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Old 02-27-2009, 07:53 PM   #801
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Originally Posted by Durelin View Post
Oh, nvm, thought you meant something else.
No, I understand. Don't worry about it, and sorry again for my mistake.

On with the game? On with the game.
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Old 02-27-2009, 07:56 PM   #802
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Originally Posted by sally
Mnemo's more than happy to point out my role to everyone (not that I'm complaining, as I was getting so darn frustrated) but other than that I can't see a whole lot that's helpful about her. She voted all three Days for the lynchee, all three of them innocent, but I don't think she's the kind to just follow a bad Izzy blindly. What do you all think about her being the Black Queen? I'm not sold on the idea, but it's worth considering, and I wanted input from the rest of you.
False. I only voted for the lynchee yesterDay.
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Old 02-27-2009, 07:57 PM   #803
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I would just like to point out that Sally (that's me!), Mnemo, and Phantom have over half the posts in the thread. In that order. It's mostly the loud players left, yet no one is even close to us in post count.

Yes, Rikae, that is a challenge. Speak you minds and speak them often for games are seldom won by silent players.
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Old 02-27-2009, 07:57 PM   #804
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Originally Posted by Mnemosyne View Post
False. I only voted for the lynchee yesterDay.
I'm retarded. I looked at the wrong list. You voted for innocents each Day.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:02 PM   #805
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Oh no, Sally, not again. That got me in trouble last time.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:03 PM   #806
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Originally Posted by Durelin View Post
Or just I'm the only one who thought Shasta would use a more neutral term. But then, that the cobbler just shows up as 'innocent' can mean they just show up as 'white pawn'...
Perhaps you got hung up about the exact wording that Shasta uses when telling Seers their dreams because you are the Black Seer and Rikae's comments were inconsistent with the way you've been receiving news all game?

Just a hypothesis, of course. *glares*

I know I'm being stubborn. I do. I'm being the dog-with-a-bone I accused Nog of being earlier in the game. I just learned my lesson already about not following through on my intuition. If you turn out to be a wolf and I don't try to get you killed, Durelin, then the wolves deserve a sweeping victory.

Originally Posted by Brinniel
She's saying that she was turned after Kath dreamt of her, which is why she appeared as a white pawn and they couldn't communicate.
This would make sense, except it's killing me to admit that there might be another White Hunter. I mean... why the eff would there be?

It really doesn't seem fair to just create roles willy nilly once players have been fairly killed on either side of the board. It would be like if Shasta was sitting around going, "Well, I really wanted the wolf team to win, so even though the village just killed the last one, I think I'll deputize this player."

I don't like it.

I mean... I'd be all for believing in the honesty of Good players if I wasn't so unsure of Sally. It just... seems like such a cobbler thing to do. And what cobbler wouldn't want to go down in history as the one who convinced an entire village, including the gifted good guys, that xe had a good role that didn't exist?

I just... I'm hesitant, is all. Especially when I'm so convinced of Durelin's guilt, but nobody else seems to hear me when I talk about it.

You can't all be wolves, so what's with this ignore Fea routine?

I mean... I know that it all hinges on the wolves thinking the same things about Kath that I suspected, but Durelin's careful reference to solely the two players that we're all pretty settled on as being dreamed of?

It seems way to good to be true.

And yeah, I mean, I'm not saying I don't also think Izzy's a good lynch choice, because you'll notice that I've been trying to lynch her for a while now, but I'm so much more convinced of Durelin.

I want to believe Rikae, so if she tells me flat out that I must vote Izzy toDay, I'm not going to butt heads with her: we'll find out fast if she was lying, if Izzy turns out to be a good guy.

Originally Posted by Izzy
The only way that could've happened - is if Kath dreamed of her again.
Or if the dreamed-of status sticks and the dreamers get updates as roles shift. I don't know if this is true, because as I've made abundantly clear, I have absolutely no clue what's going on, apart from a bunch of people saying things that seem too good to be true...

Originally Posted by Sally
Basically I don't know how it works. I got a PM at Day Four's dawn and was told I was the new white rook. I got a PM from Kath the next Night saying that she'd dreamt me the Night before and she was able to PM me now.
In a really twisted way, this makes so much sense.

I'm baffled.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:12 PM   #807
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On the contrary, Fea. Statistically (from my pov, and I'm assuming myself innocent), if Rikae is telling the truth, there's a 75% chance that Duri is either the Queen, the Bishop, or the Knight. Unfortunately the same applies to you, dear.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:15 PM   #808
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I think Durie more evil though, little Mnemo.

I think I'll go ahead and rank the unknowns, most guilty to least.


Definitely subject to change, but that's kind of what I'm feeling now.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:16 PM   #809
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That explanation doesn't make sense. It doesn't fit the rules and information as stated on the Admin thread. I don't see why a Seer would be updated on the status/alignment of their dream target.

I think it is a bunch of hogwash.

Though, I think a line taken from Sam would fit much better in here.

X'd with Sally
But I was clinging to her like a homicidal monkey.

Last edited by Isabellkya; 02-27-2009 at 08:20 PM.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:17 PM   #810
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Originally Posted by Fea
I mean... I know that it all hinges on the wolves thinking the same things about Kath that I suspected, but Durelin's careful reference to solely the two players that we're all pretty settled on as being dreamed of?
This hinges on a lot more than just the wolves thinking exactly like you do (hmm, interesting though... ). For one thing it hinges on me deciding only at the beginning of that Day and not before that Kath was the seer and she dreamed of phantom and Sally. Because otherwise then she'd have been dead a night earlier. Which is a bit much to assume, as well.

And why try and get them lynched if I'm a wolf/werecreature when they can be killed more easily at night?

Stop playing Cicero. There's no big conspiracy based around the seer dreams. The death and destruction that would result from said conspiracy isn't there - namely that Kath was not killed till last night and phantom and Sally are both still alive. I am not that inept in that regard. Though mabye Catiline really was, who knows.

Maybe I should take it as a compliment that you don't think I can just be wrong?
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:18 PM   #811
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Originally Posted by Isabellkya View Post
That explanation doesn't make sense. It doesn't fit the rules and information as stated on the Admin thread. I don't see why a Seer would be updated on the status/alignment of their dream target.

I think it is a bunch of hogwash.

Though, I think a line taken from Sam would fit much better in here.
According to Shasta, that's not what happened.

Keep in mind that what I'd said before was my best guess.

Kath received the PM regarding me being the Rook at Day 4 Dawn, so she didn't have a chance to PM me until the next Night.

Thus saith Shasta. That's all I know though, sorry.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:22 PM   #812
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Fea Dury

Still to vote: Phantom, Izzy, Mnemi, Fea, Brinn, Dury

I think we need some kind of consensus here. Otherwise, it's too easy for Izzy and the cobbler to snipe someone at DL.

Fea, I have no objection you voting for Durelin. I could possibly switch to her myself. *points to post about “if Sally is good, there's a wolf and a bear among her, you, Mnemi and Brinn”* She's not my top suspect out of those, though. My list, from most to least suspicious, is more like:


Last edited by Rikae; 02-27-2009 at 08:24 PM. Reason: EDIT: Fixed punctuation.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:24 PM   #813
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
Fea Dury

Still to vote: Phantom, Izzy, Mnemi, Fea, Brinn, Dury

I think we need some kind of consensus here. Otherwise, it's too easy for Izzy and the cobbler to snipe someone at DL.

Fea, I have no objection you voting for Durelin. I could possibly switch to her myself. points to post about “if Sally is good, there's a wolf and a bear among her, you, Mnemi and Brinn” She's not my top suspect out of those, though. My list, from most to least suspicious, is more like:


Well, if my opinion matters at all I'm totally up for a Durie lynch.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:28 PM   #814
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Well which is it Sally?
At first you said you were dreamed as a White Pawn.
Now you say you were dreamed a White Rook.

What else are you being untruthful about?
But I was clinging to her like a homicidal monkey.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:29 PM   #815
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Well, if we can consense soon that'd be marvellous. I'm ill, and really need bed.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:30 PM   #816
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Originally Posted by Isabellkya View Post
Well which is it Sally?
At first you said you were dreamed as a White Pawn.
Now you say you were dreamed a White Rook.

What else are you being untruthful about?
Nothing. You saw what Shasta said, and it was different than what I originally understood the situation to be.

Izzy, you're evil. I'm not. This is law according to the combined seers. Enjoy being killed.

(And I'll still send you cookies if you like!)
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:30 PM   #817
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Sally- I've been wondering about Mnemo as well. It's strange how she seemed so eager to point out that you might be a second hunter. An innocent would typically want to keep from stating such thoughts aloud. I think it'd be smart to take a closer look at her, though she's not my top priority at the moment.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:30 PM   #818
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Vote and go to bed, or I'm stealing your internet cord and voting for you.

(By that I mean ++Mnemo, not I'll cast her vote for her. Bah, you know what I mean....)
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:32 PM   #819
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Oh, and I should point out that Mnemo and Brinn are reversible on my list. Right now I'm more concerned about Mnemo, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten about Brinn. Just for clarification.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:32 PM   #820
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Not till there's a consensus. I know that Brinn and Duri would be willing to go for Fea (as would I), but I'd rather go after someone that the people I'm actually trusting at the moment would like to go after.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:35 PM   #821
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I suppose I could go for Fea, but only if it's the village wish. If so, then I'll go along with it and hope that my pick will even it out, should I die in the Night.

I'd still prefer Durie though, and I think Rikae may support that lynch as well. Am I correct in this?

EDIT: sentence structure
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:36 PM   #822
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Lynch me, and you're down another innocent, AND you learn nothing. No roles are proven. All the baddies are still around.

Rely on probability if you want. But maybe a better way of doing that would be to actually, genuinely randomly choose from us remaining 'unknowns'.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:36 PM   #823
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Actually, no. I didn't see what Shasta said. Only what you claim he said.

'tis fine. You got caught in a lie. xD

X'd since Mnemosyne's #820
But I was clinging to her like a homicidal monkey.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:37 PM   #824
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Originally Posted by Durelin View Post
Lynch me, and you're down another innocent, AND you learn nothing. No roles are proven. All the baddies are still around.

Rely on probability if you want. But maybe a better way of doing that would be to actually, genuinely randomly choose from us remaining 'unknowns'.
Between the four of you unknowns, two of you are bad. I'll take the 50/50 chance, risky as it may seem.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:37 PM   #825
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And before you lynch me you'd better tell me why you suspect me, all of you! Yes, all of you!

You're going to have to work at this, and not just come to a dandy ol' consensus.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:38 PM   #826
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Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 View Post
I'd still prefer Durie though, and I think Rikae may support that lynch as well. Am I correct in this?
Please pick Durelin? I'll offer myself up on a silver platter if I'm wrong. Seriously.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:39 PM   #827
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Fine, Dury. I'm rolling a d4.

1 is you,

2 is Fea,

3 is Brinn,

and 4 is a reroll.

Sorry, but I'm not voting myself. I know that I'm innocent.

I rolled a 3.


I expect sally to wake me up if you end up consensing otherwise so that I can change my vote. I am not leaving this up to chance.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:39 PM   #828
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Psh. Or Izzy. At this point, I just want the cross posting of epic I-don't-want-to-die to end.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:39 PM   #829
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Originally Posted by Isabellkya View Post
Actually, no. I didn't see what Shasta said. Only what you claim he said.

'tis fine. You got caught in a lie. xD

Rikae, if you don't get killed toNight (and I don't either) odds are there will be two innocent lynches, right?

Sorry, poor phrasing. What I mean is....if the baddies target two other people, we're down two innocents with no chance of catching a baddie.

How confident are you that you can find one of the other baddies in your next pick?

In other words, I'd rather get a baddie out of the way for sure, mostly because of numbers.

In even other words, I think I'd prefer Izzy most of all. Give me your thoughts.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:39 PM   #830
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Originally Posted by Sally
Between the four of you unknowns, two of you are bad. I'll take the 50/50 chance, risky as it may seem.
There's something called bad luck.

And Fea.

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Old 02-27-2009, 08:40 PM   #831
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Since I only have the one retraction, I don't really want to use it early, in case something strange happens.

I don't have much of a preference betwen Fea and Dury, but I don't want to vote Mnemi and it seems I have no support for Brinn.

EDIT: X'd with Mnemi's vote and everything after. Seems I do have support, after all.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:40 PM   #832
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Originally Posted by Mnemosyne View Post
I am not leaving this up to chance.
Except you just voted purely by chance instead of picking a player. That's responsible.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:41 PM   #833
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
Since I only have the one retraction, I don't really want to use it early, in case something strange happens.

I don't have much of a preference betwen Fea and Dury, but I don't want to vote Mnemi and it seems I have no support for Brinn.

Understandable. That's why I'm waiting to vote, so if we have a big circus at the end I'm not just sitting there watching with no power to do anything.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:42 PM   #834
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Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil View Post
Except you just voted purely by chance instead of picking a player. That's responsible.
Oi, she's sick. Be nice.

Don't worry, she'll be back at some point. Maybe. (I'm in charge of waking her up.)
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:42 PM   #835
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As of now, I will probably vote for Fea.

More from me later; sorry I'm watching Dollhouse.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:45 PM   #836
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Originally Posted by Brinniel View Post
As of now, I will probably vote for Fea.

More from me later; sorry I'm watching Dollhouse.

Oooo I missed/am missing it tonight. You'll have to tell me about it later.

Here's a question. If the innocents are mostly/all wiped out but the Queen and Knight are still alive, what happens? Do they keep playing until someone wins?
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:46 PM   #837
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Here, I'm going to do this so that you can rest a little easier about retractions still floating around:



I think all responsible players should do the same.

Not necessarily vote the same, I mean. You could vote for Izzy and I wouldn't bat an eyelash, but I think that everybody should vote, retract, and revote early so that there isn't a last minute death rush and we lose due to disorganized incompetence.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:47 PM   #838
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So why does not voting for an apparently known wolf make sense?
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:49 PM   #839
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Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 View Post
Rikae, if you don't get killed toNight (and I don't either) odds are there will be two innocent lynches, right?

Sorry, poor phrasing. What I mean is....if the baddies target two other people, we're down two innocents with no chance of catching a baddie.

How confident are you that you can find one of the other baddies in your next pick?

In other words, I'd rather get a baddie out of the way for sure, mostly because of numbers.

In even other words, I think I'd prefer Izzy most of all. Give me your thoughts.

If they don't target either of us, Wilwa and Phantom would be the likely kills.
I do have the ability to dream, so my odds of finding another baddie are pretty good, I think. I may hunt, or I may dream. At any rate, in your scenario toMorrow we'd be looking at a group of three in which there are two baddies, and the other baddie will be known.
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Old 02-27-2009, 08:49 PM   #840
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Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil View Post
Here, I'm going to do this so that you can rest a little easier about retractions still floating around:



I think all responsible players should do the same.

Not necessarily vote the same, I mean. You could vote for Izzy and I wouldn't bat an eyelash, but I think that everybody should vote, retract, and revote early so that there isn't a last minute death rush and we lose due to disorganized incompetence.

Good point. Believe me, once my vote's locked in though not much is going to change it. I just haven't decided who I'm going with yet.

(Besides, I usually keep my retractions open just in case someone does happen to pull a stunt right before deadline)

I'm up for Izzy as well. It gets rid of a known wolf and improves our chances come Night fall. Thoughts from Rikae and others?
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