Was it out of character?
Much dislike has been said towards the Aragorn and MoS encounter. The point of this thread isn't to discuss which way is better, the book or the movie. It's to discuss was Aragorn's act out of his character, and did he break the rules of war (killing a messenger)?
I find this act of beheading extremely out of Aragorn's book character, but this isn't the book character, this is the movie chracter. So, I only find it slightly out of Aragorn's "movie" character. Seeing that he is a future king, he should be able to control his anger, but in this case he isn't able to. However, we have seen acts of rage by Aragorn before...Lurtz, and when thinking that the hobbits are dead, he screams and kicks a helmet. So, I find this only slightly out of Aragorn's character.
Next onto the "rules of war." I love this term, it's sort of an oxymoron, rules...in war? what? Anyways, there are certain rules in war, the accepted fighting style during that time. (Example, the "regiment" system back in the middle-ages). Another "rule" of war, is you don't kill messengers, if you do, it's considered something like "cold blooded murder." So, that would definitely make it appear that Aragorn broke the laws he was bound to, and murdered a messenger...However, one may break the rules of war if your opponent had already done so (or if you feel your opponent is of lesser status then you). With that being said, did Sauron break the rules of war, making Aragorn not bound by these rules? Let's say Sauron's hordes murdering women and children (yes the women and children were there in the movies), or by launching decapitated heads into the city?