How is it that I am making myself look guilty by trying to make people see that killing off people that we know are innocent will not help us in the long run?
You are obviously missing the entire point of the plan. The entire point of the plan is to help the village "in the long run". My plan accepts that innocents will die early and attempts to at least preserve our gifted villagers. That is most definitely helpful in the long run.
Isn't it better to take a chance and maybe kill a werewolf, instead of give up all hope at this stage of the proceedings and immediately start killing off the good guys?
Sheesh. I've already demonstrated the statistical disadvantage of attempting to randomly select a wolf. I think you need to go back and read my first few posts again.
The idea is that we don't want innocent people to die!
BUT IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN ANYWAY AT THE BEGINNING!!! The most we can do is pick which innocent dies.
What is so difficult to understand about this???
You either have poor math and reasoning skills, or you are a foolish wolf.
Where is the best place to hide? Out in the open.
True, and who has been the most openly guilty so far? You!
What in the world has happened when logic means killing innocent people while werewolves run free?
Your arguments have already demonstrated your weak grip on things that involve logic, so I don't think you should be trying to comment on logic (or lack thereof) in any situation.