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Old 08-16-2009, 09:39 PM   #801
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As another note since a few have asked about it.

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Old 08-16-2009, 09:39 PM   #802
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Originally Posted by mormegil View Post
So if I suspect you, you will want my death even worse? Interesting but not helpful to your 'case' Sally. Just because you said you might change your vote doesn't make it any better. "Hey everybody I reserve the right to change my vote from a pack mate to a non-pack mate if the going gets bad but don't suspect me if I do"
Don't put words in my mouth, Morm. I suspect you more because you're grasping at straws (not to mention looking for guilt that isn't even there, but I expect that and have no problem with it) to build a case against me. And I changed my vote for....oh I already said why. I'm going to analyze Brinn now. G'bye.
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:40 PM   #803
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
As another note since a few have asked about it.

When the cobbler dies, you will know.
Figured, but thanks for making it clear, lovely.
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:41 PM   #804
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Originally Posted by mormegil View Post
That may be true. But I do know how I read you. I generally think you are suspicious, just like I think Lommy generally suspicious. Therefore I will continue to suspect you but I always do so with a grain of salt.
Ah, but that proves you don't - most of the time I'm innocent.
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:43 PM   #805
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Eh, never mind that last post, I read morm's post wrong and now I see it doesn't make sense. I'm too tired and my eyes are playing tricks on me. Time for bed.
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:43 PM   #806
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
Er, sorry about that - next time I see someone do something suspicious, I'll just keep my mouth shut. I forgot I was the cobbler... oh, wait a minute, I'm not the cobbler.
Hehe. That made me giggle. Here, have a cookie.

I just think that coming out and saying "Hey, such and such is suspicious because they did exactly what they said they were going to do" is a bit silly. And really, you'll notice that I wanted to kill Morm, so I would think he wouldn't be complaining. Just sayin'. (Although when I finish with Brinn I intend to analyze Alona because I think she looks darn suspicious right now. YesterDay I didn't have a chance to look at her much and by the time I did it was too late.)

ETA: x'd with two Rikaes. And now I need to spend my time doing something productive instead of defending myself when I didn't do anything wrong. *headdesks* Off to analyzation land....
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:46 PM   #807
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Ah, and now I see that was Lommy's weird retracted vote, not Autume's (can we please stick to less confusing nicknames, or just type out the real names from now on, folks?) My comments about it are the same, anyway - that was my reaction to it yesterDay, but I had forgotten who the two people were that did it toDay and just looked at the vote count. *sigh*
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:48 PM   #808
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
(can we please stick to less confusing nicknames, or just type out the real names from now on, folks?)
Just to clear things up


I'm glad you reread my post to make sense of it I was going to point that out.

Sally, you seem fairly jumpy, I'm sure your pack is sitting there yelling at their monitor for you to calm down.
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:50 PM   #809
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Originally Posted by mormegil View Post
Sally, you seem fairly jumpy, I'm sure your pack is sitting there yelling at their monitor for you to calm down.
Yeah, sorry about that. I get antsy when I'm not well and I was already a bit ticked about the accusation so I went a bit nuts. And I'm sure your pack is chuckling at me as we speak. Do tell them hello for me toNight, will you?
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:50 PM   #810
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So, I've been sitting here, as the MSN-watchers could attest--since just before the Day started. Then, having read the opening narration, I went on a wander, to places like Facebook and LiveJournal, letting the deaths of the night sink in, and hoping something elucidating about the deaths might come up. Here's what I got, if anything:

Regarding the phantom's death, I'm undecided if this is an attempt at trail-less Kill or not. On the one hand, the phantom had the case made that could well have been Pitchwife's single dream--in which case he's an easy pick for the wolves to have made: a deliberate removal of a near-Known Innocent, which doesn't really point at anybody. On the other hand, the case for the phantom have been the dream was guesswork at best, and a bit unprovable. It would have made more sense to me if the Wolves had gone after a Gifted or the Bear than a possibly-maybe-it's been suggest he might've been Known Innocent.

In death, as in life, apparently, the phantom baffles me.

Brinn baffles me too--her death, that is. After the Hakon death, I was expecting a somewhat wilder kill from the Bear--one of the village loudmouths or noisemakers. Well, "expecting" is a strong word, but I definitely would have inclined that way. As it is, however, Brinn has been quite quiet, and thus less readable. Her death, however, takes the Bear in completely the opposite direction of Hakon's--unless they were both completely unconnected to the Bear as far as posts went. I was more expecting, though, to wake up and find someone like Alona gone--someone making more noise, and generally more suspicious.

Speaking of Alona, her Day-End antics yesterDay definitely bear some investigation, and she definitely seemed jumpy, but it was quite weird--I was around until 10 minutes before the deadline yesterday, and although she'd accrued a lot of suspicion, I was rather surprised with I got on after and caught myself to find that she'd jumped into the tie-line and been saved by a couple bells. The whole Day-End situation is rather tangled and might well include some furry creatures.
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:51 PM   #811
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Oh, and....

Originally Posted by Morm
Just to clear things up




Or at least that's how I do it. *shrugs* Makes sense in my head.
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:51 PM   #812
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I guess since I'm still alive (though, I don't know for how long ), I should try and get in some analysis before the bandwaggon-ing starts. One thing I noticed, yesterDay, in the flurry of cross posts, was this:

Durelin was gone for most of yesterDay. Understandable, since I was gone for several hours yesterDay too, but her vote said "Of the 3 tied, she's it for me." Why only vote based on the top 3 suspects and not base your vote on evidence? I know Durelin posted before about her suspicions, but nowhere did she suspect me, morm and she stated she didn't understand where the fuel for Inzil was coming from, if memory serves. So why only vote to break the tie? I mean, I know Sally asked someone to break it, but still...

Also, any thoughts about the bear after last Night?


And, to answer what seems to be a recurring issue - the way I "seem" in my posts. Honestly, I think that's my style. I like to be friendly to people, and though it almost got me killed yesterDay, that's not going to change. I apologize that it creates suspicion around me - kinda makes me wish Lari were here to back me on this.
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Last edited by alonariel; 08-16-2009 at 09:52 PM. Reason: X'd with Rikae and Morm
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:56 PM   #813
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Upset about Pitch's death, not pleased with anybody.

Responds to Rikae, saying didn't think Pitch was gifted, why he didn't vote Hakon, and to point out that his Rikae-vote did have backing.

Agrees with Mira's analysis that he was Pitch's first dream.

Makes sarcastic remarks about why people shouldn't vote him

Ponders forcing tie every day just to be a jerk
Alon - "came under very slight threat halfway through, and so if she's guilty the Pitch voters don't look so good"
Rikae - "threatened right at the deadline, so if she is guilty Tum rushing in and retracting her Hakon vote in favor of padding Pitch's lead (effectively savingRik's skin) looks extremely suspicious."
If both are innocent we wouldn't have anything at all

Responds to Nerwen's question about feelings on Mira, determines doesn't know what to think

Defends Mira and her insanely idiotic slip, thinks is cobbler if anything
Wants to know why Shasta voted Pitch, says doesn't make sense

Wants to know why morm is attracting votes
Doesn't like the nickname confusion. Suggests lynching autumne to get rid of it.
Sarcasm directed towards Rikae about a comment she made

Doesn't want to vote morm or Brinn, tempted to vote Rikae again

"What's that you say, Shasta? You'd like to volunteer? Well, I'd love to help you out, but Sally said it first. She has to refuse before you can offer yourself. Sorry."
Still picking a fight with Shasta, presumably over his vote for Pitch yesterDay

Says can't spot the bear and the people who thought Hakon spotted it are wrong

Introduces possibility that Alona and autumne are BFFs
Considering voting for Rikae or Shasta or Tum because of nickname thing

Responds to Mac's question about why he didn't mention Inzil

"Well, now that an admittedly drunk Formendacil has voted Inzil, I certainly can't jump onto that train.

See Mac. I just knew it wasn't for me. This is a sign. It confirms it."

"Shasta, Rikae, or Tum.... which one.... which one...."

Wonders why no one has elaborated on why Tum and Alona might be BFFs
Ponders voting for whoever Brinn votes for just because she was nice to him

About the statement Rikae had made about being ready to trust him but then he said something that made her change her mind:
"Well crap, Rikae. You say something like that so close to the deadline... And now I have to try a mad-speed goose chase to find out what the heck you're talking about. *sighs*

Here goes..."

Votes Alona for dropping out of the game he modded.

"Tonight- you need to come after me. No one's ever going to lynch me. I'm Pitch's most likely dream, and I don't lynch easily even if there is mass support. Just get rid of me already. You need to sooner or later after all."


Guess he got his wish on that last one...

Clearly he had a problem with Shasta and Rikae (and Tum for the nickname thing, but that doesn't really count). The other thing that sticks out is the possibility of autumne and Alona being the BFFs. I might take a look at that later, but for now it should probably be bedtime.
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Last edited by Mirandir; 08-16-2009 at 09:57 PM. Reason: xed since my last post
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:59 PM   #814
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I agree we do need to take a look at Sally. The one question I have though is if sally were really trying to help alona why didn't she vote for Inzil instead? Wouldn't that have helped alona out even more since Lommy hadn't retracted his vote yet?

I think Lommy's vote looks even more suspicious. He's the one that sealed the fate of Inzil and thus breaking the tie ensuring that alona didn't get lynched.

With that said, I think that we also need to be taking a look at alona. Obviously her vote to try and save herself makes sense. What doesn't make sense is the vote by Lommy to save her. I can't say that I've gotten any bad vibes from her at this point. I'll have to take a closer look at her toDay and see if I see anything.

Edit: x-ed with everyone since my last post
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:02 PM   #815
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Originally Posted by autume98 View Post
I agree we do need to take a look at Sally. The one question I have though is if sally were really trying to help alona why didn't she vote for Inzil instead? Wouldn't that have helped alona out even more since Lommy hadn't retracted his vote yet?

I think Lommy's vote looks even more suspicious. He's the one that sealed the fate of Inzil and thus breaking the tie ensuring that alona didn't get lynched.

With that said, I think that we also need to be taking a look at alona. Obviously her vote to try and save herself makes sense. What doesn't make sense is the vote by Lommy to save her. I can't say that I've gotten any bad vibes from her at this point. I'll have to take a closer look at her toDay and see if I see anything.

Edit: x-ed with everyone since my last post
Erm....and I can't believe I'm saying this lol....I did vote for Dun. I retracted from Morm to Dun right before the deadline, and x'd with Alona in the process.

Oh, and Lommie's a lovely Finnish girl, by the way.

ETA: By which I mean I can't believe I'm saying I voted for Dun. Ack, it still doesn't make sense. Whatever.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:03 PM   #816
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Twinkle, twinkle little Sally
How I wonder what you are
Up above the radar so high
Like a baddie in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle little Sally
How I wonder what you are.

*goes to sleep*
Puddle! Puddle!
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:05 PM   #817
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Originally Posted by Nienna View Post
Twinkle, twinkle little Sally
How I wonder what you are
Up above the radar so high
Like a baddie in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle little Sally
How I wonder what you are.

*goes to sleep*

*snuggles you*

Go to bed, sweetheart. And thank you.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:06 PM   #818
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I know sally had requested previously to be looked at and I have every intention of doing so before deadline toDay. However, I need to be happy and perky for work in the morning and thus will be going to bed now.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:06 PM   #819
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Originally Posted by alonariel View Post
And, to answer what seems to be a recurring issue - the way I "seem" in my posts. Honestly, I think that's my style. I like to be friendly to people, and though it almost got me killed yesterDay, that's not going to change. I apologize that it creates suspicion around me - kinda makes me wish Lari were here to back me on this.
Well, it may not help in this game, but if it's a matter of style, people will eventually get used to it and stop suspecting you for it (well, unless you're a wolf, in which case you'll be suspected for your style forever. Case in point: I was a wolf the first time I really lost my temper in a game. Henceforth, some people *coughnogcough* think I'm a wolf every time I get annoyed. Annoying, that is.)
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:07 PM   #820
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Who is Dun?

Seriously these nicknames that make no sense need to go.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:08 PM   #821
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Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 View Post
Oh, and Lommie's a lovely Finnish girl, by the way.
Thanks for clearing that up. Sorry Lommy!
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:09 PM   #822
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
Well, it may not help in this game, but if it's a matter of style, people will eventually get used to it and stop suspecting you for it (well, unless you're a wolf, in which case you'll be suspected for your style forever. Case in point: I was a wolf the first time I really lost my temper in a game. Henceforth, some people *coughnogcough* think I'm a wolf every time I get annoyed. Annoying, that is.)
Oh, you're preaching to the choir about losing your temper. I do that in real life a lot, but I really need to learn to grow a thicker set of skin for this game, honestly.

I don't think your suspicions were personal and so I won't get mad about them, though.
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Last edited by alonariel; 08-16-2009 at 10:10 PM. Reason: X'd with Rikae
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:09 PM   #823
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Originally Posted by mormegil View Post

Who is Dun?

Seriously these nicknames that make no sense need to go.
I believe Dun is Durelin.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:10 PM   #824
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Okay, going to be bedtime soon (it's 10:00 pm), so this will be my last post for the night. No serious analysis now, just impressions.

For the record, so that no one pulls an Inziladun-to-Morm play on me, yes, I will be back. I work in the morning, and I'm usually home 5 hours before the deadline, so you can expect me some time after that (my computer can be cranky until it's warmed up).

In the meantime, my first impressions of Day 3 have three names: Morm, Rikae, and Sally, who seem to be in a little suspicion circle all of their own. It's Day 3, so we're about right on time for the former two to suspect me, so that's no huge surprise from this quarter. Beyond that, Rikae seems to be more excited than usual--a Wolf/Bear that saw something too close to the line yesterday? and Morm has come back very aggressive. Good old Morm. Sally doesn't seem so much suspicious as clueless, but that could make her a Cobbler, or a gut-instinct Bear.

autume and Alona are both around, it seems. Alona seems less jumpy--coached overnight by packmates? and autume feels like she's trying to hard to be agreeable.

I'll probably back if there's much cross-posting, but the energy is flagging and the laundry is done.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:10 PM   #825
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Dun is Inzildun, of course! And it makes perfect sense....inside my brain.

EDIT: x'd
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:11 PM   #826
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Confusing nicknames:



Dun=Inziladun (with my 20/200 vision, Dun and Dury are pretty much indistinguishable).

Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation.

EDIT: X'd with all since my last.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:11 PM   #827
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Originally Posted by autume98 View Post
I believe Dun is Durelin.
Why not Dure? At least that makes sense.

My new nickname with will Mile all the letters are there so we might as well.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:11 PM   #828
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Originally Posted by autume98 View Post
I believe Dun is Durelin.
Dun is Inziladun

X-posted with all the other Dun-explainers.
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Last edited by Formendacil; 08-16-2009 at 10:15 PM.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:14 PM   #829
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Originally Posted by Formendacil View Post
Dun is Inziladun
Thanks Dacil

Okay sorry to get on that tangent. Anyway I'm off to bed.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:15 PM   #830
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Originally Posted by Formendacil View Post
Dun is Inziladun
Thanks. Lol at least I know I'm not completely crazy.

Although I do understand Rikae's trouble. Didn't even think about that. Sorry, dear.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:16 PM   #831
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Originally Posted by mormegil View Post
Why not Dure? At least that makes sense.

My new nickname with will Mile all the letters are there so we might as well.
Sorry morm looks like I got that one wrong too! So I was wrong about Sally not voting for Inzil earlier. Makes more sense as to why people suspect her as well.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:17 PM   #832
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I think his nickname was decided in his first game. I asked what he would like to be nicknamed, because Inziladun is just way too long to write out all the time. And since there was an Izzy (Isabellyka), Inzy just would not work. It was decided Dun...but mostly for whatever reason I type out Inziladun, or Inzil, or Dun, or some variant.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:18 PM   #833
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
Confusing nicknames:



Dun=Inziladun (with my 20/200 vision, Dun and Dury are pretty much indistinguishable).

Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation.

EDIT: X'd with all since my last.
If I'm not mistaken I believe Morm is the only one who calls Phantom Tummy, so I didn't have a problem with it although I can understand why it'd induce brain fail.

Autume=Tum (because I'm lazy and otherwise I end up with dang typos)
Thinlomien=Lommy/Lommie (because some of us hate Y's for some reason)
Durelin=Dure/Durie (because otherwise when I say it I feel rude)

Acceptable? Good. Shiny. Back to my analysis and action movie then, kthnx.

EDIT: x'd with Master Boro. That too. If I see an I and a Z I think Izzy, but I can adapt if it'll make y'all happy.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:19 PM   #834
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Originally Posted by Formendacil View Post
and Morm has come back very aggressive. Good old Morm.
I was thinking the same thing. I was going to mention that we need to look at morm as well toDay.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:35 PM   #835
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Originally Posted by Formendacil View Post
For the record, so that no one pulls an Inziladun-to-Morm play on me, yes, I will be back. I work in the morning, and I'm usually home 5 hours before the deadline, so you can expect me some time after that (my computer can be cranky until it's warmed up).
This goes for me too. I'll see what I can do about posting at work, but I make no promises. Oh and it'll be closer to 4 hours before the deadline for me. But I will be here. Now it's off to bed seeing as it's 11:30 here.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:41 PM   #836
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My first idea was, that the mass-retractions were caused by Alona being a wolf and their comrades trying to save her. The scenario fits perfectly on the first look: 4 minutes before the deadline, tp chucks in the vote that puts Alona's name into the hat. Lommy and Sally are scared to retract right away, because it would make them look suspicious, and they wait til the last second for somebody else to do the job. Unfortunately, both admit that they want to save Alona, and that's simply not something a wolf does that openly when she desperately wants to save a fellow.

I do wonder, though, why Alona waited til the last minute to retract to save herself, so Alona's still a possible baddie for me, but probably not together with Sally and Lommy. Then again, reading morm's posts and her replies, Sally is still suspicious independently.

I am also suspicious right now of Autume and Form, both simply for following my vote (Autume even asked me to make her follow). Shasta, Nessa, and Nienna I need to look closer at, too, because I don't know what to think of them.

Btw, we are dealing with a smart bear, who probably counted with the wolves doing the dirty work of possibly sacrificing a kill on the widely-suspected innocent phantom and went for Brinn instead. I, too, expected a more extravagant kill from the bear, so unless he had some specific reason to try Brinn, he's somebody unwilling to fulfil expectations and instead trying to confuse us more about his way of thinking/killing. Gut feeling of the Day: Nerwen.
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Old 08-16-2009, 10:47 PM   #837
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Actually, Mac, Nerwen looks really quite shiny to me. Then again, no one should look shiny, so her lack of suspicion is suspicious to me. Does that make sense?

(To clarify, Nerwen normally makes me uncomfortable but this game I can't come up with a single thing that makes me suspect her. Playing with Rudolph? Am I losing it? Or is she innocent? Right now, I'm going for the last one.)
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Old 08-16-2009, 11:02 PM   #838
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Originally Posted by Macalaure View Post
My first idea was, that the mass-retractions were caused by Alona being a wolf and their comrades trying to save her. The scenario fits perfectly on the first look: 4 minutes before the deadline, tp chucks in the vote that puts Alona's name into the hat. Lommy and Sally are scared to retract right away, because it would make them look suspicious, and they wait til the last second for somebody else to do the job. Unfortunately, both admit that they want to save Alona, and that's simply not something a wolf does that openly when she desperately wants to save a fellow.
I waited until the last minute because there were still several people that had to vote - and in the end my nerves got the better of me. A newbie thing, I'm afraid. I keep on having to tell myself to calm down, it's just a game. But really, I don't see Sally as being suspicious - or Lommy, for that matter. Maybe that's because I haven't played with them enough, or that Sally's not acting like she did at all last game when she was a wolf. And that's not because they voted to save me. My one retraction was enough to save me, and we all posted at the same time.

Originally Posted by Macalaure View Post
I am also suspicious right now of Autume and Form, both simply for following my vote (Autume even asked me to make her follow). Shasta, Nessa, and Nienna I need to look closer at, too, because I don't know what to think of them.
I'm more wary of autume. Form I can't get a read on, but that's probably because I haven't played with him enough to know how to read him. autume seems to agree with everyone, almost as if it's a conscious effort not to make waves and draw attention to herself.

Originally Posted by Macalaure View Post
Btw, we are dealing with a smart bear, who probably counted with the wolves doing the dirty work of possibly sacrificing a kill on the widely-suspected innocent phantom and went for Brinn instead. I, too, expected a more extravagant kill from the bear, so unless he had some specific reason to try Brinn, he's somebody unwilling to fulfil expectations and instead trying to confuse us more about his way of thinking/killing. Gut feeling of the Day: Nerwen.
We definitely are. I'm really baffled by the bear. It doesn't help that I've never played in a game with a bear, but still. Your gut feeling is interesting - Nerwen's been so under my radar, I fear she's in another universe altogether at the moment.
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Last edited by alonariel; 08-16-2009 at 11:03 PM. Reason: X'd with Nerwen
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Old 08-16-2009, 11:02 PM   #839
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Originally Posted by autume98 View Post
I believe Dun is Durelin.
Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
It was decided Dun...but mostly for whatever reason I type out Inziladun, or Inzil, or Dun, or some variant. [/I]
Well, as long as you knew who she was voting for... I tend to call Inziladun Zil, or Inzil.

Originally Posted by Macalaure View Post
Btw, we are dealing with a smart bear, who probably counted with the wolves doing the dirty work of possibly sacrificing a kill on the widely-suspected innocent phantom and went for Brinn instead. I, too, expected a more extravagant kill from the bear, so unless he had some specific reason to try Brinn, he's somebody unwilling to fulfil expectations and instead trying to confuse us more about his way of thinking/killing. Gut feeling of the Day: Nerwen.
You're wrong, but I'm flattered.

EDIT:X'd with Alona.
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Old 08-17-2009, 05:38 AM   #840
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Ah, what a mess. I really hope we manage to net a baddie today. Seems like there are quite a few scapegoats coming under suspicion at the moment, not good. We are getting so divided, I won't be surprised if we finish the wolves' job for them.

And the nickname conversation was...unexpected, to say the least. But then again, my nick is one of the easiest.
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