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Old 11-02-2011, 05:58 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Pitch
Originally Posted by Kath
So guess what? I made it!
*noise of world view being shattered*
I mean, well, gosh, the next thing you know, I'll manage to vote for somebody on Day One! *sound of entire universe imploding*

...back when I've finished reading.
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Old 11-02-2011, 06:04 PM   #42
Legate of Amon Lanc
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Nooo! I had such a nice post and my stupid internet decided to get off just as I posted it. Okay, but fortunately, it did not include much information. I will make a brief summary:

Legate - iz me
Sally - typical joky-sally, nothing much to gather from that this far, so let's wait if there appears something giving a more coherent picture in the future.
Inzil - good old Zil seems like good? old Zil, nothing standing out this far
Greenie - seemingly tired today, but actually the point she brought about it being difficult for people to hide more extreme relationships in both directions (i.e. being too nice or too against to each other) was probably one of the more important things said today. I surely wouldn't put it past her to say such a thing as a Wolf, but for now, I'm giving her pass.
Kath - actually very sensible, rather innocentish feeling (which is interesting, since I usually can't read her - or it at least used to be that way - now should I be worried? Then again, that used to happen regardless of what her role was.) - green light for now.
Kitanna - no show
Bom - all the buzz made me reread his posts carefully, and after rereading them, I very much think him innocent (even though I don't like people posting too much only jokes etc, but that has often nothing to do with Wolfiness/innocence).
Pitch - his original attack on Bom made me pause about him, but then again, if his later explanation of his "not trying to be just Mr. Agreeable" tactic was genuine, it would make sense. So unless it was a double-trick or a double-double trick or...
Nerwen - hmm, nothing much to read from what she said
G55 - is here, seems, how do you call it, involved; nothing suspicious this far.
The Elf-Warrior - regarding the wolvish vibe thing, have you ever heard of optimism being half the victory? Anyway, otherwise, the post does not say very much, maybe just a remark, why not saying more about other players who were more active (all those Pitches, Boms, Boros, whatnot)?
Boro - originally made me feel uncomfortable with his all the time prodding people, but then I remembered that this is actually a typical innocent Boro. So, I am fine with him, as long as he keeps it that way, and not a fake...
Azura - nothing
Laeko_Rundalis - one IC post, nothing much to go with

So, I at least know whom I am not going to vote. Also, upholding the ancient tradition, I won't vote for either of the newbies. A random question then: when exactly is the DL? Somewhat messy, the first post is (in other words: wondering if I should vote now or if I can still sleep and vote then).

Also sorry for my not much participation earlier today, but this has been a messy-timetable-day for me too.

EDIT: and x-ed with Pitchwife, Boro and Nerwen.
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories
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Old 11-02-2011, 06:11 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc View Post
A random question then: when exactly is the DL? Somewhat messy, the first post is (in other words: wondering if I should vote now or if I can still sleep and vote then).
Midnight CST. I don't know what that is for you, but it should be 5 hours from now.
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Old 11-02-2011, 06:29 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
Midnight CST. I don't know what that is for you, but it should be 5 hours from now.
Okay, should go normally by the timestamp then. I just wasn't sure. That means however voting for me now.

Well, who is left, then: some people of whom I don't have a clear opinion (Sally, Zil, Nerwen, G55), one of whom I have some thoughts but still would be able to vote him, if it came to that (Pitch), one no-show (Kitanna) and one vote which would seem awfully retaliatory (Elf-Warrior, even though in fact there hasn't been that much to retaliate to either). I could probably go for that one, even, because it is the same as with the others, plus there is the thing I said earlier: why to talk about people who have hardly posted (especially of Laeko who posted only IC) if there are others who had been posting much more? But EW does not have time to explain it now, so it's difficult. And again, looking at it, he said these were "random thoughts", so... ah well.

Okay. Hanging around for a couple of minutes still, and then we shall see...
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories
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Old 11-02-2011, 06:39 PM   #45
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I honestly forgot the Day had started. I thought about it five minutes ago. I'm rushing to catch up and take care of RL stuff at the same time. I'll return in...half an hourish with comments.
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Old 11-02-2011, 06:53 PM   #46
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Today has ended up being quite a bit busier than I'd hoped. I'm finally home now, but with only about an hour and a half before bedtime. 0515 comes awfully early.

I certainly won't held it against Greenie for being ill, so I'll not vote for her. Same with the newbies, Laeko_Rundalis and Azura, who get the standard Day 1 pass. Both need to pick it up though. That pass is only valid for one Day.

I see Pitch and Bom have continued their back-and-forth. Not sure exactly what to make of it, except that it doesn't have the feel of wolf-on-wolf. Pitch was looking slightly better, but now I need to think about his vote.
Bom looks pretty much like Bom, which really doesn't tell me anything.

And I have to echo the at the fact that Kath not only posted on a Day 1, but actually voted. The flying pigs ought to be around momentarily.

Also, we have votes, I think.

Kath-->Sally (1)
Pitch-->G55 (1)

I'm too tired to make a list, but back in a bit.
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Old 11-02-2011, 06:53 PM   #47
The Elf-warrior
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Actually, Legate, I had and still have time. I was trying to prod you with my remark and your responses seem unwolvish to me. In response to your question, it's easier to make comments about people who haven't said much.
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Last edited by The Elf-warrior; 11-02-2011 at 06:54 PM. Reason: x-posted with Inziladun.
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Old 11-02-2011, 07:25 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc View Post
Bom - all the buzz made me reread his posts carefully, and after rereading them, I very much think him innocent (even though I don't like people posting too much only jokes etc, but that has often nothing to do with Wolfiness/innocence).
Pitch - his original attack on Bom made me pause about him, but then again, if his later explanation of his "not trying to be just Mr. Agreeable" tactic was genuine, it would make sense. So unless it was a double-trick or a double-double trick or...
Thing is, on previous showing, Bom is a very easy target. (Hope you don't mind my saying that, Bom.) Pitch knows this well, even if you don't– which does make me wonder about him, yes it does. And then, his switching to G55, also a novice player with a bit of a history of attracting suspicion– hmmn.

On the other hand, his cases on both of them were sound enough, by Day One standards– and someone had to get the ball rolling...
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Old 11-02-2011, 07:35 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by The Elf-warrior View Post
Actually, Legate, I had and still have time. I was trying to prod you with my remark and your responses seem unwolvish to me. In response to your question, it's easier to make comments about people who haven't said much.
Fair enough. But now, since you say you have time, couldn't you also use it to say something about those who have said more?

I could basically now vote just as well for Zil - I am not sure, his last post made me somehow unsure about him. In fact, Nerwen with the last one could be also just as well trying to cast suspicion at Pitch, for example, if I were to go for that. I could still vote basically anybody of those, it is all about equally strong suspicion (that means, nothing much in general, but I have to choose somebody).

But I think I could vote Elf-warrior in the end - maybe also it could be used as a "warning vote", if nothing else, to underline my point: if you say that it is easier to make comments about people who haven't said much, yes, maybe, but that actually sounds like ignoring them (if you don't post anything about them, at least a sentence, or a yes/no note!). It is not such a big deal to make comments about people who have said a lot, it is more a problem to read their posts, isn't it? And I certainly hope you are trying to at least read everyone's posts, at least briefly.


"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories
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Old 11-02-2011, 07:43 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Bom Tombadillo View Post
You're going after people - you must be a wolf trying to focus the village's attention on somebody else.
But must he?

Originally Posted by Pitchwife View Post
Might that have something to do with the fact that we're the only ones who've voiced any concrete suspicions?
I think it has everything to do with that. It's just that - especially you and Bom - have been voicing them quite loudly. Which might be the reason I look at you and not anyone else.

Originally Posted by Pitchwife View Post
Bom, you're probably not aware of this, as we haven't played that much together, but my nickname among the WW crowd is Mr Agreeable, and it wasn't given for nothing. In the past, I've regularly been suspected for being too, well, agreeable, being too noncommittal, not suspecting people in earnest etc.pp. It's happened when I was a wolf, and it's happened when I was innocent, and I've got tired of it, so I'm trying my damnedest to break the habit. Which means if I see somebody doing/saying something that I think could be wolvish, I'm going to point it out and pester them about it until I get a satisfying reaction. If I shrugged it all off as just their respective playing style, we'd never get anywhere, would we?

Anyway, thanks for your answer. For what it's worth, I think you've removed yourself from my list of eligible votees for toDay.
I'll take that for now, but it's a near one. I could equally see this as a smooth way out of a tricky situation... hmmmm.....

(But really, before I disappeared, I was about to post about you being Mr Disagreeable this game, before I was called away from the computer for a couple hours)

Originally Posted by Pitchwife View Post
Whatever your role you get a cake of lembas for coming up with the most ridiculous sounding name yet with a "55" in the end.

Originally Posted by The Elf-warrior View Post
In response to your question, it's easier to make comments about people who haven't said much.
I don't see how that works... It really doesn't make any sense to me...

My list of opinions comming up.

Edit: xed with Nerwen and Legate
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Old 11-02-2011, 07:53 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 View Post
Our beloved Shasta is dead, and these horrible villains could come after any one of us next. How will we cope?
Cake, lots of cake.

Originally Posted by Inzil
I wouldn't think wolf-on-wolf would be necessary, but who knows?
Could be crazy enough to work though, depends on the wolves.

Originally Posted by Laeko
"The question, then, is who, or what, did this?"
Was it you?

Originally Posted by Boro
I think I know the reference, Game of Thrones? And she better not be acting like Sansa.
Rage against GoT RAGE!
Originally Posted by Bom
Shield? A shield for what? I promise I have nothing to hide. But it's either joke or say nothing (or make obvious observations about the rules), and joking is more interesting.

Although I suppose my jokes are a bit more than that - I've noticed that those who overreact to them tend to have something to hide. *cough*Pitchwife*cough*
I find the back and forth between Pitch, Boro, and Bom interesting, for reasons I have yet to decide on.
I know enough by now to know you're always joking on Day 1. But that is itself the point. No matter what, you're going to use your jokes as a shield. So, really, I don't think Pitch was missing the point. I will grant that your jokes and reasons, I did actually laugh at this time.
it may have been a joke, or it may have been something to build on later, as long as nobody checked. Without being able to look into your head, how am I supposed to know?
These three posts are what jumped out at me.
In regards to what Boro said about Bom using jokes as a shield I think that can be said for most everyone on Day 1. I thought it was interesting Boro brought up only Bom.
I like the point Pitch made, but not because it was directed at Bom, but I think that's a good thing to keep in mind in general. Any one of these banter/ silly accusations could be easily forgotten and then built on later for good or evil. It's a stretch, but some banter shouldn't be completely discarded.

What I've seen as most interesting is Bom's defense of his jokes over the course of a few of his posts. (15 & 20 mostly). That seemed fishy to me. I shouldn't be too quick to judge though, he's not the only one to keep bringing up the joke posts. Inzil, Boro, and Pitch made more than one mention of it as well.

It seems like too easy a target to jump on. I guess at least it's circulating conversation...

Originally Posted by Pitch
Good point. So what is it with you playing Sansa and the Fool with Boro?
(And OT, doesn't being threatened by wolves make you more like a Lannister?)
Gods, I must leave the game over GoT, I swear I will. *puts fingers in eyes*

Originally Posted by Bom
@Pitchwife: Mainly because you're so horribly vicious. It seems like you're overly eager to divert suspicion away from yourself.
I know I came late and time is short, but you explain why he's so vicious?

Originally Posted by G55
Note that I'm neither defending nor accusing any one of these people. At least not yet. I'm just saying how pointless this debate is. (And how hypocritical is that - just adding to it? )
I read this post after making my above observations. I feel much the same way.

Originally Posted by Pitch
Like where, when? Because I 'overreacted' to your alleged jokes and tried to coax some sense out of you?
Look, Bom, if you're innocent, I'd hate to get into a fight with you over your playing style and give the wolves something to latch on to, but you're not making it particularly easy for me not to. It might help to hear what you think of the rest of this caravan. (And don't give me none of that "It's Day 1, too early to say" crap.)
I would like an explanation from Bom as well, but this seems like Pitchie got his hackles raised.

Originally Posted by Bom
That sort of thing is exactly what I meant when I mentioned you being vicious - she tries to stop a seemingly pointless fight and you think it means she's a wolf.
(I'm sorry my post is all over the place, train of thought writing tonight I'm afraid.)
In response to this, Pitch seems reasonable enough in what he said to G55. I agreed with G55 that something more interesting could be going on, but Pitch isn't being unreasonable in saying playing the middle ground is as wolfish as anything else. I don't agree with him in this case, but I don't this is an example of him being vicious.

Originally Posted by Pitch
I'd like to see more of Zil, Kath, Greenie and Nerwen
What about me? My poor feelings.

So this whole post has been kind of rambling and half serious. It was a horrible day at work, but I'm doing my best to get my heart in it for the last few hours.
That said here are some thoughts:
I feel out of the Inzil, Boro, Bom, and Pitch thing, Boro speaks the most sense. I don't know how I feel about Inzil. And Bom and Pitch are at each others' throats.
Pitch makes a good point about G55 and how she is just sort of straddling the middle ground, but I don't really like how he got his hackles up when Bom called him vicious. I don't agree with Bom when he says Pitch is vicious, but his reaction was kind of alarming.
Bom is no better with getting his panties all up in a twist. He jokes, he's not the only one, bringing that up initially might have been a waste of time, but watching his reaction and others has made for interesting debate. Nerwen calls him an easy target. I don't know how true that is, but he certainly isn't doing himself any favors by getting so worked up. The more worked up he gets the more noticeable and suspicious he becomes. Wolves and innocents do this and that's why I think he's so dangerous. On the other hand Pitch is helping him stay in the spotlight and that's equally as dangerous.

On another topic Kath's vote reasoning has me worried.
Originally Posted by Kath
I feel she's a player that shows her mettle better under a bit of pressure. I know she's got the brains. Let's see 'em!
I read this like Kath wants to bandwagon Sally to scare her into revealing something that may or may not be there. That seems downright dastardly to me.
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Old 11-02-2011, 07:54 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Legate
In fact, Nerwen with the last one could be also just as well trying to cast suspicion at Pitch, for example, if I were to go for that.
I was pointing out his perhaps opportunistic choice of targets– so yes, I suppose that's "casting suspicion". Is that a problem?

Originally Posted by G55
Originally Posted by The Elf-warrior
In response to your question, it's easier to make comments about people who haven't said much.
I don't see how that works... It really doesn't make any sense to me...
Less material = quicker analysis. It's easier, but lazier. And generally less useful, since mostly you're just pointing out what anyone else could see at a glance.

EDIT:X'd with Kit.
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Old 11-02-2011, 08:00 PM   #53
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Well, while I disagree with the idea Pitchwife's explanation for his behavior so far, it is enough to get me off his back for now (though he's still a candidate for voting until/unless somebody else starts acting suspicious). I'd hate to vote G55 for what seems to me like a genuine peacekeeping effort, and nobody else is really standing out much to me.
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Old 11-02-2011, 08:32 PM   #54
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I've reread the thread and this statement by Inziladun looks to me like a possible wolf to wolf communication "As for as wolvish tactics, I don't think anything could be ruled out. I wouldn't think wolf-on-wolf would be necessary, but who knows?"

I'm inclined to believe Pitchwife's explanation that he was trying to stop being Mr. Agreeable. However, that could be true and he could be a werewolf at the same time. Bom feels innocent to me. He seems to have the right amount of understanding how his statements could be construed as suspicious.

seems innocent. Besides, she's sick so I'm not voting for her. In regards to Kitanna, I'm inclined to think missing most of the day by accident is a mistake an innocent would make. Later, I'm going to review Boromir and Galadriel55's posts. Stay tuned.
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Old 11-02-2011, 08:33 PM   #55
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New vote, I see.

Legate-->TEW (1)

Kath's vote seems a bit odd, true, but I can posit an innocent reason behind it, as well as the obvious evil throwaway potential.

The way Pitch latched onto G55 as soon as she appeared is a bit jarring. Would an evil Pitch be so obvious, though?

And Legate Voting TEW as a "warning vote". I get his point about TEW, but that seems like a rather extreme "warning".

Meh. I apologize for being useless toDay. If I'm around, I'll do my best to make it up Day 2.

There was the accusation of me "harping' about the guide being partly responsible for our predicament (which I mentioned in only two halfhearted IC posts). Then his interactions with Bom, followed by the sudden switching of targets to G55.


Good night, all.

x/d with TEW
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Old 11-02-2011, 08:43 PM   #56
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I need to sleep. I'm sorry I missed the Day. I wish I had more time to comment and reread.

Honestly I wish I could vote for Bom and Pitch. I feel like they're both trying to push the other into the spotlight. It's not a good deal. The other two most connected with this (Boro and Inzil) have both stepped back, but these two are dangerous in my mind.

Bom made a joke and the reactions have become the thing of debate. He's been overreacting since the start. He's building a case of a vicious Pitch who is just attacking everyone.

Pitch, I have agreed with on some of his points. I don't think he latched onto G55 as soon as she entered, but made a reasonable comment in regards to her dove on the olive branch. However this quote is the most worrying thing I've seen so far:
Look, Bom, if you're innocent, I'd hate to get into a fight with you over your playing style and give the wolves something to latch on to, but you're not making it particularly easy for me not to. It might help to hear what you think of the rest of this caravan. (And don't give me none of that "It's Day 1, too early to say" crap.)
Pitch spoke reason at times, but this seems way too suspicious. He's pulling an innocent Bom in at the same time as pushing a wolfie Bom back, if that makes sense.

This was a tough choice, but rereading Pitch's reaction to Bom's vicious comment made my mind up.

++ Pitch

Edit: X-POSTED with Inzil Mmmmm....
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Old 11-02-2011, 08:49 PM   #57
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Laeko and Azura to be left alive toDay.

Nerwen, Legate, Kath, and Kit sound fairly reasonable to me. I don't think I'm voting them.

Sally posted a lot but said little. She's third highest on the posting rate list, but most of her posts were short, chatty, and of almost no meaning. The only notable thing that she says is that she's innocent (right, we all are...). I want to hear something of content before I make any conclusions about her.

Greenie has the pass.

TEW is really... drifting on the edges, poking here and there in the most random spots every once in a while. I've never played with him yet, so I don't know if this is the norm for him, but his behaviour seems odd to me. Not necessarily wolfishly-odd, but just peculiar.

At the moment I don't have any serious suspicions for Boro and Zil.

That leaves me with a choice of Pitch and Bom. I have a hard time believing they can both be wolves, even considering the possibility of a wolf-on-wolf. They both sound ok at some points and suspicious at others. Choose one!....

I'll follow Boro's sagely advice not to break my brains over it. So...


First of all, because I remember a game when he and Boro (ranger and hunter respectively) were at each others throats for no reason on D1, and ended up revealing way too early for the usual standarts. I don't want to repeat the mistake of hanging on to him with no solid reason for suspicion. Though I'm still gonna be watching him (who knows, he was also fenrissed because "he sounded queer"), I don't want to vote him based on his jokes and his reasons for his jokes and etc etc.

The second reason - the more weighty one - is that I was ticked off at Pitch in the last game. I just feel like voting him out of spite.

Edit: xed with TEW, Zil, and Kit. And I thought I'm the first to vote Pitchie...
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Old 11-02-2011, 08:55 PM   #58
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Kit-->Pitch (xed) (2)
G55-->Pitch (xed) (2)

What is fate playing with us, poor Werewolf players, to have 3 people x-post the same vote?!

:/ *sigh* *bedtime* See y'all toMorrow, unless you lynch me *glares at villagers* or kill me *glares at wolves*.
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Old 11-02-2011, 09:02 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Inziladun View Post
The way Pitch latched onto G55 as soon as she appeared is a bit jarring. Would an evil Pitch be so obvious, though?
I had the same reaction, well I thought at that time G55 made one of the more suspicious posts. I thought it took a long time to argue something was pointless, but in doing so only drawing more attention to the Bom and Pitch curfluffle and thus making a point of it.

But G55 and Kit did bring up that Pitch (and now Bom) both went to the "I think you're just innocently misunderstanding me" statements. And only after G55's first post saying the whole thing was pointless. Two innocents, calming down seeing it was pointless, two wolves being playful early in the day, or one wolf trying to get attached to an innocent, in case he gets lynched?

I quite enjoyed Kit's lengthy post. Some humorous banter, but good observations on people made.

Edit: crossed with G55
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Old 11-02-2011, 09:23 PM   #60
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Hey! A Pitchwaggon! I mean, I know what I said about him myself, but... this is pretty sudden, isn't it?

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post


First of all, because I remember a game when he and Boro (ranger and hunter respectively) were at each others throats for no reason on D1, and ended up revealing way too early for the usual standarts. I don't want to repeat the mistake of hanging on to him with no solid reason for suspicion. Though I'm still gonna be watching him (who knows, he was also fenrissed because "he sounded queer"), I don't want to vote him based on his jokes and his reasons for his jokes and etc etc.
I think you must be talking about Bom, not Pitch, here?

EDIT: x'd with Boro.
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Old 11-02-2011, 09:28 PM   #61
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Dudes, this is messed up.

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Old 11-02-2011, 09:35 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by Kitanna View Post
I read this like Kath wants to bandwagon Sally to scare her into revealing something that may or may not be there. That seems downright dastardly to me.
This was an observation about Kath's vote for sally, which indeed seemed oddly reasoned by Kath. I usually can never figure out sally until she is under some good suspicion either, but a trumped up vote with the sole reason of hoping to get sally to talk, does raise a warning. I might vote for Kath today, if it didn't feel like such a throw away right now.

Also, I know hyper-busy mode can rush people and not allow them time to be more clear, or say something that looks odd....

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
What is fate playing with us, poor Werewolf players, to have 3 people x-post the same vote?!
That is a pretty strange occurance. Coincidence? Maybe. But it gets me wandering how Pitch really is suspicious enough to get 3 straight cross-votes? I mean, normally that doesn't happen unless Pitch was that overtly suspicious or people were pretty convinced.

Edit: Crossed with Nerwen and sally.
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Old 11-02-2011, 09:56 PM   #63
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All right. Sorry Pitch, but you're just the most suspicious one so far.

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Old 11-02-2011, 09:58 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
This was an observation about Kath's vote for sally, which indeed seemed oddly reasoned by Kath. I usually can never figure out sally until she is under some good suspicion either, but a trumped up vote with the sole reason of hoping to get sally to talk, does raise a warning. I might vote for Kath today, if it didn't feel like such a throw away right now.
I might vote her, simply *because* I don't want a universal bandwaggon – and yeah, her vote was suspect, all right. The only thing I could say about it, really, is that this being *Kath*, she may honestly not realise what you're *supposed* to do on Day One. (Trouble is, looking at Kath tnds to bring Pitch back into it anyway.)

EDIT:X'd with Bom.
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:06 PM   #65
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*clears throat* Ahem. It seems I– wait for it– missed the DL. What a surprise.

Looks like the universe is safe, after all...
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:11 PM   #66
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As much as I don't care for the unwarranted suspicion, this is hardly the first time Kath has done something like this, so I'll probably give her a least for toDay.

Won't vote:
Fresh Meat #1 and #2

Edit: x'd with Nerwen
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:13 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
*clears throat* Ahem. It seems I– wait for it– missed the DL. What a surprise.

Looks like the universe is safe, after all...
Quite incorrect, my pet. DL is in 45 minutes. Lucky for you, eh?
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:15 PM   #68
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Well, what do you know. Time zones are so confusing...
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:15 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
*clears throat* Ahem. It seems I– wait for it– missed the DL. What a surprise.

Looks like the universe is safe, after all...
Still another 46 minutes. (At least I think? That's what I was planning around).

Although, I can't stay up much longer, already nodding off and I can't think of much more to say.

A Day 1 without last second DL voting though? Maybe the Universe isn't safe.
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:22 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
Still another 46 minutes. (At least I think? That's what I was planning around).
Yes, it is. That's what I thought to begin with, but then I checked and thought I'd just missed it, and then... etc.

Originally Posted by Boro
A Day 1 without last second DL voting though? Maybe the Universe isn't safe.
A lot of people haven't voted yet, so we're probably okay.

Though talking of probability– what are the odds of Kath posting, *and* me voting *and* no last-minute flurry, all in the same game? This could get serious, Boro. Warping–the–very–fabric–of–reality serious.
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:24 PM   #71
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Here's my summary of Boromir88 and Galadriel55's posts with some commentary. Boromir #5 is rather insubstantial, but is noteworthy for his remarks about nature which formed the basis of Bom's suspicion is his joke list. In #16 he talks GoT and makes his first jab at Bom.

In #28, he says Greenie and Kath seem the most suspicious of those who've talked. I personally think Greenie was saying that she was incoherent more than was actually evidenced by her posts. He considers voting for the nontalkers. Although that would be an easy tack for a wolf to take, it's also a reasonable thing for an innocent to do who has little to go on. There's most dialogue with Bom.

In #30, Galadriel55 criticizes the fight between Bom and his opponents. I'm seeing her post as more annoyingly peacenikky than wolvish. In #31 she says she'll keep an eye on
Bom, Pitch, Boro, and Zil
. She seems to me to be saying that those criticizing Bom are using his jokes as ammunition against him. I'm inclined to say, "So what?"

In #39, Boromir is suspicious of Galadriel55. He says that she had exaggerated the degree of heat of the argument between Bom and Pitch. #43 is about the deadline.

In #50 I don't get what Galadriel55 is trying to say in response to that Bom quote. She admits that she is suspecting people for being loud. She is narrowly accepts Pitchwife's Mr. Agreeable explanation. She says my explanation for not posting about more prolific people makes no sense.

In #53 she lists her opinions. I think her description of me is rather apt. Yes, Galadriel55 I normally am like this. I think she's right about it being unlikely both Bom and Pitch are wolves. She votes for Pitchwife.

In #59 Boromir downgrades his suspicion of Galadriel55. In #62 Boromir discusses Kath's vote for Sally and the x-post Pitchwagon. My conclusion is that both look O.K. to me.
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:25 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
Though talking of probability– what are the odds of Kath posting, *and* me voting *and* no last-minute flurry, all in the same game? This could get serious, Boro. Warping–the–very–fabric–of–reality serious.
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:33 PM   #73
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Something about Elf-Warrior's analysis looks off to me. It just seems forced, or like he's trying to say something without saying it. Definitely a mark in my suspicious column. Enough for a lynch vote? I'll have to consider it.
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:34 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
Winter is coming.
Watch your mouth, young man.
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:52 PM   #75
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Kath's and Bom's votes stand out as the most suspicious to me.

The 3 cross votes for Pitch were weird, but all Inzil, Kit, and G55 were voting with the thought they would be casting the 1st vote for Pitch.

Bom, made the point to say he'd back off Pitch, but Pitch would still be a possible vote candidate for him. It seems rather convenient and a quick jump back to Pitch, after the 3 cross votes.

sally said Kath's done it before, and doesn't seem effected by it, at least not enough to vote for her. But it will be enough for me.


Won't mean anything today, but letting you know I'm interested in hearing your response on voting sally.
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:53 PM   #76
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I'm going with my previously expressed suspicion

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Old 11-02-2011, 10:58 PM   #77
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:58 PM   #78
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Okay, then–


Edit:X'd with Sally.
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Old 11-02-2011, 11:00 PM   #79
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Old 11-02-2011, 11:01 PM   #80
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