasgalen, The Green Wood.' Though it was midnight, there were still folk on the streets, and in the many inns and taverns there were still many a folk gossiping and trading news. Elves normally preferred sleeping under the stars, but a sudden deep longing for the Sea had erupted within the Elf and could not be quenched when he had seen 'The Lonely Star.' The music of the Valar was tempting him to leave Middle-earth. "Not yet," the Elf sighed sadly, looking at the Stars of Elbereth. "There is still much to do before I go West.
"What shall we do, what shall we do!" he cried. "Escaping goblins to be caught be wolves!"
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Old 07-09-2002, 05:21 PM   #124
Child of the 7th Age
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Child sat in her tiny cabin below deck, perched on her bed, with books and papers again spread around her. This was beginning to be her customary pose.

Child was stll trying to make some sense out of what Kali had told her. Sometimes she felt that she was unravelling an onion. One layer would be stripped away, and there were ten more underneath. Indeed, she had later asked Kali where the main group of hobbits had gone, when his own family and friend had been left behind on the little piece of land. He had merely shaken his head and told her that he did not know.

Child had not yet had time to share Kali's information with her friends. Perhaps, that would come later. She felt that it was particularly important Mithadan be given whatever scraps of ancient lore she could unearth, even if the meaning of these tales was not yet certain to her. She wrote a hurried note to summarize what Kali had said and slipped it inside her belt. She reminded herself to slip it under his door later that evening.

Rose had spoken excitedly of her meeting with Lord Merry and Pippin and then of her private session with the king. Child had to admit that she had felt a twinge of regret. It sounded far more exciting to be out meeting great figures of lore than hunting and scraping about in dusty scrolls.

Perhaps she could go out tomorrow and meet Aragorn. That, however, was unlikely. She needed to go back to the Minas Tirith library and search again for clues. That strange Elf might even be there.

She was about to bury her head back into her books, when the figure of Angara appeared in her door frame, totally filling it. The dragon tucked her head down and came tumbling into the room.

He quipped to her quite sharply, "Read any good riddles lately?" and then he disappeared.
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Old 07-09-2002, 06:06 PM   #125
Spirit of Mist
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

Lasgalen was an inn housed in a two story building crafted of white stone. Outside its door stood large planters in which white and blue flowers grew. As he approached the air became filled with the scent of fresh baked bread and spiced meats. He slipped through the open door and looked about at a common room lit by hanging lanterns and cnadles atop the several tables. Brightly coloured tapestries decorated the walls.

Several elves and a number of men filled the tables and the quiet murmur of conversation barely obscured the sound of someone playing a harp. He made his way to the bar and chose a seat from which he could see the entire room. He ordered a cup of chilled wine as he discreetly examined the faces of those at the tables.

He had nearly finished his wine when Khelek entered the room. Their eyes met and the Elf appeared to consider leaving for a moment. Then he shrugged and approached Mithadan at the bar.

"Well met," said Mithadan. "Perhaps you might join me for some quiet conversation?" Somehow, his voice made the polite request seem like a demand.
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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Old 07-09-2002, 06:21 PM   #126
Rose Cotton
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Rose Cotton has just left Hobbiton.

Rose was happy to see that no one was angry at her for having told their secrets. But the fact that she had not seen Child at all for a long time put a damper on her spirits. She asked around and was told the the hobbit was down working. So Rose went down to them.
"Child?" she looked up at Rose quickly before looking back down at her work. "Child, you will be coming with us tommorow, won't you?'

"I might Rose, but I have to find out what happened to the hobrim. I will probably have to go the library again."

"Oh come on Child!" pleaded Rose " Please! Aragorn could help us. And he will be able to aid our cause better if we can give him all the information we have. And NO ONE has looked into this more then you. He even invited Kali to go to him. Take your nose out of your books and come have some fun. You never know, we may see Faramir..."
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 07-09-2002, 06:23 PM   #127
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Losthuniel has just left Hobbiton.

Celeaewen leaned forward to listen to Rose.
"Could we really go and see the King?"
Rose nodded. "Come along with us"
Celeaewen smiled broadly.
"I'd love to!"

<<i hope no one minds if i am accompaning you to see Aragorn. if its a problem, I'll edit this out>>
~* Losthuniel
"Lord, what fools these mortals be!" Puck, Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
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Old 07-09-2002, 07:08 PM   #128
Child of the 7th Age
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Child flashed a warm smile at her friend. She was secretly pleased Rose had remembered her in all her adventures.

Child laughed and then replied, "I can not promise, but I will not say no. We will see whether Mithadan discovers anything tonight, and how things spin out tomorrow. Perhaps, there is some way I can satisfy both my obligations in the library and my curiosity to meet such a great King."

"Although the look Mithadan gave us as he departed this vessel was not encouraging. I would not count on him letting anyone off this ship, other than to forage through dusty and ancient scrolls."

"In fact, Rose, if there is any question about your leaving," Child lowered her voice, "I would definitely advise you to volunteer for the task of assisting me in the library, as this is the one way we can manage to squeeze in an adventure without too many questions from Mithadan!"

"Yet before we can say for certain, we must wait to see if anything happens tonight with this strange Elf."

And this time, Child silently pledged, even if we manage to meet Aragorn, I won't leave Rose roaming through the streets, but make certain she returns to the ship!
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Old 07-09-2002, 11:21 PM   #129
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Pio had been quite busy since the departure of Mithadan. She enlisted Angara to patrol the deck with her, promising that she would trade riddles with her and listen to her songs of the 'old days'. She could almost see the wyrm puff up like a pleased music teacher when she agreed to sing a Lay or so with her.

'We need to sing quietly, though.' she admonished the dragon. 'The others will be sleeping soon, I hope.'

'You mean to make a night of this, don't you?' asked Angara.

'Yes, the ship will be safe and all our precious "cargo" will be safe, also.'she replied. 'Now, please watch the exits from the deck while I speak with Levanto.'

Entering silently into the inky waters below the Star, she called softly. 'Levanto! Are you there?'

A ripple of water beat soft against her back and she turned, just in time to see him surface.

'Nice night for a swim!' he said in a hushed voice. 'May I join you?' The starlight sparkled in his merry eyes.

'Not tonight, sweet sea-prince,', she replied, in a flattering tone. 'I have a favor to ask of you.'

'Ask away, lady mine!', he replied in kind. 'I am yours to command.'

'Well, then, here's my plan.' she said, cozying up to him to seal the agreement, and began to talk to him of patrolling the waters about the ship to keep it safe tonight. And if anyone tried to enter or leave the ship by water, then he was to net them and bring them to her.

She climbed back to the deck and shook off the water as much as possible. There was a gentle, warm breeze playing up from the harbor to the land, and she hoped it would have her dry soon.

Sitting down in the shadows near the gangplank, she loosed her knife from her belt, and made herself as comfortable as possible to pass the night.

Angara! Come let us sing and talk. The night is long, but our memories are longer.
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-10-2002, 07:32 AM   #130
Child of the 7th Age
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Child lay in bed awake. She simply could not sleep. Even the ship seemed restless and unable to be silent. The timbers creaked, the ropes whined as the wind hit them, and she could still hear the noises from the docks below where men worked under the light of torches into the night loading and unloading provisions in preparation for the early morning departure of a vessel. It was quite unlike the time they had spent on the open Bay, when the silence of the night had been absolute and pure.

A small knock came to her door. It was Kali wearing a nightshirt and small candle in hand to guide him through the dark passages of the ship.

"Kali can not sleep. Heard noises so knew you were awake too." the little one whispered.

Child laughed, "Yes, I am having trouble closing my eyes, just as you are. Let's sit here and talk a bit."

Kali and Child went through a range of topics, most of them relating to the magnificent sights the hobbrim had seen the day before.

Then, they went on to play a game with words. One would suggest a word, and the other say what it made them think of. They managed to finish a number of words, many of them related to eating or things a hobbit might do at a party. They were both laughing and feeling much better. Kali reminded Child of her own son back home, or at least how he had been years before when he had been in his 'teens.

Without thinking what she was doing, Child started with words related to the ship. She began using terms that described the physical vessel and then moved on to those associated with sailing itself.

Again, with her mind wandering and teetering on the edge of sleep, she casually brought out the word "west." Kali shook his head and looked serious, "Not good, not good."

Child was too curious not to ask him what he meant by that.

Kali patiently replied, "I already tell you. Explained this afternoon. Ulmo say Kali's people go east, towards the Bay, and wait for ship with star. Going west not good."

The pieces of the puzzle clicked in place within Child's mind. So that is what the hobbrim had meant by clutching on to the helm and attempting to wrest it from Pio.

Child reassured Kali and explained, "Kali, I think Ulmo meant for you to wait here until we arrived. Now, however, our path of searching may take us again towards the west. And I think this is what Ulmo would have wanted. The West isn't bad. In fact, most of us believe it's very good and even special, just like you and your people are special."

Kali thought a moment, and seemed to accept Child's explanation. He went padding back to his cabin, as Child lay down to sleep.

[ July 10, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-10-2002, 08:33 AM   #131
Spirit of Mist
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

Khelek sat next to Mithadan at the bar. Mithadan examined the Elf carefully, noting that he appeared to be unarmed. Khelek was raven-haired and clad in a grey tunic with light blue breeches. He wore a grey cloak with a hood that was presently hanging behind him. Khelek exhibited the agelessness typical of Elves but possessed the air of one who had dwelt in Middle Earth for time uncounted.

"I am Mithadan," said the Man. "I am a member of the Lonely Star's crew. I believe that you have made aquaintance with some of my comrades already."

"I am Khelek," replied the Elf. "Well met indeed. Yes, I met Child and Rose at the Library of this city. You and I have also crossed paths as well as the Elf maiden who accompanies you."

"We have some mutual interests, I believe," replied Mithadan.

Khelek smiled. "That is not a question, is it? Yes, I have some interests in Hobbits and Hobrim. It appears our research and concerns may overlap."

"And what precisely might your interests be in this matter?" asked Mithadan. "For this is an issue of some concern to myself and my friends."

"All will be made clear soon enough," replied the Elf. "You and your fellows are invited to meet with myself and King Elessar on the morrow. Perhaps his approval of me will ease your obvious, but justifiably cautious, concerns. Good evening." With that the Elf rose and disappeared into the night.
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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Old 07-10-2002, 10:08 AM   #132
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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The moon had crept in its silver course across the sky,and hung now, a slim crescent, just above Arda's western rim.

Pio lay on her back on the deck, head cradled on one arm. With the fingers of her free hand, she traced the last pale star patterns in the sky.

It was that quiet time of night, just before day, when most creatures were still lost in dreams, and even the birds had not risen to give voice to the coming light.

Angara nudged her with her tail. Elf! are you awake?

In a quick fluid movement, Pio sprang to her feet, knife in hand. What is it! Someone comes?!

The dragon chuckled. 'Relax, good elf. There's no intruder. I've thought of a good song. One we didn't sing this night.'

Pio groaned inwardly. 'There is one we didn't sing yet? Hard to believe!! Alright, then, I did promise, and you've kept your word to watch with me. But still we must be quiet and not wake the others.'

She took a drink of water and cleared her throat, while Angara hummed the tune for her.

'I remember that! An ancient song of Dark and Light as I recall. Sad, and yet triumphant in its melancholy way. Let us start in the midst of it, where lies my favorite verses.'

In a soft, clear voice the elf began.

In that vast shadow once of yore
Fingolfin stood: his shield he bore
with field of heaven's blue and star
of crystal shining pale afar.

She sang on for several lines in the same soft voice, and then her voice took on a deeper tone.

Come forth, whom earth and heaven abhors!
Come forth! O monstrous craven lord,
and fight with thine own hand and sword,
thou wielder of hosts of banded thralls,
thou tyrant leaguered with strong walls,
thou foe of Gods and elvish race!
I wait thee here. Come! Show thy face!

Picking up the song in a darker tone, Angara sang.

Then Morgoth came. For the last time
in those great wars he dared to climb
from subterranean throne profound,
the rumour of his feet a sound
of rumbling earthquake underground.

Her voice trailed off, as she and Pio noted the two figures who had quietly crept to the top of the stairs to listen.

'Oh, don't stop!' cried Child. 'It's a grand song, and one I have not heard before. Please go on! One question though - what is it called and from where does it come?'

'It is called "The Lay of Leithian".' said Pio.

'And,' added Angara, smiling at her as if to share a secret, 'it is a lay from Beleriand.'

Kali crept closer to Child, his eyes wide.

[ July 10, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-10-2002, 10:38 AM   #133
Spirit of Mist
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

"Now where were we?" said Piosenniel. "Oh, yes...

Then Morgoth came. For the last time
in those great wars he dared to climb
from subterranean throne profound,
the rumour of his feet a sound
of rumbling earthquake underground."

At that moment, a figure clad entirely in black appeared at the top of the gangway with a cloak billowing in the breeze like wings of shadow. Kali shrieked and hid behind Child. Angara unfurled her wings and stepped forward with a snarl. Piosenniel drew a knife and stepped forward to meet the stranger.

The dark figure reached up and pulled back his hood. The dim lantern light revealed the face of Mithadan who stepped wearily forward to take a seat on a barrel.

"Mithadan!" cried Child. "You did give us a fright! Did you find Khelek? What did he say?"

Mithadan looked at Rose with a faint grin. "I hope that you are up to some more sewing, Mistress Rose," he said. "It appears that we are in the need of some finery. But it appears you will get your wish and see the King again."
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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Old 07-10-2002, 11:59 AM   #134
Child of the 7th Age
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Child breathed a sigh of relief. She and Rose would not have to slip out and skulk about the streets to set up a secret meeting. It appeared they were to have an official audience with the King. But before there were any thoughts of a new dress or skirt, something else needed to be done.

Child slipped out of the group as Mithadan left the deck. She extended her arm to his shoulder and gently guided him to the rail for a private conversation.

"Mithadan, I have a great favour to ask when we go to see the King. Is it possible to request that Aragorn set up a meeting for us with Lord Faramir before we leave Minas Tirith? This meeting needs to include at least myself and Kali, although I'd be very happy if others decided to come as well."

Mithadan looked slyly at Child, "Mistress Goodchilde, I thought you had reached the age when a handsome face no longer turned your eye so quickly."

Child laughed softly, but shook her head, "No, it isn't that. Kali is having dreams of a great flood. I can only assume that these dreams focus on the kingdom of Numenor. I am aware that Lord Faramir has had a number of visions as well. Perhaps, if the two could speak, or if Faramir could ask the hobbrim questions, Kali may remember things which he has not yet revealed to us."

Child then went ahead and explained to Mithadan what Kali had told her about his ancestors. She told how he and his friends had been separated from the other hobbits, and how they believed Ulmo had called to them to begin living in the Sea. Then she spoke the sad tale of how the little group had sailed east and, over the years, dwindled in numbers until he alone was left. Mithadan appeared thoughtful and said, "We shall see. It is not a bad idea."

[ July 10, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-10-2002, 02:20 PM   #135
Spirit of Mist
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

Rose worked long that night, hurriedly preparing clothing for all. The next morning, a messenger arrived bearing a note inviting the crew to an audience before the King Elessar. Rose, clad in a purple dress adorned with white lace, knocked on Mithadan's door. She handed him a parcel with a smile. "Not purple, I hope," he said with a dubious look at the package. "No, silly," replied Rose. "That wouldn't match your eyes." Mithadan blinked in surprise as he rarely considered his eyes when selecting clothing.

Rose had prepared for him a white shirt, a royal blue tunic trimmed with silver, grey breeches and a matching grey cloak. He put these on (how is it that women always have a sense for size and fit) and climbed to the deck, where he was greeted by Angara. "Very pretty," she said. "And what shall I wear? Perhaps a bandana round my throat?"

"Your skin would be beautiful enough," replied Mithadan. "But I am still unsure of your welcome. It would be best, I think, if you remained here. Besides, who would be left to rescue us if the sole purpose of the invitation were to arrest the lunatic 'time travellers'?"

"I doubt that we shall be arrested," laughed Rose who had come up behind him. "But, dear Angara, I fear Mithadan is right. Due to the acts of your 'cousins', dragons tend to have a poor reputation."

Angara blew an annoyed stream of smoke. "They were not my cousins. Those corrupted by the Enemy were disowned long ago. But I suppose you are correct. I will stay here while you have all the fun."
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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Old 07-10-2002, 02:29 PM   #136
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Khelek paced in front of the door to the King's chamber. He had much on his mind; including the 'chance-meetings' with the two hobbit lasses, the man Mithadan, and the brief glimpse of the Elf among the crowd.

The sentries barely glanced at him as they stood, tall and straight, bearing the insignias of the Tower of Guard. Khelek let his eyes stray to the walls, where magnificent tapestries and statuettes decored the broad hall, and minstrels, unseen, sang sweet music at times.

Footsteps echoed from down the hall, and turning, the Elf looked upon Mithadan and his company.
"What shall we do, what shall we do!" he cried. "Escaping goblins to be caught be wolves!"
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Old 07-10-2002, 02:44 PM   #137
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

As they walked towards the citadel, Mithadan turned to Rose and asked "Just how much did you tell Elessar of us? Did you portray us as seekers of knowledge concerning the Hobrim or did you tell him tales of the future and the battle against the Blue Wizards? If the latter, I suspect that we may be facing some doubt as to our truthfulness."
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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Old 07-10-2002, 03:58 PM   #138
Child of the 7th Age
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Rose pulled on Lord Mithadan's cloak and, as he bent over, whispered into his ear. "No, I was more discreet than that, since Child has been whispering in my ear both day and night how we must keep our business to ourselves."

"I did explain how an evil mariner had seized this vessel deceiving many good people into thinking they were sailing to the Blessed West. Hearing his many lies, we vowed to overpower him and his allies which we did using both strength and the small magic which our Elves possess. I said nothing of the REG or the wizards or even of Tuor or Idril."

"I did tell the King about finding the little hobbrim and how we hope to search and seek his family. The strangest thing, of all, is that Elessar did not seem totally shocked at the words I spoke. He looked thoughtful and questioning, but nothing more than that."
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Old 07-10-2002, 04:15 PM   #139
Child of the 7th Age
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Kali looked thoughtfully about the great halls and antechamber. His eyes grew wide with wonder. He had lived his entire life in the Sea. Never had he seen such beautiful objects so lovingly made by the hands of Elves, Dwarves, and Men.

Kali was, however, a bit frightened. He walked close to Child's side and actually tucked his hand into the pocket of her new dress. He felt stiff and a bit uncomfortable in the formal breeches and cloak which Rose had skillfully made for him.

As the herald announced their presence and they walked through the door, all eyes in the group were rivetted on the King who stood at the front surveying them with eyes, both gracious and stern.

All in the group, even Kali, dropped into a polite bow or curtsey to show the respect due a King who had already accomplished so much and brought life back to the land.

Elessar surveyed the group, giving a polite nod of acknowledgement to Mithadan and Khelak, and a smile to Rose. And then his eyes came to a halt.

He walked up and came before the figure of Kali. He looked into the eyes of the hobbrim and smiled.

For an instant Child thought Kali might freeze and do nothing, and that she would need to introduce him. But this did not happen.

Instead, Kali stepped forward and spoke with the lovely manners common to hobbits and hobrim:

Zirfan Aru Elessar,
(Beloved King Elessar,)

Kali, Azrubel, hobbrim.
I am Kali, lover of the Sea, a hobbrim.)

Hobbrim lai ayadda ephalak ad adun
(The hobbrim people went far away to the west.)

Kali, zaira nenud hobbrim lai.
(I, Kali, have a longing for the hobbrim folk.)

Kali continued in the common tongue so all could understand. "My friends and I seek my people. We do not know where they are, but we look. My friend Mistress Goodchilde will explain."

Child nodded and briefly explained the strange riddles and the stories Kali had shared with them. She continued, "We seek your blessing, and any tales or ancient lore you have that will aid our search."

[ July 10, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-10-2002, 05:03 PM   #140
Rose Cotton
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Rose Cotton has just left Hobbiton.

ooc: This is my perspectivie of events since my last post::

Rose couldn't sleep. But not because she was uncomfterble or frightened. She was exighted about a second meeting with the king.
So when feet shuffled past her door she went to follow. It was Child and Kali going to the top deck. She went behind them to find Pio and Angara singing a lovely tune.
Then Mith came aboard the ship and anounced that they would all go to the meeting and that Rose was to make sutible garments for all.
So a happier awake Rose went to work on elegant clothing the rest of the night.

The next day as they entered the king's hall Rose could barely keep herself from jumping with joy. When she saw Khelek she was overjoyed.

Everythings going to be alright.She thought.Everyone of importance will have a great talk and all will be resolved. We'll find Kali's family and there will be nothing to worry about.

When she was asuring Mith that she had kept their business to themselves she wished they could tell the whole truth. But she knew that that could never happen and therefor should not spoil her contentment.
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 07-10-2002, 05:35 PM   #141
Child of the 7th Age
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Aragorn looked again at Kali and directly addressed him, "Master Kali, I wish you great luck in your endeavor. I do not know what direction your ship should sail, or how to explain the strange words of these riddles or even to understand the tales that your own family has passed on."

"But I can tell you one thing which, long ago, Mithrandir spoke to me. It was after he had researched for long years into the ancient history of the realm. And I know that he looked at many scrolls in the archives of Minas Tirith."

"One evening, at a campfire, as we sat alone in the forest, he told me that there was a great deal more to hobbit history than had been remembered or recorded. And that perhaps one day, that lore would become important again. And that things that had long been forgotten would need to see the light. Or else, there would be great danger. Indeed, a danger so great that it threatened to undo that which our own fellowship accomplished in the Third Age."

"I do not know what he meant, and he refused to speak more. Only to say that we must remember the old documents at Minas Tirith and keep them safe."

"I know not if these words will help you, but since this fellow claims kinship with hobbits, I thought it might hold some value."

Then, he looked diectly at Lord Mithadan and Elf Khelek.

"Mithadan, I feel your cause is just. Is there any practical aid I can offer to you in your journey, either in the protection of your vessel or in provisions, or in those whom you wish to meet with in this city? Please speak what aid I may offer you and yours."

"And Khelak, good Elf whom I have long known, explain to me what part you bear in this, as you do not seem part of this group. Indeed, if I did not know differently, I might say there was some strangeness between these folk and you."

King Elessar, Mithadan, and the Elf Khelak drew over to the side of the chamber and began to speak privately.

[ July 10, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-10-2002, 06:17 PM   #142
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Losthuniel has just left Hobbiton.

ooc: i will do my POV
Celeaewen awoke just before dawn, anxious about meeting the King. She wore her favourite dress, which she had packed, White trimmed with silver. She joined the rest of the party asthey left the ship. she was slightly uncomfortable in the big city, and was awed by the King's Hall. she was unused to splendor of this sort, prefering woods to halls. She lingerd at the back of the group, nervoius in the presence of such a legendary king.
~* Losthuniel
"Lord, what fools these mortals be!" Puck, Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
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Old 07-10-2002, 06:30 PM   #143
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Pio spoke with Rose as she sewed the finery for the companions. 'I thank you for your offer, Rose, but I think I may have something that will do to meet the king. Get the others dressed to your heart's content. And tell Mithadan I may be just a little late, but I will come as directly as I can.'

Rose looked askance at the elf. 'If she has a dress, it's probably stuck in her pack, and all wrinkled!', she thought to herself. 'Oh well, I guess when you're an elf, the covering doesn't matter.'


But covering did matter to Pio. She was going to see the King of this fair land today. From her pack she pulled a dress made by elven hands and shook it out. What wrinkles there were fell out quite naturally. It was of a soft velvet-like material of blues with a shimmer of white that played across it in the light, like sea foam playing on the undulation of the blue water. On her feet, soft slippers of the finest leather in dark blue. She combed her fingers through her dark mass of wanton curls, arranging them as best they would allow. Upon her forehead she placed a fillet of mithril, set with a green stone, the color of the glassy sea.

'Well, that's the best I can do,' she said to no one in particular as she looked in the small mirror in her room.

As a last precaution, she pulled up the skirt of her dress, and attached her knife in its scabbard just below her right knee.

Running up stairs, she checked to make sure the others had all left, then pulled a medium sized soft leather purse from off her shoulder and opened the top.

Stay small and quiet! she whispered, as if to herself. Striding hurriedly, she ascended toward the citadel.

The audience was already in session when the guards admittted her to the room. She stayed near the back, watching and listening intently.

[ July 11, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-10-2002, 06:51 PM   #144
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Birdland has just left Hobbiton.

Birdie was unaccountably shy about meeting with the King of all Middle-Earth. So she morphed into Neeker-Breeker form and hitched a ride in Child's pack, trying carefully not to "neek-breek" at inappropriate moments.
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Old 07-10-2002, 10:52 PM   #145
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The Elf looked up when Pio entered the room and considered her closely.

She looked at him coolly in return, no flicker of emotion betrayed her uneasy mind. Moving to a tall table set against the wall, she placed her purse upon it, arranging it strategically so that it seemed to survey the room. She turned back to track the movements of the Elf, but only the King and Mithadan remained speaking, heads close together, looking at a document before them.

She heard him move near her, though his steps were light. 'Well met, Master Elf!', she said aloud, turning to extend her hand toward him, more a gesture asking him to advance no further than of common courtesy.

Mithadan, had glanced her way on hearing her greeting and excusing himself from the King, strode her way to head off any confrontation.

'This is Khelek.', he said, indicating the Elf, who nodded his head in affirmation.

'And Khelek, this is the Lady Piosenniel, daughter of Elurìn the son of Dior, and great-great-granddaughter to Thingol Grey-cloak, Lord of Doriath.'

Khelek's eyes widened slightly for a brief moment. Recovering himself, he greeted her in the manner of his kind.

Mithadan excused himself, to finish his conversation with the King. Though before he left, he leaned close to her ear and asked that she not use the knife he knew she had somewhere about her to emphasize any points.

'Let us skip the niceties of first meetings.' she said to Khelek. 'Our time here is short,' she continued, indicating the companions, 'and since I see now that you are in the good graces of both the King and Mithadan, I should like to ask you some questions.'

Khelek perceived this to be more of the nature of a statement than a request, and indicated she should continue.

'First, who are you and from where do you come. Second how come you here inquiring of the hobrim - how is it that you know of them? Third, what is it you intend to do with the information that you find. Fourth, do you think to aid or hinder us.'

He made as if to answer, but she stopped him once again with her hand. 'Consider well your answers, Khelek. Come to the Lonely Star this evening and speak with us.'

She turned and walked quickly away from him toward the table where she had left her purse. It seemed to be emitting the occasional puff of smoke. She picked it up and hurried out the chamber door and down toward the gate to the city, leaving the elf staring after her in consternation.

'Is she always so abrupt?' he asked Child who had come up to him.

'Well, she is alway one to get right to the point of things.' said Child. 'Oh and speaking of getting to the point, since you have the ear of the King, will you be able to get us an interview with Faramir tomorrow?'

[ July 11, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-11-2002, 01:09 AM   #146
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'Hmmmph!', came the muffled voice from her purse as the elf made her way to the dock. 'That was a pointless trip. You didn't even get to meet Aragorn!' Angara poked her snout out from under cover for a breath of fresh sea air.

'I only wanted to see him, & how he fared now that he's come into his own. The less we make entanglements in his Age, the better things will be I think.' She gently pushed the dragon's snout back under cover and nodded at a passerby who looked askance at her as if she'd gone slightly mad.

They reached the ship at last. Angara hopped out once they came on deck and stretched her wings while Pio went below to change her clothes.

Once more in comfortable breeches, a soft shirt, and barefooted, the elf seated herself on the deck and called Angara to her. The day was warm, and she wished for a breeze to bring some relief. Taking a small notebook left behind by Child, she fanned herself lazily.

'Angara,' she said, after a comfortable period of silence, 'I have a problem that only you may be able to help solve.'

The dragon looked up, in interest.

'I fear this quest is as becalmed as any ship on such a windless day. Will you help to move it onward?'

'And what is it you need from me, elf?'

'For myself, nothing, but for the sake of the other companions who seek to aid the hobrim, we need your riddles.'

The dragon eyed her. 'Can you not speak plainly to them, Pio?'

'You know I can't! They must find their own answers, in their own way.'

'Then, yes, I will help them.' said Angara, turning the riddles over in her mind.

Pio looked toward the West where Tuor's ship lay anchored.

Will you not aid them, Idril? she thought.

When they have found the right questions, Pio, then let them come to me.

[ July 11, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-11-2002, 04:23 AM   #147
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As Mith spoke with Aragorn Rose watched the the king. At his movements and features. She wanted to keep this memory. Tuck it away in her mind and bring it out again when she choosed. But she still saw when Pio entered and then left the hall. She noticed the purse and immedietly knew what lay inside. She was glad Angara got a chance to see the city and the hall.

When Rose looked back at the men they had finnished and were coming back to join the others.
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 07-11-2002, 07:31 AM   #148
Child of the 7th Age
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Piosenniel had left to return and keep watch over their vessel. It was not good to leave a ship unguarded in a city such as Minas Tirith. Anyone might venture on and steal provisions or even personal belongings.

It was true that the King had returned much peace and securty to the kingdom. Still, it was a large city with people pouring in from all over Middle-earth, and one could not be too careful in Child's humble opinion.

Child, however, decided to remain in the chamber with Kali and Rose and the others until Mithadan had finished his counsel with the King. She wanted to hear from Mithadan how he had fared in his conversations and whether they could expect additional help to come from that direction. She also felt reponsible for Kali's well-being. He had refused to leave until he heard something more concrete from Mithadan or the King.

What Elessar had spoken concerning Mithrandir and the history of the hobbits did not surprise Child. She knew that the earliest known date in hobbit history was 1050 of the Third Age, only some 2,000 years before the saga of the Ring. Yet she also knew, in her heart, that there had to have been something more ancient than that. But she had never, in her most wild imaginings, thought that this something might involve Numenor and the Seas to the West.

The heralds provided some small refreshment for their group as they waited for the ending of the conference. Child sat and ate. It was truly good, but her mind was not on the surroundings or even her meals. As so often was her custom, she sat in one age and thought back on the affairs and dreams of another time and place.

Strangely enough, she kept hearing in her mind the strange lay of Beleriand which Angara had been singing on the ship. Pio seemed to be familiar with the tune and words. Child vowed to remember to ask her friend to teach her the verses to the Lay.

Such a dark and monstrous time, Child thought. Somehow, those tales seemed even more frightening than those of Numenor. Perhaps it was beause they were so very ancient.

Child laughed. Whenever she read the Silmarillion about Beleriand or heard such tunes, she had an instinctive desire to turn about to find her hobbit hole and go crawling into it very quickly! She remembered when Uncle Bilbo had taught her the Elvish histories from the translation he had done. Even he had confided to her that the tale of Morgoth's doings in Beleriand and the great earthquakes and water brought both wonder and discomfort.

Child laughed. She was very glad that she was not alive then.

Khelak had returned into conference with Lord Mithadan and the King. Child was thankful that Pio had raised her voice and demanded that the Elf come to the ship and explain all to them in person. For whatever, Mithadan or the King might say, she would not trust Khelak until she heard some words of explanation out of his own mouth. She tuned her ears and thoughts on the three men talking and thought she heard Khelak explaining to Mithadan that he would offer them all the details of his involvement, beyond that which they had just discussed, when he actually boarded their ship as guest.

Child also was glad that Pio had mentioned to the Elf about the need for a conferece with Faramir. For truly, that was her first concern. She had already raised the question with Lord Mithadan as well.

Now, she thought, if only they would hurry with their conference and let us know what has happened. Then she saw signs that the men had finished their talk and were starting to approach. Child waited with anticipation.

[ July 11, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-11-2002, 09:52 AM   #149
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They had been lying indolently in the shade for some time when the imperative words of the dragon cut through the silence.

'Elf! Take up your pen!'

'Your wish is my command, O Wingèd Terror!' Pio scrambled to find one of Child's many writing instruments and borrowed a few sheets of vellum. She sat before the dragon in readiness. 'Now what exactly am I to be writing?', she inquired.

'I propose to leave them a series of clues.'


Awakened, they came West. For it was Ulmo, himself, who put the longing in their hearts, that they might fulfill their part in the design.


Came they, then, by his hidden rede,to the foot of steep hills, and these hills made a great circle wherein lay a wide plain, and set therein, not rightly at the midmost but rather nearer to that place where they stood, was a great hill with a level top, and upon that summit rose a city in the new light of the morning.

'Should I put that in quotes?!' chided Pio. 'It sounds very familiar.'

'It's from those series of untold tales, as you well know.' said Angara. 'I think, as an elder creature I might take some liberties in using them.'

'As you wish!', said Pio, smiling.


Where have we come, they asked their unseen guide, and he replied: Rejoice that you have found it, for behold before you the City of Seven Names where all who war with Melko may find hope.


What be those names? 'Tis said and 'tis sung:
Stone Song; City of the Dwellers in Stone; Garthoren - Fenced Fort; Loth-a-laden - Lily of the Plain; Gwarestrin - Tower of the Guard; Ardholen - the Fenced Realm; Ondolindë - The Rock of the Music of Water.

'Hmmm . . . I don't recall that exact list.' mused Pio.

'Well, I try to keep my eyes and ears open to new interpretations as they come up.' explained Angara.


The Capture

Lo! The sun had set and all was dark, a new light suddenly began, and a glow there was, but it was beyond the northward heights, and men marvelled, and there was a thronging of the walls and battlements. Then wonder grew to doubt as that light waxed and became redder, and doubt to dread as men saw the snow upon the mountains dyed as it were with blood. And thus it was that the fire-serpents of Melko came down upon the city.

The dragon's voice had stopped; she shook her head in sorrow.

'That is enough for now.' she said. 'Post them about the ship where they will be easily seen.'

'And Pio, get your map case out.'
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-11-2002, 09:59 AM   #150
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OOC: I'm posting this as a link - the map is too big to post on the thread space.

Pio searched through her case for the needed map. 'Ah, here it is!'

She unrolled it and marvelled once again at it's beauty and detail:

Then rerolling it carefully she placed it close at hand and waited for the others to return.

[ July 11, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.

Last edited by piosenniel; 05-14-2020 at 08:42 PM.
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Old 07-11-2002, 11:11 AM   #151
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

The King Elessar summoned Mithadan and Khelek to the side where they spoke quietly.

"Khelek," said the King. "You are well known to me from even before I took up the Sceptre of Annuminas and the Crown of Gondor. I do not believe that you mean any ill to the Hobrim or their cousins from the Shire. Yet the words of Gandalf move me to caution. So I ask from whence your interest in the Hobrim arises. Maybe in this way, the doubts of my guests may be allayed."

"My Lord," began Khelek. "You are wise to heed the cautions of Mithrandir, who I also knew. And when I came upon these Hobbits researching precisely the same matters in your libraries, I was also alarmed. For in my travels I came across stories and ancient lays dating from ages past dealing with Halflings, which warned that within that race was held the key to the destruction of great evil but that even after that evil might be destroyed danger yet abides for the Halflings also hold the key to reviving such evil. Little more do I know, but I am now satisfied that Mithadan and his friends should hear what I have to say and should receive my aid."

Aragorn looked long at the Elf who met his eyes unwaveringly. Then he nodded. "Mithadan, if I be any judge of these matters then I believe that you should accept Khelek's aid. He has not before been a worker for evil and he is not now. But what would you have of me now? Such assistance as I may give to your quest is yours. Indeed, I consider this a payment of a debt for rarely indeed have new things arisen under the sun and you have given me a chance to see one such thing, your friend Kali here."

"My Lord," replied Mithadan. "You are exceedingly generous. I will accept your advice, but as to your offer for now we need only one thing; to meet with the Lord Faramir. For it is said in the Shire by those who know these tales that when he first met Frodo and Sam he revealed to them certain dreams he had of a great wave of dark waters rising up to cover lands. It seems that Kali shares these same dreams and we hope some benefit may come of such a meeting."

"That shall be done simply enough," said Elessar with a small smile. "For Faramir is in the City today, having come but recently from Ithilien. I shall have him meet with you on your vessel, for I beleive he would also enjoy meeting Kali."

[ July 11, 2002: Message edited by: Mithadan ]
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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Old 07-11-2002, 11:37 AM   #152
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

The group walked back down toward the main gate accompanied by Khelek. Birdland suddenly morphed back into her own form giving the Elf a considerable start. He looked closely at Birdland. "A shapechanger?" he asked. Mithadan grinned wryly. "We are rather...resourceful," he responded.

Khelek took his leave. It was agreed that Child and Rose should return to the library to continue research while the others would proceed to the Lonely Star. All would meet at the Star later, hopefully joined by Khelek and Faramir.
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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Old 07-11-2002, 12:05 PM   #153
Child of the 7th Age
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Before Mithadan left, he leaned over to whisper a word in Kali's ear, and a smile appeared on the hobbrim's face.

He also voiced one cautionary word to Child just as she turned towards the library, "This evening, we are hoping for a visit from the Elf Kheklak who will share with us how he came to be searching on the same path we are presently on. We will, of course, offer him hospitality and dinner as well as a gracious welcome." There was a slightly harsh edge to Mithadan's voice, an underlying command that all would refrain from accusing or criticizing the Elf until he could be fully heard.

Child and Rose headed over to the Minas Tirith library to spend part of the afternoon at work. She promised to be back before Faramir's visit as it was important that both she and Kali speak with him.

The rest of the group were to spend the afternoon scrubbing, polishing, and preparing suitable refreshments for the arrival of both Faramir and the Elf. The little group made its way back to the docks, and had soon spilled out all the words and excitement to Piosenniel who awaited them aboard the ship.

The Elf smiled and said, "You may wish to take a look at some new questions Angara has posed for us. She has left them in our cabins and also posted a copy up on deck. As you swab and clean the ship, you may wish to think on these clues, and what they might mean for us."

Pio soon had the entire crew organized and hard at work, even Bird who had tried to shape shift and slip out to swim in the seas. Bird looked back at Pio. She had the strangest feeling that the Elf knew a great deal more about the dragon's words than she was actually saying.

[ July 11, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-11-2002, 12:44 PM   #154
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It took only a short time to get the ship in order. It gleamed like a little star.

A large table had been set up on the main deck and covered with a clean white cloth. Rose and Child were to bring flowers with them when they returned from the Library. Kali, Angara, and Pio were consulting with one another over what to serve, and the little hobrim was beside himself with excitement at the possibility of cooking for his friends and the guest.

Bird had swept the last dust-bunny over the side, and was just finishing arranging some chairs for all when Pio nudged her.

'I'm hot! Are you?' whispered the elf. Bird nodded her assent.'It looks as if preparations are well in hand - Kali and Angara have taken over the menu and are working on the preparation; Rose and Child will bring the flowers; Mithadan is multi-tasking as usual - choosing suitable wines for the meal and after, & trying to decipher the clues as he goes along. Just help me hang up the last of these candle lanterns. Then what say we go for a swim?!'

'One question.' said Bird, putting a fresh candle in the lantern she held and handing it to Pio. 'Will Idril and Tuor be here?'

'I've thought about that and I don't see how it will be possible. Tuor's ship would cause a large stir were it to sail into port, and so would Anagara if she were to fly them here. I think we shall have to rely on other means of communication to keep them in the loop.'

She stored the remaining candles away and ran to the aftdeck. 'Last one in's a one-legged neeker-breeker!!' Bird followed her over the railing.

'Hey, you two!! Come back here!', shouted Mith at their falling forms. But his only answer was the trail of bubbles floating on the surface of the water.

[ July 11, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-11-2002, 02:57 PM   #155
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

Mithadan scowled as Piosenniel and Birdland leaped into the water. The ship was nearly ready to entertain guests but Mithadan had wanted to speak to them before Khelek arrived. He watched as they frolicked and splashed in the water, then smiled. There would be a consequence to their little flight of freedom. Faramir had arrived early.
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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Old 07-11-2002, 03:08 PM   #156
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Bird nudged Pio with her flipper. 'I hate to tell you this, but someone important has arrived.' She pointed with her dolphin nose at the small retinue of men who were accompanying someone up the gangplank.

'Well, then,' said Pio, ' there's nothing we can do but climb the rope at the stern, and see if we can make our way to our rooms without being seen. I certainly don't want to meet him in these wet clothes! Come, Bird, you'ld better change back to human.'

Hand over hand, they ascended to the stern railing.
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 07-11-2002, 03:26 PM   #157
Child of the 7th Age
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Rose and Child had spent the afternoon in the Library with absolutely no results. She had searched and searched through the papers relating to the fall of Numenor, and had found absolutely nothing.

She had returned to the ship and now stood at the gangplank with Kali and Mithadan as Faramir stepped out on the dock. Mith and Kali gracefully bowed to Lord Faramir, while Child dropped a little curtsey.

Lovely Rose was on hand and presented a little bouquet of flowers which she had picked for the occasion, asking Faramir to present them to the beautiful Eowyn when he returned to his home. Faramir smiled and took Rose's hand and placed a gentle kiss on it. Rose's eyes widened and she came perilously close to fainting there and then on the deck.

At the last minute, there was a bit of a commotion as two members of the crew, dripping wet and trying not to laugh, slid into the back row of spectators. Apparently Mithadan had taken the liberty of locking the cabin doors to ensure that everyone appear promptly on deck.

Upon seeing this strange sight, Faramir's face lit with a smile. He responded with kindness: "Indeed, it is a hot day and, if I could, I too would take a dip in the cool water."

Faramir then made proper greetings all around, and assured all that he would stay to share a meal with them. Then, everyone sat down in the shared galley area to listen to what Faramir and Kali had to say.

[ July 11, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-11-2002, 04:20 PM   #158
Rose Cotton
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Rose Cotton has just left Hobbiton.

Rose was a little disapointed. Why couldn't they all hear what was to be said. But Khelak was not there yet so Rose got ready to great him. There was also those clues Angara had for them. She took her own copy and sat on the crate next to the gangplank so she could jump onto her feet as soon as the elf arrived. She didn't find any reason to be cold to him. She would make sure that he knew at least somone on the ship had full trust in the stranger.

For awhile Rose stared at the clues.
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 07-11-2002, 05:47 PM   #159
Child of the 7th Age
Spirit of the Lonely Star
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Faramir looked fondly at the small hobbrim. He had never seen anyone quite like Kali. Faramir had, however, known and respected a number of hobbits so he was not about to make the mistake of dismissing Kali as a young child.

Faramir sat next to Kali and asked him to describe his dream.

Kali responded, "First earth shake lots. Then water, lots of water, make big holes in ground. Sea rush into big holes. Some rivers die. Go down under ground. Some rivers big. Get bigger and bigger. Kali see one river change directions. Used to flow east but now go west. Valleys rise up, hills fall down. Pretty soon no more land. Only islands left. Three islands."

Lord Faramir looked thoughful and shook his head, but said nothing.

The he continued, "Kali, how often do these dreams come?"

Kali responded, "Sometimes long time no dream, then many dreams in one week. Kali frightened." He added, "Kali not only one to see. Father used to see too. Maybe even grandfather."

Faramir queried, "Were you ever in a big storm or flood in real life"

"No," Kali said. "Little storms, yes, but not like this. This huge." The hobbrim stood up and held his arms apart to indicate the fury and force of the weather.

Faramir sat forward on the edge of his seat, "Do you remember a single gigantic wave that crashed over the island? Do you remember a huge wind that blew from the West?"

Kali shook his head, "Big, big wind? No, wind blow but not that big. One giant wave that fall over island? Kali see water moving all over but no huge wage. Many waves, land breaking up, but not one wave."

Kali looked up again with a puzzled look on his face, "Island? What island? Kali didn't see any island. Not in the dream."

[ July 11, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 07-11-2002, 06:27 PM   #160
Spirit of Mist
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

"No island?" asked Mithadan. "But land which shakes and crumbles, valleys which rise up and hills which fall, leaving three islands? That doesn't sound like Numenor. That sounds more like... Tol Morwen, Himring and... what would the third be? Maybe Haudh-en-ndingen, or Glorfindel's mound? I don't recall there being a third island."
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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