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#401 |
Shade of Carn Dûm
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Set adrift on the Great Sea
Posts: 373
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An elf strode up the path leading a brown horse towards the Green Dragon. She was clad in a travel stained cloak which was dark green and tattered, yet as she walked flashes of a white garment could be seen underneath. Most of her face was hidden under her hood except for her grey eyes which glistened in the moonlight.
She looked up at the inn and smiled, it seemed homely and comfy, which was exactly what she needed. Her name was Culwen of Lothlorien, though she had not been there for many years. She was a traveller and never stayed in one place for too long. Pushing the door open gently, she stepped in and removed her hood and her long, red hair cascaded down to her waist. She grinned at all the faces and couldn't wait to meet some of the people in this place. She then sat down at a table by the window and waited. [ February 04, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
~I am not young enough to know everything~ Oscar Wilde |
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#402 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Pickin' flowers with Bill the Cat.....
Posts: 7,779
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The two riders went slowly down the hill. It was not a great distance to Amaranthas' house, but there was much to tell Laurie about the venerable Hobbit. Laurie's eye's grew wider and wider as Pio spoke. And when the Elf mentioned that one of the nicknames for her was the Old Dragon, Laurie blanched.
They had reached the house, and Laurie dismounted first to hold 'Falmar as Pio clambered off. A few steps along a clean swept stone walkway brought them to a freshly painted green door. To each side of the entrance were stone planters with a riot of red, yellow, and orange blooms spilling over the sides. Pio tapped twice on the door, then stepped back to await its opening. Laurie had come up behind her, and stood hesitantly peeking round the Elf. ‘WHAT WOOLY PATED HOBBIT IS DISTURBING MY AFTERNOON TEA! TOLMAN BYWATER, IF THAT’S YOU AGAIN PLAYING TRICKS ON AN OLD LADY, I’LL HAVE YOUR HIDE FOR IT!’ The door cracked open the barest of inches. One baleful, bright black eye peered out at them. Pio stepped up close to the door. ‘It is Piosenniel, my dear Amaranthas. I have come to ask your advice on something. And I have brought a friend.’ The door swung open slowly, and the tiniest Hobbit Laurie had ever seen came forward, leaning on her silver handled hawthorn stick. She had been no more than three feet tall in her prime, and now age had bent her spine, making her even smaller. Her face was as wrinkled as a wizened winter’s apple with cheeks stained red, and her eyes were still keen and took in all. Dressed in her usual black, widow’s weeds with a white starched cap securely covering her thinning grey curls, she looked the Elf up and down taking her measure. ‘Those babies are getting bigger by the minute, Miz Pio!’ She looked over to where ‘Falmar was grazing on the greensward. ‘Tell me you didn’t ride the horse here today! Are you trying to bring them out early, you little fool.’ Laurie could not stifle a giggle at this comment. Who was this tiny Hobbit to call Pio a little fool! She heard the loud crack as Amaranthas tapped her cane hard on the stone porch. ‘COME OUT YOU SHYBOOTS! I’M NOT DEAF. I HEARD THAT SILLY GIGGLING!’ She tapped her stick firmly on the stone again. ‘Come out here, girl. No need to hide behind Miz Pio. Let me see you.’ [ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#403 |
Animated Skeleton
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Middle Earth
Posts: 38
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Rym chuckled. "Aye, 'tis very nice ale served here.. Better than I've tasted in a long while." As if to prove his point, he downed the last of the ale in one last gulp and moved the mug to the edge of the table.
"I'm pleased to meet both of you. After travelling for so long, it is a relief to have someone who will answer you when you talk to them, rather than give the odd 'neigh'." "Where do you come from, if you don't mind me asking?" asked Rave. "Not at all. I travel here from Gondor. Times have been tough for my family, so I was given a mare and my father's pipe before being told to make my way in the world on my own. I've been travelling around Middle Earth ever since then just waiting to see where I'll end up. But here I am talking about myself and probably boring you both, for I'm sure you have both heard or live similar tales." "The Green Dragon does seem to attact many weary travellers from afar, but their tales are all different in their own way," Hiri answered. Rym laughed heartily for a few moments before stopping abruptly, as if surprised to hear the sound coming from his mouth. "Aye, I guess you're right." |
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#404 |
Spirit of Mist
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Tol Eressea
Posts: 3,390
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In the wilds of Enedwaith, a lone horseman rode along the remains of the Old South Road. One more day's riding, perhaps two, and he would reach Tharbad and the crossing of Greyflood, at which point his journey would be more than two thirds over.
He rode over a plain covered with tall grasses and low shrubs at a fair clip. Even now, after the King had returned, there were yet rumours of bandits in these lands and not far to the east lay Dunland, whose people had no great love of Gondor despite the peace treaty that had been signed some years ago. He felt a tickle in his mind which resolved itself into a familiar touch. "Piosenniel," he murmered under his breath, and he reined his horse in to a slow trot. Then he concentrated and strained to hear the not-voice from miles away. Where are you now? We miss you greatly. I fear you will not recognize me when you see me. Your son and daughter grow apace, and I sail slowly through the hours like some great merchant ship laden with treasures. Were you to place me side by side with the Star, I think I might overshadow her! She is a trim vessel, and I am not these days. She placed an image in his mind of a great lumbering vessel coming into port. Then he felt a faint kiss brushing his brow. Ride hard, beloved. I would see you soon. He laughed at the image of they great ship and smiled at the faint kiss. He attempted to respond but found that he could not concentrate well enough on horseback. He almost stopped there, on the faint track which would soon become a roadway leading north and west. But he took note of the smoke of a cooking fire not far off to his left and rode a few hours more before finding a forest where he might spend the evening undetected. After quickly making camp, he sat with his back to an oak tree and cleared his mind. Dearest, I come as quickly as I may. Yet though I do not wish to, at least my steed must rest from time to time. Tharbad is not far off. From there it is perhaps ten days to the Shire, or so I am told for I have never visited that land. Soon, beloved, soon. Then you may regale me with tales of the kicks which my children have delivered at inopportune times and your imaginings of Cami. Soon. [ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: Mithadan ]
Beleriand, Beleriand, the borders of the Elven-land. |
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#405 |
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Númenor
Posts: 88
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Grimbold fixed the woman with a piercing stare.
"My lady, adventure in this world is rarely unaccompanied by peril, hardship, and--most often--great sorrow. I do not seek adventure: the price of excitement in the wild lands of Middle-earth is commonly too high for the average traveller. Journey the lands if you will, my lady, but do not chase adventure, for soon enough, adventure will be chasing you, and you will wish you had never strayed from your home." Grimbold seemed troubled. "I am sorry, lady, but 'adventure' is bought with tears and blood. I do not know any wise man or maiden who would pursue it."
Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountains. Like wind in the meadow. The days have gone down in the west. Behind the hills, into shadow. How did it come to this? |
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#406 |
The Diaphanous Dryad
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: R toL: 531, past the wild path
Posts: 1,152
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"Drago Hedgeworth? Hello Drago. Very pleased to meet you. I'm Laurella- I already told you! But you can call me Ellie. So you used to live around here? Do you know Elisveta Brandybuck? She's my second cousin, she lives in..." Suddenly Laurella tailed off. 'Stupid girl' she said to herself, and cast around to change the subject.
"Your turn! What are you doing here? Why are you so wet? Don't you think you should change before you catch a cold? Actually, first lets see about that food..." Laurella jumped up from the table, and with relief began to look around for someone who could serve them.
“Sylphs of the forest,” I whispered. “Spirits of oak, beech and ash. Dryads of Rowan and hazel, hear us. You who have guided and guarded our every footstep, you who have sheltered our growth, we honour you." the Forbidden Link |
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#407 |
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Deep Thought
Posts: 83
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He watched Ellie in slight wonder as she spoke. She seemed somewhat self-conscious, but her eyes glittered when she talked, and Drago could tell that she was happy, where she was and what she was doing.
He opened his mouth to tell her that he didn't know the hobbit she mentioned. Then again, perhaps he did, only, he didn't remember them now. He'd left when he was just a boy. He wondered how long Ellie would continue talking to him and being his friend. Whenever he got around to telling anyone about what he'd been up to, these past years, they inevitably gave him a worrisome glance, then moved on to the next person to talk to. Drago closed his mouth nervously because of this, when she asked why he was so wet...but luckily, she was distracted with the prospect of dinner, which easily distracted him, as well, his empty stomach grumbling hollowly. Whatever he ordered, he wanted it to be hot. It had been ages since he'd had anything hot. |
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#408 |
Quill Revenant
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Wandering through the Downs.....
Posts: 849
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"My time is at your service, sir," she said politely, "though I don't believe we've been introduced. I am called Rie. What may I call you, and how can I help you?"
A sudden shaft of sun glinted off her hair, blazing up to match the fire behind her. He stood bemused for a moment at the sight, then shook his head. The memory of another receded, and he focused his attention on the woman before him. 'Rie, you say. I'm Derufin. I have seen you much about the Inn since my arrival. Very pleased to finally meet you.' He bowed slightly to her and grinned. 'I was wondering if you might know where the ladder and hammer have gone? The wind is lifting a few shingles on the stable roof, and I thought I would secure them before Mistress Piosenniel returns. Wouldn't want her climbing up to do it.' He winked at Rie, and both smiled at the thought of the foolhardy Elf attempting to fix the roof in her condition. 'Any help you can offer would be appreciated.' He looked at her appraisingly. 'You look the sort not to be afraid of heights. Care to join me?'
‘Many are the strange chances of the world,’ said Mithrandir, ‘and help oft shall come from the hands of the weak when the Wise falter.’ – Gandalf in: The Silmarillion, 'Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age' |
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#409 |
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Behind you, counting to 3
Posts: 234
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Nárello scuffed his feet against the clean floor of the Inn. The Innkeeper had gone out for the day and he deemed it best that he leave before she returned. He went over the various items in his possession one last time to make sure everything was in place. Knife, food, pen, paper, water. Water! He took the empty skin, walked into the back of the kitchen and filled it as full as he deemed necessary for a lengthy trip but light enough that he could carry it without difficulty.
Sitting down he thought about his route. Not easy since I'm not sure where I'm going, he thought. He pulled out an old map that Awyrgan had given him and studied it for some time. Finally he decided it best to travel to Bree and from there the South Downs. He considered passing through the Old Forest on his way, having spent some time there while looking for rumors of strange men that Awyrgan had heard and had greatly enjoyed his time in a land that others seemed to dislike. His mind made up he took out a clean sheet of paper and drew a small representation of a house in the upper left corner. Underneath he penned the letters GDI. He then rolled the sheet back up and placed it inside his vest. In doing so his hand brushed the jewel strung around his neck that the elf had given him. Enien. He mused over the strange name. Nárello will suite me better for my travels, he thought. He walked into the Innkeeper's room to make one final check in case he left something. For some strange reason he felt compelled to leave one last sketch behind as a sort of goodbye-and-thank-you-and-I-hope-I'll-see-you-again note. His mind strayed to one of the few happier stories Awyrgan had told him, but even for the strange man the details had not been clear and the boy fumbled in his mind for a while before he began to draw. When he finished two trees stood together. One glittered as if shining silver and small drops fell from its many leaves. The second was a yellow but no less beautiful. The boy was particularly proud of this as he had used a "trade secret" to make the yellow appear. He did his best to add a bit of a glow on the whole scene but it was quite a challenge. In the bottom corner he wrote his name in rudimentary Elvish. Something tells me she'll like this, he thought to himself and layed it on a desk next to the Innkeepers bed. He gathered his supplies and made his way to the back door where his exit would be less noticed. Grinning to himself he completly ignored the door and scrambled out the nearest window, landing in a small garden with a thump. Re-shouldering his pack he made off down the road whistling. Softly he sang a small tune that he had caught Awyrgan murmering during one of their few travels together. 'The higher I climb, the further I fall, The longer I tread, the longer I crawl.' And so the small boy passed out of the haven that was the Shire and into the Wide World. Over the years he travelled far and wide but he would not be seen in settled lands for many long years. When he was he had become a tall, grim man like the one who had found him curled up in the log. But his hair was the color of the sands and his eyes shone in laughter more often then they flashed. His drawings would bring the past alive and for some give insight into the future. He traced his journies on the same page which he sketched the Inn on until both sides were covered in writing and he no longer had room nor the need for more travels. [ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: Carrûn ]
"Dic, hospes, Spartae, nos te hic vidisse iacentes dum sanctis patriae legibus obsequimur." |
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#410 |
Speaker of the Dead
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Superbia
Posts: 868
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"You look the sort not to be afraid of heights. Care to join me?"
Rie laughed. "Not afraid of heights indeed!" she said. "Though I might be better off if I was." She grinned at the memory of her near-disaster, and her close save. She saw Derufin looking at her, puzzled, and she laughed again. "A long story. Suffice to say that my last expedition into the heavens ended in a close scrape with serious injury. But never mind, I've not the sense to learn from my mistakes, and I'd love to help you. Because you're right, and I don't doubt that Pio would take it upon herself. With those miyât, those baby twins of hers, they'd probably decide it was their time as soon as she got up on the roof!" Rie chuckled. "Twins can be very contrary, you know," she said sagely. "Oh! The ladder and hammer. My apologies! I lost sight of my mission. Yes, I think I do know where they've gone. Follow me, I'll go get them." Rie went into the kitchen. "There!" she said. Leaning in the corner--just where she'd left it last time--was the old ladder. "I'll get the hammer now," she said. "You can get the ladder. If I take too long, just start out for the stable, and I'll meet you out there. I hope I haven't been chattering too much!" Without waiting for an answer, Rie took off to find the hammer.
"Oh, my god! I care so little, I almost passed out!" --Dr. Cox, "Scrubs" |
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#411 |
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: somewhere
Posts: 64
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"Look, there are two new hobbits, over there!" Tiquandel pointed in the direction of the bar where two hobbits were talking. "Surely you could speak to them! You seem as though you have not had much experience with society. Come, go over to them. I see an elf lady who just walked in. She seems in want of campany. I think I shall speak to her."
"Surely you know that those two are having a conversation, sir. I cannot possibly. . ." Champignonne was interrupted with a "Why of course you can! I bet they would find it most helpful if you 'show them the ropes', as they say in Lothlorien." "I have hardly been here myself!" she cried, but it was too late; he was already headed in the direction of the red-haired lady. Champignonne looked around her, and amazingly found another block of cheese on their table. She took the block (which was almost too big for her to carry) and hefted it on the counter, sitting beside the other two hobbits. She ordered some more water, and looked in the direction of the two, giving them a friendly smile. Meanwhile, the elf, Tiquandel, addressed the elven lady with, "Hello miss. Would you care to join me?"
Lots of Cheese Je suis le fromage! |
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#412 |
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Tennessee
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Pio had done a good job describing the very interesting Amaranthas as they descended
down the hill to her home below. Laurie could not help but think the “Old Dragon” part was a bit much, however; surely no hobbit, laid back and good-natured as they generally were, could be so fierce! ...could they? The snug little home, surrounded and covered by brightly coloured blossoms, was quite reassuring until Pio’s knock on the door and the subsequent eruption from within made a pair of bluebirds singing in a tree near the door seek a more safe haven. Even then, nothing could have prepared Laurie for the bristling creature, standing as tall as her tiny frame would allow, before her. She was torn between intimidation at the booming voice (it was amazing such sound could erupt from such a small body!) and amusement at the hobbit’s impertinence towards Pio. A loud crack from the hawthorn stick sent Laurie scampering behind the innkeeper, who was valiantly keeping down an amused smile. 'Come out here, girl. No need to hide behind Miz Pio. Let me see you.’Amaranthas added lower, if not softer. Laurie stepped out carefully, half embarrassed at being frightened of the tiny creature, yet also making a low curtsy for good measure. “Greetings and good day, Amaranthas.” Laurie kept her eyes carefully to the ground; her father had always told her never to look wild animals or old, cranky women in the eyes, both were apt to be easily provoked. “I am known as Laurie, and my home is the land of Rohan to the south. Pio has been kind enough to allow me to stay at the Green Dragon for awhile.” She peeked up at the wrinkled face with its glittering black eyes analyzing her. She added hesitantly, “I hope you will not be angry with me, I did not mean any offense.” Laurie waited with trepidation for the wizened hobbit’s reply. |
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#413 |
Quill Revenant
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Wandering through the Downs.....
Posts: 849
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It was hard to be out of the way when one stood holding a ten foot ladder. Derufin pushed open the door and went out toward the stable. He found a small leather pouch and filled it with nails for Rie. And there, lying on the head of a barrel, was one of the hammers the farrier used when he shoed the horses.
He picked it up and hefted it in one hand. Heavier than a regular hammer, he swung it in a downward arc above the barrel’s head, feeling the pull of its weight as it raced to met the wooden surface. With a satisfying thunk it hit the head, leaving an impression. ‘Should take no time at all to drive the nails home.’ he thought as he secured it through the loop on the leather apron. Derufin braced the ladder against the eaves and climbed up with a sure step to the roof. He stepped gingerly on to the shingles, leaning into the pitch of the roof for balance. A few quick steps and he was at the place he had seen the shingles blow upward in the wind. He knelt down, testing the shingles as he went along, and placed nails in those that were still sound. The others, brittle and cracked from weathering, he sailed off the roof with a practiced hand. He would cut more shingles in a little while, once he knew how many were needed. He was well into the job, working methodically, when he heard the sound of someone climbing up the ladder . . .
‘Many are the strange chances of the world,’ said Mithrandir, ‘and help oft shall come from the hands of the weak when the Wise falter.’ – Gandalf in: The Silmarillion, 'Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age' |
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#414 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Pickin' flowers with Bill the Cat.....
Posts: 7,779
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‘So Miz Piosenniel has collected herself another stray, has she?!’
Amaranthas laughed , a dry dusty sound that wheezed out of her like a long, sustained note from an old squeeze box, the kind the tinker would play as he walked along to draw his customers’ attention. Pio stepped forth, a look of concern on her face, as the laugh seemed to roll out with no intake of breath to replenish it. The laughed dissolved into a cough, and Amaranthas waved the Elf back, nodding to her that she was alright. ‘Come in! Come in.’ wheezed the old Hobbit, pointing the way to the parlour. Pio led the way, having visited before, followed by Laurie, while Amaranthas shut the door securely. ‘That’s a good girl. Your mother did a good job of raising you!’ Amaranthas had come to the table and sat herself down as Pio busied herself brewing a fresh pot of tea, and rooting through the cupboards for two more cups. Cups in hand, she nosed through several more cupboards before asking, ‘Now where is that seedcake you told me you always bake midweek? I am famished!’ Amaranthas chuckled and pointed out the bread drawer to the left of the stone sink with her hawthorn cane. Laurie had remained standing after the old Hobbit sat down. Amaranthas pushed out a chair from the table with her stick, and tapped on it, encouraging her to seat herself. ‘Laurie of the Mark, is it? Let me see your face, girl.’ She leaned forward and placed her fingers, light as the wing of a bird beneath the startled young woman’s chin. ‘I don’t bite,’ she said, ‘despite what you might have heard.’ Pio coughed once and kept her eyes on the loaf of seed cake she was slicing. ‘You’re a pretty thing, aren’t you? Sturdy like one of those fine horses from the Westfold, too. Fine boned, and spirited.’ Her dark eyes held the gaze of the girl, and a look of recognition passed over her features, and she smiled, wrinkling her face all the more. ‘A little fey, if I might add.’ she said, turning to Pio to affirm her assessment. Pio, piling the thin slices on a small plate, hesitated for a moment, then turned to where the Hobbit and the young woman sat. Her eyebrows arched at Laurie, in anticipation of her answer. ‘Perhaps we had best let Laurie tell us whether you have hit the mark, Amaranthas.’ Plate in one hand and a pot of gooseberry jam in the other, Pio plunked herself down at the table, and poured the steaming tea for all of them. She passed round the seedcake and jam, and the pot of honey to sweeten the tea. Piling a generous spoonful of jam on the slice of cake in her hand, she raised it to her mouth. ‘Go ahead, Laurie.’ she encouraged, just prior to taking a bite, ‘Tell Amaranthas about her “fey” remark. She is rarely wrong, you know. Or so I have come to find out.’ She chewed thoughtfully on the cake for a few moments. ‘Of course, there is always a first time, is there not?’
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#415 | |
Shade of Carn Dûm
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Set adrift on the Great Sea
Posts: 373
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"Dear me, I'm forgetting my manners. My name is Culwen and I am originally from Lothlorien." She said.
~I am not young enough to know everything~ Oscar Wilde |
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#416 |
Ash of Orodruin
Eruantalon then caught site of Bali, greeting an elf (presumably the one he had been looking for). Being waved over by Bali, he walked over to them.
"Erulon, meet Burzdul, a good friend of mine from Gondor. He is only a half-elf, you know." Eruantalon shook the elve's hand warmly. "I know you not, but a friend of this fine dwarf is a friend of mine. But you are from Gondor, you say. Might you know my father?" Chatting about family relations and things of that sort, they made their way over to the bar and ordered fresh drinks. Then they found a table near the back of the inn, where they knew they wouldn't be disturbed. "And so, Burdul," said Bali. "What brings you to this fine inn in the middle of the shire, far away from your people?" Burdul's face turned grave... [ February 04, 2003: Message edited by: Himaran ] |
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#417 |
Pile O'Bones
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Norway
Posts: 14
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Turgin giggled. "Orcs in the Shire?" He laughed out loud and chuckled brightly. "Them rangers is sleeping the days off ye? And how did they come all the way to this inn without starting a screaming perill in the streets!"
"Bah!" Turgon then added. "And yer didn't even spare one for me axe to cleave!" He walked down the stairs and over to Jesse. "And what is this talk of kings wantin yer old butt? He should know better then sending two dumb orcs capturing a wizard. Low of intelligence this king must be, and a ruler over such a land not known to humans nor elves, dwarves or hobbits. This bring me laughing matter to a merry point me haven't had in years." Turgon started to laugh again looking around at the two slain orcs. Indeed the stupidity of orcs couldn't be questioned, walking into a whitie town like the Shire was truly a walk of suicide. Not to talk of all the perills on the road west from where they once had been bredd. Turgon smiled merrily, his beard was jumping up and down in motion with his chuckles. Hillarious!
"You cannot pass. I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor!" |
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#418 |
The Diaphanous Dryad
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: R toL: 531, past the wild path
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Ellie caught a glimpse of a Hobbit sitting alone with..."Cheese!" she exclaimed delightedly. The other young Hobbit heard and looked amused. Ellie ran over to her.
"Hello, I'm Laurella Took. You don't want to sit alone do you? What's your name? How are you? Where are you from? And most importantly, can we share your cheese? Any by the way, call me Ellie" Turning around, she noticed Drago looked a little uncomfortable at her forthright way of getting food. Waving to him to come over, she settled herself comfortably at the table and waited for her questions to be answered. [ February 04, 2003: Message edited by: Lyra Greenleaf ]
“Sylphs of the forest,” I whispered. “Spirits of oak, beech and ash. Dryads of Rowan and hazel, hear us. You who have guided and guarded our every footstep, you who have sheltered our growth, we honour you." the Forbidden Link |
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#419 |
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Deep Thought
Posts: 83
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Drago got slowly up from the table, watching Ellie in amazement. He supposed it had been too long since he'd been around normal people, or hobbits, for that matter.
He walked over to the table as Ellie beckoned to him, smiling feebly at the other hobbit as he sat down across from them, next to Ellie. "I'm Drago," he said softly, after Ellie had finished. "Drago Hedgeworth. It's nice to meet you." |
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#420 |
Animated Skeleton
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: My home is in the Twin Cities, but my soul is at Loch Ness in Scotland
Posts: 42
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*Jesse looks to Turgon and laughs. The old wizard's chuckles quickly turn into coughs. Jesse's long white beard has thickened over the past few days. The wizard looks worried.
"Turgon, as funny as it maybe, I fear that the Orcs were assassins. My situation has become far too complicated. I fear that by nightfall, this whole place will be surrounded with dragons and Urak-Hai. I am sorry to say I must leave immediately. For the safety of all the residents of the Shire and of the Green Dragon Inn. If you are to come with me, it must be now. The same goes with that boy," the wizard said as he gathered his things into a bag. Indeed, Jesse knew he shouldnt've come to the Shire. Never did he think that the King would go so far as to send assassins out to kill him. It had become clear to the wizard that he already knew too much. Indeed, the Wizard's situation was very complicated. He needed answers and fast. His life depeneded on it....* [ February 04, 2003: Message edited by: Jesse ]
--This post was made by Jesse |
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#421 |
Registered User
Join Date: May 2002
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Rave nodded at the remark from Hiri.
"Yes, I have indeed met many interesting folk since I arrived in the inn." Rave said. "Just yesterday I was here talking with a maiden of Rohan, and today I seemed to meet another. There are so many strange people here it's almost unbelievable." Rave looked around the room. "Dwarves, Elves, Men," she looking over at Hiri. "and of course many young Hobbits as well. Tell me, Hiri, what is it like living in such a beautiful place as the Shire? Ever since I came upon this land, it has never ceased to thrill and amaze me." |
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#422 |
Shade of Carn Dûm
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Immersed in a Good Book
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"The Shire," mused Hirilaelin. "It is indeed a wonderful place, from what I have seen. You see," she explained, "I do not know much of it yet, as I am only just arrived here from Bree with my family."
"But yes," she continued, "it is a lovely place. And," she grinned at the two other people at the table, "the people are very friendly."
...so I fired two warning shots. Into his head. - Chicago Let Helky stay! Bree|Imladris|guess you'll never know... |
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#423 |
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Amaranthas’ home was as snug and cozy as the outside led one to believe. The cupboards were well stocked with all kinds of goodies, as Laurie soon found out, and she greatly enjoyed the warm tea Pio had been kind enough to pour for her.
Laurie’s eyebrows raised slightly when Amaranthas pronounced her “fey” and at Pio’s bidding, she tried to form a reply to the old hobbit’s portrayal. She reached for a seedcake dripping with sweet jam and chewed thoughtfully before speaking. “I have certainly never thought of myself in those terms, but I suppose it could be applied… I have often been scolded for being too impetuous, and leaving my home so sudden has been called foolish by many. But fey…” Laurie’s voice trailed off as she sat, brow furrowed in thought and her normally sparkling blue eyes were concentrated within. After a moment she looked up again, her blue eyes seeming more placid and she spoke with a small smile. “At any rate, you did miss the mark earlier. My mother did not raise me, she died at my birth. I was raised by my father and brothers. There was never a dull moment in our home,” she added with a reminiscent laugh and raised her cup to sip the warm tea. “No,” Laurie added, serious once more. “I do not think I have yet become fey, though perhaps you see something in me that I cannot, or some event that has not yet come to pass, as wise old women are sometimes wont to do.” Laurie contemplated the wrinkled face with its biting black eyes, now was now able to see a softness underneath that she had previously missed. |
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#424 |
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Sep 2002
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"Mae gavonnen, Culwen," Tiquandel said with a smile on his face. "Lothlorien? Ah, you have a beautiful Queen." This he said solemnly and with great respect. "I have long wanted to travel there. But I am hardly on topic. I come from Rivendel, and my name is Tiquandel. Oh, would you like anything?" He gestured to the rest of the food (which was not much because the hobbit had eaten most of it). "I am sorry there is not much, but my dinner companion is of an insatiable appetite." At this he smiled and gestured over to the table of hobbits. "And if you like cheese, I am afraid you will have no hope in finding it here, for I believe the hobbits have taken the last block.
"But, if I may ask," (placing the food before her)"what brings you hither from thither?" ----------------------------------------- Meanwhile, Champignonne could not help but smile at how easily she gained friends by possessing cheese. I think I'm getting the hang of this, she thought. "You have many questions!" she said to Laurella Took. "To answer the most important, I would be delighted if you and your companion" (noddiing toward the approaching hobbit) "would share in my new-found wealth of cheese! I too am of the Took lineage, I am Champignonne, and I am from a small neighborhood in Hobbiton. I am very well, I thank you. I am relieved that you came over to me, for my friend over there" (pointing to the elf, Tiquandel) "seems to have abandoned me." With this, she smiled good-humoredly. "And you, sir," (turning to the other hobbit) "May I ask your name?"
Lots of Cheese Je suis le fromage! |
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#425 |
Speaker of the Dead
Join Date: Oct 2002
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"I've got the hammer!" Rie called, already halfway up the ladder. She got onto the roof, and stopped. "Oh, I guess you found one. Must be for the horse-shoes. Oh well, I don't have a horse, so I've only been in here once. Now we have two!"
Derufin handed her a leather pouch filled with nails, and she took it and began working. She'd repaired the roof for her mother's smithy before, so she was a veteran at this sort of thing. "If you're to work in my shop with me, you'll know how to do everything to keep a smithy in working order," her mother would always insist. "And leaving a roof with shingles missing isn't working toward a good smithy." The midday sun beat down on Rie's dark hair, and it began slipping out of the loose ponytail that she had tied it back in. Impatiently she knelt and tied it back again. As she shook her head to make sure it was tight enough, she threw herself off balance and nearly fell off of the roof. She gave a little shout and flailed her arms wildly, trying to regain her balance, but it only served to throw her off more. Luckily Derufin caught her arm and pulled her back on just in time. "Thanks!" she said, catching her breath. She flushed in embarrassment. "Ah, sorry about that. This is the second time. Perhaps I ought to learn something from this?" Rie thought for a moment. "But either way, I won't, likely. Let's keep on this roof." She turned her face back to her work to keep from meeting Derufin's eyes. How embarrassing! Twice this happened. At least she hadn't really fallen...
"Oh, my god! I care so little, I almost passed out!" --Dr. Cox, "Scrubs" |
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#426 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Pickin' flowers with Bill the Cat.....
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Pio shrugged as Amaranthas glanced her way. If the girl did not care to share she had some Elven blood in her, then it was naught but her business. Still, she looked at Laurie with hooded eyes, recalling the impression she had received just prior to asking the girl to accompany her on a ride.
The air in the stable had reeked of the sea. The smell of it so strong that it sent the Elf’s senses reeling. And she remembered the waves which crashed against the Pelóri, the waves which had come westward, from far off. Even stronger was the want, the need which drove these thoughts. She looked now at Laurie, the seed cake in her hand, a guileless picture. Perhaps she did not know. The Hobbit opened her mouth to ask another question, but Pio redirected her with a question of her own. ‘Amaranthas,’ she said, offering her the plate of sliced cake, ‘I need to ask you for a favor. Can you direct me to someone you would trust as a midwife?’ She put her hand on her belly for emphasis. ‘The twins will be born on Loënde, Mid Year’s Day, just a little over a month away. I need to find someone who can be there with me.’ Amaranthas looked at her questioningly. ‘I don’t know much about Elves, but I’ve been through my share of Hobbit births. How do you know they will be born that day exactly? Aren’t these your first? They could come at any time. And twins! That could prove difficult.’ She sat thinking on poor Marigold Brandybuck who lost one of the twins she had carried and never did get over the loss. ‘It will be Loënde, because the twins and I have agreed on it.’ Laurie and Amaranthas exchanged glances at this information. ‘And as to difficulty in the birth itself, Elven women are different in this respect, we carry our children differently and their births are fairly effortless. I expect some discomfort but nothing as I have heard told of Men’s births.’ ‘Is that so?’ said the Hobbit, her black eyes glittering with barely concealed mirth. ‘Discomfort! Now that is an interesting word, indeed. Sort of pretties things up, doesn’t it?’ She looked Laurie and winked. Pio kept an even expression on her face and looked back at the two as they turned to her, eyebrows raised. ‘More tea?’ she said, pouring herself another mugful. It was true her store of knowledge on this subject was extremely limited, having avoided involvement in helping with any births throughout her long years. Still, she assumed she would get through it much as she had any event in her life. She would simply take charge and see it done the way she intended. As if she had read the Elf’s thoughts, Amaranthas shook her head, kindly holding her tongue on the subject. Instead she gave careful consideration to Pio’s request, and after a few moments produced a name she thought would fit the bill. ‘Rose Cotton Gamgee.’ she said with some finality. ‘That’s who it will be. I’ll speak to her myself on the morrow.’ Satisfied at her choice, Amaranthas turned to Laurie, watching her as she picked at the crumbs on her plate. Her hands were graceful in their movements, like small birds fluttering over the seeds scattered on a winter’s snow. ‘Tell me of your mother, child.’ she asked her gently. ‘She must have been a lovely woman to have had a daughter of such grace and beauty.’ [ February 04, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#427 |
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Location: The Bonfire Glade RtR 80 miles
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She smiled with a shake of her head "Not all adventure ends with despair my good ranger. I seek not that of bloodshed or heroism...just something that'll cause a stir." She grinned with a slight laugh "A fortnight's passed since I camped near Rivendell...such a lovely place it is. Have you been witness to a horse race ranger? 'Tis a sight to behold...now that is an adventure. Quellë was quite up to the task."
Her eyes averted and she stood "I must excuse myself momentarily. It was truly pleasant sharing conversation with you. If fate tempts then I pray to see you again" She smiled and with that she left the table. She headed to the stables, summoning the boy to bring her her horse. Effortlessly she mounted with neither saddle nor bridle and started down the cobbled road. Something bade her to travel south and in a hurry.
Ad Astra Per Aspera (A rough road leads to the stars) "Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens" |
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#428 |
Quill Revenant
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Location: Wandering through the Downs.....
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They worked in companionable silence, broken only by the thunk of their hammers as the nails were driven in, and the soft scrape of their boot soles as they moved along the rows of rough wooden shingles. An afternoon breeze had come up, the fine sheen of sweat on their arms and face now drying in the cooler air.
Derufin sat back on his heels for a moment to watch her. She moved with an assured grace which belied the near tumble of a while ago. Her hand grasped the hammer with an easy grip, and he watched the play of her muscles beneath the taut skin of her forearm, as she raised the hammer in an upward arc, letting it come down effortlessly to meet the nail. He thought of his own Maerie as he watched her move. Her red hair picked up the bright sun and blazed darkly as banked embers, stirred up by a breeze. She glanced up at him, smiling, and her eyes were green. He shook his head to clear the image from his mind. Maerie’s eyes had been brown, and flecked with gold. ‘Where are you from, Rie?’ he asked, breaking his reverie. His eyes now on the shingle before him, he picked up the rhythm of the nailing once again.
‘Many are the strange chances of the world,’ said Mithrandir, ‘and help oft shall come from the hands of the weak when the Wise falter.’ – Gandalf in: The Silmarillion, 'Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age' |
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#429 |
The Diaphanous Dryad
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Location: R toL: 531, past the wild path
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"You are a Took?" asked Ellie delightedly "Then we are cousins!" She smiled. "We are all cousins! Which branch of the family do you come from? Have you ever been to the Smials? I have never seen you there before. I am the great-great-great Granddaughter of the Bullroarer, second cousin of the Thain! You lived in Hobbiton, you say? Do you know Aunt Mirabella?"
Ellie began to tuck into the cheese eagerly, turning her head enquiringly to Champignonne. Suddenly she remembered Drago, who was sitting looking uncomfortable still. "Drago, eat!" she said. "You must, for you are hungry- I can tell." She laughed turning back to Champignonne. "You may think me rude for giving away your cheese, but indeed the poor lad is cold, hungry and wet-through. I wish that I could show him true hospitality at the Smials...". Ellie tailed off, looking embarassed. To cover her confusion she laughed again. "Now I do not mind who will tell me their tale first, but please one of you must- to keep me from talking. Mama always said..." Once again, she stopped and hurriedly took a huge bite of cheese. In her haste she took too much, and began to choke.
“Sylphs of the forest,” I whispered. “Spirits of oak, beech and ash. Dryads of Rowan and hazel, hear us. You who have guided and guarded our every footstep, you who have sheltered our growth, we honour you." the Forbidden Link |
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#430 |
Haunting Spirit
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Location: Deep Thought
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"I am Drago Hedgeworth," he said softly, as Champignonne inquired.
He remained silent, looking at Ellie as she explained herself, talking excitedly about this new hobbit being a probable cousin. He blushed slightly, lowering his head bashfully as she spoke of hospitality at the Smials, then looked back up abruptly as he heard her cough. He patted Ellie smartly on the back, to dislodge the cheese. "Are you alright?" he said. |
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#431 |
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Númenor
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SAVE for re-worked post
[ February 05, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountains. Like wind in the meadow. The days have gone down in the west. Behind the hills, into shadow. How did it come to this? |
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#432 |
The Diaphanous Dryad
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Location: R toL: 531, past the wild path
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Ellie was choking and spluttering, but Drago patted her on the back, and after a few seconds she began to breathe again.
"Are you alright?" he asked, concerned. "Th...thank you!" stuttered Ellie. Both the other Hobbits waited for a moment, for the flow of speech they had come to associate with her, but Ellie remained silent. The silence seemed to grow and grow...
“Sylphs of the forest,” I whispered. “Spirits of oak, beech and ash. Dryads of Rowan and hazel, hear us. You who have guided and guarded our every footstep, you who have sheltered our growth, we honour you." the Forbidden Link |
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#433 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Pickin' flowers with Bill the Cat.....
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~~~ SEARCH FOR THE LOST MESSENGER ~~~ Helkahothion invites you to play in his RPG. Elven warriors from Lórien, Orcs, and Easterlings only, please! ***** Look for the discussion thread, opening soon ***** [ February 05, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#434 |
Animated Skeleton
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Location: My home is in the Twin Cities, but my soul is at Loch Ness in Scotland
Posts: 42
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*The wizard looked around for the human boy and the Elf. He knew they were here somewhere. I must leave as soon as possible; for the entire Green Dragon Inn is in danger, the wizard thought to himself. Jesse then walked outside, put his bag on his horse, then ran back inside the GDI. He suddenly yelled:
"There is an Elf and a human boy whom I've met who wish to accompany me. They must do so now. I am leaving no later than six 'o' clock. If I leave without them, they can meet up with me near Hobbiton." the wizard announced to the quiet audience of the Green Dragon Inn. Then the people went back to talking......*
--This post was made by Jesse |
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#435 |
Pile O'Bones
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: The golden woods of Lòrien
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SAVED for reworked post
Please see your PM's. [ February 05, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ] |
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#436 |
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Laurie listened with some awe as Pio talked of her planned birth. There is no end to the wonderous ways of the Elven folk, she mused to herself. But for some reason, she felt that Pio would be right, the birth would be easy for her. It sometimes seemed the the race of Elves were more favoured than any other, but Laurie brought herself from those thoughts by remembering the many tales of pain and sorrow she had heard from the men of Dol Amroth. Whenever she visited the White City, Laurie would listen with wide eyes to stories of the Eldar Days. Stories that most in the world had forgotten or dismissed as legend. Amaranthas brought Laurie from her thoughts, speaking softly.
‘Tell me of your mother, child.’ she asked her gently. ‘She must have been a lovely woman to have had a daughter of such grace and beauty.’ With a small smile at the compliment, Laurie looked with studied eyes into the old hobbit’s face, wrinkled with both time and wisdom. Amaranthas sipped a little tea and Pio started on another seedcake as she began to speak. “As I mentioned before, my mother died very soon after my birth, so I never really got to know her. In fact, I have no memories of her at all.” Laurie spoke in a matter of fact manner, but she kept her eyes carefully on the table before her. She picked at the edge of the tablecloth and threaded the checkered pattern between her fingers. “My mother’s death was very hard for my father to bear, even now he rarely speaks of her. Most of what I know about my mother I have learned from the men of my village, and even that is not much. She was not of Rohan, no one seems to know from whence she originally came. My father was already becoming old when he saw my mother ride through the fields upon a cloudy day. He used to say that a ray of sunlight danced through her golden hair, and her white dress glittered like the diamonds of the sky. Not a word of her homeland or family did she speak, but he cared not, a spell was laid upon him that day and he knew she must be his. And she was.” Laurie ended simply, and looked up. “My mother bore three boys, each as wild as the last. Though she was strong, the births were hard for her and when she became pregnant with me, a bitter winter swept the country. After catching a lingering cough, she never recovered and my birth simply proved too much. Her spirit left this earth when I was but three days from the womb. However, before she died, my mother insisted that I be named Laurie. Laurie means joy in the Elvish tongue, of course, and it was her hope that I would bring joy to my family. But now I have left them to seek what I know not.” Both Pio and Amaranthas had listened patiently without interruption to her story, and Laurie realized with a blush that she had rambled on long enough. [ February 05, 2003: Message edited by: theWhiteLady ] |
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#437 |
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Location: Pickin' flowers with Bill the Cat.....
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Pio glanced up at the word laurië. The girl had finished speaking, and a slow blush was starting on her cheeks as she realized she had held them captive with her words for so long. ‘It means “golden”,’ the Elf said into the quiet.
‘Speak up, Miz Pio! These old ears can’t hear what you are saying. What’s that about gold?’ Amaranthas cupped her hand to her ear, waiting for Pio to explain. ‘Your name,’ she said, turning to Laurie, ‘it means golden. Were I to name you with your full name, your mother given name, I would call you Laurialassië, Golden Joy, for that is surely what she saw in you.’ Pio’s grey eyes darkened as she considered the young woman. ‘She has no idea!’ she thought to herself. Her eyes met those of Amaranthas, and she could see the old Hobbit was thinking along the same lines. Amaranthas patted the girl on the arm, assuring her how interesting she found her story to be. ‘Did your father have no keepsakes of hers that he handed down to you?’ she asked. ‘Surely a Mother would leave something special for her only daughter.’ [ February 05, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside. |
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#438 |
Haunting Spirit
Astarielle smiled, she believed her story had gone down well. A constant humm was buzzing around the inn. Astarielle felt at home, if she ever could. She wondered over to the table at which Hirilaelin sat with two others whom she had never met.
"Can I get you and your friends, Hiri, a drink?" Astarielle asked in a chirpy tone.
"I know exactly where I have been, But never where I will go for I tavel on the wings of angels" |
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#439 |
Estelo dagnir, Melo ring
Join Date: Oct 2002
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There are so many fair-folk here. Good. But there is a wizard! Ah, but one more powerful than him turned before...but the ranger, he could be a problem...
Durwen was still in her dark thoughts. She was searching for people seeking power...that were lusting for it...even if they did not know it. And how would they get this power? She believed, when she gained enough followers to rebuild a land of Darkness, where she would rule. She had turned long ago, and she still seeks power. Seeking for power in the darkness only made her lust for it the more. Would she ever be satisfied? She thought so, when she no longer had the restraints of her "pathetic" body...it was too human for her. She watches and waits at so many places, but it is she, alone. She does not know it, but the few followers she had gained were dead, she was alone...the end is soon to come...she knows it, but she cannot accept any thought of an end. But still it comes. [ February 06, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ] |
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#440 |
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Laurialassië,” Laurie murmured under her breath. The beautiful Elven word sounded
strange on her foreign tongue, but a great warmth spread through her when she repeated the name. ‘The name my mother gave me,’ Laurie shivered slightly. Any remnant, the least detail, of her mother’s life fascinated Laurie and she had long cherished the name her mother had bestowed upon her. And to hear it in the true Elvish form was quite an experience. ‘Which means... my mother was familiar with the Elvish tongue,’ Laurie realized with a start. Outside her thoughts, Amaranthas patted her arm kindly. “Did your father have no keepsakes of hers that he handed down to you?” she asked. “Surely a Mother would leave something special for her only daughter.” A short laugh escaped the young girl’s lips before she answered. “I can think of no better gift than the name she gave me.” The old hobbit’s black eyes nearly disappeared under the many wrinkles as she laughed. Pio smiled and stood to clear the table of the empty cups and plates. “There is one thing she left, however.” The clatter of plates being set into the stone sink paused as Pio looked back over her shoulder. “My mother did not wear much jewelry; when she rode out of the West, she only bore such things as were necessary for the journey. Her long, golden locks were held by a delicate hair clasp, however, and as far as I can tell, it is the only evidence of her former life. I have it here,” and from the folds of her white dress, Laurie brought forth a thin clasp. It seemed to shimmer in the light, the iridescent surface glimmered and danced. “It is made of some kind of shell, I think. I prefer to leave my own hair loose, and am frankly too frightened to wear it out of fear that is should fall and be lost forever.” Laurie passed the clasp to Amaranthas who brought it close to her black eyes to better examine before handing it to Pio. |
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