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Old 12-04-2003, 07:29 AM   #1201
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!

Welcome, Rosie-Posey, and good for you! "Better late than never", as my old Gaffer would say...
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 12-04-2003, 08:01 AM   #1202
Stormdancer of Doom
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Hello, Rosie-Posey, and welcome! I wouldn't worry too much about the date: the journey's the thing. Very wise of you to bring the walking-stick!
...down to the water to see the elves dance and sing upon the midsummer's eve.
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Old 12-04-2003, 06:20 PM   #1203
Shade of Carn Dūm
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Naz has just left Hobbiton.

Hey, welcome, you! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] I'm still really a newbie here, too...^ ^;

Me miles:

You have walked 371.11 miles.
You have reached yet another camp in the Trollshaws (369).
It is 2.88999999999999 miles to the next landmark. You still have 86.89 miles to Rivendell.

That night they camped on a stony shelf with a rock-wall behind them, in which there was a shallow cave, a mere scoop in the cliff. Frodo was restless. The cold and wet had made his wound more painful than ever, and the ache and sense of deadly chill took away all sleep. He lay tossing and turning and listening fearfully to the stealthy night-noises: wind in chinks of rock, water dripping, a crack, the sudden rattling fall of a loosened stone. He felt that black shapes were advancing to smother him; but when he sat up he saw nothing but the back of Strider sitting hunched up, smoking his pipe, and watching. He lay down again and passed into an uneasy dream, in which he walked on the grass in his garden in the Shire, but it seemed faint and dim, less clear than the tall black shadows that stood looking over the hedge.

Frodo: Uurgh.. I feel sick..

Sam: Oh no, poor Mr. Frodo, are you ok,..

others: O_O;;; *run*

heheheheheh*boom* (? Glorfindel?)
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Old 12-04-2003, 10:02 PM   #1204
Haunted Halfling
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Very excited about this journey, I take up my walking stick and begin. At least Sam and Frodo are with me and I know all of you have gone before, so it is not uncharted territory. I hope to catch up sometime!
Welcome, Rosey-Posey! Good to have another hobbit on the trail! I must second the walking stick idea. I've used one every time I go out and it helps on the hills! (I just twirl it about as I walk when I'm not using it for support.)

As for myself, I am very near (410 miles, still all agog at Glorfindel! Pippin is teasing me about it.). If my ailing foot does not scuttle me at the end, I shall hopefully make it! (It is being very naughty and making walking painful at times.) If I just keep my eyes on that shining Elf, maybe I'll forget what ails me and hopefully make it to Rivendell in time for the opening credits! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

“…she laid herself to rest upon Cerin Amroth; and there is her green grave, until the world is changed, and all the days of her life are utterly forgotten by men that come after, and elanor and niphredil bloom no more east of the Sea.”
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Old 12-05-2003, 12:35 AM   #1205
Rosie-Posey Sandybanks
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Rosie-Posey Sandybanks has just left Hobbiton.

You have walked 7 miles.
You have reached Last View of Hobbiton (7).
It is 11 miles to the next landmark.
You still have 451 miles to Rivendell.

"As they began to climb its first slopes they looked back and saw the lamps in Hobbiton far off twinkling in the gentle valley of the Water. Soon it disappeared in the folds of the darkened land, and was followed by Bywater beside its grey pool. When the light of the last farm was far behind, peeping among the trees, Frodo turned and waved a hand in farewell."

Frodo and Sam are great company and we are well on our way. Leaving Hobbiton was the hardest thing I've ever done, but it is something I have to do. The journey will be hard, but the reward, great!

Thank you all for your welcome! It's great to feel a part of a community, even though I am starting so late. Your journeys inspired me to reach the first major landmark on my very first day. Watch out.. Middle-earth, I'm coming through!!
"Rivendell!" said Frodo. "Very good: I will go east, and I will make for Rivendell. I will take Sam to visit the Elves; he will be delighted."
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Old 12-05-2003, 07:48 AM   #1206
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Attagirl, Rosie-Posey. And I love that quote. Have you seen the painting that goes with it? It's called "Last Sight", and it's breathtaking.Last Sight at Rolozo
...down to the water to see the elves dance and sing upon the midsummer's eve.
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Old 12-05-2003, 12:40 PM   #1207
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Welcome, Rosie-Posey! Nice to meet another walker! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

OMG, mark, that picture is amazing! Thank you so much for linking to it!

**You have walked 177.4 miles.
You have passed abandoned robbers den (172).
You are only 2.6 miles from the eastern edge of Chetwood Forest.
You still have 280.6 miles to Rivendell.**

*hums and skips* ^^ I'm doing so good!

Abedithon le,

The Hitchhiking Ghost
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Old 12-05-2003, 02:58 PM   #1208
Shade of Carn Dūm
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Naz has just left Hobbiton.

You have walked 375.42 miles.
You have reached the final camp in the Trollshaws (374).
It is 8.57999999999998 miles to the next landmark. You still have 82.58 miles to Rivendell.

The sun had risen and was shining brightly when he returned with more comforting news. They were now going more or less in the right direction. If they went on, down the further side of the ridge, they would have the Mountains on their left. Some way ahead Strider had caught a glimpse of the Loudwater again, and he knew that, though it was hidden from view, the Road to the Ford was not far from the River and lay on the side nearest to them.


Pip: Oh, no..

Frodo: *cough* Unngh..

Sam: MrMrFrodoFrodo..

Merry: I want a carrot ;_;

Naz: ^ ^;; Um, le's go, guys..

Ary: *skippin ahead* Ahahaha, I'm so great, great Rangeerr! Wish Arweeen could see me noooww!!

Others: O O;;;;;
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Old 12-05-2003, 10:31 PM   #1209
Alatįriėl Lossėhelin
Shade of Carn Dūm
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Alatįriėl Lossėhelin has just left Hobbiton.

Welcome, Rosie-Posey! Don't worry about the miles...we all started from Hobbiton!

Thanks for linking to that picture, Helen. I've added to my screensavers.


We halted briefly while Aragorn tended the hurts of Frodo and Sam, but we were soon on our way again. It was in the middle night when we reached the eaves of Lothlórien, and most of our Company were very weary. We continued a short distance into the Golden Wood, and crossed the Nimrodel before stopping to rest. It was there that we encountered the Galadhrim, and they permitted us to shelter on their flets in the trees. Tomorrow Haldir will guide us to Caras Galadhon to meet Galadriel and Celeborn.


Sam and Frodo now feeling eased and greatly refreshed were able to go at a fair pace...they heard an endless rustle of leaves like poplars in the breeze...In the dim light of the stars their stems were grey, and their quivering leaves a hint of fallow gold...[Aragorn] "We will go forward a short way, until the trees are all about us, and then we will turn aside from the path and seek a place to rest in."...they came upon another stream flowing down swiftly..."Here is Nimrodel!" said Legolas..."I will bathe my feet, for it is said that the water is healing to the weary."...For a moment Frodo stood near the brink and let the water flow over his tired feet...he felt that the stain of travel and all weariness was washed from his limbs.

...There was a sound of soft laughter over their heads, and then another voice spoke in an elven-tongue..."Who are they, and what do they say?" asked Merry.

"They're Elves," said Sam. "Can't you hear their voices?"

..."Welcome...Haldir is my name...Your folk must not remain on the ground...Tomorrow early you must go on...The four hobbits shall climb up here and stay with us--we do not fear them! There is another talan in the next tree. There the others must take refuge. You, Legolas, must answer to us for them. Call us, if anything is amiss! And have an eye on that dwarf!"
"It's impossible to have Frodo without Sam, or Sam without Frodo. They're like two halves of one heart..."
"If your hurts grieve you still and the memory of your burden is heavy, then you may pass into the West..."
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Old 12-06-2003, 12:21 PM   #1210
Shade of Carn Dūm
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Naz has just left Hobbiton.

You have walked 378.65 miles.
You have reached the final camp in the Trollshaws (374).
It is 5.35000000000002 miles to the next landmark. You still have 79.35 miles to Rivendell.
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Old 12-06-2003, 01:11 PM   #1211
Rosie-Posey Sandybanks
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Rosie-Posey Sandybanks has just left Hobbiton.

You have walked 10 miles.
You have passed Last View of Hobbiton (7).
It is 8 miles to the next landmark.
You still have 448 miles to Rivendell.

Thanks for the link to the picture. It was beautiful! It means so much to have the support of all of you who have welcomed me.

We stopped at a pub and had a little too much to drink, so we didn't walk much yesterday. Better get on with it today, Rivendell is very far away!
"Rivendell!" said Frodo. "Very good: I will go east, and I will make for Rivendell. I will take Sam to visit the Elves; he will be delighted."
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Old 12-06-2003, 01:44 PM   #1212
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Welcome to the Downs, Rosie-Posey!

Well, I am going slow and steady but not winning the race. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Okay, maybe I'm just being blind or stupid but I can't seem to find the place where it tells you:

You have walked .... miles.
You have reached .....
It is ...... miles to the next landmark. You still have ..... miles to Rivendell.

Could anybody tell me where to find that?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein
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Old 12-06-2003, 01:54 PM   #1213
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!

Here it is: Walk to Rivendell
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 12-06-2003, 02:32 PM   #1214
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Thank you, Estelyn.

Now, to feel special: [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

You have walked 95 miles.
You have passed The Bonfire Glade.
You are only 3 miles from the Bald Hill in the Old Forest.
You still have 363 miles to Rivendell.

Wow, 363 miles seems like a lot. But I'll keep on going, slowly and steadily. [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein
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Old 12-07-2003, 03:27 PM   #1215
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Naz has just left Hobbiton.

You have walked 382.66 miles.
You have reached the final camp in the Trollshaws (374).
It is 1.33999999999997 miles to the next landmark. You still have 75.34 miles to Rivendell.
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Old 12-08-2003, 02:03 PM   #1216
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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**You have walked 180.5 miles.
You have passed the eastern edge of Chetwood Forest (180).
It is 15.5 miles to the next landmark.
You still have 277.5 miles to Rivendell.**

[img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Abedithon le,

The Hitchhiking Ghost
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Old 12-08-2003, 05:17 PM   #1217
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Go, Sapphire! You can do it^ ^

You have walked 384.68 miles.
You have found the three stone Trolls from Bilbo's adventure (384).
It is 13.32 miles to the next landmark. You still have 73.32 miles to Rivendell.

'There are trolls!' Pippin panted. 'Down in a clearing in the woods not far below. We got a sight of them through the tree-trunks. They are very large!'

Geez, Pip, calm down..

Pip: *foaming at mouth*

Naz: - -;
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Old 12-08-2003, 05:42 PM   #1218
Haunted Halfling
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Lyta_Underhill has just left Hobbiton.

Well, this tired hobbit has gone 424.3 miles and with every step I find myself wondering if the Ford is just around the next rise, when in fact, I know it is almost 12 miles away! It seems that all the forces in the universe are converging upon me to prevent me from walking, and it is now that I wish I had Bill the Pony or Asfaloth to carry me the rest of the way, for many challenges have torn at me and tried to halt my body and kill my spirit; I have only to look over at Strider and be comforted, to Glorfindel to be heartened, then over to Frodo to realize my troubles are not really so bad!

Cheers to all!
(8 or 9 days to go, depending on how you look at it...)
“…she laid herself to rest upon Cerin Amroth; and there is her green grave, until the world is changed, and all the days of her life are utterly forgotten by men that come after, and elanor and niphredil bloom no more east of the Sea.”
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Old 12-08-2003, 11:38 PM   #1219
Alatįriėl Lossėhelin
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We have crossed Silverlode and entered the Naith. Alas, that we must journey through these woods blindfolded, just because the dwarf felt he was being picked on. To be able to hear the music of the leaves in the breeze, and yet be unable to see their shadows dancing upon the ground darkens the heart as well as the eyes.

-------------------- length all the Company was gathered on the east bank of the Silverlode..."Now, friends," said Haldir, "you have entered the Naith of Lórien...I shall here blindfold the eyes of Gimli the Dwarf."...[Gimli] "I will not walk blindfold...I will go forward free...or I will go back and seek my own land"...

..."You cannot go back," said Haldir sternly...Gimli drew his axe from his belt..."A plague on Dwarves and their stiff necks!" said Legolas. "Come!" said Aragorn..."We will all be blindfold, even Legolas"..."I am an Elf and a kinsman here," said Legolas, becoming angry in his turn.

"Now let us cry: 'a plague on the stiff necks of Elves!'" said Aragorn..."Alas for the folly of these days!" said Legolas. "Here all are enemies of the one Enemy, and yet I must walk blind, while the sun is merry in the woodland under leaves of gold!"

...Frodo found his hearing and other senses sharpened...He could hear many different notes in the rustle of the leaves overhead...He felt the sun upon his face and hands when they passed through an open seemed to him that he had stepped over a bridge of time into a corner of the Elder Days...Evil had been seen and heard there, sorrow had been known...but on the land of Lórien no shadow lay.
"It's impossible to have Frodo without Sam, or Sam without Frodo. They're like two halves of one heart..."
"If your hurts grieve you still and the memory of your burden is heavy, then you may pass into the West..."
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Old 12-09-2003, 07:28 PM   #1220
Hilde Bracegirdle
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Wow! Here I've been lazing around and when I check the Eowyn site what do I see but so many that have gotten so very far along the way! All those lovely black shields! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Bravo all!
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Old 12-10-2003, 01:59 PM   #1221
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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**You have walked 184.4 miles.
You have passed the eastern edge of Chetwood Forest (180).
It is 11.6 miles to the next landmark.
You still have 273.6 miles to Rivendell.**

*hums* So far and yet so close... [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Abedithon le,

Aranel, the Obvious Pippin Fancier
The Hitchhiking Ghost
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Old 12-10-2003, 05:21 PM   #1222
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Lyta, you're so close!^ ^

Me? Well..

You have walked 396.73 miles.
You have found the three stone Trolls from Bilbo's adventure (384).
It is 1.26999999999998 miles to the next landmark. You still have 61.27 miles to Rivendell.
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Old 12-11-2003, 04:59 PM   #1223
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You have walked 402.07 miles.
You have finally reached the great East Road Again! Glorfindel is there! (398)
It is 15.93 to miles to the next landmark. You still have 55.93 miles to Rivendell.

The light faded, and the leaves on the bushes rustled softly. Clearer and nearer now the bells jingled, and clippety-clip came the quick trotting feet. Suddenly into view below came a white horse, gleaming in the shadows, running swiftly. In the dusk its headstall flickered and flashed, as if it were studded with gems like living stars. The rider's cloak streamed behind him, and his hood was thrown back; his golden hair flowed shimmering in the wind of his speed. To Frodo it appeared that a white light was shining through the form and raiment of the rider, as if through a thin veil.

Ary: GLORFINDEL!!! BEAR US AWAY FROM HER!!! *points to Naz*


Ary: *falls over*

Glorfindel: *thinking* "Glorfindellie?!"


Naz: You cannot escape. BWAHAHAHAHA!

Yeah. I'm hyper. Guess who wanted to scream stuff about RotK in a bookstore earlier? Uh-huh. That's me^ ^;; > <;
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Old 12-11-2003, 05:16 PM   #1224
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At that moment there came a roaring and a rushing: a noise of loud waters rolling many stones. Dimly Frodo saw the river below him rise, and down along its course there came a plumed cavalry of waves. White flames seemed to Frodo to flicker on their crests and he half fancied that he saw amid the water white riders upon white horses with frothing manes. The three Riders that were still in the midst of the Ford were overwhelmed: they disappeared, buried suddenly under angry foam. Those that were behind drew back in dismay.
Ah--a better day today! I have finally reached the Ford of Bruinen and I would have cried aloud "By Elbereth and Luthien the Fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" But the UPS man didn't look like he was having a very good day, so I left off! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] Naz, as usual, is hot on my trail! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Lyta (438 miles, across the Ford, on the home stretch to Rivendell...get ready all y'all who are enjoying the comforts of Rivendell--here comes a hungry, tired hobbit!) [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
“…she laid herself to rest upon Cerin Amroth; and there is her green grave, until the world is changed, and all the days of her life are utterly forgotten by men that come after, and elanor and niphredil bloom no more east of the Sea.”
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Old 12-11-2003, 05:44 PM   #1225
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Faenaduial has just left Hobbiton.

You have walked 440 miles.
You have reached the Ford of Bruinen! (436)
You have only 18 miles to Rivendell.

Almost there! Hope the elves have saved us some hot chocolate (I am sure elves must have chocolate!). BlingBling and I hope to get to Rivendell this weekend. (The miles should add up as we are running through the malls doing our holiday shopping).

Now that the Black Riders have been washed away in the flood the rest of the journey should be a piece of cake.
Risk everything, or gain nothing. -- Geoffrey De Charny, 1358
Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened.
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Old 12-12-2003, 03:59 AM   #1226
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!

Well, now that we have less than a week to go, it's time to see where we've gotten. Lyta, Fae, looks like you'll make it to Rivendell on time! Others are on the way with too far to go in that time, but you too have accomplished something you might not have done otherwise! I have done 1 1/2 times the distance - not enough to get me to Lothlórien, but I should reach Hollin Ridge within the next few days.

Having walking "companions" has made the venture more interesting and challenging!
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 12-12-2003, 05:38 AM   #1227
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Naz, I must say, for having started when you did, you certainly racked up some progress. I'm amazed. All that humorous banter seems to have the desired result!

"Strider is too poor a name; Wingfoot I name you!"

Heh. Pretty appropriate for a Naz... Hmmm, Nazwing Wingnaz AeroNaz NazJet CruiseNaz NaZoomie NazzFlap EagleNaz Nazdactyl NazHawk NazBird NazDuck NazGull.... huh, for some reason that last one has a ring to it.
...down to the water to see the elves dance and sing upon the midsummer's eve.
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Old 12-12-2003, 05:45 PM   #1228
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Naz has just left Hobbiton.

You have walked 408.18 miles.
You have finally reached the great East Road Again! Glorfindel is there! (398)
It is 9.81999999999999 to miles to the next landmark. You still have 49.82 miles to Rivendell

*The hobbits are sitting to the side of the Road, Glorfindel is on Asfaloth, Ary sitting on his shoulders, & Naz sitting on Ary's shoulders, holding binoculars*

Naz: Hey! I can see Lyta from here!

Ary: That's nice. Get down!

Asfaloth: *Ow.....*

Naz: Oh, ok.. Hey! There's a UPS guy!


Naz: Hey look Ary! I got named somethin speshul! *points to mark12_30's post*

Ary: O o; That's nice, dearie. Frodo, back on the horse!

Naz: Oh, I see how it is.. *whispers* He's just jealous.

But thank you, thank you, mark12_30! *bows* Really? It's humorous? ^ ^ Good!

Ary: We're leaving without youuu!

Naz: Gah! *runs after them*
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Old 12-12-2003, 09:48 PM   #1229
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Faenaduial has just left Hobbiton.

Six more miles today. All of it dancing!

BlingBling and I always like to think of the elves while were turning and leaping across the floor

Only 12 more miles to Rivendell.
Risk everything, or gain nothing. -- Geoffrey De Charny, 1358
Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened.
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Old 12-13-2003, 04:10 PM   #1230
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Naz has just left Hobbiton.

You have walked 414.20 miles.
You have finally reached the great East Road Again! Glorfindel is there! (398)
It is 3.80000000000001 to miles to the next landmark. You still have 43.8 miles to Rivendell.
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Old 12-14-2003, 08:29 AM   #1231
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Hey everyone! Long time-no see! However, I have been walking, just not posting. I'm now at 383 miles and yet...this topic belongs to Naz! Great job, and I hope you get there on time!
I'd like to present an award: "Most hyperness/Squeeing...and it goes to...Naz! Congratulations! *everyone claps* (BTW, the runner up is Sapphire_Flame...she gets a medal...YAY!)
[img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
"My name is Mallard, but you can call me Duck." ~Random Saying, compliments of Sirith and her best friend, concerning a book.
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Old 12-14-2003, 03:39 PM   #1232
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Naz has just left Hobbiton.

You have walked 417.56 miles.
You have finally reached the great East Road Again! Glorfindel is there! (398)
It is 0.439999999999998 to miles to the next landmark. You still have 40.44 miles to Rivendell.

Oh well. I won't make it by Wednesday.. *sighs* Oh well, oh well.

Sirithheruwen-- ^ ^;;eheheheh... really, the topic doesn't belong to me... & really Sapphire squees more than me.. *bows* I really don't deserve any award! ^ ^;;;

~won't make it by Wednesday...
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Old 12-14-2003, 08:11 PM   #1233
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Faenaduial has just left Hobbiton.

Naz, you are doing an amazing job. Congratulations on making it so far so quickly.

BlingBling and I are almost there! Only 2 miles to go although it felt as though we were back on Caradhras today: snow, sleet and ice, yuck!!!

We plan on walking tomorrow late afternoon and hope to make it to Rivendell for the evening meal. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
Risk everything, or gain nothing. -- Geoffrey De Charny, 1358
Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened.
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Old 12-15-2003, 04:17 PM   #1234
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Sapphire_Flame has just left Hobbiton.
The Eye

**You have walked 191 miles.
You have passed the eastern edge of Chetwood Forest (180).
You are only 5 miles from the western edge of the Midgewater Marshes.
You still have 267 miles to Rivendell.**

Ug. Midgewater marshes...

Abedithon le,

The Hitchhiking Ghost
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Old 12-15-2003, 05:10 PM   #1235
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Naz has just left Hobbiton.

You have walked 419.58 miles.
You have reached the place where the four hobbits, Strider, and Glorfindel rested on the Road! (418)
It is 16.42 miles to the next landmark. You still have 38.42 miles to Rivendell.

They cast themselves down in the heather a few yards from the road-side, and fell asleep immediately. They seemed hardly to have closed their eyes when Glorfindel, who had set himself to watch while they slept, awoke them again. The sun had now climbed far into the morning, and the clouds and mists of the night were gone.

Glorfindel: Get up. Get uuuup... ARAGORN, FOR ILUVATAR'S SAKE, GET UP!!!

Pip: Ooh, isn't that a no-no? *snickers* Nauthy elf! Nauthy elf!

Glorfindel: - -;;xx Grr...

Ary: Zzzz..gggnk.. nn.. Arweeenn... gnnk..

Others: O O;;!! *lean in to listen, grinning & laughing evilly...*
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Old 12-16-2003, 10:43 AM   #1236
Alatįriėl Lossėhelin
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Haldir sent Orophin ahead to let Galadriel know we would not arrive at Caras Galadhon in time for the film screening tomorrow. Frodo is still somewhat stiff and sore from Moria, and unable to travel very fast. We arrived at Cerin Amroth this morning, and to our surprise discovered that the Galadhrim have converted the entire area into a theatre. They have also arranged, as a special treat, back-to-back showings of extended FotR, extended TTT, and an early showing of RotK for our Company. I feel so special!! Thanks Galadriel! [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]


The others cast themselves down upon the fragrant grass, but Frodo stood awhile still lost in wonder. It seemed to him that he had stepped through a high window that looked on a vanished world. A light was upon it for which his language had no name. All that he saw was shapely, but the shapes seemed at once clear cut, as if they had been first conceived and drawn at the uncovering of his eyes, and ancient as if they had endured for ever. He saw no colour but those he knew, gold and white and blue and green, but they were fresh and poignant, as if he had at that moment first perceived them and made for them names new and wonderful. In winter here no heart could mourn for summer or for spring. No blemish or sickness or deformity could be seen in anything that grew upon the earth. On the land of Lórien there was no stain.

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 8:57 PM December 17, 2003: Message edited by: Alatįriėl ]
"It's impossible to have Frodo without Sam, or Sam without Frodo. They're like two halves of one heart..."
"If your hurts grieve you still and the memory of your burden is heavy, then you may pass into the West..."
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Old 12-16-2003, 07:48 PM   #1237
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Lyta_Underhill has just left Hobbiton.

At last, I have made it!!! (Looks around for Faenaduial and cocks an eye towards the Ford for Naz). It is great to finally reach Imladris, and I can say it is more beautiful still for the trouble it took getting here! I've found some lovely Elf-hors d'oeuvres and I'm watching a chess match between Elladan and Elrohir...Gimli is trying to get me to bet on the game...silly Dwarf! I ate all my funds! Anyway, I'll pocket one of these nice Elfberry treats for Frodo when he wakes up...

Cheers all!

P.S. I stepped in at least 20 mudpiles and 10 puddles of water this evening, but no amount of rain could keep me from finishing this journey! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
“…she laid herself to rest upon Cerin Amroth; and there is her green grave, until the world is changed, and all the days of her life are utterly forgotten by men that come after, and elanor and niphredil bloom no more east of the Sea.”
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Old 12-16-2003, 09:48 PM   #1238
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Faenaduial has just left Hobbiton.

You have walked 458 miles.
You have reached Rivendell (458).

Yeah! BlingBling and I finally made it to Rivendell. Hi Lyta, congratulations. We actually finished walking Monday night but I couldn't find time until now to post.

Rivendell is wonderful... we especially liked the hot chocolate the elves had waiting for us at the end of the journey.

I think we will rest here for a few days and then travel on to Lothlorien.

Naz, you sure are covering a lot of ground. We may get to see you here if you keep up the pace you are walking at. We will save a few elf treats for you! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
Risk everything, or gain nothing. -- Geoffrey De Charny, 1358
Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened.
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Old 12-17-2003, 02:40 AM   #1239
Estelyn Telcontar
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Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!Estelyn Telcontar has reached the Cracks of Doom and destroyed the Ring!

Congratulations, Lyta and Fae!! Way to go!

Time for the final tally - I have walked a total of 696 miles. That means
You have passed Hollin Ridge (690).
It is 10 miles to the next landmark.
You still have 226 miles to Caras Galadon in Lothlórien.
I'm going to carry on - how about the rest of you? How far do you think we'll get in the coming year?
'Mercy!' cried Gandalf. 'If the giving of information is to be the cure of your inquisitiveness, I shall spend all the rest of my days in answering you. What more do you want to know?' 'The whole history of Middle-earth...'
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Old 12-18-2003, 06:09 PM   #1240
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Naz has just left Hobbiton.

You have walked 433.89 miles.
You have reached the place where the four hobbits, Strider, and Glorfindel rested on the Road! (418)
It is 2.11000000000001 miles to the next landmark. You still have 24.11 miles to Rivendell.

Yeah, I didn't make it...
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