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Old 06-22-2009, 05:57 AM   #601
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The Living:

-Gangrenous Inziladun Jones ~ Pilot
I'm feeling pretty good about him at the moment. Still rather unsure.

-Pirate Boromir the Malformed ~ Gunner
Still thinking he's innocent. All there was before + the fact he thought the wolves killed Nogrod - I don't think he'd be unsporty enough to bluff like that especially as he's not under much suspicion. Of course, he could be a cobbler, so I'm still keeping my "yes, but" approach to him.

-Shark Tooth Shasta ~ First mate
Confuses me more than anyone else as he keeps flip-flopping between good and evil. I'm not too worried yet.

-Snifflin’ Mac Sparrow ~ Cooper

-Almost-Blind Nerwen ~ Navigator/Sea Artist

A known innocent for the time being.

-Poop Deck Kath ~ Musician (Pipe)
I'm keeping both eyes on her and ready to attack once she arrives. Yes, that's true and it's rather silly. I have just got the idea she must be evil and I'm waiting for her to appear and prove it. Well, in order to try to be more neutral: I'm wary of her.

-Cowerin' Gwath Slasher ~ Powder Monkey
Leaning more innocent now because of the discussion around him yesterDay.

-Ham-Hands Izzy ~ Striker
Not bothering to hide her cobblerism anymore.

-Short Ruth Mithril ~ Cook
I'm pretty safe with assuming she's innocent and that's why I'd like to see her more - she's one of the few I feel I may be able to trust.

-Stinkin' Eön Bloodbeard ~ Powder Monkey

Not ringing any alarm bells.

The Ghosted:

-Slippery McCabbie Dagger ~ Boatswain ~ danced the hempen jig
No way of knowing, but I remain pessimistic and assume he was innocent.

-Lil' Green the Staggering Drunk ~ Powder Monkey ~ drank up all the rum
I trust her word that she was the seer. Alas!

-Dancin' Mira Blythe ~ Striker ~ danced her way off the deck
I don't remember where I got the idea that she was actually a mutineer and now I'm kind of stuck with it... weird. But my official opinion is that we have no way of knowing.

-Whinin’ Eomer Bonny ~ Musician (Pur-loined Violin) ~ his pur-loined violin pur-loined him
An innocent as he was killed by the mutineers... just hoping he wasn't the ranger.

-High-Pitched Annu ~ Surgeon ~ halved by her own saw
Absolutely no idea.

-Stutterin’ Wilwa Scab ~ Cook ~ gave her heart to Davy Jones

Could've been anything.

-Legless Sally Dawkins ~ Carpenter ~ was shark bait for a day

Given her rather obscure and fishy comments all along the game, I'm inclined to think she was some sort of baddie.

-Puffy Shirt Rikae ~ Cabin Boy ~ was never fond of pointy objects

Our hunter whom I'm waiting to see around as a ghost very much.

-Pirate Nogrod the Fashionably Late ~ Gunner ~ had an unfriendly encounter with cold steel
I don't know. Could be anything. Is he truly an innocent who helps us giving a known innocent Rikae, or is he a cobbler/wolf who's trying to gain trust and cover his tracks?

If we're to lynch a ghost, my preferences would be 1) Sally, 2) Nogrod & 3) Mira or Annu.

If we're to lynch a living person, my preference is Mac. And my preference is that we lynch him and no ghost because he's a mutineer.

edit: xed with all the three posts
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Old 06-22-2009, 07:22 AM   #602
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
Now, assuming Rikae was indeed the Hunter, then it looks as if either the wolves felt they could afford to take a risk (i.e. we're doing badly), or they were fairly confident none of them would be picked last Night.
Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
Just a careful suggestion then. She was quite definitively picking Gwath as her suspect yesterDay so one could presume he would be her hunt-target as well? So Gwath is an innocent then? It would have been a risky and idiotic move from the mutineers to try Rikae if Gwath was one of them aggressors.
The signs appear to point to a Mutineer Mac and a Conspirator Gwath.
With Rikae's vote for Gwath, it was a reasonable assumption for the mutineers that he would indeed be her pick for the Night as well. She'd been voicing some serious questions about Mac at the end of Day 4, and what better time to take her out than while her attention was focused on a (relative) innocent?

Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
Inzil - I'm still wondering what to make of his "if Lommy isn't an aggressor, they might as well just kill Rikae" of yesterday. My first thought was that it was a cobbler pointing out to the baddies that I was probably bluffing about my pick, since it wouldn't serve my interests to be honest, in he guise of an ordo wondering why the hunter would announce a pick at all... now I'm wondering if it was an ordo's attempt to help me bluff, in spite of the earlier distrust... nah, now I'm spinning far-fetched theories Nogrod-style. Anyway, I'm inclined to think he's either a conspirator or an ordo.
I don't recall saying what she quotes me on at the first part of that, but I'll say now that her second theory about the drama between her and me is correct.
I was initially taken off guard by her reveal, and the first two or three of my questions to her were genuine. After that, though, it was really just a deliberately overblown act to see if anyone would come out of the woodwork and hop on the train. Gwath certainly rose to the challenge.
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Old 06-22-2009, 08:32 AM   #603
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Alright, what do we have now?

Rikae and A Little Green are dead, but innocent.
Nerwen is at least not a mutineer, and so is Eomer, though he's dead, too.
Nogrod, Annu, and McCaber are dead and we don't know what they are.
(I'm ignoring the silenced Mira and Wilwa here.)

Who had more and who had less reason to be afraid of being Rikae's pick? Of course, even a mutineer at risk of being picked by her could still take the risk and kill her, but if we don't ask ourselves this question, then we learn nothing. I prefer the slightly risky assumption to nothing. (And before someone else brings it up I'll say it myself first - yes, this assumption conveniently puts me into the less suspicious box. So lynch me.)

Had reason to suspect being the hunter's pick:
Lommy, Kath, Gwath.

Had not (or not much):
Boromir, Mith, Eonwe, Nogrod, Shasta, Inziladun*, Izzy*

(* were suspected, but more of cobblery than wolfery, which means while Rikae thought them bad, she would probably not pick them)

The fact that the actual pick came from the second group make the assumption thin, but don't forget that the mutineers couldn't know this. My conclusion would be that the mutineer-density is higher in the second group than in the first. Especially if we assume that the mutineers have already been lessened in numbers (higher likelihood of missed kill), I'd have a hard time believing that there's more than one mutineer in the first list. (The one would be Gwath, I'd highly suspect.)

Originally Posted by Lommy
I know Macalaure knew she'd not have the nerve to pick him just yet.
A definite "no" to that. And why do you say that you know it?

Originally Posted by Lommy
-Snifflin’ Mac Sparrow ~ Cooper
I'm sure this comment will make you even more sure, but for what it's worth: Rikae tested me and concluded that someone else was still more suspicious than me. Why exactly did you reach a different conclusion? You don't explain, you only state. Can you give me a non-vague reason why you are so certain of me? I'm asking this hoping it will make up your mind, because I still think you're innocent (though it's possible you're a cobbler who figured out that I'm not a mutineer and wants to get me lynched now). Boro's innocent (if it really was innocent, of which I'm not really sure) fixation on Nogrod didn't help us one bit either.

Originally Posted by Inzy
I'm pretty well convinced Gwath is not a mutineer. If he was, I don't believe he would have missed the vote yesterDay.
What makes you so convinced of that? Keep in mind that Gwath missed the entire Day yesterDay. Why couldn't he have missed the Night before, too?

Originally Posted by Inzy
The signs appear to point to a Mutineer Mac and a Conspirator Gwath.
With Rikae's vote for Gwath, it was a reasonable assumption for the mutineers that he would indeed be her pick for the Night as well.
Her strong suspicion of Gwath means that he was high on her list of possible picks, but it would be foolish for any mutineer to assume that he was definitely her pick. Also, she could easily have been more suspicious of someone else, but seeing that that someone else had no votes, she kept her vote on her good-enough suspect.
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Old 06-22-2009, 08:49 AM   #604
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Well I don't make any schemes, I was mostly just saying stuff that I was thinking about.~Lommy
That is why you won't get past the "yes but..." , you call it scheming, that is such a negative word. It implies slippery and underhanded tricks. I know I'm innocent (not a wolf nor cobbler), you said you were innocent, and I wanted to see if I could believe you. That's not scheming, that's figuring out which of ye crew I can trust.

That is of course unless he's a wolf who thinks I'm a cobbler, a cobbler who thinks I'm a cobbler or a cobbler who thinks I'm a wolf.
Well now, you could be the wolf who thinks I'm the cobbler, a cobbler who thinks I'm the other, or a cobbler who thinks I'm a wolf. For someone who says she doesn't scheme, you sound capable at being able to sniff possible one's out. I wonder how?
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Old 06-22-2009, 08:57 AM   #605
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Boro's innocent (if it really was innocent, of which I'm not really sure) fixation on Nogrod didn't help us one bit either.~Mac
Let's lynch him today and find out

And can I ask you how I've been fixated on Nogrod? I said yesterday I suspected him, and the day before I was definitely 'fixated' on him..but since he was absent yesterday I pretty much left him alone and went after others. You being one of them.

Why don't you bring up Mith's desire to lynch Nogrod? I mean I find Mith really innocent, but I haven't been the only one interested in seeing Nogrod ghosted. seems like some have a fixation on me, jumping on whatever I say and either disregarding it with a single phrase or saying it doesn't make any sense. *cough*Mac*cough*
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Old 06-22-2009, 09:36 AM   #606
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
And can I ask you how I've been fixated on Nogrod? I said yesterday I suspected him, and the day before I was definitely 'fixated' on him..but since he was absent yesterday I pretty much left him alone and went after others. You being one of them.
True. Still, a lot of your thinking revolved around him (lynching McCaber twice or basing your suspicion of me on his role comes to mind).

Originally Posted by Boro
Why don't you bring up Mith's desire to lynch Nogrod? I mean I find Mith really innocent, but I haven't been the only one interested in seeing Nogrod ghosted. seems like some have a fixation on me, jumping on whatever I say and either disregarding it with a single phrase or saying it doesn't make any sense. *cough*Mac*cough*
I'm only jumping on a relatively small percentage of what you say. You just talk so much. Percentage-wise, I commented on much more of Gwath's yesterday's posts than on yours. And as I said before, I'm not yet convinced of what you are. I'm not pursuing your lynch.
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Old 06-22-2009, 09:58 AM   #607
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Hi, I am here and will resist the distractions as much as possible (I had to watch Jolly Roger Federer play I am afraid ). Um if we are going to rekill anyone today migh tbe the day.... If we haven't hit any mutineers yet then we don't have long beofr the numbers are potentially equalled.
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Old 06-22-2009, 10:00 AM   #608
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Oh Mac, this time you can't gloat freely - I can haunt you.

Originally Posted by th' snifflin' one
I'm sure this comment will make you even more sure, but for what it's worth: Rikae tested me and concluded that someone else was still more suspicious than me.
Yeah, someone more suspicious - meaning Gwath - but you were still in my top, oh, four...

As for Nogrod, I figured if the aggressors chose to kill me, it probably was because the suspicions I voiced were wrong, do I killed someone who would have little reason to fear me - still, that's far from certain, especially if (as I fear is the case) all four wolves are alive - they might have thought the los of one was a risk worth taking.

It's possible you're 11 with 6 evil, which would mean you've already lost, if the baddies can but coordinate their efforts (not to be a morbid voice from beyond the grave... in the Barrow Downs, no less... but I just thought I should point that out). Even without the cobblers - if all the wolves are alive, you have one more day. DOOM!!!! REPENT!!!

Oh, and I wanted to say "give my regards to Davy Jones" sometime, and now it doesn't make sense. Curses.
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Old 06-22-2009, 10:57 AM   #609
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
still, that's far from certain, especially if (as I fear is the case) all four wolves are alive - they might have thought the loss of one was a risk worth taking.
That's what I'm afraid of, and it's why I don't think we can simply rule out Gwath or Mac just because you suspected them.

Or Izzy, for that matter. However, her posting toDay looks both evil (continuing with her plan to throw suspicion around) and non-wolvish (was apparently taken aback to find you lynched). But she could be faking that, or the surprise could have been at finding Nogrod dead instead of someone more likely.

EDIT: Or Lommy– forgot about her.
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Last edited by Nerwen; 06-22-2009 at 11:17 AM.
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:08 AM   #610
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
especially if (as I fear is the case) all four wolves are alive - they might have thought the los of one was a risk worth taking.

It's possible you're 11 with 6 evil, which would mean you've already lost, if the baddies can but coordinate their efforts
Sadly I do share your pessimism Rikae...

I don't believe Mac and Boro are both innocents. And I doubt they both are mutineers.

Lommy is giving me the creeps right now. She's, well how should one say it, careless or jubilant - and confident? (if all the mutineers are alive she has reason to be jubilant and confident)

And this caught my eye as well looking at the posting of late:
Originally Posted by Inzil
The signs appear to point to a Mutineer Mac and a Conspirator Gwath.
That came right after Lommy had made her cases basically just telling us that Mac is a mutineer and he should be lynched. And Inzil was also quick to name Gwath a co-conspie rather than innocent, which is an interesting decision - although I admit I haven't yet read all that happened in the past two Days and maybe there is reason for that deduction... But somehow her post jumped like being one where happy mutineers just try to make it safe and bring the victory home quite soon.

Okay, getting ghosted kind of lessens one's motivation and inspiration to play full-time as there is no thrills of fighting for one's life and solving the mysteries together with others. And why make a loads of work just to be disregarded by enough many convincing mutineers?

On another, though relating issue, I'm not sure if lynching a ghost is reasonable politics - unless it's a double-lynch. But the double-lynches are generally quite risky as it would require co-ordination of all - well at least those present at the end of the Day. There we might run the risk of just lynching the ghost and missing a possible mutineer (a fellow mutineer might just hang around in the end and vote "wrongly" just by "accident"... and all that - with no knowledge we just can't deduce anything from it etc.).

I'm quite ready to be double-killed but you should also consider at least Greenie. If she bluffs a many things will be different (I tend towards trusting her revelation though as there have been no competing claims and it would be about time for the "real spy" to step forwards if there is one).
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:10 AM   #611
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Um....Nog, darling....

Originally Posted by th' Cap'n, in th' rules
No double lynches. In the case of a tie, the first to reach the most votes will be lynched.

So no double lynch.
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:20 AM   #612
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
-Poop Deck Kath ~ Musician (Pipe)
I'm keeping both eyes on her and ready to attack once she arrives. Yes, that's true and it's rather silly. I have just got the idea she must be evil and I'm waiting for her to appear and prove it. Well, in order to try to be more neutral: I'm wary of her.
Jog my memory, please (it's late here in the Antipodes): what has Kath done? You suspect her, Rikae suspects her... and I can't remember a single thing she's said this game.
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:24 AM   #613
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
Jog my memory, please (it's late here in the Antipodes): what has Kath done? You suspect her, Rikae suspects her... and I can't remember a single thing she's said this game.
I kept assuming she was dead, which is why I was surprised to find out that she wasn't. She's often a Night kill, so why's she still around? Heh, I was going to point this out yesterDay but was busy until it was too late to do anything toward a Kath lynch anyway.

By the way, don't bother to double kill me. Well, you can, but it'd be a waste. I can guarantee you all I'm not a mutineer, and I'm leaving in four days anyway. Just putting that out there so we don't waste lynches.
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:25 AM   #614
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Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
I'm quite ready to be double-killed but you should also consider at least Greenie. If she bluffs a many things will be different (I tend towards trusting her revelation though as there have been no competing claims and it would be about time for the "real spy" to step forwards if there is one).
In other words, it's a waste unless we get a rival claim.

EDIT:X'd with Sally.
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:27 AM   #615
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Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
And this caught my eye as well looking at the posting of late: That came right after Lommy had made her cases basically just telling us that Mac is a mutineer and he should be lynched. And Inzil was also quick to name Gwath a co-conspie rather than innocent, which is an interesting decision - although I admit I haven't yet read all that happened in the past two Days and maybe there is reason for that deduction... But somehow her post jumped like being one where happy mutineers just try to make it safe and bring the victory home quite soon.
My reasoning for Gwath being a conspirator rather than a mutineer was mainly based on the fact that Rikae had voted for him yesterDay, and if he was a real baddy it would seem to be a bold move, going after Rikae when there appeared to be a good chance she was targeting him as well. Of course, the mutineers wouldn't have known who she targeted, but the fact that Gwath was so suspected by her would seem to make that too much of a risk for a Mutineer Gwath to have taken.
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:27 AM   #616
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Well, I have to vote now, so–

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Old 06-22-2009, 11:30 AM   #617
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Oh, and for what it's worth I'll get stuck into that vote tally now. I was a bit tired last night and had things to do, but I'll get to it asap.

ETA: Heh, I just noticed that I'm at the top of Lommie's 'lynch a ghost' list. I hadn't seen that post when I made my comment about not killing me, because I....well, it was long and I just wanted to put a thought or two in so I skipped it. Anyway, my comment was unrelated. Back to work now.
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:30 AM   #618
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I hate to not share the pessimism...but sally is definitely up to something, and it's not innocent looking.

And I wonder if Nogrod is attempting his Day 1 wonderings about a ghosted mutineer still trying to influence by appearing helpful. Interesting coincidence.

So anyway, not sure why some are so doomy and gloomy
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:32 AM   #619
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Another thought about Gwath- didn't he miss the vote yesterDay? In fact, I don't remember seeing him at all, and there was apparently no explanation for his absence. Would a wolf do that at this late stage?
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:40 AM   #620
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Originally Posted by Inziladun View Post
Another thought about Gwath- didn't he miss the vote yesterDay? In fact, I don't remember seeing him at all, and there was apparently no explanation for his absence. Would a wolf do that at this late stage?
Maybe, maybe not...I've seen it from others, it just depends on the mate.

Although I think now is a good time to double-kill and get some information. It may at least give us an idea of what we are up against, and see just how pessimistic we really should be.

Sally looks like she's having fun and being silly...not sure that's a good sign.

But I think you know where I stand. If not Mac could tell you
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:51 AM   #621
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That is just Kath though isn't it? Kath to an extent is suspicious just because she is Kath ..especially with her record of being killed early as an ordo...
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:58 AM   #622
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Originally Posted by Inziladun View Post
Another thought about Gwath- didn't he miss the vote yesterDay? In fact, I don't remember seeing him at all, and there was apparently no explanation for his absence. Would a wolf do that at this late stage?
The woves missed a kill - this may have been a ploy though not one all mods would allow (observation not criticism nb). If it weren't a ploy this suggests a certain level of disorganisation/ absenteeism among the pack. I hope that we may have disposed of one at least but we can't bank on it.
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:12 PM   #623
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And I'm back at last. Apologies for yesterDay, apparently green on a black screen does not agree with lightheadedness! So, I'm off to read through yesterDay and toDay so far, have some dinner, then post!
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:13 PM   #624
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Originally Posted by Kath View Post
And I'm back at last. Apologies for yesterDay, apparently green on a black screen does not agree with lightheadedness! So, I'm off to read through yesterDay and toDay so far, have some dinner, then post!
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:23 PM   #625
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Originally Posted by Zil
The signs appear to point to a Mutineer Mac and a Conspirator Gwath.
With Rikae's vote for Gwath, it was a reasonable assumption for the mutineers that he would indeed be her pick for the Night as well. She'd been voicing some serious questions about Mac at the end of Day 4, and what better time to take her out than while her attention was focused on a (relative) innocent?
How does this make sense? First you say Mac is a mutineer, then you refer to him when saying Rikae's attention was focused on a relative innocent. And none of it explains why Gwath is a conspirator.

Originally Posted by Mac
And why do you say that you know it?
Because I can read your thoughts. No, not really, I don't know why, but I'm just dead certain you're evil. I have a gut-feeling and I have reasons, and of course when I'm firmly in the belief that you're a mutineer I can explain everything from that persepctive (so criticism towards me is always welcome). But really, I'm just sure of it. I will apologise greatly after the game if I was wrong here, but really, you're just so evil it hurts.

Originally Posted by Mac
Can you give me a non-vague reason why you are so certain of me?
Yes, sir. I was thinking of making a post that explains why I think you're evil all in one post, and I will make it as soon as possible, but before that I won't repeat my arguments.

Originally Posted by Boro
For someone who says she doesn't scheme, you sound capable at being able to sniff possible one's out. I wonder how?
My refrainment (sp?) from scheming does not mean that I'd be unacquainted with or uncapable of such art.

Originally Posted by Rikae
It's possible you're 11 with 6 evil, which would mean you've already lost, if the baddies can but coordinate their efforts (not to be a morbid voice from beyond the grave... in the Barrow Downs, no less... but I just thought I should point that out). Even without the cobblers - if all the wolves are alive, you have one more day. DOOM!!!! REPENT!!!
I'm optimistic enough to think we have taken down one of them already (Sally probably) but in case you're right this is not the time for lynching a ghost.

Originally Posted by Nogrod
Lommy is giving me the creeps right now. She's, well how should one say it, careless or jubilant - and confident? (if all the mutineers are alive she has reason to be jubilant and confident)
I'm far from careless, not jubilant until this game is over (and not even then if we're going to lose like it looks like) but I'm confident. I'm confident that Mac is a mutineer. And you, on the other hand, were probably a cobbler and are now trying to cause chaos by pretending to be sensible. (Suggesting a Greenie lynch and ignoring all the counter-arguments is about the most cobblerish thing you can do.)

Originally Posted by Nerwen
Jog my memory, please (it's late here in the Antipodes): what has Kath done? You suspect her, Rikae suspects her... and I can't remember a single thing she's said this game.
Nothing. A few lists. I think she voted Annu at some point. That's it. But I'm scared of her because she's always so sneaky and I have no way to catch her now that the roles are hidden! And I have come to think of quite many people in this crew as innocents, so I don't have much possible mutineers on my list except Kath and that's why I'm wary of her and looking forward to seeing what she'll say or do. And like I said, some of my suspicion is rather irrational "it must be her" stuff.

Originally Posted by Sally
She's often a Night kill, so why's she still around? Heh, I was going to point this out yesterDay but was busy until it was too late to do anything toward a Kath lynch anyway.
What kind of logic is this?? I tell y'all, Sally sure wasn't totally innocent.

edit: xed with the last four
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:35 PM   #626
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
How does this make sense? First you say Mac is a mutineer, then you refer to him when saying Rikae's attention was focused on a relative innocent. And none of it explains why Gwath is a conspirator.
I refer you to the second part of my post you quoted, as well as

Originally Posted by me View Post
My reasoning for Gwath being a conspirator rather than a mutineer was mainly based on the fact that Rikae had voted for him yesterDay, and if he was a real baddy it would seem to be a bold move, going after Rikae when there appeared to be a good chance she was targeting him as well. Of course, the mutineers wouldn't have known who she targeted, but the fact that Gwath was so suspected by her would seem to make that too much of a risk for a Mutineer Gwath to have taken.

Originally Posted by me View Post
Another thought about Gwath- didn't he miss the vote yesterDay? In fact, I don't remember seeing him at all, and there was apparently no explanation for his absence. Would a wolf do that at this late stage?
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Last edited by Inziladun; 06-22-2009 at 01:39 PM. Reason: grammatical error
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:38 PM   #627
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Quite wrong, Lommie dearest. By lynching me you missed a chance yesterDay to lynch a wolf. If only I'd gotten my vote in before Shasta's....

I'm quite uncomfortable with Dun right now, but I'm not really sure why. I'll have a go at him later and see what I see.

By the way, I'm a bit confused/curious. Can someone be killed their second time at Night, or just by lynch? (For instance if someone had all the wolves pegged and it worried the pack could the pack kill them again to shut them up?) It wouldn't be common but I was just wondering. Sorry for the Chekhov moment.

EDIT: x'd with Dun Dun Dun....
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:45 PM   #628
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Oops, I've been thinking all the time that we could double-kill someone dead and someone living on the same day. Now that I know that we can only lynch one in any case, the double-kill option looks a lot less appealing. We should only double-kill someone if we really can get information out of his role - no matter whether he's good or evil. I don't see one right now - not Greenie, nor McCaber, nor Sally, nor Nogrod. Sorry.

Originally Posted by Lommy
Because I can read your thoughts.
*makes himself aluminum foil hat*

Originally Posted by Lommy
Yes, sir. I was thinking of making a post that explains why I think you're evil all in one post, and I will make it as soon as possible, but before that I won't repeat my arguments.
Looking forward to that.
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:46 PM   #629
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By the way, even though he's my top suspect, I don't think lynching Gwath is a good idea, since he might get modfired anyway. If he suddenly appears, we can still lynch him tomorrow.
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:46 PM   #630
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
And I wonder if Nogrod is attempting his Day 1 wonderings about a ghosted mutineer still trying to influence by appearing helpful. Interesting coincidence.
I can also do other things than play this... which would suit you just fine, wouldn't it?

Originally Posted by Lommy
And you, on the other hand, were probably a cobbler and are now trying to cause chaos by pretending to be sensible. (Suggesting a Greenie lynch and ignoring all the counter-arguments is about the most cobblerish thing you can do.)
Just a moment... "pretending to be sensible"?

But no, I didn't suggest Greenie-lynch unless it would be a double-lynch - and Sally already corrected me with the "no double-lynch" -policies of the game. Go back and see for yourself. I said lynching ghosts is not the way to go unless they are double-lynches (regretably not an option I see now).

We're short of information and would hunger for it, but which information would be valuable enough to waste a lynch? You guys have tried already earlier to make us not use our only weapon! You scoundrels!
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:50 PM   #631
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Originally Posted by Macalaure View Post
By the way, even though he's my top suspect, I don't think lynching Gwath is a good idea, since he might get modfired anyway. If he suddenly appears, we can still lynch him tomorrow.
Good point we have anoy other potential modfirees?
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:52 PM   #632
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Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
I can also do other things than play this... which would suit you just fine, wouldn't it?

Just a moment... "pretending to be sensible"?

But no, I didn't suggest Greenie-lynch unless it would be a double-lynch - and Sally already corrected me with the "no double-lynch" -policies of the game. Go back and see for yourself. I said lynching ghosts is not the way to go unless they are double-lynches (regretably not an option I see now).

We're short of information and would hunger for it, but which information would be valuable enough to waste a lynch? You guys have tried already earlier to make us not use our only weapon! You scoundrels!
Hehe. Thus says our favorite co-conspirator. I'd say this situation's turning out just peachy, but it's certainly not. That and I'm more of an apple person.

I'd love to (watch you guys) lynch a ghost and get some information, yet at the same time I'm not sure you can afford it. The most useful identity may be Nogrod's, because (assuming I understand the conditions of Rikae's role correctly) he's obviously some shade of evil, and it could be useful to know if he's just a cobbler, who is a blind wolf more or less, or a proper wolf who would know his fellows and therefore maybe leave a trail. Still, is it worth the risk?

ETA: x'd with the Grey Queen
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:57 PM   #633
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That is all.

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Old 06-22-2009, 12:58 PM   #634
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post


That is all.

By the way, why are you now green? Or were you before and I just didn't notice?
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Old 06-22-2009, 01:09 PM   #635
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Originally Posted by Sally
By the way, why are you now green?
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Old 06-22-2009, 01:15 PM   #636
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post


*runs from the skwerls*

ETA: Cookies for the first person to guess why my new icon is what it is. That is all.
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Old 06-22-2009, 01:17 PM   #637
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As for suspecting Kath, she's been lying low, but what she has done (see "word twisting" post on day 1) seems geared toward stirring up controversy without being caught in the middle of it - a decidedly wolfish move.

EDIT: Sally: what does the text say? My vision isn't that good.
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Old 06-22-2009, 01:21 PM   #638
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
As for suspecting Kath, she's been lying low, but what she has done (see "word twisting" post on day 1) seems geared toward stirring up controversy without being caught in the middle of it - a decidedly wolfish move.

EDIT: Sally: what does the text say? My vision isn't that good.
Honestly -and I feel awful saying this, but it's true- I suspect her because she's still alive. Don't get me wrong, I love playing with the dear girl but normally she's wolf chow. Of course it could be a plot to set her up, so I don't know.

(It says 'curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal'. I know, the text is a bit small, but it covered part of the character otherwise. Yay Firefly/Doctor Who!)
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:12 PM   #639
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Here til about half 11 (my time) now, will be posting on and off as I catch up.

So before anything else I think I'll answer Rikae as I didn't get a chance to before about the twisting words thing. This is where it came from.

Shasta posted this:
Arr, what be the particklar pros 'n cons o' exorcisin A Little Drunk fer good 'n all? Belike 'n I don' wonder if'n discov'rin the wench's true ident-watchacallit cud on'y be good fer us!
From which I gathered: what do people thing the pros and cons of double-lynching Greenie would be, good just for us or good for the wolves too?

Rikae then said:
Shasta, that be treacherous talk. Arr, I see no point in double lynchin' anybody until doin' so is likely to give us some really useful information. We double lynch Greenie, and we're either rid o' a cobbler (who can't do much harm now anyway) but don't know anythin', or we have proved Nerwen's innocence, but later in th' game, a double lynch o' th' right person will probably benefit us a lot more. I thought ye were bein' framed by th' aggressors, but now I be havin' second thoughts. Arrr.
Which I thought was a good list of cons, but that the 'treacherous talk' business was a bit odd.

Annu then jumped on to that, quoting the 'treacherous talk' bit with:
Aye, me notions exactly! Try an' state yer reasons better fer double lynching Greenie, Shasta, or ye be makin' me more suspicious o' ye.
This I think is where I got the 'twisting words' from, because Shasta never actually said 'lets lynch Greenie again' yet that's what seemed to get later said. I think though that it was actually Annu who was twisting words rather than Rikae, but because Annu quoted Rikae I had assumed they were making the same point.
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:59 PM   #640
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Right, let's have a look at the end of the Day where Rikae revealed because I missed that entirely. Think the reactions might be interesting.

Inzil - reacted with suspicion, said he didn't think Rikae was close enough to being lynched to need to reveal. Continues to question her. Votes Rikae. Does seem very, very certain that Rikae isn't telling the truth. I'd have wondered if he was the real Hunter trying to counter claim without actually coming out and saying it, but from the later narrations this is obviously not the case. So either a cobbler trying to cause confusion or an innocent who really didn't like the reveal!

Lommy - seems unsure over Rikae, basically ignores her for a bit.

Boro - defends her against Inzil. Says he trusted Rikae because of something he picked up earlier in the game.

Rikae - defends herself against Inzil, also says (apparently untruthfully) who she will be hunting. Interesting plan to almost throw out names to see the reactions. Don't think anyone really bothered defending either of the two names. But then it might be hard to separate whether those who didn't want her lynched were trying to save her or save the person she said she'd take with her, especially since unless there's a competing reveal the usual reaction to a reveal is to save the gifted. Looks like she believes her reveal has outed Inzil. From the posts after the reveal she says Gwath is evil, Izzy is a cobbler and Inzil might be, and sally looks ... just not a wolf or actually innocent, not sure.

sally - oh didn't see that before. sally said she was the protector. Oh, no she didn't ... apparently.

Izzy - there have actually been a couple of times when I've agreed with her about Nerwen possibly being a bit fishy. There was a point where she threw a new lynch candidate in when there were really too many already. Greenie did say she didn't know whether she was innocent or a cobbler. That said, since we don't know the roles after death and so don't know how many if any wolves we've lynched so far going for a cobbler is pointless.

Gwath - had some suspicion of Rikae for voting for the person she said she was hunting. The way Rikae phrased the point was odd but if the Hunter thought they were going to be killed and had someone they actually thought suspicious enough to take with them, surely they should vote for that person because if they weren't killed they would want that person lynched anyway because they think them wolvish.

Hmm, I would say from all that Boro looks pretty good. He had clearly picked up on Rikae potentially being gifted early on and had kept quiet about it. Inzil is an interesting case. Izzy (I think) said that he'd fake revealed before which might explain his automatic suspicion. He kept the disbelief up pretty consistently, which is why I can't decide between cobbler and innocent. Izzy's attempt to add a person to the suspicion list who can only be cobbler or innocent (if you believe Greenie was the seer) is a bit suspicious.

OK, posting this then looking at Day 4. Is anyone apart from me at risk from modfire toDay by the way?
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
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