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Old 12-20-2005, 10:55 PM   #1
Cryptic Aura
Bêthberry's Avatar
Join Date: May 2002
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Bêthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Bêthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Bêthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Bêthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.
Leaf The Yule Log

The Yule Log

The longest night was upon them, the winter solstice, when a fleeting few hours of sunlight waned and darkness waxed upon the land. Blinding winds and bitter snow harrowed the land outside The Green Man Free House. Yet some must venture out, for on this night must be found a beacon of light as a reminder that dark was not eternal. The Yule Log must be found, stripped of branches, decorated with holly and mistletoe and evergreen, and brought indoors to burn twelve nights, burn continuously, to mark good favour and fortune for the coming year.

On this night, man and wight, dwarf and elf, troll and bear and boar and other denizens of the sleeping forests—yea even a hobbit or three--were bound by the ancient lore. There would be feasting aplenty, and wassail and ale, and tales that chilled the soul in competition with the winter’s cold. For each night, once the Yule Log was lit, some would stand watch over it, never letting the flickering flames abate the long night long, for twelve nights. And to comfort their cold watch, they were bound to tell tales, tales of ghosts and wights and any manner of fell beast, to cheer their spirits and keep the spirits that haunted the cold outside the doors.

So this, then, is the solstice story of the Barrow Downs for this year which marks the half decade of the new millennium of the Seventh Age. Come one, come all Downers, RPGers or not, take warmth from the Yule Log, and share your tales of ghosts and goblins. Weave a new character or wrap an old one round ye for warmth and tarry here these twelve nights. Your Innkeeper be known by the name of Carr Dagnysson.

It is early in the third age, in the Iron Hills beyond Erebor and Dale and north of Mirkwood. The Hobbits have not yet begun their Wandering Days.

Merry Yule to you all, Downers. Bêthberry
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