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Old 08-31-2006, 11:17 PM   #1
Child of the 7th Age
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The Hobbit in July 2007?

This just appeared on the Hobbit on the New Line film schedule for July 2007. I am inclined not to believe it given the vague nature of the report. Plus PJ's present film commitments seemingly preclude him from doing the Hobbit anytime soon.

But has anyone else recently heard anything more along these lines?
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Old 09-01-2006, 08:39 AM   #2
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interesting, but I think you are right not to belive it. Rumours like this pops up every once in a while; I won't belive it before I see some more substantial evidence.

and no, I haven't heard anything in those lines lately, if I had I might be more inclined to belive this.

Thanks for the story Child, it is always nice to be updated on these things.
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Old 09-01-2006, 08:44 AM   #3
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If the rumour is true (as regards the date) it is almost certain that Jackson will not be involved, given his other committments.

Of course, some may regard that as a blessing ...
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Old 09-01-2006, 08:55 AM   #4
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Of course, some may regard that as a blessing ...
I believe there's a saying out there that goes something like this: "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know." Peter Jackson may have done some things to LOTR that we didn't like, but how do we know somebody else won't be worse?
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Old 09-01-2006, 10:47 AM   #5
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Is there any reasonable speculation as to who else
might direct such a movie?
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Old 09-01-2006, 03:20 PM   #6
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*sigh* I had a whole post written out, but my wireless decided to go all wierd and it died right as I clicked "submit reply", so here we go again...

I think that the date is just a rumor.

If I may, I'll use Harry Potter as an example. The fifth Harry Potter movie is set to come out in July 2007...but anyone involved in Harry Potter fandom has been hearing about the production of that movie probably from about the time the fourth movie left the theaters. The director's name came first, then the projected date of release...and then followed news of which actors had signed on, etc. That movie is already shooting now.

There has been no news of that kind about The Hobbit at all, which makes me suspicious. I hadn't expected a Hobbit movie until maybe 2010... and that's if they seriously started the process now! That would give them time to untangle their rights mess, pick a director, get at least a draft of the script, audition actors and pick a cast, actually shoot the movie, loop dialogue, give the CGI team enough time to do their magic, find a composer, write a soundtrack, go through the editing process, and then promote the thing for release. Obviously, some of that stuff happens stimultaneously, but still. It's a huge undertaking, and I just don't think that they can do it in under a year. Rumors about the LOTR trilogy started in January '98...the first of those movies didn't appear until December '01. Granted, that was a much larger undertaking, but still.

I don't trust this news.

And I actually wouldn't mind if PJ directed TH. I'm used to his style, and I may be in a minority, but I actually liked the movies, despite differences from the book. *ducks*. I've just been able to appreciate the movies for the movies and the book for the book. His Middle-earth looks enough like mine so that it isn't jarring to watch. And as Menel said, better PJ who we know loves the book, and will stay true at least to the spirit of the story, than someone we have no familiarity with at all. I would trust PJ with TH. *ducks again*

I've read the news, and I think that it's just not enough to trust. A glimpse of what may have been the words "The Hobbit" on a July '07 calendar...? Could mean anything, including wishful thinking on New Line's part. I'm not going to trust it until New Line actually comes out and says it...the fact that they still haven't is a red flag. This stuff isn't just rumored about one year before it happens. Also, I think it's strange that the reporter wanted to be kept anonymous. I guess that keeps him/her safe if it turns out to be untrue...suspicious. [/werewolf mode, ]
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Last edited by Azaelia of Willowbottom; 09-01-2006 at 03:26 PM. Reason: I keep forgetting things that I said before *kicks wireless*
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Old 09-01-2006, 03:21 PM   #7
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What movies are Jackson directing? Also, if it is for New Line, we cant count him out. Let us watch how this all plays out...
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Old 09-01-2006, 05:59 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Azaelia
I hadn't expected a Hobbit movie until maybe 2010... and that's if they seriously started the process now! That would give them time to untangle their rights mess, pick a director, get at least a draft of the script, audition actors and pick a cast, actually shoot the movie, loop dialogue, give the CGI team enough time to do their magic, find a composer, write a soundtrack, go through the editing process, and then promote the thing for release. Obviously, some of that stuff happens stimultaneously, but still. It's a huge undertaking, and I just don't think that they can do it in under a year.
The date doesn't necessary have to mean the release of the film. It could signify the commencement of production, or even just a (legal?) meeting to discuss it.

Originally Posted by 91st ninja
What movies are Jackson directing?
As far as I am aware, his current commitmments are directing the screen adaptation of the novel Lovely Bones and producing a re-make of The Dam Busters.
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Old 09-02-2006, 04:23 PM   #9
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I don't believe it (unless, as TSM said, it's the date they'll start production). They would be filming it now, and they can't with the legal issues standing in the way.

I also hope that, when/if it's made, PJ directs it. I have a long list of complaints about his LOTR, but at the end of the day I liked them as movies and felt they were more faithful to the spirit of the books than not. I doubt another director would do better, and besides, it seems to me TH should have the same feel, as much as possible, as LOTR. I'll also be very disappointed if different actors play Gandalf and/or Gollum. (A different actor for Bilbo would be forgivable, since he would have looked much younger).
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Old 09-02-2006, 07:43 PM   #10
Child of the 7th Age
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It's definitely not the date of the film's release. It would take a lot longer than that to get everyone on board and do the filming. It could simply be the date for filming to start or some sort of a meeting relating to legal/business matters. Or quite possibly it means nothing at all and is just a figment of someone's overactive imagination.
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Old 09-02-2006, 07:47 PM   #11
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Probably a hoax, but I reckon it's a dead cert that 'The Hobbit' will become a movie eventually. I'd be annoyed if it didn't, like Lord of the Rings it's one of the finest works of Fantasy Literature I've ever read, children's book? Haha, I think not!
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Old 09-03-2006, 07:31 AM   #12
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If Peter Jackson does make The Hobbit into a film, what odds are there on him staying true to the storyline, would it be called: The Hobbit, There or Thereabouts and The Quest of Errormore.
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Old 09-03-2006, 07:47 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by narfforc
If Peter Jackson does make The Hobbit into a film, what odds are there on him staying true to the storyline, would it be called: The Hobbit, There or Thereabouts and The Quest of Errormore.
I'm quivering with antici-pation.

With so many Dwarves there will be plenty of opportunities for Dwarf-tossing jokes; I expect a nod to the flatulence chorus in Blazing Saddles in the Troll capture episode, & personally cannot wait to see the Mirkwood Skate Park where Legolas honed his fighting skills.
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Old 09-05-2006, 08:27 AM   #14
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[QUOTE] personally cannot wait to see the Mirkwood Skate Park where Legolas honed his fighting skills. QUOTE]

Hmm. Instead of Bard, Leggy skates down the Lonely Mountain
zapping Smaug after tossing an injured Gloin out of the way?

(And I do agree that, despite dumb bits by PJ [such as the
Green Slime at the Pelennor Fields and Gandalf asaultting
Denethor] he generally kept to the spirit of the book, and the
cast and scenary was good), with, to me, the FOTR by far the
best of the movies.
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Old 09-05-2006, 08:38 AM   #15
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Well if it is suppose to be out in July 2007, i would have epxected a trailer or even a teaser by now, Spiderman 3 comes out in 2007 and it had a trailer out this summer, as for Ghost-Rider. I would expect the date to be at least 2008, or even december 2007.
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Old 09-07-2006, 01:46 PM   #16
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The Hobbit? In July 2007?

Ha! I laughed out loud when I read the subject line. Utterly ridiculous. We heard about the LOTR movies how many years before they were filmed? Trust me, if and when New Line does TH, the announcements and hype will be HUGE.

Honestly, it lowers my respect of that they reported this with the comment: "The BIG news has finally hit."

I don't think The Hobbit could be FILMED, filmed mind you, not released, any earlier than 2008, with PJ's schedule the way it is, and of course, way before it's filmed, it has to be announced. Of course, if it were to be filmed in '08, now would be the time to announce it.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. New Line Cinema will release The Hobbit. It may take them a while to get to it, but they will do it. Moreover, lest you doubt, it will be directed by Peter Jackson. Ian McKellen, Hugo Weaving, and Andy Serkis will reprise their respective roles as Gandalf, Elrond, and Gollum. Richard Taylor, Andrew Lesnie, Ngila Dickson, Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, Howard Shore, and most of the rest of the LOTR crew will return to do what they do best.

As for Orlando Bloom doing more dwarf-grabbing and stair-sliding, I won't predict it, but I won't rule it out at this point either.
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Old 09-08-2006, 08:27 AM   #17
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I wouldn't be surprised at filming being done c. 2008-09
with a release date of 2010. There's just too much money
to be made to let legal problems block it for too long.
And a two-part hobbit (only 1 1'2 to 2 hours long each,
would be very tempting, especially with bits added such as
the White Counsel attacking Dol Guldur). And would Christopher
Lee still be too ticked off with PJ's handling/editing of his part
in TTT to participate? Didn't he refuse to go to the premiere?
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Old 09-08-2006, 02:48 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Tuor
There's just too much money
to be made to let legal problems block it for too long.
The enormous amounts of money are exactly the thing that could bog it down for years. With so much at stake, interested parties are willing to fight long, grueling battles for their share of the pie. Take a look at Spiderman as an example. The movie rights court battle started circa 1991 if I'm not mistaken, and the movie didn't make it to the screen until 2002.

Jackson is also supposed to exec produce the Halo movie, but "executive producer" is a pretty slippery title which could mean anything from virtually no involvement with the project to shepherding it all the way through the process, so there's no way to judge what that time commitment looks like.
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Old 09-10-2006, 02:51 PM   #19
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More Hobbit rumors

It looks like Variety has released some more rumors on The Hobbit. It sounds like they aren't even sure if it will be one film, but maybe two? Where in the world would they cut it at? The article also states the film will be in the $150-200 million dollar range and will hopefully be directed by Peter Jackson. Still nothing set in stone but it sounds like the rumors are starting to pick up which is a good sign.

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Old 09-10-2006, 04:59 PM   #20
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Here is a copy of what One Ring quoted from variety....

Variety (via In a Variety article talking about
MGM's move back into the tentpole business, the trade mentions a few
highly-anticipated projects that are in the works:

'Over the next few years, MGM is planning to release half a dozen films,
some in the $150 million to $200 million-plus range. Studio is ready to
unveil such high-profile projects as "Terminator 4"; one or two installments
of "The Hobbit," which Sloan hopes will be directed by Peter Jackson; and a
sequel to "The Thomas Crown Affair" with Pierce Brosnan.
Two installments??
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Old 09-10-2006, 05:54 PM   #21
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Does it really need two? TH is only one book, and it seems to me that it's short enough simple enough in the plot department, and tightly written enough that multiple installments would be just plain unnecessary. It sort of makes me wonder just what exactly they are planning on adding...

It's a much simpler book than each installment of'd think it could be easily done in one.

Nice to know that it is at least on their minds, though, and not just stagnating in its tangle of rights. Hopefully that installments number is going to get sorted out, though.
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Old 09-10-2006, 10:11 PM   #22
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Here is another link with more information: MGM announces the Hobbit
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Old 09-11-2006, 05:24 AM   #23
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If Jackson says "he is anxious to return to Middle-Earth", I am sure that they will find a way to get him...
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Old 09-11-2006, 06:39 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Azaelia of Willowbottom
Does it really need two? TH is only one book, and it seems to me that it's short enough simple enough in the plot department, and tightly written enough that multiple installments would be just plain unnecessary. It sort of makes me wonder just what exactly they are planning on adding...

It's a much simpler book than each installment of'd think it could be easily done in one.

Nice to know that it is at least on their minds, though, and not just stagnating in its tangle of rights. Hopefully that installments number is going to get sorted out, though.
But just imagine if you built in the goings on around the time of the Hobbit too? The White Council, Gandalf in Dol Guldur etc (I can't quite remember if the latter was in this time frame but I know the White Council was)

I also remember reading the Hobbit at school in our English class - and the main thing we always asked was 'where's Gandalf s*dding off to NOW??' all the time. Little did we know of Tolkien's grander vision of Middle Earth

Just imagine a couple of movies with gandalf/saruman/galadriel/elrond et all intespersed with the Hobbit? wouldn't that be great? and just imagine Gandalf entering Dol Guldur?

anyway, I can dream on.................
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Old 09-11-2006, 07:02 AM   #25
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I doubt that the movies will realize every fanboys and fangirls of tolkiens dreams, they are a product of hollywood and they aim at a broader scope of viewers. Before ROTK came out me and my brother was hoping for the Battle under the trees cameo, but alas that didn't happen because it was too off of the main story. That will be the same with the White Council in this Hobbit movie, Gandalf may or may not mention it, but i highly doubt we will see a big think about it. maybe even a flashback scene like the Elrond and Mt.Doom one.
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Old 09-11-2006, 08:23 AM   #26
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Since he already took on the trilogy, I'm sure PJ will somehow find a way to be involved in The Hobbit, whether it is as director, producer, etc.

Though if that does happen, pre-production probably wouldn't happen for another 2-3 years due to other projects he is involved in. Knowing how long it took to simply complete the first installment of LotR, any sort of The Hobbit movie most likely wouldn't be released until sometime after 2012.

Of course, that's just my guess....
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Old 09-11-2006, 09:08 AM   #27
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My guess is that this will not be packaged as the "pure" Hobbit but as the prelude to PJ's Lord of the Rings. If that is the case, it is to their commercial advantage to push this film out prior to 2012 while their prior audience is still alive and clamoring for more. Whether or not that's possible, I have no idea.

I wouldn't be shocked to see a PG-13 label on the movie. In order to emphasize the ties with the earlier films, there is a good chance we'll see brief flashes in the background of what Gandalf is doing and the growing awareness of Sauron. If anything, I think we might even see Sauron as the necromancer peeping over the edges of the film.

I could be wrong, but I can't see PJ doing a "classic" hobbit as a children's story which is also capable of being enjoyed by adults. It will likely have much the same feel of the earlier movies. The dangers on the road will surely be "darkened" and flashes of horror added.

To what extent will the humor be emphasized? I'm less certain of that. Since PJ, rightly or wrongly, used Gimli for comic relief, I would be curious to see how he portrays the Dwarves in this situation.

And what about the physical similarities of the landscapes in the two films? Will Rivendell be a carbon copy? That's a lot different than Tolkien's last homely house in the actual Hobbit.
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Old 09-11-2006, 09:49 AM   #28
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I hope that The Necromancer is shown in the film for two reasons:

1. He is actually mentioned in the book.

2. They can therefore show visually Gandalfs 'business down south'.

Maybe they will find a way to use some of The Quest of Erebor (I won't hold my breath on that one)
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Old 09-11-2006, 10:18 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Child of the 7th Age

I could be wrong, but I can't see PJ doing a "classic" hobbit as a children's story which is also capable of being enjoyed by adults. It will likely have much the same feel of the earlier movies. The dangers on the road will surely be "darkened" and flashes of horror added.

To what extent will the humor be emphasized? I'm less certain of that. Since PJ, rightly or wrongly, used Gimli for comic relief, I would be curious to see how he portrays the Dwarves in this situation.
Well, with PJ at the helm some good things to look forwards to might include whole troupes of evil Shelobs scurrying about in Mirkwood.

But with 13 Dwarves to play with there will be 13 times the opportunity for belching jokes so I'll be taking my ear plugs with me as it could get noisy. What about the potential for 13 Dwarves to be tossed off the Lonely Mountain by Smaug?
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Old 09-11-2006, 12:21 PM   #30
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I think a two-part Hobbit would be a smart $$$
and story move for the project. Some of the bits added are
suggested above, plus it wouldn't be necessary to cut
out some events as would probably be necessary in
one movie. As to where to cut it there would seem
to be two possibilities, either as Gandalf leaves
Thorin and Co. and they enter Mirkwood, or with the
dwarves beiing captured by the giant spiders.
In the latter case there could be a longer ending of
Bilbo's return in the book + a suggested hint of the
Ring taking hold of him.
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Old 09-11-2006, 01:40 PM   #31
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Child has made some splendid points but thinking about it, while the tone of the Hobbit is very childish, the action is really quite dark already once you leave Hobbiton and using the Quest of Erebor approach is something that would remedy that. I think that a "childs"version would work best as one of those classic sunday afternoon serials which would spread the "nasties" out into manageable chunks interspersed with lighter parts. I can't help thinking that condensing it into even a three hour film is likely to make it too unrelentingly scary for smaller children. Trolls, goblins, gollum, more goblins & Wargs,man who turns into a bear, sinister wood, unfriendly elves, even unfriendlier spiders ... and all before we even get to the dragon.....
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Old 09-11-2006, 03:35 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Child of the 7th Age
And what about the physical similarities of the landscapes in the two films? Will Rivendell be a carbon copy? That's a lot different than Tolkien's last homely house in the actual Hobbit.
Well, if PJ does indeed become involved with The Hobbit (or perhaps anyone who was previously involved in the trilogy), then I can imagine that all sets that were also in LotR would be rebuilt to look as close to the originals as possible. Though there may be a few changes, the filmmakers have to keep in mind the poor ignorant fools (aka those who refuse to read the books), who will be very confused if locations such as Rivendell are hardly recognizable.

Yes, a big disappointment for us loyal readers, but it'd be just another change that we'd have to learn to accept....
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Old 09-11-2006, 04:35 PM   #33
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If we go two-part Hobbit, a good ending i thought of would be after Bilbo gets the ring from Gollum, and it'll black out with a dramatic 'to be continued' then part 2 wil lcome out and it could also alude to LOTR in the end.
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Old 09-11-2006, 05:24 PM   #34
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Yes it would be good to end with a scene inbetween, maybe Bilbo out on a sunday walk some 26yrs later, where he bumps into his relatives Drogo and Primula Baggins and their new born son, and then further down the path he puts on the Ring to escape from Lobelia and Otho Sackville-Baggins and their screaming brat Lotho, the end scene of the door of Bag End opening and closing on its own.
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Old 09-12-2006, 08:19 AM   #35
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This thread has started to really intrigue me. The Lord of the Rings films have been and gone, and I think due to their length it was not easy to fit in much more than the basic storyline, however with The Hobbit being much smaller, the scope for expanding it is far better. Within the pages of The Hobbit, and therefore covered by film rights, are touches of Tolkiens Silmarillion. Apart from Gondolin, Durin and Moria and Elronds ancestry we have paragraphs like the following:

The feasting people were Wood-elves, of course. These are not wicked folk. If they have a fault it is distrust of strangers. Though their magic was strong, even in those days they were wary. They differed from the High Elves of the West, and were more dangerous and less wise. For most of them (together with their scattered relations in the hills and mountains) were descended from the ancient tribes that never went to Faerie in the West. There the Light-elves and the Deep-elves and the Sea-elves went and lived for ages, and grew fairer and wiser and more learned, and invented their magic and their cunning in the making of beautiful and marvellous things before some came back into the wide world.

Here are another few paragraphs that echo Tolkiens older work:

In ancient days they had had wars with some of the dwarves, whom they accused of stealing their treasure. It is only fair to say that the dwarves gave a different account, and said that they only took what was their due, for the elf-king had bargained with them to shape his raw gold and silver, and afterwards had refused to give them their pay. If the elf-king had a weakness it was for treasure, especially for silver and white gems; and though his hoard was rich, he was ever eager for more, since he had not yet as great a treasure as other elf-lords of old.

This last paragraph is so similar to the story of Thingol, yet is supposed to be about Thranduil. Was this some kind of family story somehow garbled by time and telling. Celeborn grandson of Elwe's brother Elmo calls Legolas kinsman, was Oropher father of Thranduil related to the royal household of Menegroth, could he have been another son of Galadhon, or maybe son of Galathil brother of Celeborn and father of Nimloth.

Of course much of this is in Unfinished Tales, however it is not the genealogy that I wished to dwell on but the storyline. These words from the two paragraphs occur in The Hobbit so surely they can be used in any film, therefore adding to the story without having to invent fictitious storylines of their own.

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Old 09-12-2006, 08:29 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Mister Underhill
Jackson is also supposed to exec produce the Halo movie, but "executive producer" is a pretty slippery title which could mean anything from virtually no involvement with the project to shepherding it all the way through the process, so there's no way to judge what that time commitment looks like.
Knowing Jackson it'll probably be closer to shepherding it if he's at all interested in the movie.

This does sound interesting - two movies would make it all the more. I wouldn't at all be surprised to see PJ build up Gandalf's part of the story a little bit, I definitly see him (& the studio in general) pushing The Hobbit as the "prelude to Lord of the Rings" & not "a child's story" as Child said.

On the subject of 13 dwarves with their belching & tossing, I know there was another thread (probably very easy to find, but not with the time limit I have right now ) where people discussed how they thought the Hobbit would turn out if/when it was made. The point was raised that the number of dwarves might even be reduced to make all the names to remember easier on the audience.

Whether that'd be another infamous case of 'Dumbing Down?' or not I don't know but I wouldn't be overly surprised to see it.
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Old 09-12-2006, 12:34 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Essex
But just imagine if you built in the goings on around the time of the Hobbit too? The White Council, Gandalf in Dol Guldur etc (I can't quite remember if the latter was in this time frame but I know the White Council was)

I also remember reading the Hobbit at school in our English class - and the main thing we always asked was 'where's Gandalf s*dding off to NOW??' all the time. Little did we know of Tolkien's grander vision of Middle Earth

Just imagine a couple of movies with gandalf/saruman/galadriel/elrond et all intespersed with the Hobbit? wouldn't that be great? and just imagine Gandalf entering Dol Guldur?

anyway, I can dream on.................
Oh wow. If that happens, I for one will be a very happy fan. I am officially converted. I now want two movies...thanks for changing my mind.

I think this also makes sense if it is filmed, as others suggested, as PJ's intro to LOTR. It would be awesome to tell the whole story, as filled in by LOTR. Explanations for Gandalf's frequent disappearances would be very, very cool...and Dol Guldur/the Necromancer would provide suitable fodder for PJ's flair for horror.

I hope PJ can resist the temptation towards dwarf-humor this time around...

I hope that he doesn't dumb down the Hobbit at all...already when I was reading it (after reading LOTR, which may be the source of my problems) I was getting frustrated because it read so much more like a children's book. It's not that I didn't like it, but that it was just a little too young or something... Maybe I should try it again.
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Old 09-12-2006, 03:01 PM   #38
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Well, the new articles are exactly what I was looking for: tangible evidence that The Hobbit is indeed coming. It still won't be anywhere near July '07, though.

I'm excited. Excited? Nay, thrilled. Nay, tis still too weak a word. Erebor, here we come!

I really hope they don't do two, unless there's just no way to fit everything into one film. What would you call these two films? The Hobbit I and The Hobbit II? There and Back Again and A Hobbit's Holiday?

EDIT: Looking back, now that I've calmed down, the only source to mention the possibility of two Hobbit films is Variety, an entertainment magazine. And that's apparently their own idea, not a quote from MGM. So for right now, emphasis on right now, I think we should expect just one.

I agree 100% that this will be treated as an LOTR prelude. It will be rated PG-13, and will have the same tone and violence level that LOTR did. Which, to me, is a good thing, though I still have reservations about kids who aren't going to get what they expect out of it.

The best thing MGM and New Line can do right now is hand the whole thing over to PJ. Let him write the script with Walsh and Boyens; let him decide whether to make one film or two. I don't think this thing's gonna work unless it's 100% Jackson's baby, like LOTR was.

Let The Hobbit speculation begin!
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Old 09-12-2006, 07:36 PM   #39
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The Hobbit I: There...
The Hobbit II: ...and Back Again
Awesome. More LotR to celebrate about. Maybe I threw my Burger King trash out too soon.

It would indeed be fantastic to see the White Council & Necromancer business - however, I am afraid that some of my favorite bits would be changed horribly with the upped rating. Namely, the talking spiders and the stupid clumsy elves. Oh well. At least if Orlando Bloom makes a cameo, the second part of that wouldn't be changed too much.
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Old 09-13-2006, 01:41 AM   #40
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Whoops! It appears that Mister PJ is a very busy man. The story just came through yesterday that he will is interested in doing the Termeraire fantasy series and has purchased an option on the three-book series: here and here

How he will fit all this into his schedule along with the hobbit I have no idea!

If you enjoy historical fantasy and have not read this series, it is worth a look.
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