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Old 08-24-2010, 06:51 PM   #81
The Elf-warrior
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Apology accepted. However, I feel compelled to vote for...


It's a matter of self preservation, mah dear.
Fenris Wolf: WW LXXX.
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Old 08-24-2010, 06:52 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 View Post
Now then, to business. Lottiepop, what were your checks based upon? Care to share?
Anything that jumped out at me as innocent, wolvish, or cobblerish, I marked down. It wasn't a very sophisitcated system at all.

As for the voted people, I won't vote Pitch (he's my second most trusted person, apparently). Not Sally or Greenie, either...and almost definitely not Fea. TEWie it probably is, then...

EDIT: xed with TEWie, and maybe more people, since I haven't checked to see who ended the last page yet.
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Old 08-24-2010, 06:52 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by wilwarin538 View Post
I feel ok with Greenie I think, but am rather clueless about Pitch and TEW. So I may go for one of those two. I'll read through their stuff quickly.

x'ed since Lottipop
I'd prefer holding off on Elf, since he's not been here in hours. I'd hate to lynch him in his absence, at least on Day One. It could end really poorly.

EDIT: x'd sine Muffin's quoted post. Ah, the prodigal Elf appears....
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Old 08-24-2010, 06:54 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by The Elf-warrior View Post
Apology accepted. However, I feel compelled to vote for...


It's a matter of self preservation, mah dear.
The votes are spread out enough where surely you could have gone with someone else maybe a little suspicious other than "for self-preservation"

Now you are forcing my hand to you or Fea, and you weren't someone I said "no lynch."
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Old 08-24-2010, 06:56 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 View Post
I'd prefer holding off on Elf, since he's not been here in hours. I'd hate to lynch him in his absence, at least on Day One. It could end really poorly.
Yeah, once I went back and realised his only posts are one banter and a vote, I really don't want to. And I feel quite good about the girls on the line,
so that leaves me with:


x'ed with Boro
Comme une étoile amarante Comme un papillon de nuit C'est la lumière qui m'attire La flamme qui m'éblouit
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Old 08-24-2010, 06:59 PM   #86
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Sorry, TEWie.
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Old 08-24-2010, 07:00 PM   #87
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Edit: crossed with Lottie.
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Old 08-24-2010, 07:01 PM   #88
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Old 08-24-2010, 07:02 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
The votes are spread out enough where surely you could have gone with someone else maybe a little suspicious other than "for self-preservation"

Now you are forcing my hand to you or Fea, and you weren't someone I said "no lynch."

This. You didn't have to vote for Fea, you chose her because she was an easy target. There wasn't self-preservation on your mind there.

EDIT in advance: x'd with the mod?

EDIT #2: Yup. Rubbish interwebs. *grumbles*
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Old 08-24-2010, 07:33 PM   #90
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All day the group had discussed ways to escape their unfortunate predicament.
Various plans had been posited, such as figuring out a means to convert the machine to allow simple distance transportation, or traveling back to when the Professor was still alive. The base problem remained though: even if they tried to use the machine to travel as a group, Someone would be obliged to stay behind to operate it. Who would it be? Knowing there were killers among them, the party was not too keen on being at the total mercy of someone who might use the machine to do who knew what.

As they debated, they heard a muffled ringing sound coming from behind the machine, on the far side of the room from the door to the stairway and kitchen. Cautiously, they peeped around the far end of the machine's computer consoles in the direction of the noise.
There was a door back there, too, slightly ajar. They walked over to it and pushed it open. Inside, there was a very small room that might once have been a pantry. In it now were a bed, and a tiny desk covered in papers, notebooks, and spiral binders. An old-fashioned alarm clock on the desk was revealed as the culprit of the noise.

"The Professor was a late sleeper", said Sally, turning it off.

"Look at this stuff!", said Fea. "I guess those are his notes and things."

"There's probably some useful info here, but it would take weeks to look through all this," said Nerwen.

The Elf-warrior picked up the notebook nearest the door. It had the distinction of
being on top of the general clutter. He leafed through it.
"Hm," he said. Most of this isn't even legible. Listen to this, though: 25 Feb- Trnspt process must NOT be interrupted once begun. Harmonic vibrations... can't read that part....pol. rvrsl....destruction!."

"So don't try to stop the traveling once you start it. Important safety tip there," observed Shasta.

"The only other thing I can read is this," said the Elf-Warrior. "03 Mar- Inter. phenom with field harmonics- cause subj to declare truth on whatever's on their mind. During expmt, found myself confessing my deep infatuation w/ Kate Winslet. Only obsrvd just b/f trnsprt harmonics cnvrge at point to init travel."

"So, right before you go, you tell the truth about what you're thinking about?", asked Wilwa. "Hmm."

The Elf-Warrior passed the notebook around, but no one else was able to read any more of the Professsor's jottings. There appeared to be nothing else of immediate interest in the room.
They filed out, closing the door behind them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Discussion continued for hours more.
In the end, only one alternative presented itself: to try and eliminate the killers
and hope that in the mean time the door to the outside opened.
"How do we do it, though?", wondered Lottie.
"We don't have to kill one another, do we?", asked skip.
"How would we go ahead executing someone anyway"?, inquired Fea.
"We could use the machine to send them away. Even if they're still alive in some other time, they'd be away from us, and that's the main idea, isn't it?" said Boro.
"That's a pretty good idea", said Sally, slowly nodding."Plus, we could have a way of knowing if we send one of the killers or not.'
All agreed that was the best option.
So the question became who would be the first to go.

They decided to settle the question democratically, with each giving a vote for one of the party.
By that manner, it was decided that The Elf-warrior would be sent away.

"You're making a mistake!" he cried. "I didn't kill anyone!".

"Get in there!", said Fea. "It isn't as though we're killing you."

They backed him into the chamber door. Once he was inside, it was shut with a clang.

"Right then," said Lottie. Which button was it?"

"The big one in the middle, I think," replied skip. "but we need to enter a time, don't we?"

"How about 1000? Nice round number," said Fea. She pressed the numbered buttons and a readout above flared up with an LED, showing "1000".

"Here goes," said Boro. He pushed the center button.

As the machine cycled up and began to hum, the Elf-warrior began to yell loudly.

Instead of confessing anything, he said "You're all going to die! My friends will....." His voice sounded strangely metallic., and became crazily disjointed.

"Movies! sh cow.....aggkkk......."

His voice became weaker and weaker, but there was no sign of the "Gzzthktkk" sound they'd heard when the Professor transported the mouse. Finally, there was silence from the chamber.

"What just happened?", whispered Nerwen.

They crept to the porthole in the chamber and slowly peeked inside.

The Elf-warrior was lying on the floor. Smoke boiled out of his ears and nose. The machine did not transport electronic objects, the Professor had said.
They were looking at a robot.

The Living

The Dead
Professor Inzil- Head full of knowledge cracked open Night 1
The Elf-Warrior-Robot Killer (wolf)- Fried like foil in a microwave Day 1

Night 2 has begun. Wolves may PM and send a kill. Seer and Ranger may send a pick.
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Last edited by Inziladun; 08-24-2010 at 08:52 PM. Reason: added bolding, fixed minor typos
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Old 08-25-2010, 07:00 PM   #91
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The still form of The Elf-warrior had been removed from the transport chamber, and the inoperable mechanoid had been placed in the bedroom it had claimed.
Unfortunately, no clues as to the identities of its mates had been found, either on it, or in the bedroom.

"Robots!", Lottie had exclaimed as they'd looked on the deactivated killer. "This is like a bad movie or something."

"Even Uwe Boll wouldn't come out with something this cheesy," commented Eomer.

"Sure he would,", said Sally.

Shaking their heads, they all left the dining room, full of their own thoughts and fears.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Much later, the two WOLFs (Worker Optimized for Lifeform Finishing) conspired and vented their frustrations to one another.

"That was a bad day", said one. "How'd they know"?

"Beats me," said the second. "What now"?

"Well, we already agreed that there couldn't be any witnesses to all this. Let's keep on with the plan: we'll take out one while they're off guard each night, and help them put each other in that blasted machine by day. After they're all gone, we can figure out how to destroy the stupid thing and go back home."

"Good deal," said the other. "Who sounds good tonight?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In another room, the self-appointed guard was tinkering with xyr IPOD, using tools xe'd found in the dining room.

Good thing I used to work at Radio Shack, xe thought. Those things are probably not gonna stop coming after us, but I think I know a way to mess with them. If I can modify this to emit an EMP pulse, it should interfere with their thinking for a few seconds, and that could help their target to escape.

Xe finished, and closely examined xyr work.

Looks good, xe said to xemself, satisfied. It'll only be good for one use at a time, though, since that pulse will put a massive drain on the batteries. And it'll have a very short range. I'll have to make a good guess about where they're going to strike, or it won't affect them.

Xe decided who xe thought might be a likely target for the robots, and set about patrolling that area.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Shasta got out of bed in the wee hours of the morning thinking he would go down to the kitchen and look for a snack. He was only half-awake, and didn't notice that two figures had quickly recoiled into the shadows when he exited. About to enter his room, they decided to follow him.
Shasta padded into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He never saw the raised hand made into a knife-edge which sliced down into his neck. He fell unconcious. His attacker dragged him to the door of the large walk-in freezer, while its companion opened the freezer door. Noting with glee that the door had no handle on the inside, the mechanical fiend pulled Shasta inside. The other adjusted the thermostat, which was helpfully on the outside wall, to -20° C. For good measure, he was doused with water before the door was shut fast.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

The next morning, when the group began preparing breakfast, Shasta's lifeless body was found next to the frozen fish.

The Living

The Dead
Professor Inzil- (mod) Head full of knowledge cracked open Night 1
The Elf-Warrior- Robot Killer (wolf)- Fried like foil in a microwave Day 1
Shasta- (ordo)- Made into a Shastacicle Night 2

It is now Day 2.
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Old 08-25-2010, 07:05 PM   #92
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Is it bad that though I'll super-miss Shasta, I love the word 'Shasticle'?
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Old 08-25-2010, 07:08 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil View Post
Is it bad that though I'll super-miss Shasta, I love the word 'Shasticle'?
I concur on both counts. My poor darling.
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Old 08-25-2010, 07:11 PM   #94
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I suppose they'll have to update the nicknames list now...

Pity he died, since I'd have put Shasticle on my list of people I don't think are outright eeeeeves.

Anyway, my current line of thought is along the lines of:

Not evil:

Wilwa, Sally, Boro, Agan

No opinion:

The rest of you.
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Old 08-25-2010, 07:15 PM   #95
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I pretty much trust Agan, Pitchie, Sally, and Boro, in that order. Wilwa's looking more evil than anyone else at this point, but she's still not looking excessively so.

And I agree with Shasicle being rather excellent.
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Old 08-25-2010, 08:09 PM   #96
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Shasta was someone I had as unknown, at this time, so thanks wolves for taking care of one question mark.

RIP buddy, you died with honour.
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Old 08-25-2010, 08:22 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
Shasta was someone I had as unknown, at this time, so thanks wolves for taking care of one question mark.

RIP buddy, you died with honour.

Boro is strangely cheery about this. o_O

Also, meta, since when are you British?
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Old 08-25-2010, 08:27 PM   #98
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Also, might I say that I'm relieved to have been proven wrong about lynching Elf possibly being a bad idea. I hate to ambush someone, especially on Day One, but for once it turned out (as did he, right before he died ).

I'm busy tonight filling my nose with dust particles but I hope to be active a bit later, and then the last few hours of the Day as usual.
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Old 08-25-2010, 08:29 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 View Post
Boro is strangely cheery about this. o_O

Also, meta, since when are you British?
I'm just saying if it was someone I had formed a pretty solid, favourable opinion on, such as Eomer or Fea, it would have been bigger damper.

Barring we have a ranger with some good wits, someone's going to die each night, and it's helps me out more if they take care of people I've formed no solid conclusions on (the question marks) than one's I've had.
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Old 08-25-2010, 08:35 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
I'm just saying if it was someone I had formed a pretty solid, favourable opinion on, such as Eomer or Fea, it would have been bigger damper.

Barring we have a ranger with some good wits, someone's going to die each night, and it's helps me out more if they take care of people I've formed no solid conclusions on (the question marks) than one's I've had.
Fair enough, I just found it a little weird, that's all.
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Old 08-25-2010, 08:40 PM   #101
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People Shasta talks about:
  • 'accuses' Fea for "no real reason other than that she's pretty."
  • points out that Greenie's the only one to try to get things moving
  • points out that Lottie's quietness is very out of character and that he may vote for her
  • asks 'she for whom the moon doth shine' what she thinks of Eomer's vote (for Greenie); as a side note, I'm not at all certain who this question was directed to, and I've been wondering if he meant me
  • notes that Pitch's suspicion of Fea seems sudden and forced, since he hadn't mentioned any suspicion prior; not sure Pitchwolf would be clumsy enough to bandwagon so shamelessly
  • points out that it's odd that Sally agrees with him about Pitch being wolfy and trying to bandwagon Fea
Note: Shasta does not vote

People Who Interact with or mention Shasta:
  • Fea: lazily argues that his assessment of her physical beauty is shoddy, since she's not all that, blah blah blah.
  • Wilwa: points out that Shasta's suggestion that Fea is pretty is not original
  • Agan: 'blames Shasta for [her] own special reasons' (citing that playing is different once you've done it in person with your co-village); jokes that Shasta's first post means he's evil (which is a traditional first Day joke); points out that his banter with Fea is either buttering her up or two wolves playing; says Shasta doesn't seem to want to kill Peter Jackson;
  • Boro: says that Shasta butters people up just by looking at them;
  • Pitch: says Shasta's guilty of making lame jokes; claims he has no read on Shasta;
  • Greenie: says she's lost count of the number of times Shastawolf has totally fooled her; notes that she can understand Shasta's suspicion of Lottie, but that she understands Lottie's lack of participation at that point;
  • Sally: corrects Shasta's mistake about DL; says Shasta seems 'strange'; agrees with Shasta that Pitch's suspicion of Fea seems bogus; ranks Shasta in 4th place on her suspicion list
  • Lottie: specifically reserves judgment on Shasta

Now, it's possible that the wolves killed Shasta for a multitude of reasons.

Either Shasta seemed like the Seer, or he didn't.

If he did, that makes Fea and Pitch look suspicious. Fea because he accused her at all (for being pretty), but mostly Pitch, since Shasta's suspicion of him was based on Pitch's attempts to discredit Fea.

Since it was attempts to discredit Fea that made Pitch look bad to Shasta, that suggests that Shasta didn't actually believe Fea was bad.

If Shasta was killed for looking Seerish, this exonerates Lottie, since Shasta said she might be the cobbler, and the wolves would not know who the cobbler is, nor would Shasta-seer be able to actually tell the difference between cobbler and ordo. Ie: if Lottie was a wolf, she wouldn't think Shasta is seer for claiming she might be cobbler. Ie: If Shasta died because the wolves thought he was seer, it means that Pitch is a wolf and Lottie is not.

If Shasta wasn't killed for looking like the seer:

It means that he was killed either to make somebody look bad, or not to make anybody look bad.

If he was killed to make somebody look bad, it would make Aganzir, Greenie, and Sally look poorly due to their comments about him, and it would make Pitch and Lottie look poorly due to his comments about them. If he was killed to make non-wolves look bad, it means that the remaining wolves are most likely within this group: Nerwen, Wilwa, skip, Boro, or Eomer. There is a corollary here that the wolves may have wished to direct suspicion toward themselves so as to hide in the open. Since those who look bad due to the death of Shasta are Agan, Greenie, Sally, Pitch, and Lottie, one must try to decide if any of them are likely to double bluff (answer: yes).

If he was killed as a trail-less to make nobody look bad, on the other hand, it could be anybody.
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Old 08-25-2010, 09:18 PM   #102
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Shasticle conclusion

Something I think I forgot to add to that last post is what I actually think...

Which is that I'm assuming Shasta was killed to be 'trail-less', since all arguments for or against end up being, "Yeah, it's obvious it was totally this person! (Or that one)."
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Old 08-25-2010, 09:27 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil View Post
Which is that I'm assuming Shasta was killed to be 'trail-less', since all arguments for or against end up being, "Yeah, it's obvious it was totally this person! (Or that one)."
I noticed that too!
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Old 08-25-2010, 10:05 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by Fea
(...)Now, it's possible that the wolves killed Shasta for a multitude of reasons.

Either Shasta seemed like the Seer, or he didn't.

If he did, that makes Fea and Pitch look suspicious. Fea because he accused her at all (for being pretty), but mostly Pitch, since Shasta's suspicion of him was based on Pitch's attempts to discredit Fea.
*applauds Fea's objectivity*

Originally Posted by Fea
...explores various reasons why Shasta might have been killed...
Thing is, the immediate question isn't so much "why was my shining jewel killed?" as, "why wasn't one of the EW voters killed?"

The Elf-Warrior Voters

1. Skip.
Originally Posted by skip spence View Post
Okay, I'm back and as I should have been in bed hours ago I gotta take a quick shot from the hip (and in all fairness any vote at this point is just that).

The Elf-Warrior has only made one post so far but there's just something about the timing and the subject matter and the phrasing of that post that seems a bit sinister to me.

Especially the last part, which I highlighted. There's something potentially euphemistic about that phrase. Possibly veiled wolfish banter. Only one way to find out:

++The Elf-warrior

2. Fea.
Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil View Post

Not because I particularly suspect her (I reserve opinions until Day 2, as everyone knows) but because I have nobody better to vote for and because with a village this small, odds are solid that if I threw a rock I'd hit a wolf. And because she's quiet, and you can't analyze a statue.

3. Lottie.

Originally Posted by Loslote View Post

Sorry, TEWie.
Lottie's reasons are given at #71.
Originally Posted by Lottie
The only other people of note were Fea, who got a whopping four "cobbler" checks and one "innocent" check, and Eomer and TEWie, who got nothing. I might vote for one of them for being so quiet.

4. Boro.

Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post

Edit: crossed with Lottie.
Boro's reasons are given at #84.
Originally Posted by Boro
The votes are spread out enough where surely you could have gone with someone else maybe a little suspicious other than "for self-preservation"

Now you are forcing my hand to you or Fea, and you weren't someone I said "no lynch."
Comments: If Elf had turned out innocent, this would have looked like one blatant, eeevilll bandwagon. Boro's vote is the only one with even a remotely adequate reason behind it. I find it interesting that all four of these people are still alive, actually. You'd think they'd all look like Seers!

Conclusion? I'd say the wolves probably had either a particularly good reason for killing Shasta, or for not killing any EW-voters (the latter reason would likely be "one of them's a wolf"). Of course, it's possible they just couldn't make up their minds who looked the most dangerous, or else wanted to avoid the Ranger.

I have to go out now, but in the meantime, here's yesterDay's votes for your general perusal:

Day One votes

Known wolves in italics, known innocents underlined.

Eomer--> Greenie (1)

Greenie--> Fea (1)

Pitch--> Fea (2)

Agan--> Sally (1)

skip--> The Elf-Warrior (1)

Sally--> Pitch (1)

Fea--> The Elf-Warrior (2)

The Elf-Warrior--> Fea (3)

Wilwa––> Pitch (2)

Lottie––> The Elf-Warrior (3)

Boro--> The Elf-Warrior (4)

Didn't vote: Nerwen, Shasta.

EDIT: X'd since Fea at #101.
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Old 08-25-2010, 11:10 PM   #105
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Hello everyone. I hope to contribute much more today. It will be in two stages: the first, pretty sporadic, as I'll be trying to post when I think no-one at work is watching me; but probably in more detail tonight.

Right, I was pleasantly surprised to see we bagged a wolf on Day One - more so because I was convinced EW was innocent! Looking back at the chain of events, the lynching of EW seems suspicious (I see Nerwen has already made similar comments today). I just couldn't see it - why all those votes for, to my mind, innocuous behaviour? And lo and behold: wolf dead.

Food for thought, anway.

Excuse me if I missed it (the Downs deleted one of my posts a week or so ago - can you believe that?) but I didn't see a vote from Shasta.

Actually, the annoying thing about EWolf being dead is that there's so little record of any interaction. Not a lot to go on, but maybe something will stand out.
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Old 08-25-2010, 11:12 PM   #106
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Ok, just seen Nerwen's list. Thanks.

Will go over Shasta's posts at work. Hopefully it's quiet today.
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Old 08-26-2010, 12:32 AM   #107
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Right, well, participation from me is going to be hopefully a bit more than yesterDay, but still not that much. So a list:

Looks best:

Looks decent:

I dunno...*suspicious eyes*:

I might vote for those in my "dunno" category. I might vote for those in my "decent" category. I probably will not vote for those in my "best" category, but things may change. I will also probably go to sleep soon, but I hope to be online a bit more often.
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Old 08-26-2010, 02:58 AM   #108
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Making a quick pop-in.

To be honest I'm glad to be alive seeing how yesterDay unfolded. Had the nagging feeling the wolves might be coming for me, poor thing.

I do have some thoughts to share but that will probably have to wait until I'm back from work, which is hopefully not that late.
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Old 08-26-2010, 03:30 AM   #109
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Originally Posted by Loslote View Post
I might vote for those in my "dunno" category. I might vote for those in my "decent" category. I probably will not vote for those in my "best" category, but things may change. I will also probably go to sleep soon, but I hope to be online a bit more often.
And I hope you'll actually explain why you've put people in each category. No, it's not that you (sort of) suspect me, it's that I don't like lists without analysis on principle.
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Old 08-26-2010, 04:12 AM   #110
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Originally Posted by wilwa
why would the cobbler think it was hint, it's too out in the open to be taken seriously
One doesn't have to take it seriously, it can be more like making oneself known. Yes I know it was day 1 and it's not too unusual for people to complain about having no suspects, but comments like that still creep me out.

Originally Posted by wilwa
I doubt the wolves care enough about them to risk hinting.
Me too. However, being useful to the wolves requires the cobbler to survive (or take the bullet for them), and that's best done if the wolves don't attack her. It's much more likely that the cobbler tries to let the wolves know who she is than the other way round (thus I'm still somewhat disturbed by skip's plead that somebody behave suspiciously).

Originally Posted by sally
or if she has a more specific reason to not want people communicating covertly.
And what might this reason be?

Originally Posted by sally
Boro is up to something, as always. Need to figure out what it is before I shove him off a cliff, as he may be completely innocent. But if the cobbler turns up dead come Morning....o_O
I don't get this. Is Borowolf known for accidentally killing the cobbler or what?

Originally Posted by sally
She knows I have a job, and that I can't post during my work time.
Actually, I didn't. Or, well, I did but it wasn't anything I'd think of actively, and I didn't know you were working right then, so if you don't post I merely think "she doesn't post" instead of "why doesn't she post?".

Originally Posted by sally
to say she wants me dead before I can joke around, when I haven't even begun to do so, is really odd, especially for her.
Nope, I don't think so. I was voting for somebody I consider a submarine - not post count wise, but serious content wise. That sounds much ruder than it should, but I can't think of a better way to put it. I just usually have a hard time figuring you out (and telling the jokes from the serious stuff), so if I have to make a more or less random vote on day 1, you are not out of the question.
In any case, sally reacted unnecessarily strongly to my vote.

I think skip's reasoning for his vote looks awfully fishy, but being the first to vote for a wolf makes him look better. We can't obviously rule out the option that a wolf voted for EW, but I find it unlikely that a wolf would've started a bandwagon against a fellow.

Sally voted for Pitch after the first EW vote was cast. Back then it wasn't obvious yet that EW would be lynched, but if she was a wolf, wouldn't she rather have voted for somebody who already had a vote (Greenie maybe, as she said she'd keep an eye on her. Fea had more votes but she had already said the bandwagon against her was fishy)? She misunderstood the deadline, though, and if the day had ended when she thought it did, Fea would've died.

Originally Posted by Lottie
Agan, thank you for confusing me.
The pleasure is mine.

Originally Posted by wilwa
"Yay, a suspect, Inzil doesn't contribute all day and when he shows up all he does is give us the DL time".

Fea's (random-ish) vote pushed EW to the lead, and EW countered by voting her. Speaks rather strongly in her favour. Also, I've seen wolves pretend to be confused about their fellow's gender in order to make each other look better, but doing so doesn't necessarily mean Fea is a wolf.

Lottie decides to vote for EW by method of elimination (fair enough). She made her intention clear before voting, and in the end hers was the decisive vote. Sally, on the other hand, said she'd rather not vote for him in his absence (thoughtful, but given EW was a wolf, might also be a convenient way to direct votes off her fellow).

Originally Posted by Boro
Now you are forcing my hand to you or Fea, and you weren't someone I said "no lynch."
I think he looks the most suspicious of the EW voters, simply because everybody else's votes were kind of random "in lack of a better suspect", and a Borowolf would totally do that to a fellow if need be. If I had to name a wolf in the EWagon, it'd probably be him.

It can be argued wilwa tried to save EW, but when she voted (tying Pitch & EW), Fea was leading with three and EW had two votes. Voting for Fea would have made more sense in that situation.

Originally Posted by sally
I hate to ambush someone, especially on Day One, but for once it turned out
That's why, if I don't have a real suspect, I prefer to vote for a quiet-ish person I can't really read. That saves me from the trouble of having to worry about submarines later. ;-)

Originally Posted by Nerwen
I find it interesting that all four of these people are still alive, actually. You'd think they'd all look like Seers!
They just had good luck. If there had been a bandwagon like that for example against you, they'd probably look like seers, but EW had few posts and was therefore quite a random lynch. I agree it's interesting none of them was killed, though.

Originally Posted by Eomer
I was convinced EW was innocent!
How can you be convinced someone is innocent if they have only posted once?

I quite like it Lottie thinks I'm the best-looking here! ;-)
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Old 08-26-2010, 05:25 AM   #111
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Originally Posted by Agan
Originally Posted by sally
Boro is up to something, as always. Need to figure out what it is before I shove him off a cliff, as he may be completely innocent. But if the cobbler turns up dead come Morning....o_O
I don't get this. Is Borowolf known for accidentally killing the cobbler or what?
Is he ever!

Originally Posted by Agan
I think skip's reasoning for his vote looks awfully fishy, but being the first to vote for a wolf makes him look better. We can't obviously rule out the option that a wolf voted for EW, but I find it unlikely that a wolf would've started a bandwagon against a fellow.
Whatever skip may be, he didn't start a bandwagon. If you must know, it rather annoys me when people talk of the first vote on a player as the start of a bandwagon, when generally there's no indication at that point of how the voting will go. I'm not saying I suspect skip, either, understand just that that's a pretty poor reason not to suspect him.

This comment I don't quite understand:
Originally Posted by Agan
Originally Posted by Nerwen
I find it interesting that all four of these people are still alive, actually. You'd think they'd all look like Seers!
They just had good luck. If there had been a bandwagon like that for example against you, they'd probably look like seers, but EW had few posts and was therefore quite a random lynch. I agree it's interesting none of them was killed, though.
I'm not disputing that our spectacular drive-by Fenrissing may have been good luck and nothing more– they often are, I think, and this is a small village anyway. But what does randomness have to do with it? Why should that alarm Team Evil less?
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Old 08-26-2010, 05:46 AM   #112
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
Whatever skip may be, he didn't start a bandwagon.
If you have to vote relatively early and you have lots of options, would you really put your fellow under the spotlight by voting him? I don't think so. Of course it's possible, but it's unlikely enough to make me feel better about skip not being a wolf.

But what does randomness have to do with it? Why should that alarm Team Evil less?
It might be just me, but if we get a quiet wolf on day 1, I find it much more likely that we just got lucky than that the seer was behind it. When it comes to louder/more involved players, it takes a lot more to get them lynched. Not that that's too difficult on day 1, either, but bandwagoning against a quiet player is simply easy (and sometimes useful, sometimes not). In my opinion, it would be slightly paranoid of the wolves to presume EW died because of being seer-dreamed.
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Old 08-26-2010, 05:51 AM   #113
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To clarify my last comment:

Agan, I quite agree that getting a Fenris wolf completely at random is not that tall an order in such a small village, and when the votes were so spread out. (It took only three votes to lynch EW.) However, it's not easy for the wolves to be so objective– I'd think the voters behind an apparently random Fenrissing would be more likely to get their attention.

EDIT:X'd with Agan.
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Old 08-26-2010, 05:57 AM   #114
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Originally Posted by Agan
Originally Posted by Nerwen
Whatever skip may be, he didn't start a bandwagon.
If you have to vote relatively early and you have lots of options, would you really put your fellow under the spotlight by voting him? I don't think so.
Well, you may not think so, but wolves have voted their fellows often enough in the past, and in fact the first vote is arguably the "safest".

Again, I don't particularly suspect Skip– I just don't get your reasoning.

Originally Posted by Agan
In my opinion, it would be slightly paranoid of the wolves to presume EW died because of being seer-dreamed.
I agree– but as I said, wolves are often exactly that.
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Old 08-26-2010, 06:11 AM   #115
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Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
However, it's not easy for the wolves to be so objective– I'd think the voters behind an apparently random Fenrissing would be more likely to get their attention.
Yes I understand what you mean and am equally surprised none of the EW voters died. I still think the wolves don't get paranoid & think EW was dreamed of so easily, though... But even so, why didn't someone who voted for him die? After all, being part of a random bandwagon against a wolf on day 1 should make them look much more innocent. Even if there was a wolf on the bandwagon, there are three innocents (or two, if the wolves decided to be really mean), and they could easily have gone after one of them. Or were they so afraid of the ranger? Or did they just want to confuse us? Or whatever.

Originally Posted by Nerwen View Post
Well, you may not think so, but wolves have voted their fellows often enough in the past, and in fact the first vote is arguably the "safest".
That's true, but everybody knows quiet players stand a higher risk of getting lynched on day 1, so why make it worse by voting your fellow? In this small a game, even one vote can make a difference.

I'm not saying skip is innocent, I just think that voting for EW makes him look more so - as well as everybody else who did that.

I have to leave now, will be back in a few hours.
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Old 08-26-2010, 06:26 AM   #116
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Light defence of Greenie.

Seems to trust... Nerwen?... in asking what she (?) thinks of my vote for Green. I think he was referring to Nerwen but could be wrong.

Suspects Pitch for Pitch's vote for Fea.

Suspects Sally, I think, for reasons totally unclear to me. Post #59


Not sure why the wolves picked Shasta. On Day One there's not usually a direct link between their kill and the Seer-Fear (hey, that rhymes!) i.e. wolf dinner was pointing to a wolf.

In this case the slaying of Shasta could point to Pitch or Sally (not sure about this - maybe someone who knows Shasta and Sally better can advise here?), but reading through the thread it looks like Shasta only suspected Pitch after Pitch's vote. So he didn't 'have it in for him' so to speak.

I did, though, get the feeling Shasta was talking in riddles. I will try to get some examples now.
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Old 08-26-2010, 06:33 AM   #117
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"One of those reasons has got to be 'who but a wolf could fit thirty little green grapes in between their jaws!', right? "

What does this mean? Anything?


"She for whom the moon doth shine, what dost thou think of Eomer's vote?"

Meaningful? Or just an in-joke that no-one else can understand?

Well, that was it. Probably nothing; but it's possible the wolves took these weird phrases for gifted hints.
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Old 08-26-2010, 06:41 AM   #118
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I got nothing on this one. As I already said (yes, Aganzir) I was convinced he was innocent. No reasoning, just a hunch. Saw a lot of people jumping on him and couldn't understand why. His vote for Fea, if you look at the post again, with its almost total lack of content, looks like a rushed post. His lack of participation, as a whole, adds credence to that idea.

To borrow one of Shasta's other sayings: "very fishy". Looks to me like there's something going on with those EW voters.
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Old 08-26-2010, 06:56 AM   #119
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I'm going to keep an eye on our European males (Pitch, skip, Eomer, and yes I think you can count Greenie among them ).
I'm your man.
Originally Posted by Sally
Fea is getting a lot of unhealthy attention. Nothing unusual there, but the bandwagon (because that's what it is!) forming against her is fishy. Regardless of Fea's role, I don't like to see this kind of rather simple voting, especially toDay.
Question 1: are two votes a bandwagon? Question 2: Why "especially toDay"? Isn't Day 1 the Day when simple voting is the most pardonable due to lack of substance? For myself, I find "simple" votes much more worrisome later on when there would actually be more to build on.
Originally Posted by Fea
asks 'she for whom the moon doth shine' what she thinks of Eomer's vote (for Greenie); as a side note, I'm not at all certain who this question was directed to, and I've been wondering if he meant me
I thought he was talking about Nerwen, but I could be wrong..
Originally Posted by Fea
Something I think I forgot to add to that last post is what I actually think...

Which is that I'm assuming Shasta was killed to be 'trail-less', since all arguments for or against end up being, "Yeah, it's obvious it was totally this person! (Or that one)."
I would be inclined to agree. He didn't look seerish at all, and if the wolves wanted to frame someone with their kill they would probably have picked someone with more pronounced opinions.
Originally Posted by Agan
If you have to vote relatively early and you have lots of options, would you really put your fellow under the spotlight by voting him? I don't think so. Of course it's possible, but it's unlikely enough to make me feel better about skip not being a wolf.
I'm not sure. Making a random-ish Day 1 vote on a fellow who has not been suspected at all during the Day is relatively safe (or at least is if you forget to consider the size of the village). I'm not convinced though that a skipwolf would do it, so I don't really know.
Originally Posted by Eomer
"One of those reasons has got to be 'who but a wolf could fit thirty little green grapes in between their jaws!', right? "

What does this mean? Anything?
I believe he was referring to something he did in RL this summer when we met him, so I'd put it down as banter.
"But some stories, small, simple ones about setting out on adventures or people doing wonders, tales of miracles and monsters, have outlasted all the people who told them, and some of them have outlasted the lands in which they were created."
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Old 08-26-2010, 07:07 AM   #120
Laconic Loreman
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This is going to come off as an "I wouldn't do that, if I was a wolf, ergo I'm not a wolf" posts, but Agan, you asked for it. So keep up and listen.

Originally Posted by Aganzir View Post
I don't get this. Is Borowolf known for accidentally killing the cobbler or what?
Nerwen gave the short answer. Last two times as a wolf, I've killed the cobbler first night (it may have even be 3 now, come to think of it). Last time I was a cobbler, the wolves killed me first night. So yeah, the last several experiences with having some sort of involvement with the cobbler has just failed.

I think he looks the most suspicious of the EW voters, simply because everybody else's votes were kind of random "in lack of a better suspect", and a Borowolf would totally do that to a fellow if need be. If I had to name a wolf in the EWagon, it'd probably be him.
You are right, I will throw packmates under the bus, but to think I do it randomly and whenever the chance comes to "look better" is just wrong, hun. I won't go into the details, because there's better things to do, after the game if you're interested in hearing my WW-philosophy I'll send you a message.

But that's wrong, in a small village with only 3 wolves, if I was one, I wouldn't just randomly sacrifice a packmate if there was no need to. Actually, chances are, I would have voted a lot earlier to help TEW out towards the end where he wasn't in that situation come the DL.

My vote may look more reasonable than some of the other random votes, but you're only looking at the situation from after the fact. Take out the hindsight bias, and you will realize I made a really silly choice, that turned out fortunately. When I got back a little after 8, I wasn't seriously considering thinking about voting for TEW, I really had no clue who I was going to vote for. All I knew is I reached the conclusion that I did not want Fea or Pitch to be lynched, and they both had votes, and Pitch may have come under a swift bandwagon based on his suspicions of Fea. I'd say my top "suspects" were sally, Lottie, and wilwa.

Then TEW votes, and it was his reason of "self-preservation" that I thought looked fabricated. I mean yes since he and Fea both had 2 votes, I guess he was feeling a bit of pressure in needing to save himself. With time running down, not only was he essentially making it a 2-person race, but it looked like opportunistic, almost false, reasoning.

So, the way I saw it, he really wasn't in a must "self-preservate" situation. He may have been feeling some pressure, but he knew there were several of us around there to vote. And you know, if one of the late voters after him was a fellow packmate, he should have felt a bit of security. Which begs the question, maybe he had no packmates left to vote and he was really feeling the heat? Anyways, it was the "This is only for self-preservation, sorry Fea" that just stood out to me. I thought, ya know, if he was innocent, and he couldn't find better reasons to vote for Fea, the votes were spread out enough surely he could have been more suspicious about someone else. But no, he tried to make it look like he didn't want to vote for Fea at all, the only reason he wanted to was to save himself.

After the clouds clear, I made a good vote. That's it, but it was lucky to turn out the way it did, because I was really going out on a limb to put my trust Fea. "Yes, this time she is innocent, she's not being all manipulative and opportunistic, only using people until they're of no more use. She's innocent, and since she is, I really could use her help if we can get past the silly randomness of Day 1."
Fenris Penguin
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