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Old 06-16-2014, 06:21 AM   #1
Woman of Secret Shadow
Aganzir's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: in hollow halls beneath the fells
Posts: 4,511
Aganzir is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Aganzir is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Aganzir is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Aganzir is lost in the dark paths of Moria.
1420! WW CVI: Tol-in-Westeros Admin Thread

Welcome to the Inn at the Crossroads, currently run by two dwarf women from across the Narrow Sea who go by the names Kath and Aganzir!

Night 1 starts on Monday the 23rd (Tue 24th for earlier timezones).
Game Thread.

The roles:
  • 3 Lions - want to raise the golden and crimson Lannister banner over the inn. Plot and kill one guest per Night.
  • a Three-Eyed Raven (seer) - discovers a guest's true identity by a Night dream, starting from Night 1.
  • a Brother of the Night's Watch (ranger) - the shield in the darkness that protects the innocent from the Lions. Cannot self-protect or target the same person on two consecutive Nights.
  • a Targaryen - Madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born, the gods toss the coin. When killed, the mods will toss a coin to see if the Targaryen survives another day before quietly passing away or goes mad and takes a person of their choice to the grave with them. However, the mood in the Seven Kingdoms has been so anti-Targaryen lately that if they reveal, they will be bound in a chair to ensure they don't go mad (that is, they lose all their special power).
  • The Bear and the Maiden Fair - lovers. Only win if both survive till the end (regardless of whether it's the Lions or the Inn who win the rest of the game). Can communicate at night. The Bear, being a Werebear, kills one person a night as long as the the Maiden is alive. If one dies, the remaining lover then chooses to help the side that did not kill their lover (that is, becomes effectively an ordo if they're night killed, or cobbler if they're lynched). NB: don't read too much into the choice of gender pronouns.
  • a number of ordinary guests.
You are encouraged to pick yourself a House to serve, with the exception of Houses Lannister and Targaryen who are not welcome at the Inn openly. If you are not familiar with A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones and don't wish to be so, you can choose to be an illiterate peasant.

  • Day and Night phases last for 24 hours. Deadline is at 9:00 PM BST (GMT+1).
  • The Lions win when their number equals the number of innocent guests remaining. The innocents win when all Lions have been eliminated.
  • Votes are to be highlighted:
  • If you fail to vote on two consecutive Days, you will be whipped and modfired.
  • In case of tie, the first to reach the highest number of votes is lynched.
  • Remember to switch to Invisible mode (User CP > Edit Options > [check] Use Invisible Mode > Save Changes).
Players (note: as of Thursday, I'll have limited internet, so you'll find the updated player list in Kath's post further down that I can't link to because it's not here yet):
Eönwë - house Royce
Inziladun - house Tully
Kitanna - illiterate peasant
Encaitare - random peasant
Thinlómien - house (Stannis) Baratheon
wilwarin538 - house Mormont
Boromir88 - house Bolton
Loslote - illiterate Tyrell cousin
Nerwen - house Martell
Galadriel55? - wildling
A Little Green - house Reed
WythDryden - house Martell
Eomer of the Rohirrim - house Stark
Rikae - house Tarth
Macalaure - house Connington
Coppermirror - crazy Northern hermit
Nogrod - house Swann
Colin "Volo" Mute - house (Euron) Greyjoy
Gil-Galad - First Baker of Braavos
satansaloser2005 - random peasant
skip spence

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He bit me, and I was not gentle.

Last edited by Aganzir; 06-24-2014 at 01:02 AM.
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