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Old 07-17-2008, 07:41 PM   #1361
Nilpaurion Felagund
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Pipe That which we call a house . . .

We were at my house (which looked nothing like my real house) [ . . . ] (Lhunadaga-hime)
Maybe it's the house you'll have when you're a teacher and all that.
フェンリス鴨 (Fenrisu Kamo)
The plot, cut, defeated.
I intend to copy this sig forever - so far so good...
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Old 07-20-2008, 07:07 AM   #1362
Rune Son of Bjarne
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I know this is a pathetic dream, but I mention all my BD-Dreams here and that is not going to change now.

I dreamt that Eomer repped me for my latest post in Terry Slogan and that it was worth 111 points.
Originally Posted by Lalaith View Post
Rune is my brother from another mother.

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Old 07-21-2008, 06:17 AM   #1363
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Well, I'm not sure if this is so special either... Anyway, I dreamt that I was sitting on a bench with Nilp and Agan, and Mith was lecturing to them that they should be flirting. Then I joked something about Volo, and Agan and Nilp laughed at it very much but Mith didn't get the joke.
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
Blood is running deep, some things never sleep
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Old 07-21-2008, 06:20 AM   #1364
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Weird dream: Brinniel showed up at my house and we spent a terrific day hanging out and chatting and doing random fun things in New York City (strange because I live on the West Coast, not the East).
Stories and songs.
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Old 07-21-2008, 12:46 PM   #1365
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It probably had something to do with the fact that my mom read the Downer yesterday

I had a dream last night that was really weird, but it did have Downs-ish qualities to it...

My mom was surfing the internet and came to the Downs and was logged into another account, I asked her why she was not logged into my account... She said that she "accidentally" got an account on the Barrow-Downs. Which is really weird, because she hasn't even read TH or LotR...
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Old 07-21-2008, 01:06 PM   #1366
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Another Barrow Downs Dream...

This one wasn't much fun - I would explain that I was really quite tense on Saturday night because I was anxious about the Charity sea swim I was going to do on Sunday (and for which I felt underprepared) and I was also curious / anxious about whether we had won the werewolf game in which I had a spat with Nogrod about being glad I wasn't one of his pupils.

And so I had this dream in which I was in his class, but he wasn't at the front. Instead his voice was coming from a loudspeaker behind us. I think he was talking in English but I couldn't follow since it was distorted by the loudspeaker
and accented and for some reason I only had a text in French (which I do understand well) to follow and though I could read the words I didn't have time to work out each part before he asked me questions on it - which I couldn't answer. It was so annoying that I felt as if I hadn't slept at all and it was only when I realised I had been dreaming and looked at the clock that I accepted I must have been asleep.

I think it was werewolf related version of a recurring dream I have (no doubt when there are things I have not done which I ought to have done) which is that there is an essay I have to do for my degree which has to be submitted the next day and either I haven't known about it or have forgotten and it is a long essay and I haven't read any of the books and I don't understand the question and there is no hope of an extension since it is so long since it was set. It is terribly realistic even though it is longer than I want to think about since I graduated and have a post-grad qualification yet the logic of dreams means I wake up in a cold sweat that my BA isn't valid. Clearly I have a guilty conscience.
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Old 07-22-2008, 04:02 PM   #1367
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Originally Posted by Aganzir
I had a dream Ka got a personal title. She picked Always Evil. Sorry.
Well, you can keep dreaming miss, since I'm now working my way towards being one of the last Downers to recieve a title, let alone settle on one. It's because I'm unofficially, but at a consistent level evil. It's recognized, but hey, there are others with far more of a glamorous track record.

The night before last, before I started my first day at my current job, I ended up having Downer-related normal anxiety/worrying dreams. There was several of them but I could only remember about one where I was up to my gills in bussing trays and dirty dishes, and out of the corner of my eye I see several Downers.

They're scattered all over the place and seem to be doing fine with their plates, so I rush to the back of the kitchen to unload some more dishes, then when I come out I pass Hookbill at a table where he has a few tea mugs and small plates stacked nicely and then at his right is a huge haphazard stack of dishes with green slime all over them. I roll my eyes and somehow take the obvious Alien plates back again, then I end up meeting Nogrod, Lommy and her mother at a table which ends up going nicely (I'm sorry Lommy, whenever you appear in dreams nothing bad really happens, must be what Agan calls 'evil' and I see as relatively fine). Rune was there too, but he kept buying only drinks which would fill my tray too soon so I kept having to go back and forth with drink glasses.
Gradually our forum began to invade the dining area, then I realized I was the only one there from the Downs working, and then the dream ended.

Now I'm more afraid if this actually happens, which I don't think it will. Mostly, for the Alien presence, since most of my human customers would probably be eaten in the process. Come to think of it, I like that idea a little bit...

~ Ka the 'Evil' Busser/Server
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í endaleysu tokuni?
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Old 07-22-2008, 04:13 PM   #1368
Hookbill the Goomba
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by THE Ka View Post
I come out I pass Hookbill at a table where he has a few tea mugs
Am I really that English?

Amusing dream, Ka. I'm sure if your restaurant got invaded by Downers, it would be something like that. Although, if Alien was there, where was The Phantom? (as far away as possible, I imagine).
I think that if you want facts, then The Downer Newspaper is probably the place to go. I know! I read it once.
THE PHANTOM AND ALIEN: The Legend of the Golden Bus Ticket...
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Old 07-22-2008, 05:26 PM   #1369
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Originally Posted by Mith
Clearly I have a guilty conscience.
I must as well, because I dreamed that I was pulled over by a policeman while driving to buy cards to send to Downers. :/
But all the while I sit and think of times there were before
I listen for returning feet and voices at the door

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Old 07-23-2008, 05:17 AM   #1370
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Originally Posted by Mithalwen View Post
I think it was werewolf related version of a recurring dream I have (no doubt when there are things I have not done which I ought to have done) which is that there is an essay I have to do for my degree which has to be submitted the next day and either I haven't known about it or have forgotten and it is a long essay and I haven't read any of the books and I don't understand the question and there is no hope of an extension since it is so long since it was set. It is terribly realistic even though it is longer than I want to think about since I graduated and have a post-grad qualification yet the logic of dreams means I wake up in a cold sweat that my BA isn't valid. Clearly I have a guilty conscience.
Doesn't everyone have dreams like that? Mine usually involves exams for which I've somehow forgotten to study... although actually something not unlike your scenario happened to me in real life this year.
"Even Nerwen wasn't evil in the beginning." –Elmo.
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Old 07-25-2008, 01:17 PM   #1371
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I had a somewhat Downs-ish dream last night... well what I can remember of it anyway... But what I remember of it, it almost felt real.

I was on the Downs doing what I normally do and I checked the Paper Telephone thread to see if the current game was over and then I looked at some other threads as well... But what really caught my eye is that Hookbill had posted on the what do you assign threads, I had checked the Shire thread first, he said "I know I shouldn't be posting on this thread but..." and that's about as far as I got when it faded into another dream.

I also had a dream a few nights back that different Downers were winning contests to visit other BDers, that was a good dream... except for my grandma was in it and bothering me...
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Old 07-26-2008, 01:02 PM   #1372
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Originally Posted by Hookbill the Goomba View Post
Am I really that English?

Amusing dream, Ka. I'm sure if your restaurant got invaded by Downers, it would be something like that. Although, if Alien was there, where was The Phantom? (as far away as possible, I imagine).

Ha, I dunno though. All of my good customers have a few cups of tea usually, so it's probably some weird pattern that's been lodged into my cranium.

Oh no, The Phantom would probably be over where my friend works, in the steakhouse... I highly doubt they'd let Alien even near the door, though since he has a thing for disguises, I can't blame him for trying.

~ Ka
Vinur, vinur skilur tú meg? Veitst tú ongan loyniveg?
Hevur tú reikað líka sum eg,
í endaleysu tokuni?
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Old 07-26-2008, 02:27 PM   #1373
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In my dream I was walking along and listening to music happily on a sunny day near the metro station when I saw my friend's sister sitting on the edge of the street, I turned my head and saw the same sister of my friend's walking into the opposite direction of me. As we passed she smiled and said hello and I mumbled something like that back. Then as I walked past the friend's sister who was sitting, she rose and laughed that it was the Downer dancing spawn who passed me. I was very surprised by all that.

I've had such amusing dreams lately, that the only BD dream really pales among them. [and now I have a migrane \o/ ]
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Old 07-30-2008, 01:07 PM   #1374
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I had a number of dreams last night and some of them had BDers in them...

Another Downer had made this machine... I'm pretty sure it was Greenie or Oddwen... And this contraption that she had made could control dreams. So she was putting Barrow-Downs dreams into other Downers heads, and we got to she what dreams they had... I think she gave BD dreams to Lal, Hookbill, Lommy, Rune, and of course I had one too.

The next dream I had, I was telling Lauri (Which is in a lot of my dreams) that I had a Barrow-Downs related dream and that I was going to post it on the Barrow-Downs. (We were outside of this lodge) Then we went inside, I saw Legate and Rune in there... I think they were at a Church meet... They were apparently Catholic...
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Old 08-04-2008, 01:55 PM   #1375
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
Well, I'm not sure if this is so special either... Anyway, I dreamt that I was sitting on a bench with Nilp and Agan, and Mith was lecturing to them that they should be flirting. Then I joked something about Volo, and Agan and Nilp laughed at it very much but Mith didn't get the joke.
Oh I can be thick about jokes...but I think Agan would make a delightful daughter in law... and I would be the last person in the world to discourage flirting... it helps the world go round
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Old 08-10-2008, 12:23 AM   #1376
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Whilst I was at the beach I had a curious Barrow-Downs dream. In it, several Downers showed up at my house - I think they were Thinlomien, Brinniel, Legate perhaps, and maybe Kath or Hookbill - and began helping out with yard-work and various chores around the house. They all spent the night downstairs, but their sleeping bags caught fire randomly. Fortunately, no one minded. It was all rather odd.
Stories and songs.
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Old 08-12-2008, 03:29 AM   #1377
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I've had some 'downish dreams lately, but as I haven't been around, I've forgotten a lot since I haven't written them down. Sufficient to say that according to my subconscious Rune would come to Finland if he gets a frog-ride and a frog to hug, Legate is a murderer (and the best swordsman of our time), puts soap to his food (it's a Czech habit, makes the food more healthy) and watches drag queen books with me. Also, he reputedly made a song with Greenie, it was called "The Ode to the Stabile System" and it praised the governments of Finland, Czech Republic, Zimbabwe and some other countries, and the Catholic Church in Congo.
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
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Old 08-12-2008, 08:02 AM   #1378
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Originally Posted by TheGreatElvenWarrior View Post
The next dream I had, I was telling Lauri (Which is in a lot of my dreams) that I had a Barrow-Downs related dream and that I was going to post it on the Barrow-Downs. (We were outside of this lodge) Then we went inside, I saw Legate and Rune in there... I think they were at a Church meet... They were apparently Catholic...
Me and Legate just can't get enough of that Catholicism thingy. . . mmmmm Catholicism
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Rune is my brother from another mother.

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Old 08-12-2008, 01:24 PM   #1379
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Originally Posted by Rune Son of Bjarne View Post
Me and Legate just can't get enough of that Catholicism thingy. . . mmmmm Catholicism
Speaking of that, I could maybe mention that during our stay in Finland, me and Rune, if I recall correctly, were chosen as most probable that one of us could become the Pope. Although I think I was the only one who voted for Rune...
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories
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Old 08-12-2008, 01:35 PM   #1380
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Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc View Post
Speaking of that, I could maybe mention that during our stay in Finland, me and Rune, if I recall correctly, were chosen as most probable that one of us could become the Pope. Although I think I was the only one who voted for Rune...
I vote Formy... oh wait... Anyway, so do my dreams predict the future then?
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Old 08-15-2008, 11:08 PM   #1381
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I had some BD dreams about a week ago.

The first one wasn't very BDer involved. But it started off with me waking up in some sort of museum/aquarium. And on display were giant penguins. I think they were supposed to be Emperor Penguins, except they were something like five feet tall. I got to observe them, take pictures, and even hold a baby one (which was not giant) in my hands. And of course my first thought was, Ooh, I have to call Lommy and tell her about this. She's gonna be so jealous! There was much more to this dream, but sadly no BDers were involved.

In my second dream, I returned to my computer and got onto the Downs only to discover Mac and Rikae's WW game had already begun. But instead of typical WW, it was being played through some online roleplaying game (something like World of Warcraft, I'd imagine). And the special feature of this game was that instead of typing their arguments and suspicions, the players spoke with microphones from their computers. I can't remember much who was playing...I know there were a lot of regular WWers. But what struck me odd was the fact that Bethberry was far as I know, she has never WWed before. Meanwhile, I was trying to figure out how to work this new way of playing WW as I had entered the game much later than everyone else.
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Old 08-16-2008, 04:17 AM   #1382
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I've had a couple of BD dreams lately, which have naturally been influenced by last week's happenings.

The first one was kind of a flashback: Legate came to Finland. But he looked completely different from his photopage picture - he was very short (about my height) and very fat. He had short, light brown hair, and a round face which looked almost like he had Down syndrome (he-he). He kept jumping around and laughing at very silly things.
I would never had believed him to be the Legate of Amon Lanc from the Downs.

Then there was another dream. A few years ago there was an incident in Helsinki in which a man took an axe with him to the metro and killed some random guy. Well, in my dream I was sitting in the metro, and knew that someone would soon kill someone.
I had barely noticed Rune when he pulled an axe from under his grey-striped jumper and started hitting the guy who was sitting opposite to me. I left my seat and went a bit farther from him to call the ambulance while everybody else screamed.
When the police had come and taken Rune away, I fetched his all bloody rucksack from his place and took it with me in case he would still need it.
He bit me, and I was not gentle.
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Old 08-16-2008, 04:45 AM   #1383
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Agan, your subconscious is hilarious. Especially that Rune-thing is priceless.

And Brinn, that penguin dream must have been awesome - I wish I had such dreams too.
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Old 08-16-2008, 07:04 AM   #1384
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I had an entertaining dream last night where I was absently observing a thread, I think - though it might have been a chat - about the various schools downers have attended.

This wouldn't really have caught my eye had people not started talking about how Kath loves her grad school, mine, and goes for hikes in the woods outside the city all the time.

I obviously reacted with jaw-dropped incredulity: the college is small. I know many of the students, if not personally than by sight. I know most of the faculty, and much of the staff. It will be strange in a week and a half when a horde of new freshmen arrive for orientation and I know none of them. And yes the graduate program runs on its own set of tracks, but still, I reasoned to Brinniel, surely I would have known if Kath was attending my school and living in my [very small] city. Surely she might have mentioned to me that she intended to come here? And how could I not have known that she'd been living less than a block away from me for months now?

failed to console my tremendous oversight, and I mentioned something about Lhuna and Johns Hopkins, and then my dream changed into some weird sing-along in the library which involved a bunch of people I haven't talked to in years and a Santa Claus puppet, and all else was unrelated to the Downs...
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Old 08-18-2008, 11:31 PM   #1385
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Originally Posted by Lommy
And Brinn, that penguin dream must have been awesome - I wish I had such dreams too.
Indeed, it was. You should tack a poster of penguins to your ceiling so that penguins are the last thing you see before you fall asleep.

Originally Posted by me
In my second dream, I returned to my computer and got onto the Downs only to discover Mac and Rikae's WW game had already begun. But instead of typical WW, it was being played through some online roleplaying game (something like World of Warcraft, I'd imagine). And the special feature of this game was that instead of typing their arguments and suspicions, the players spoke with microphones from their computers. I can't remember much who was playing...I know there were a lot of regular WWers. But what struck me odd was the fact that Bethberry was far as I know, she has never WWed before. Meanwhile, I was trying to figure out how to work this new way of playing WW as I had entered the game much later than everyone else.
I can't believe I forgot an important part of this dream! While I was playing this weird version of WW, I was hanging out in RL with Glirdan...apparently we had become good friends. When I woke up, I couldn't help but wonder how he managed to wander into my dream considering I never knew him that well and I think he's been missing from the Downs for about a year now...

Another dream I had a few nights ago was about Rune. On Facebook he changed his profile picture for the first time in ages to a completely different photo that resembled something like a professional portrait. The picture looked like Rune, except he was clean shaven and much more poised. I remember writing on his wall to tell him it was a good photo and to keep it as his profile picture for awhile.

And then last night I had a rather silly dream about Legate. He was participating in a wrestling match of all things (I think for a college team). Never mind the small detail that this wrestling match occurred in a boxing ring. Anyway, poor Legate didn't stand a chance against his opponent who was twice his size. And as I watched him get tossed about, I couldn't help but wonder how Legate got to be a wrestler in the first place (don't worry, he didn't get hurt if you were wondering). Then later on, I was browsing on the internet when I came across an article with Legate's picture and a lengthy interview about his life. So apparently in my dream, Legate was not only a wrestler but semi-famous. I think there might've been even more details involving Legate in this dream, but alas, I cannot remember.
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Old 08-20-2008, 12:04 AM   #1386
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Originally Posted by Brinn
I think they were supposed to be Emperor Penguins, except they were something like five feet tall. I got to observe them, take pictures, and even hold a baby one (which was not giant) in my hands
You mean like this?

There you go Brinn, you're subconscious also is up-to-date on the prehistoric discoveries of penguin adaptation and study.

As for me, I had several dreams last night where there was running/walking involved or something, but only one had Downer references. One of them was staged in a piece of work I did for Rune's B-Day, where there's this tree with Odin's face in it and it starts glaring at me and says, "You didn't shade enough! 3H graphite pencil isn't enough! I need more!"
Then I ended up just walking off and I find Fea and Diamond writing a story someway inspired by WW and the Downs. I go to look at it and whenever I lean over the writing and scribbles of editing it disappears since apparently I'm not allowed to see it, then they walk away with the story and the dream ends.

No, I have no clue what it means and I think it's a rather annoying dream because my work was critizing me, which I can do enough on my own.

~ Ka
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Old 08-20-2008, 02:26 AM   #1387
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Originally Posted by Ka
You mean like this?

There you go Brinn, you're subconscious also is up-to-date on the prehistoric discoveries of penguin adaptation and study.
Aha, so giant penguins do exist! ...Or rather, they once did..
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Old 08-20-2008, 08:19 AM   #1388
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Had a dream the other night about Rikae and Mac. It basically boiled down to my mind making needless correlations, and went something like:

I went to the wedding, and saw this very nice old German lady who is connected in a totally obscure and confusing way to my late great grandmother, and was like, "Tilly, what are you doing here?"

And she was like, "It's my great-nephew's wedding. What are you doing here?"

And then I was like "Zomg, we're all like family now!"
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Old 08-21-2008, 02:38 AM   #1389
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I had a most disturbing dream. In it, Mith and the phantom were both really angry at me. That was because I had cricised Arda Cup Soccer and said that tp shouldn't be included in the Tol-in-Gaurhoth team, because he's always included everywhere. I said they should take some member who's just as active but gets less attention, like Groin, for example. Mith was outraged that I could even suggest something like that and the phantom was rather upset too. So, they stopped talking to be, but they were always laughing and gossiping behind my back, and telling other 'downers bad stories about me. They were also sure that it's going to be a fiasco (and told as much to everybody) when they heard I was to play Hermione Granger in the last Harry Potter movie. ( ) Even though I was angry at them too, I couldn't ignore their cricitism, for I too doubted my capability to handle a major film role. Unfortunately, Mith and tp also tried to sabotage my position as Beorn's heir. (I almost wrote "Beorn's hair"... ) They questioned the papers that proved I was the heir and started such a public debate and suspicion that Beorn himself had to come back from the woods where he had retreated to and put his paw print on the papers to verify them. That silenced Mith and tp for a while.
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Old 08-21-2008, 08:39 AM   #1390
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That sure is a complicated dream, Thinlomien. I wonder what you did to have your crazy, yet lovable, brain make up such a dream?
I heard the bells on Christmas Day. Their old, familiar carols play. And wild and sweet the words repeatof peace on earth, good-will to men!
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Old 08-22-2008, 01:30 PM   #1391
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I saw an amusing dream. I had a TARDIS inside the cellar of a TARDIS. At first I suggested to take my philosophy group to see something intresting and historic. There were different ideas, but I wanted to see the playwrite Sophocles, whom Karl von Munchausen has also met, and being a fan of Munchausen, I thought I might find him there as well. Then the philosophy group changed into another bunch of people and in the end it was the lot with which I spent the last week of my holiday (I met a fellow BDer!!), except that instead of Legate a silly guy I know from secondary school called Mikael was there. In the end everyone except the two Vikings (Rune and the scary Rohanian man (who was neither scary, nor Rohanian, nor a man) decided they wanted to travel back in time. Mikael had some really bad suggestions, but I don't remember where exactly we would go to (the dream ended before we got anywhere), though I suspect it was Italy.

Otherwise in the dream people were mostly messing around in the wonderful cellar, while I was making sure that I had everything with me (sonic screwdriver, psychic paper, accumulators for the CD-player, etc.) because that was the first time I tried to fly the TARDIS.
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Old 08-22-2008, 03:30 PM   #1392
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Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil View Post
Had a dream the other night about Rikae and Mac. It basically boiled down to my mind making needless correlations, and went something like:

I went to the wedding, and saw this very nice old German lady who is connected in a totally obscure and confusing way to my late great grandmother, and was like, "Tilly, what are you doing here?"

And she was like, "It's my great-nephew's wedding. What are you doing here?"

And then I was like "Zomg, we're all like family now!"
Welcome to the family!

As a matter of fact, I do have some very distant relatives that immigrated into the US a long time ago, so there's a chance.
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Old 08-22-2008, 03:53 PM   #1393
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Originally Posted by Macalaure View Post
As a matter of fact, I do have some very distant relatives that immigrated into the US a long time ago, so there's a chance.
She's not from the US. She was like... An exchange student? And my great-great-grandparents hosted her... or something? And she became close with my great-grandma and over the past sixty or seventy years has flown to the US regularly to visit. And now, even after my great-grandma died, she still comes to visit, and my aunt and some of my cousins fly to Germany every year or so to go hang out with her and her family. And she brings us chocolate.

So, point being, due to the smallness of the world, they're probably your next door neighbors.
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Old 08-23-2008, 07:32 AM   #1394
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My dreams are always related to what's going on in my life. Since I'm back on the 'Downs, is it any small wonder my dreams are as well?

Doesn't bother me any... I like dreaming about you guys.

So I'm walking along a boardwalk. There seems to be a street carnival of sorts occurring to the left of me. Behind me are the people I'm with.

And it doesn't occur to me who I'm with until I see three people walking toward me. Legate and Lommy, and Rune.

And I gasp. And I'm delighted. Because I'm with Nogrod, the phantom, A Little Green, Rikae, Mac, and several others.

And basically it's just like the shindig involving hairy lumberjacks... except cooler because I was there too.

And because we were next to a beach.
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Old 08-23-2008, 07:49 AM   #1395
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Originally Posted by Aganzir View Post
When the police had come and taken Rune away, I fetched his all bloody rucksack from his place and took it with me in case he would still need it.
Ha! Rucksack again! So it's not just me who imagines that Rune must have a rucksack in every dream!

Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
So, they stopped talking to be
...and said: "Thag you very buch."
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories
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Old 08-24-2008, 06:48 PM   #1396
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I had an awful dream last night!

I dreamed that I had gone to Finland with the rest of ye, but it was a torpid time, involving images of my beloved first car being torn apart after no longer sprouting hamburgers, murderous Runes and Legates, suicidal Lommies and very angry Greenies. And underneath it all was this horrible consciousness of an evil evil evil Nogrod.

It sucked and I blame Rune and Hookbill.

(I may be laughing now, but I can assure you it was very traumatic at the time. )
But all the while I sit and think of times there were before
I listen for returning feet and voices at the door

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Old 08-25-2008, 11:00 AM   #1397
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Tangential Tolkien Terrors

It was just another somewhat sleepless night, with a few Tolkien-related dreams thrown in...

It was somewhere in the middle of the night - I'd gotten to bed late and had already been up once - when Frodo and I were on the run from some assorted orcs and a troll or two. I was seeing the scene from the Sam point-of-view, and oddly I looked more like Sean Astin than myself. So I'm trying to get Frodo to MOVE! and yet my master seemed to be interested in every little leaf and twig that we passed. I knew that the pursuit was close, as, like in the recent Olympic marathons, the track near the end of the race doubled back on itself, and so one could see one's pursuers across the barriers. The barriers in this LotR dream world were just a line of trees and shrubs, and even these were few and far between, but luckily for me, the orcs and trolls felt obliged to stay on the track, and so even though they were right across the barrier, I knew that I still had a few moments before they caught up to me and Frodo, as they would have to continue down the track a bit before making the return loop. Frodo continued his meandering, and I hoped that I could keep him moving and that we, like at the Olympics, were nearing the end of the race. But what was that smell...?

I awoke to the smell of a skunk. There's something about those mercaptans that can raise the dead. Thought that someone had left the dog into the house after she'd been skunked, so got out of bed to investigate. All windows and doors were closed; nothing in the ductwork; I sniffed the dog, and she was fine; I checked both the front and back porches to see if we had some nocturnal visitor, and eventually gave up, figuring that somewhere upwind a skunk met its end. Went back to bed to try again to get some sleep.

It was a field of surpassing beauty. It was snow-covered, though the snow was whiter than I had ever seen, whiter than any white ever. But there were colors as well; greens, reds and blues in HD. It was incredibly vivid, and yet calming. There were these tree-like things that were like dandelion seeded clocks, and though large, waved in the wind like sea anenomes. I was awed; the fronds, if they be so called, waved as if caught in slow ocean waves. As I looked more closely, the entire structure/tree - and there were a few of them - made shapes just like the one sees when seeing clouds blown across the sky. This particular one appeared as a galloping white horse, and I immediately thought of the horse heads in the Flooding of the Bruinen. It was so cool and peaceful and spellbinding. I had my camera with me, and with much excitement went to capture this environment, wondering if the Downs accepted QuickTime movie format uploads (as still pictures just wouldn't be enough).

Of course, my camera was out of batteries. I left the scene, now seeing a road that led up a hill. At the top of the hill there was a convenience store, and I figured that I could get my batteries there and then return to capture the footage of what Lothlorien *should* have looked like in Peter Jackson's version. I began looking for the 'battery aisle,' and then noticed a person approaching the door of the store from the parking lot. The person was masked and hooded - I could not see a face, and I suddenly knew that the person was about to rob the place. Being close to the door, I went over and turned the latch while yelling to the manager that we were about to be robbed. The masked/hooded robber pulled a gun and began shooting out the glass in the door. A bullet grazed my abdomen, leaving a stinging trail as it passed and then adding a warmth from the small amount of blood that began to flow. I thought not much of it as the bullet must have been very small caliber - we here would call it a "slug" shot from a "BB gun" - and the robber was having a tough go of shooting out the glass. Across the storefront there was another door, and I went to lock that door as well.

But the other robbers were already there. I didn't get a chance to lock the door before this hooded robber began shooting through the glass. This gun was larger caliber, and the first shot knocked out a large hole in the door, and shards of metal and glass into me.

I retreated to another aisle, and the group of bad guys entered, passing by, and I felt just like Barliman in PJ's FotR, hoping that they would just rob the place and pass me by. Which they did, at first, but as I had yelled out, "Go ahead, take what you want and go!" - it wasn't my store - maybe I had attracted attention to myself. Another man came by and pulled out a knife, and held it menacingly towards me. He looked Dunlandish, which I thought odd. He said something, and I tried to distract him while I focused on the knife approaching throat level, hoping to get a chance to knock it from his hand. He turned away at a noise, and I smacked his hand upward. The knife flew up and hit the soft-tiled ceiling, and I hoped that it would have stuck there, but it bounced and dropped and landed right beside us on a cookie display. He looked at me; I at him and we both went for the knife...

There was a knock at the front door. The clock indicated that it was 6:45 AM, and no one was expected. I was already dressed, and so ran down the stairs to the front door. It was a local police officer knocking, who apologized for disturbing me, but just wanted me to know that our van door, parked in the driveway, was open. He said that it looked like nothing was missing (I wouldn't have cared if there were as the van is perpetually filled with kid stuff), but one never knew. I figured that this officer was new, as someone who will not be mentioned routinely leaves the van door open. The officer was very nice as he retrieved and handed me the morning paper. Like anyone who shows up, I asked if he were interesting in watching the kids, but he said, "No way," and he ran off to his car and sped away.

After that, my heart was racing too much to sleep, and the kids were up wanting to know who was at the door, and so we started another day.
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Old 08-26-2008, 04:08 AM   #1398
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I had two Barrow-Downs dreams last night.

In the first one, I was third on the reputation list. I was not delighted by the fact Nogrod and Legate had both more reps than I did, but I was even less pleased by the fact that I had changed my avatar to some ugly, grey unclear mess that was supposed to be a flower and some text. (I can't describe it properly but it looked really ugly and boring. )

The second dream was nicer. In it, we Finnish 'downers had visited Brinn's home a long time ago in winter. Every now and then, Brinn had posted pictures of a churchyard near her home in Facebook. One day, she posted a new pic. The churchyard was filled with snow. "Yay, now it looks more like it should look like," I commented and somehow stepped into the picture and then I was in the churchyard. Brinn was there (and she had taken a really long hair extension, by the way). We were both very happy to see each other and hugged. Then, Greenie, Aganzir, Volo and Legate popped into the churchyard as well. "What are you doing here?" I asked, for as far as I knew, they were supposed to be in our summer cottage. The others looked at Legate, and in the end, he spoke up, scratching his ear: "I just heard Brinn calling me in the distance. We followed the call and it pulled us here." Then all the six of us went for a walk around the churchyard and after that - I think - we went to have hot chocolate in a nearby café. Needless to say, it was a very pleasant dream.
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
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Old 08-26-2008, 06:34 AM   #1399
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
In the first one, I was third on the reputation list. I was not delighted by the fact Nogrod and Legate had both more reps than I did,
Oh, what a horror...
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories
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Old 08-26-2008, 11:38 AM   #1400
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Originally Posted by Brinniel View Post
Aha, so giant penguins do exist! ...Or rather, they once did..
In a way, though, I personally think they're hiding out somewhere. Probably in the infamous rucksack...

~ Ka
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