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Old 08-15-2014, 09:59 AM   #1
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 67
Corsair_Caruso has just left Hobbiton.
Middle-earth What-ifs

So I'm a fan of "alternate history," by which I mean fiction consisting of stories that are set in worlds in which one or more historical events unfolds differently from how it did in this reality. It was, in fact, an alternate history forum that led to me rediscovering my love of Tolkien and ultimately led me to join this forum as an outlet for creative thought and discussion. My primary interest on that forum was exploring how things might have gone differently in Middle-earth, following specific "points of departure" from the original timeline (by which I mean Tolkien's canon writings).

So, for your consideration, what might have happened if any of the the following had occured...

Before the Years of the Sun

1. If Uinen had failed to return Osse to Ulmo's service, and he had remained one of Melkor's lieutenants.

First Age

1. If Argon, son of Fingolfin, did not die in the Battle of the Lammoth.

2. Turgon dies in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad while trying to save Fingon. At this point, Orodreth of Nargothrond becomes High-King (I'm assuming the Gil-galad son of Orodreth, son of Angrod lineage here), and Maeglin likely becomes King in Gondolin. For bonus points, come up with a new, interesting fate for Hurin and Huor. (Both survive and escape? No curse on the Children of Hurin! Hurin dies and Huor is captured? Tuor the Cursed, while Turin is left to live a more normal life? Both are killed? Still no Curse!)

Second Age

1. Celebrimbor and Celebrian fall in love while Galadriel and Celeborn are in Eregion; the two marry and Galadriel never leaves, staying either a, or the, leader of the realm (depending on your reading of UT).

2. Sauron decides that he has put too much work into becoming the behind-the-scenes ruler of Numenor, the most powerful mortal nation in the history of Arda, to waste its power against the Valar. He has Ar-Pharazon assassinated, pinning the blame on some member of the Faithful.

For a bonus, extrapolate what would happen if he successfully pinned the blame on Elendil, or even Elendil and one or both of his sons.

Third Age

1. If the Lords of Belfalas (who would become Princes of Dol Amroth) refuse to acknowledge the Lords of Andunie as their kings, but instead establish a separate kingdom in what would have been Dor-en-Ernil.

2. If King Arvedui of Arthedain had not taken the ship sent by Cirdan to find him in the Forodwaith, surviving the destruction of his kingdom?

2. If the Steward Boromir, affected by the Morgul-wound he suffered at the hands of one of the Nazgul, refused to rule in the name of the line of Elendil, and attempted to claim the crown of Gondor for himself.

3. If Gandalf had accepted the Ring when offered by Frodo (I know, this was explored somewhat by Professor Tolkien. I'm curious if anyone wants to take the matter further).

4. If Shelob had killed Frodo.

Last edited by Corsair_Caruso; 08-15-2014 at 12:57 PM.
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