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Old 08-15-2002, 06:26 PM   #41
Road Dog22
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when boromir died
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Old 08-15-2002, 08:37 PM   #42
Manwe Sulimo
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Because he dies? Because of how he died (or how he is portrayed dying)? Because it was in <I>Fellowship</I>?
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Old 08-16-2002, 03:27 AM   #43
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There were several scenes that I disagreed with on some level, or in which I wished for more. However, I can only think of one scene that I didn't want in the movie at all: the wizard battle. Are two beings of incredible spiritual (but rather limited physical) power really going to fight in a way that we can see? Are they going to do it indiscreetly, onscreen? If they do, are they really going to accomplish this by throwing each other across the room? I much prefer the simple mention of it as backstory, at which we can shudder at the thought of the mighty struggle it must have been, and not really know what happened. It seems unlikely that any director could try to show us any such thing in a way that wouldn't seem somehow... well... cheesy.<P>On the other hand, I loved that scene's juxtaposition of the two staves: Gandalf's, gnarled and organic, and Saruman's, geometrical, perfect, and artificial, both in the power of Saruman. That was a very nice touch. <P>--Belin Ibaimendi<p>[ August 16, 2002: Message edited by: Belin ]
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Old 08-16-2002, 04:42 AM   #44
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Well, heres my 2 cents worth. As for Lothlorien, To cold and hard for my liking. It doesn't matter that half the scenes weren't there 'cause they will be back in the Nov DVD. It's just the colouring of the place! All blue and cold! I thought it was supposed to be golden/brownish to indicate the passing of Galadriels realm. Plus the fact that Jackson wanted the films to have a real world quality to them. If you watch early trailers for FotR you'll see Lothlorien without post-production. Much better!
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Old 08-16-2002, 11:29 AM   #45
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Overall, I thought PJ did an incredible job bringing a massive book to the screen and still for the most part maintaining the essence of Tolkien's work. That said though I had 3 real beefs with LOTR. Actually two of them are sort of related. <P>First, there is the whole Lorien thing. That's been well stated by others here so I don't need to belabor the point. <P>Second and somewhat related is it seems to me that the elves come off as pretty arrogant and not overly likeable. Galadriel I was especially disappointed in. Gimli was so moved by their meeting that his whole view of Elves was changed. (Obviously, that combined with his blossoming friendship with Legolas.) Somebody pointed out the missing gift scenes and the one where Gimli askes for but a single strand of her hair is especially poingant. Somehow it's hard to imagine the cold portrayal by Cate Blanchett inspiring that kind of reaction. The other elves too just seemed too arrogant to me. Elrond's disdain for men. Even Haldir as they enter Lorien. I pictured the Elves as a much more noble race, not so petty and arrogant. <P>Third and probably the biggest thing philosophically is the portrayal of Aragorn and his destiny. I have read the books countless times and never noticed a hint that Aragorn was reluctant to assume his destiny as future king of Gondor. Aragorn knew precisely who he was and what his destiny was. It was simply a matter of waiting for the proper time. It does make some sense as portrayed in the movie. Tying Aragorn to Isildur and he fearing that he will fall to the same temptations that Isildur did. Makes some sense, but it just isn't there in the books. And I think Aragorn loses a little of his nobility because of it.<P>I really didn't object to the Arwen stuff. Thought Liv Tyler's performance wasn't exactly Academy Award material, but in general, I understand that they wanted to build the love story part up a little and I can live with that. <P>The were some other minor things that I don't understand why they changed when there really doesn't seem to be any good reason for it. For example, in the movie Gandalf feared going to Moria whereas Aragorn favored it. In the books it is exactly reversed. Why change it? What's the point. <P>All in all though I thought the movie was very well done.
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Old 08-16-2002, 11:43 AM   #46
Lothiriel Silmarien
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I loved every part of it!! But if I had to pick, then the part that had Arwen in it. All her parts. Bring back Glorfindel!!! But to introduce Arwen to the movie, so in the last movie no one gets confused with who she is, I understand. They could leave that part when she gives him her necklace in. But to add her to TTT also...?? Oh well, can't get started on that!<p>[ August 16, 2002: Message edited by: Lothiriel Silmarien ]
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