Originally Posted by Isabellkya
My reason for voting for BG implied fabrication/lying/falsehood. Things don't need to be spelled out like that, for it to be seen.
If you disliked even her simple use of
Lottie's list so much, why didn't you say so yesterDay?
Originally Posted by Izzy
No. 99% of the time, innocents do not need to fabricate a list of their suspicions.
I wish that were true. However, I've played a few werewolf games myself, you know. In my experience, they very often do just that on Day 1.
Originally Posted by Izzy
Even if they have a result which they are trying to get out - there is still the rest of the player list. Which will have honest suspicions. Wolves on the other hand, know whom the wolves are - therefore will not have honest suspicions.
No, this is backwards. A wolf has no reason to care who is lynched, as long as it's not a buddy - and therefore has the luxury of voting in the way that seems most plausible and consistent. Innocents may have to change their minds in the search for a real baddie.
Originally Posted by Izzy
Really Rikae; suspecting me is all good and fine. But twisting my words, and putting your own meanings to what I said - is beyond ridiculous.
I stated right with my seer thought, that I immediately ruled BG out - as she was too new to try a move such as that.
Ok, so you did. I did not twist your words, I forgot.
I still don't buy it, though, and don't see the point in even mentioning it.