Originally Posted by Oddwen
THE Ka - I'm not really that big of a fan of David Bowie, but I do like "Bring Me the Disco King". I wanted to thank you for pointing me towards it, I first heard of it in your sig/location. So thanks!
And did you know, when I first heard about the LotR movies (late 1999 early 2000) I read somewhere online that David Bowie wanted to try out for the part of Elrond. I thought you especially might get a kick out of that. Just a blurb here.
On, then!
Starring Eowyn as THE Ka and Arwen as Ellenar Starfire
Bring me the Disco King...Bring me the Disco King...
Here he is!
They dragged me here...
Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive...
Isn't he just scrumptious?
Um...it was just a song, ladies.
It was?
That's too bad. Boromir, you'll have to go home.
I hope you two don't feel too bad.
Nah. Not too bad.
Oh, good.
My apologies if I have offended THE Ka, Ellenar, or David Bowie. *bows*
Naw. Its....Its. How do i say this... Um pffff.(Thinking... *slow jazz plays in the back ground) Well, Ellenar, i do not in anyway look like Eowyn. But, my very cool awsome friend megan Le Boogerbeans does (She appeared here on my thread called fashion for the hobbit! Hogue!). I look more like a female Aragorn (yes, i know sad... But, i do bathe everyday. Just for assurance.
). So, maybe you are close with the whole Eowyn thing... But, i might be wrong again. Oh, well. See you soon! By the way, awsome captions!
*As for boromir... he wouldn't be allowed to go home. On my requests. I MUST and would show him the wonderful city by the sea called... you guess it ! SEATTLE!