Hello, I am just curious as to the reason my thread "Numenor and America" was closed. I couldn't see a proper reason for it, but it seemed that you, Mr. Barrow-wight, closed it out of disagreeing with the main point. As you said at one point:
Let's not get too hopeful that America founders. Afteall, the Downs is located there. Keep your 'anti' thoughts outta my American barrow.
Which I take pride in being an American for the fact that I am allowed to question my own government without penalty, for our freedom makes us Amricans. I appreciated Drigel's more conservative opinion (even if it was a little condescending) because it showed another side. After his post you closed it, as if you thought all that was needed to be said was said. Obviously I would've PMed the BW about this, but I'd like to take opinions on the matter, and if we should leave politics out of Tolkien.