Saruman's ending (PJ's way) P.S. Spoilers!
In ROTK EE we are to see more of Saruman, all the way to his death in the Tower of Orthanc. I've heard from various sources (unfortunately, I can't find them right now but I will get that to everyone), that Grima pushes Saruman out of Orthanc and Saruman falls to his death upon his own machinery. So I ask how do you all feel about this ending? Like it? Dislike it?
As for me if PJ had included The Scouring, I would have rather seen Saruman die the way Tolkien had written. But, since he didn't, this ending of Saruman falling to his death on his own machinery I think it works well. In fact, I will go out to say, that since there is no Scouring this is the best possible way to "kill" Saruman.
As we all know, Tolkien hated "machinery," "industrialization," he thought it was the cause of war. Which, I can see what he means. But, my point is, is Saruman's death of falling to his death on his own machinery a good way of doing it? I would say yes, and is the best way of doing it (besides The Scouring) since it comes to me as symbolizing Saruman was killed by the own machines he built.