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Old 08-01-2010, 07:58 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by Vilvarine View Post
Mmm, I don`t want to hire me as a scenery writer .. I`m just saying that even Peter Jackson (who I must confess did good job for LOTR but could be better as I said ) can`t make it perfect .. Well , we`ll see how will be The Hobbit But movie based on Silmarillion... I personally find it impossible to make
Good heavens, you're real! I honestly thought you were one of those copy-pasting spambots. (Failed to noticed you weren't linking to anything.) That was the joke, not, "Ha, ha, think you can do better than Peter Jackson?" Sorry if it came across like that.

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Old 08-07-2010, 11:48 AM   #82
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
Good heavens, you're real! I honestly thought you were one of those copy-pasting spambots. (Failed to noticed you weren't linking to anything.) That was the joke, not, "Ha, ha, think you can do better than Peter Jackson?" Sorry if it came across like that.

–Welcome to the Downs, Vilvarine!
Thanks a lot !! I`m glad that here are people who are actually interested of Tolkien`s literature!!
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Old 09-05-2010, 08:14 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by DuncanIdaho View Post
Are you forgetting that a good ending to a movie is subjective? There are many people who look for dark, tenebrous endings in a film. (There are many dark films.)

Hollywood, the film industry is also looking for innovatory, inventive ways of approaching a film. CoH would present a challenge.
Yes. Movies don't necessarily need to have a happy ending. Why, just look at The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. It was really really sad. CoH would be a good try, but I think the fans ought to make it, like they did that one, The Hunt for Gollum. Anyone out here seen it?
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Old 09-05-2010, 08:41 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by Galadriel View Post
Originally Posted by DuncanIdaho
Are you forgetting that a good ending to a movie is subjective? There are many people who look for dark, tenebrous endings in a film. (There are many dark films.)

Hollywood, the film industry is also looking for innovatory, inventive ways of approaching a film. CoH would present a challenge.
Yes. Movies don't necessarily need to have a happy ending. Why, just look at The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. It was really really sad.
Yes, but even if we ignore the copyright issue, I can't see The Children of Hurin being a major studio release, at least not without being more hacked around than Gelmir of Nargothrond. (Sorry.)

A fan film is a possibility, though.

Originally Posted by Galadriel View Post
CoH would be a good try, but I think the fans ought to make it, like they did that one, The Hunt for Gollum. Anyone out here seen it?
You may be interested in the thread discussing it here.
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Old 09-23-2010, 04:18 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
Yes, but even if we ignore the copyright issue, I can't see The Children of Hurin being a major studio release, at least not without being more hacked around than Gelmir of Nargothrond. (Sorry.)

A fan film is a possibility, though.

You may be interested in the thread discussing it here.
Actually, you're quite right. CoH would be nice for us Tolkien fans, but for anyone who isn't familiar with ME is going to hate it. It's not really a book that can be made into a triumph. It will probably end up like one of those old Macbeth movies.
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Old 09-23-2010, 07:49 AM   #86
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I think Peter Jackson should make a movie out of Silmarilion , beacuse there is The Lord of the Rings movie, soon it will be The Hobbit movie, so why not Silmarilion movie? I read both silmarilion and LOTR and I would give anything to see this movie, I mean it would be awsome
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Old 09-23-2010, 09:36 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by Arvegil145 View Post
I think Peter Jackson should make a movie out of Silmarilion , beacuse there is The Lord of the Rings movie, soon it will be The Hobbit movie, so why not Silmarilion movie? I read both silmarilion and LOTR and I would give anything to see this movie, I mean it would be awsome
Jackson will never get the rights to the Silmarillion. No one will. Not in our lifetimes. Or at least my lifetime, I don't know how old you are.
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Old 09-23-2010, 05:28 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
Yes, but even if we ignore the copyright issue, I can't see The Children of Hurin being a major studio release, at least not without being more hacked around than Gelmir of Nargothrond. (Sorry.)
I can't see The Children of Hurin (or for that matter, any part of the Silmarillion) as a studio release either, but what I can see it as is a miniseries on a premium cable channel like HBO. (Aforementioned copyright aside). A miniseries on premium cable would eliminate potential problems of a mainstream release. There would be no qualms about the incest, the suicides, the dark mood, and a hero that isn't squeaky-clean. (As a matter of fact, cable seems to actively embrace kind of material.)

That said, there's also the issue of actual adaptation of the material (which will likely include newly-written dialogue) and casting for a movie/miniseries. Done well, it would be be absolutely epic. Done wrong, it would be downright terrible. And the possibility alone of a horrible adaptation makes me kind of not want one at all.

I'm not holding my breath for any adaptations; it's something I'd like to see if it's ever possible, but I'm sure that I could live without it.
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Old 09-24-2010, 08:59 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by Morthoron View Post
Jackson will never get the rights to the Silmarillion. No one will. Not in our lifetimes. Or at least my lifetime, I don't know how old you are.
True that. There's a rumour that after The Hobbit no Tolkien related movies will be released, and anyway, making a movie out of The Silmarillion is nearly impossible. It's like trying to put The Bible on film. NOT a very good idea.
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Old 09-24-2010, 10:50 AM   #90
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It's like trying to put The Bible on film. NOT a very good idea.
Tell that to Chuck Heston's ghost.

Actually, the idea of a cable miniseries could work,
but not while CT is still around.
The poster formerly known as Tuor of Gondolin.
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Old 09-25-2010, 01:10 PM   #91
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well, i think too that silmarilion is realy complexed, and there are too many stories and just like somebody before said, it is like filming the entire Bible

i mean, it would take three days to watch the movie from the begining to the end

well, they could make a TV series

but, you never know, hope dies last
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Old 10-21-2012, 02:29 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by William Cloud Hicklin View Post
The idea will also have to wait in 2043, when JRRT's copyright expires; or, conceivably 70 years after Christopher dies, since h is quite arguably a co-author of the Silmarillion.
I was wondering, is this unknown? Meaning, does anyone know if the 70 year detail pertains to Christopher Tolkien or not?

I would think WCH would know if anyone knew, so does this have to be decided by a court or something (if CJRT can be considered as author)?
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Old 10-22-2012, 07:03 AM   #93
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I'd rather it never happened, at least not as a film-its a book primarily written for hardcore fans, and I can't see a film retaining this, yet still being commercial. Not only is very complex (meaning most of the dialogue and structure would have to be would also require a collosal budget) its more or less unconnected to the angle Jackson's films have taken, and with its grim tone (it features incest and mass murder-with betrayal and greed being the main catalysts for the plot) and the fact that almost no LOTR characters are featured it would be extremely hard to market and still please fans and novices at the same time.

Tolkien himself doubted whther readers would find the sil interesting, for people weaned soley on the films this would be even more true ('Wait so Elrond's dad is the magical starlight that Frodo uses to fend off shelob in ROTK film???). Its also something very personal to Tolkien (Beren and Luhtien were engraved as his and his wives tombstones-and his religous beleifs are very evident) and is really more of a historical chronicle than a narrative.

That said as high budget TV series such as Game of Thrones etc, it could work:

This would give the producers more room, and time to tell the stories, whilst allowing to make it for a diferrent audience. With the increased time and detail a TV series would allow it would also be alot closer to the book.

Personally I hope it never happens, but it I was given a choice I'd vote for a TV series (incluDing relevant stuff from Unfinisihed Tales and the HOME)- with Peter Jackson and co still writing...BUT

I'd also like Christopher Tolkien (or other Tolkien accademics such as Tom Shippey or Robert Foster) to be direclty involved in execuitive producer and screenwriting roles-you get the best of both worlds, Jackson's visual and storytelling no-how plus the advice and guidance of the Tolkien estate.
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