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Old 05-31-2004, 02:55 AM   #121
Grimkû the Blood-Axe
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well mad by name and by nature it seems Mr. Baggins.

Sure he may be the ugliest character by a mile but Gothmog holds his place in one of the top rungs of players. Not saying he has the importance of a Baggins, Samwise or Aragorn but still in the RotK he is second in command only behind the Witch King of course of Saurons Armies. Anyway you must be wondering why I am saying all of this, well to be honest, I was kind of wondering what the hell is with your avatar.

Cheers buddy.

All the best,

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Old 05-31-2004, 03:23 AM   #122
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Hmmm..I really had to think about this one, because I don't really think that I am much like any one person in ME, more like a conglomerate..but if I really had to choose I'd say Aragorn..because he feels as if he is not worthy to be King of Gondor. I often suffer from an inferiority complex !! so I can relate to that.

But if I had to choose someone to get drunk with, it'd be Merry and Pippin hands down
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Old 05-31-2004, 09:37 AM   #123
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I think i'm sort of a Frodo person. all the personality tests i take, i come up as Frodo usually, but there's also the odd "You're most like Legolas" or "You are most like Sam", but mostly Frodo. i think it's because i know what has to be done, and if no one else will, i'll do it. and i'm sort of a loner. people are ok, but sometimes, enough is enough!


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Old 05-31-2004, 09:41 AM   #124
Morsul the Dark
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White-Hand I think........

id like to say im gandalf or sam....someone good and decent.....however......i believe im more of a saruman .......i can talk people into almost anything and i usually only care about myself.
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Old 05-31-2004, 05:04 PM   #125
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Pippin because he is kind of an idiot at times, but is brave when needs be. I am an idiot most of the time, but I know what I need to do when I need to do it.
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Old 06-09-2004, 11:06 AM   #126
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Hm. On one LOTR persoality test, I came off as Gil-Galad. Can't imagine why, though, our personalities are really quite different. But if you're asking my opinion, I can think of about two characters that I can connect myself with right off the bat.

The first is Éowyn. I always loved her ever since I first 'met' her in the books, because we're both strong-willed, female, and not about to let people walk all over us. Nor are we willing to let other people fight our battles, or stay behind and wait while something we care for is being threatened. I've adored women warriors for a long time- a lit of my characters, either in my writing or roleplays, are of that category.

The second character, ironically, is her nemesis- the Witch-King of Angmar. I freely admit I have a vicious streak, which often pops up when people annoy me in some way, shape or form- which has been happening quite frequently of late. I have very dark thoughts, and have been known to fantasize about grinding those around me into a pulp. There's also a note of tragedy that hangs around the ringwraiths, for what they once were.
Am I being depressing?

Plus there's my equally morbid fascination with things what are evil, as it were... one might even call it a love.

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Old 06-13-2004, 03:46 PM   #127
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He's not exactly a LotR character, more of a Silmarillion character, but I identify most with Fëanor. Heh heh, yes I over-react to things a lot, I'm kind of violent sometimes , and I tend to get obsessed with things. Most personality tests say I'm most like Gimli, but I don't think so.
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Old 06-14-2004, 01:38 PM   #128
Arwen Evenstar
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I would have to be Merry or Pippin. Most likely Merry. I have lots of energy, I`m hyper avtive, adventurous, would be considered very odd, and I`m cute! (just kidding) I`m kind of simple minded, so in that area, I would definately be Pippin.
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Old 07-11-2004, 04:30 AM   #129
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Maybe I would be Faramir. I'm a risktaker and I would do anything to prove myself to others. I'm really quiet and down to earth but people see me differently. Just like Saraphim, I too would protect my loved ones at all costs.
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Old 07-11-2004, 08:25 AM   #130
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Well, BD's test says I am most like Sam or Frodo, I would say more like Frodo, cause I don't think I am that brave hehe!
But yet I see myself more as Faramir, just as you Elven Hunter, I want to prove myself to others.
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Old 07-23-2004, 10:44 PM   #131
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I know you're not supposed to pick two but I would have to say a mixture of Pip and Sam. I love Pip's sense of humor and carefree persona and his sort of imaturity describes me to a T. But I absolutely love Sam. He is such a well written character. The type of friend I would love to have or be to someone and his loyalty is so emotionally moving. They are both wonderful.
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve!"-Bilbo Baggins
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Old 07-24-2004, 01:56 PM   #132
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I'm gonna hafta agree w/ lord of the frogs when I say that I've gotta b most like Merry. I don't know WHERE Frodo came up (that's wut some ppl say) but my best friend and I r just like Merry and Pippin. 'cept she's the 1 that always acts high. Pipppin! lol
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Old 07-24-2004, 03:43 PM   #133
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According to the Barrow-Downs Personality Quiz, I am most like Gandalf, but I am also much like Legolas and Aragorn. On most other quizzes, they say I'm like Legolas. I deny all association, though. I would say I am most like book Arwen. I am a rather hopeless romantic that claims she would give up a lot for love - not all, mind you, but a lot. Also, I don't mind staying out of things. My friend is more like Eowyn, insisting that she always be involved in all of the things that the boys do, but I'm content doing what I can.

Yes, so to sum up, of the characters present in The Lord of the Rings, I identify most with Arwen.

I identify with Nessa a bit, I suppose. I don't really identify with any other Tolkien character, but Nessa's my favorite Vala.
"I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each others dreams, we can be together all the time." - Hobbes of Calvin and Hobbes
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Old 07-24-2004, 04:25 PM   #134
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White Tree

Well, the personality tests always say Pippin, but I identify more with Feanor. I'm impulsive, stubborn, artsy (you have to see some of the stuff I'm planning at the moment), I've never known one of my parents, have the most uirritating half-brother who, I admit, have drawn sword on. *pouts* He's such a prat...and it was so close! I intend to be a smith.

Did I mention stubborn? Have you ever had staring matches with your parents? We've gone half an hour without blinking before. *stares at mother* I will not lose!
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Old 07-24-2004, 04:45 PM   #135
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well the personality tests says that i'm Aragorn, Frodo or Sam but i take myself more like Finrod Feleagund, i lend a helping hand to a friend, never go back on a promise and i'm not selfish, i would glady sacrifice my for a better purpose
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Old 07-24-2004, 05:21 PM   #136
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White Tree

I have this annoying problem with loyalty.

I have too much of it.

Every friend I have ever had I am still loyal to, even if we're deadly enemies now, I would still stand up fpr them for the simple fact that we were friends once.
*is still doing the wave for Boromir the Disco-King*
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Old 07-24-2004, 06:42 PM   #137
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well the personality tests says that i'm Aragorn, Frodo or Sam
makes sense. most of the personality tests are based off the movies...
I'd like to be the king of all Londinium and wear a shiny hat.
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Old 07-24-2004, 07:53 PM   #138
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we should try and make a Silmarillion Personality test! it would be pretty interesting...
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Old 07-25-2004, 12:58 AM   #139
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Eowyn. I'm in some sort of a cage. And I'm confused.

It's amazing that this was what Meela said in this thread more than a year ago, when I was but a Downs newbie...
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Old 07-25-2004, 06:08 AM   #140
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I think im a combo of galadriel and arwen coz wen i took the personality test they said galadriel but i think im more arwen coz i look like her and coz i love viggo also coz i love elves
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Old 07-25-2004, 11:00 AM   #141
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i like Gil-Galad but i didn't say i was mostly like him? lets say your shy, then picture yourself as a character that is shy...its with your personality
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Old 07-25-2004, 07:28 PM   #142
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I took the personality test & it says I'm most like Gandalf, but also my personality is alot like Legolas & Samwise. I would definitely have to say Sam. Like Sam, I have a very simple outlook on life, but I know if my courage & strength of heart was desperately needed, I would use it, full force. I like to think of Sam as my alter ego. I couldn't think of any other character I'd rather be like Except Merry or Pippin, those 2 always having a blast.
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Old 08-03-2004, 12:49 PM   #143
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Gollum! I'm very secretive and my rooms kind of dark, like Gollum's cave but not as wet. I am very determined too, as Gollum is. Have you ever tried a lotr personality test? You answer loads of questions and it tells you who you are most like from lotr. There are lots of them- so i would just type "lotr personality test" into a search engine and try one if you want to have a go!
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Old 08-03-2004, 01:28 PM   #144
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Ebonymist, which personality test did yo utake? can you show me plz?
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Old 08-03-2004, 02:07 PM   #145
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I tested as Frodo (again) with a nod to Sam and Gandalf.

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Old 08-04-2004, 11:23 AM   #146
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It said I was Samwise, also close to Frodo and Gandalf. But I took this other test and it said I was most like Galadriel.

"Like many elves, Galadriel has a rich inner life and a level of mystery. Although elves say both yes and no when sought for counsel, their insight is valuable. She has exceptional empathic abilities.

You are likely to be quiet, and gentle, enjoying helping other people grow and realize their potential. Others may view you as mystical. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

The Orcs display the evil side of this personality with their lengthy torture methods.
Traits: Empathic, benevolent, looking to the future. On the dark side you could be sadistic. "

Yup thats me to a tee! (insert evil smiley here)

Heres the Test!
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Old 08-04-2004, 03:09 PM   #147
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Frodo Baggins, Son of Drogo

With many acquaitenances, Frodo is deeply attached to a few people, like Bilbo, Aragorn, Gandalf, and Sam. His high ethics come out in his treatment of Gollum and Saruman. Frodo has pity on Gollum and believes that change can occur.
You have a strong personal morality. You are committed to relationships and their growth. You tend to be an idealist, believing the best of the world around you. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.
Oh, yeah. That's me.
...down to the water to see the elves dance and sing upon the midsummer's eve.
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Old 08-04-2004, 03:21 PM   #148
Morsul the Dark
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Aragorn (Stryder) Son of Arathorn

Aragorn's decisions often seem against conventional wisdom, but he knows what to do and why it must be done, regardless of the cost.
You are good at making contingency plans and come up wiith efficient means to acheive clear-cut ends. You are highly independent, and continue on with your plans even in the face of data that might suggest to others that it's no longer feasible. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As the foil to Aragorn, Sauron clearly embodies the evil side of this personality.

Traits: Pragmatic, autonomous, ingenious, resolute. On the dark side you could desire power and domination.

Well what doi you know that is mostly me but I rst before finishing my work I'm la-a-a-a-zy!
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Old 08-04-2004, 03:30 PM   #149
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The Dwarves

As the halls of Moria show, Dwarves like building and inventing.
Curiosity is one of your strong points as it allows you to think of better ways to acheive goals. You may try to outwit the system of you get bored or annoyed with it. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have a tendency to introspection. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

As the foil to Aragorn, Sauron clearly embodies the evil side of this personality.

Traits: Pragmatic, autonomous, ingenious, resolute. On the dark side you could desire power and domination.
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Old 09-15-2004, 04:04 AM   #150
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The Eye What character do you think you're most like?

Okay, question time folks.
If you had to pick any character out of LOTR that you felt were most like, who would it be(personality test excluding) ?
I myself aren't sure, I sometimes think I'm most like the Mouth of Sauron due to my great insults (and bad fashion sense), but what about you lot?

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Old 09-15-2004, 04:25 AM   #151
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1420! Represent.

the barrowdowns does have a personality test. I came up most like Boromir, and close to Sam. So it is Boromir since he is most like myself. But if I were not going by the personality test and just thinking, it might be Elrond (except not as grumpy).
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Old 09-15-2004, 08:11 AM   #152
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The personality test always tells me I'm Legolas, and similar to Aragorn.
I'm tempted to say I'm more like Elrond, simply because we're both grumpy.

It's hard to pick just one or two characters; I have different points in common with a lot of them. I could say I'm a lot like Eowyn, I'm somewhat like Faramir, a little bit like Finduilas, and I aspire to be like Imrahil. With a bit of Pippin thrown in.
I don't feel like I have anything in common with the Elves, apart from a tendency to like forests, or any other prominent characters such as Aragorn, Gandalf, Frodo, or Theoden.

I s'pose a better question is, since I can't decide: which character does everyone else think I'm most like?
'The Hobbit' 1st impressions: 1. Thorin is hot... Oh god, I fancy a dwarf. 2. Thranduil is hotter. 3. Is that... Figwit! 4. Does Elijah Wood never age?
2nd: It's all about Fili & Kili, really. 3rd: BARD! OMG, Bard.

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Old 09-15-2004, 08:33 AM   #153
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Thumbs up

Which LotR character reminds you most of yourself - and why?
Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!
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Old 09-15-2004, 10:42 AM   #154
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Thanks for that link, Saucepan Man - I'll merge this thread with the existing one to avoid the confusion of duplicates. Please continue posting there.
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Old 10-10-2004, 01:26 AM   #155
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If the sil's included, I would have picked Feanor.... But since it's LOTR, I guess Boromir would do....
Here's why:

We both have that annoying high pride
We both have younger bros & dads who think we're better off than those bros
the personality test says I'm like Boromir
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Old 10-13-2004, 07:07 AM   #156
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I'm not if i posted this here already but... i'm more like Finrod felagund, were both rather huge guys who seem more wiser then muscle-bound, we always help out a friend and know when sacrifices should be needed (i.e. to save berens life)
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Old 10-14-2004, 12:40 AM   #157
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Well I did a personality check and I come out as Legolas ( YESSS!! ) and similar to Aragorn.
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Old 10-14-2004, 08:07 PM   #158
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Aragorn. Leader, fearless, & not about to stand down to anyone without reason .
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Old 10-15-2004, 09:20 PM   #159
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Hmm... perchance Galadriel? Strong-willed, somewhat enigmatic, essentially good but sometimes misunderstood.

And oh yes, blonde, with a tendency to go "radioactive" from time to time when my temper flares (who was it who described her as radioactive? was it SpM? H-I?) And loved by Dwarves everywhere.
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Old 10-16-2004, 10:50 AM   #160
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turgon has just left Hobbiton.

I took the test three times and came up with three different answers.It was pretty cool though. Anyhoo with a wild guess from my somewhat fallible mind; I would have to say Turin turambar or Fingolfin. Or dare I say melkor even . In truth I would have fashioned middle-earth after my whim and allow no other to oppose me.
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