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Old 01-04-2011, 03:01 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
I believe I actually gave you the honour of being Socrates.
Well, according to Plato, Diogenes was like Socrates gone mad, so I'll be content.
Und aus dem Erebos kamen viele seelen herauf der abgeschiedenen toten.- Homer, Odyssey, Canto XI
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:07 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
as a further disclaimer, the philosophers will - or so Nog told us - play no further part in this game or narrations, so I'm not spoiling you of anything or know anymore than you do.
That's correct. I happen to have those funny "Greek thinkers" -playing cards and wished to do the lottery of roles with them, but gave the task of assigning the cards to you players to Lommy, Greenie, Aganzir and Legate (who were at my place over the New Year) while I was myself busy in the kitchen.

I can post their choices in the admin thread after the Day is over so you can see how they saw you...

But as said, those have nothing to do with your roles in this game or the narrations to that matter - but were only lottery-devices. Some of those philosophers might appear somewhere in the narrations, but there will be no link whatsoever to the player assigned that card in the lottery.
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:09 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 View Post
Kit is bizarre because she is. I didn't say it was a bad thing, after all. Just strange.

And I reference post numbers, but alas can't make with the linky when I'm typing in Word and have no net to do stuff with, sorry. Posts are responded to in chronological order however.
Okee.....and yeah, I can tell that they're chronological, but in order to figure out what posts you're talking about, one would have to have two windows open and then one would then have to re-read everything....and one is too lazy to do so, so I'll just focus on the things you say that I know for sure which posts you're referring too (which are a fair amount of them).

With that said, I think Sally is at the top of my list. With the incorrect representation of what Skip said about the Seer, and the fact that she seems to be a bit all over the place with dislikes and likes, either by going from liking someone to not, or some are just a "yay, this person is shiny" or "no, I don't like this", without really giving any reasons. I know all that is a bit superficial, and on it's own I wouldn't likely suspect her, but that isn't all I have against yeah, I'm really suspecting her right now.

But I will wait a bit longer, and maybe skim back through a bit. But I really think I'm going to go with Sally toDay.

x'ed since the post I quoted
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:12 PM   #124
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Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
As I see two people have of late entertained the idea of voting Manwë let me re-state what I said in the admin thread yesterday: That I think is only fair as he notified us of his situation like three weeks ago.
Duly noted Sire Nogmod and something I completely missed. I think I should also tell you before Day 1 started, when I got up in the morning I checked the time stamp and thought Day had already been going on for over 2 hours but there were no posts. I honestly started writing a post reeming everyone out as to how there could not be any posts yet. But thinking with how many people are here, I surely could not have been the first one to post with it already being 2+ hours into the Day. Then double-checked and saw the "Night 1," not "Day 1." and then felt really really silly.

With your Bororadar being brokey Lommy, I had to admit to being in a most unusual mood and manner of posting, last time. I wouldn't say your radar was broken, it was more me being brokey. Without having the time to play in the way I like to play, I saw your reaction to my Day 1 vote of you as a big time over-reaction and thought you felt threatened. I can't make anything clear out of Lommy's spurt of posting, but I do prefer this WWing Lommy much better than distracted Lommy.

Not sure about a vote here...Eomer and Greenie, I typically take notice of early on, but they've been very low key so far. They usually aren't the chatty posters, but still get involved and in the action early on. Same can be said about Inzil who I realized has as many posts as me, but the only thing I can recall about him is the dream and eating his pillow...

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Old 01-04-2011, 03:18 PM   #125
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Let's get a vote count on this page:

Cailin -> Agan
Kitanna -> Pitch
Legate -> Lottie
Rikae -> Wilwa
Inzil -> Nessa
Shasta -> Lottie (2)
Boro -> Inzil
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:20 PM   #126
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40 minutes before the deadline, the votes are...

Cailín -> Aganzir
Kitanna -> Pitchie
Legate -> Lottie
Rikae -> wilwa
Zil -> Nessa
Shasta -> Lottie2
Boro -> Zil

EDIT: Heh, what a nice coincidence...
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:21 PM   #127
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I think it's pretty interesting that Rikae flips on Pitch and it's good, but when I do it it's clearly evil. Who am I allowed to suspect then? Anyone?

Sorry. Just cranky because I have a teeny screen which makes it really hard to do much of anything, let alone make shiny links. Besides, I have some works to do. Thus....


For shiftiness and wanting (on my part) to not just vote for one of the people who is attacking me. After all, they can't all be evil. Can they?

I'm off for the Day. I'll try to re-link that long post when I have webs to do so.

Edit: x'd since Vanilwa's 123. Oh, and I'm also voting Pitch because he's my favorite of the people who have been voted so far. Just sayin'.
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:22 PM   #128
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Ozban has just left Hobbiton.
As the air grows gravely stinky
this may seem like out of blue
I ask advice of my pinky:
'cause I know not half of you
"I shall not vote Agan kinky."
and the end is nearly due.

++Nessa Telrunya

X'd a lot
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:24 PM   #129
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Hmm, I don't think I'm going to change my mind, so I'll just do this now so we don't get all the votes at the same time:

++ Sallycakes

For previously (mostly) stated reasons. Just don't think you have the village's best interest in mind.

x'ed since Nog (my vote count is prettier than yours ), and so much for votes not coming in at the same time...
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Last edited by wilwarin538; 01-04-2011 at 03:37 PM. Reason: edit: fixed emoticon
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:24 PM   #130
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Agan sticks to a point once she's made it. I agreed with her about the Seer and I don't think talking about it is a problem. You've got to think about it. I do find what she says about Nessa to be a bit odd. She says looking at the maths could be seen as wolvish yet she did the same thing in that very post.

Shasta wants to suspect Pitch but thinks thats 'Lottie' reasoning. Forgive me, it's been a while. Is this a bad thing? It's Day 1, you can't have that much reasoning. Says he has no read on Rikae and sally which faintly worries him.

Someone said Lottie didn't really seem to have suspicions. She does have worries about sally, Mac (ish) and while she can see the potential suspicion of Pitch she doesn't want to focus on it as it's based on what others said. On the other hand, she exonerates a fair number of people: Agan, Kitanna, skip and Shasta. With as much reasoning as can be had this early!

Boro says he doesn't see the reasons behind suspecting Pitch. First one so far.

Kitanna doesn't like Pitch's 'polite' game or Rikae or sally.

Blind Guardian says she suspects Ozban for a comment about Shasta. Fairly sure that was based on an unfortunate Day 1 bandwagon in a previous game and was intended as a joke.

Inzil suspects Pitch as well for his first post feeling 'forced'. Given the rest of the reasoning that's come up this is a bit shoddy. Suggests Cailin could be a cobbler but is more likely just limited by RL.

Mac says it's unlikely for there really to be that many hints flying about. I actually agree. With all the wolves alive they don't really care about the Cobbler. And currently the Cobbler hasn't more knowledge of the wolves than we do. So hinting is going to be pretty limited at the moment.

Nessa defends Pitch and suggests Rikae knows something we don't. Weird half hint at Rikae being Gited there, especially as that's pretty much just how Rikae is!

Rikae says due to the reactions that have gone on that she's pretty ok with Pitch and less so with Inzil and Lottie. I can see what she means about Inzil, not so convinced about Lottie.

Mac thinks Agan is the cobbler because she was the first to mention it and did so very early on.

Ozban says Inzil is unreadable and finds that worrying. Why specifically Inzil? Also questions Nessa for suggesting Rikae might be Gifted.

Legate thinks Lottie might be the cobbler. Fair reasoning behind it but it is the kind of reasoning that can also be explained as 'Day 1 confusion'.

elronds-daughter arrives and agrees that Pitch is suspicious based on a quick read through of the thread, yet requires more time to think on Agan or Legate/Lottie. Hmm.

Greenie finds Agan suspicious. Thinks the way Nessa defended Pitch was odd, which I agree with.

Agan has some interesting suspicions about Mac and skip. Says she might vote for them or for quiet players. Do I count toDay Agan?

Shasta thinks Mac was making too much out of Agan's post. I kind of agree as I'm not finding Agan that suspicious. Likes Legate due to what he writes about Lottie. Again, the reasoning for Lottie does look pretty odd to me as I've not played recently but hey if everyone else is finding it odd maybe it's just me.

wilwa starts off with complaining that we haven't talked enough, but then complains that we've talked about things we don't need to talk about. Huh. Which is it? Talk about nothing or talk about something at least! Exonerates Pitch and mentions potential suspicion of Agan. Basically just one weird post.

Ha, Rikae agrees with me about wilwa. Is this a first?

Ozban is suspicious of sally and Agan a little as well. Wants to hear more from sally. Doesn't everyone?

Valier doesn't think Pitch suspicious, but worries about Rikae because she did suspect Pitch and then voted otherwise. Rikae did follow through and explain her change of mind though.

Pitch has a fair point that while people kept talking about it being vital to catch wolves there seems to have been some strange consensus to focus more on the Cobbler. If Agan is evil then well done her for that!

Ha, sally, if it helps 'disgusting' is Lommy's favourite word. She's pretty worried about skip for seeming to try and muffle the Seer.

Valier is on wilwa's side about leaving the Seer alone to get on with it. Fair enough, I just don't see the problem with throwing out possibilities whether they've thought of them already or not.

Kitanna --> Pitch (for trying to look helpful but not being)
Legate --> Lottie (as a suspected cobbler)
Rikae --> wilwa (evil masquerading as innocent)
Inzil --> Nessa (for trying to look helpful)
Shasta --> Lottie (for Legate's reasons)

Back in a few with thoughts and a vote.
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:25 PM   #131
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Oh and cross-posted since the end of page 3.
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:25 PM   #132
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Oh well, I think I'll leave Mac be for now and give him a chance to focus on something else than Agan and cobblers.

For mathematical pseudo-helpfulness and attempted Seer-outing.

EDIT: x-ed with a double-Kath
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:34 PM   #133
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Wow, there are a LOT of people in this game. Well, I'm going to give a free pass to anyone I haven't played with before (or don't recall playing with - please don't get mad if I've forgotten. Boro will back me up on my awful memory) because it would be nice to actually see them play! So that is: elronds-daughter, Nessa and Ozban. Also obviously not Manwe as we know he's not around. And not Blind Guardian 'cause she always gets lynched. Also Cailin as we know she can't be here much toDay.

Which leaves many still, most of whom I have no idea about. So, here we are:

Leaning guilty:
Inzil - faintly shoddy reasoning against Pitch compared to everyone else and he came to it late.
Legate - well I don't get the Lottie thing. If this was further explained this suspicion may abate.
wilwa - well, she was very defensive.


Will post this, catch up on the votes and then vote myself. (As in, I'll vote, not pull a Nilp.)
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:34 PM   #134
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Originally Posted by Kath
wilwa starts off with complaining that we haven't talked enough
Woah, I never said that, I said people shouldn't have still been talking about the roles, I never said people weren't talking enough.

And this Nessa thing isn't sitting well with me. I sorta get the reasons, but they are rather flimsy (math might be an awful subject, but I don't think math = evil, and the Rikae thing, we're calling that "attempted Seer-outing", really?).

x'ed with Kath, defensive because people didn't like me agreeing with them, I think it was warranted
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:37 PM   #135
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Cailín -> Aganzir
Kitanna -> Pitchie
Legate -> Lottie
Rikae -> wilwa
Zil -> Nessa
Shasta -> Lottie2
Boro -> Zil
sally -> Pitch2
Ozban -> Nessa2
wilwa -> sally
Pitch -> Nessa3

Well I've said I won't vote Nessa and I'll stick with that, though I can certainly see why people are finding her suspicious.

My vote goes to:


And that's it from me.
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:38 PM   #136
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:39 PM   #137
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I know I said I would be around two hours before DL. ...sorry about that.

Anyway, I don't have much time to go over the posts (I'm watching a Chem lecture at the same time ) but from a quick once-over, Sally still worries me, and Valier, though I have not played with her before, strikes me as not very innocent. I'll probably vote for Sally - unless it looks like I'll die, in which case I might vote Nessa, because the points against her are about as good as you can get on Day 1.

EDIT: xed since Vanilwuffin
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:40 PM   #138
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I have to agree, when I was reading through I was really surprised, I mean I know there isn't much more to talk about on Day 1, but still.
Oops sorry wilwa you are right. I misread the above comment as 'I was really surprised there isn't much more talk on Day 1'.
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:40 PM   #139
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just curious Lottie what is it that makes me look not so innocent?
I'm leaning towards Inzil myself...something doesn't seem right....
grand return?........
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:46 PM   #140
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well no reason to wait...


Just don't like his Nessa vote because of her math, I didn't find her overly suspicious and I just get this itching feeling that he may well be a baddie (crosses fingers)
grand return?........
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:47 PM   #141
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Won't vote

Mac, Kit, Rikae, Manwe, Valier, Cailín and Kath haven't played for a while, so I'd feel cruel to lynch them on Day1 with no good reasons. BG should not be lynched on Day1 if it always happened before. Boro, Green and Zil strike me as innocent for now.

Could vote

That's still quite a long list. Nessa, Sally and Shasta strike me as most fishy out of these, then Wilwa, Elra and Lottie. Skip, Agan, Legate, Eomer and Ozban are quite unclear to me. Pitch is an enigma leaning innocent.

edit: xed with W's #134 and onwards
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:47 PM   #142
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Aren't there still over a dozen people left to vote? There are less than 15 minutes left...

This is going to be a mess I think, that many people should not all vote at the same time, it's going to get confusing, and that rarely does anything good.

x'ed with Valier and Lommy
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:48 PM   #143
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Originally Posted by Valier View Post
just curious Lottie what is it that makes me look not so innocent?
Mostly this:

Originally Posted by Valier View Post
I'm going to go back and have a read...I promised myself after not playing ww for awhile I will do everything I can to help this village rid itself of these lets go have a look.
It caught my eye and made me go 'huh'. That's ususally how I get my knee-jerk reactions. So, yeah, hardly proof of your guilt or anything. Just basic Lottie Day 1 reaction.

EDIT: xed since the post I quoted
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:51 PM   #144
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Cailín -> Aganzir
Kitanna -> Pitchie
Legate -> Lottie
Rikae -> wilwa
Zil -> Nessa
Shasta -> Lottie2
Boro -> Zil
Sally -> Pitch 2
Ozzy -> Nessa 2
Wilwa -> Sally
Pitch -> Nessa 3
Kath -> Zil 2
Val -> Zil 3

Zil & Nessa 3, Pitch & Lottie 2, Agan & Wilwa & Sally 1.
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:51 PM   #145
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Alright then, trying to catch up again.

I've a feeling I'm getting unduly influenced by Lommy for making that list but since I'm pressed for time she at least is off the hook.

Originally Posted by Lommy
Clearly the Swedes feel safe around their reindeer.
Hehe, funny but not quite true. Almost hit one at 70 km/h just a few days back.

Will go for one of the people with votes. When is DL, in 10 min?
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:51 PM   #146
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I understand your reasoning Lottie. I have played many a ww game and always thought of myself as a little bit of a slacker when it came to reading posts carefully, so this time around I thought I would try to pay more attention and be more helpful....but as it seems I am back to my old frothy ways
grand return?........
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:52 PM   #147
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Oh wow, my Rikae post has been completely misinterpreted. The seer reveal has already been discussed as unhelpful to the village, has it not? My hint was that if she knows something we don't, it's suspicious. After all, the wolves all know something we don't: who to kill.

She got quite jumpy after being called out, and hastily backtracked, which seems really strange to me, not to mention how much discussion and sidetracking has resulted from her first post about Pitch. Perfect opportunity for a wolf.

I'm not sure what to think about the whole Legate as a cobbler scenario, but I'm really weirded out by how sally's absence was interpreted.

So, I suppose I'll just vote who I see the most against.


Sorry for being so close to the DL!
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:52 PM   #148
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Well, I'd rather let Inzi live. Nessa looks a bit funny to me, so...

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Old 01-04-2011, 03:53 PM   #149
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Something feels wrong with the Nessa-wagon, but I like the Zil-wagon even less as I'd be inclined to think him innocent. Ergo, would vote Nessa over Zil but prefer someone else, possibly Sally although I like her latest post. ps. yes DL is in 10 min.

edit: xed with several
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:53 PM   #150
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Sorry it took me way longer than planned.

Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
Yes we all know how to use brains (sometimes I question the sanity of Lommy's

Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 View Post
The point is that the cobbler could easily suggest themself toNight and basically give the wolves their identity. Of course they run the risk of being killed *cough* Boro *cough* but if it works it could pay off big time. And yeah, I know, I’ve probably given the cobbler ideas, but I think a clever cobbler would think of it anyway. I think it could be a serious problem for us if the cobbler is able to identify themself to the wolves, so if we catch the cobbler, I’d be more than happy to kill them (or at the very least have them hunted). Of course wolves must be our first priority but if the wolves know their cobbler and one of them is in danger, they could easily sacrifice their cobbler in order to keep their double kills. I don’t want a cobbler-cide to happen. I want to kill wolves. Thus, let’s make sure that, if the cobbler is killed, the village is the one doing it, and not the wolves, so the baddies can’t use the cobbler’s death to their advantage.
No. It won't work - unless the Cobbler says it in the thread. So if the wolves get sally's name tonight, they can go back and realise "Hey, she said this!" I really really really don't like this point.

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and the end is nearly due.

(I totally cracked up.)

Seriously I've only skimmed through the thread, I'll comment on everything if I'm still alive tomorrow. I pretty much exhausted myself last time I played so I decided to take it easier this time, but I wasn't planning to post this little. I'll probably vote for sally because her point about the cobbler reeks evil.
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:54 PM   #151
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Just got this icky feeling about her misrepresenting my words. That's the best I've got now.
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:54 PM   #152
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++ Pitch

Sorry for cutting it so close. And I sincerely hope I'm not wrong...this feels like a shot in the dark...
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:54 PM   #153
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Oops thought Skip's post was by Sally. Means I think better of Skip, not of Sally.

edit xed with all
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:55 PM   #154
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++Sally Cake

Sorry, dear, but you're the best hunch I've got.

I haven't looked at Zil and he hasn't caught my notice. I don't really want to see him lynched, but I don't have any ideas of what his allignment is, so I'm not going to argue against it very much.

EDIT: xed since Eomer
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:55 PM   #155
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Reminder: in a case of a tie the one who gets the highest votes the last dies.
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:55 PM   #156
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since now that might even work out.

edit: xed with Lottie and ModPhilosopher
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:56 PM   #157
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
Something feels wrong with the Nessa-wagon, but I like the Zil-wagon even less as I'd be inclined to think him innocent. Ergo, would vote Nessa over Zil but prefer someone else, possibly Sally although I like her latest post. ps. yes DL is in 10 min.

edit: xed with several
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:57 PM   #158
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Given all the sudden suspicion, I'm having a bad feeling Sally might be innocent after all... I mean Lottie too joining the front and probably all of us xing a lot it just seems too much.

edit: xed with Eomer who has a good time to banter!!!
edit2: my bad, only now realised he voted already
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:57 PM   #159
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Cailín -> Aganzir
Kitanna -> Pitchie
Legate -> Lottie
Rikae -> wilwa
Zil -> Nessa
Shasta -> Lottie2
Boro -> Zil
Sally -> Pitch 2
Ozzy -> Nessa 2
Wilwa -> Sally
Pitch -> Nessa 3
Kath -> Zil 2
Val -> Zil 3
Nessa - Rikae
Eomer - Nessa 4
skip - sally 2
ed - Pitch 3
Lottie - sally 3
Lommy - sally 4
Agan - sally 5

edit: xed since Lommy & corrected the tally
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:58 PM   #160
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Originally Posted by Aganzir View Post
No. It won't work - unless the Cobbler says it in the thread. So if the wolves get sally's name tonight, they can go back and realise "Hey, she said this!" I really really really don't like this point.
I really really don't like that you just drew attention to this (the reason I voted Sally). I was seriously hoping the length of Sally's post would stop people from noticing this, but now that you mentioned it again (and underlined it!), I'm sure the wolves and Cobbler will have seen it. If they hadn't come up with the idea themselves (which despite what Sally seemed to think, they may not have thought of it), now they have. It was not in the village's best interest to draw attention to this idea.

x'ed with a bunches
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