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Old 01-31-2003, 02:56 PM   #361
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Rochelle has just left Hobbiton.

She settled at the table and nodded "I have had dealings with rangers of the north before. Many times they made their presence in Mirkwood. I now wander aimlessly amidst middle-earth seeking whatever help I can be. Many call me a ranger in itself, though that title is seldom granted to a woman." She smiled with a slight laugh, "and I am not a solitary creature."

She paused "What brings you to the shire? Are you in turn an aimles wanderer, or do you have a purpose?"

[ January 31, 2003: Message edited by: Rochelle ]

[ January 31, 2003: Message edited by: Rochelle ]
Ad Astra Per Aspera (A rough road leads to the stars)

"Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens"
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Old 01-31-2003, 05:10 PM   #362
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Legolas'_girl has just left Hobbiton.

Melcirial finished the last of her drink and looked for the wizard to thank him once again for the drink. Also, her keen elf-ears didn't miss a thing when Jesse and the one called Turgon talk to the other young man about a quest. Their discussion was interesting and sounded very exciting. Leaving fear behind, she slowly approached the wizard and asked the question burning in her mind.

"Might I join you on your, er, quest? I am in truth no fighter but, I am a bit of a healer and as a descendent of the High Elves of old, I have a bit of foresight and know some magic."

Her clear blue eyes gazed deep into the wizard's, trying to read his thoughts. But, Jesse's mind was much more complicated than most people's and the picture was muddled and distorted. Silently she awaited the answer.

[ February 01, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
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Old 01-31-2003, 05:18 PM   #363
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Frodess has just left Hobbiton.

"I was supposed to leave," said Champignonne.

"Leave where?" he asked. He leaned a bit over the table to study her face more clearly.

"I don't know. I really don't know." She sighed. The shy hobbit was sick of being shy and ignored, and so she came out of herself. "Something took hold of me, I don't know what it was. Have you ever felt that way, like you can't live until you leave?"

"If you can believe it, I have," he said seriously. He sighed. "Many times. That is part of the reason why I left Rivendell."

"May I ask what the other part was?" Champignonne asked boldly.

"I guess you have as much a right as anyone, the way I scared you." At this, he grinned and chugged down some water to clear his throat. "Well, my father knew a certain lady of the Took lineage. And he sent me here to convey her daughter to Rivendell."

"A Took!" she cried. "Sir, do you know this lady's name?"

"No, I don't really remember it, but the daughter, her name started with a 'C', as a matter of fact, I think she had your name! Is it a very common name?"

"No! I am the only one in the whole of the Shire who has this name! Sir, I am sure your father meant me!" With this piece of information, she sat there, aghast, with such a mix of emotions that she could hardly contain herself.
Lots of Cheese
Je suis le fromage!
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Old 01-31-2003, 11:13 PM   #364
Elladan Peredhil
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Elladan Peredhil has just left Hobbiton.

Rirrym slips in through the door and looks around, blinking a few times as his eyes adjust to the light.

He removes the hood of his thick, woolen cloak, revealing a bushy head of blonde, shoulder-length hair falling messily over his face. He brushes it away irritatedly and moves to a corner of the room, pulling up an empty stool and banging his knee against the low table.

Swearing under his breath, he rubs his knee and takes another look around at the other people sitting and talking idly. He sighs, wishing for a split second that he had some company before remembering why he travels alone.

[ February 01, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
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Old 02-01-2003, 12:25 AM   #365
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Hirilaelin has just left Hobbiton.

Hiri listened for a while to Astar's story before deciding to wander around the inn a bit more. Looking around, she saw that a man had just entered and sat down. Well, he looked friendly enough....

Slipping out of her seat at the bar, she walked to his table, threading her way through the evening crowd. Stopping in front of his table, she introduced herself, "Hello, my name is Hirilaelin, and I myself am newly arrived to this place. Who may you be?"
__________________ I fired two warning shots. Into his head. - Chicago
Let Helky stay!
Bree|Imladris|guess you'll never know...
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Old 02-01-2003, 03:41 AM   #366
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The table’s leg scraped slightly on the wooden floor. Pio frowned, stopping in mid sip, and turned to regard the tousle headed male in the thick woolen cloak who sat rubbing his knee. She could hear him mutter a few well chosen imprecations at the offending piece of furniture. She caught his eye as he glanced her way, and raised her eyebrows at him.

‘Elanor!’ she called to the serving lass. ‘Go and ask what that gentleman there, with the blond hair and the scowl on his face would like to drink.’ She stopped the girl as she stepped toward the guest. ‘And tell him it’s on the house . . . er . . . table, that is.’ She winked at the bushy haired fellow, and turned back to her own mug of tea.

Nárello still stood near her, leaning his torso against her left arm. He watched her as she picked up the charcoal and put the finishing touches to a quick sketch of Derufin, sitting to the right of her. Satisfied, she pushed the picture toward the man for his approval.

‘We should tack it on the wall. The first in a series of Green Dragon Rogues!’ she said, as he perused it, protesting that it made him look too serious, and far too handsome. ‘You have a good face, Derufin. There are some lovely angles and planes in it.’ She looked at him, taking stock of what she saw. ‘But behind the pleasing exterior run deeper sorrows, do they not?’ He did not look up at her, but kept his eyes studiously on the drawing, as if to memorize each line and shading.

The boy fidgeted, and pushed the picture she had done of Mithadan before her. He asked nothing, only moved the paper back and forth against the grain of the table as he watched her.

She smiled at him and shook her head. ‘Come now, when did shyness lock your tongue? Or have your good manners surfaced?’ A line of dull crimson burned along his cheeks, and he chewed the inside of his lip. His hand withdrew from the small sketch, to clasp his other behind his back.

Pio pulled near a stool and bade the child sit by her on it. ‘Would you like to hear the story of this picture?’ he nodded his head yes, and leaned on the table with both elbows, his chin nesting in the palms of his upturned hands. Derufin, too, raised his head to glance at the sketch of the dark haired, grey eyed man.

Her finger traced the line along the jaw, stopping as it reached the chin and lightly touched the smiling lips. The light from the lantern lamp glinted on the slim gold band that graced her index finger.

‘This is Mithadan,’ she began, ‘the third and youngest son of Galasmir, lord of the small port town of Lond Lefnui which lies in the Anfalas of Gondor.’ She turned to look at Nárello. ‘It is said that Galasmir and his sons are descended in direct line from Elros, son of Earendil, and thus are possessed of a degree of Elven blood. And I believe it to be so.’

She turned back to look at the picture. ‘He is tall, and fair of countenance, with hair the color of a raven’s wing. Black as midnight, it is, though now time finds it shot through with strands of silver. His eyes are grey, and clear, and a certain light shines from them at times.’ She nodded at both of them as they listened to her words. ‘It is true, you know, the ancient saying, that the line of Luthien and Beren shall never fail.’

‘When he was younger, he apprenticed as a mariner. And so skilled was he in this pursuit, that in time he was given the captaincy of a ship. We met once, or so he says, on one of his voyages bearing cargo from the Grey Havens. Secretive and aloof is how he recalls me, but I cannot remember him at all.’ Her brow furrowed, thinking on all her years of wandering, and the host of faces that were now lost to her.

‘What I do remember is meeting him in Minas Anor, in one of the dicey places that pass for Inns there, just outside the first tier of the city, along the river leading from the quay at Harlond.’ She laughed outright as the image came to her. Her boon companion, Birdland, had been with her when they arranged with the Hobbit, Camelia Goodchild, and with Captain Mithadan to finance the ship, The Lonely Star as it came to be named, for a quest, of sorts.

‘It was more of a journey than I had bargained for. Than any of us had bargained for. We were set a task that we had to see to its end. And the path to that end was perilous, and deadly at times.’ Her voice dropped low thinking of the cries of the injured and dying in the battles she had fought, thinking of death . . . her own death.

‘Yet, reach that end, we did. And there were many joys along the way, not the least of which was the firm bond of friendship forged among us companions – Man and Elf, Shapechanger and Hobbit, and even one rude and nasty-tempered dragon.’

She reached for a sheet of blank paper and drew a single masted sailing ship, bearing the banner of Mithadan’s ancestor, Eärendil. In the crow’s nest at the top of the mast, sat a smug looking Wyrm, whom she called Angara.

‘We came to love each other, Mithadan and I. And that was a daunting challenge in itself. I was too used to my independence.’ She smiled and shook her head at her foolishness. ‘I am sure that many of these silvered strands that lie among the black were of my doing.’

‘But we have gone beyond that now. We joined our courses and were wed. And now await the birth of our children.’ She put her hand on the great swell of her belly, cradling them. ‘They are twins. A girl and a boy. The will be born soon, in a month and a half, on Midyear’s Day.’

She looked up, her eyes seeming to see something before her, and smiled. ‘Mithadan rides from Gondor. He will be here soon.’

[ February 01, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 02-01-2003, 04:04 AM   #367
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‘May I?’ He reached out his hand and placed it firmly against her. There was a vigorous thump against his palm. ‘The girl.’ she said, moving his hand then to the opposite side. A flutter of taps thrilled against his open hand. ‘Her brother.’ he said, grinning. He closed his eyes, and focused on the new lives waiting to be meet the world.

‘Keep them safe, Mistress Pio.’ he said quietly to her, drawing back his hand. He leaned forward and raised his mug of tea to her.

‘Let them be safe from shadow, and free from sorrows. For a little while, at least.’
‘Many are the strange chances of the world,’ said Mithrandir, ‘and help oft shall come from the hands of the weak when the Wise falter.’
– Gandalf in: The Silmarillion, 'Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age'
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Old 02-01-2003, 08:13 AM   #368
Elladan Peredhil
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Elladan Peredhil has just left Hobbiton.

Rirrym looked up at Hiri, a brief smile appearing on his lips. “I am Rirrym, although most who know me simply call me Rym. I, too, am a stranger to these parts, but that is probably evident too from my clumsiness earlier,” he says as the beginnings of a blush flush his cheeks bright red.

Just then Elanor appears asking what he’d like to drink. “I’ve heard the ale is good here – I think I’ll have some of that, if I may.” Elanor nods and disappears towards the bar.

“Ah, but here I am talking to a lady and not even offering her a seat, my mother would turn in her grave if she saw me now.” He gets up and pulls another stool over to the table. “Would you like to sit for a while? Perhaps we could swap stories.”

Elanor reappears with his drink. As he fumbles with his coin purse, Elanor informs him that the drink was on the house, ‘Pio’s orders.’ As Elanor says the last words, she gestures to Piosenniel. His gaze follows the gesture, and as Elanor turns to leave, he timidly reaches out a hand to stop her. “Here, if my drink is to be free, at least let me give you a tip…” He hands her a shiny copper coin.

He catches Pio’s eye and smiles in thanks, making a mental note to repay the favour sometime soon.
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Old 02-01-2003, 08:50 AM   #369
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Jesse has just left Hobbiton.

*The wizard, upon hearing Melcirial asking to join his quest looked towards her and walked to her. His green robes were now dark, for the sun had set. Jesse grabbed his staff and looked at Melcirial directly in the eyes.

"Melcirial, this quest will be very dangerous. For I am planning to go back to my homeland, Rohan. I hear my people are in the midst of a civil war. The reason I am going back is because I need some questions answered. Also, the boy I asked to join me and Turgon is probably going to be my apprentice. Turgon however, may or may not join us. Even if he doesn't I am leaving come Monday afternoon," the wizard explained as he watched Melcirial. Melcirial looked a little shocked, but then she turned her face to a smile.

"I am pleased that you will accompany me. It means alot to me. Thank you Melcirial. Now if you do not mind, I am going to retire," the wizard said as he scratched his beard. Jesse then walked to the counter and again asked for a room. Seeing that no one ws around to direct him to a room, the old wizard walked up the stairs and disappeared from view.*
--This post was made by Jesse
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Old 02-01-2003, 11:54 AM   #370
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Carrûn has just left Hobbiton.

Nárello in silence, shuffling his feet back and forth. He glanced at the picture of the man and his fingers self-conciously traced it. Before he could draw them away the quick eyes of the elf had caught his movements.

‘Come now, when did shyness lock your tongue? Or have your good manners surfaced?’
The boy suddenly felt small. Very small, like a hobbit child. A rather uncommon shade of red came to his cheeks and he began to discover what the skin on the inside of his mouth tasted like. Not great, he decided. There was no way he could refuse when she offered to tell him the story, so he simply rested himself upon the table and listened to the tale of Mithadan.

Nárello grinned at the elf's description of her once-firery streak of independence. He had seen at least one of her knives and made a bet to himself that she was at least as good if not better with them then Awyrgan. The tale of the grey-eyed man nearly made him change his mind about leaving, at least for a while, but he brushed it off. I have made my decision.
"Dic, hospes, Spartae, nos te hic vidisse iacentes dum sanctis patriae legibus obsequimur."
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Old 02-01-2003, 12:05 PM   #371
Estelo dagnir, Melo ring
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Durelin is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Durelin is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.

Durwen sat in silence, her hood up again hiding her face. She continued to examine the inn. Was this a good place to find followers? Or a good place to strike? Would she find more followers? There wasn't much to persuade them. There was power, well, the possibility of power.

She had to find those who had lost it when He had fallen for the last time. She had the few followers she already had looking for more, but she hadn't heard from them in a while. And they are pitiful! An absolute pitiful excuse for men!

She needed some more of her own people. Only one Elf had joined her, and she had known him in the days of power. He was reliable and smart. And sneaky. She almost wished he was with her, but she had gotten used to being alone. She would wait and watch as she always did.

[ February 01, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
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Old 02-01-2003, 12:32 PM   #372
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Eruwen has just left Hobbiton.

Rave sat quietly as she watched the ranger and Laurie converse. They looked to be enjoying themselves quite a bit. She listened as they told about their backgrounds and adventures, but Rave seemed to want to find someone else to talk to. She had to face the facts. Her family were never going to be found, and the use of asking this ranger was hopeless.

As she scanned the room secretly in not to seem like she was bored with the company she was with, which she was not, Rave noticed a stranger searching the room. He seemed to be looking for someone, but it was as if he didn't know who.

Rave stood up not saying a word to anyone around her and walked over towards the stranger. "Hello," she said to him as she approached. "May I join you? You looked to be needing some company."

[ February 02, 2003: Message edited by: Eruwen ]
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Old 02-01-2003, 01:54 PM   #373
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Pio turned her head toward Nárello, as if she had heard his thought. 'Indeed, you have made your decision, little Master. Only remember to bring me pictures of your travels as you pass through. Or send word as you can.'

She regarded him closely, her grey eyes searching his. 'I will keep you in my mind as you go along your paths.' Her hand reached out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind his ear, and she smiled at him fondly.

Raising her mug to Derufin, she thanked him for his words, saying that he was not to worry. She meant to keep her children safe.


Pio excused herself from the the boy and man, saying she had some business to attend to. She walked through the kitchen and out the back door to the stables. It was a pleasant day, and she intended to take ‘Falmar out for a long ride. To exercise the horse and to clear her own mind.

‘Falmaer nickered softly and nodded her grey head up and down as the Elf approached. Pio spoke to her softly and led her from the stall. Her eyes caught a movement in the stall nearby. Peeking over the door, she saw Laurie’s horse, Nell, keeping carefully to one side of the stall. There, sitting in the hay, her back against the wall, was the woman, herself. She seemed distracted, lost in thought. Pio scratched the area between Nell’s ears and called softly to Laurie.

‘I am going for a ride. Would you care to accompany me?’

Laurie looked up, shielding her eyes against the light which backlit the Elf, throwing the features of her face into shadow.

‘If you do, I shall await you in the stable yard.’

Pio led ‘Falmar to the yard, near the fenced in excercise ring for the other horses. She clambered up to the top rail, feeling quite ungainly in her balance. ‘Steady on, girl!’ she admonished the horse as well as herself. ‘Falmar drew near, and let the Elf make her ungraceful mount.

‘This may well be the last time I ride you. If I get any larger it will take a siege ladder to get me astride you again!’ ‘Falmar whickered softly at this comment, as if chuckling. Pio patted the horse’s neck, and sat waiting for Laurie to appear.

[ February 01, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 02-01-2003, 04:29 PM   #374
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Grimbold has just left Hobbiton.

"Rangers never wander aimlessly. As always, we have a distinct purpose to our movements, although the people of the land attribute piracy and murder to my kind from time to time. I keep my ears and eyes open, for signs of the acts of evil beings. Sadly, our numbers have dwindled, and thus our work is greatly diminished. However, we still have some strength: these lands would be overrun by a nameless foe if it was not for our eternal vigilance."

Grimbold was startled to see the woman called Rave suddenly leave the table.

"I can see that she is restless. What disturbs her? She seems to be in the midst of a great torment. Is there anything I could do or say to relieve her distress?"
Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountains. Like wind in the meadow. The days have gone down in the west. Behind the hills, into shadow.
How did it come to this?
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Old 02-01-2003, 04:40 PM   #375
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Durefin drank the last of his now tepid tea. He left the boy to his sketching, and wandered out to the front portico to the inn. Leaning his elbows against the upper porch rail, he let his eyes wander about the yard, sizing up the day. ‘I suppose I should do something to earn my keep to day.’ He had no inclination to leave the area as yet, and what funds he had were running low.

A sudden breeze gusted, and he noted that there were a few loose shingles on the roof of the stable that needed tacking down. ‘There’s something I can set my hand to.’ He stood up straight, stretching the kinks from his back muscles and walked toward the stable, his eyes alert for a ladder of some sorts.
‘Many are the strange chances of the world,’ said Mithrandir, ‘and help oft shall come from the hands of the weak when the Wise falter.’
– Gandalf in: The Silmarillion, 'Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age'
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Old 02-01-2003, 05:42 PM   #376
Shade of Carn Dûm
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She too noticed the quick departure of her new aquaintence. She shrugs "Not that she has made aware to me...something wroughts her mind."

She returned her attention back to the ranger. Her hand wound securly over the hilt of her dagger. "So tell me ranger, what brings you to the shire?"
Ad Astra Per Aspera (A rough road leads to the stars)

"Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens"
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Old 02-01-2003, 06:01 PM   #377
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Frodess has just left Hobbiton.

The odd couple awoke, in their own respective chambers, and went to break their fasts, finding each other in the dining area of the Green Dragon. Of course, Champignonne had awaken later than her elf acquantance, but before he could even finish his meal, she had already downed hers.

"When do we leave?" asked the hobbit girl.

"Leave? Now? What would cause you to ask?"

"I don't know. . .I just assumed, I don't know what I assumed."

"Soon, but you should not be so anxious to leave your homeland. I think I will have a conversation with some of these strangers. I will see if they need some help before we leave. To be honest, I am not in a hurry to return home."
Lots of Cheese
Je suis le fromage!
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Old 02-01-2003, 06:21 PM   #378
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Orual has just left Hobbiton.

Rie brushed her her out of her green eyes. She watched the boy for a moment longer, then turned her attention to the rest of the Green Dragon.

As she looked around, she realized how much of a home this Inn had become for her. She knew the people, she knew the layout of the place almost as well as she knew the layout of her own house. She glanced at Don, still over with the children, and smiled. She had Don here, too. Her little sister. Nuru was over there, and there was Piosenniel--how long until the babies came, Rie found herself thinking, for Pio seemed quite ready to have them--and all of the other regulars with whom Rie had grown familiar. She nodded. Yes, this was quite a place. Quite a home.

She fixed up a quick breakfast, for herself and for Don. Since the girl still seemed busy Rie just slipped it over to her, and sat down on the floor by the fireplace, looking around for some company.

[ February 02, 2003: Message edited by: Orual ]
"Oh, my god! I care so little, I almost passed out!"
--Dr. Cox, "Scrubs"
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Old 02-01-2003, 06:21 PM   #379
Elladan Peredhil
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Elladan Peredhil has just left Hobbiton.

Rirrym takes a sip of his ale and wipes away the foamy mustache left as he looks up at Rave. He gives her what he hopes is a warm smile. People seemed friendly here, and having been wandering the countryside for the past couple of months with only his horse for company, he’d come to appreciate the possibility of having another person to speak to. He just hoped he wouldn’t sound too desperate.

“I’d love some company, if you’re willing to give it,” he says with a slight lilt to his voice. He gets up and pulls up another chair for Rave, waiting until she sits down before carefully alighting back on the stool he’d claimed earlier. “I’m Rirrym, Rym for short. May I ask your name?”
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Old 02-01-2003, 07:45 PM   #380
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theWhiteLady has just left Hobbiton.

For a very long while Laurie sat against the wall, whether lost in thought or in dream she could not tell. And how much longer she would have sat, memories flew through her mind taking form as a song taking shape. Time had ceased to exist for her; as in a dream, Laurie walked once more through the green fields of her homeland and wandered the lonely roads of Middle-earth. The land suddenly changed, a roar filled her ears, and Laurie saw through the vision a vast grey body of water, ever changing and moving. A slight spray hit her face and stung her cheeks, the cold air whipped her white dress behind as she stood, looking out to the distant horizon, searching. Searching. She knew not for what.

"I am going for a ride. Would you care to accompany me?"

A soft voice pulled Laurie back; she tried to hold onto the dream, but the harder she tried, the faster it fell away. Laurie looked up, dazed by the bright sunlight and what she had just seen.

"If you do, I shall await you in the stable yard."

Pio searched the young girl's face carefully before leading her own horse into the yard. Laurie sat, her limbs leaden and head heavy. It was as though the effects of some powerful drug were just wearing off, making reality and dream hard to seperate. Slowly, she got to her feet, and realized that Nell had woken and was sniffing her curiously. The sight of her horse gave Laurie the strength she needed; she kissed the soft, brown nose and pulled on a halter. For some reason, she did not want to fool with the heavy saddle and going bareback simply felt right. A wooden box provided a handy stool, and Laurie mounted. As Nell walked out of the barn, the fresh air and comfort being on a horse always brought to Laurie revived her and she was able to smile when she spotted Pio waiting patiently at the other end of the yard.

"Thank you for waiting for me, Pio. Where is it you would like to ride?"

[ February 01, 2003: Message edited by: theWhiteLady ]
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Old 02-02-2003, 01:03 AM   #381
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Umbria nodded, "Elewanda, yes, i remember a small girl who was named Elewanda once, she was very fair, one might have thought her an elf-child" Umbria sat deep in thought.

"And i do remember the day when one man came to the gates and killed a guard, he was with a small boy, I was riding out of the city, but I was stopped and told I was to go no further by my liege in fear for my safety. That boy, you say was you."

She smiled a little "yes.. it was you, i saw you when i was lead to my place of living... though I was not told of the full extent of the events of that day... continue, please..."
"Athena, stepping up behind him, visible to no one but Achillies, gripped his red-gold hair. Startled he made a half turn, and he knew her upon the instant for Athena." ~The Iliad~

~My lord, Éomer~
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Old 02-02-2003, 04:14 AM   #382
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Pio tapped her heels against ‘Falmar’s sides, and led the way out of the inn’s yard. The reins were light in her hands, as she headed for the eastward path along the Water. ‘I am bound for the home of a good friend of mine, Amaranthas Bolger. She lives just a few miles up the road that heads north from the Water to Oatbarton. I will have need of a midwife in just a month’s time, and she will know who can best serve me.’ They talked pleasantly, of small matters, then, as their mounts bore them along, and watched the changing scenery.

Less than a mile from the inn, and they had left the small congestion of Bywater and were well into the low rolling hills of the East Farthing countryside. The conversation lapsed into a comfortable silence as they made their way through the sea of high grasses. The wind rippled through the fields, the heads of the grasses undulating with it, like waves on a bright green sea.

‘Falmar stopped, her head held high, and shook her neck and head vigorously. Her grey mane flew wildly in the wind. Pio could feel the tension of the great horse’s muscles coiled beneath her. She wanted to run through the grass, cleaving it like a great ship through the cresting waves. Eat up the miles and leave them far behind her.

The Elf inched forward on the withers and bent down to whisper to the horse. Her hands wound tightly in ‘Falmar’s mane, and she gave a wide smile to the girl beside her. ‘Keep up, as you can.’ she said, as ‘Falmar surged forward and was brought to a halt. ‘The wind is with us, and we wish to run.’

She leaned as close to the horse as her babied girth would allow. Her mind reached out to catch the feeling of abandon as ‘Falmar leapt to meet the rolling green waves. They flew, and the wind of their passing was like a great sigh through the fields. The tall grasses parted for a brief moment, bowing down before them; then closed behind, as if undisturbed, once again . . .

[ February 02, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 02-02-2003, 04:22 AM   #383
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”Well, my mother still dwells in Dol Amroth…although she has changed much and hardly ever leaves her father’s house.” Durmán said with a sigh.
“ But all this I told you is only the beginning of the story. After these events, my father started acting very strange. I didn’t understand what was going on, for I was only a boy, but now I believe his mind was shattering already then. He very soon found himself a new companion – much too soon. She was a daughter of the rangers, fair and courageous, Almera was her name. I was happy to have her around and for a while everything seemed to be fine. They had a boy, Endel, who I came to love like my own brother.”

Here Durmán paused a long time. He seemed reluctant to continue now. He hadn’t spoken of these things to anyone, and although they were always somewhere in the back of his mind, he was afraid of letting them out, he was afraid of the power of those memories. Finally he spoke again, now slowly, pausing from time to time.

“ But my father…something was terribly wrong with him. I could see it ever more clearly when I grew older. He was very moody, sometimes he left us for days and when he came back, he looked old and weary. Once I followed him. He rode as close to Dol Amroth as he dared and just sat there on his horse, watching the distant city, for hours and hours. I knew he hadn’t forgotten about my mother. He also started treating Almera badly. He had never been very kind to her, but now he started calling her names…I tried to defend her, but I was still young and he wouldn’t listen to me. This went on for a long time.

Then one day, I wanted to go for a ride, for I needed some time alone, away from all this. I remember that day clearly, it was a beautiful autumn day, the sky was so blue it almost hurt the eyes and everything was so quiet…” for a while Durmán looked lost in thoughts. “ I had planned to stay away the whole day or maybe more, but I hadn’t got far, when I had a strange feeling that something bad had happened. I returned immediately, fearing that orcs or some wild men would have attacked my family. But when I came back, I found only my father there, although I hardly recognized him.
I could see the madness had finally taken over him. He sat on the ground with a knife in his hand and didn’t even seem to recognize me. Almera and Endel could not be seen anywhere.

I tried to question him, but he gave me no reasonable answer, only laughed and cursed them.” Durmán shivered. “ I thought he had killed them. But there were no signs of a struggle, so I left to search for them, in case they hid somewhere nearby. But all I could find was Endel’s necklace. It was hanging on the brache of a tree, near the place where we used to play, when he was small. Then I knew they were alive. They had escaped.

I wished to follow them, but couldn’t leave my father alone in the wild, in the state he was. So I returned and promised myself to take care of him and leave only when he was better again. But he never got better. For two long years I took care of him and got not as much as one grateful word.”
Durmán paused again. He tried a smile, but it died on his lips and never reached his eyes. “ So from that day on I have been looking for Endel. And Almera, too, of course. But they are nowhere to be found.”

[ February 02, 2003: Message edited by: Schmendrick ]

[ February 02, 2003: Message edited by: Schmendrick ]
Be strong, saith my heart; I am a soldier, I have seen worse sights than this. - Iliad -
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Old 02-02-2003, 06:51 AM   #384
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Grimbold has just left Hobbiton.

"The Shire. This hidden land is home to a very little people, and their safety depends on the secrecy of their realm. Rumour of new movements in the south have unsettled me. I came hence to listen, and to watch, and to receive new messages.

"The world is changing, and those who are active may have a hand in the changing, for better or for worse. I like to think my duties may one day make some betterment for the people of this world, when the clouds of war have been spent and disappear. Now, much is obscured.

"Lady, your unease is also quite palpable. What is the matter?"
Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountains. Like wind in the meadow. The days have gone down in the west. Behind the hills, into shadow.
How did it come to this?
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Old 02-02-2003, 12:12 PM   #385
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Hiri sat down and said to Rym, "Thank you. And do not mind your earlier clumsyness. I am also not the most graceful of people." Rym chuckled, and said, "Some ale? It is most excellent."

Hirilaelin shook her small head. "Nay, I have already had much of the superb ale." She gestured to Astar, entertaining a growng group of guests. "My friend is telling a tale, but I decided to try out the company of some other people."

"Is mine satasfactory?" the man questioned with a smile playing about his lips. Hiri laughed. "Oh yes, quite."

Just then, another stranger walked up. A lady, Hiri had seen her when she had first entered the inn, but had not spoken to her. She introduced herself,
"Hello," she said to him as she approached. "May I join you? You looked to be needing some company."
Rym replied to her,
“I’d love some company, if you’re willing to give it,” he says with a slight lilt to his voice. He gets up and pulls up another chair for Rave, waiting until she sits down before carefully alighting back on the stool he’d claimed earlier. “I’m Rirrym, Rym for short. May I ask your name?”
Hiri also waited for the lady's answer, watching the two much taller people.
__________________ I fired two warning shots. Into his head. - Chicago
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Old 02-02-2003, 12:52 PM   #386
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Rave smiled as she was greeted warmly by the stranger. "I am Ravenne, a maiden of Rohan. Most people call me Rave." she said sitting down with her new company.

"I hope that I am not intruding on anything here. I was just hoping to meet some new people and it looked as if you were in need of maybe some more company."

As she introduced herself fully to Rym, Rave looked over her shoulder at Rochelle and the Ranger. They seemed to have questioned her disappearance, but were conversing once again as normal.

She turned back to Rym and continued their conversation. "Oh, um, I didn't get your name miss..." Rave said as she addressed the Hobbit lass sitting next to him.
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Old 02-02-2003, 01:07 PM   #387
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astarielle has just left Hobbiton.
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Astarielle looked around the group and could see that they were growing inpatient. Hiri had wondered of but she decided to continue anyway. She also decuded that she might go and join Hiri at the end of her tale, though a take has no end.

The enemy were close but not close enough...
"...Darkness was looming. Even the my horse Talhandir, one of the bravest horses ever known, was beginning to get frightened. Others were rearing, their handlers desperately holding on. The enemy were now in reach, they were elves! But not ordinary elves, elves corrupted by darkness. I thought that elves could not be corrupted as easily as men. This surprised us, a new breed of warriors for the dark side."

"We were undecided what to do but they readyied there lances and drew their swords. We had no option. we had to fight our own kin."

"We drew our bows adn shot volleys of arrows into the enemy, but some kind of force field protected them that arrows alone could not penetrate. The enemy was upon us...."

Gasps were heard around the inn. All eyes were stareing in annticipation at the elf who was telling the story. She looked around, a grin upon her face. She continued,

"Even sword wrought with elven magic all but glanced off the force field like stones on ice. Something far worse was protecting these elves, these dark elves."

"My folk were dieing unable to fight their killers hand to hand. I withdrew from the front line in search of my friend and powerful mage (wizard) Teclis. I had to shout to be heard, "This is no use, it is folly to continue, we cannot win, nor can we run. We need to teleport away, we need your help." Teclis although a mage, rarely used his powers but I managed to persuade him. He replied, "Yes Astarielle, gather all those you can who know the spell of Urithair, the teleportation spell and bring them to me."

"I cantered to all those I knew knew the spell, being careful to leave enough to keep the dark elves at bay.We gathered in the centre of the fight, a huddle was formed. Using our minds jointly we were able to summon Urithair. A bright light flashed over the battle field, penetrating the darkness. All the elves not consumed by the dark were transported away, us 6 of 35."

"I believe that battle was a test of the darkside's new forces. They will come again, and next time we won't be able to get away..."

A stunned silence fell over the group, a little voice piped up, "Is it true?" Astarielle placed her hand on the boy's head and knelt down, "Of course its' true, elves never lie, but do not worry we will find a way to defeat them, I promise."
"I know exactly where I have been,
But never where I will go for
I tavel on the wings of angels"
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Old 02-02-2003, 01:48 PM   #388
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She smiles and shakes her head "No unease, except that of being in a new place. You are right, the world is changing, it has been forever changing. Though I'm not so sure that the shire is an unknown mark in Middle-Earth any longer."

She nods "However I am in the same place as you are. I come to seek whatever help I can be. I have been trained in many arts and my horse is strong."

She smiles and the mention of Quellë. Her thoughts momentarily drifted back to her home in Mirkwood. For the first time her heart ached to be back among her brothers and father. She erased her mind, she had chosen to leave. It had been her decision and no one elses.

"I feel I may grow restless without adventure."
Ad Astra Per Aspera (A rough road leads to the stars)

"Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens"
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Old 02-02-2003, 01:54 PM   #389
The Ruling Ring
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Drago came into the bar, sitting down quickly by the door, pushing his worn brown cloak back from his face, allowing the dim light of the room to invade his features. He cared not. It had been a long time since he had come to the Green Dragon, indeed, been to this side of Bywater. He was hoping for a warm welcome, or perhaps none at all. He only for no hostility.

Not that he particularly deserved any. He couldn't help the fact that he and his friends had gotten lost so far away, in the Wilderlands, couldn't help that they'd all left each other one way or another down the road. He couldn't help that he was alone now. He did not wish to go back and see his mother across the Brandywine. He did not wish to hear her shrilling laments, her scoldings about how he shouldn't have gone off as he did. But he wanted someone to talk to. His stubby halfling fingers braided nervously as his eyes roved the room.

[ February 02, 2003: Message edited by: The Ruling Ring ]
"Where now are the Dúnedain, Elessar, Elessar?"
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Old 02-02-2003, 02:07 PM   #390
Lyra Greenleaf
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A small figure walked slowly towards the inn of the Green Dragon. A few paces from the door she stopped warily, gazing at the lights in the windows and listening to the noises with a face that changed between happiness and sadness. 'It’ll be fine' she said aloud to herself comfortingly. 'Just be brave, smile and push open the door…'

The door to the inn swung open and banged shut. The young hobbit-lass entered like a whirlwind, her cheeks bright red. In the light you could see she her brown curly hair, characteristic of Hobbits, and light grey eyes. Gazing quickly round she spotted a hobbit sitting alone by the door, wearing a brown cloak. Turning to him with a smile she sat down opposite.

"Hi. I'm Laurella." she said with a smile. "I'm so grateful to see you on your own. Well, no, I don't mean that. I mean I'm glad I don't have to sit on my own. I'm Laurella Took. No wait, I said that. I talk far too much you know! What's your name? I've never been to Bywater before. Do you live round here? Ooh, I'm famished! Are you going to have anything to eat?" Finally she subsided and grinned at her companion, who had a slightly dazed look on his face. It was an effect she often had. Suddenly her earlier worry returned to her face. "I'll go away if you want me to" she said, a question in her glance.

[ February 02, 2003: Message edited by: Lyra Greenleaf ]
“Sylphs of the forest,” I whispered. “Spirits of oak, beech and ash. Dryads of Rowan and hazel, hear us. You who have guided and guarded our every footstep, you who have sheltered our growth, we honour you."
the Forbidden Link
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Old 02-02-2003, 02:30 PM   #391
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theWhiteLady has just left Hobbiton.

Nell walked quietly as Laurie admired the countryside through which she was passing. The wind whispered through the trees and a bright bluebird lit upon a branch hanging over the path, singing merrily as they passed underneath. The breeze was slightly cold, but the sun was warm; Laurie shook her hair back and closed her eyes with a smile, the sun shining through the trees seemed dappled against her eyelids. Nell stopped at a clearing and Laurie, upon opening her eyes, saw a bright green field, the path winding through grass long enough to brush Laurie's toes. The wind made the grass ripple and sway, bringing back the dream or vision Laurie had seen earlier. Pio turned back with a grin.

"Keep up, as you can," and her horse sprang away like an arrow from the string. Nell pranced, eager to be off as well, her ears pricked forward, and her head tossed proudly. Laurie leaned forward slightly, gripping tighter with her knees and picking up more rein. "Let's go!" Laurie whispered and Nell bounded forward with a playful buck, her long legs stretching forward to catch up with Pio. With her golden hair streaming out behind her, Laurie grasped Nell's dark mane and held on for dear life. Nell was used to being out in the field all day, and it felt good to finally stretch full out after being cooped up in the stables. Laurie's eyes watered as they mounted a large hill and the wind whistled in her ears when they descended down once more. Up another, even steeper, hill and Laurie finally brought Nell back to a walk at the top. Pio was waiting for them; as fast as Nell was, she was no match for the Elvish steed. Pointing down, away to the left of the path, at a grey plume of smoke in the distance, Pio spoke:

"There lies the home of Ms. Bolger."
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Old 02-02-2003, 02:59 PM   #392
The Ruling Ring
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"No, no," Drago said, regaining his voice, marveling silently at his good fortune in finding a dinner companion. "It's nice to meet you, Laurella Took. I'm Drago Hedgeworth," he faltered, stumbling over the ideas in his head. "I was thinking to order some food, as a matter of fact," he paused, looking across the bar, then back at Laurella. "It's been a while since I've been to Bywater. I used to live around these parts. And what about you?"

He ran his hand through his long, dark brown hair, damp from travel. Every ounce of him felt damp. And weary...but hungry, too.
"Where now are the Dúnedain, Elessar, Elessar?"
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Old 02-02-2003, 03:15 PM   #393
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He scratched his head in consternation. It had been here just a few days ago, now where had it got off to? Derufin poked about in the stables, and finding no sign of the missing ladder, went over to the workbench just inside the stable entrance. ‘Might as well gather the hammer and roof nails I’ll need.’ he said to a curious horse, whose head stuck over the door of its stall. The horse nodded his head, as if in agreement, and followed the progress of the man at the workbench.

The tools were all sorted and each hung on the wall above and to the side of the table in easy reaching distance. Nails were sorted by weight into small kegs which sat beneath the bench. He took the number of nails he thought he might need, securing them in the pocket of a small leather workman’s apron. He put the apron round his hips and looping the ties back around to the front, knotted them well. The hammer he needed, he could not find. An irritating start to what was to have been a simple project!

The summer’s day warming up. He rolled his tunic sleeves above his elbows, in preparation for climbing to the roof which now took the full heat of the sun. ‘But first, the ladder and then hammer.’ he muttered.

Derufin walked back into the inn, his sight dimmed from the bright sun. He stood looking about for someone who might know where the much needed equipment had gone.

That woman, there, with the red hair, he thought. He’d seen her since he first arrived at the Dragon. Surely she might know other places where the ladder and the hammer might be found. He walked to where she sat by the fireplace, grinning in his most charming manner.

‘A moment of your time, if you would, miss.’

[ February 02, 2003: Message edited by: Envinyatar ]
‘Many are the strange chances of the world,’ said Mithrandir, ‘and help oft shall come from the hands of the weak when the Wise falter.’
– Gandalf in: The Silmarillion, 'Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age'
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Old 02-02-2003, 03:46 PM   #394
Child of the 7th Age
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Cami Goodchild hitched up her skirts above her knees and climbed up the ladder. A placard was tucked under one arm, and a hammar and nails slipped under her sash.

It had been a while since she'd last been to the Green Dragon. Other duties in the Shire had kept her very busy. But tonight she had a special reason to be here. She took her sign and set it up above the bar for all the visitors to the Inn to see. One or two folk glanced upward and quickly scanned the message:

Please see the new thread entitled "Help us plant new seeds in the Shire".

We are looking for folk who would like to share their ideas about possible new plots for RPGs. Take a look and let us know what you think!
Multitasking women are never too busy to vote.
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Old 02-02-2003, 04:51 PM   #395
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Jesse has just left Hobbiton.

*Jesse rises from a long fifteen hour rest and then heads downstairs. He scans the room for any sign of Melcirial or Turgon. The wizard lets out a sigh and then walks down the stairs. Just then, the Green Dragon Inn doors burst wide open and two Orcs appear. One of them looks around the room and shouts:

"We are looking for the wizard called Jesse. Could someone show us to where he is located?" the Orc says as he looks around the room. Meanwhile, the wizard sits hiding next to the railing. Jesse's staff glows brightly. He then looks at the Melcirial and motions for her to come to him. He does the same to Turgon. Then the Orcs begin looking for the wizard. The whole GDI grows silent....*
--This post was made by Jesse
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Old 02-02-2003, 06:13 PM   #396
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Silently, slowly, Stryker, the brown cloaked boy stalked the smaller Orc. He approached the rear most enemy; he drew his longest knife, a small handled elvish blade, with a blade not longer than 12 inches. He reached forwards, up several feet towards the Orc’s neck.

Stryker was no lover of Orcs, but was yet to slay any foe. Not eager to spill blood in the Inn without very good cause, and not knowing the Orcs true intentions, he placed the blade point lightly on the back of the Orc’s neck. The orc stood taller, but knowing his peril, did not turn around, nor draw blade. Stryker waited for the orc to react, or another to respond.

[ February 02, 2003: Message edited by: The Flame Of Anor ]
-"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udun. Go back to the Shadow. You cannot pass!"
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Old 02-02-2003, 06:19 PM   #397
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Rie ate her breakfast quietly, observing the goings-on at the Inn. She frowned a little and drew her knees up under her chin. This lack of company was beginning to bother her. From her first night at the Green Dragon there was hardly a still moment, and she had grown used to the endless activity and excitement that she had experienced. She was almost done with breakfast and on the very verge of getting up and shouting "Doesn't anybody want to talk with me?" when a man walked up to her.

"A moment of your time, if you would, miss," he said, with a bright smile. Relieved that she'd been saved from making a fool of herself, Rie stood up.

"My time is at your service, sir," she said politely, "though I don't believe we've been introduced. I am called Rie. What may I call you, and how can I help you?"
"Oh, my god! I care so little, I almost passed out!"
--Dr. Cox, "Scrubs"
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Old 02-02-2003, 06:23 PM   #398
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*The Orc who was stabbed let out a loud screech. His partner drew his sword and began running towards the Elf. He let out a loud growl and then began turning up tables in the Inn. The Orc also smashed chairs as he walked past. Suddenly, Jesse jumps down and lands in front of the Orc. His staff is glowing. The wizard pointed his staff at the Orc.

"Your king will not have me! Go back to your homeland. You will not cause anymore disruption here!" the wizard yelled as the Orc raised his sword. The wizard's staff shot out a ray of green light and hit the Orc in the chest. Thus, the Orc was thrown backwards and landed on a table, which soon broke. It was unconscious. Jesse then turned to Stryker and said:

"Thanks my friend. See, I upset the Orc king by giving advice to his son. Orcs don't like wizards much. They dispise them and are extremely racist towards them. Stryker, I am leaving Monday afternoon on a quest. You seem to have good combat skills. Would you care to join me?"*
--This post was made by Jesse
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Old 02-02-2003, 06:39 PM   #399
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Stryker sheathed his blade. "Faeg i-varv dîn na lanc a nu ranc (Their armour is weak at the neck and beneath the arm.), he said. "One thing my father did teach me about fighting." He walked over to where the wizard was standing. Jesse's staff faded until it lookes harmless once again.

Stryker said that indead he would join Jesse, as his buessness in the area was now finished. He was glad Jesse had not yet left. "I returned to you at an interesting time, it seems. I am not armed to go on a long journey, however." he said. Realising the stupidity of the comment he bent and picked up the Orc's long blade. While obviously too heavy for the man of only 16 years, Stryker straped it next to his two shorter knives. He sat at the bar and ordered a water.
-"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udun. Go back to the Shadow. You cannot pass!"
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Old 02-02-2003, 08:42 PM   #400
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Hiri stood, and curtsied prettily. "Hirilaelin, my lady, though my friends know me as Hiri."

Gracefully the tall lady bowed her head. "Pleased to meet you, though I am no lady. Call me Rave please."

Hiri sat. "I am also pleased to meet you Rave. Would you care for a drink? The ale here is superb, something that Rym," she nodded towards the man, "can also attest to."
__________________ I fired two warning shots. Into his head. - Chicago
Let Helky stay!
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