I have a question and I need an answer
Dose anyone know anything about Aragorn's son Elderon and the name of Aragorn's daughters and how many there were? What important Elves lived after The passing of Galadriel and the parting of Elrond? And what lands thrived after the abandonment of Lothlorien and Rivendale? And don't tell me to read the Silmarilion I have it but I need these answeres sooner than I can read it. At least answere my first question, but I would thouroghly appreciate at least a small portoion of information for each of my questions but I need the full answere to the first one. Thank you.
Tiro! Êl eria e môr. Look! A star rises out of the darkness
I 'lîr en êl luitha 'uren. The song of the star enchants my heart
Ai! Aníron... An!I desire...