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Old 09-15-2015, 11:59 AM   #1
King's Writer
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 1,721
Findegil is a guest of Tom Bombadil.
4 Of the coming of the Elves

Following the special desire of Arvegil145 I post here my first draft of chapter 4 Of the coming of the Elves.

Our basis text is that of Later Quenta Silamrillion given in HoME 10; page 158-171. Were ever the text is different from that of including the changes introduced in the second phase (LQ2) this is marked by an editing mark.

The markings are:
CE-EX-xx for Of the coming of the Elves, Expansion
CE-SL-xx for Of the coming of the Elves, story line

Some conventions of my writing:
Normal Text is from the basic text that is mentioned above (when I change the basic-Text it will be mentioned)
Bold Text = source information, comments and remarks
{example} = text that should be deleted
[example] = normalised text, normally only used for general changes
<source example> = additions with source information
example = text inserted for grammatical or metrical reason
/example/ = outline expansion
Normally if an inserted text includes the beginning of a new § these is indicated by a missing “>” at the end of the § and a missing “<” at the beginning of the next.
4 Of the Coming of the Elves
<§18 In all this time, since Melkor overthrew the Lamps, ... In those lands and forests Oromë would often hunt; and there too at times Yavanna came, singing sorrowfully; for she was grieved at the darkness of Middle-earth and ill content that it was forsaken. But the other Valar came seldom thither CE-EX-01 <AAm save only Yavanna and Oromë; and Yavanna often would walk there in the shadows, grieving because all the growth and promise of the Spring of Arda was checked. And she set a sleep upon many fair things that had arisen in the Spring, both tree and herb and beast and bird, so that they should not age but should wait for a time of awakening that yet should be.
But Melkor dwelt in Utumno, and he slept not, but watched, and laboured; and the evil things that he had perverted walked abroad, and the dark and slumbering woods were haunted by monsters and shapes of dread>; and in the North Melkor built his strength, and gathered his demons about him. CE-SL-01 {These were the first made of his creatures: their hearts were of fire, but they were cloaked in darkness, and terror went before them; they had whips of flame. Balrogs they were named by the Noldor in later days. And in that dark time Melkor made many other monsters of divers shapes and kinds that long troubled the world; yet the Orcs were not made until he had looked upon the Elves, and he made them in mockery of the Children of Ilúvatar.}<LQ; Ch. 3; Note to §18 These were the {(}ealar{)} [footnote: 'spirit' (not incarnate, which was fea, {S[indarin]}Sindarin fae). eala 'being'.] spirits who first adhered to him in the days of his splendour, and became most like him in his corruption: their hearts were of fire, but they were cloaked in darkness, and terror went before them; they had whips of flame. Balrogs they were named by the Noldor in later days. And in that dark time Melkor bred many other monsters of divers shapes and kinds that long troubled the world; and his realm spread now ever southward over the Middle-earth. But the Orks, mockeries and perversions of the Children of Eru, did not appear until after the Awakening of the Elves.> {His realm spread now ever southward over the Middle-earth.} CE-EX-02 <AAm But {these}the Balrogs came not yet from the gates of Utumno, because of the watchfulness of Oromë.
§31 Now Oromë dearly loved all the works of Yavanna, ... Yet ever his dominion spread southward over Middle-earth, for even as Oromë passed the servants of Melkor would gather again; and the Earth was full of shadows and deceit.>
§18a It came to pass that the Valar held council CE-EX-03 <AAm for they became troubled by the tidings that Yavanna and Oromë brought from the Outer Lands>, and Yavanna spoke before them, saying: ...
And Tulkas cried aloud: ...
But at the bidding of Manwë Mandos spoke ...
§19 And Varda said naught, ...
Then Varda took the silver dews ... set as signs in Heaven that the {Gods}[Valar] may read: Wilwarin, Telumendil, Soronúmë, and Anarríma; and Menelmakar with his shining belt that forebodes the Last Battle that shall be. And high in the North as a challenge unto Melkor she set the crown of seven mighty stars to swing, the Valakirka, the Sickle of the {Gods}[Valar] and sign of doom. LQ; Ch. 3; Note to §19 [Footnote: Many names have these stars been given; but in the North in the Elder Days Men called them the Burning Briar. {quoth Pengolod [>} (quoth {Pengoloð}[Pengolodh]){]}].
§20 It is told that even as Varda ended her labours, and they were long, when first Menelmakar strode up the sky and the blue fire of Helluin flickered in the mists above the borders of the world, in that hour the Children of the Earth awoke, the First-born of Ilúvatar. CE-EX-04 <Q&E
The legend of the Awaking of the Quendi
While their first bodies were being made ... These three Elf-fathers are named in the ancient tales Imin, Tata, and Enel. They awoke in that order, but with little time between each; and from them, say the Eldar, the words for one, two, and three were made: the oldest of all numerals. [footnote to the text: The Eldarin words referred to are Min, Atta (or Tata), Nel. The reverse is probably historical. The Three had no names until they had developed language, and were given (or took) names after they had devised numerals (or at least the first twelve).]
Imin, Tata and Enel awoke before their spouses, and the first thing that they saw was the starsCE-SL-02{, for they woke in the early twilight before dawn}. And the next thing they saw was their destined spouses lying asleep ...
Now after a time, ... and the stars were again shining CE-SL-03{in the morrow-dim} and the elf-men were just waking.
Then Imin claimed ...
Then Tata claimed ...
Then Enel claimed ...
At length they all ... But CE-SL-04{before dawn} a wind came, and roused the elf-men, and they woke and were amazed at the stars; ...
Now Imin said: ...
And the ninety-six Quendi now spoke together, ...
Then they all set out again together, ...
But again Imin withheld his choice, ...
At length Imin said: 'It is time now that we should go on and seek more companions.' But most of the others were content. So Imin and Iminye and their twelve companions set out, and they walked long CE-SL-05{by day and by twilight} in the country about the lake, near which all the Quendi had awakened - for which reason it is called Cuivienen. But they never found any more companions, for the tale of the First Elves was complete.
And so it was that ...
Now the Quendi loved all of Arda that they had yet seen, and green things that grew and CE-SL-06 <later> the sun of summer were their delight; but nonetheless they were ever moved most in heart by the Stars, and the hours of twilight in clear weather, at 'morrowdim' and at 'even-dim', were the times of their greatest joy. CE-SL-07 For {in }those hours <editorial addition resembled most the time >in the spring of the year <editorial addition when >they had first awakened to life in Arda. But the Lindar, above all the other Quendi, from their beginning were most in love with water, and sang before they could speak.>
CE-EX-05 <AAm §38 In the changes of the world the shapes of lands and of seas have been broken and remade; rivers have not kept their courses, neither have mountains remained steadfast; and to {Kuivienen}[Cuivienen] there is no returning. ...
§39 Long the Quendi ...
§40 At this time also, it is said, ...
{ 1085}
§41 And when the Elves had dwelt in the world five and thirty Years of the Valar (which is like unto three hundred and thirty-five of our years) it chanced that ... he heard afar off many voices singing. CE-EX-05.5{
}§42 Thus it was that the Valar found at last, as it were by chance, those whom they had so long awaited.{ And when Oromë looked upon them he was filled with wonder, as though they were things unforeseen and unimagined; and he loved the Quendi, and named them Eldar, the people of the stars. …}
§43 Yet many of the Quendi were adread at his coming. ...
§44 Thus it was that when Nahar neighed and Oromë indeed came among them, ...
§45 But of those hapless who were ensnared by Melkor little is known of a certainty. For who of the living hath descended into the pits of Utumno, or hath explored the darkness of the counsels of Melkor? Yet this is held true by the wise of Eressëa: that all those of the Quendi that came into the hands of Melkor, ere Utumno was broken, were put there in prison, and by slow arts of cruelty and wickedness were corrupted and enslaved. CE-EX-06{Thus did Melkor breed the hideous race of the Orkor in envy and mockery of the Eldar, of whom they were afterwards the bitterest foes.} CE-EX-07 <Myths Transformed, Text VIII: Orcs It does however seem best to view Melkor's corrupting power as always starting, at least, in the moral or theological level. Any creature that took him for Lord (and especially those who blasphemously called him Father or Creator) became soon corrupted in all parts of its being, the fea dragging down the hroa in its descent into {Morgoth}[Melkor]ism: hate and destruction. As for Elves being 'immortal': they in fact only had enormously long lives, and were themselves physically 'wearing out', and suffering a slow progressive weakening of their bodies.>
CE-EX-08 < Myths Transformed, Text IX The Elves from their earliest times invented and used a word or words with a base (o)rok to denote anything that caused fear and/or horror. It would originally have been applied to 'phantoms' (spirits assuming visible forms) as well as to any independently existing creatures. Its application (in all Elvish tongues) specifically to the creatures called Orks{ - so I shall spell it in The Silmarillion -} was later.> CE-EX-09 <Q&E, Appendix C: ‘Elvish names for the Orcs’ The Orcs of the later wars, after the escape of Melkor{-Morgoth} and his return to Middle-earth, were neither spirits nor phantoms, but living creatures, capable of speech and of some crafts and organization, or at least capable of learning such things from higher creatures or from their Master. They bred and multiplied rapidly whenever left undisturbed.> For the Orkor had life and multiplied after the manner of the Children of IlúvatarCE-EX-10{; and naught that had life of its own, nor the semblance thereof, could ever Melkor make since his rebellion in the Ainulindale before the Beginning: so say the wise}. CE-EX-11 <Letter to Mrs, Munby There must have been orc-women. But in stories that seldom if ever see the Orcs except as soldiers of armies in the service of the evil lords we naturally would not learn much about their lives. Not much was known>. CE-EX-12 <Q&E, Appendix C: ‘Elvish names for the Orcs’ It is unlikely, as a consideration of the ultimate origin of this race CE-EX-13{would }makes clearer, that the Quendi had met any Orcs of this kind, before their finding by Orome and the separation of Eldar and Avari.
But it is known that Melkor had become aware of the Quendi before the Valar began their war against him, and the joy of the Elves in Middle-earth had already been darkened by shadows of fear. Dreadful shapes had begun to haunt the borders of their dwellings, and some of their people vanished into the darkness and were heard of no more. Some of these things may have been phantoms and delusions; but some were, no doubt, shapes taken by the servants of Melkor, mocking and degrading the very forms of the Children. For Melkor had in his service great numbers of the Maiar, who had the power, as had their Master, of taking visible and tangible shape in Arda.>
CE-EX-14 <Myths Transformed, Text X: Orcs The origin of the Orcs is a matter of debate. Some have called them the Melkorohini, the Children of Melkor; but the wiser say: nay, the slaves of Melkor, but not his children; for Melkor had no children. Nonetheless, it was by the malice of Melkor that the Orcs arose, and plainly they were meant by him to be a mockery of the Children of Eru, being bred to be wholly subservient to his will and filled with unappeasable hatred of Elves and Men.
CE-EX-15{Now the Orcs of the later wars, ... before the coming of Orome to Cuivienen.}
Those who believe that the Orcs were bred from some kind of Men, captured and perverted by Melkor, assert that it was impossible for the Quendi to have known of Orcs before the Separation and the departure of the Eldar. CE-SL-08{For though the time of the awakening of Men is not known, even the calculations of the loremasters that place it earliest do not assign it a date long before the Great March began, certainly not long enough before it to allow for the corruption of Men into Orcs.} On the other hand, it is plain that soon after his return {Morgoth}[Melkor] had at his command a great number of these creatures, with whom he ere long began to attack the Elves. There was still less time between his return and these first assaults for the breeding of Orcs and for the transfer of their hosts westward.
This view of the origin of the Orcs thus meets with difficulties of chronology. ...
But the Orcs were not of this kind. [footnote to the text: The orks, it is true, sometimes appear to have been reduced to a condition very similar, though there remains actually a profound difference. ... and soon died or slew themselves.
Other originally independent creatures, and Men among them (but neither Elves nor Dwarves), ... a great expense of will. {Morgoth}[Melkor] though in origin possessed of vast power was finite; ... so dissipated his powers of mind that {Morgoth}[Melkor]'s overthrow became possible. ... Then they might neglect his orders.] They were certainly dominated by their Master, but his dominion was by fear, ... They were capable of acting on their own, doing evil deeds unbidden for their own sport; or if {Morgoth}[Melkor] and his agents were far away, they might neglect his commands. CE-EX-16{They sometimes fought [> }They hated one another and often fought{]} among themselves, to the detriment of {Morgoth}[Melkor]'s plans.
Moreover, the Orcs continued to live and breed and to carry on their business of ravaging and plundering after {Morgoth}[Melkor] was overthrown. ...
This last point was not well understood in the Elder Days. ... Thus it was that the histories speak of Great Orcs or Orc-captains who were not slain, and who reappeared in battle through years far longer than the span of the lives of Men[footnote to the text: Boldog, for instance, is a name that occurs many times in the tales of the War. But it is possible that Boldog was not a personal name, and either a title, or else the name of a kind of creature: the Orc-formed Maiar, only less formidable than the Balrogs.] CE-EX-17<Myths Transformed, Text VIII: Orcs ; but by practising when embodied procreation they would {(cf. Melian) [}become{]} more and more earthbound, unable to return to spirit-state (even demon-form), until released by death (killing), and they would dwindle in force. When released they would, of course, {like Sauron, }be 'damned': i.e. reduced to impotence, infinitely recessive: still hating but unable more and more to make it effective physically (or would not a very dwindled dead Orc-state be a poltergeist?).>
Finally, there is a cogent point, though horrible to relate. It became clear in time that undoubted Men could under the domination of {Morgoth}[Melkor] or his agents in a few generations be reduced almost to the Orc-level of mind and habits; and then they would or could be made to mate with Orcs, producing new breeds, often larger and more cunning. CE-EX-18{There is no doubt that long afterwards, in the Third Age, Saruman rediscovered this, or learned of it in lore, and in his lust for mastery committed this, his wickedest deed: the interbreeding of Orcs and Men producing both Men-orcs large and cunning, and Orc-men treacherous and vile.}
But even before this wickedness of {Morgoth}[Melkor] was suspected ... If any Orcs surrendered and asked for mercy, they must be granted it, even at a cost.[footnote to the text: Few Orcs ever did so in the Elder Days, and at no time would any Orc treat with any Elf. For one thing {Morgoth}[Melkor] had achieved was to convince the Orcs beyond refutation that the Elves were crueller than themselves, taking captives only for 'amusement', or to eat them (as the Orcs would do at need).] This was the teaching of the Wise, though in the horror of the War it was not always heeded.>
CE-EX-19 <Myths Transformed, Text X: Orcs It is CE-EX-20 {thus }probably to Sauron that we may look for a solution of the problem of chronology. Though of immensely smaller native power than his Master, ...
We may assume, ... though the beginning of their actual breeding must await the awakening of CE-SL-09{Men}[Elves]. CE-EX-21 <Myths Transformed, Text VIII: Orcs These may then even have been mated with beasts (sterile!) - and later Men. Their life-span would be diminished. And dying they would go to Mandos and be held in prison till the End.>
When Melkor was made captive, ... before Melkor came back at last CE-EX-22{, as Morgoth the Black Enemy}, and sent them forth to bring ruin upon all that was fair.> CE-EX-23 <AAmThis maybe was the vilest deed of Melkor and the most hateful to Eru.>CE-EX-24 <editorial addition
Of the captivity of Melkor
>CE-EX-25<AAm Themselves {they}the Elves named the Quendi CE-SL-10 {, whom we call Elves (quoth Ælfwine)}; but Oromë named them in their own tongue Eldar, ...
And Oromë looking upon the Elves was filled with love and wonder, as though they were beings sudden and marvellous and unforetold. For {[}so{]} it shall ...
Thus it was that Oromë came upon the Quendi by chance in his wandering, while they dwelt yet silent {upon [read }beside{]} the star-lit mere, {Kuivienen}[Cuivienen], Water of Awakening, in the East of Middle-earth. For a while he abode with them. CE-SL-11 {and aided them in the making of language; ... and yet were amazed at what he told; but}<LQ; Ch. 3; Note to §19 Then swiftly he rode back over land and sea to Valinor, filled with the thought of the beauty of the long-awaited, and he brought the tidings to Valmar. CE-EX-26 <LT Oromë {pricks}pricked over the plain, and drawing rein he {shouts}shouted aloud so that all the ears in Valmar may hear him: ‘Tulielto! Tulieito! They have come - they have come!’ Then he {stands}stood midway between the Two Trees and {winds}wound his horn, and the gates of Valmar {are}were opened, and the Vali trooped into the plain, for they guessed that tidings of wonder {have}had come into the world. Then spake Oromë: ‘Behold the woods of the Great Lands, even in Palisor the midmost region where the pinewoods murmur unceasingly, are full of a strange noise. There did I wander, and lo! 'twas as if folk arose betimes beneath the latest stars. There was a stir among the distant trees and words were spoken suddenly, and feet went to and fro. Then did I CE-EX-27{say what is this deed that Palúrien my mother has wrought in secret, and I sought her out and questioned her, and she answered: “This is no work of mine, but the hand of one far greater did this.} think: 'Ilúvatar hath awakened his children at the last - ride home to Valinor and tell the {Gods}[Valar] that the Eldar have come indeed!{”}’
Then shouted all the people of Valinor: ‘I-Eldar tulier - the Eldar have come’ - and it was not until that hour that the {Gods}[Valar] knew that their joy had contained a flaw, or that they had waited in hunger for its completion, but now they knew that the world had been an empty place beset with loneliness having no children for her own.> And the {Gods}[Valar] rejoiced, and yet were in doubt amid their mirth, and they debated what counsel it were best now to take to guard the Elves from the shadow of Melkor. At once Oromë returned to {Kuivienen}[Cuivienen], and he abode there long among the Elves, and aided them in the making of language; for that was their first work of craft upon Earth, and ever the dearest to their hearts, and sweet was the Elven-tongue on the ears of the Valar. But> Manwë sat long upon Taniquetil deep in thought, and he sought the counsel of Ilúvatar. And coming then down to Valmar he called a conclave of the Great, and thither came even Ulmo from the Outer Sea.
And Manwë said to the Valar: 'This is the counsel of Ilúvatar in my heart: that we should take up again the mastery of Arda, at whatsoever cost, and deliver the Quendi from the shadows of Melkor.' Then Tulkas was glad; but Aulë was grieved, and it is said that he (and others of the Valar) had before been unwilling to strive with Melkor, foreboding the hurts of the world that must come of that strife{.} CE-EX-28 <LT ; and of the redes there spoken the {Gods}[Valar] devised a plan of wisdom, and the thought of Ulmo was therein and much of the craft of Aulë and the wide knowledge of Manwë. Behold, Aulë now gathered six metals, ...
But the desire of the {Gods}[Valar] was to seek out {Melko}[Melkor] with greatpower - and to entxeat him, if it might be, to better deeds; yet did they purpose, if naught else availed, to overcome him by force or guile, and set him in a bondage from which there should be no escape.>
CE-EX-29 <MT; VI The war against Utumno was only undertaken by the Valar with reluctance, and without hope of real victory, but rather as a covering action or diversion, to enable them to get the Quendi out of {his}Melkors sphere of influence.> §21 But now the Valar made ready and came forth from Aman in the strength of war, resolving to assault the CE-SL-12{fortress}[fortresses] of Melkor in the North{ and make an end}. CE-EX-30 <LT Now as Aulë smithied the {Gods}[Valar] arrayed themselves in armour, CE-EX-31{ which they had of Makar, and he was fain to see them} putting on weapons and going as to warCE-EX-32{, howso their wrath be directed against Melko}. But when the great {Gods}[Valar] and all their folk were armed, then Manwë climbed into his blue chariot whose three horses were the whitest that roamed in Oromë's domain, and his hand bore a great white bow that would shoot an arrow like a gust of wind across the widest seas. CE-EX-33{Fionwe his son stood behind him and Nornore}[Eönwë] who was his herald ran before; but Oromë rode alone upon CE-EX-34{a chestnut}[Nahar his] horse and had a spear, and Tulkas strode mightily beside his stirrup, having a tunic of hide and a brazen belt and no weapon save a gauntlet upon his right hand, iron-bound. CE-EX-35{Telimektar his son but just war-high was by his shoulder with a long sword girt about his waist by a silver girdle. }There rode the {Fanturi}[Fëanturi] upon a car of black, and there was a black horse upon the side of Mandos and a dappled grey upon the side of Lóriën, and Salmar and Omar came behind running speedily, but Aulë who was late tarrying overlong at his smithy came last, and he was not armed, but caught up his long-handled hammer as he left his forge and fared hastily to the borders of the Shadowy Sea, and the fathoms of his chain were borne behind by four of his smithy-folk.
Upon those shores Falman-Ossë met them and drew them across on a mighty raft whereon he himself sat in shimmering mail; but Ulmo Vailimo was far ahead roaring in his deep-sea car and trumpeting in wrath upon a horn of conches. Thus was it that the {Gods}[Valar] got them over the sea and through the isles, and set foot upon the wide lands, and marched in great power and anger ever more to the North. Thus they passed the Mountains of Iron and {Hisilome}[Hithlum] that lies dim beyond, and came to the rivers and hills of ice. There {Melko}[Melkor] shook the earth beneath them, and he made snow-capped heights to belch forth flame, yet for the greatness of their array his vassals who infested all their ways availed nothing to hinder them on their journey.> Never did Melkor forget ... and of the fire and tumult of the Battle of the {Gods}[Valar]. In those days the shape of Middle-earth was changed and broken and the seas were moved. CE-SL-36{ Tulkas it was who at the last wrestled with Melkor and overthrew him}CE-EX-36 <AAm
§48 Melkor met the onset of the Valar in the North-west of Middle-earth, ...
{ 1092-1100}
§49 That siege was long and grievous, ...
{ 1099}
CE-EX-37 <LT There in the deepest North beyond even the shattered pillar Ringil {they}[the Valar] came upon the huge gates of deep {Utumna}[Utumno], and {Melko}[Melkor] shut them with great clangour before their faces.
Then Tulkas angered smote them thunderously with his great fist, and they rang and stirred not, but Oromë alighting grasped his horn and blew such a blast thereon that they fled open instantly, and Manwë raised his immeasurable voice and bade {Melko}[Mekor] come forth.> §50 {It}Thus it came to pass that at last the gates of Utumno were broken and its halls unroofed, and Melkor took refuge in the uttermost pit. Thence, seeing that all was lost (for that time), he sent forth on a sudden CE-EX-38 {a host of}<AAm, late scribbeld changes his> Balrogs, the last of his servants that remained <AAm, late scribbeld changes faithfull to him>, and they assailed the standard of Manwë, as it were a tide of flame. But they were withered in the wind of his wrath and slain with the lightning of his sword; and Melkor stood at last alone.>
CE-EX-39 <MT; VI But Melkor had already progressed some way towards becoming 'CE-EX-40{the Morgoth, }a tyrant (or central tyranny and will), {+}plus his agents'. Only the total contained the old power of the complete Melkor; so that if 'the CE-EX-41{Morgoth}[tyrant]' could be reached or temporarily separated from his agents he was much more nearly controllable and on a powerlevel with the Valar. The Valar {find}found that they {can}could deal with his agents (sc. armies, Balrogs, etc.) piecemeal. So that they {come}came at last to Utumno itself and {find}found that {'the Morgoth'}[Melkor] {has}had no longer for the moment sufficient 'force' (in any sense) to shield himself from direct personal contact. CE-EX-42 <LT {and now they follow}And now the Valar followed Manwë and his herald into the caverns of the North. There sat {Melko}[Melkor] in his chair, and that chamber was lit with flaming braziers and full of evil magic, and strange shapes moved with feverish movement in and out, but snakes of great size curled and uncurled without rest about the pillars that upheld that lofty roof.> Manwë at last {faces}faced Melkor again, as he {has}had not done since he entered Arda. Both {are}were amazed: Manwë to perceive the decrease in Melkor as a person; Melkor to perceive this also from his own point of view: he {has}had now less personal force than Manwë, and {can}could no longer daunt him with his gaze.
{Either }Manwë {must tell}told him {so or}/and/ he {must }himself suddenly {realize (or both) }realized that this {has}had happened: he {is}had 'dispersed'. But the lust to have creatures under him, dominated, {has}had become habitual and necessary to Melkor, so that even if the process was reversible (/as it /possibly was by absolute and unfeigned selfabasement and repentance only) he {cannot}could not bring himself to do it. [footnote to the text: One of the reasons for his self-weakening is that he has given to his 'creatures', CE-EX-43{Orcs, Balrogs, etc. }power of recuperation and multiplication. So that they will gather again without further specific orders. Part of his native creative power has gone out into making an independent evil growth out of his control.] {As with all other characters there must be}/In/ a trembling moment {when it is}/he was/ in the balance: he nearly {repents}repented - and {does}did not, and {becomes}became much wickeder, and more foolish.
Possibly (and he {thinks}thought it possible) he could now at that moment be humiliated against his own will and 'chained' - if and before his dispersed forces {reassemble}reassembled. So - as soon as he {has}had mentally rejected repentance - he (just like Sauron afterwards on this model) {makes}made a mockery of selfabasement and repentance. From which actually he {gets}got a kind of perverted pleasure as in desecrating something holy - [for the mere contemplating of the possibility of genuine repentance, if that did not come specially then as a direct grace from Eru, was at least one last flicker of his true primeval nature.] He {feigns}feigned remorse and repentance. He actually {kneels}kneeled before Manwë and {surrenders}surrendered - in the first instance to avoid being chained by the Chain Angainor, which once upon him he {fears}feared would not ever be able to be shaken off. But also suddenly he {has}had the idea of penetrating the vaunted fastness of Valinor, and ruining it. So he {offers}offered to become 'the least of the Valar' and servant of them each and all, to help (in advice and skill) in repairing all the evils and hurts he {has}had done. It {is}was this offer which {seduces}seduced or {deludes}deluded Manwë - Manwë {must be shown to have}/had/ his own inherent fault (though not sin) [footnote to the text: Every finite creature must have some weakness: that is some inadequacy to deal with some situations. It is not sinful when not willed, and when the creature does his best (even if it is not what should be done) as he sees it - with the conscious intent of serving Eru.)]: he {has}had become engrossed (partly out of sheer fear of Melkor, partly out of desire to control him) in amendment, healing, re-ordering - even 'keeping the status quo' - to the loss of all creative power and even to weakness in dealing with difficult and perilous situations. Against the advice of some of the Valar (such as Tulkas) he {grants}granted Melkor's prayer.
CE-EX-44 <LT Tulkas and Ulmo {break}brook the gates of {Utumna}[Utumno] and {pile}piled hills of stone upon them. And the saps and cavernous places beneath the surface of the earth are full yet of the dark spirits that were prisoned that day when {Melko}[Melkor] was taken, and yet many are the ways whereby they find the outer world from time to time - from fissures where they shriek with the voices of the tide on rocky coasts, down dark water-ways that wind unseen for many leagues, or out of the blue arches where the glaciers of {Melko}[Melkor] find their end.
After these things did the {Gods}[Valar] return to Valmar by long ways and dark, guarding Melko every moment, and he gnawed his consuming rage.> Melkor {is}was taken back to Valinor going last (save for Tulkas[footnote to the text: Tulkas represents the good side of 'violence' in the war against evil. This is an absence of all compromise which will even face apparent evils (such as war) rather than parley; and does not (in any kind of pride) think that any one less than Eru can redress this, or rewrite the tale of Arda.] who {follows}followed bearing Angainor and clinking it to remind Melkor).
CE-EX-45 <LT Now {is} a court was set upon the slopes of Taniquetil and {Melko}[Melkor] arraigned before all the Vali great and small{, lying bound before the silver chair of Manwë}. Against him {speaketh}spoke Ossë, and Oromë, and Ulmo in deep ire, and Vana in abhorrence, proclaiming his deeds of cruelty and violenceCE-EX-46{; yet Makar still spake for him, although not warmly, for said he: "'Twerean ill thing if peace were for always: already no blow echoes ever in the eternal quietude of Valinor, wherefore, if one might neither see deed of battle nor riotous joy even in the world without, then 'twould be irksome indeed, and I for one long not for such times!"} Thereat arose {Palúrien}[Kementári] in sorrow and tears, ... but {Melko}[Melkor] CE-SL-14{writhed}[simmered] in rage at the name of Eldar and of Men and at his own impotence.
Now Aulë mightily backed her in this and after him many else of the {Gods}[Valar], yet Mandos and Lóriën held their peace, ... Liever would he have CE-SL-15{unchained Melko and }fought {him}Melkor then and there alone upon the plain of Valinor, ... and was moved by the speech of {Palúrien}[Kementári], yet was it his thought that {Melko}[Melkor] was an Ainu and powerful beyond measure for the future good or evil of the world; wherefore he put away harshness.> But at the council Melkor {is}was not given immediate freedom. The Valar in assembly {will}/did/ not tolerate this. Melkor {is}was remitted to Mandos (to stay there in 'reclusion' and meditate, and complete his repentance - and also his plans for redress).
Then {he begins}Melkor began to doubt the wisdom of his own policy, and would have rejected it all and burst out into flaming rebellion - but he {is}was now absolutely isolated from his agents and in enemy territory. He {cannot}/could not do this/. Therefore he {swallows}swallowed the bitter pill (but it greatly {increases}increased his hate, and he ever {afterward}afterwards accused Manwë of being faithless).> CE-EX-47{and}And he was {bound with the chain Angainor that Aulë had wrought, and} led captive CE-SL-16<moved from below into prison in the halls of Mandos, from whence none have ever escaped save by the will of Mandos and Manwë, neither Vala, nor Elf, nor mortal Man. ... There was Melkor doomed to abide for {seven [> }three{]} ages long, ere his cause should be tried again, or he should sue for pardon>; and the world had peace for a great age. Nonetheless the CE-SL-17{fortress}[fortresses] of Melkor{ at Utumno} had many mighty vaults and caverns hidden with deceit far under earth, ... awaiting a more evil hour. CE-SL-18{
§22 But when the Battle was ended ... or he should sue for pardon.}
§23 Then again the {Gods}[Valar] were gathered in council ... and they were filled moreover with the love of the beauty of the Elves and desired their fellowship. CE-EX-48 <LT Then {she}Yavanna looked upon Laurelin and her heart thought of the fruitful orchards in Valmar, and she whispered to Tuivana who sat beside her, {gazing upon the tender grace of those Eldar}; then those twain said to Manwë: ‘Lo! the Earth and its shadows are no place for creatures so fair, whom only the heart and mind of Ilúvatar have conceived. Fair are the pine-forests and the thickets, but they are full of {unelfin}unelvish spirits and Mandos' CE-EX-49{children}[folk] walk abroad and vassals of {Melko}[Melkor] lurk in strange places - and we ourselves would not be without the sight of this sweet folk. ... Then arose a clamour among the {Gods}[Valar] and the most spake for {Palúrien}[Kementári] and Vana, whereas CE-EX-50{Makar}[Ulmo] said that Valinor was builded for the Valar – ‘and already is it a rose-garden of fair ladies rather than an abode of men. Wherefore do ye desire to fill it with the children of the world?’ {In this Measse backed him, and }Mandos and {Fui}[Niënna] were cold to the Eldar as to all else; yet was Varda vehement in support of Yavanna and Tuivana, and indeed her love for the Eldar has ever been the greatest of all the folk of Valinor; and Aulë and Lóriën, Oromë and NessaCE-EX-51{ and Ulmo most mightily} proclaimed their desire for the bidding of the Eldar to dwell among the {Gods}[Valar].
Wherefore, albeit Ossë spake cautiously against it – belike out of that ever-smouldering jealousy and rebellion he felt against Ulmo - it was the voice of the council that the Eldar should be bidden, and the {Gods}[Valar] awaited but the judgement of Manwë. CE-SL-19{Behold even Melko seeing ... and spoken for the freedom of the Elves.}
Maybe indeed had the {Gods}[Valar] decided otherwise the world had been a fairer place now and the Eldar a happier folk, but never would they have achieved such glory, knowledge, and beauty as they did of old, and still less would any of {Melko}[Melkor]'s redes have benefited them.
Now having hearkened to all that was said Manwë gave judgement and was glad, for indeed his heart leaned of itself to the leading of the Eldar from the dusky world to the light of Valinor.> At the last, therefore, the Valar summoned the Quendi to Valinor, there to be gathered at the knees of the {Gods}[Valar] in the light of the blessed Trees for ever. And Mandos who had spoken not at all in the debate broke silence and said: 'So it is doomed.' CE-EX-52 <AAm And Oromë bore the message of the Valar to {Kuivienen}[Cuivienen].> For of this summons came many woes that after befell; yet those who hold that the Valar erred, thinking rather of the bliss of Valinor than of the Earth, and seeking to wrest the will of Ilúvatar to their own pleasure, speak with the {tongues [read }tongue{]} of Melkor.
Nonetheless the Elves were at first unwilling to hearken to the summons, for they had as yet seen the Valar only in their wrath as they went to war, save Oromë alone, and they were filled with dread. CE-EX-53 <LT Now once more {is}was a council set and Manwë sitteth before the {Gods}[Valar] there amid the Two Trees - and those had now borne light for four ages. Every one of the Vali fare thither, even Ulmo Vailimo in great haste from the Outer Seas, and his face is eager and glad. CE-SL-20{
On that day Manwë released Melko ... and humble cheer.
}At length it is the word of the {Gods}[Valar] that some of the newcomer Eldar be bidden to Valinor, there to speak to Manwë and his people, telling of their coming into the world and of the desires that it awakened in them.> Therefore Oromë was sent again to them, and he chose from among them three ambassadors; and he brought them to Valmar.
CE-EX-54{These were Ingwë and Finwë and Elwë, who after were kings of the Three Kindreds of the Eldar; and coming they were filled with awe by the glory and majesty of the Valar and desired greatly the light and splendour of the Trees. Therefore they returned and counselled the Elves to remove into the West, and the greater part of the people hearkened to their counsel.} CE-EX-55 <AAm And three only of the chieftains of the Quendi were willing to adventure the journey: Ingwë, Finwë, and Elwë, who afterward were kings.
§56 And after they had dwelt in Valinor a while, > {§55 The three Elf-lords were brought, therefore, to Valmar, and there spoke with Manwë and the Valar; and they were filled with awe, but the beauty and splendour of the land of Valinor overcame their fear, and they desired the Light of the Trees.} CE-EX-56 <LT {Behold}behold now brought by {Nornore}[Eönwë] the three Elves stood before the {Gods}[Valar], and it was at that time the changing of the lights, ...
But {Noleme}[Finwë] answering said: ...
Then Manwë saw that Ilúvatar had wiped from the minds of the Eldar all knowledge of the manner of their coming, and that the {Gods}[Valar] might not discover it; and he was filled with deep astonishment.{…} Turning to the three Eldar he said: ‘Go ye back now to your kindreds and {Nornore}[Eönwë] shall bring you swiftly there, even to {Koivie-neni}[Cuivienen] in Palisor. Behold, this is the word of Manwë Sulimo, and the voice of the Valar's desire, that the people of the Eldalië, the Children of Ilúvatar, fare to Valinor, and there dwell in the splendour of Laurelin and the radiance of Silpion and know the happiness of the {Gods}[Valar]. An abode of surpassing beauty shall they possess, and the {Gods}[Valar] will aid them in its building.’
Thereto answered {Inwe}[Ingwë]: ... Thereafter {Nornore}[Eönwë] guided those Elves back to the bare margins of {Koivie-neni}[Cuivienen], and standing upon a boulder {Inwe}[Ingwë] spake the embassy to all those hosts of the Eldalië that Ilúvatar waked first upon the Earth, and all such as heard his words were filled with desire to see the faces of the {Gods}[Valar].
When {Nornore}[Eönwë] returning told the Valar that the Elves were indeed coming and that Ilúvatar had set already a great multitude upon the Earth, the {Gods}[Valar] made mighty preparation. Behold Aulë {gathers}gathered his tools and stuffs and Yavanna and Tuivana wandered about the plain even to the foothills of the mountains and the bare coasts of the Shadowy Seas, seeking them a home and an abiding-place; but Oromë goeth straightway out of Valinor into the forests whose every darkling glade he knew and every dim path had traversed, for he purposed to guide the troops of the Eldar from Palisor over all the wide lands west till they came to the confines of the Great Sea.>
CE-EX-57 <AAm §57 Then befell the first sundering of the Elvenfolk. For the kindred of Ingwë, and the most part of the kindreds of Finwë and Olwë, were swayed by the words of their lords, and were willing to depart and follow Oromë.> This they did of their free will, and yet were swayed by the majesty of the {Gods}[Valar], ere their own wisdom was full grown. The Elves that obeyed the summons and followed the three kings are called the Eldar, by the name that Oromë gave them; for he was their guide and led them at the last unto Valinor. CE-EX-58{Yet there were many who preferred the starlight and the wide spaces of the Earth to the rumour of the glory of the Trees, and they remained behind. These are called the Avari, the Unwilling.} <AAm But the kindreds of Morwë and Nurwë were unwilling and refused the summons, preferring the starlight and the wide spaces of the Earth to the rumour of the Trees. Now these dwelt furthest from the waters of {Kuivienen}[Cuivienen], and wandered in the hills, and they had not seen Oromë at his first coming, and of the Valar they knew no more than shapes and rumours of wrath and power as they marched to war. And mayhap the lies of Melkor concerning Oromë and Nahar (that above were recalled) lived still among them, so that they feared him as a demon that would devour them. These are the Avari, the Unwilling, and they were sundered in that time from the Eldar, and met never again until many ages were past.>
CE-EX-59 <Q&E There also existed two old compounds containing *kwendi:
*kala-kwendi and *mori-kwendi, the Light-folk and the Dark- folk. ... But already before the final separation *mori-kwendi may have referred to the glooms and the clouds dimming CE-EX-60 {the sun and }the stars during the War of the Valar and Melkor, so that the term from the beginning had a tinge of scorn, implying that such folk were not averse to the shadows of Melkor upon Middle-earth.
The lineal descendants ... and powers by their association with the Valar and Maiar.>
§24 The Eldar prepared now a great march from their first homes in the East. When all was made ready, Oromë rode at their head upon Nahar, his white horse shod with gold; and behind him the Eldalië were arrayed in three hosts. CE-EX-61 <Q&E
The Clan-names,
with notes on other names for divisions of the Eldar.
In Quenya form the names of the three great Clans were Vanyar, Ñoldor, and Lindar. The oldest of these names was Lindar, which certainly goes back to days before the Separation. The other two probably arose in the same period, if somewhat later: their original forms may thus be given in PQ as *wanjā, *ñgolodō, and lindā /glindā.[footnote: For the late PQ gl- as an initial variation of l- see General Phonology. Though this Clan-name has *glind- in Sindarin, the g- does not appear in Amanya Telerin, nor in Nandorin, so that in this case it may be an addition in Sindarin, which favoured and much increased initial groups of this kind.]
According to the legend, preserved in almost identical form among both the Elves of Aman and the Sindar, the Three Clans were in the beginning derived from the three Elf-fathers: Imin, Tata, and Enel (sc. One, Two, Three), and those whom each chose to join his following. So they had at first simply the names Minyar 'Firsts', Tatyar 'Seconds', and Nelyar 'Thirds'. These numbered, out of the original 144 Elves that first awoke, 14, 56, and 74; and these proportions were approximately maintained until the Separation.
It is said that of the small clan of the Minyar none became Avari. The Tatyar were evenly divided. The Nelyar were most reluctant to leave their lakeside homes; but they were very cohesive, and very conscious of the separate unity of their Clan (as they continued to be), so that when it became clear that their chieftains Elwë and Olwë were resolved to depart and would have a large following, many of those among them who had at first joined the Avari went over to the Eldar rather than be separated from their kin. The Ñoldor indeed asserted that most of the 'Teleri' were at heart Avari, and that only the Eglain really regretted being left in Beleriand.
According to the Ñoldorin historians the proportions, out of 144, that when the March began became Avari or Eldar were approximately so:
Minyar 14: Avari 0 Eldar 14
Tatyar 56: Avari 28 Eldar 28
Nelyar 74: Avari 28 Eldar 46 > Amanyar Teleri 20;
Sinda and Nandor 26
In the result the Noldor were the largest clan of Elves in Aman; while the Elves that remained in Middle-earth (the Moriquendi in the Quenya of Aman) outnumbered the Amanyar in the proportion of 82 to 62.
How far the descriptive Clan-names, *wanjā, *ñgolodō, and *lindā were preserved ...
This ill-feeling descended ... that later in Eriador and the Vale of Anduin they often became merged together.>
§25 The smallest host and the first to set forth was led by Ingwë, the most high lord of all the Elvish race. He entered into Valinor and sits at the feet of the Powers, and all Elves revere his name; but he has never returned nor looked again upon Middle-earth. The {Lindar [> }Vanyar{]} were his folk, fairest of the Quendi; they are the High Elves, and the beloved of Manwë and Varda, and few Men have spoken with them. CE-EX-62 <Q&E The name Vanyar{
This name} was probably given to the First Clan by the Noldor. They accepted it, but continued to call themselves most often by their old numerical name Minyar (since the whole of this clan had joined the Eldar and reached Aman). ...
Vanyar thus comes ...
Since the Lindar ... where the First Clan (in lore and history only) were called Miniel, pl. Mínil.>
§26 Next came the Noldor, a name of wisdom. [footnote to the text: The Gnomes they may be called{ in our tongue, quoth Ælfwine}. ({The word that he uses is Witan. }More is said of this matter in the {Tenth}[Twentieth] Chapter where the tale speaks of the Edain.)] They are the Deep Elves, and the friends of Aulë. Their lord was Finwë, wisest of all the children of the world. His kindred are renowned in song, for they fought and laboured long and grievously in the northern lands of old. CE-EX-63 <LQ; Ch. 3; Note to §19 Dark is their hue and grey are their eyes>. CE-EX-64 <Q&E The name Ñoldor{
This name} was probably older than Vanyar, and may have been made before the March. ...
The variant forms of the name: ... and knowledge derived from {Morgoth}[Melkor].
Those indeed among the Sindar who were unfriendly to the Ñoldor attributed their supremacy in the arts and lore to their learning from Melkor{-Morgoth}. This was a falsehood, coming itself ultimately from {Morgoth}[Melkor]; though it was not without any foundation (as the lies of {Morgoth}[Melkor] seldom were). But the great gifts of the Ñoldor did not come from the teaching of Melkor. Fëanor the greatest of them all never had any dealings with Melkor in Aman, and was his greatest foe.>
§27 The greatest host came last, ... The Sea-elves therefore they became in Valinor, the {Soloneldi [> }Falmari{]}, for they made music beside the breaking waves. Two lords they had, for their numbers were very great: Elwë Singollo, which signifies Greymantle, and Olwë his brother. The hair of Olwë was long and white, and his eyes were blue; but the hair of Elwë was grey as silver, and his eyes were as stars; he was the tallest of all the Elven-folk. CE-EX-65 <Q&E The Lindar (Teleri){
These} were, as has been seen, much the largest of the ancient clans. The name, ... and those that moved into the West became enamoured of the Sea. [footnote: For this reason the most frequently used of the 'titles' or secondary names of the Lindar was Nendili 'Water-lovers'.]
In Quenya, ... cf. telma, which was often applied to the last item in a structure, such as a coping-stone, or a topmost pinnacle.]>
§29 These are the chief peoples of the Eldalië, ... These the Kalaquendi CE-EX-66 called {the Alamanyar [> Umanyar], since they came never to the Land of Aman and the Blessed Realm. But the Alamanyar [> Umanyar] and the Avari alike they name} the Moriquendi, Elves of the Darkness, for they never beheld the light before the Sun and Moon. CE-EX-67<Q&E In the period of Exile the Noldor modified their use of these terms, which was offensive to the Sindar. ... was represented by the new terms Amanyar 'those of Aman', and Uamanyar or Umanyar 'those not of Aman', beside the longer forms Amaneldi and Umaneldi.>
CE-EX-68{The Alamanyar [> Umanyar] were for the most part of the race of the Teleri. For the hindmost of that people, repenting of the journey, forsook the host of Olwë, and Dân was their leader; and they turned southward and wandered long and far; and they became a folk apart, unlike their kin, save that they loved water, and dwelt most beside falls and running streams. They had greater lore of living things, tree and herb, bird and beast, than all other Elves. The Nandor they are called. It was Denethor son of Dân who turning again west at last led a part of that people over the mountains into Beleriand ere the rising of the Moon.}
CE-EX-69<AAm And they began their long journey ...
{ 1115.}
§59 Long and slow was the March ...
§60 And it came to pass that CE-SL-21{after ten Years of journeying in this manner (which is to say in such a time as we now should reckon well nigh a century of our years)} the Eldar passed through a forest, and came to a great river, wider and broader than any that they yet had seen, and beyond it were mountains whose sharp horns seemed to pierce the realm of the stars.
§61 This river, it is said, ...
§62 Then one arose in the host of Olwë, which was ever hindmost on the march, CE-EX-70{and his name was Nano (or Dân in the tongue of his own people). And}and he forsook the westward march, and led away a numerous folk, and they went south down the River, and passed out of the knowledge of the Eldar until long years were over. These were the {Nandor.}> CE-EX-71 <Q&E Nandor. {
}This name must have been made at the time, in the latter days of the March, when certain groups of the Teleri gave up the March; and it was especially applied to the large following of Lenwe, [footnote: Lenwe is the form in which his name was remembered in Ñoldorin histories. His name was probably *Denwego, Nandorin Denweg. His son was the Nandorin chieftain Denethor. These names probably meant 'lithe-and-active' and 'lithe-and-lank', from *dene- 'thin and strong, pliant, lithe', and *thara- 'tall (or long) and slender'.] who refused to cross the Hithaeglir.
The name was often interpreted as 'Those who go back'; but in fact none of the Nandor appear to have returned, ... Some of these finally entered Beleriand, CE-EX-72{not} long before the return of {Morgoth}[Melkor]. These were under the leadership of Denethor, son of Denweg [footnote: see Note {17}/on page xyz/], who became an ally of Elwë in the first battles with the creatures of {Morgoth}[Melkor]. The old name Nandor was however only remembered by the Ñoldorin historians in Aman; ...
This name they at first applied to the Nandor ...
These names were however ... and took as little part in the strife with {Morgoth}[Melkor] as they could. This name, S Laegel, pl. Laegil, class-plural Laegrim or Laegel(d)rim, was given both because of the greenness of the land of Lindon, and because the Laegrim clothed themselves in green as an aid to secrecy. This term the Ñoldor translated into Quenya Laiquendi; but it was not much used.>
CE-EX-73<AAm { 1125.}
§63 And when again CE-SL-22{ten}[long] years had passed, the Vanyar and Noldor came at length over the mountains that stood between Eriador and the westernmost land of Middle-earth, that the Elves after named Beleriand. CE-EX-74 <LT Now {Ulmo stands there and there comes a glint in }the woods{ that} marched even down to the sea-foam in those quiet days, and {behold! he hears the footsteps of }the {Teleri}[Vanyar] {crackle}crackeld in the forest, and {Inwe}[Ingwë] {is}was at their head beside the stirrup of Oromë. Grievous had been their march, and dark and difficult the way through {Hisilome} the land of shade, despite the skill and power of Oromë. Indeed long after the joy of Valinor had washed its memory faint the Elves sang still sadly of it, and told tales of many of their folk whom they said and say were lost in those old forests and ever wandered there in sorrow.> And the foremost companies passed over the Vale of Sirion and came to the shores of the Great Sea. Then great fear came upon them, and many repented sorely of their journey and withdrew into the woods of Beleriand. And Oromë returned to Valinor to seek the counsel of Manwë.
{ 1128.}
§64 Now the host of the Teleri ...
{ 1130.}
§65 At this time Elwë strayed in the woods of Beleriand and was lost, and his people sought him long in vain> {§30 Others there were also of the Teleri that remained in Middle-earth. These were the Elves of Beleriand in the west of the Northern lands. They came from the host of Elwë the Grey. He was lost in the woods and many of his folk sought him long in vain}; and thus when their kindred departed over Sea they were left behind and went not into the West. Therefore they are called the Sindar, the Grey Elves, but themselves they named Eglath, the Forsaken. CE-EX-75 <Q&E Less commonly the form Sindel, pl. Sindeldi, is also met in Exilic Quenya.> Elwë after became their king, mightiest of all the {Alamanyar [correction to }Umanyar{ missed]}. He it was who was called Thingol in the language of Doriath. CE-EX-76 <Q&E Sindar{
Less commonly the form Sindel, pl. Sindeldi, is also met in Exilic Quenya. This} was the name given by the Exiled Ñoldor [footnot: see Note {11}/on page XYZ/] to the second largest of the divisions of the Eldar. [footnote: See above{, p. 381}. The proportion, per 144, of the Eldar remaining in Middle-earth was reckoned at 26, of which about 8 were Nandor.] It was applied to all the Elves of Telerin origin that the Ñoldor found in Beleriand, though it later excluded the Nandor, except those who were the direct subjects of Elwë, or had become merged with his people. The name meant 'the Grey', or 'the Grey-elves', and was derived from *THIN, PQ *thindi 'grey, pale or silvery grey', Q þinde, Ñ dialect sinde. [footnote: On the origin of this name see Note {11}/on page xyz/]
The Loremasters also supposed ... For which reason the Sindar often called them Lachend, pl. Lechind 'flame-eyed'.>[Footnote: Other names in song and tale are given to these peoples. The Vanyar are the Blessed Elves, and the Spear-elves, the Elves of the Air, the friends of the {Gods}[Valar], the Holy Elves and the Immortal, and the Children of Ingwë; they are the Fair Folk and the White.
The Noldor are the Wise, and the Golden, the Valiant, the Sword-elves, the Elves of the Earth, the Foes of Melkor, the Skilled of Hand, the Jewel-wrights, the Companions of Men, the Followers of Finwë.
The Teleri are the Foam-riders, the Singers of the Shore, the Free, and the Swift, and the Arrow-elves; they are the Elves of the Sea, the Ship-wrights, the Swanherds, the Gatherers of Pearl, the Blue Elves, the people of Olwë. The Nandor are CE-EX-77{the Host of Dân, }the Wood-elves, the Wanderers, the Axe-elves, the Green Elves and the Brown, the Hidden People; and those that came at last to Ossiriand are the Elves of the Seven Rivers, the Singers Unseen, the Kingless, the Weaponless, and the Lost Folk, for they are now no more. The Sindar are the Lemberi, the Lingerers; they are the Friends of Ossë, the Elves of the Twilight, the Silvern, the Enchanters, the Wards of Melian, the Kindred of Luthien, the people of Elwë. Quoth Pengolod.]>
My comments have to wait for an other day, I have spend already to much time on prepairing the text.

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