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Old 05-10-2006, 09:17 PM   #1
Itinerant Songster
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Tol-in-Gaurhoth XXI: Dueling Wizards Werewolf

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On the shores of For-Luin* there lived a small folk of the Atani who called themselves the Reindeer Folk. Their lore told how they had once been wanderers over the northern plains, hunting reindeer and living off their gift of meat, skins, and antlers. The tales told of how the earth opened its mouth and roared and ate the plain land, the icy sea rushing in. The reindeer that had not been swallowed up, fled to the east and never returned.

*For-Luin is the coastland bounded on the northwest by the Sea, to the northeast by the Ice Bay of Forochel, to the southeast by Ered Luin, and to the southwest by an unnamed bay that separates that land from Forlindon.

Of the Reindeer Folk who had not been swallowed by the earth, many starved for lack of food or froze for lack of skins. All feared for lack of the antler for it had been their lucking and charm against evils. The few that survived until spring turned their eyes to the Sea and saw strange flippered dogs near the shore, barking at them from a distance. The folk saw these as an omen and said to each other, "Maybe the Sea has brought death, but from it now we must find life." Some fashioned rods and lines with hooks and bait. Others twined nets to catch game from the sea; but not the flippered dogs. Still others gleaned strange greens from the salty seas. There were folk who did not take to the sea, and so they tilled the land between the sea and the mountains, so that half of them were farmers and half fishers. Some of the boldest fishers hove out to sea and caught fish that swam farther from shore, and they gave a portion of the meat to the flippered dogs; and their numbers grew. The folk saw in these creatures their new luck and seal against evil, and called the flippered dogs by that name. They renamed themselves the Seal Folk. The seals throve and the Seal Folk throve for many lives of their folk, and their former life as plainsfolk became legend.

One day they when the Seal Folk woke up, they found a new thing. The seals were quiet and watchful, for sitting on a rock near the breakers in the bay were two tall figures looking out to sea. They were fair to behold and seemed as gods. They moved not, but looked ever to the sea. The Seal Folk spoke to them but the two uttered no word back. Awed, the Seal Folk let them be, and wondered what they were. It was not long before the seals barked again and all was as it was before, save that there were two who watched the sea for a mystery. The Seal Folk began to place portions of their catch at the feet of the Watchers, but never saw them take it up. However, each morning the catch was not where they had laid it. Even when the overbold youth watched during the night they did not see the Watchers reach down, but in the morning the catch was gone.

Years went by. The Seal Folk became used to the Watchers, and made up tales about them, that they watched the sea for the sake of the Seal Folk, ever vigilant in care of those who went out in boats to find sea-game for the Folk. Maybe it was so, but the wise among them believed that the Watchers looked to the sea for other reasons. The Seal Folk took to eating at the feet of the Watchers, for they seemed to luck the place, never failing to leave a portion of their catch behind.

Once, when a group of the Seal Folk were at meal beneath the Watchers, the Lady opened her mouth and, still looking to sea, spoke these words: "You shall have a wizard amongst you to tide you against the coming evil." She said no more, but the Man spoke these words: "Hidden from you shall be the wizard, for the evil shall come hidden amongst you." The Seal Folk were stunned at first, but then asked many questions of the Watchers; but got no answer. The Watchers did not speak again during their lifetime.

Each of the Seal Folk took their own counsel, and carefully rehearsed the Words of the Watchers, and passed them down from parent to child for many lives of their folk. Some of them went on journeys inland to learn what they could of wizards, and brought back scrolls and tomes copied by unknown hands. The Seal Folk learned to read and to write, and discovered much of the ways of the world, and of wizards. They learned that when the Sea had eaten the land, it had been the end of a Second Age of the world, and they now lived in the Third Age.

The Watchers remained seated upon their stone, looking out to sea.

Many years later, there came a dark night of deep cold shadow. Had any looked upon the Watchers, they would have seen their countenances darkened and dour. But none looked. To one in the village, carefully chosen, came a Shadow. This Shadow had watched each of the Seal Folk, and this one, who had done no deed of evil and seemed in no wise more given to evil than any other of the folk, bore a seed of malice unvoiced. To this one the Shadow came and said, "You shall my accomplice be, and power you shall have, to wield fear and rule over these folk who have never understood your greatness. Choose first for yourself three to rule over. Through these you will kill. Do this and you shall be given power beyond your dreams." This one understood: "The evil wizard am I." The evil wizard prepared by spending all the days reading carefully the tomes and scrolls in the evil wizard's possession. This did not seem odd to others of the Seal Folk, for every household possessed such books and parchments, and some were known to give themselves wholly to such study from time to time.

The Seal Folk are:

1 Diamond ~ gammer married to Nogrod & mother of eligible young maidens Lhunardawen, Azaelia, & Firefoot ~ Battledore Maker with strong forearms from battledore swinging

2 Celuien ~ wife of The Saucepan Man, daughter of mormegil ~ Healer and Cupper

3 Caranlondien ~ eligible young maiden, eldest daughter of Sleepy Ranger & Roa Aoife (big sister of Thin & Glir) ~ Sled-Team Driver

4 Roa Aoife ~ wife of Sleepy Ranger, and mother of Thinlomien ~ weaver

5 Nogrod ~ gaffer married to Diamond and father to eligible young maidens Lhunardawen, Azaelia, & Firefoot ~ retired jester who has many permanent bruises from battledores

6 Dancing Spawn of Ungoliant ~ eligible young maiden (or wife of Nilp if he plays) ~ Baker

7 Kath ~ eligible young maiden ~ minstrel

8 Lommy~ child of Sleepy Ranger and Roa Aoife, younger sister of Glirdan and Caranlondien ~ little girl who steals other children's candy

9 Lhunardawen ~ wife of Eonwe (no children) & eldest daughter of Nogrod & Diamond ~ jeweler

10 Glirdan ~ child of Sleepy Ranger and Roa Aoife, older brother of Thinlomien, younger brother of Caranlondien ~ with giant crush on Kath (occupation aplenty!)

11 Valier ~ not so eligible young maiden ~ gardener

12 Sleepy Ranger ~ married to Roa Aoife, father of Thinlomien ~ Wanderer from the days of old, now settled in the village

13 Kitanna ~ courting Eomer ~

14 Firefoot ~ tomboyish young maiden (engaged to stuffy, boring, rich jerk) & daughter of Nogrod and Diamond; younger sister of Azaelia ~ artist

15 Alcarillo ~ gaffer married to Cailín ~ old retired sea captain

16 Cailín ~ gammer married to Alcarillo ~ match maker

17 Oddwen ~ orphan child, in the care of Lalaith ~ aviary keeper (filthy, insane street urchin who steals chickens & other fowl and keeps them locked up in boxes)

18 mormegil ~ widower, father of Celuien ~ retired mariner and currently mayor overseeing honorary functions

19 Feanor ~ husband lost at sea, widowed and eligible ~ suspicious and somewhat creepy shepherdess with a love of alliteration

20 Azaelia of Willowbottom ~ eligible young maiden & daughter to Diamond and Nogrod [open to whims of the mod] ~ (apprentice?) seamstress

21 the phantom ~ single semi-eligible young man, brother of Eomer of the Rohirrim ~ loud, unpredictable, adventurer

22 Naria ~ young eligible maiden ~ servant who empties and cleans chamber pots

23 Jenny Hallu ~ unmarried maiden & aunt; Celuien's sister ~

24 The Saucepan Man ~ husband of Celuien ~ barkeep

25 Lalaith ~ frivolous aunt and guardian of Oddwen ~

26 Eonwe ~ husband of Lhunardawen & son in law of Nogrod & Diamond ~

27 Eomer of the Rohirrim ~ young eligible, brother of the phantom, courting Kitanna ~

28 Nilpaurion Felagund ~ hubby of Dancing Spawn

29 Gurthang ~ Kath's older brother, son of Nilp & Spawn ~ stable-hand

30 Loki ~ ~ leech collector

Family Tree of the Village

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Last edited by littlemanpoet; 05-10-2006 at 10:40 PM.
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