Originally Posted by Celebuial
Ok I did get it wrong before Legolas didn't slay the Balrog, but neither did Echelion. It was Glorfindel. Legolas led the rest of the people away because he was 'keen sighted'.
Both Ecthelion and Glorfindel slayed Balrogs. Ecthelion slayed Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs in the fall of Gondolin and Glorfindel slayed a Belrog allowing Turor and Idril to escape with Earendil, also during the fall of Gondolin.

Glorfindel was reimbodied and sent back to Middle Earth. So, although he didn't survive his battle with the Balrog, if you wanted to ask someone what it's like to kill a Balrog you could probably ask him (or Gandalf).