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Old 06-20-2009, 07:41 AM   #441
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Annunfuiniel has just left Hobbiton.
Ah, I love my death scene to pieces! Not the most noble way to go, but definitely entertaining.

I forgot to vote before going to bed and then didn't hear my alarm in the morning. Don't know if it would've made any difference if I had been here though... Anyways, all you managed to do was to lynch a plain ordinary innocent. So, not a total disaster because you hit none of the gifteds but still... Can't honestly say "Keep up the good work".

But I'll be around, or at least half of me will be.
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Old 06-20-2009, 07:44 AM   #442
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I think Inziladun's explanation of his vote seems ok, it didn't even make me suspicious in the first place, but this makes me raise my eyebrows:
Originally Posted by Zil
It's no more complex than that. Make of it what you will.
A frustrated innocent or an overreacting mutineer? Could be either.

Originally Posted by Nerwen
Originally Posted by Sally
Mehbe Willa was the kill, so Brinn didn't modfire her because....well, because I suppose, since she was just going to be ghosted anyway. What do you think? Plausible?
This is something I forgot to say before: your little theory assumes Wilwa's not an aggressor. We don't know that. At least I don't.
Good spotting, Nerwen - that is what I'd call a slip. But then again, I have made a rather similar slip when innocent... although when I made the slip I already knew the person I was talking about was innocent, so Sally's slip is a bit different... interesting.

I'm off to make a list.

edit: xed with a ghost
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Old 06-20-2009, 07:51 AM   #443
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
Good spotting, Nerwen - that is what I'd call a slip.
A possible slip, anyway. Not quite on the order of, say, Agan's last game... but I'd certainly be interested to hear Sally's explanation.
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Old 06-20-2009, 07:55 AM   #444
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While it can happen to the best of us to miss a kill, how can it be that four people missed it? It indeed indicates that one, probably even two, mutineers are ghosted. McCaber and Annu were lynched, Mira and Wilwa left. Do you think two of them could be mutineers? Of the two deserters, one could easily be (both would be a bit much). I don't think McCaber was a mutineer, so that would mean that Annu perhaps was.

As an afterthought, while missing a kill indeed can happen to everyone, it might be helpful to have an eye on the ones who do not post very frequently.

Irrespectively, Gwath and Inzy are very high on my suspicion list right now. I'm not entirely sure about Gwath - he might be a mutineer or innocent, but doesn't feel like a conspirator. Inzy, however, has to be either conspirator or mutineer - unfortunately I'm leaning more toward the former.

Another thing about the night kill: The most likely pick of Rikae was either truthfully Sally or Gwath. If those two aren't mutineers, then the night choice was awfully easy for them, and it would make it all the more puzzling that the kill was missed.
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Old 06-20-2009, 08:07 AM   #445
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Another thing about the night kill: The most likely pick of Rikae was either truthfully Sally or Gwath. If those two aren't mutineers, then the night choice was awfully easy for them, and it would make it all the more puzzling that the kill was missed.~Mac
Well if it was not sending in a kill, then there's really no way to tell why.

But, I would like to hear Rikae's night selection, because if it was Lommy, then that's not looking good for Lommy. If Lommy's a wolf, and they fear the Hunter's picked her, they would want to stay away, but if they kill someone else, that just makes Lommy look even more suspicious. So, the laziness could just be cover to confuse us...still I don't really understand why the wolves wouldn't purposefully make a kill. They just handed us another chance.

But, as Lommy did say, it could have just been a slip up in communication.

Now here's a conspiracy theory...Nogrod, Mac, and Lommy are mutineers who are making it look like we have inactive wolves, so they can get us to continue to lynch the less active.

Whatever it is, just a communication mishap, purposefully not killing, or some whacked out conspiracy theory...would now be a good day to perhaps double-kill and get some concrete info?
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Old 06-20-2009, 08:08 AM   #446
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
I think Inziladun's explanation of his vote seems ok, it didn't even make me suspicious in the first place, but this makes me raise my eyebrows:
A frustrated innocent or an overreacting mutineer? Could be either.
Could be, I agree. I know how the whole incident could appear. I was at work and quite tired when I wrote that. I am again at work after around 5 hours sleep.

Originally Posted by Macalaure View Post
Irrespectively, Gwath and Inzy are very high on my suspicion list right now. I'm not entirely sure about Gwath - he might be a mutineer or innocent, but doesn't feel like a conspirator. Inzy, however, has to be either conspirator or mutineer - unfortunately I'm leaning more toward the former.
I'm sorry you feel that way. As I said, I can understand why people would be suspicious. Consider it well, though.
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Old 06-20-2009, 08:08 AM   #447
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-Legless Sally Dawkins ~ Carpenter
She's fishy if something. I keep flip-flopping on her - it's difficult to say if she's the evil sneaky Sally or just a busy Sally (or evil busy Sally, you catch my drift). But she does not seem especially innocent, I'm keeping my eye on her for now.

-Puffy Shirt Rikae ~ Cabin Boy
I think she is the hunter and at least it's safe to assume that for now. I was reluctant to talk about it yesterDay but people said aloud everything I was thinking but not saying so I may as well repeat - it is possible she's not the hunter, but then she's just an ordo or a cobbler, not a wolf.

-Gangrenous Inziladun Jones ~ Pilot
A difficult one to judge, no doubt. Not ringing any serious alarm bells but then again he fooled me completely last time too.

-Pirate Boromir the Malformed ~ Gunner
By gut-feeling I'd say he's innocent but I'm not as sure as I was on the earlier Days - the problem is that I know I'm innocent, Rikae seems to be innocent and I don't suspect Nogrod or Mac too much either and it just seems unprobable none of us experienced loudmouths would be evil. Especially as Nerwen seems to be a known innocent, Mith feels pretty genuine and Kath does not ring too many alarm bells either... Well anyway, I'm not very concerned about him.

-Shark Tooth Shasta ~ First mate
I think he is probably innocent. Or then he's a cobbler. But he seems quite genuine and just not very mutineerish. But then again he also slips under my radar. Difficult.

-Snifflin’ Mac Sparrow ~ Cooper
He is hibernating under Rudolph (to paraphrase Eönwë) and that's somthing I don't like. I keep thinking "oh Mac, nice, ok" when I see his posts and I don't like that at all. I have the feeling that he's innocent but I also have the feeling I'm mistaken here. Will watch him closely from now on. (I wonder if this all is due to him being more quiet than normal maybe...?)

-Almost-Blind Nerwen ~ Navigator/Sea Artist
I'm treating her as a known innocent for now.

-Poop Deck Kath ~ Musician (Pipe)
Hibernating under Rudolph as well. And I'm worried - she could very well be evil. The problem is that whenever she's evil, if I happen to catch her it's because she acts incriminatingly with her fellows, but in this game, there is no such evidence to go on. So I'm afraid she's evil and I just won't catch her.

-Cowerin' Gwath Slasher ~ Powder Monkey
I don't know... I still think he's fishy, but his frustration was genuine yesterDay... but wolves can be genuinely frustrated too. I don't know. My suspicion of him has lessened since I voted him but I can't quite give a rational explanation for it. I'm still watching him.

-Pirate Nogrod the Fashionably Late ~ Gunner
I don't like the fact that he can't be around... I keep forgetting to be wary of him. I will return to thinking about him when he returns, as of now I will just remain awaiting and slightly suspicious.

-Ham-Hands Izzy ~ Striker
People say she is slippery or has a fabricated tone to her posts, but she's one of those I feel the best about. There's simply nothing to make me suspicious. And I like her because she's being smart.

-Short Ruth Mithril ~ Cook
I think I can read her pretty well - maybe? - and I'm not alarmed. She seems to be on the busy-ordo-Mith mode right now.

-Stinkin' Eön Bloodbeard ~ Powder Monkey
Seems pretty innocent, I think.

So, in conclusion:
not suspicious of - Rikae, Nerwen, Izzy, Mith, Eönwë
not suspecting too much - Zil, Boro, Shasta
wary of - Mac, Kath, Gwath, Nogrod
suspicious of - Sally

And if my opinions change a little in the course of this post, don't worry, it's just that I think and write at the same time so the whole process gets kind of recorded.

edit: xed with everybody
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Old 06-20-2009, 08:27 AM   #448
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Yep, I was hunting Lommy.

Today my main suspect is definitely Gwath. I think his reaction yesterday... well, innocents and baddies alike can get irritated in this game, but it reminded me very much of something that's happened to me before when I was evil. Someone accused me of making a slip I most certainly didn't, and wouldn't, make, and I reacted with righteous indignation (which I showed openly in hopes it would make me look more innocent). It looks like Gwath was having the same sort of reaction yesterDay.

As far as Sally's "slop", I'm assuming Wilwa's more likely innocent for the same reason I'm assuming that about Mira, and so it doesn't surprise me that Sally does so too. Besides, she did say "maybe". I don't think it's a slip.

Actually, I'm starting to wonder about Nerwen - I'd find her suspicious if she wasn't a quasi-known-innocent. Of course, the baddies might just leave her alive to try and force us to check her by double-lynching Greenie, and no one else has claimed to be seer. Best to wait, I guess (this is all sort of stream-of-consciousness).

If we're going to double-lynch at some point, I thihnk it would be best to do so to someone we lynched in the first place, wo we can analyze how everyone acted toward the lynch/bandwagon.

But today, I'm pretty much sure I'll vote for Gwath. Nothing personal, mind you, I just think he's a wolf.

Originally Posted by Boro
But, I would like to hear Rikae's night selection, because if it was Lommy, then that's not looking good for Lommy. If Lommy's a wolf, and they fear the Hunter's picked her, they would want to stay away, but if they kill someone else, that just makes Lommy look even more suspicious
Well, bear in mind, if you thought it was possible that I was hunting Lommy, the baddies might have thought so, too, regardless of who I actually hunted. They might have also thought, like Mac, I was hunting Sally or Gwath.
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Old 06-20-2009, 08:30 AM   #449
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Originally Posted by Mac
While it can happen to the best of us to miss a kill, how can it be that four people missed it? It indeed indicates that one, probably even two, mutineers are ghosted. McCaber and Annu were lynched, Mira and Wilwa left. Do you think two of them could be mutineers? Of the two deserters, one could easily be (both would be a bit much). I don't think McCaber was a mutineer, so that would mean that Annu perhaps was.

As an afterthought, while missing a kill indeed can happen to everyone, it might be helpful to have an eye on the ones who do not post very frequently.
As well as looking at those who do not post very frequently, we should look at those who have been away (like Nogrod). And this all verges on the edge of what is fair play and what is playing on out-of-game reasons (it would be easy to start checking who has posted on the 'Downs during the Night phase etc).

Besides, it can also be misleading. Imagine I - a rather active player who was online on the 'Downs yesterday - was a mutineer. The deadline happens to be 7am my time. Imagine my fellows are Americans who have their most active hours after I go to bed in the evening. What do I do? Probably send my suggestions on who to kill to my mates before I go to sleep and trust them to send the kill to the mod. They are all so called not-so-frequently posting people and they miss the kill (say, one is dead, one appears a few hours before the DL, sees the last one hasn't posted, sends a PM and leaves it up to them, and they don't turn up at all because of some unexpected hindrances). Now, by your logic, it would easy to say that I'm not likely someone to miss the kill, although it is exactly what happened in this example scenario. So, summa summarum, no use making hasty conclusions.

Originally Posted by Mac
Another thing about the night kill: The most likely pick of Rikae was either truthfully Sally or Gwath. If those two aren't mutineers, then the night choice was awfully easy for them, and it would make it all the more puzzling that the kill was missed.
Originally Posted by Boro
But, I would like to hear Rikae's night selection, because if it was Lommy, then that's not looking good for Lommy.
Excuse me, gentlemen, but just how on earth do you expect the mutineers to know Rikae's pick?

Mac, you expect the mutineers to have reached the same conclusion about Rikae's possible picks and furthermore, you expect your guesses to be correct. Ever heard of a bluffing hunter? You think too simply for me to be comfortable with you. And you assuming the mutineers to think like you looks like your pack had a nice chat last Night.

Boro - what on earth do you think we gain from knowing whom Rikae really hunted? The mutineers didn't know it either. Whether Rikae really hunted me or just threatened to wouldn't have affected their choice of action, because they had no way of knowing whom Rikae hunted. It doesn't incriminate me any more if Rikae really hunted me or not, what matters is that she threatened to. But there's no way a mutineer-me would have known whether she was bluffing or not, or a mutineer-anyone else would have known it. So, in short, the mutineers couldn't have just acted blindly on the assumption that Rikae hunted me, nor could they have chosen to attack or not attack her based on whom she hunted because they didn't know it.

Huh, you two confuse me.

edit: xed with Rikae
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Old 06-20-2009, 08:53 AM   #450
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Boro - what on earth do you think we gain from knowing whom Rikae really hunted?~Lommy
I thought Rikae was pretty serious it would be sally if she was lynched, and you at night, considering the circumstances she was in and the threat of being lynched. Of course she could have been bluffing the night selection and the mutineers would have no way of knowing who she was really hunting, but if they feared one of their own was someone being hunted they wouldn't want to kill her. If they thought she was hunting an innocent they would. Simple as that.

I took who she said she was going to hunt as not a bluff, and well...maybe the mutineers did too.
By gut-feeling I'd say he's innocent but I'm not as sure as I was on the earlier Days - the problem is that I know I'm innocent, Rikae seems to be innocent and I don't suspect Nogrod or Mac too much either and it just seems unprobable none of us experienced loudmouths would be evil.
It wouldn't be the first time that none of us were...our Cap'n might enjoy watching the loudmouths lynch off eachother after tension builds and the first few days. If you feel I'm innocent, than trust it, don't let your feelings that it's "illogical" that none of the loudmouths are wolves to cloud your judgement of who you feel is innocent or not.

But look at the night kills...Greenie and Eomer, two players who are thoughtful voters, but were less active on this ship. Why wouldn't they kill off the loudmouths, why would they kill off their cover? And look at our lynches...McCaber, Mira, and successful have we been? I don't know, maybe the time is right to check one of them. We could end up with some real information if we lynch one of those 3 again.

This will get me in trouble, but I don't care at this point...I wouldn't have passed up a night kill. I would have thought that would exonerate me completely.

But, I should say Lommy, your last post looks pretty innocent because it is so flippy-floppy . If that makes any sense. I could tear it apart for all the inconsistencies in there, but that actually makes you look better.
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Old 06-20-2009, 09:06 AM   #451
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Just spit-ballin' here, knowing Mira's role could be really beneficial. It may sort out that sparring to lynch her or not, and could shed some light on Eomer's nightly death.

McCaber's could be good too, considering somehow he got lynched, with Shasta and Nogrod in danger too. But last minute bandwagons tend to include innocent's and may not involve the mutineers at all...still could be useful.

I never really was suspicious of Annu, so I don't know if his 2nd death would give us something, I will have to check the end of Day 3, but maybe someone thinks that could give us something? Care to explain, if you do?
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Old 06-20-2009, 09:07 AM   #452
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Inzil - I'm still wondering what to make of his "if Lommy isn't an aggressor, they might as well just kill Rikae" of yesterday. My first thought was that it was a cobbler pointing out to the baddies that I was probably bluffing about my pick, since it wouldn't serve my interests to be honest, in he guise of an ordo wondering why the hunter would announce a pick at all... now I'm wondering if it was an ordo's attempt to help me bluff, in spite of the earlier distrust... nah, now I'm spinning far-fetched theories Nogrod-style. Anyway, I'm inclined to think he's either a conspirator or an ordo.

Sally - Lying low, as Lommy mentioned - fishy. Then again, always seems a bit evil. I can't remember what the especially evil looking thing she did earlier was - I'll have to go back and look.

- Top suspect for reasons mentioned before.

Mac - Quiet, which I think is mostly due to having the flu. - though that doesn't make him innocent. I don't think he'd be one to miss the kill, though, and he's on EST now, so... leaning innocent.

Lommy - I agree with her that it's unlikely Mac, Boro, Nog, Nerwen, Lommy and I are all innocent. I'm not so sure she's innocent, though, and I have my doubts about Boro, too. Actually, I'm not sure about anyone but myself.

Boro - Looks innocent enough, which makes me think he's quite possibly guilty. By that I mean, I don't see any of his usual tricksiness. At this point in the game I would have expected an innocent Boro to have more of an impact. Still, that's just a negative suspicion, and therefore not that strong.

Nogrod - He seems more orless like himself, except that he hasn't gone after me, and he and Mac haven't gone after each other - which is actually very strange. I get the impression he's lying low, but is that what an aggressor-Nog (or ordo-Nog) would do?

Izzy - Flying under the radar, reminds me vaguely of the time I was a wolf with her...

Nerwen - as I said earlier, unsure, but don't see the sense in double-lynching Greenie to check her now.

Kath - Not only flying under the radar, but what she does post makes me uneasy.

Eonwe - I think he's probably innocent.

- likewise

Mith - I still don't have enough to go on.
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Old 06-20-2009, 09:08 AM   #453
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Originally Posted by Boro
But, I should say Lommy, your last post looks pretty innocent because it is so flippy-floppy . If that makes any sense. I could tear it apart for all the inconsistencies in there, but that actually makes you look better.
The post where I replied to you and Mac? I thought the other one was slightly illogical due to me writing and thinking at the same time but not that one...

And Boro it still doesn't shed any new light on the mutineers' actions that Rikae now confirmed she hunted me. (Speaking of which, I'm glad she was not killed, in that case. I hope she chooses better the time they really decide to go for her. )

Originally Posted by Boro
It wouldn't be the first time that none of us were...our Cap'n might enjoy watching the loudmouths lynch off eachother after tension builds and the first few days. If you feel I'm innocent, than trust it, don't let your feelings that it's "illogical" that none of the loudmouths are wolves to cloud your judgement of who you feel is innocent or not.
Nah, I doubt our Cap would do that. But you're right - I am clouding my judgement. Because it is silly to divide people up to completely random categories like "loudmouths" and expect a certain percentage to be wolves, it's the same as taking a category like "those who wear red socks" and assume a certain percentage of them is wolves. (Or okay, slightly less silly because mods may regulate how many loudmouths they take into a wolf team but not how many people wearing red socks they take - or at least I assume so. ) But anyway, whether my reasons to start looking for faults in fellow loudmouths were good or not, I'm glad I did start doing it because I was kind of ignoring people.

And Boro if you're a mutineer I'm saying this now already - you should be ashamed of how you try to manipulate me. But if you're innocent I can just take it as big brotherly advice.

edit: xed with Boro and Rikae
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Old 06-20-2009, 09:12 AM   #454
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
I thought Rikae was pretty serious it would be sally if she was lynched, and you at night, considering the circumstances she was in and the threat of being lynched. Of course she could have been bluffing the night selection and the mutineers would have no way of knowing who she was really hunting, but if they feared one of their own was someone being hunted they wouldn't want to kill her. If they thought she was hunting an innocent they would. Simple as that.
Even if Gwath or Sally is a mutineer? They might have considered it too much of a risk. They couldn't have known for sure who Rikae would pick.

I think it's safe to say that if the baddies failed to send in the kill on purpose, it would mean at least one of those three (Gwath, Lommy & Sally) is probably guilty.

EDIT: X'd since Boro at #450; clarification.
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Old 06-20-2009, 09:15 AM   #455
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Originally Posted by Boro
Well if it was not sending in a kill, then there's really no way to tell why.
Not definitely, but some scenarios are more likely than others.

Oh, and I forgot about Lommy up there - it looks a bit worse for her, too.

Originally Posted by Lommy
-Snifflin’ Mac Sparrow ~ Cooper
He is hibernating under Rudolph (to paraphrase Eönwë) and that's somthing I don't like. I keep thinking "oh Mac, nice, ok" when I see his posts and I don't like that at all. I have the feeling that he's innocent but I also have the feeling I'm mistaken here. Will watch him closely from now on. (I wonder if this all is due to him being more quiet than normal maybe...?)
That is not vague at all...

Originally Posted by Lommy
we should look at those who have been away
Those, too, yes.

Originally Posted by Lommy
Besides, it can also be misleading.
I don't expect in the least that we could catch all mutineers this way, of course not. But I find the scenario where all mutineers are active and involved and they still missed the kill unlikely (though not impossible).

Originally Posted by Lommy
Ever heard of a bluffing hunter?
Duh. But, if I'm a wolf and the claimed hunter states he is going to pick me then I'm a lot more cautious about killing him than in the case that he states he thinks I'm not suspicious.

Lommy, why are you so defensive about this thing?

You are right, though, that it borders a bit on the "meta" level. I do not advocate lynching someone only because he's more quiet or has been away, just saying we should have an extra eye on them. We are sorely lacking knowledge, so every little valid assumption is helpful.

Originally Posted by Boro
I wouldn't have passed up a night kill.
Says he who missed yesterday's deadline because he fell asleep.
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Old 06-20-2009, 09:16 AM   #456
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
I thought Rikae was pretty serious it would be sally if she was lynched, and you at night, considering the circumstances she was in and the threat of being lynched.
Actually, I was hunting Kath yesterDay. I just wanted to see how people would react to a Sally-kill.

Originally Posted by Boro
It wouldn't be the first time that none of us were...our Cap'n might enjoy watching the loudmouths lynch off eachother after tension builds and the first few days. If you feel I'm innocent, than trust it, don't let your feelings that it's "illogical" that none of the loudmouths are wolves to cloud your judgement of who you feel is innocent or not.
Hmm. I don't really like the way you latch on to the idea that none of us are evil - shows an awful lot of certainty wrt Mac, Nog, etc.

Originally Posted by Boro
We could end up with some real information if we lynch one of those 3 again.
I'd rather lynch Gwath toDay, and try the double-lynch toMorrow.

Originally Posted by Boro
This will get me in trouble, but I don't care at this point...I wouldn't have passed up a night kill. I would have thought that would exonerate me completely.
One reason not to kill anyone... it's been done before.
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Old 06-20-2009, 09:30 AM   #457
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
Actually, I was hunting Kath yesterDay. I just wanted to see how people would react to a Sally-kill.
Well, at the risk of being Captain Obvious, it certainly looks as if it can't be Gwath and Sally.

Why Kath, though?
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Old 06-20-2009, 09:39 AM   #458
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And Boro if you're a mutineer I'm saying this now already - you should be ashamed of how you try to manipulate me. But if you're innocent I can just take it as big brotherly advice.~Lommy
I know I am pretty manipulative when I'm evil, but I still would live by a code and wouldn't be that evil.

Says he who missed yesterday's deadline because he fell asleep.~Mac
Haha, you try laying down on it and staying awake!

Hmm. I don't really like the way you latch on to the idea that none of us are evil - shows an awful lot of certainty wrt Mac, Nog, etc.~Rikae
I'm actually still most suspicious of Nogrod, but he did tell everyone he would miss today, and it doesn't feel right to push a lynching with someone who won't be here for a day. It may seem contradictory to why I wanted to lynch Mira, but we knew she would not be back and would be gone...Nogrod has assured his return.
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Old 06-20-2009, 09:50 AM   #459
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P.S. Lommy I was referring to your list post, there are so many holes there...hehe. "I'm not suspicious of any of the loudmouths, but I'm wary of Nogrod because of _____" I could drive a semi through those gaps...well if I knew how to drive a semi I could. (Oh and so no one gets confused, I'm saying those inconsistencies make Lommy look more innocent to me)
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Old 06-20-2009, 09:51 AM   #460
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I need to get a list out of my head.

Boro - Something makes me uneasy about him, but I don't know what. I need to have a closer look at him, and I hope I will have time to do it properly today.
Eonwe - Probably innocent.
Gwath - A whole lot: possible pick for Rikae, suspicious behavior yesterday, less active yesterday (same at night?), the things I already stated about him yesterday and which he didn't really reply to.
Inziladun - Because of his behavior towards Rikae yesterday, likely cobbler, perhaps mutineer.
Izzy - I'm fine with her right now.
Kath - No reason to suspect her right now, but I'm afraid I might have overlooked her a little.
Lommy - Overdefensive to the guesses about the reasons for the missed kill. Also, picked by Rikae.
Mith - Don't know, but probably innocent
Nerwen - Quasi-known innocent.
Nogrod - His absence makes a missed kill more likely, but I have no other reason to suspect him now.
Rikae - See no reason to doubt her claim.
Sally - Possibly afraid of killing Rikae, and she's been less active than usual, so watchworthy. Wouldn't vote for her without any other reason, though.
Shasta - I still think he might be a conspirator.

That makes:
Innocent: Nerwen, Rikae
Pr. innocent: Eonwe, Izzy, Kath, Mith, Nogrod
Don't know: Boro, Sally, Shasta
A little suspicious: Inzy, Lommy
Suspicious: Gwath
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Old 06-20-2009, 09:56 AM   #461
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Hehe. You are too funny Rikae. Which is it? Cobbler or Wolf? Can't be both. Or are you just content with trying to throw people under a passing-by moving ship for... whatever reason strikes your fancy at the moment and hope someone other than you goes? Regardless if it matches up with what you say previously? xD

At the moment in time, if I were voting - it'd be for Sally or Nerwen.

Sally - is suspicious. Her behavior.. I would assume she is keeping up with the thread, yet she doesn't make comments? Doesn't respond?

Nerwen - she is latching on to things too easily. Going with the flow too easily, regardless if it makes her opinions and stances differ. Let alone for reasons I've previously stated.

*goes off gathering, not hunting*

X'd with Mac.
But I was clinging to her like a homicidal monkey.
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Old 06-20-2009, 10:09 AM   #462
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Here and reading... but I doubt that the missed kill (assuming that is what it was) was intentional since with the role being hidden it seems an unnecessary tactic. I hope it means that the number of agressors have reduced and the remainder somehow didn't get their act together because their dominant colleague was absent... of course this might be overly optimistic.
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Old 06-20-2009, 10:11 AM   #463
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Oh, I see, Izzy - you're trying to pose as a hunter yourself? Meh, you're probably just a cobbler, no sense in wasting time arguing with you.

As for hunting Kath - it was something she said the day before. I'll have to go see if I can find it again. It was also partially process of elimination - thinking everyone but Kath, Gwath, Sally and Lommy looked innocentish at that point.

Izzy & Inzil are our cobblers, I think.

Gwath, maybe Lommy or Boro, maybe Kath are aggressors...?

Well, anyway, I know who I'm voting for, so I might as well:

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Old 06-20-2009, 10:23 AM   #464
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Now I remember what had me suspicious of Kath - it was all that talk of "twisting words". It seemed premature and an attempt to add fuel to the fire of the argument between Shasta and I, and see one of us lynched. Since I ended up thinking Shasta innocent, and I know I'm innocent, that remark on Kath's part looked like an attempt to get an innocent lynched. Lately, though, Kath has looked a little better. I made my pick early in the Day yesterDay, and later would have hunted someone else (I won't make that mistake again - I'll make my choice late in the day, to ensure that I take all relevant information into account).
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Old 06-20-2009, 10:27 AM   #465
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The more I see of Mac, the more wary I get. I hope it's not because I thought he might be a baddie after all and thus am now seeing everything from that perspective... it has happened to me before. But I still don't like him, that list of his, it's oh so fabricated. He's going with the flow a bit too much and I get the feeling he's agreeing with Rikae to avoid her putting all her attention to him and realising he's evil.

Okay, I was refraining to comment on the double-killing thing because I had to check the rules (someone gave me the impression there were double-lynches and it made me wonder why we hadn't done that before ) but here's my take on it: I don't think we can afford it, but then again, we can probably afford it even less in future. I think it would be most beneficial to know what Mira was and Annu may be less beneficial information - and checking McCab, the Day1 lynch? The fact that Boro even considers it makes him seem cobblerish. I keep kind of forgetting we have those imps in this game, and even two of them - might be good for everyone to take into account that Nerwen may very well be one.

Originally Posted by Nerwen
I think it's safe to say that if the baddies failed to send in the kill on purpose, it would mean at least one of those three (Gwath, Lommy & Sally) is probably guilty.
I don't think so. If I was a mutineer, I would probably have gone after Rikae because I'd have trusted on her bluffing, or then if my mates had opposed the idea I would've gone for someone looking rangerish instead but there's no way I would have intentionally missed a kill, no never at this kind of point of the game (or actually no never ever in any case but that's a different thing...). Just I can't see the no-kill pointing especially at anyone Rikae could probably have been hunting because there was the option of picking someone else.

Originally Posted by Mac
That is not vague at all...
It is vague because my feelings about you are vague. I don't pay much attention to you and the stuff you say doesn't ring any alarm bells (up until you reappeared now) but I have the bad feeling my good gut-feeling of you is false. That simple.

Originally Posted by Mac
But I find the scenario where all mutineers are active and involved and they still missed the kill unlikely (though not impossible).
Well in the end, it all comes down to timezones and timetables. Imagine all mutineers were active players but the deadline was problematic for all but one either permanently (like me) or temporarily (someone having a meeting with friends then or something) and thus the sending of the pick being left to a certain pack member who should be around but s/he falls asleep, his/her computer fails, s/he has to run for an urgent affair x and can't get back in time... I don't really think we can make too much assumptions on this.

Originally Posted by Mac
But, if I'm a wolf and the claimed hunter states he is going to pick me then I'm a lot more cautious about killing him than in the case that he states he thinks I'm not suspicious.
Well that depends on each individual I'd say - I wouldn't act much differently, really, because there's no way of knowing whether a hunter is bluffing or not.

Originally Posted by Mac
Lommy, why are you so defensive about this thing?
Not intentionally at least. But really, I don't think I'm defensive. I merely don't understand your and Boro's logic, and it always makes me slightly annoyed when people start applying meta-reasons because it's not exactly fair.

Originally Posted by Nerwen
Well, at the risk of being Captain Obvious, it certainly looks as if it can't be Gwath and Sally.
Well, at the risk of being Quartermaster Dumb, why?

Originally Posted by Boro
P.S. Lommy I was referring to your list post, there are so many holes there...hehe. "I'm not suspicious of any of the loudmouths, but I'm wary of Nogrod because of _____" I could drive a semi through those gaps...well if I knew how to drive a semi I could.
Well I said I was thinking and writing at the same time, I actually started suspecting Mac & Nogrod more after saying it's unlikely all the loudmouths are innocent, because I started sort of rethinking about it. And actually, I've been rather unsure of Nogrod all the game and I was stretching a little when saying I'm not suspicious of him to prove the point that I don't feel secure trusting you... duh.

Izzy's acting weird. I think she may be a cobbler after all.

edit: xed with the double ladies
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Old 06-20-2009, 10:52 AM   #466
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Boro and Lommy mentioned checking Mira, but I actually think that would be rather misleading, since the decision to lynch Mira was influenced by the whole debate of double-lynch-vs.-lynching-doomed-person - a debate that isn't really resolved, as far as I can tell. I know I voted for Mira in good faith and innocently, and that had nothing to do with what her role was, which could very well be the case for others who voted for her,. If she is innocent (which I think she probably is) double-lynching her looks like a tactic for the aggressors to go after those who voted for her , who could well be innocent too. In fact, if we do double lynch her and she turns out innocent (or even cobbler), Boro and Lommy will become more suspicious in my eyes for that reason.

On the other hand, if she' did turn out to be an aggressor, it wouldn't tell us much of use either. The other aggressors wouldn't have much cause to have argued strongly against lynching her, since they were going to lose her anyway, but they also probably would have preferred to see an innocent lynched as well.

I still think the time isn't yet ripe for double-lynching.

Originally Posted by Lommy
Well, at the risk of being Quartermaster Dumb, why?
I think he meant that Gwath wouldn't have encouraged suspicion towards my reveal if he had been a wolf with Sally, since it might have put her in danger? It doesn't really make sense, though, since it's not likely I would have been lynched after my reveal, regardless of Gwath's, Izzy's, and Inzil's suspicions. I'd ask him, but he's making pancakes at the moment.

Last edited by Rikae; 06-20-2009 at 10:53 AM. Reason: Bolding names
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Old 06-20-2009, 11:10 AM   #467
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The more I see of Mac, the more wary I get.~Lommy
I'm suspicious of Mac, solely for the reason that he said my Nogrod case looked far fetched. I mean excluding Rikae's points today about Gwath, I haven't seen much better reason, or a case to lynch someone, other than what I said about Nogrod yesterday.

Mac saying it looked far-fetched, looks like he's trying to protect Nogrod and since I'm suspicious of Nogrod, I've been watching Mac. But, not knowing Nogrod's role, currently I still think Mac may be a co-conspirator, his first day and half suspicion against Nogrod could have been an attempt to find a mutineer, and his backing off, is to protect a mutineer-Nogrod.

Anyway, those have been my thoughts on Mac for the last day +

I think it would be most beneficial to know what Mira was and Annu may be less beneficial information - and checking McCab, the Day1 lynch? The fact that Boro even considers it makes him seem cobblerish.~
I guess since I want to consider all options that makes me a cobbler?

I think knowing McCaber's role could be beneficial, considering Shasta and Nogrod were also in danger of being lynched. And in this set up, it would be less risk if mutineers wanted to protect other mutineers.

And actually, I've been rather unsure of Nogrod all the game and I was stretching a little when saying I'm not suspicious of him to prove the point that I don't feel secure trusting you... duh.
You're asking yourself the wrong question which is why you're just confusing yourself. You're asking "Can Boro be manipulative and tricksy when he's evil?" Come on, we all know the answer to that, and that's why you don't feel safe trusting me.

Ask yourself...right now, at this moment, do you think based on the kill choices, the no kill, based on everything I have said, do you think I'm innocent? I expect only a yes or no back, no "yes but..." or "no but..." No thinking yourself into circles, just "yes" or "no."
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Old 06-20-2009, 11:13 AM   #468
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Oh, and I'm not saying we need to double-kill today, I was just bringing up the possibility that since the wolves missed a chance yesterday, now we actually could take a chance to double-kill
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Old 06-20-2009, 11:20 AM   #469
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
think he meant that Gwath wouldn't have encouraged suspicion towards my reveal if he had been a wolf with Sally, since it might have put her in danger? It doesn't really make sense, though, since it's not likely I would have been lynched after my reveal, regardless of Gwath's, Izzy's, and Inzil's suspicions. I'd ask him, but he's making pancakes at the moment.
I don't think that would do you much good anyway– it was I who said it, not Mac. And yes, I was referring to Gwath's behaviour. He was pushing quite hard to lynch you.

EDIT:X'd with Boro.
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Last edited by Nerwen; 06-20-2009 at 11:38 AM.
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Old 06-20-2009, 11:40 AM   #470
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Now I'm starting to wonder if Gwath and Boro are in it together.
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Old 06-20-2009, 11:48 AM   #471
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Phew. It took me something like 3 hours to read the thread... I'm kinda glad to be a ghost since I really can't make much out of this mess. A few little (green) comments, though.

First of all, a small thing, probably a mistake but I'd like it cleared just in case.
Originally Posted by Lomz, about Nog yesterDay
However, I'm still hesitant to think he's evil. I think he could have done all of that as a baddie.

Then a few comments 'bout the people.

-Legless Sally Dawkins ~ Carpenter

Confuses me.

-Puffy Shirt Rikae ~ Cabin Boy
I'm inclined to believe she's the hunter.

-Pirate Lommy the Infected ~ Quartermaster
Seems rather like the innocent Lommy.

-Gangrenous Inziladun Jones ~ Pilot
Hmm. Earlier on in the game I felt pretty good about him but his reaction to Rikae's reveal was interesting and made me unsure.

-Pirate Boromir the Malformed ~ Gunner
I'm thinking him an unlikely mutineer but possible co-conspirator, maybe leaning ordo above anything else.

-Shark Tooth Shasta ~ First mate
Leaning innocent.

-Snifflin’ Mac Sparrow ~ Cooper
No idea whatsoever.

-Almost-Blind Nerwen ~ Navigator/Sea Artist
The only one I have information on. She is not a mutineer. She is either innocent or a co-conspie. I guess she's innocent.

-Poop Deck Kath ~ Musician (Pipe)
Seems genuine and makes shrewd points.

-Cowerin' Gwath Slasher ~ Powder Monkey
I don't like his vagueness (is that a word?). I was somewhat suspicious of him before people started suspecting him, after which he started to seem more genuine.

-Pirate Nogrod the Fashionably Late ~ Gunner
I have the feeling he's being ordo, mutineer, and co-conspirator all at once.

-Ham-Hands Izzy ~ Striker - Is it only me or is she acting real strange? She has become increasingly weird as the game progresses and I'd really want to know what she is up to. Leaning co-conspie. Probably not a mutineer - I get the feeling that a mutineer-Izzy would be more careful and slippery.

-Short Ruth Mithril ~ Cook
Leaning innocent.

-Stinkin' Eön Bloodbeard ~ Powder Monkey
No idea.
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Old 06-20-2009, 11:51 AM   #472
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Originally Posted by Nerwen
Now I'm starting to wonder if Gwath and Boro are in it together.
Gwath and Boro? Why them?

I'd like to check the interactions between Nog and Sally. Dunno why, that just popped into me mind. I might do that still toDay.
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Old 06-20-2009, 12:02 PM   #473
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Originally Posted by A Little Green View Post
Gwath and Boro? Why them?
*shrugs* Only because Boro seems to be trying so hard for double-lynching someone... it just occurred to me that he might be trying to take the heat off Gwath. I don't really suspect him all that strongly, though.
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Old 06-20-2009, 12:05 PM   #474
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
I don't think that would do you much good anyway– it was I who said it, not Mac. And yes, I was referring to Gwath's behaviour. He was pushing quite hard to lynch you.

EDIT:X'd with Boro.
So that's why Mac seemed confused. Well, it seemed to me Inzil was pushing harder - and also that Gwath would have known it wasn't going to happen.

Originally Posted by Nerwen
Now I'm starting to wonder if Gwath and Boro are in it together.
Seems like a possibility.
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Old 06-20-2009, 12:17 PM   #475
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
So that's why Mac seemed confused. Well, it seemed to me Inzil was pushing harder - and also that Gwath would have known it wasn't going to happen.
Well, maybe I was a little too hasty in saying Gwath and Sally couldn't be packmates, but I still think it makes it less likely – some goes for Inzil and Sally.
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Old 06-20-2009, 12:27 PM   #476
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You people are again assuming that the baddies assume the hunter does not bluff. *jumps up and down in irritation*
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Old 06-20-2009, 12:34 PM   #477
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Sorry Nerwen I'm not exactly sure how bringing something up can be called "pushing" for something. I brought it up considering our fortune in no wolf killing...your point? Then Lommy asked why McCaber, so I answered...that's hardly pushing anything.

For what it's worth, as far as my opinions on Gwath. I'm usually more defensive towards him than 'offensive' because of similar histories...or an understanding. At one point, early on I was lynched 3 straight times on Day 1 (and I think 4 out of 5) for who knows what reasons? I couldn't tell you. Gwath had a similar run, I mean being unjustifiably lynched on Day 1 for random reasons...mostly done by the hand of Nogrod. I've usually been pretty defensive for his style, because he's been lynched a lot of times early for really no good reason.

Granted this has gotten me into trouble before, because one time I did declare him innocent and he winds up killing me during Night 2 as the bear, or wolf, or something.

But the fact is I didn't see any good reason for why he was in lynch trouble yesterday. I agreed with him, I mean he has to come back from not being on all day, read through the activity, and suddenly find himself a snowballing of suspicions. I've had the same "what the hell happened?" reaction, that doesn't mean he's a mutineer.

I defended someone...who cares? If he's a mutineer, I'm not one and I've been good...great job Gwath, see if you can do it next time. If he's innocent, I'm glad I've been defensive for him.
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Old 06-20-2009, 12:39 PM   #478
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Not sure why no wolf kill makes us fortunate, considering that we're still down one person (Wilwa) who was probably innocent (for the same reason as Mira).
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Old 06-20-2009, 12:42 PM   #479
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
Not sure why no wolf kill makes us fortunate, considering that we're still down one person (Wilwa) who was probably innocent (for the same reason as Mira).
Well we're not down another person...I'd call that fortunate.
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Old 06-20-2009, 12:45 PM   #480
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Wait let me think. If Mira was evil, her mates would have wanted to lynch someone else too to make the game more even, unless all the other options were baddies too. If Mira was innocent, her mates would have wanted to... what? They could have advocated lynching someone else innocent to do better, or they could have advocated lynching Mira if their fellows were in danger. So Rikae may be right - knowing about Mira alone would not be that enlightening. Unless she turns out to be an aggressor, though, we may be able to read something from her behaviour. Ah, I don't know, this is difficult. I really doubt we will find out much by killing Annu again, or McCaber. Just somehow I think it won't lead to any information that is even half-concrete. There should be some more-dividing case that we could double-lynch someone and draw conclusions.

Originally Posted by Boro
I guess since I want to consider all options that makes me a cobbler?
*shrugs* Sometimes that's what cobblers do, sometimes that's what innocents do.

Originally Posted by Boro
I think knowing McCaber's role could be beneficial, considering Shasta and Nogrod were also in danger of being lynched. And in this set up, it would be less risk if mutineers wanted to protect other mutineers.
But it was Day1, and fair or not, people tend to prefer lynching people like McCab on Day1 rather than people like Nog or Shasta.

Originally Posted by Boro
You're asking yourself the wrong question which is why you're just confusing yourself. You're asking "Can Boro be manipulative and tricksy when he's evil?" Come on, we all know the answer to that, and that's why you don't feel safe trusting me.

Ask yourself...right now, at this moment, do you think based on the kill choices, the no kill, based on everything I have said, do you think I'm innocent? I expect only a yes or no back, no "yes but..." or "no but..." No thinking yourself into circles, just "yes" or "no."
Hahahaha, now I have a personal psychologist. But sadly my answer remains "yes, but" and you just have to accept it.

Originally Posted by Boro
Oh, and I'm not saying we need to double-kill today, I was just bringing up the possibility that since the wolves missed a chance yesterday, now we actually could take a chance to double-kill
Yes but now that they've missed it once we can "miss" ours at any point of the game just as well... but of course, who says we shouldn't take an advantage of being one step ahead of them in this game that is highly advantageous for them because of the mystery that surrounds everything?

Originally Posted by A Ghostly Green
First of all, a small thing, probably a mistake but I'd like it cleared just in case.
Originally Posted by me
However, I'm still hesitant to think he's evil. I think he could have done all of that as a baddie.
Eh well I of course meant "goodie" not "baddie"...

edit: xed with all the three posts
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