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Old 03-26-2018, 09:35 AM   #1
Spirit of Mist
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Tol Eressea
Posts: 3,390
Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.
Boots Early Hints at Bombadil?

Years ago, I promised myself that I would not participate any further in threads about Bombadil and Goldberry. I had said my views several times and no longer wished to repeat myself or engage in speculative and sometimes fanciful debate. I recognize that Bombadil is an intriguing subject to some. He is a jarring character. His demeanor is odd and he appears to fit better in a children's book than the more mature LoTR. Tolkien himself calls him an "enigma." But to me, he has always seemed easily explained, particularly once the Silmarillion was published.

I always look to internal consistency in the books in interpreting Middle Earth. So to me, it has appeared obvious that Bombadil and Goldberry are Maiar that have chosen a rustic and secluded life together. I will concede that there is no express statement in LoTR or the Silmarillion that establishes their nature. It is enough for me that they are creatures of inherent power and longevity, that they are familiar to Gandalf, and that they are not Elves or Men (or Dwarves, Orcs, etc.). Goldberry in particular seems easily explained; she is one of Uinen's people overseeing the rivers of Middle Earth.

I recently began a re-read of Lost Tales. When I first read them, decades ago, I did not like them much but later developed an appreciation for these volumes. Yes, the writing is uneven, but it is sometimes excellent. Yes, they are more "fairy tale-ish." Yes, they include elements that are not consistent with later writings including some that are simply odd. Yet, I liked the concept of a Man finding his way onto the straight road and being instructed on Elvish history which had long since been forgotten in the great lands. For those who have some longevity on this site, some may recall that I wrote a series of interrelated short stories about Aelfwine and his visit to Tol Eressea, updated with characters from LoTR and the published Silmarillion. But, as a general rule, I did not look to Lost Tales as a source of anything resembling canonical information.

However, during my latest re-read, I cam across something I had not noticed before. Because the following excerpt may provide previously undiscussed information that at least hints at the origins of Bombadil, I have decided to briefly set aside my personal boycott on the subject. The following quote is found in the chapter The Chaining of Melko (which itself includes some odd pieces including the capture of Morgoth via subterfuge). In this chapter. Meril is telling Aelfwine how it came to pass that the Valar took up their dwelling in Eldamar while Morgoth remained in Middle Earth and Orome and Yavanna's travels to and concerns about the great lands.

At that time did many strange spirits fare into the world, for there were pleasant places dark and quiet for them to dwell in. Some came from Mandos, aged spirits that journeyed from Iluvatar with him who are older than the world and very gloomy and secret, and some from the fortresses of the North where Melko then dwelt... But some few danced thither with gentle feet exuding evening scents, and those came from the gardens of Lorien."
To me, this is altogether too familiar and consonant with my views of Bombadil and Goldberry.
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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