If I was the last wolf Lommy would be a bad kill as she and I had an understanding about who to vote for
What understanding was this
Rune? That you and Lommy were going to vote for me, but then decided to wait to see what Nilp was going to do and then rode his coat tail and voted for Holby? I mean, it turned out to be a great decision, but you base your reasoning around this?
if Nilp is the wolf he could have gotten you lynched yesterday.
C'mon Rune, do you honestly believe what you said here? I don't like the way that
Nilp plays, but one should give him a little more credit than this. Killing his fellow wolf would be the best thing for him to do at this point in the game. Making himself look innocent because knowing that you two were waiting for him to make the decision...why would he do that to his fellow wolf? I'll tell you why. He knew that you and I are going to vote for eachother toDay and what a safer position for the last wolf to be in than to kill off his fellow wolf(and Lommy) and be the deciding vote....yet again.