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Old 06-23-2008, 09:57 PM   #41
Shastanis Althreduin
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
thnx shasta!!!111!!!
Thank you very much, Shasta. You are a considerate human being.

Shasta– ... However, if he's innocent his famous clairvoyant powers must be taking the week off. Meanwhile, the Night-kills have been awfully effective– almost like we're dealing with a psychic wolf... - Nerwen, WW LXXV
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Old 06-23-2008, 10:29 PM   #42
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Hey! WW! Sign me up.
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Old 06-23-2008, 10:52 PM   #43
Nilpaurion Felagund
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White Tree

I think this could be one of the funnier Day One's. (Eomer of the Wargs)
If Manwë, in his wisdom, has sung it be so, then I shall be pleased.
What do you think of Rikae's post?
(x) I disapprove
Don't you know anything about Tolkien eh? -Agan

What do you think of Eomer of the Rohirrim's post?
(x) I disapprove
The movies suck. You're stupid. -Agan

What do you think of Nerwen's post?
(x) I disapprove
Legolas is disgusting. -Agan (Aganzir)
What do you think of Aganzir's post?
(x) I disapprove
Your comments on this post:
It was fated that I should disapprove; Melkor's theme waxes fat with the hatred you spread. ++Nilp

( )
フェンリス鴨 (Fenrisu Kamo)
The plot, cut, defeated.
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Old 06-23-2008, 11:30 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Nogrod
We are clearly in need of a moderator on this thread...

So let me be the pathetic mod who wants to be nice to all and may get carried away but still wishes to perform his duties.
I do agree we certainly could use some mods. However...that would be the job of the gifteds (who are in this game equal to moderators). So unfortunately, a mod cannot be used as a character role..

Originally Posted by Lommy
I'd so much want to play. Especially as Boro and Mith seem to be playing - it has been too long since I played with them. But there's a problem, and it's that I won't be able to play in the next two weeks. I could play if the game started on the 7th or on the 8th, or later (that would be even better), but there seems to be little chance of that... But if/as I'm unable to play, I will probably read through your struggle later...

I have before considered not starting the game until the 7th. Mainly because as mentioned, it's the 4th of July holidays coming up and many Americans go out of town. But since the holidays have no effect on me and plenty of people are signing up, the need to do that is looking less and less likely. If enough people petition to delay the game by a week I will, but otherwise I'll plan to start it on the 1st.

Originally Posted by Sally
*cough* Shasta won't stop bothering me to join. *cough*
*more cough* If the deadline is 12AM GMT, I can, and may be tempted to, even though I'll go nuts. *more cough*
Oh, you should join.

As for deadlines, some seem to want it earlier and others later. Unfortunately, I can't actually confirm a deadline just yet since if my unemployed status changes, my time availability could too. But if everyone would like to share their deadline preferences, both within the time range I chose as well as beyond, that would at least give me a better idea for a more exact deadline to aim for.
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Old 06-23-2008, 11:56 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Brinn, our resident Modgodess
Oh, you should join.

As for deadlines, some seem to want it earlier and others later. Unfortunately, I can't actually confirm a deadline just yet since if my unemployed status changes, my time availability could too. But if everyone would like to share their deadline preferences, both within the time range I chose as well as beyond, that would at least give me a better idea for a more exact deadline to aim for.
I probably will, but only if the deadline is AFTER I get off work this time. Last time I got off work at the same time as DL and it drove me nuts. Heh.

I'll let you know for sure probably some time later this week or so. Besides, I need to come up with a good character.
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Old 06-24-2008, 03:07 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Brinniel View Post
I do agree we certainly could use some mods. However...that would be the job of the gifteds (who are in this game equal to moderators). So unfortunately, a mod cannot be used as a character role.
Well, Nogrod, maybe you could be an ex-mod, who wants to gain his modship back. Or someone who really wants to be a mod.
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Old 06-24-2008, 05:20 AM   #47
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I would prefer the deadline to be 9pm gmt, but I guess I'm fine even with a later one.

What do you think of Nilpaurion Felagund's post?
(x) I disapprove
LAA LAA! Here's some Ainulindalë for you. -Agan
He bit me, and I was not gentle.
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Old 06-24-2008, 06:30 AM   #48
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The deadline makes no difference to me, and neither does the 4th, pesky American though I may be.

Originally Posted by Agan
What do you think of Rikae's post?
(x) I disapprove
Don't you know anything about Tolkien eh? -Agan
Of course I do. He had Finnish ancestry and taught woodworking classes at his local vocational school when he wasn't reading his stories to the ducks at the park (lonely single old geezer that he was). Sheesh - everybody knows that!
Also, as someone mentioned further up the thread, Melkor was fat. And ate wax.
(Melkor, of course, was originally one of the ducks.)
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Old 06-24-2008, 07:31 AM   #49
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It looks like a sad fate to miss this game.
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Old 06-24-2008, 08:20 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
Melkor was fat. And ate wax.
(Melkor, of course, was originally one of the ducks.)
LOL!!! ROFLMAO!!!111!!!
"Even Nerwen wasn't evil in the beginning." –Elmo.
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Old 06-24-2008, 08:59 PM   #51
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My occupation shall be the pseudo-intellectual, who abuses the smatterings of his classical education (i.e. a few Shakespeare quotes, the use of semi-colons, and The Sorrow of Young Werther) that he can still remember to make himself seem intelligent.
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Old 06-25-2008, 04:30 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Volo View Post

It looks like a sad fate to miss this game.
You said it, Volo. I think Nienna sang two notes about this, one for each of us.

Last edited by Lhunardawen; 06-25-2008 at 04:35 AM.
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Old 06-25-2008, 11:07 AM   #53
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McCaber has been trapped in the Barrow!
I should be able to devote more time to this one now, so sign me up with an erasable marker.

For an occupation, I can be "does it 4 teh lulz" zomg
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Old 06-25-2008, 01:03 PM   #54
Shastanis Althreduin
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
LOL!!! ROFLMAO!!!111!!!

Oh my goodness. I find this quite amusing and hilarious. Tee hee.
Shasta– ... However, if he's innocent his famous clairvoyant powers must be taking the week off. Meanwhile, the Night-kills have been awfully effective– almost like we're dealing with a psychic wolf... - Nerwen, WW LXXV
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Old 06-25-2008, 08:55 PM   #55
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gr8 trnsl8ng shasta!!!111!!!
"Even Nerwen wasn't evil in the beginning." –Elmo.
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Old 06-25-2008, 09:09 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
gr8 trnsl8ng shasta!!!111!!!

*loves Shasta* I'm happy you're here to translate. I don't speak annoying fangurl very well. All I know how to say is "Squee!" and since that's the same in every language it doesn't really count....
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Old 06-25-2008, 11:22 PM   #57
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...and what DOES "squeee" mean, (outside of its original usage in Aeschylus, of course)?
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Old 06-26-2008, 01:02 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
gr8 trnsl8ng shasta!!!111!!!

Wonderful job of translating my every word into something understandable and readable, Shasta. I know it's tough separating real syllables from the rest of the gobbledygook, but you do it beautifully. My compliments.
Shasta– ... However, if he's innocent his famous clairvoyant powers must be taking the week off. Meanwhile, the Night-kills have been awfully effective– almost like we're dealing with a psychic wolf... - Nerwen, WW LXXV
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Old 06-26-2008, 05:43 AM   #59
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The joke is going to wear thin before the game starts if you keep this up.
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Old 06-26-2008, 06:20 AM   #60
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*switches back to English*

You have a point there, Eomer.
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Old 06-27-2008, 06:57 AM   #61
Nilpaurion Felagund
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So . . . anyone else joining? We have 13 forum members and 3 lurkers.

(You know what I mean. )
フェンリス鴨 (Fenrisu Kamo)
The plot, cut, defeated.
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Old 06-27-2008, 06:07 PM   #62
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Okay, I just sent a whole bunch of invitations. Hopefully at least a few of them will join. The number of players we have now isn't bad, though I would like a few more. If our three question marks confirm their participation, then I'll most probably be starting on the 1st. But otherwise...well, we have a few more days so we'll see how it goes...
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Old 06-27-2008, 06:44 PM   #63
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I just remembered that I'm going to be gone between the 4th and the 10th or so, and will have no internet access. (In fact, I won't have any plumbing or electricity either.) Consequently, I will have to pull out unless for some reason the game doesn't start before the 10th. Sorry!
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Old 06-27-2008, 07:14 PM   #64
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Sorry to hear that, Gwath.

But have fun on your camping trip or wherever it is you're going..
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Old 06-27-2008, 08:51 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Brinniel View Post
Okay, I just sent a whole bunch of invitations. Hopefully at least a few of them will join. The number of players we have now isn't bad, though I would like a few more. If our three question marks confirm their participation, then I'll most probably be starting on the 1st. But otherwise...well, we have a few more days so we'll see how it goes...

Erm....I'm in by the way (at least as far as I know). Just so it's all official and stuff.

And I picked up someone's wireless at my house ( my HOUSE....sorry, excited) so although I won't be guaranteed to be around right before DL I'll be able to post more regularly than I thought I would.
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Old 06-27-2008, 10:24 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by Brinniel View Post
Sorry to hear that, Gwath.

But have fun on your camping trip or wherever it is you're going..
Yeah, it's KINDA camping. My grandparents have a big ranch way out in the hills in Eastern Oregon. Old log cabin and stuff.
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Old 06-28-2008, 11:33 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by Gwathagor View Post
Yeah, it's KINDA camping. My grandparents have a big ranch way out in the hills in Eastern Oregon. Old log cabin and stuff.
Going in to the middle of nowhere into a wooden cabin where there is no electricity, no running water, no TV or internet... sounds like we Finns have a lot to share with you. I mean that's the national passtime for us Finns during the summer... we've done it already at the Midsummer eve's festivities and we will be dragging Rune and Legate there too later in the summer...

But regarding my role then... in this game I mean... I could then be the wanna-be moderator - eg. the one who Rreeeally wants to be acknowledged as one capable of it and earning the honour.

And I will really try to play in that mode as well. Just for you to know.
Upon the hearth the fire is red
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Old 06-29-2008, 02:11 PM   #68
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There, I've returned! And just in time by the looks of things 'round 'ere (I just wanted an excuse to say that).
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Old 06-29-2008, 05:23 PM   #69
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Thanks for the invite Brinn, since I'm currently job hunting right now too I have plenty of time for another go at WW. I'm not exactly sure when I'll start working, and my parents are getting married and off for five days, so I'm manning the homestead for awhile and have plenty of time to play.

I love the concept btw, reminds me of Mike Reed's website.

... and because I cannot think of a single role to play, I sought out flame warriors to find one:

Artful Dodger

I think I'd like to try a role that doesn't have me so out of the fray of replying, and under the radar as I usually fall into. Plus, I'm too much of a bliss ninny at times. I need to be mean, or at least appear to be.

~ Ka
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Hevur tú reikað líka sum eg,
í endaleysu tokuni?
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Old 06-30-2008, 02:17 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by Nogrod
But regarding my role then... in this game I mean... I could then be the wanna-be moderator - eg. the one who Rreeeally wants to be acknowledged as one capable of it and earning the honour.
Oh good, I'm glad you chose that one. I was liking Eonwe's idea.

Originally Posted by Eonwe
There, I've returned! And just in time by the looks of things 'round 'ere (I just wanted an excuse to say that).
Does that mean you're in for sure?

Originally Posted by Ka
Thanks for the invite Brinn, since I'm currently job hunting right now too I have plenty of time for another go at WW. I'm not exactly sure when I'll start working, and my parents are getting married and off for five days, so I'm manning the homestead for awhile and have plenty of time to play.
Funny thing...the first time I read this post, I somehow read it that you were unable to play...luckily I reread it. Proves how tired I am. Time for me to get some sleep.
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Old 06-30-2008, 04:32 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by Brinniel View Post
Does that mean you're in for sure?
It does.

But has the DL been finalised yet?
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Old 06-30-2008, 04:48 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Eönwë View Post
But has the DL been finalised yet?
Or the beginning date?
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Old 07-01-2008, 12:13 AM   #73
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Isn't that today?
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Old 07-01-2008, 12:49 AM   #74
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The PM you sent me says sign up ends today!

**Drops everything. Reads the outline of the game. Doesn't even read the rest of the Admin Thread. Sign up for WereWolf straight away.**

Finally a werewolf I have the time to be in!

How's it going, long-time-no-see-ers?

Oh yes, as for a role, make me a nitpicky grammar Nazi. Ending a sentence with a preposition I will not like!

Last edited by The Sixth Wizard; 07-01-2008 at 12:59 AM.
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Old 07-01-2008, 12:57 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by The Sixth Wizard View Post
**Drops everything. Reads the outline of the game. Doesn't even read the rest of the Admin Thread. Sign up for WereWolf straight away.**

Finally a werewolf I have the time to be in!

How's it going, long-time-no-see-ers?

Oh yes, as for a role, make me a nitpicky grammar Nazi. End a sentence with a preposition you had better not!
Blast. I was thinking of doing that. Then again, that'd be no fun for me anyway. I'll just have to be a person who makes occasional "accidental" mistakes. Have to keep you on your toes, after all.

And welcome to the game, by the way!

Brinn, any ideas for deadline? Or still up in the air?

Oh, and I was thinking about maybe being a person who, essentially, is in the wrong fandom. For example, talking about Doctor Who (spoiler-free of course, for my fellow American Whovians) or....blah, I don't know.....anyway talking about fandoms other than Tolkien. It was just one of the ideas I've been tossing about. I'll let you know for sure before the game starts. *apologizes for her silly indecisiveness*
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Old 07-01-2008, 02:03 AM   #76
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Hello all-

Sorry I've taken so long to get back to you. I see no reason to delay the game another week as we seem to have plenty of players. However, my weekend was longer and busier than expected so I would like to delay starting by a day so that I have some extra time to recollect my thoughts if that's alright for everyone.

So unless any serious problems arrive, I plan to start the game on July 2. The deadline will be 11pm GMT. That deadline seemed to work well for the last game and I think it's a fair enough split for those who wanted an earlier deadline and those who wanted a later one.

Originally Posted by Sixth Wizard
**Drops everything. Reads the outline of the game. Doesn't even read the rest of the Admin Thread. Sign up for WereWolf straight away.**
Hi Sixth! Glad to see you return to WW. I noticed someone had mentioned you'd be interested in joining the game after DW and I was hoping you'd get my PM in time.

Good news: I have managed to convince Formendacil to join. He hasn't chosen a role yet, so I'll have to remember to ask him about that.

But before I start the game, I do need to know if Mith and McCaber can confirm their participation. Also, if anyone else still wants to sign up they are welcome to up until I send out the roles, which will happen shortly before Night 1.

As for regards to the hunter, I think I like Mith's suggestion best:
Originally Posted by Mith
I would have a hunter that if lynched takes their choice down regardless but if is the wolf kill choice only kills if their choice is a wolf. I think it was Roa who pointed out that it was illogical for a dying hunter to take out a non-wolf at night, however a lynched hunter might take any of the village down with them.
Using the logical hunter gives a good middle ground between the two extremes.

Okay, off the update the list...
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Old 07-01-2008, 02:11 AM   #77
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*mutters slightly* Heh. Kidding, kidding. If nothing else, it'll give me all the more reason to want off work each day.

Whoa....wait a tic that means the first day'll be on the fourth. Excellent! (No seriously. I don't have anything to do on Friday until the evening, as I generally have, ya know, no life. Perfect for werewolfing though. )

Well, I was thinking I'd be one of those people who can't take a joke (not that we have any here) and are easily offended and pretty much a stiff-necked (but completely oblivious) slightly mean pain in the bum. But is that too much like Eomer?
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Old 07-01-2008, 02:14 AM   #78
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Shoot. I was referencing his character choice. You know what I mean.

Sorry, Eomer. It's like 3:30, and I'm clumsy at my best.

Anyway, if Eomer would rather I chose something a little farther away from his decision I'd be cool with that. I rather like the cross-fandom idea actually....I could lend much discussion to why the King's Cross scene at the end of Deathly Hallows was pretty much a complete rip from the whole "Oh Gandalf dies....just kidding!" thing.

(Meh, you get the point. I'll think about it some more. Heaven knows I should be able to come up with something better than miscellaneous crossovers)
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Old 07-01-2008, 02:18 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Sally
Oh, and I was thinking about maybe being a person who, essentially, is in the wrong fandom. For example, talking about Doctor Who (spoiler-free of course, for my fellow American Whovians) or....blah, I don't know.....anyway talking about fandoms other than Tolkien. It was just one of the ideas I've been tossing about. I'll let you know for sure before the game starts.
That's an interestsing idea. So what would you call that? Maybe....misguided fan?

Originally Posted by Sally
Well, I was thinking I'd be one of those people who can't take a joke (not that we have any here) and are easily offended and pretty much a stiff-necked (but completely oblivious) slightly mean pain in the bum. But is that too much like Eomer?
Hmm...yeah, that might be slightly too close to his role. Unless you were an easily offended purist...

Btw, for those having trouble coming up with a role *coughKathcough* I recommend checking out other options in the links Ka provided. I read all the FlameWarrior roles today and some of them are really funny.
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Old 07-01-2008, 11:34 AM   #80
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Oh I can't resist though I shouldn't.... sinceI don't want to be dependent on Boro - I think I will try therapist or?
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